The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 27, 1934, Page TWO, Image 2

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SAN FA NCI SCO—A marked change
in the attitude of delegate!\ to the
American Federaton of Labor conven
tion w'w manifested during its sessio
when the rrt oluton introduced in the
convention by the delegatus from the
Sleeping Car Porters’ Union, for the
elimination of discriminatory clause
in the constitutions and by laws and
rituals of all A. F- of L. affiliate*
war* accepted in part The resolution
which was referred to the powerful
committee on organization headed by
Frank Duffy, a member of the Execu
tive Council of the A. F- of Ik, was
non concurred in by the report of the
committee But in a special appeal
and argument by A. Philip Randolph
National Prcsdent of the Brotherhood
of Sleepng Car Porters, in which he
called upon the white delegate who
packed tike hall to support the resolu
tion n the interdst of solidarity of all
working classes, regardle?!^ of race,
creed, color or naionality, the delegates
with a tremendous ovation voted down
the report of the committee on organ
'Who findings and recommendations
of the committee which will be appoint
ed by the President William Green.
In harmony with the mandate of the
■convention, to tie next convention, on
the entire question of the relation ol
Negro workers in the A- F of L-. and
their present status in the Federation,
are predicted to marke the beginning
of a deeidely new policy on the oart ol
the A. F. of L to Negro ^prkers,
Iftates Mr Randolph before leaving
the convention
The fight for mdui trial unionism,
though long and heated, has borne
fruit, since the convention went on
favoring the organization of the
workers in basic industries •such as
automobile, nfbber, steel, etc., intc
industrial union" observe* Randolph
The adoption of the principle of indue
trial unionism will definitely affecl
Negro workers advantageously, sinc«
tee industrial union will emhr«oi
unskilled os well Skilled workers
and the Netgro worker* are largely
unskiled, continued the porters' leadei
Mr. Randolph.
Another signal bit of progwr mad«
by the ccjnv^ntion of the A. F- of L
Hollis Hopes To Revive
Glory of Major Taylot
NEW YORK — (By A1 Moses foi
ANP.)—The announcement that Har
ry Hollis, sepia spring bicycle cham
pion will team with Frank Harris oi
Phllty, brings back the pristine great
n«*s of the incomparable Major Taj
lor, Harlerm fans for years have seer
the light skinned Panamanian pit hii
speed against Bobby Walthout, Fred
dy Spencer, and other stars of th<
banked track and wondered to them
selves just how long silly prejudice:
would Ikeep 'ties lad Ji*om (doming
back into the lampight
We look for those twro colored rid
e*i to gun popularity with the fan:
who are quick to reward real ability
with genuine and whole hearted ap
plauso- Naturally, the boys will faci
the same tricks of the beards tha
our jockey* have been running inti
since the day!s| of Islnac Murphy.
was the enlargement of the executive
council from nine to fifteen, after a
hard and bitter fight over a period of
three years, led by John L- Lewis,
President of the United Mine Workers
of America, a powerful (industrial
union says, Randolph.
It is significant of the new spirit
an attitude by the delegates to th
A- F. of L- convention, that all five
resolutiortt presented by the delegates
of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car
Porters were adopted in whole or in
part and for firsst time a Jew, since
Samuel Corapers, former Prefeent of
the A- F- of L-, David Dubinsky,
Pro ddent of the International Garment
Workers Union, was placed on th
Executive Council, concluded Randolph.
. Andy Jensen wa« the Democrats
Choice at the primary election for
County Assessor and will be the poo
plela choice in the general electio
November 6. o says the Committe
of 1,000 Second Ward Workers' Clulj
for Andy Jensen for County Assessor
1 Andy Jensen, 45 years in one spot,
! is now candidate for County Assessor
jon the Democratic ticket in the Nov
ember General Election: Mr- Jense
is the son of a North 24th St. buslnen
man, who for more than 5 years has
given employment to 6 Negroes in
; their laundry plant, known as the
, Jensen Laundry at 24th and Ere kino
i Mr. Jensen aays that If elected afl
County Assessor, you will not have to
fight for your prorata of employment
his laundry plant, known aa the
Jensen Laundry at 24th and Brskire
election talk either. My past record
should be sufficient proof.
