The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 06, 1934, Page Four, Image 4

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    SOCIAL Q _ • ^ + CLUBS
...— - ... ■..— ■■■»• — ■ .
Four Omaha'Nebraska, Saturday, October 6, 1934.
There will be a big banquet given
In honor of Dr. R- R Walker, firs
vice president of the Pacific Move
If all the thousands of happy, joyous
men and women who have been freed
from the tortuous misery of an ugly,
broken-out skin by the wonderful ac- ’
tion of Black and White Ointment
ar.d Skin Soap were to hold hands
together, the chain of health and
charm and beauty would stretch for
miles and miles! Just imagine, then,
what Black and White Ointment and
Soap will do for YOUR skin trouble.
Don’t waste time . . . don’t throw
money away on foolish hit-or-miss
methods. Tonight start to use Black and
Whii'e Ointment
and Sk in Soap
and see how quick
ly bumps and
blemishes vanish;
itching, eczemic
irritations dry*up
and dark sallow
skin becomes
faded to new
beauty, charm and
health. Be sure to
ask for "Black
and White.” Ac
cept no substitute. *
The 50c pack
age of Black
and White Oint
went contains
three time* as
much as the
25c size. Trial
size, 10c. Large
bar Black and
White Skin
^Soap. 25c J?
naturally uitb Black and White Skin
Wbitener. Large can, only 25c• £
■fc Tune in ‘'Lombardo-Land*'
Featuring Guy Lombardo’s Orchestra
Every Wednesday Night, NBC Network
Sliced White Q
And Get More for Your Money!
At Your Neighborhood Grocer
“help the unemployed’' *
2711 No. 24th St. We 6400
111 1 ""—
ment of Eastern World inc. organ
isation on the 19 of October at th
Dreamland Hall, 8-30 p. m. A pro
gram will be given including eloquen
speekres, quartatts solos and music
At the close of the banquet there wi 1
be a dance. All are cordially wel
come, good music gwlore.
J. A- Harris President
A surprise birthday party was given
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. j
McCartha 3006 Lindsay Ave.^on Sept
28, by their daughter and son-in law
Mr- and Mrs- Charles Singleton, 2919
Grant St. in honor of Mrs. McCartha’s
birthday. This was a most enjoyable
affair. The quartet, namely: MMr |
Frank Wesley; Mr. Charles Singleton
James Harris land Richard Tumor
rendered several beautiful spiritual
which added greatly to the entertain
ment Delicfous refTecshmpnts were
served and lovely gifts were presente<
Mrs- McCartha. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wesley; Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Jackson; Mr. and Mrs
Richard Turner; Mrs. Anthony Hobbs;
Mr- and Mrs. James Harrison and
little Oscar McCartha.
Mr. D. J. Howard of Seattle, Wash
was the guest of his niece, Mrs. Mado
line E. Sterling and his iryster, Mrs
Lillian Smith and family for a few
days last week. He is the father of
Misses Wills Mae and Thelma Howard
svho spent five weeks of their summer
vacation in Omaha.
Mr. Howard was motored to Lin
coln, Nebraska last Sunday by Mr- and
Mrs. J. D- lewis accompanied by Dr j
ncl Mrs. Hawkins. They visited fri
ends there and were the dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woods, Mr- and
Mrs. T. R. Johnson and Mrs. Cora
Thomas who are old and dear friends
of Mr Howard
Mrs. Rucben Moore of 2302 No. 27th;
•Vve. entertained at a lovely break- ,
fast Friday morning Sept. 28, honor
ing Mrs. Chas. Lewis and daughter,
Mrs. Jacobs of Oakland, California*
Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Jacobs are en
i-'-ute to the World’s Fair and New
York City. I
Other guests present were: Met*
lames Jessica Wright; Mayme Grif-1
f»; Alivia Kirtley Alice Smith; Josie
Moore, Belma Howkins;Margetta Daw
son; Lutiska Taylor; and Lucille Hay
wood. Alter breakfast Mr.
a ooro and Mrs. Kirtley took tha
guests sightseeing.
