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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1934)
[PAST, present: and fLIUKt I i _ B. W. —Will you please advise me whether or not I should marry the man I have in mind ? A ns: The man you hwe been cor responding would like very much to makie you his wife, but I would not advise you to marry him as long as there is the slightest doubt in your mind about him. Anyone who is as close with money as you are couldn’t be happy with a spend thrift. M.. B_—Where will I go to school ? AN9: Concentration reveals your aunt coming down to see you this summer anr taking yon baik home with her You wiil attend school jn % the city she now lives in.. y'■",vv v-isirfrCl* &f^.,J S. M.—Please ijell me how soon will my daddy own a car and have the lights turned back' on ? t ) Aflst Just as soon as he gets im*»ey- enough. He too. is just as foryl of good t^.nes and luxuries as^ you are- Be knows when he.can af- ^ ford a thing and when he caUt. Try Having your own pennies and heip ! him and the day will come when you will be in a new home and have a new car and modern conveniences. — » O. P ,-Will the doctor I owe a Alamito I II NO PRICE INCREASE • Our extra rich Gratia A Milk ! now contains Vitamin D, intro duced the natural way by feed ing our cows irradiated yeast.' j • Vitamin D builds and repairs bones and teeth and prevents | rickets and respiratory infec tion. Phone Jackson 2555. If Constipated Get Prompt Relief COSTS YOU NOTHING IF IT FAILS! Don’t expose yourself to sickness and disease by having a run-down conditioi caused by constipation or faulty elimination- Make sure that you cleanse your entire system with PURATONE, the remarkable Laxative Tonic and system cleanser PURATONE relieves the . most stubborn cases of constipation— builds up sVcngth and energy—puts your stomach in “tip-top” shape and helps you have a CLEAR COM PLEXION PUP ATONE MUST do the work for you, otherwise it costs you nothing. Thousands of sufferers have been relieved through the help of YUR ATONE- * Take (he coupon below to the Duffy Pharmacy, Owen Pharmacy, Ross Drug Store, Johnson D~ug Store, Robinson Drug Store, Thull Pharmacy- FOR SPECIAL OFFER T.V.WV.W.V.V.'.V.ViV.'.W. THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 36c Upon presentation of this coupon and S9o to the DUFFY PHARMACY, OWEN PHARMACY, ROSS DRUG STORE, JOHNSON DRUG STORE, ROBINSON DRUG STORE THULL PHARMACY vou will be given a full sized *1-25 bottle of PURATONE Use This Coupon Today— It’s W orth 36c to You largo doctor bill to. cut this bill or will I hBve to file suit? f Ajth: I believe it will not not be necessary for you to file suit against th hospital you were in for your op eration. They realize that it was their mistake when they left a needle in vonr body and will do the right thing by you and cut the bill. I. V S.—Will my son be successful or will he hawe to give up hi's plans? Ans: Your son will have to make I another attempt before he will get in the Navy. That line is crowded at this time and he will have to remain on the waiting list quite a while be fore- they will be able to take him. ( E.. E.. M —My sister wants me. to; return to school. What do you think j I should do about it? Ans. It would be a brilliant ideal for yon to corttnue your educatoB however, you cannot go to school ia your hejne town on account of the) misfortune you had two years ago, ?s you will he looked down upon. . Why not go to another city to com plete your education and let this mis take be outlived. R. C:—T'o yon think I should change my course in college? Ans: Since you are planning on: teaching in the grade school, it would I*> a good idea for you to take up j the course in that line. If you do. not take this coarse now, yon will i have to take it before' you will be j pc.* nit ted to teach grade school. J. R .—.When and where will I get to see the people I have in mind? Ans: Your father and uncle are now in Detroit, Michigan, it is re vealed that you will get to pay them i visit in the near future Why don’t you let your father know how bad ly you want to see him—I believe you persuade him to give -you enough money to make this trip. V. H.