Political Ad
Paid for by Committee of one thousand
- WASHINGTON —( ANP )— Speak.
l >ng before the Federal Comjmmica.
i tions Commission last week, an offr
. icial of radio station KNX, Los Angel.
, es, ^stated that “news Is r.ews” and
. that whenever a mob stormed a jnil to
i carry out a lynching, the “story”
would be broadcast
The official, Guy C- Earl, made the
■ .taterrent in reply to a charge to
i a charge made last week by Father
r Cornelius Deeney to the effect that
■ broadcasts from KNX h->d inspired
* the growth and purpose of the mob
: which last year stormed a jail at San
i Jose, Calif, and lynched two white
men, held as kidnapper*
Here's the best protection for the
worst weather — Black and White A
Peroxide Cream—and it keeps your r
shin free from coarsening and roughen
ing no matter how much it is exposed
t • wi: d end weather. Also holds cn face
powder hours longer and contains just
Cleanse Yoar Skin
Keep It free from
bumps and blemishes by
regular cleansing with
Black and White Cleansing
Cream Large can only
25c. Trial size 10c.
Nourish Your Skin
Give your ckin the
"food” it needs — Black
and White Cold Cream—
to keep it young end
charming. Large jar only
25c. Trial size 10c.
★ 1 une in Lombtrdo-Land Featuring Cjuy Lomoirao s , \
Orchestra. Evary Wednesday Night, NBC Network
"I work all the time and feel strong . . ” *
You Can Escape
Periodic Upsets
^omen who must be on the1 job every
day need Lydia R Pinkham's Tablets.
They not only relieve periodic pain and
discomfort:.; they help to correct the
CAUSE of your trouble. If you take them
regularly, ... and if yours is not a surgical
case... you should be able to escape
periodic upsets.
Chocolate coated ..; convenient... de
pendable. Sold by all druggists. New small
size—50 cents.
I am 27 and a textile winder In the mill. I had cramps so
bad that I had to cry many times. I used to stay in bed two
days a month. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Tablets helped me wonder
fully. For the first time in my life I do not suffer. I can work all
the time now and feel strong.—Mrs. Bennie Coates, 1963 Ter
race St., AlusJkegon, Mich.
__C Uterme Tome and Sedative for Women %
'stycmg indication that the General
Convention of the Prober sant Episcopal
church meeting here will adopt a resol
ution urging prosage of a federal anti
lynching bill. On Wednesday Walter
White, secretary of the National As
sociaton for the Advancement of Col
ored People, conferred with the bishopj
and urged passage of a federal law
to cope with lynching. He pointed
to the dire economic plight of the
Negroes and charged that lynching
Ss the chief means of perpetuating
that condition. There had been no
groat outcry over the 17 lynching**
so far thit year, he said, because all
of the victims were Negroes. The
statdf will not or cannot stop lynch
ing. he declared, and that while organ
zatlons with a dotal membership
of 39.203, 928 had endorsed the Costi
gan—-Wagner billl, the active support
| of the Protestant Episcopal Church
wa'j sorely needed
Among the bishops present at the
^conference were Theodore D- Bratton
of Ml^asippi, Edwin A. Penick of
North Carolina, George Craig Stewart
of Illinois, Bhhop Green of Misssis
sippi, Bishop Finlay f South Carolina,
and otheit*. All seemed strongly in
favor of a resolution condemning|
lynching and ah*o favoring a fed
cral law. *Tt is said that a number of
these bishops will present the recolu
tion to the Convention. Following
Mr- White,s talk many questions!
quetftionlt were asked
Colored Voter In North Never In
Worse Qnandrv Than Today,
Editor Declares
NEW YORK—The Republicans, De
mocrtts, SocialH^ and Communists
have little or nothing to offer the Ne
! pro voter and the race may yet be
forced to organize a Negro politieal
party in self-defense.
This is the conclusion of Oswald
Garrison Villard, noted liberal editor,
in an article entitled "The Plight of
I the Negro Voter,” in the November
Crista magazine, julH out He declar
I "It is perfectly obvious that the Ne
gro has nothing to gain from the
! Roosevelt Administration except in bo (
far as Mr. Roosevelt effort!* to re*
■ store prosperity may benefit all of
j the people.
