The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 08, 1934, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    B a s-e b-a l-l
i, Plaid for Style-Wise College Girl
_. r
Love demands a
light clear skin
15th & Vinton Sts.
I m BBmrwrm w it ■i i « ■ ■ ■vr«vri-«Wi-rrrmri-n rr« ■ Tmi-ri ■■■**■ ■■ -- - ...»
Game Called 8:00 p.m.
Ickes’ determined to end
NEW YORK — Sept. 1—The assur
ance of Secretary of the Interior
Harold L. Ickes that discrimination
against Negro labor on publi works
will be overcome “if it is legally pos
sible,” is contained n a letter made
public today by Walter White, Secre
tary of the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People..
The letter dated, August 16, is in re
ply to telegrams sent to President
Roosevelt and Secretary Ickes on
August 3, on the eve of their inspec
tion of great public works in the Far
West, and urging that the problem of
the discrimination against colored
workers again engage their attention.
The Association has been wagnv a
long fight for the employment of
more Negro workers at Boulder Dam
at Las Vegas, Nevada, and similar
projects of the Public Works Admi
Secretary Ickes’ letter follows:
My dear Mr.. White:
Your telegrams of August 3 to,
President Roosevelt and me were re
ceived. The President has referred
your message to me and I am answer
ing them both..
We feel very keenly the importance
of employing Negro workers on a fair
and equal basis.. Unexpected dif
ficulties have arisen through the cir
cumvention of my order of Septem
ber 21. 1933, which, as you will re
member, clearly stated that there
was to be no discrimination.. I assure
you that I am determined to use all
my power to see to it that these dif
ficulties are overcome, if it is legal
ly possible. I have ordered my staff
to work on the situation and various
proposals are now under study..
(Continued from Pa?® 1)
the back dor. threw it £>pen. There in
the back yl-d under a c® }t<Jnw|>od
tree stood the family car- She stepped
over to it. Inside, fast asleep on an
improvised bed lay her husband while
on top of the oar stod the spray wish
the garden hose attached. Far and
wide the mist was flung, cooling the
air and bringing sweet dreams to the
sleeper beneath. He had wearied of
the long delay of science in producing
..a practicl. inexpensive air condition
er and had taken the matter in his
own hands. Evidently he had attain
his goal for he slept as only weary
mertas do when they have achieved
success. z
In Three Quick Stages
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At last, here is a start
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claring that the cotton can rot in the
boll unless they win their demands,
cotton pickers of the Black Belt ara
preparing a soKd strike this fall un
der the leadership of the Share Crop
pers Union. They are demanding a
minimum of $1 a hudred pounds for
picking cotton
The Union is making a drive to
line up all farm laborers share-crop
pers, tenants and poor farmers be
hind this demand ef the otton-pick
ers. The Union has 6.000 members,
and is rapidly making gains in many
sections of the Black Belt. While the
largest number of members are Ne
groes. many white laborers and crop
pers have joined the organization.
Relief Cut Off
Relief authorities in the Black Belt
are cutting off aid, saying that “the
niggers aren’t hungry enough to work
and have to be driven into the fields
te pick the cotton.” The rate for
last year ranged from 35 cents to
75 cents per hundred pounds.
The plow-under and reduced acre
age program in the cotton belt has
meant driving thousands of cotton
croppers and tenants off the land, ac
cording to the Share Croppers Union.
Less acreage also means fewer pick
ers needed, and the landlords are tak
ing advantage of the situation t»
drive wages down. Last year relief
bureaus all over the South cut off
aid at cottonpiaking time, sending
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With how long how thick, how straight
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If your hair is short around the temples;
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Don’t endure another day without
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PfTUMTW OTPI.T ' nngpg rnr » p
p’-AIPS to the r:ght, pl.Vds to
* the left, pi; iil« everywhere in the
autumn style pageant, did one ever
see so many plaids as are flaunting
their gay colors and bold patterning*
.throughout fashion's realm this sea
son? Plaids in irtiuring lightweight
woolens, in smart rayon weaves, stun
ning taffeta plaids and knitted plaids,
too. they are nil among “those pres
ent’ in the early fall collections with
Tery special emphasis given them in
The much-featured showings of campus
Evidently, according in the fell style
program, the college girl is supposed to
d ue, to dance, to play golf and ten
nis. to motor, to study and even to
sleep in plaids. Not fiction but fact.
This about sleeping hi plaids, for one
of the smartest items to enrol! in a
college wardrobe is a sleepfng and
lounging pajama outfit of gay plaid.
