The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 27, 1934, Image 1

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Senator Norris To Speak To Citizens Nov. 3
5.000 Attend Guide’s Housewives’ Food Show
) The four day Food Show and Household Appliance Demonstra
tion was a huge success in demonstra-ng wholesale firms’ products
and entertaining the public at large. More than 5,000 people attend
ed this affair. All went away happy. Many valuable prizes were
given awav eaen rugni.
The Mkklin Lumber Co., our neigh,
borhood firm that sells away each
^ bwrhood firm that wells all kinds of
building materials and builds the fin
est ping pong tabled in the world,
gave away each nght a $26-50 ping
pong table from one of the finest dis
play booths ever built In Omaha
* * *
Th« Metropolitan Utilities District
displayed & kitchen with all the latest
cooking appliances, hot water apparat
us and gas rffrigerator which cost!
only 4 cents per day to operate- Now
you can get rid of your ice man- The
Metropolitan Utilities District »s own
ed by the public, and when in the mar
ket for a gas stove, you should first
get a price from your own firm
* ♦ *
General Electric displayed the mo
dern traveling kitchen in front of
the Food Show for three nights.
Many housewives who had not had the
•pportwnity of examinng this modern
equipmnt before, enjoyed going thru
it and having two of North Omaha’
young Negro salesmen explain in de
tail all of the added modem conven
iences and answer inquiries carefully
correctly and politely. Inside of th
building the General Electric display
ed one of their latest markets, self
circulating, refrigerating cases. The
demonstrator in this case explained t
Mr. Roy Hayden, proprietor of Hay
den'a Cash Market( the manner in
which this refrigerator preserves the
flavor and appearance of the pro
ducts placed in it, for a period of te
(Continued on Page 5)
OMAHA, Oct. 24—At the request
j of Mayor Towl and Dr. Millard, the
i Douglas County T^lietf 'dminlf.ra
ton, hali employed four colored girls
to work as typists in the City Health
Department Last week we printed
the names of three of these girts
Susie Whiteside, Ruby Robinson, and
Julia William**. ThJ. week Majorie
Edwards, 2411 Erskin St, was added
to the 1st. Almost one-half of the
time allotted to this project is divided
among those girls, because of the ef
j forts of the mayor and Dr- Langfieid
This is the only emergency relied
project we know of that employs
fifty per cent colored people.
Why We Should All
Support Bill Green
In going through this life we
should all have good reasons for mak
ing known our thughts and ideas. Bill
Green should he elected for County
Surveyor s his wide experiene and his
thoughtful way of doing things in the
right way are evidence that lie Ik the
man for the office. He is beleT quali
fied and deals fair with every one
along all lines of service which that
office should render.
Now let all of us keep these things I
in mind and vote for him on Nov. 6. |
BERT MOORE’Scolumn i
HELLO FOLKS! Best wishes to
all. Well, remen^ber, I said last wee
not tobe fooled by the beautiful we
ther we were having. i have seen a
lot of overcoats on this week, and hot
stoves in a number of horned that I
have visited during the registration.
I find that there are so many people
who didn’t register. I insist that it is
your duty to vote, and you can’t vote
if you don’t register. There are two
very important issues in the coming
election regardless of your party af
filiations- 1 beg each and every voter
man or woman, democrat or republic
an, when you go to the polls Nov. 6,
to vote for repeal, and vote to bring
racing back to the state of Nebraska,
which both mean much employment
to our race, and oppotse the one House
A hint to the Voters: There are
hundreds of people in Omaha who
don’t vote, there are thousands in
Texas who'wish that they could vote.
When persons are frightened, they
are apt to emotional eoorts
What I do is all that concerns me,
not what some people think.
Mother who rocky the cradle, the
destiny of your children depends on
you, for your faithful motherly love
Father works from sun to sun,
But mother’s work is never done,
Vou know there are mfmey people
who say this world is bum, and they
could make a better one.
A What the secrets of most failures
are—Because they are not ready when
opportunities come
Even to candidates for State Sena
tors who stand cm down town street
comers and talk to their former bet
f ^ ter halves. fl
I held an interview with Detective
T. Jenkins, enquiring about conditions
in St Paul, from where he had just
returned with a prisoner. He praise!
the metropolis for the welfare of US
inhabitants. It is dtill referred to as
God’s Country.
To the Bradshaws, a prominen
family of Topeka, Kansas,, a baby boy
was born- Owing to the condition o
the new born child, it was necessary
to use a pull motor. The family was
so well pleased that they named the
child Pull Motor Bradshaw- The baby
is doing fine now.
At St- Louis, or tbee abouts, a chil
w;«3 born shortly after the sixth
game of the World Series, when the
teams were tied three and three- The
family, not knowing the outcome, nam
ed him Rowe Dean .
