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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1934)
SOCIAL ' CLUBS - AFFAIRS ORGANIZATIONS . * ~~ - —---~ - -■---t t , r , ■ ■ r r . . -r>-r- . . »■>■>» . . * 1 ■ *■ —^■——^— i , , ■ ■ l i .1 hi. „ | im.».. l ■ mi ■■»-!. l■.■l■■lll■ «HW——> "" ""■ '■" "T** ' '' " . Four Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, Sept 15, 1934 .____ GUEST ENTERTAINED Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Crawford enter-J tained Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Dorsey of New York City and Mrs. R. C. Wil liams of August?, Ga. at a beautiful ly served dinner party, Thursday, Au gust 30 at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Davis of 2514 Corby St., entertained Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey of Ne. .w Y'ork at a lovely lun cheon, [Saturday afternoon. SAN FRANCISCO GUEST WELL ENTERTAINED Miss Rebecca Patterson of San Fran cisco, Calif., was the hoHse guest of Mrs. Russel E. Reese, of 2824 Binney St. for several days of the past week. Miss Paterson is enroute to Chicago, Phildelphia, New York, Washington, D. C. and Virginia. During her stay, she was rocipitent of many social court eousies. Saturday evening, Mrs. Reese enter tained with an orange sip, on Sunday IDEAL BOTTLING CO. “IF IT’S IDEAL IT’S GOOD” 1806 North 20th Street WEbstcr 3043 v?= * Or. Palmer Ad No. 26—1 Col. x 180 Llnea Know the Joqofa WHITENED GLOWING SKIN. CTooDarkComplexion UglyDisfiguringPimpIfs Rough Harsh Skin Lose the humiliation of ugly, hideous pimples. Lose all thoughts of having to go through life with a too d3rk skin. Instead— CALighter Complexion ACIcarClowingSkin The Popularity And EnvyThatCanBeYours How easy it is to gain friends, love, business success, popularity and the envy of those about you, when your skin is lighter, smooth and clear! Make up your mind right now to have all those things you wanted! JUST TRY THIS EASY SIMPLE GUARANTEED TREATMENT Go to your drug store right today and get DR. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment and DR. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener Soap. To night wash your face with the soap see how it digs down into the very 1 pores of the skin to remove darken ing dirt and shine-giving grime. Next spread the ointment gently over youj , face and neck. Leave on all night i and tomorrow when you wash yout face your own mirror will prove : that at last you have found the 1 ONE treatment that actually does , the work! Insist on DR. FRED ■ PALMER’S SKIN WHITENER OINTMENT AND SOAP. Only i 25c each at all drug stores or from DR. FRED PALMER LABORATORIES. i ATLANTA GEORGIA ■gfipfl * ] 0 afe; ■j*4 • I **4 i irl • 7 SB ▼ I B BH B. Li 11 S.l llij i’J ■UpBaaipp evening, a cocktail party was given in her honor. .. Monday Morning, a breakfast was given Miss Patterson, by the members of the Mitizi club. Tuesday, Mrs. Charles ranch enter tained at a dinner in ..honor of Miss Patterson, following a theatre party ■in the afternoon. Mias Patterson left Tuesday night, resuming her trip. 4 - A surprise party was given on Mrs. Russel E. Reese last Monday, by the Members of the Mitizi club of which Mrs. Reeso is a member and secretary. Mrs. Pinkie Cunningham and Mrs. Eegene Ford, from Portland, Ore. spent the week end as the house guest with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meredith, at 2530 urdettte St. Tlhey motored from Omaha to Birmingham, Ala. Mrs. Cunning ham and Mrs. Ford is the mother and sister of Mr. Meredith. We wish them a happy trip. Goood luck Harry. -G ATTEND SERVICES IN RED OAK, IOWA On Sunday Sept. 9, Rev. S. Ward of 1529 North J7th St., Mrs M. G. Arm strong, Mrs. M\ E. Hill and her daugh ter, Mrs. W. P. Robinson worshipped at Calvary Baptist Church im Red Oak, Iowa the Rev. W. M. Gold smith, pastor. Rev. S. Ward preached Sunday morning, his subject was, ‘‘Jesus Saves.’ Sunday night, his subject was "Jesus Said I Am The Door.” Services were spiritually high all day, every body was happy. MRS ROBERT SHERILL OF TUSCALOSA ENTERTAINED Mrs. Martha B. Evans entertained for Mrs. Robert Sherill of Tuscalosa, Ala. Wednesday morning. A delight ful luncheon vnaa served. Everyone left reporting a delightful tima. Mrs. J. H. Merritt of 2931 Franklin St. served breakfast for Mrs. Robert Sherrill. Six guests were present. A splendid repast was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris, of 2537 Burdette St. entertained eighteen gue«ts Thursday evening, in honor of Mrs. Sherrill who is the sister of Mrs. Har ris, and alsd her house guest. Mrs. Sherril was entertained Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. . F. Alison of 3025 Evans St. Mrs. Sherril was a calssmate of Mrs. Allison at Birming ham, Ala. Mrs. Sherrill proved to be very popular visitor while here in Oma ha. -G CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Mrs. Lucius Fulwood at 2722 Burd ette St celebrated her birthday Saturday evening Sept & at her home. 20 guests wrere present. Two courses were ser ved, candy and nuts, fruit salad on let tuce leaves ,ice cream and cake. Mrs. FulWoed reeeived many useful gifts, and many of her out of town guests remembered her on her birthday Those who assisted were,Mrs. J.. .F. Allison, Miss Juanita Allison, and Little Betty' and Williams Everybody left reporting they had an enjoyable and very plea sant evening -GG VISITS DR. G. B. LENNOX Rev. A. B. Lennox of Detroit, Texas the father of Dr. G. B. Lennox, and {TWO for ONE j SPECIAL ! A SUIT and DRESS $1 i Cleaned and Pressed .... | SUITS, cleaned & pressed... 50c! | PANTS cleaned & pressed ... 25c | i_____ || f OVERCOATS 60c 1 Cleaned and Pressed .... ,, ! • | TOPCOATS 60c i Cleaned and Pressed - jj • _ ,____ | INDIES’ DRESSES gQc & *!• i | Cleaned and Pressed it---—" i SUITS, Pressed 25c I • , | HATS, cleaned & blocked 50c 1 ^ Factory finish . I SHOES dyed any color 50c | T We Call for and Deliver $1.00 * and Over Orders i —ART’S HAT WORKS— I ARTHUR EURTON, Proprietor I 4833 So. 24th St. MA. 3136 t..... Mr. Harrington of Austin, Texas, bro ther of Mrs. Lennox, came to Omaha ' Saturday Sept. 8, to visit with Dr. and Mrs. Lennox. Rev. Lennox and Mr. ' Harrington left for home Monday Sept. 10. -GG MR. AND MRS. ELBRIDGE ENTERTAIN MANY GUESTS The home of Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge at 2522 Maple St. has been the scene Patton, is also a guest. The visitors this summer including Mrs. William Betts, visiting from Chicago, Profesosr and Madame Hosay, noted Psychologist from New York City and Mrs. Wil liams of Marshall, Texas, her daughter son and brother-in-law. Mrs Williams is visiting her brother Henry Davis. Mr. Davis is better known as “Rain coat Davis.“ He is a salesman for men and women wearing ijppt*rel nd so fr and women wearing apparel and so far Lastly, Mrs. George W. Gurthie of Kansas City, Mo., wife of Trivate Gur 1 thie of Fort Omaha. Mrs. Gurthie is a beauty culturist in Madame Walker Schoo in ansas City. All visiters announce a pleasant visit. -G MRS. PEIJLA MAE BREWER HONORED ON IRTHDAY Mrs. Carrie Davis entertained a few guests at a luncheon given at Jessie's Oriental Tavern on Friday night, in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Della Mae Brewer. The guests were Miss Cel estine Smith. Mrs. Lillian Petitlord, Mrs. Della Mae Brewer, Mrs. Carrie L. Davis and Mr. Archie Goodlett. LUNCHEON FOR ARCHIE GOODLETT The Beau Brummell Club honored Mr. Archie Goodlett with a midnight luncheon on Monday night, at Jessie's Oriental Tavern. The members and their friends reported a joyous time. DINNER FOR CUDAHY'S EMPLOYEES A dinner was served at Jehsie’s Orien tal Tavern for twenty ladies employed by the Cudahy Packing Co. After the dinner, the evening was spent in danc ing and enjoying refreshments. ATT'Y RALPH ADAMS VISIT ING BROTHER AND FRIENDS i Attorney Ralph Adams is in the city visiting with his brother, Attorney John Adams, Jr., and wife for a few days, enroute from Biringham, Ala., to Lincoln, Nebraska. Mr. Adams jyill attend the University of Nebraska thir fall, where he will | fn ish his law course at the