INDUSTRIAL N E W S r REVIEW TAXES^OSTlioRE^ THAN FOOD INDUSTRIAL NEWS REVIEW By E. Hafer & Sens Last year, according to the! United States News, the American people paid .$1,035,000,000 for medical0 serviced. $2,160,000, 000 for fue1 and light, $3,600, COO 000 each fo" clothing and for home rental, $7,650,000,000 for the most, basic neccooitv n? all, food—AND $9,000, 000,000 FOR TAXES! The increase in taxation—local, state and national — is the mos startling and menacing economic development since the world war It was not so long ago that we; used to pity overtaxed European! countries, in the belief that we, were escaping their experience. ■ Today, with th cost of all forms of government soaring in the f-acej of diminishing taxable assets and earnings, we are very close to the European level. Recently England, one of the heaviet taxed coun tries, enjoyed a general tax reduc* tion, made in the interest of Indus* trial recovery. The United States, unhappily, has no such prospect. A great part of the tax money does nothing to encourage indus try’—some of it is actually used for projects and experiments which discourage and throttle pri vate initiative, retarding employ ment, rather than increasing it. It is a bar, not a spur, to purchas" ing power. It stands in the way of investment, industrial expansion, farm and home ownership. It is creating a vast, wasteful and in* efficient bureaucracy which waxes fat wiiiie the public which sup ports it starves. Industrial recovery and employ ment are inextricably bound up v.ith the tax problem. Until gov ernment retrenches, all our efforts to go forward will be largely fu tile. 1 guarantee to help you get a new ifife. No case beyond hope.' Stop tug 1 Write me today.. Information M. WILLIAMS, 901 Bergen , JERSEY CITY. N. J. Dept X ! QUIVER ING NERVES When you are just on edge a > « when you cants stand the children’s noise ... when everything you do is a harden ... when you are irri table and blue ... try Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound. 98 out of 100 women report benefits It will give you just the extra en ergy you need. Life will seem worth living again. Don’t endure another day without die help this medicine can give. Get a bottle from your druggist todayj VEGETABLE COMPOUND A GREAT BUILDER “Life insurance is always build ing, never tearing down; it con structs and conserves, but never destroys,” said James G. Oalla' ban of the Metropolitan Life In surance Company, recently. “It stabilizes business, encourages en terprise, stimulates progress, sus tains prosperity. It is the enemy of disease, poverty and fear; it develops character, trains in thrift and strengthens the virtues of love, loyalty and duty. The Amer ican home rests confidently and securely on the bed rock of life insurance.” In these days of change and general uncertainty, a constantly increasing number of people are turning to life insurance. They are using it not only to protect dependents, but to assure an in come for themselves in old age, to educate their children, to build estates. During five years of de pression they have learned many hitter but invaluable lessons. They have seen investments, which seemed iron'clad, shrink and disappear; they have witness" ed business failure, and the utter collapse of great fortunes that once appeared to be impregnable. In that time life insurance has carried on its work without waver" ing—it has given the people a new raelization of what the word “permanence” means. Every insurance policy written symbolizes thrift, foresight, wis dom — characteristics that are typical of the American people. Every policy written means that still another citizen has guarded himself against some potential exigency. Evrey policy written represents another stone in the bulwark we are erecting against the occurrence of future depres sions. It is no exaggeration to say that American ideals and the in stitution of life insurance are in* separably linked together. IN THE INTEREST OF ALL The farm cooperative move* ment is, first and foremost, de signed to help the agricultural producer-—to obtain for him a larger share of the final selling price of his product, and to make his production methods more profitable and efficient, i In carrying out this purpose, the consumer is not “stung,” he is, on the contrary, immensely benefited. It is necessary to him that a constant supply of first grade farm products be always at his beck and call. He wants food of quality, sold at a fair price. And that is what the cooperatives strive to give him. When a farmer gets more for what