“If we look on the other Bide, the
Republicans have absolutely nothing
| to offer anyone- £ have no doubt that
I’they will be willing to make all sorts
of campaign and platform promise* to
I the Negro, ju t as they have in the
past, and then fail to live up to them
i —al»o precisely as they have in the
I past.
“As for the Socialist party, that ife
beyond doubt entirely friendly to the
Negro, and wholly without race pre
judice- But the situation of the Se
l cialist party is obviously hopeless.
• “As for the Communists, I know
‘ that their doctrines are in many as
pects especially appealing tothe Ne
1 gro- Yet, if I were a Negro it would j
be the last party for which £ should
consider voting- Itjs.' leadership in the
Unibed States is irtfignificant, almost
beneath contempt. The Ruffians
. themselves have no fath in it, and lit
tie good opinion of it *
I “It may possibly be that the time
1 will yet come when it will be neces
ary to form a Negro party.
But the time is not now.”
The November isjsue contains also
an article by Loren Miller, “Uncle
Tom in Hollywood,” in which colored
people are urged bo take some action
against the characterizations of the
race being broadcast to the World
through the films by Hollywood pro
Hallelujah! Sings
200 As Colored
Elder Is Freed
(From The New York Daily New1*)
Two hundred colored men and wo
men, massed in 54th St-, between 8th
iand 9th Ave., shouted “Hallelujah,”
| leaped in ectacy or knelt in prayer
yesterday when word came out of
West Side Court that Magistrete Ha
Ion Capshaw had freed James K. Hum
phrey, 59 year old elder of the churc
cf the United Sabbath Day Adven
tists at 144 W- 131st St
Elder Humphry, who lives at 141
W. 131st St-, had been charged with
grand larceny by Alexandria Ber
nard of 28 W. 132 St-, who accused
him of “smooth talking” her out of
We, the Pastor and Members of
| United Sabbath Day Adventist
I Church of Omaha, and lumbers of the
Conference rejoice with our beloved
Moderator, Elder Jamefe, K- Hum
I Phry> of New York City, who has been
acquitted of the larceny charges that
were brought against him by Alex
andria Bernard- After five months
of hurrassing him as though he were
a criminal, when brought before)
! Judge Capshaw, he was, after five'
months of scrutinizing, croes-qestion
ing and examining, found to be am in
nocent man.
Once more we tell the world tha
we are proud of our Leader, Elder J
K- Humphrey, whom we are not ashai
ed to present before any body of peo
pie, either as a Christian minister o
as the foremost Bible teacher of th
race, or as a polished gentleman and
a scholar.
Elder M- M. Boodle
Vice President of the United S.
D- A- Conerence, 2320 N. 28 Ave^
order of Senator Huey Long, sheriffs
of all Louisiana parishes were order
ed last week to remove all insane pa
tients they may be holding in prison,
and to transfer them in the wards
the Insane at Jackson.
Jn 1933, Alabama had on relief no
less than 30,000 agricultural workers
—a certain number of them prime ex
amplaj of that historically unfortu
nate individual, the share cropper
For these sufferers relief was accom
plishing nothing. More than half the
time the share cropper had no idea
what his previous burden of debt was
to his landlord, for the landlord kept
the only books there were. Most of
the relief monA." filtered through the
sl^re cropper as through a sieve,
found its way back to the landlord.
Time after time the latter took over
ed labor.” “We appreciate fully,” the
letter concludes, “the difficulties to
be encountered and are doing all we
can to overcome them.”
debt”—and left the Relief Administra
te partially liquidating his “past
the dhare cropper’s entire crop by way
ng to supply a farmer with canned
goods lest he starve, 1.00 states the For
tune Magazine.
Thaddeus Holt, the State Relief Ad
ministrator in Alabama decided that
the time had come to try a brand
nerw sort of treatment for the econo
mic ills of the FERA’s agricultural re
lief clients, 60 per cent of which whom
were poor whiten, 40 per cent of
whom were Negroes- The drastic
srtep was taken early In 1934 on the
approval of Harry L- Hopkins, FERA
Administrator in Washington. The
State Relief Administrator put this
ultimatum up to the landlord^: either
take over your tenant as your relief
problem and feed him when he becomes
destitute, or else waive your claims
to his 1934 crap and let the tenant
farm for himself with the help of the
state and federal government.