close of the I school year. He h»s been teaching j in Alabama for the 11)33 - 34 ! school year. Mr. Adams, who was formery em i ployed at the Omaha Guide offices, -G VISITING PARENTS Mr. W. S. Fletcher of Washington, D. C., son of Attorney and Mrs. W. B. Bryant, is visiting with his parents enroute to Nebraska University. Mr. Fletcher is a graduate of Howard Uni versity and is going to take his Master Degree at the University of Nebraska -G MRS. TERRELL REPORTS AN ENJOYABLE TRIP Mrs. Florence Terrell, of 2502 No. 24th St., who has been visiting with her aunt, Mrs. HaTtie Hawthorne in Lou Angeles, returned back to the city Thursday Sept. 6. Mrs. Terrel in reporting on her trip states her three weeks stay in Los j Angeles was three weeks of unending pleasure. She greatly praises the California hospitality, saying she was exclusively entertained while there. The fact that she was entertained by so many former Omalwn also, made her stay even more pleasant, for she did not feel as a stranger. The former Omahans who entertained her and saw to it that she was not neglected were: Mr. and Mrs. Thadius Roundtree, Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Fos QUIVERING NERVES When you are just on edge s • • when you can’t stand the children’s noise :;; when everything you do is a burden ::: when you are irri table and blue .:. try Lydia £. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound. 98 out of 100 women report benefit; It will give you just the eatra en ergy you need. Life will seem woach living again; Don’t endure another day without the help this medicine can give. Get a bottle from your druggist today; VEGETAB1E COMPOUND j AUTUMN CHIC By CHERIE NK HOI.A9 I The new tweeds are simply stun ning both as to ‘color and novelty in texture and weave. The latest suit models styled of tweed have both a jacket and a long topcoat. Unless you have already proved it to your own satisfaction you have no idea how really'useful and practical these three piece suits are. The model pictured is In a very swagger-looking brown, beige and red’checked tweed. The long man nish topcoat can be worn as a separata fall wrap. The square patch pocket* on the jacket are distinctive. “BUTCHER BOY BaC IS MUCH IN FAVOR Poss'hly you have mvrr thought of your butcher as it very stylish person, flow we have Mrinbocher’s “the butch* er hoy hack." It’s a loose back gath ered from a shallow shoulder y be. Mhe front of this jacket or tunic, Whichever it happens to be, is belted. Belted front ami unbelted backs are regarded with favor ij.v all who have; seen this new arrangement. It adds an extra fillip to the two-piece cos tume, which is, as you know, one of the season’s latest pets. Since so many women find difficulty In wear ing bolts well, tiie partially beited idea is a life saver. Tunics have a long way to go be fore they catch up to their reputation. | We’ve been hearing about tunics con-“ sistentl.v, but that’s as far as one can ; truthfully say the idea has gone. I With the two-piece idea, having the j endorsement of the haute couture, , there is every reason to see the tunic ! coming in vogue at last. _ Collars This Fall to Be Worn Close to the Throat • Fall collars are something to watch. Most of them snug fairiy close to the j throat, big pilgrim collars, high roll collars and wide revers all being seen. Sleeves on the st-raighter coats are often large at the top, while those on , the looser, shorter designs generally, j display fullness near the wrist. Kelts j «re In again, since coats are lapping i well in front, and many a late mid-sea j son model is snugged about the figure by • narrow belt hardly an Inch wide. Hosiery Shades Hosiery colors that will be most Im portant for street wear this fall are' .dusky browns, taupe tones, emoke and ! gunmetal shades. For formal evening wear either skin tones or very dark ■hades In gossamer sheer will be worn. .