Mrs. Paul Moore of Oakland, Cal*
arrived Sept. 2.° from New York City
and Chicago to spend a week with her
r>*J ther-in law, Mrs. Rucben Moore,
23"° No. 27te AVe.
Mrs- Margetta Dawson and Mrs*
Sarah Bradley 2854 Corby St., enter
tained Mrs. Paul Moore of Oakland
Cal. with a dinner party on Sept. 3(Y
Mrs- Hattie Moore of 1847 1-2 N(V
24th St. is visiting in Chicago and
seeing the World’s Fair. j
Mrs. Rose Grant of 2308 North 27th
Ave. is visiting friends in Chicago
and attending the Fair.
Mrs- Mayme Griffin of Lincoln,
Nebr. has been visiting in Omaha
She has just returned from the Na
tional Baptist Convention and visit
ing in the South.
Tag—Club Notes
The Ladies Social Bridge club met
with Mrs. Josephine Davis, Sat. even
ing. After five spirited games, tha
first prize was won by Mir- Sullivan,
booby by Eva Phillips- buffet sup
per was served. The club adjourned
to meet with Mrs. Myra Kincaid on'
Oct. 9. j
Mrs. Mattie Payton—Presidertj
E. Levison—Reporter
The Fidelis Coterie Bridge club
met at the home of Mrs. Sadie Jones,
2432 Grant St- Monday evening Oct,
1. After business meeting was over,
three rounds of bridge were played
Mrs. Daisy Wead and Lucille won the
high scores. A delicious repast waa
served by the hostess. The next meet
ing will be Monday Oct- 8 at Mrs,
Lucille Mdpritfc 2506 Parker St.
Mrs .Daisy Wead—President
Orchard & Wilhelm Go.
lire- Lucille Merritt—Secretary
The many friends of Mrs. Lily Doo
sey, formerly Miss Lily Avant, sur
prised her at a ^delightful shower
Wednesday night Oct. 3, at the resi
dence of her mother, Mrs- Emma A
vant, 2432 Parker St.
Guests present were: Miss Mabie
Longmyer, Mr. Polly Gordon, Miss
Stenola Williams, Mr. Booker Gordor,
Miss Maudes Jackson, Mr. and Mrs.
Emmett Avant, Mrs. Sarah Dixor,
Miss Julia Williams, Mr. Norvel A
rent, Miss Jenny White, Mr. Fred
Dixon, Miss RuthBurlesan, Mrs. Bea
trice MeRay, Mr. Dave Elvy, Mis
Dorothy Beck, Mre Doris Bowder*
Mr. and Mrs. Holsy Do )ey and Mr*
Mrs. Dorsey received many beau
tiful and useful gifts.
Mrs. C. H. Lewis of 2604 No. 25th
St. was delightfully surprised Sept.
26 by her son Mr. J. D. Lewis of the
Lewis Mortuary, wifh a party *of
friends in honor of her birthday. The
friends declared themselves as having
a delightful evening. She was the
recipient of many lovely gifts
Miss Greta Roney and Mr- Robert
W. Wade were united in marriage
October 1.
Women’s Glee Club Organized At Th$
North Side YWCA.
Mrs. Minnie Dixon, was elected
president of the North Side ,fY” Wo
men’s Glee Club at the weekly meet
ing on Monday night. Mrs. U. S
Matthews is secretary, Mrs. J. W. Da
ms is treasurer. The Women’s Glee
Club is new and plans an interesting
fall program. Rev. J. S. Williams is
director, Miss Edrose Wjillis is pia
nisit. The membership is limited to
-wenty-five women.
Nationally YWCA. Secretary To Speak
At The North Side YWCA,
^ A Miss Mildred Esgar, National “Y”i
Secretary will be the principal speak
?r at the annual fall Leadership Con
ference at the North Side YWCA on;
Wednesday, Oct- 10. The meeting
jpens at two o’clock with Mrs. Viola
rurner presiding. The following peo-;
ale will appear on the program:—
Mesdames Herbert Wiggins, Thelma
Norris Hancock, Alyce Wilson, Doro-j
,hy Pollard, John Albert Williams and
Miss Maudett Jackson. Mr. Phillip
Ketehum, Executive Secretary, Oma
ha Community Chest, will speak on
the subject: “The Effect of Govern
ment on Social Work in Omaha ” Rev.