Some landlords accepted this latter
alternative, whereupon the Relief Ad
ministration took a long l*ok at its
rolls and out of the lot selected 6,000
who seemed to give some promise of
mponding to treatment. Upon them
it then began its paternalistic expert
To the 6,000, the Relief Administra
tion now gave the equivalent of eight
months' relief all in one lump. This
included one steer, costing $20, feed
for the ateer, four and a half months'
supply of food, plus seed, fertilizer,
tools and clothing. The value of all
this comes to an average of $91. It
was a loan to the share cropper; ha
signed a note and the relief organiza
tion tok a mortgage on his crop. The
share cropper remained a mortgage,
but with this very mportant difference
—his creditor was now the govern
ment, not a private individual- When
the share cropper signed his note, he
became technically no longer a relief
Now it hft». always been the conten
tion of the landlords who operate un
der the feudal share-crop system that
the share cropper is perpetually bank
rupt because he is either a no-good
poor white, or a lazy shiftless Negro.
The goverment found only 200 o
the 6,000, because of deaths, sickness
and other such unforseen exigencies
failed to make good, and pay back.
The two following examples picked
at random from the lot tell the story
generally, which was typical of the
majoriSy in this first 6,000:
Stranded white farmer with wife
and two children. Had been a relief
case for more than a year- Unable
to obtain credit or farm implements
to earn a living.
Advanced money by Alabama Re
lief Administration to cover cost of
steer, seed, feed, fertilizer, farming
implements and subsistence- This has
been paid back in full in work relief
labor on public projects.
He produced excellent crop with
estimated value of two hundred thirty
one dollars, the yields,- being as fol
lows- One hundred forty bushels oi
corn, thirty five gallons cane syrup
one hundred twenty-five bushels 6<weei
; potatoes, twenty-five bushels peanuts
twelve bushels pead, one ton hay anc
an abundance of fresh vegetable:
from home garden.
f Wife and five children. Had beer
onrelief for a (year- A few househld
I guarantee to help you get a new start
liie. No case beyond hope. Stop worry
inr;! Write ire t^day. Information FKEEl
M. WILLIAMS, SCI Bergen Ave.
Key Dept. 09.
When yon are just on edge s a <
when you can’t stand the children’s
noise ;;: when everything you do
is a burden ;;; when yon are irri
table and blue : s : try Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound. 98 out
of 100 women report benefit;
It will give you just the extra en
ergy you need. Life will seem worth
living again;
Don’t endure another day without
the help this medicine can give. Get
a bottle from your druggist today;
furnishings were their worldly posses- ^
Placed on abandoned farm of 21
acres for rehabilitation in April. He
was advanced by Alabama Relief Ad j
ministration money for grocerietevfeed, j
seed, feed, fertilizer, stocks and cloth
He purchased a iMteer from a neigh
bor on credit On August fifteenth he
amortized his obligaton to the Alaba
mba Relief Administration- The debt
was paid in work relief labor n public
This colored farmer today is the
owner of a crop valued at three hun
dred forty eight dollarti, one hundred
fifty bushels sweet potatoes, one thou
sand pounds velvet beans, one hundred
bushel* peanuts, fifty gallons sugar
cane syrup, one bale cotton, in addi
tion to watermelons and a fine gar
| den which provided him and family
with food through the summer
Next year these plans will go fur
1 ther. The FERA through the Ala
bama Relief Administration will take
over another 14,000 rural families and
thui bring its total up to 20,000. It
will be able to advance them the equ
ivalent of $150. Out of this some $40.
I will go as down payment to purchase
| enough land from the landlord to give
| the tenant a plot on which to build a
four room house- The federal govern
ment will get the house built for
cash outlay of $9.60
That $9-60 is not a mistake in type
setting. >3f this proves out and the
State Relief Administration can get
rural Alabama spinning again it will
make genuine work-relief projects for
| reveral thousand men out of felling
j lumher on state land- The lumber
will be finished in sawmills that, will
, take as their pay part of the umber
. itself. The hou«e will be built by car
i penbeo* as part of the district relief -
work program. It will not be paint
I ed. The $9.60 will be spent for such
! necessities as hinges, nails, a door
j lock, the window glrn-ji Probably the
J amount of federal money laid out in
workrelief projects to create these
houses will be some $200 a unit- The
farmer will not get his house free.