—Will yo u please tell me what causes this breaking out I have? Ans: This breaking out on your face and back appears to be ACNE wkich is a disease that is hard to •ure with medicine. Have your doc tor make you out a diet as I beliye this will be the best way to cure it. — O S.—Do you advise me to have an eperation and should I get mar ried? • •:> Ans: I see no reason why you. should not get married, to this man you are now engaged to. This op eration you are planning on having does not seem to be very serious, however it will be several years after it before you will be able to bear a child. -G REVIVAL IN BUILDING INEVLTABLE ’ In a recent article in the. Annalist, Walter Ingalls says that the nation's _ I '► ('*'77 *■ *?: «*‘Wf *■ •v«r/* **».*> -'*i DJER-K1SS TALCUM N t - <• * -v¥^| i % 52 at *****<*»♦ ? Hi**. Hal .Jt' %r fttPHi 1 *ri * *\ • Alt the world knows Djer-Kiss is foremost among all Talcums. For the whole family, after bathing, it is indispensable. Use it daily. Softer,’ finer, absolutely pure—it protects and absorbs. The delicate, inimitable Djer-Kiss fragrance, of course. White and Rose. B I \ ft' • *w--hyJLjp4 25* * **'1 5?TT I Regular * y^f f*j She -aft »*»n i / VoneWe, Purse Size . . ‘ . . . . -—_— —jrTp-1*-->- •?, -«p 6 BOSSES VIOLENCE' MARKS TEXTILE STRIKE (Federated Pictures) i - ■ ^ ■ I - I I i -• -I i III HI ~i i mu I -.X&f.MWfj SW-Tb IHUUJJ jjm While the newspapers hadlirtee violence on the part of textile f rikers. the4 bosses brought out troops to stage their own violence. Here kid troopers are shown searching a car near a cotton niill at Seneca, S. C. They ‘' foud no bombs” •- -- — - —\ ■ - residential buldng be rive en 1920 land lb29 wpe hot in excess of require ments. Even though the high aver age total of 5.000,000 new residences were erected each year, changes in popvlation density, increases in the total population, and obsolescence of o’d dwellings, prevented 'overproduc tion of housing.. Since 1929, residential building has dropper from' 5900000 homes a year; to less than 100000. The shortage is especially acute, in rtyal ristricts* inasmuch a? depres sion forced an exodus, frog c-ties to the farm. Also, the. rnral homes of fer the greatest field for raising the standard of housing through ntrodul tion of fabir saving conveniences. It seems inevitable that the United States,'Within,the comparatively near future, will witness heavy increases in building and remodeling. —-G- . (Continued from Pave I) ing the disturbance. After the mana ger left the white boys were alleged ed to have started calling the colored boys names, and abusing them, which resulted in a fight, and both of the colored boys were cut on ^the right cheek- They were taken to the Lord Lister Hospital by officer Buford, and attended by Dr. Goodrich, then went to their homes. The white boys *left the theatre before the officer arrived, but a de scription of the boys was given- ' CHILD PUSHED prom SLIDE Friday, Sept. 7, Bessie Kintf, of 3015 Pinkney St., was playing at Kountze Park, sliding on the. slide. When at one time, she got half way down, she was alleged to have been pushed by an unidentified white girl causing her to fall off the slide and eut her little toe- She was taken to the Lord Listar Hospital, where her toe had to be amputated. Follow the crowd—buy The OMAHA GUIDE NOW!!!!—Bert Moore TAKEN SUDDENLY ILL Mi»s< Catherine Wheat of 1844 No. 22nd St., was in the company of her sister, Mrs. Helen Hytthe, walking north on 16th St., when Miss Wheat became suddenly ill. Miss Wheat, without a warning, i suddenly fell to the side walk. She was immediately taken to the Lord Lister Hospital in the police ambu lance by officers Kaufhold and Brodie, and was attended by Dr. Attwood, and sent home. Old friends are like old shoes, I know to old friends new friends will grow, may our acquaintance never he past. May they be made on friendships last —Bert Moore PLEADS NOT GUILTY A man came before the Judge A f t e r hearng 'the’ evdonce of three witnesses, the Judge said to the defendeht, “How can you plead