MARCH of EVENTS .wjvawavwanwwA it i* I Q i wrwvw.w.w.w.v. :- II | | H | ——- CITY and NATIONAL _Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, Sept. 22, 1934_ g€V€ n I I Published every Omaha Guide Pub lishing Company, Inc. Ent®-«1 as Second Class Matter Mterch 15, 1927 at the Post Office at Omaha. Nebraska u.ider the Act ot Congress of March 3, 1879. Terms of subcription . . 12 00 per year. ‘VV-V/.V.V.VAV.W.V.W.V.V.V.W.V.W.V.V.V.V.V *: •: I EDITORIAL l $ - i VsV.W.V.\V.V«V.V.V.V.V.W-%VW.%V.V.V«V.V.VV* The Most Abominable Racket The mild, persuasive, vet most pernicious and abominable rack* et<*er is the Negro pan-handling politician, who practices his nefar ious art upon the political candidates, who should know better thar to give serious consideration to the glib tongue of these racketeers who wear silken gloves to hide a horny hand, who are not what they profess to be, but are rather “ehislcrs and grafters of the first order; some even so audacious as to use the title of “Reverend,’- and a mythical church to further their greedy ends, bringing condemna tion oh the race generally and an honest ;ind upright ministry into disrepute. Are we to permit these racketeers to bring a striving race into ignomy and disgrace, ever blocking our progress to proper race recognition? It is of no avail to stand idly by and watch the harmful offense being committed. The tactics and schemes of those pan-handlers* are known from beginning to end, from bringing the church and ministry into unfavorable light by soliciting for mythcal churches and mythical church activities to house meetings, that are never held, for the famous program racket. The “program racket” as practiced by the pan-handler” who leads the candidate to believe that he, the pairhandler, carries great political influence among the Negro voters, seems to be the “King Bee” as a money maker for the pan’hander. The pan-handler gen* eraHy approaches the candidate, soliciting an ad on a program to be printed for some auspicious and entirely fancied affair to be held in the near future, at which affair there will be a large number of voters, offering space from fifty cents to ten dollars, depending upon the size wanted by the candidate. All candidates having been canvassed and fleeced for as much as possible on the spot or hv a promise to pay upon delivery of the program, the pan-handler then hies himself to a printer and has enough programs printed to supply • one to each of his advertisers, who have promised to pay on delivery, if all candidates pay in advance, there are no programs printed. The pan-ha.idler pats himself on his slimy back and says, “Well done, my boy, now for the house meeting rally. These ingrates must he fought within and without the race. They are retarding our progress, and delaying the recognition that w-e are fighting for. We must make known their practices, and our opposition to their pan-handling methods. They promise to deliver the Negro vote for a price, an impossible thing to do with an enlightened Negro electorate. It is time the office seeker should know that the Negro vote may he had only by proper recognition by way of employment ami appointments to pub lic office. IIow long must we be tormented and our progress impeded by these pan*haudling politicans with their most abominable rackets? Underlying Causes of Crime Reprint From The Omaha Bee “We are determined to continue the campaign and get at the UNDERLYING CAUSES of crime.” The foregoing sentence was uttered by Homer S. Cummings, attorney general of the United States. It was prompted by tile arrest in Chicago of a lawyer, a for mer prosecutor, accused by federal investigators of harboring the Dillinger gang,even to the extent of providing office seclusion in which robberies were planned ! A grand jury has been impaneled to examine the substance of the charge. Pending court action, comment on the case in ques" tion would be out of place. Right now the important fact about the attorney general’s dec laration is that it evidently puts the federal government definite ly into action against the notorious alliances of criminals and criminal lawyers and grafting local politicians which are and have been among the chief “underlying causes’’ of our era of violent crime and racketeering. As the attorney general further phrases the purpose: “We will seize those who PROFIT BY CRIME without tak ing any risks.” Insofar as it goes—and may it go far, indeed !^-the federal campaign meets a demand for law enforcement By LAW ENFORCE MENT OFFICIALS which the Ilearst newspapers have been mak ing insistently for month and years. As the public very well knows, public officials everywhere have been prone to offer exeusses for NOT ENFORCING the law, instead of ENFORCING IT. Crime conditions, we were told by men in official life, were “due to the indifference of the Amei'iean people.’’ Gangsters and blackmailers could not be prosecuted because “terrorized witnesses” would not testify. In a signed editorial published on Sept. 2, 1933, William Rail’ dolph Hearst pointed out plainly the speciousness of these pleas. Mr. Heart wrote: “Existing criminal conditions are NOT due to the indiffer ence of the Amercan people. They are due to the inefficiency of American government.” In this connection, a phase of the attorney general’s campaign is to be a series of crime conferences in Wahington in December, in order to gain the “confidence ad cooperation” of the public in the war on crime. Mr. Cummings explained: . ‘ The. hearia§s ^ he open to the public. To the hearings we snail invite heads of metropoltan poliqe departments, university1 I men interested in criminology, heads of all government agencies dealing with crime and all others who we think may aid.” There ean be no quarrel with this idea, so long as the govern ment’s campaign does not BREAK DOWN into a series of mere conferences. For conferences are necessary to arouse the public. As Mr. Hearst said in his editorial: “The American public is SUFFICIENTLY AROUSED over the criminal situation. There is NOW a strong public sentiment over THE FAILURE OF GOVERNMENT TO ENFORCE THE LAW.’’ Uniting federal, state and local agencies behind aggressive law enforcement efforts on a nation-wide scale will be constructive action. But the federal government must continue in the role of leader ship, and the federal government is ON THE RIGHT TRACK in running down not only Criminals, but also the “respectable allies of criminals. Very lately, the bar associations have shown some disposition to aid in riding the legal profession of lawyer-criminals. The government should hold them to this duty. ^ And also, when ferretng out. for punishment the LAWYER FRIENDS of chronic crooks, let the government not overlook the other “underlying cause’’ of crime—the PREI iVTORY LOCAL IV-MTICIAXS, in office and out, without whose protection and connivance few if any of our criminal rackets could e ther ex st or continue. Small Hope for Will’s Hope WHILE FLYING OVER HOOVER DAM ON A RECENT AIR TRIP FROM CHICAGO TO THE COAST WILL ROGERS DROPPED OFF HISS DAILY MES SAGE TO NEWSPAPERS. ONE OF HIS REMARKS WAS: “KOPE THEY DON’T IRRIGATE MORE LAND SO THEY CAN RAISE MORE THINGS THEY CAN’T SELL, AND WILL HAVE TO PLOW UP MORE ROWS, KILL MORE PIGS TO KEEP ‘EM FROM BE COMIN’ HOGS.” OUR POLITICIANS STILL TALK GLIBLY OF POURING NEW MILLIONS WTO IRRIGATION SCHEMES TO MAKE MORE FARMS OUT OF WASTE LAND IN DESERTS. THUS BOOSTING OVER PRO DUCTION OF AGRICULTURAL CROPS, WHICH AN OTHER GROUP OF POLITICIANS WILL EXPECT THE TAXPAYERS TO PAY FOR, TO BRING ABOUT FARM RELIEF. LEADERSHIP BY ANDREW STUART Every time there is an election, candidates who want the Negro votes, goes to some of them, that they think has some influence and ask them for their support. In many cases the candidate is pronr ised more votes than there are Ne groes in the state. If they fail to win the election and see that the Negro districts did not go 100% for them, they blame every Negro in the state for what those po litically minded indivduals have promised. If they are elected and some Negro goes to some of them to remind them of their promises, they tell them that they have paid Rev. So & So, or some other per son ; and show him a receipt for the amount of money that they sometimes ask. What do your peo ple want out there, meaning North Omaha? Why don’t you people get together? Have you no leaders? I admit that these are hard questions to answer. In the first place they seek the support of those who cannot deliver it. If they can make the candidates hould receive credit a ..,issssse think that they are leaders. They should receive credit as good salesmen. A little investigation on the part of the candidate would save lots of trouble. We have Ne groes who are self-supporting, who do not want political jobs, and do not have one. For instance, such men as Dr. Wesley Jones, Dr. J. II. Hutton, Dr. G. B. Lennox, Messers. R. C. Price, William Haynes. Tom Mahamitt, Rev. J. F. Black. 2520 “J” St., and many others too numerous to mention. These gentlemen are members of the Democratic and Republican parties. And if consulted would give correct information. PLAIN TALK ON WAR ANB FASCISM BY WILLIAM B. SPOFFORD Editor of The Witness, Episcopal Church Weekly - Secretary of the Church League for Industrial Demo cracy A lot of smart people are writing these days on the Choice Before Us, but it seems to me that few of them get down to brass tacks. They all know that the world is in a mess and that changes are inevitable. But most of them are looking for an easy way out. As a well-known writer said, peo ple are willing to do anything for the workers but get off their backs. So toray we find mild reforms advo cated by all sorts of people I was talking with one of them the other; day. He was arguing his head off about the permanence of the present economic order, slightly reformed; but ended the convention by saying “Well, whatever happens I am set- I i boueht the farm the