The government will select only the
most promising risks and will take
crops and labor in payment for It.
This program has two more years
to run. It is wide enough in scope
to provide real rehabilitation. Admit
tedly, the plan in rural Alabama has
worked only as the result of close sup-,
ervison over a group of underprivi-i
lodged people- Remove the supervis
ion now and the group drift hapless
ly back to its old conditions. But con
tinue the supervision under the FERA
long enough and the time may come
,when it is no longer seeded- Some
Attorney Ray L. Williams
Room 200, Tuchman Bldg.
24th and Lake Sts.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Martha J. Roberts, Deceased:
All persons interested in said
matter are hereby notified that on
the 24th day of September, 1934,
Janet Rayford filed a petition in
said County Court, praying that
her final administration account
field herein be settled and allow
ed, and that she be discharged
from her trust as administrator,
and ha a htetaring will be had on
said petition before said Court
on the 20th day of October 1934,
and that if you fail to appear be
fore said Court on the said 20th
day of October 19334, at 9 o’clock
a. m., and contest said petition,
the Court may grant the prayeu of
heirship, and make such other and
further orders, allowances and
decrees, as this Court may seem
proper, to the end that all matters
pertaining to said estate may be
finally settled nad determined.—
Byrce Crawford, Couny Judge.
Begins 10-20‘34.
Ends 11-3-34.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Martha J. Roberts, Deceased1
11 All persons interested in said
i matter are hereby notified that on
I the 24th day of September, 1934,
Janet Rayford filed a petition in
said County Court, praying that
her final administration account
filed herein be settled and allow
ed, and that she be discharged
from her trust as administrator,
and that a hearing will be had on
said petition before said Court
on the 20th day of October, 1934,
md that if you fail to appear be
ofre said oCurt on the said 20th
day of October, 1934, at 9 o’clock
a. m., and contest said petition,
the Court may grant the prayer of
said petition, enter a decree of I
heirship, and make such ohter and
further orders, allowances and
decrees, as this Court may seem
piQper, to the end that all matters
pertaining to said estate may be
finally settled and determined. —
Bryce Crawford, County Judge.
In the County Gourt of Douglas
County, Nebraska:
In the matter of thet estate of Hou
ston Murdock, deceased:
All persons interested in said estate
are hereby notified that a petition
has been filed in said court alleging
that said deceased died leaving no
last will and praying for administra
tion upon his estate, and that a hear
ing will be had on said petition be
fore said Court on the 6th day of
October, 1934, and that if they fail
to appear at said Court on the said
a. m. to contest said petition the court
may grant he same and grant admin
istration of said estate to William
L- Myers or some other suitable per
son proeed to a settlement thereof.
Bryce Crawford
County Judge
Beg. 915-34 Ex. 10-6 34
NEW YORK—((ANP.)—The com
pany of “Stevedore,” the theatre Un
ion Play now running at the Civic
Reportory Theatre, presented a dra
matization of the contribution of the
Negro Artist to the American Thea
tre over the NBC- service to WEAF
and network, Wednesday.
The presentation was entitled
“From Dixie to Broadway” and had
Leigh Whipper as the narrator The
program started with the first attempt
of the Negro to produce entertaVn
men and worked through until the
prevent daly. This was the first time
that anything of the sort has been
done over a major qtatJon in the Ne.w
York area.
The first time that a Negro played
before a Brohdway audience in any
thing except a revue or as a bit play
er, was in 1920 when Charles Gilpin
made history in Eugene O’Neil’s “Em
peror Jona !” There followed in
NEW YORK-It does not seem likely
that lynching will be discussed at At
torney General Cumming’s crime con
ference in Washington in December.
The National Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored People wrote to
Attorney General Cumings, on Oct. 9
ei Iking if the lynching evil would be
on the agenda of the conference. Jo
seph B- Keenan, assistant attamey
general, has replied, “The program for
the conference is not as yet complete.
Obviously, it will be impossible to co
ver all phi* *es of the crime problem
in the short space of three days. No
definite decision has been made with
refei-ence to the subject of lynching.”