he raises it does not mean that the consumer is the victim of profiteering—it simply means that the money he pays to the retailer has been fair ly distributed between those whc produced the products, those whc handled them between farm and market, and those who sold then to the public. From another aspect, the farir co-op i's aiding the urban resident armers of the country normally provide the largest single consum ing source for the products of our factories. The drop in farm in s "I work all the time and jeel strong..." % You Can Escape Periodic Upsets Women who must be on the job every day need Lydia E. Pinkham’s Tablets; They not only relieve periodic pain and discomfort... they help to correct the CAUSE of your trouble. If you take them regularly ... and if yours is not a surgical case ... you should be able to escape periodic upsets. Chocolate coated ;;. convenient... de pendable. Sold by all druggists. New small size—50 coats., “1 am 27 and a textile winder In the mill. I had cramps so had that I to cry many times. I used to stay in bed two A "Uterine Tonic and Sedative for Women • Racing against air A RACING CAR SPEEDING 200 MILES PER HOUR though carefully streamlined meets a wind resistance OF HALF-A-TON. which ALONE REQUIRES SCO HORSEPOWER TO OVERCOME. 1 ■*__ > fry TH» Ml Sywdkws. W.) come is one of the most burning problems of depression. As the comps gradually make progress, and farm income rises, all classes of American citizens will reap the benefit of stimulated buying and increased purchasing power. Today farm cooperation is one of the greatest social and econ omic forces in our national life. It has done much in its brief life time and its period of greatest achievement still lies in the fu ture. JOBS—TAXES—SAVINGS FACE DESRUCTION The National Coal Association has issued a highly important booklet concerning the billion-1 dollar water power development of the ederal government. On its first page, the booklet says: “The coal indsutry opposes the gram1 dois program and ruinous policy of federal water development be cause its consummation is cal culated to destroy the market for millions of tons of coal, to put' hundreds of thousands of men out1 of employment permanently, to| further impair railroad revenues permanently, to duplicate and in many instances to destroy e*.ist~ "ing facilities for the production and distribution of elecercity, to inflict incalculable injury upon both capital and labor in public utilities, in mines, in railroada, and upon those engaged in the distribution and sale of coal, gas, lumber, ice and sundry other lines, to lay furthre heavy bur dens, both unwarrantd and un necessary upon the American taxpayer by adding a billion dol lars or more to the public debt.” The facts indicate that no fed eral program was ever less jus tified by the public need. In every case utilities now serving the areas where the federal plants will operate, have a generating ca pacity well in excess of existing demand. The federal plants will add heaVily to that excess, pro ducing a vast surplus of power, destroying existing jobs and in vestments and savings. Accord ing to the Coal Association, for example, private plants in the areas adjacent to TV A, Boulder Dam, Grand Coulee, Bonneville, Verde, Caspar Alcova, Fort Peck & Loup River propjects, can pro duce 47 per cent more power than is needed. When the federal plants are in operation, the ex cess will be jumped to t>6 per cent. In this case, the interests of the country face the unnecessary expenditure of almost one billion dollars—a sum which will be in creased it, still other proposed projects are endorsed by congress. Your tax money, your job, your savings are directly or indirect ly affected. WHEN INDUSTRY STARVES In 1S13 the cost of all govern ments in the United States was I_ ti " Hvo'st.HK Mo. || n' - --mi *a*^»***»«^»**** GrGGEF ROY’S LARI C USE Finch HAIR Colorkif slightly under $3,OOO;0DO,OOO. The national income was $35,500 000,000. Tuxes thus took around ten percent of our earnings. In 1933, according to a recent esti mate, the cost of government was about $20,000,000,000. The na tional income had sunk to the abnormal low of about $60,000, 000,000. At that ratio taxes re quired 33 percent of it, said J. B. Johnson, Vice President of the Ohio Public Servce Co., Elyria, 0 In brief, the cost of govern ment has risen 700 percent while the national income has risen less than 100 percent. The probabil ity is that figures for 1934 will show still further distortion of the relationship between income and cost of government. Here is one