other day so that if things smash completely I I can raise potatoes and turnips and at least eat.” That is the amount of confidence that he has in the reform ed capitalism which he was defend ing so delligerently. The simple fact is that the pre sent order is washed up. There is ! no possible way for the present-rul , ers to maintain their power short of dictatorship and capitalist dictator ship means Fascism- And Fascism doesn’t mean fundamentally Jew baiting Black or Brown Shirts,, cas tor oil and all the rest of the silly business that we read about in the papeys as bad as those secondary characteristics certainly are. It means the limiting of production by the owners of the machines and the star vation of the great masses of the people in order that their profitsys tera may be maintained a while long er. *!t means even worse than that— it means War for part of their pro gram is to seek expert markets for the goods denic-d the staming mil lions. Economically we have the begin ning of Fascism here in the United States- Codes are limiting produc tion and the government is ordering the farmers ta bum theeir wheat, plow under their cotton, and kill their little pigs. Why? Because people have no need of these things? Not people in order that their profit sys tem can be maintained only if there is a scariity of goods, and the mas ters are determined that there shall be profits even if it means starvation; and misery for the vast majority.. We are suckers if we. allow them to get away with it, and by “we” I mean everyone, for all but the very' few on top are going to suffer more; and more as this thing develops. It i means, first of all, starvation. it means further the suppression of all liberties and the enslavement of man kind. The churches will become the j handmaid of the state, just as they. have been made to buckle under in the Fascist countries of Europe. All who prize religious freedom must op pose Fascism. Educators are enslav ed—witness what has happened to them in Germany and Italy. Trade Unions will be put out of business. Civil liberties will most certainly be ruthlessly denied, with anyone dar ing to express an opinion displeasing to the masters either killed or thrown into a concentration camp or prison. All of us—Christians, Jews, Athe ists, Conservatives, Liberals and Rad icals—must fight this thing before it developes any further. The way to fight it is, first of all to understand the economic forces that are driving us rapidly in that direcion. The only ultimate escape, I believe, is into a new social order. There we will find not starvation but plenty for all; not dread of destitution in old age but the assurance of security^ not the denial of all that makes life worth the living but the releasing of pow ers in man that makes for the free and abundant life. PROVERBS AND PARABLES “Taking the Will for fhe Deed” by A. B. MANN (For the Literary Service Bureau) Frequently ?s this axiom glibily quoted and very often misapplied. ]t means that if an individual desires to do a thing worthwhile, perform a noble deed or render a needed serv ice, and is hindered because of in superable d iff cavities, he should be given the same credit as if he had accomplish what he wilied to do. But it is a misapplication to use this maxim to excuse indolence and neg ligence. The saying is honestly used only when a person has striven earnestly end found it '.iposy'VIe t, accomp lish what was desired c . ! what was will :i rn such a case and from an e: i .at point of view, the individual i" entitl'd to 'he i:\rs credit as if the deed had been performed. SHOULD STRIKERS SHARE * by • A ADAMS (for The L;teray Service Bureau) Thousands of men have given up work and gone out on a strike. Now comes the question as to wheth er! or not they are entitled to share emergency relief. There are two sides tjo* this question. ?(jme who KVhate’er may be your pain or loss: are in sympathy with the strikers contend that they are forced to do this, hence, they should have support while they fight against unjust cap italism- But this view seems un. i reasonable The other view, and the more log ical one, is that since these people deliberately give up the employment j which affordd them a living, it would be manifestly wrong to take money from the taxpayers of the na tion tc sap port them while in idle ness. These capitalists are citizens. They are large property holders. They pay heavy income taxes, prop erty taxes and taxes for the privil ege of conducting their business. Should the money of these industrial ists go to support the men who are fighting them? Should they be re quired to maintain me* w'ho force the closing of their industries and the cessation of their revenue, and who will not hestate to commit ar son, sabotage and even murder, to accomplish their ends? It seems unreasonable and unjust to impose on these citizens and sup porters of the nation- If the direc tors of relief compel this injustice they will do sr in the interest of pol