____ ter, Mrs. . Winston, who will be rem embered in Omaha as Mrs. B. Majors, Mrs. Lily Balck, Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas, Mrs. Thomas will be remem bered as Miss Aline Dentley, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kelley, Mr. Kelley is a Los j Angeles Poiclemen, Mr. Roscoe Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferies Wislon, Mrs. j Wilson is the sister of Mr. Henry Black of Omaha. She also met Mr and Mrs. C. Duncan in San Frahcisco, who are the parents of Mrs. Pearl Hieronymous of Omaha. Mrs. Terrell spent some time also in San Francisco. The fact that a very mild earthquake was in Los Angeles while she was i there didn’t worry her because she states she didn't even f<el it only knowing about it after it had happened.1 -G VISITING WITH SISTER Mrs. Alberta Steels of 42? Dupont j Avenue North, Minneapolis, is in Oma ha visiting with her sister, Mrs. John Albert WiUiafms at 2418 Maple St. Mrs. Steels has been in the city about two weeks, and will leave for home 'Will act as representative in Lincoln, ed while in our city. Mr. and Mrs- N. p. Patton were host and hostess for their beloved cou’iin, Mrs. Ruth Wales and sister, Mjrs Flora Crossen of Indianapolis,' Ind., their friends, Mrs- F. H. Brew- | er of Columbia, and Mr. Rudolph Gardner also of ndanapolls. They were all gupt of the Patton Hotel last month. Dr- G. A. Patton and family of Atchison, Kansas, and sister, Miss Fannie Patton of TJopeka, Kansas, visited Mr and Mrs. N. P. Patton over Labor Day. Dr- Patton is the j nephew of Mr. Patton. Mrs. Archie Watts of 2210 Clark St. en- j tertained at a dinner Monday, Sept. I 10, honoring Mrs. Kelley Robinson of / , Independence, Kans., who is visiting with her. \ Mrs. Clara Patton, sister-in-law of\ Mr- and Mrs. N. P. Patton, are the guest of the Patton HoteL and Mrs. Louisa Jackson, friend of Mrs. Clara Patton, is aslo a guest. The visitors are from Oakland, Calif., Mrs- Clara Patton is formerly of Omaha. ENGAGED Friends have learned, through Oma ha's whispering society, that Miss Katherine Williams, the daughter oi the late Rev. John Albert Williams, and Mrs- Lucinda Williams, is engag ed to Mr. Arnold Walker of St. Louis, Mo., a graduate from the University of Nebraska, Mr. Walker is now em ployed in welfare service, in St- Louis, Mo. The wedding is said to take piace some time between now and February. -G-■_ Mrs. Willa Mae Backley of Chicago is visiting here with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watts, of 2210 Clark St. SURPRISED MARRIAGE Miss Mildred Bionson o' 2514 De catur St., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I H.. M. Bronson, sui'prised her pa rents and many friends by getting married Monday, Sept. 10. Miss Bionson became the bride, of Mr.. Lawrence Martin, clerk in the Hayden Grocery Store, in Council Bluffs, Iowa.., Monday afternoon, Sept. 10. Miss Bronson is a former steno grapher of the Omaha Guide.. —-G Miss Melva McCaw is in Chicago visiting with Sherman Dudley of 6614 Indiana Ave, a cousin. Miss McCaw’s stay will be indefinite. Mrs. Erma Smith of Mobile, Ala., is here visiting with her mother, Mrs. Hester Wilson of 2236 Seward St. -G-:— HAPPY HOUR BRIDGE CLUB The Happy Hour Bridge club held its initial meeting of thet season at the home of Mr and Mrs. Me Fall,, on Thursday night Sept. 6. Plans were liscussed and made for the future. We initial meeting of the season at the Happy Hour Bridge club. Mrs. Viola McFall—President Mrs. Juila Wesh—Reporter -G PICK IIP CLUB The Pick UP Club of the Pleasant Green Baptist Church met at the home of Rev. E. Green and wife, Tuesday night of their regular meeting.