of the main reas ons why we are finding it so dif ficult to effect recovery. Money that, if taxation were reasonable, purchasing of supplies and indus trial expansion, goes instead to government. It is kept out of the normal channels of trade. Bureaucracy eats it and grows fat—business starves. Based dsn the above estimate one third of the average family income is now taken to pay the cost of government, directly or indirectly. The price of every thing purchased from a lead pen cil to an automobile, is made .higher because of the tax burden. The seriousness of this prob lem cannot be overemphasized. V/e are reaching the point where government must adjust its cost to a reasonable percentage of the national income, or business will i cctinue in the doldrums. SCHOOL AHEAD—SLOW DOWN 1 ; During the summer mouths j those warnings you see on coun try roads and in city streets,— /‘School Ahead—Slow Down” or “School Ahead'—Watch Out” I means little to you. You know the buildings are closed and the youngsters scattered to all points of the compass, and you continue your speed without slackening. Now, however, those signs have a grave significance. Throughout the country, thirty million child' ren have again picked up their text books and readers and are busy at their schoolwork. The signs are a vital warning to all motorists to watch out for the youngsters. In spite of the efforts of school tnaoBBBBnnv Eat Anything You Like HAVE A “CAST IRON” CONSTITUTION Do you have to be careful about w^nt and how much you eat? Are you “run-down”, constipated, nervous arm feel “all in” most of the time? If so, start row to cleanse your entire system; build yourself up; restore your stomach to normal; generate new energy and strength with the remarkable and ideal tonic Laxative —PURATONE. PURATONE quickly increases weight, acst v-es the appetite and gives relief from constipation PURATONE cleanses the entire system. not only the intestinal tract, making you less susceptible to colds and clearing your skin. No renter what you have tried or how long you have suffered. PURA TONE trust relieve you, otherwise it costs you t othirg Take the coupon below to the Dnffy Pharmacy, Owen Pharmacy, Ross Drug Store, Johnson Drug bt*re. Robinson Drug Store, Thul! Pharmacy. FOR SPECIAL OFFER qtV.V.WAV.VAW.VASW THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 36c Upon presentation of this coupon and 89c‘ to the Duffy Pharmacy, Ross Drug Store, Johnson Drug Store, Robinson Dreg Store, Thull Pharmacy yon will be given a full 'sized $L25 bottle of PURATONE Use This Coupon Today— It's Worth 36c to lou authorities and safety Workers, automobile casualties still ac count for more child fatalities than any other accidental cause. I .last year, 4,100 boys and girls of school age were killed in such mishaps, and many thousands more were injured, according to figures supplied by the National Bureau of Casualty aud Surety Underwriters. Statistics appear to place the blame heavily on motorists, for the youngsters have shown a re markable ability to watch out for themselves by observing afety rules and principles. In rive-years, for example while mo tor vehicle accidents involving adults have increased 54 percent those involving children have de' creased 20 percent. It has been sad that the achiev* ment 'in the schools is the bright est spot in the entire safety move ment. Children can be taught to respect and obey the rules governing their own conduct in traffic, but they are helpless if careless motorists refuse to co operate. Motorists, take care for school children. The sign: “School A head—Slow Down” is a driving commandment. WAGNER COSTIGAN BILL y Stuart News Service The Bristol, Ten., Hearld-Coir ier, ugust 15, 1934, stated that there had been, a double lynching in Benton Couaty, Mississippi, by two separate mobs, but the vic tims were hanged to the same tree, accused of the murder of a white man. The trial was to start in the circuit court at Ashland. In each case the officers were stop ped by a dozen or more masked men. The prisoners taken and killed; for these lynchings, as for all others, there was on defense or excuse. If they were guilty, there could have been no doubt as to their fate. If they were not guilty, that had as much right to live as other in nocent men. The sheriff and the district attorney says, every effort will be made to bring the lynchers into court. The statement sounds familiar. Two more accused per sons have been dprived of life without process of law, in viola tion of all the principles of jus tice ; that is why Congress will