According to offialaltf of the Asso
ciation, the Department of Justice hod
evinced no interest whatever in the
wave of lynchings but has been ac
tive in running down kidnappers. At
torney General Ou mitrings himself,
they point out, If on record as oppos
ed to a federal anti-lymching bill and
has remained indifFereat to the exclu
sion of qualified Negro voters from
the Democratic primaries in the South
although supplied with much docu
mentary evidence in that connection
80,000 rur-d families in the United
States are being rehabilitated under
arrangements mfore or less like Ala
bama's directed by Assistant Admini
strator Lawrence Westbrook of the
Federal Emergency Relief Admini
Sliced White
And Get Mere for Your
At Your Neighborhood
“help the unemployed'’
2711 N. 24th St. We. 6400
quick succession -such plays *<^jT
God’s Chillun,” “Abraham’s Bosom,”
“Porgy,” “01 Man Satan” and “Rub
Little Chillun” with other Successes.
The Script for this program was
whitten by Alfred Bercivi and John
Brown and Irving Gordon directed it
,’t was the first in a series of pro
grams to be -sponsored by the Th<?&
tre Poifjm AJliai^e ?'n copjunctiou
with the Theatre nlJion.
The features of the program wore
Juanita Hall’s singers of W C- Han
dy’s “St. Louis Blue;The call of
the crab vendor in "Porlgr” a» done
by Leigh Whipper nnd the first scene
of the third act of “Stevedore,” star
ring Jack Carter
The voice of Leigh Whipper as the
narrator waa clear and crisp, truly
n real radio voice- Jack Carter as
Lonnie Thompson of “Stevedore”
ws ju. t as impressve over the air or
he is on Jstage- If these programs
are successful they will be made a
weekly feature of the National Broad
casting Company.
"I lost 57 lb*, by taking Kruachen
Salts and It had no ill effect on me. I
didn t cut down on a single food—t
recommend it to any
one who is over
weight:" Mra A.
Ropiak, 8». Milwau
kee, Wls.
To win a slender,
youthful figure teko
a half teaspoonful of
Kruschen Salts hi a.
glass of hbt water
first thing every
morn in* While fat.
is leaving you gain
in ncrviwm, uwu ui
and physical charm—look youngor.
j Many physicians pseacribe It and.
thousands of fat folks all oyer th<»
world have achieved slendornban. A.
kr lasts 4 weeks and cost* but a trifle
at any drugstore. But protect* your
health—make sure, you get Kruacheu
I —tfs the BAKE Way to reduce and
money back It not eatisfled.
WHERE to sell Waving Hair Draw
ing and other toilet goods. National
ly advertised. Big Profit*. Boyd
Manufacturing Company, Depart
ment R., Birmingham, Ala.
WANTED—1,00 Men and women
Apply at Northside Republcan Head
quarters 2039 No. 24th Street
j FURNISHED Room — Modem.
WEbster 3209
ALL MODERN eleeplitg rooms
Very Neat WEbster 3960.
1 Morder 7 room house newly decor
ated with parape, rent J21.50. Oil*
L. White, JAckson 2869.
Loves Kitchenette appartment for
rent at 2518 Patrick Ave. We.. 5553.
your own—lake"snoiTsEnv
Room for one or two gentlemen on
Binney Street—JA. 5918
Furnished Rooms for rent- WEbser
Big Rummage Sale on New Goods—
1324 N 24th St. Come and Be Con
A. E- and J. E- Bennett 2? 15 CUm
mings St. Phone Ja. 0696.
Th*ee Room Apt., Furnature, gas,
light and water $4.50 week Ja. 0986
CUMING’S HOTEL—1916 C.imi^~8t~
PHONE WEbster 4835.
Kitchenette for Rent—strictly modern,
2914 North 25th Street.
Two room apt. and use of kitchen
We. 4162.
Lovme \
Face Powder
Enhances Every Skin
A million women every day prove in
imitable Lov’me delicately emphasizes
every natural beauty—conceals every de
fect. It gives petal-smooth perfection to every
type of skin. A finer, clinging powder which
stays on all day. c
Flesh — White — Rachel
Have you tried the new Melba
Cold Cream? It sells at only 25c
01 € LB A
Lov’me Powder
If your dealer cannot supply you,
r send us bis name
PARFJMEftLE MELBA • 580 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.