not guilty when these three people! saw you do it?” The man said, “Judge, your honor, there are three million people that didn't see me do it” Judge took the ease under con sideration. PROPRIETOR AND PATRONS ' ROBBED On Sept- 10, Tony Castro, ^proprie tor of the ,Jjggs Beer Tavern at 622 Hickory, Pete Swanson and Jens Jen son, patrons, reported that three men, came into the Beer Tavern, robbed the cash register of $40.00 and took TIRED, ACHING, SWOLLEN FEET Sloone's Emerald Oil Guaranteed to Stop All Pain and Soreness and Banish Offensive Odors In just one ipiiiute after an appli cation of Emerald Oil you’ll' get the surprise of your life. 'Your tired, tender, smarting, burning feet will - literally -jump, for joy. No fuss, no trouble; you just ap ply a fftt drops'of the oil over the surface of’the'fodt night and morn ing, or when occasion requires. Just 1 a- little ;jnd rub; it in. it's singly wonderful the way ft. ends all foot nfiseHr, whTM fbr fe:etntfrat sweat " and give off an offensive odory* Up* ■>, tbgre’&aQthing, battAF-io.the,., ■; world. Mooneys Emerald Oifw's' guaranteed to end your foot troubles or money back. from the pockets of the victims $121. The robbers wore white masks over the*?- faces. The third man stav ed at the wheel of a car outside, wait ing for the other men to return with the money. , Castro. Swanson and Jenson gave r. description of the two men who came inside, but they did not pet a cho.nco to see the man at , the wheel good enough for a description. INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT Mrs. Alice Martensen of 1607 No 22th St., was injured in a car collis smn. ' ' Mrs. Martensen was driving east on Frankliri St., at 28th on Sunday, S pt- 9th, when her car collided with * r driven bv Charles Lvnch of 2811 Franklin St. Mrs. Martensen received injuries en the right ankle. After the accident, Lynch left the scene, but was arrested by officers Jenkins and Jones, at 24th and Frank lin. Lathalia Jones of Des Moines, la., was riding with Lynch at the time of the accident. She was arrested and held as a material witness In the case. Lynch was taken to the police sta tinn and charged with reckless driv— j ing and leaving the scene of the acci-1 dent. Mr- and Mrs. Curtis Robinson of 221.2eCharles, returned home Sept, e, from an auto trip to Chi a go and Mil waukee, where Mr. Robinson was visit1 ng* during his vacation. They two days with his mother at Milwaukee. — RCB v TWENTY GRAND FOOL ALL Three men entered the Twenty (fraiid Pr'ol Room and Barber Shop, 1:3$d N. 2 tth St., Sunday, Sept. 2, at 2:2b n. ra. The robbers took $50-00 from the assistant manager, Tommy C'temrn. One man stood at the front door,, while the other two men went behind; the petition, into the pp'>! hall. One man with a 45 pistol, covered Coleman while the others scooped up the nioney. The patrons ran out of the place when they saw the revolver. Policemen Investigated and got the description of the men. 4 ■'*-vi May the cares that injest the day, Fold their tents like the Arabs and PAN AMERICAN (Continued from Paco 1) transcontinental flight, and a Good will Flight to Montreal, Canada, were successfully completed last year. The Pan American Flight has the approval of the Aeronautics Branch of the United States Department of Commerce and the endorsement of the Atlantic City Board of Trade, the Federation of Colored Women’s Clubs of the State of New Jersey, the Chamber of Commerce of Ardmore. Penn The Chamber of Commerce of Bryan Mawr, Penn., and other- or ganization of both the colored and white races.-.._ The series of Goodwill flights are being made to create a better uti derstandin-' at d appreciation of the for us prestige and respect, to in spite our youth to achievement m all fields of e-.