en act a Federal lynch law. It is said that this bill will infringe on state rights. But states have no right to bow to mob rule. If the officers of the states are opposed to Fed eral Laws, they should punish the offenders and make it unnecessary as well as undesirable. While the Knoxville, Tenn., News-Sentinel, Aug. 22nd, says, that since January to June 1st, there have been two lynching. Since June 1st, there have been 12. Prior to this date the Costigan Wagner Federal Anti-Lynching Bill was a live issue in Congress. This threat wras removed about the first of June, when the bill was pigeoned-holed. Since that date .more than one person a week has been lynched, and in no instance has any of the Lynchers been pun ished. The N. A. A. C. P. has ap pealed to the President Roosevelt to insist on an anti- lynching bill at the next session of Congress. It is indeed hopeful sign for fair ness and justice when two leading newspapers published in the heart of the south, makes, such a state ment for law and order. It is clear that an anti-lynch bill is ab solutely necessary. There is ar election and every Negro that is approached for their support should find out how the candidate stands on thi3 bill. This must apply to all candidates local or national. By Andrew T. Stuart Whether we realize it or not, it is never the less a fact, that the political campaign is on, an dit seems at this time that there are several Negro Damocrats making bids to control the campaign set-up. Mr- Stanley Hale, who was one of the most active workers for Congressman Edward R. Burke for the SeSnatorial nomination in the primaries feels that he is due frst consideration. Mr. Hale has a group of workers who understands the political situation among the Ne gro voters, and believes that f he is i iven the chance that he had during the primaries, he would be able to wage a successful campaign among this group. ' Mr. Harry LelancL, tate Oil Inspec tor and President of the Nebraska Nero Democratic Club, feels that it is his righful honor to be the mouth | piece for anything of importance coming from the ranks of the Dem ocratic party for Negroes, in this state and partcularly Douglas County But the mere fact of his attack upon Congressman Burke and his sup porters, who worked night and day for Governor Bryan in the primaries, made his selection rrypractable. Rep resentative Johnny Owen, who is up for re-election would like to see some of his friends get this privilege as he knows that his chance of support la slim with any of the old crowd i Well what about the Non-Partisar organization, composed of both Dem ocrats and Republicans, of which Sgt. Issac Bailey is president, and Miss Gertrude Lucas is secy. To my knowledge it is the frst time that a .place has bee nset-up and financed by Negroes in this state, and offered o caadidates of both parties; and if we are rightfully informed there Is sufficient space for each party to con duct there own business set trp and if it Is the aim of the central com mitee to keep down expenses and at the same time wedge an effctive cam paign. it would do no ham to look ino this matter. What ever the cen tral committee decides it will receive | he support of all the Negro demo crats and a large number of the old rock-ribbed republican. POLITICAL OUTLOOK The wise ones along the stroll is aying that this will be a keen polit ical battle fought between the two great parties. We are concerned J greatly about the action of the men jwho are to manage the ship of state, liooking backward at the achievements of the present administration we are interested in eleetin men who will support the President’s program. Nor can we see any hope for the country should the Republicans win this fall 5t is fully realized by the people of this nation that there is not a man to be found in the ranks of the Re publicans party that has the vision of President Roosevelt. Nor is there a man in this state with the ability, honesty, and fairness as Congress man Edward Burke, unless it is Sen ator Norris. The situaton so far as we are concerned calls for much thought and self-reliance on our part less we make a mistake. We are told by political leaders of the re pu blican party that their chancefor j victory this fall is good. This in J spite of the favorable attitude towards ithe democratic party throughout the I nation and the most thrllng group of candidates that have been presented by the democratic party to the voters of the state. | However the chances can be tak en, the Nero voters will be an inter esting factor in the coming election. I