A Republican Convention was knock
ing the New Deal. The Baron said,
| “How could some of the Republicans
eat if it wasn’t for the New Deal?”
Who could answer that?
“One of the Republicans on the re
lief roll, of courts©.”
I _
i saw in thp papers a few weeks
ago whee a pominent preacher said
“The hot dog politicians muet go.”
But he evidently forgot to refer to
the evening tea politicians, which was
held on Twenty Fourth Street last
Sunday evening. One of the ladies
of the republican club told her un
derstudies that they must take candy,
chewing gum, peanut^ to entertain
the children while they succeeded in
persuading them to vote the old deal
! So many people say that «“***
ocice holder* are not good, but they
didn't vote in order to keep out
of their offices- You and You can
put men in offices that are good if
you will do your part and VOTE.
One thing I noticed during the cam-'
paign 1* that the Republicans are rid
ing the Democratic Mule- I haven’t
seen a iqingle Democrat on the G- O.
P Elephant
Thing* happen without rhyme or
reason,” says Bert Moore
Things can happen in thrty see
| (Continued on Page 5)
L v<^
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C0A/£* WiTH r/c urin ,, -
r«i 4£"r us wire erp/S/2 ^f4P
f«wss$fy, t?%r
^Colo*'** OF
Jailed For Slander of
Adventist Leader
- %
Tie ol'iiw ri* ‘r'.t u'rtn w*-ii reclevod
fcy I. >*«-r N .\ Hojrtlo, \ice president
of- th*. *rir.<l r-nniaM, E*y Adentlsts
Conference o fOmaha. rfmo New York
City, Oct. 24 “Soartes arrested. Locked
up for slander and criminal libel. Held
in one thousand dollr csh bail.”
—Singed, Humphreys
R L. Soaries, former vice president of
the Conference, who has been directly
or Indirect^ responsible for slander and
criminal libel on hte great leder. Elder
J. K. Humphrey, was arehended and
arrested for criminal libel and slander,
and is being held under one thousand
dollar csh bil in the New York Jli.
Hon. J. C. RobWns, work director for
the Alabama Relief Administration hi
Coffee County, wishes to add the fol
lowing stony to the humor of the na
Aieeording to Mr. Robbins, he has
had on work relief 350 colored mea
and women who were cheated out of
the benefits of most of the education J
al funds of the country when they
were of school age- As a consequence I
Mr. Robbins complains that when paY
'day came, he had 350 persons who1
marked X on the payroll instead of
writing their names.
The relief director got tired of all
this Xing- He therefore obtaine
350 pupils from the high schools and
assigned one pupil as a teacher to
each of the illiterate s
When the next pay day came, there
were 350 signatures instead of 35
- - ...» -— ■ |
North Ojmaha citizens will hear George W. Norris, November 3,
time and place announced later, on “How t« Cut Down Taxation ahd
Increase Efficiency Without Interference by Big Interests in Our
State Legislative Body.” Every sane thinking citizen should with
hold his judgment and not make up his mind on this Constitutional
Amendment which the Hon. George W. Norris is advocating, until he
has had an opportunity to ne*r ooui
sides of the question at issue. The fact
that George W. Norris had alays lived
nd planned for our children’s children,
in other words, he Is a man wth vision,
who is fifty years ahead of the aver
erge citizen, and the fact that he has
been n outstnding, unselfish aenmt
in the iterest o fthe citizens of Nebc««ea
for the past thirty years at all times,
and every act, and everything he ad
advocated when he was in the House
of Representatives in Washington, D. C.
and since he has been In the United
States Senate Chamber as Nebras
ka's representative, are the many rea
sons why we should withhold our Judg
ment until we have heard him, in per
son, explain why he advocates this a
mendment in our state. <
Proposal Is Sponsored By Senator Norris And
Progressives of All Parties
When you go to the polls you will be handed
a ballot on wrhich the One House Legislation pro-j
position will appear in the following form
330 YES “Proposed by Initiative Petition
An amendment to the Constitution of Neb
raska providing that beginning with the regular
331 NO session of the legislature in 1937 the
legislative authority of the state shall be vested in a legislature con
sisting of one house of not less than thirty nor more than, fifty mem
bers. the members to be nominated and elected in a non-partisan
manner; fo provide for the compensation and terms of office of said
legislative members; to provide for sessions of said legislature and
to provide the procedure of and in said legislatve body necessary
for the enactment of laws.”
The present two-house Legis'
lative system is an historical ac
The structure of our state legsi
latures was carried over from the
make-up of the colonial legislative
bodies as they existed in 1776. The
colonial legislatures, naturally, were
patterned after the mother country
England, and England’s Parliment at
that met was a two house body, one
chamber representing the English nob
ility and aristocracy, the other the
common people.