<it avoir, * and to create among colored persons everywhere an increase in race pride and sell con fidence. S’ The flight is being financed by iit | terested persons, clubs, churches, and other organizations throughout the ctfuntry who are desirous of advanc ing the interests of the Race and of | writing another page in the history of NegTo Progress. (Contributions from those who ws-h to add to the safety of the project and help to make its success a cer tainlty, should be sent immediately to the National Chairman of the In ter-racial Goodwill Aviation Com mittee, 40(1 Delta Ave., Atlantiq City, N. J.. Such contributions will be used to purchase muck needed navi r.tion instruments and parachutes The names of fell persons contribut ing one dollar or more will be in scribed on a scroll to be endorsed by : officials of the countries visited and kept as a historical document The State Department in Washing ton is making the customary ar rangements ;wj| Jfck.'ore-jgn govern j ments. As seo W* these are com pleted (probably about the third week in September) the flight will start-. Itenerary Of Proposed Flight Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., indicates the number of days after leaving Miami, Florida.. Atlantic City, New Jersey te the starting point and terminus., colored race ’by (other races, *o gain STOPPING PLACES AEvRIVE DEPART Miami. Florida a. rrv 1st day Nassau, Bahamas a 1st day a. m.. 2nd day Havana, Cuba a. m. 2nd day a.. m_. 3rd day Santiago, Cuba p.. m. 3rd day a., m.. 4th day Kingston, Jamaica a . m.. 4th day a. m. 7th day Port an Prince, Haiti a. m.. 7th day a. m.. 9th day Santo Domingo, Dominican Rep., a! m. 9th day p_. m.: 9th day . San Juan, Perto Rico p. m. 9th day a. m.. 10th day St .'Thomas. Virgin, Islands a., m. 10th day p. m_. 12th day I Guadeloupe, French W. I. p. m.. 12th day a. m>. 13th day | Forth of Spain, Trinidad p.. m.. 13th day a., m. loth day Grenada(?) Georgetown, British Guiana pi.. m. 15th day a. m. 16th day Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana p. m.. 16th day a., m.. 17th day Cayenne, French Ghiana a. m. 17th day p.. m.. 17th day Para, Brazil p.. m.. 17th day a., m. 18th day Returning To 4o_p .. - I Cayenne, French Guiana a. m. 18th day la. m_. 18th day Georgetown. British Guiana p.. m. 18th day a., m.. 20th day Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela a., m. 20th day p. m. 20th day Maracaibo.. Venezula p.. m.. 20th day a., m.. 21st day • Barranquilla, Colombia p. m; 21st day p. m*. 21st day Cartegfnav Colombia p.. m.. 21st day a., nm. 22nd day Turbe, Colombia P- m. 21st day a. m. 22nd day. Cristobal City, Republic Panama a . m.. 23rd day p.. m.. 23rd day San Jose, Costa Rica p. m. 23rd daj} a. m.. 25th day Managua, Nicaragua a., m.. 25th day P~ try. 25th day San Salvador, El Salvador V m. 25th day a. m. 26th day Tela, Honduras a., m.. 26th day . a., m.. 26th day Belize, British Honduras p. m. 26th day a. m.. 28th day Guatemala City, Guatemala p.. m.. 28th day a., nv. 29th dayf Tapachula, Mexico a . m. 29th day a. m. 29th day Vera Cruz, Mexico P- 29th day a., m.. 29th day Mexico City, Mexico a.' m. 30th day a. m.. 32nd day Tampico, Mexico a., m.. 32nd day a., m.. o2nd daj^ j. Broumsrille, Texas V - m. 32nd day a. m. 33rd day From Brownsville, Texas the-flight will proceed to various cities in the United States terminating in Atlantic City, New Jersey.. f{ . .-----:---: - ' THE REPUBLICAN PARTY of Nebraska , WILL HAVE CAMPAIGN SPEAKERS IN OMAHA SOON WATCH IIJEIH AX£.QEXCEMEXTS. CO AXD HEAR WHAT * --.. - fHEl' HATE TO*’s vr: AAHTTE for CampaignEiteratirre To ' — ■.ti ■■■: \r. ■ . ■ ' fn; *'LYLE JACKSON/Chtf rmW RepublicanStatS OafcaMtfee ■ !, t .. . •: :L ‘ • LINDELL HOTtlL • LINCOLN, NEBR. p----j-m ' ,t-•; silently ste*! away—Bert Moore News is fresh information, get in ormation from the people, of the people to be read by the people. I k will keep a record of the people who famish the information, nothing but clean news solicited—Bert Moore A Mr. Johnson was very much peeved by a recent article furnished by an associate of his, Fifth line of the poetry’ puzzle ^ jflL “I will close my eyes to everything I if you will close your heart to me.” INVESTf8«TrB!SCR:MINITiflN At the meeting held at the City Hall, Thursday, the workers, ex-ser vice men’s league, appointed a com mittee to Investigate a report that there had been discrimination toward Negroes in the hiring of labor on the ! South Omaha Bridge PWA. Project, The committee is