itics and against the pmeiples of justice and equity. __ E0STBR5AL OF THE WEEK (From the Bristol, Va- “Hearld C urier,” ‘September 2, 1934) Another Closed Lynching Incident A recent dispatch from Nashville carried the discouraging information that the Davidson County Grand Jury had reported a “no time bill” follow ing its investigation of the kidnap ping and lynching of Cordie Cheek, young Negro whose body was found hanging from a tree n Morgan County last December- cn other words, the Grand Jury failed to indict any person in connection with that lynching. This probably closed the incident. The time of which this Negro was accused was an attempted attack on a white girl in Maury County. The Grand Jury of that county, after in quiring into the charge, declined to indict Cheek and he was released, from jail at Nashville, where he had been sent pending the investigation. But that might or the night following ‘ was done to death by a mob. The Davidson County Grand Jury investi- i gated the case because it was report-' ed that Cheek was abducted from a home in that county. The lynching of Cheek under any j circumstances would have been a law less and indefensible act. His lynch ng after a Grand Jury had failed to indict himf was an outrage w'hi,ch stirred the indignation of all right thinking people, including Governor j McAlister and other responsible au theories who announced that every ef fort would be made to apprehend the members of the mob and bring them to account. Doubtless those efforts were made, but it now appears that this is another lynching for which no one will be punished. Thus is presented one more argu ment for the enactment of the Fed-! ral anti-lynching bill now pending in Congress. The measure was offered because lynching mobs long had oper-, ated with impunity, and it will be passed because mobs continue to op- j erate with impunity. After its enact ment mob murder will become more hazardous. Were this bill now a law the members of the mob that lynched Cordie Cheek probably would be found. — M— I - ' ' .. EDITORIAL OF THE WEEK_ (from the risto! (Term ) Herald r. ur ier, August 15, 1931) TW O MORE LYNCH INGS There has been a double lynching in Benton County. Mississippi. The outrage was perpetrated by two sep arate mobs but the victims were hanged to the same tree. Both were Negroes who were accused of the mur der of a white man nore than a year ago. he trial of the two Negroes was t • have star ed Monday in Circuit Court at Ashland. They had been confined in different jails in other parts of the country and officers were taking tb ; , to Ashland. In each case the t fi< ers w ere stopped by a d«*z- a or moto masked men, the prisoners w'ere seized and the motes came togethr and put 'hem to dea'h. For these lynehings, a« for all others ers there was no defense or excuse. The Negroes were in the. hands of the law and on their way to court, cf they weie guilty, there could have been no doubt as to the fate that was in s: >iv for them. If they were no guilty, they had us much right to li\e as oth er innocent men. T1 e sheriff says he is going to do h.i; hest to find the guilty parties and' the District Attorn?y tays he is going to see that a rigid investigation is' made. These statements sound fam iliar. Two more accused persons have teen deprived of life without due pi< • cess of law, in violation of all the principles of justice and of the Am e'ican Constitution, and it may be too much to hope that somefl it;g will be done about it. That is why Congress wriil yet, and probably at an early day, enact a j Federal anfi-lynchihg law. It is pro tested that such legislation would in- • fring on State rights. But States have nt) right to bow to mob rule and if they , and their Governors are so strongly agefinst a Federal law designed to pre vent and to punish mob murders they can make it unnecessary as well as u«- j desirable. I WINGS • • Over WASHINGTON Ey Len De Caux Federated Press WASHIN6TG0N— (FP) _ The next time you read the newspaper jargon about “strikers breaking into a riot,” just stop and check up. What is this “rioting” that tills the papers? What causes it? Who killed and how does it hap pen ? * * * Take the textile strike. 'Pwelve persons killed in. less than two weeks and many more injured in many street battles. Who are they? All but one or two are strikers or strike sympathizers, flow are they killed? Nearly all are shot in the back. Who does the killing? Company gunmen (deputized and armed to break up pieketing), police or National Guardsmen. ± * * How does it all start? To read the accounts in newspapers which dare not offend rich advertisers and owners, oe mightn imagine that the strikers suddenly “break into a riot-’ by running backwards into the bullets and bayonets of the “preservers of peace.” V V * What actually happens? Any conscientious reporter who has covered a number of such “labor; riots,’ whether they involve strikers, demonstrating unem ployed, farmers or any other