No good reason now exists for con
tinuing this slavish imitation of an
ancient English legislative system now
in effect discarded even by England
itself. Nebraska does not give special
representation to specially privileged
Adoption of the one-house Leglsla
• ture proposal will result in the follow
ing advantages:
1 .The jeanoosj, friction, and rival
ry between the two homes, which of
ten results in de*<Becks and the de
feat of cpnstnuetive legislation, will
be •Mmlnated by a one-home legisla
Benjamin Franklin long ago comper
ed a twoechambered legislature to a
wagon with a horse hitched at each
end and the two pulling in opposite dir
ections. The cities of America long ago
abandoned as unworkable the two
chamber council system. No business
(Continued on Page 5)
Morro Castle Funds
To Benefit Negroes
City officials announced this weey tin
distribution of the fundh thus far col
lected from admission fees to view
the wreck of the Morro Oatle, and
colored citizens of the seashore re
sort were delighted to learn that $1,»
500 had been aet abide definitely for
improvement of the Negro community
Plasm have been under way fo*|
some time, under the leadership o
Paul Prayer, local business man, t
establish a branch of the National Um
ban League which will *erv® as a sen
ter and guiding influence for pr
grams of racial betterment for color
citizens of Asbury Park. The contrl
bution from tha Morro Castle Fund
is held in ©screw pending lncorporfl
Uon of the League branch and the pro
jected West Side Community Center
The orp^nization^gill be the first of
Ms kind fFV*tSfSblished here, and
will mark the first concrete move 14
the history of the city to assist color
ed citizens in organizing to advanc
their interests. , L
The Bookbinders Trade Association
of New York this week sought an
injunction from Federal Judge Robert
D- Patterson to prevent administration
of the graphic arte code- The com
pany brought suit a gains he various
NRA agencies involved, declaring that
the NIRA wag unconstitutional and
that the graphic artlf code was invalid
and not binding upon it- Judge Pat
tereon dismissed the suit
A nationwide survey conducted by
Automobile Topics fhi&j that 80 per
cent of the auto dealers of the country
have already keen benefited- tin view
of the fact that the Code hart only been
in operation for six months, tW* Is
regarded a* highly significant- Hie
survey aimed pasticularlyl to to flad
oat how ^mall dealers were affected
Nearly 68 per cent of the replies were
from dealers who sold le«*s than 100
new cars in 1963- Answers were re
cieved from 45 states and represented
29 makes of automobiles.
On the baths of the best facts avail
able, Leon Hendert&on, NRA’a chief
economist, for sees a substantial rise
in business for the Fall and a less
than usual slump during the remainder
of the summer. While the chief of
the Division of Research and Plannig
emphasize^ that there Is no expecta
tion of a boom development, he points
out that the decline thus far this
summer has been less than normal
and that there are now Isigns of an
upward trend in business generally.
Labor disturanqes and seasonal
factors were responsible for a die
crease in factory employment of 1
per cent, compared with May, and pay
rolls decreased 3-1 per cent Com
pared with June 1933, hewever em
ployment has increased 211 per cent
and payrolls 37.7 per cent. Eighty one
of the 90 industries suarveyed show
more workers this June than last, and
85 show larger payrollsi. The machine
tool, car building and locomotive in
dustries report gains of over 100 per
cent in both employment and pay rolls
snce June 1933
_.Le«fi than six weeks ago, NRA pub
lished “What is the Nra?”_A. Guide
for Study and discussion.” unterest
haft been so keen among Summer
schools, educational organizations, wo
men’s clubs, etc., that the first edition
is alreody exhausted and another
printing has just been run off. The
guide Is available from both individual
and organizations
The New York Times says: “Study
groups and community forums which
plan next fall ts <telve into the intrica
cies of the NRA may ceaee their wor
ries over outlines and procedure. All
the preliminary spade wori has been
done for the Recovery
Administration itself.. .. _ .Jo this
vivid a«tal£ogra,pfty the NRA deft
cribee the circumstances of its birth
and rise to fame, and adds leading
questions aft to how its codes are
regarded and observed n the student's
home town.
In line with its consistent policy
to avoid undue hardships to any group
NRA appointed a special commission
to etady the effects of codes upoa the
employment of the physically or men
tal handicapped- Regarding the rum
ored widespread discharge of such
employees as a result of codes, the coo
mission declare* that “in many local
itiea no instances of this were found
at all,” though the report "seemed
to be well founded” in Massachusetts
The commission recommends, however,
tb&t the Adminfa|trator call to the
attention of industries the social deeir
ability ef code measures providing
for a suitable proporton of handicapped
workers, in order to make certain of a
fair distribution of opportunity to