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The Mkklin Lumber Co., our neigh, borhood firm that sells away each ^ bwrhood firm that wells all kinds of building materials and builds the fin est ping pong tabled in the world, gave away each nght a $26-50 ping pong table from one of the finest dis play booths ever built In Omaha * * * Th« Metropolitan Utilities District displayed & kitchen with all the latest cooking appliances, hot water apparat us and gas rffrigerator which cost! only 4 cents per day to operate- Now you can get rid of your ice man- The Metropolitan Utilities District »s own ed by the public, and when in the mar ket for a gas stove, you should first get a price from your own firm * ♦ * General Electric displayed the mo dern traveling kitchen in front of the Food Show for three nights. Many housewives who had not had the •pportwnity of examinng this modern equipmnt before, enjoyed going thru it and having two of North Omaha’ young Negro salesmen explain in de tail all of the added modem conven iences and answer inquiries carefully correctly and politely. Inside of th building the General Electric display ed one of their latest markets, self circulating, refrigerating cases. The demonstrator in this case explained t Mr. Roy Hayden, proprietor of Hay den'a Cash Market( the manner in which this refrigerator preserves the flavor and appearance of the pro ducts placed in it, for a period of te (Continued on Page 5) I FOUR COLORED GIRL TYPISTS EMPLOYED i OMAHA, Oct. 24—At the request j of Mayor Towl and Dr. Millard, the i Douglas County T^lietf 'dminlf.ra ton, hali employed four colored girls to work as typists in the City Health Department Last week we printed the names of three of these girts Susie Whiteside, Ruby Robinson, and Julia William**. ThJ. week Majorie Edwards, 2411 Erskin St, was added to the 1st. Almost one-half of the time allotted to this project is divided among those girls, because of the ef j forts of the mayor and Dr- Langfieid This is the only emergency relied project we know of that employs fifty per cent colored people. Why We Should All Support Bill Green In going through this life we should all have good reasons for mak ing known our thughts and ideas. Bill Green should he elected for County Surveyor s his wide experiene and his thoughtful way of doing things in the right way are evidence that lie Ik the man for the office. He is beleT quali fied and deals fair with every one along all lines of service which that office should render. Now let all of us keep these things I in mind and vote for him on Nov. 6. | —A VOTER -=-i BERT MOORE’Scolumn i HELLO FOLKS! Best wishes to all. Well, remen^ber, I said last wee not tobe fooled by the beautiful we ther we were having. i have seen a lot of overcoats on this week, and hot stoves in a number of horned that I have visited during the registration. I find that there are so many people who didn’t register. I insist that it is your duty to vote, and you can’t vote if you don’t register. There are two very important issues in the coming election regardless of your party af filiations- 1 beg each and every voter man or woman, democrat or republic an, when you go to the polls Nov. 6, to vote for repeal, and vote to bring racing back to the state of Nebraska, which both mean much employment to our race, and oppotse the one House Legislature. A hint to the Voters: There are hundreds of people in Omaha who don’t vote, there are thousands in Texas who'wish that they could vote. When persons are frightened, they are apt to emotional eoorts What I do is all that concerns me, not what some people think. Mother who rocky the cradle, the destiny of your children depends on you, for your faithful motherly love Father works from sun to sun, But mother’s work is never done, done. Vou know there are mfmey people who say this world is bum, and they could make a better one. A What the secrets of most failures are—Because they are not ready when opportunities come Even to candidates for State Sena tors who stand cm down town street comers and talk to their former bet f ^ ter halves. fl I held an interview with Detective T. Jenkins, enquiring about conditions in St Paul, from where he had just returned with a prisoner. He praise! the metropolis for the welfare of US inhabitants. It is dtill referred to as God’s Country. To the Bradshaws, a prominen family of Topeka, Kansas,, a baby boy was born- Owing to the condition o the new born child, it was necessary to use a pull motor. The family was so well pleased that they named the child Pull Motor Bradshaw- The baby is doing fine now. At St- Louis, or tbee abouts, a chil w;«3 born shortly after the sixth game of the World Series, when the teams were tied three and three- The family, not knowing the outcome, nam ed him Rowe Dean . A Republican Convention was knock ing the New Deal. The Baron said, | “How could some of the Republicans eat if it wasn’t for the New Deal?” Who could answer that? “One of the Republicans on the re lief roll, of courts©.” I _ i saw in thp papers a few weeks ago whee a pominent preacher said “The hot dog politicians muet go.” But he evidently forgot to refer to the evening tea politicians, which was held on Twenty Fourth Street last Sunday evening. One of the ladies of the republican club told her un derstudies that they must take candy, chewing gum, peanut^ to entertain the children while they succeeded in persuading them to vote the old deal ticket ! So many people say that «“*** ocice holder* are not good, but they didn't vote in order to keep out of their offices- You and You can put men in offices that are good if you will do your part and VOTE. One thing I noticed during the cam-' paign 1* that the Republicans are rid ing the Democratic Mule- I haven’t seen a iqingle Democrat on the G- O. P Elephant Thing* happen without rhyme or reason,” says Bert Moore Things can happen in thrty see | (Continued on Page 5) L v<^ I . f * , |•;'' ■ 1 ' J J _ --.'^r C0A/£* WiTH r/c urin ,, - r«i 4£"r us wire erp/S/2 ^f4P f«wss$fy, t?%r ^Colo*'** OF Jailed For Slander of Adventist Leader - % Tie ol'iiw ri* ‘r'.t u'rtn w*-ii reclevod fcy I. >*«-r N .\ Hojrtlo, \ice president of- th*. *rir.