J. H. Dotson pastor of the Pilgrim
Baptist Church will be the dinner
speaker and -Rill speak on the subject
“Qualities of Leadership.” Dinner
will be served at 6:30 and will cost
25 cents. Reservations may be made
by calling the North Side YWCA*
The conference is planned primarily
for all people working in the YWCA I
committee members, mmbership and
interested friends. A large group is
expected- Mrs* Lois Good is chair-'
man of Leadership Conference.
Do You Agree With Dr. Du Bois?l
Segregation Or Non-Segregation? i
Mr. Lathrop Rogers, student, Pres
byterian TIhqologioal ^Seminary will
be tne second speaker on a series of
Sunday afternoon forums at the Not
Side YWCA. Sunday at 4:30 p. m
“Ngroes are not extraordinary hu
man beings. They are just like other
human beings, with all their foibles
and ignorance and mistakes. But
they are human beings and human na
ture is always worth knowing and
withal, splendid in its manifestations.
Therefore, we are fighting to keep
open the avenues of human contact;
but in the meantime, we are taking
every advantage of what opportuni
ties of contact are open to us, and
among those opportunities which ara
open and which are splendid and as
piring, is the opportunity of Negroes
to work together in the twentieth
century for the uplift nd
of the Negro race. It is no counsel
of despair to recognize and hail the
opportunity of such work.”
Because of the large attendance at
the last meeting last Sunday, it is
urgent that you come early. j
Memorial Service, North Side YWCA*
The North Side YWCA.., the Old'
Folks Home and the Carter Charity
Club are holding a Memorial Service
for Mrs. Freddye Porter Sunday af-i
temoon at the North Side YWCA, at
5:30 o’clock. The public is cordially,
Free Classes Being Offered Throug
The Smith-Huges Department Of Vo*
cational Education, Beginning Oct. JJ
Catering Class A free class in cater*
ing begins at 9:15 Monday morning
Oct- 1. Women interested in learn
ing how to serve for special dinner?*’
parties, lunches, etc. and who wish to
improve their skill in the catering
This cunning frock earned Its titl
in that It buttons down the front an
Bo, seeing that the wee maiden wli
wears it can button it without the ab
of mother or big sister, it is called
“self-help” dress. Recently the Chi
cago wholesale market district stag*
a style pageant a special featare i*
ing proper apparel for first schoc
days. This attractive little ginghan
dress In bright plaid brought foil!'
no end of applause. The narrow
rueliing trim down the front, the wid
white collar and the tiny pulfei
sleeves are noteworthy style detail*
New Profile Hat Leaves
Back of Head Uncovered
The fall collection of Lilly Dacbt
milliner to some of the best-dress*<
women In the world, has been shows
in advance of Paris and in brief epo»
Bors “profile” hats.
If your profile won’t stand any ha!
lyhooing. Dnehe oilers “Cleopatra’*
Hat,’* which is worn straight on th«
head with wings across the front and
both sides like a Dutch girl’* cap,
art, are invited to join the class' Mrs.
T. P. Mahammitt, one of Omaha’s ex
perienced cateresses has been secur*
ed as teacher of this class.
Mother’s Gym and Recreation Clas
Mothers interested in adding mor
pounds or in taking off a few, an
who wish to learn how to have mor
wholesome fun in their homes with
their families, are invited to come ou
Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock to th
Recreation Class. This class is o er
ed through the Smith-Hughes Depart
Went of the Board of Education an
is also free.
Choral Classes Woodson Center agai
offers an opportu nity to those in
terested in good singing, with a spe
cial emphasis on Negro music, class
es will begin Wednesday, Oct- 3rd.
Work Songs, Secular Songs, spiritu
als, and folk songs of the Negro wd
be the chief interest of the classes
Mrs. Alyce Wilson, graduate of th
Music School of Fisk University, an
an experienced teacher of publi
shool music will teach the classes
The classes are free, and opened t
high school people and those who an
FERA Adult Classes Economic anc
Laibor problems will be discussed ii
an open fiorurry witfi workers and
those interested in such discussion?