• Oh Boy, It’s Here Free Lunch With Beer FREE MENU—TAKE YOUR CHOICE Each Night With Budweiser Beer—Starting 8:30 p. m- Uuntil 6 a. m. MONDAY _ CHICKEN SALAD TUESDAY - CRAB SALAD WEDNESDAY......AMERICAN SPHAGETTI THURSDAY _ SALMON SALAD FRIDAY _ SARDINE SALAD SATURDAY ______ TAMALIES SUNDAY _ SHRIMP SALAD Remember we sell the best Barbecue in town. It is barbecued by Colonel Mason and served by Gen eral Knox. MASON AND3 KNOX CAFE * 2307 North 24th Street WEbster 4208 THE HOME OF THE KING OF BOTTLED BEER BUDWEfSER —CARD OF THANKS— WE THANK OUR MANY FRIENDS FOR THEIR KIND WORDS OF SYMPATHY AND BEAUTIFUL FLORAL OFFERING, IN THE PASSING OF OUR DEAR WIFE AND SISTER, MRS. IDA McINTOSH. L. F. McINTOSH, HUSBAND TOM GILLLIN, BROTHER BRICE JOHNSON, BROTHER REV. ED JOHNSON, BROTHER * ROY JOHNSON, BROTHER KATIE TAYLOR, SISTER —CARD OF THANKS— WE THANK OUR MANY FRIENDS AND NEI'GBORS FOR THEIR KINDNESS. EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY, TEIrJCrRAMS. RESOLUTIONS AND FLORALS GIVEN DURING THE ILLNESS AND DEATH OF OUR WIFE, MRS. FREDDYE PORTER WHO DIED AUGUST 10, 1934. WE EXTEND OUR THANKS TO THE LOYAL MEM FEPS OF ZION BAPTIST CHURCH AND REV. C. C. HAR FEP, *ND MANY OTHERS WO CAME TO US IN OUR EXTREME SORROW. AND ALSO TO MYERS FUNERAL HOME FOR EFFICIENT SERVICE RENDERED. MR. LEROY PORTER HUSBAND MRS. JULIA McCOWAN, SISTER ing with the vice president, Mamie Mc Intosh presiding. The presidents of each club present were: Sister Etrella Waters of the Autumn Leaf Club; Sister B. Pearl of the Sewing Circle and Sister Milton of the Pastors Aid Club. The meeting was well attended. The President Sister Addie Turner was ab sent, on account of attending the Bap tist Convention in Oklahoma City. We all pray for her happy return. The meeting was opened with our regular de votion inviting the Holy Spirit in with us, and we had one very good high spirited meeting, which will never be forgotten. We drew out of our trea sure, $10, from Sister Tripp Louis to be turned over to the church. All of the clubs are working fine in love of one another. Visitors were sister Rev. Crowder, whom we helped in her club work, also Mrs. Bertie Artis of Lincoln. Sister King—Secretary A. Green—Reporter -G TROJAN REPORT Here we are again folks! The Tro jan club season is open. The girls, were all out Tuesday with gay spirits to start the club season out right. ! Mrs. Dorothy Pollard, the president j was right on the job with her snappy i ideas. We all believe that under her leadership the club will progress as usual. The Trojans decided to open the cub season with a Kid party very soon. So if you see overgrown litte girls in short panty dresses with ribbons on their tresses, don't think they are can didates for -well they're j __ Swiftest and Best RHEUMATIC PRESCRIPTION ! 85 Cents - : Pain—Agony Starts to Leave in 24 Hours ---- . Just ask for Allesru—Within 24 hours, after you start to take this j n safe yet powerful medicine excess uric acid and other circulating poisons start to leave your body. In 48 hours pain, agony and swell ing-are usually gone—The AUenru prescription is guaranteed—if one bottle doesn’t do as stated—money j '■ back. I just coming to the party. We’re going to put over more educa tional programs this year too, Visitor and new members are always welcome* Roberta Pharr—-Reporter TELLS HOW SHE TOOK 4 INCHES OFF HIPS 7 INCHES OFF WAIST Tn 40 days by taking Kruschen Salts. Mrs. Helga Blaugh of New York City reduced 26% lbs.—to»k 4 Inches oit hips, 3 Inches off bust and 7% Inches on waist. She writes: "I haven't gone hun gry a momeht*-I tee I fine and look 10 yrs. younger." To get rid of dou ble chins, bulging hips, ugly rolls of fat on waist and upper arms SAFELY and without discomfort— -— ,\ne same timo build up glorious health and acquire sl clear skin, bright eyes, energy and yivaciotuness—to look younger and feel it—take a half teaspoonfulof Kru fichen Salts in a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast One jar lasts 4 weeks and costs but a trifle at any drugstore the world over. Make sure you get Kruschen ^ s SAITISt Money back if not satisfied. Now Located At 2122 N. 24th Si. ue. 277© 4- Mavis Talcum Powder is f. blessing to the vigorous, active man. Its use gives complete freedom from unpleas ant body irritations, chafing, and the effects of perspiration. It guards the skin; actually keeps you cool and deo dorizes as it absorbs. For a well kept body, use it every day all over. But, be sure it’s Mavis, in the familiar red con tainer— it never dogs the pores. For men, women and children of all ages, from babyhood up. by V1VAUDOU 25^ 50^ *]°° TALCUM POWDER