composed of N. A. Ieary. Post ‘Commander, ML L., Har ris. ov .Sweet and Henry Wiese;. u_ nisn PBflrwnp* wmsw SHOT fit LE3 Eugene Pierre of 2417 N. 22nd St.. at tempi ing to escape arrest after I flashing a gun at 2024 N. ‘24th St..i was shot in the leg, Wednesday nil .. Sept.. 12.. - It was reported that Pierre went into a local cafe at 2024 N.. 24th St..' and ordered the employees to “stand i back/' one of the customers took him j out oi' the cafe, and sent him up the street. The police were called, an ' Berkhemier and Greer responded, hit er finding Pierre and arrested him. Pierre on escape £>'0in the the officers, Was shot in the leg. He is noi\v in the Lord Lister Hos pital suffering from a gunshot wound in the kft leg. ! -r, •TOUT iPSJM® wmfc % At an overflow meeting of young Republicans, at 2010 No. 24th St, after an enthusiastic address by Atty. John Adams. Jr-, Republican candidate foT the Legislature fro.i the ninth district, a permanent or ganization was formed, and the fol lowing persons were elected to office: President. Arthur B. McCaw, First Vice President, Lovejoy Crawford, Second Vice President, Harvey Car ter, Third Vice President, Dillard' Crawford, Secretary, Estelle Robert son, Treasurer, Robby Turner Davis. The election of members to the board of directors was referred until the, following meeting, Wednesday night,' Sept. 11- All young Republicans are welcome. . :■ 1 • CORFOniUEVl Sill! DIES 111 ’■ mm. I ' I Mr. Corporal Levi Smith, died in j | the Veterans Hospital in Tucson,) Arizona, Aag. 28. His aunt, Mrs. Ada Woodson, left 0*r<aha Monday Aug. 20 to be at his bed side, and was present at his death. Mrs. Woodson brought the body to Omahs for burial- A Military Fun eral was held under the auspices of the RooSi velt Post No. 1, at the Jones & Co. M >rtuary, Saturday afternoon '•.V2 p. n- Corporal Smith leaves to mourn his death, his father, Mr. Perry Sriith; one sister, Miss Dora Diuford; three aunts, Mrs, Ada Wood son. Omaha, Mrs. Viola Wilhite, Mrs. ir< no M. Oliver; and one unde,'■ Mr Peter Duon, Douglgs, Ariz. -G— , Close at 4:00 A M Saturday and Sunday. Good Food PI us EFFICIENT SERVICE, KingYuen Cafe Chop buey and Ketcamein oar hobby American und Chinese Dishes '.'hone J Ji. 8576 2010 Vx North 24th St Omaha. U. S. A. I ! COME IN AND OPEN AN I . . - , . . f, ;■ <$ n f ACCOUNT I "* At Your Neighbor jFUR HITURE STORE 2118 North 24th Steet CASH OR CREDIT S MALL D O W N PAYMENTS I Complete Line o f Used FURNITURE I VARICOSE VEINS— ULCERS—OLD SORES \ Clean Powerful Penetrating Oil Quickly Promotes Healthy Healing Get a two-ounce bottle of Moone’s Emerald Oil' (full strength) with the distinct understanding that you must get quick relief and splendid results or your money cheerfully re funded. The very first application will give you relief and a fevr short treat □ments will thoroughly con vince you that by sticking faithfully to it a short while longer your troubles will disappear. Guaranteed. ■ — — — — Damp Wash Sv3|c Per Pound ; ft&ifinim Baidh 43s Edholm and Sherman LAUNDERER AND DRY CLEANERS 2401 North 24th St. Wfc 6035 l .. - j . .. n S»* .:-4 ft tri tin ^ QUICK RESULTS! . . . that’s !, what you want! QUICK ACTION that lightens your skin to amazing fairness right before your eyes! No i waste of time or money ... no dis appointments! That’s the kind of ’ satisfaction you’ll get wKen you use) Black and White Bleaching Cream, the scientific bleach that goes r’ghc down to your skin’s 4th layer where i coloring is regulated. That’s why Black and White leaves ordinary * bleaches shades behind ... why it I lightens and whitens skin with thrill* | ing speed arid fades out discolors* . tiens, clears up bumps far quicker ; than anything you ever used before. ► Be„ sure that you get the original ; and genuine Black and White ' Blea:eKihg Cream (Double-Strength), i Fof fcesf resides, always use Black I and Wbite-Skitt Soap f25fc) b#fori‘ } you apply Genuine Black and l- Whi^e Bicadbing Creata.- irroi '■ -■■■■. i. ■■■ ..., i , ,—- ,, . , „ j* IT un e in ,»* iuMudiU'^ • Featuring Guy Lomoardo's Orchestra Every Wednesday Night, NBC Network * -■ .. .