Money and the New Deal will be the
theme df one of the forums. This is
being iniated through the Woodson
Center Crdit Union and is free. This
class bgins Thursday, Oct. 4 at 7:30
p. m. .
'Other classes in public speaking
dramatics, current events and nigbt
school subjets will also be offered free
through the FERA, lasses to be ar
ranged and time of meeting set with
those who register at Woodson Cen
Clubs and Classes for boys and girls
in school have begun. More clubs
and classes will be starting during
the first weeks in October.
If mercy and truthcould meet,
Upon the Judgment seat,
Innocent blood would not be shed,
Nor freedom be denied,
For thuth would then be verified;
A mighty wrong be rectified.
The bitter cup they too, have share
A.nd though their lives are spared,
True justice shall not be
Till they have gained their liberty.
E {
[f their blood is shed,
Truth and mercy both have fled
Jatred and prejudice rule insteod
Man’s cruel judgments we ofte
tut their day of retribution is near.
For the Lord is a God of know
md we have his solemn pledge,
They that cause men’s hearts t
shall be repaid for each evil deed,
And the word of God is law in
The Mitizi club held its regular meet
ing Wednesday Sept. 28 with Mrs.
Blanche After a business
meeting the hostess served a delicious
luncheon. The tabi was beautifully
decorated and covers were laid for
| eighth AftcV the luntheon. bridge
| was played- Mrs. Carrie Caccy won
I first prize, Mrs. Coma Scott won sec
I and prize and Mrs- Maude Jones won
| the booby prize. The meeting ad*
| joumed to meet with Mlrs. Maude
| Jones Oct. 10
Ethel Kirtley—President
Ruby Reese—Secretary
The last meeting of the Beau Brum*
me! club was very good and we hope
our next one will be better The next
meeting will be Octfl 10th. Everyon
come out that can, because something
big is coining off.
V- Shobe—President
J. Jackson—Reporter
The Cosmetology club met at the ;
home of Mrs, Gertrude James, Thurs.!
Sept 27. After the meeting the girls
engaged in social activities and en
joying themselves immensely. During
this time they were served refresh
ments by th hostess
The club was organized a week ago
by the stundents of the North Side
Beauty school for recreational, edu
cational and cooperative purposes.
Officers of the club re: President Mrs.
Gertrude Jamies; Secretary Miss Ver
sie Winston; Asst- Sec’y and repor
ter, Miss Ella Mae Smith; Treasurer!
Mrs. Flora Smith; SargeanbatArms
Mrs- A. McDonald; Social Chairman:
Arne Michel. Other members are:
Robei-ta Bailey, Mrs- Lillian J. Cun j
r.ingham and Mrs- Florence Elmore
The Ladies Friendshipclub met a j
the Ehvoodor Apartments, Sept. 2
at 48th and Dodge Sts., Mrs. Moseb
entertaiined the club.. A dlelightfu
luncheon wer served in courses. Th j
clubs meets at 2:15 p.. m.. and dis
misses at 5 p. m..
On Thursday Sept. 27, Mrs.. Stingn?
entertained the club at 2731 Blond
St. A delicious luncheon was served.. 1
Mrs. Ida Fontaine, president Mrs- *
Anderson, Vice President, Mrs. Strin*
ger Secretary and Mrs. Burns, Re
The Senior Choir, under the eompi
tent direction of Mrs. Mary Daniels
is making rapid progress with the re
(hersals of the High Mass, to be sung
in the near future. Mrs. Daniels, a
recent convert and member of the
: Parish, expressed much pleasure with
the rather large number who are in
terested in laming something about
the Iathurgical Music and promises
some wirthwhile renditions in a few
The large congregation attending
the 9 o’clock Mass last Sunday, was
deeply touched at the pious attitude
and devotion of the 79 children as
sembled there under the care of the
zelious Sisters of Mercy, who have
made such wonderful progress in the
training of them in the short weeks
that school has been in session. The
Junior Choir, directed by the principal,
Sister Mary Edith, rendered two num*
bers that were appropriate and beau
^ tiful.
i The children were delighter with
j their guest of honor for breakfast,
. Father Wilwerding, who seemed to en
1 joy the youngsters along with his toast
and coffee. i,
The October rummage sale is sche
duled to start the first Friday in Oct.