Therefore if we are to get the de sired benefit in this state, we must not divide our vote. The present admin istration has been fair to our people. I While in many of the sections of the country, there has been some unfair ness, but this is net the fault of the administration, and m order to retain the prosperty and confidence that has been made, men must be elected who .will support the President's program. I _ Lovme Face Powder Enhances Every Skin A million women every day prove in >v imitable Lov’me delicately emphasizes every natural beauty—conceals every de fect. It gives petal-smooth perfection to every type of skin. A finer, clinging powder which stays on all day. Flesh — White — Rachel ' 75c nave you tried the new Melba Cold Cream? It sells at only 25c meLBA Lov’me Ponder If your denier cannot supply you, send us his uame PARFUMERIf MELBA • 58C Fifth Ave.. New Yor!:, N. Y. DRILLS INSTEAD OF BRICKBAT New repor s of increased mining ac tivity , affecting metal mining states, uro constantly appearing. How long It will be before real pro gress is made toward normalcy la a matter of conjecture. But it is a. fact .*bait mining districts which have been deserted for years are being opened up mice more, and that ho sound of is echoing from diggings that b«ve known only the wing beat of the bat since depression began. This revival does not give cause for unrestrained jubilation because it re lates largely jo gold as the result of is artliicialy high price. Few indust ries are of such basic national import ance as is mining—few, in good times contribute as much to the national welfare. Any change for the better in the mining situation is thankfully received by thinking citizens. LOST 57 POUNDS oF FAT—DIDN'T CUT DOWN ON FOOD “X lost 67 lbs. by taking Kroschen Salta and it had no 111 effect on me. I didn't cut down on a single food—I recommend it to any one woo over weight." Mrs. A. Ropiak, So. Milwau kee. Wis. To win a slender, youthful figure tike a'half teaapoonful of Kruschen Salts In a glass of hot water first t h 1 n g every morning. While fit Is leaving you gain In strength, health Many physicians prescribe itand thousands of fat folks all over the world have achieved slenderness. X ar lasts 4 weeks and costs but a trifle at any drugstore. But protect your health—make sure you sret Kruschen —it's the SAFE way to reduoe ahd money back If not satisfied. TWO for ONE , , < , SPECIAL A SUIT and DRESS Cleaned and iTeseed .... * , , - SLITS, cleaned A pressed_gA^. ! PANTS cleaned A pressed_2^ OVERCOATS Cleaned and Pressed .... topcoats 60c ; Cleaned and Pressed .... ' LADIES’ DRESSES A u. Cleaned and Pressed .... ( ( _ ' 1 SUITS, Pressed 25c ; MATS, cleaned & blocked Cft., , Factory finish . | SHOES dyed any color 50(^ We Call for and Deliver $1.00 J and Over Orders j —ART’S HAT WORKS— I ;; ARTHUR BURTON, Proprietor ? 1 4833 So. 24th St. MA. 3136? NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska: in the matter of thet estate of Hou ston Murdock, deceased: All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administra tion upon his estate, and that a hear ing will be had on said petition be fore said Court on the 6th day sf October, 1934, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said a. m. to contest said petition the court may grant he same and grant admin istration of said estate to William L- Myers or some other suitable per son proeed to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford County Judge Beg. 9-15-34 Ex. 10-6 34 -CLASSIFIED AOS- - AGENTS WANTED EVERY WHERE to sell Waving Hair Dress ing and other toilet goods. National ly advertised. Big Profits. Boyd Manufacturing Company, Depart ment R., Birmingham, Ala. Mill made Screens and Doors while you wait. 2717 North 24th Street. FOR RENT — Five Room House, modem, except neat—$10 per month. We 0111. Loves Kitchenette appartment for rent at 2518 Patrick Ave. We.. 5553. YO.UR OWN—LAKE SHOE SERV ICE NONE BETTER; 2407 Lake St. Room for one or two gentlemen on Bb»ey Street—JA. 5918 Fm-nished Rooms for rent. WEbser 2303. Big Rummage Sale on New Goods— 1324 N 24th St- Como and Be Con vinced. BETTER RADIO SERVICE A. E. and J. E- Bennett 25>1» COm ™ings St. Phone Ja. 0696. Three Room Apt., Forriature, gas, light and water $4.50 weelc Ja. 09S6 CUMING'S HOTEL—1916 Cuming St. PHONE WEbster 4835. Kitchenette for Bent—strictly niodern, 29X4 North 25 th Street. Two room apt. and use »f kitchen We. 4152. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT —MEN. Ha. 6099. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 2tJ6 Ohio Sreet.