under-dogs, will recognize that most of them follow a certain pattern. * V * On the one side, in nearly every case, are the rich and powerful, weak in numbers but mighty in the armed resources that money power places at their disposal. On the other side are the poor, without arms, without money and political power, but mighty in numbers and in an aroused sense of burning resentment. * * * How do these two forces come to clash? The poor seek to mobil ize their chief weapon, the power of numbers and solidarity, in self defense against oppression (whether this take the form of low wages, inadequate relief or what not). They go on strike, they picket, they meet in mass demonstrations. * * * Immediately the rich are panic stricken. They call upon all the political power and armed force which their money can command. At Honea Path, S. C., the mill owners had strikebreakers arm " ■ '' 1 "■ 1 ' ■ -.- ' ■ « % ed and deputized. In Rhode Isand and many other states, National (Juardsmen were called out to aid the police, and federal troops are called as a last resort. * * * So large groups of strikers, un armed, pcucciul :n intent, but de termined to demontrate the pow er of their numbers in bringing out their fellows on strike, sud denly find them selves confront ed with formidable armed forces. "Who fires the first shot or the strikers the first blow* Seldom, if ever, is it the strikers or the unemployed, for the gun-power is all on the other side. * * * Usually the police, the troops or the deputized company gun men make some provocative move, or some stoolpigeon makes it for them. Then the slaughter begins. The workers have only rocks or such other improvised weapons as they can pick up to defend them sel ves: the agents of the rich have rifles, machine gnus, gas bombs c’d every weapon of modern war fare, the bravery shown by tur armed workers is amazing. In battle after battle, American workers have refused to be cowed into submission by almost over whelming armed force. * Jr lb - ' Where lies the crux of the whole question ? Obviously in the control or armed force. If the strikers or the unemployed had the guns, if the police, militia and federal troops were on ther side*, there would be no bloodshed. The supposed aw of democracy that the will of the majority should prevail would take its natural course. But it is precisely the fear that the majorty would have their way if undeterred by vio' lence, that drives the rich pane stricken to bloody suppression of the aroused masses. * * * Which side controls the armed forces fNo theoretical arguments are needed to answer this ques* tion, Every shooting, every kill* ing, every battle of every strke or demonstration shows police, deputies, state militia, federal troops in action against labor. That’s why hardened reporters gasped with surpirsc when 1'. T. W. leaders in Washington sug* gested that the president call out federal troops on the side of the strikers. It sounded completely absurd to them. And the next day the same strike leaders were having to protest that federal arms were being used against the strikers by National Guardsmen, and having to place the final re sponsibility directly on the federal authorities. * * # Federal responsibility was ad mitted in 1929 by the legal div ision of the IT. S. War Dept. After protest from the American Fed eration of Labor against state militia attacks on Elizabethton, Tenn., strikers, t aidvised Sec. of War Good that federal arms and equipment should only be used when state militia were acting as national guards and not as state police. w *44 / And ironically enough, a few days after U. T. W. eaders had suggested use of federa troops, these troops were in fact mobiliz ed for call to Rhode Island, but at the instigation of mill owners had not at labor request nor for use on labor’s side. DARING DEATH IN MOTOR CARS By R. A. Adams (For The Llteerary Service Bureau) They are spooning. They were in a motor car. It was night. The car was parked on Highway 40, the most dangerous highway in America, and the lights were out. The car was not far down the hill. Another car dashed down the hill at fifty miles an hour and crashed into the rear of the parker car. It was thrown in to a ditch and caught fire. The spooners were crushed, mangled and burned. Both are dead, and the young people in the death car will never forget their ex periences as they struggled to re lease the boy and girl from, the burn ing car. When those young people parked their car on the highway and turned off the lights, they were daring death and thousands do this almost every day. Driving while under in fluence of rum, driving with one hand on the wheel and the other arm around a girl, driving at reckless speed, passing cars on grades, driv ing with defective steering gears and defective brakes raeng when it is raining and the road is slippery, all are different phases of the folly of » daring death in motor cars. But death will not always take the dare, as the daily records show.