' Much more merchandise is needed if
.this sale is to be a success. Have you
I something you could give? Call We.
I There is a poor family in our pa
rish who is nin need of a set of
springs and a matress for a large
size bed. Also some dishes are need-;
I_ _ I
-1510 NORTH 24th ST. -
CALL JA- 0353
1806 North 20th Street
WEbster 3043
24th and Binney
Low Prices - Highest Quality
We Fill Gov’t- Relief Orders at
Lowest Possible Prices. Also
carry Gov’t. Surplus.
CALL JA. 6242 24th & BINNEY
ed. »Tf you can help this situation at
all it will be received gratefully.—
Call Mrs- Sterling, We. 5223.
Everyone is urged to attend the
Wednesday night elates |on Home
Nursing, Health; sponsored by the
Board of Education, under the direc
tion of Mrs. Rhyner. Mrs. Brown is
teacher, and conducts a very interest
ing class.
The first meeting of the St. Bene
dict’s P. T. A- will take place next
Thursday, in the school assembly
room, on the second floor.
All the mothers and friends inte
rested in the Association are urged to
be present.
/The club will run all the winter
many social affairs will be given b
them during the winter season.
Billy Davis, one of the champion
of the dub entered in the Fontenel’a
Park Golf Toumtment last week. H
won his first match from Harry
Swanson, five up and three to
SundavSunday morning, he is is the
second flight. There are four flights
in the tournament. We all wish MV
Davis much success- He is the only
one of the Swastika members entered
in the tournament.
Dr. D. W. Gooden will leave Omaha
on October 12 for a tdip to Dallas,
Texas, for ten days- Dr. Gooden is
taking advantage of the special rates
armged $*r by the 'Omaha Texas
TheCritics held their weeklv meeting
at the Mid-Center in the offiie of Mr.
J. H. Kerns. The minutes were read
and accepted after which buisness was
transacted. We were happy to add
two members, whose names will b
announced at a later date, to our club
list, and also to welcome a charter
member of our club, Mr. Clarence Da
vis, whose work has interfered wit
his attendance..
Mr. Kerns who attended as a visi
tor, also acted as an advisor and help
ed to straighten out some small con
stitutional entanglements. He also
rave the club some very good advice.
Mr. Kerns, who attended as fF(syiflr
The program of the Critics is to be
lela at Pilgrom Baptist Church, 25th
,nd Hamilton St, Oct 18 1934. I
Chas Davis, President
L. Lee, Secretary J
Hm money and low* magic. Send r®u>
and address and receive the my*ic
tgrr1* free. Just write Keystone Lab’,
Dept. (Key 3E) Memphis Tenn.
Swiftest and Best
85 Cents f
Pain—Agony Starts to
Leave in 24 Hours
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Just ask for Allenru—Within 24 k
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uric acid and other circulating jn
poisons start to leave your body.
In 48 hours pain, agony and swell- ty
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prescription Is guaranteed—if one 3
bottle doesn’t do as stated—money [5
■ ,rt I T ,-- 1
J Call
i4 Omaha Poultry Market
1114 N. 24th St We. 1100
| Dressed Poultry While j
| You Wait
+ t tty, tiii, |
No medicine ean prevent the change cf
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^ §
4- Mavis Talcum Powder is ?. blessing
to the vigorous, active man. Its use fl
gives complete freedom from unpleas- B
ant body irritations, chafing, and the S
effects of perspiration. It guards the
skin; actually keeps you cool and deo- |
dorizes as it absorbs. For a well kept S
body, use it every day all over. But, be M
sure it’s Mavis, in the familiar red con
tainer— it never clogs the pores. For B
men, women and children of all ages, ijj
from babyhood up.
by YIVAUDOU 25* 50* *1°°