, The most practical are made of smart
| cotton prints which are styled with
i cunningly designed tunics which are
' made delightfully feminine, with such
i dainty details as collar and cuffs of
1 scalloped white organdie piped with
the plaid, together with a wide sash of
!the plaid material which tie* gypsy
: fashion in a big romantie bow at one
A leading question put up to the
college girl is as to whether she will
have her frock, suit or ensemble of all
plaid “alone by itself’ or shall it be
partly ofjplaid and partly of a weave
in solid gplor. Either or both is the
answer, for the advance showings pre
sent as convincing arguments in favor
of one as the other. An outstanding
fashion Is t-he dress which is tailored
of all-plaid with not a frill or furbe
low to mar its sophisticated simplicity.
You see the idea illustrated to the
right in the picture. The girt seated
is also wearing a frock of this type,
in brown and light beige, made in
shirtwaist fashion. The buttons are
Alabama Supreme Court on Aug.. 27
refused to hold an early session for
the purpose of considering the peti
tion for re-hearing of the death sen
tences against Haywood Patterson &
Clarence Norris, two of the Scotts
( boro Boys
This petition was filed by attor
neys for the International Labor De
fense after the Alabama Supreme
Court had upheld the last two death
verdicts against the boys.
The ruling means that the defense
petition 'for r®-hearing will not be
heard until October, when the Ala
bama Supreme Court begins its regu
lar sessions.
_~0- -
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PURATONE MUST do the work
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„ _ _ _ !
of brawn braided leather.
Tbs plaid for tbs Areas os tbe *f*fi4
Ins fts'i'a to tbs rtfbt la lx rod whit#
and Mus a ad It !a ses «d Mass faab
innnhle thin woolen weave* which Is
! del gijtMimciy l'ghtweight and there
j fere pleasing to wear in the ctn
room. A bright blue (*>!t and scurf
enter attractively into the color scheme.
As a matter of fact the two-piece dr**
tailored of plaid is not only a
college girl favorite, for wbetter yon
go t« school, to office or saunter aboiv
j town during tin* shopping hour* a plnic
fbH'k's the th'iar this season which in
, terprets chic «! its smartest.
Tremendously clever tilings are be
i mg doge with plaid plus plain. Sm !i
as the topping of a black velveteen
skirt with a striking plaid jacket such
as i* shown in t!»e foreground of th
group. The plaid wool jacket is in
bhtck. gre«Hi and white with black cal'
belt. The modish tie ret is of green
duvefyn and «f course, in answer to
the demand of present-day milliitery
fashkiB. it needs must sport a dashing
little feather. The blouse, which you
cannot see in the picture. Is of match
ing green duvetyn. An ascot scarf of
black velveteen adds the finishing
touch to this ensemble.
In the charming autumn costume pic
tured to the left above the order is
reversed in that the skirt is plaid and
the Jacket is in the solid color. Here
a dark brown cut-velvet jacket sur
mo ants a skirt ia plaided brown, green
aad beige. The turtle-neck blouse is
of green jersey. The color combina
tion for this costume is noteworthy
since it is typical of the newest trends.
There is a disposition on the part of
designers to combine any number of
rich autumn colors working nut ef
fects which flavor of the picturesque
Alpine costumes even to the soft felt
hats with their audacious little quills
and feathers.
And have yutr seen the perfectly
stunning velveteen and corduroy prints
done in bold plaids aad checks? v-,
college girl once glimpsing mem. will
not be able to resist this temptation.
©. Western Xewspaoer Union.
NETS YORK. Aug, 31 —• Adjutant
that the ‘‘national American Legion
Indianapolis, Ind.., was told today
that the “national American Legon
tournament becomes a joke” if the
Springfield, Mass., baseball team is
penalized because its pitcher and bat
ting star, Ernest Taliaferro, is a Ne
The letter signed by Roy Wilkins,
assistant secretary of the National
Association for the Advancement of
Colored People, pointed out that the
Springfield Legion baseball team was
forced last week to withdraw from
the sectional tournament at Gastonia,
N. C. because of threats of violenoa
and that the legion teams from Cum
berland, Md. and Tampa Fla. had re
fused to play with it because, of the
presence of the Negro. Mr. Wilkins
questioned the legality of the play
off at Gastonia and requested that
the Springfield nine be penutted to •
play in the American Legion finals
at Chicago in place of the Cumber
land, Md.. team which has been des
ignated for that honor.
“It seems to us,” the letter con
tinues, “that if the American Legion
had been absolutely fair in this mat
ter, it would have insisted on all
teams meeting the Springfield nine
or else defaulting . . If the Southern
states will not permit colored legion
naires to play on their teams and
against white players in the South,
that is one matter; but when they
seek to dictate to the other three
fourths of the country on who shall
play on these teams, then the idea
of it being a national Amercan Le
gion tommament becomes a joke.”
W. L. PABSLEY, Propr.
™ "Tlr" 1 —
Whiten skin with
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Have you been disappointed in ordinary
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les. pimples, blackheads, blotches, en
larged pwss and blemishes. Just spread a
little Nadinoia on your face, neck and
arms at bedtime—no massaging, no rub
bing. Then while you sleep, this magic
formula actually dissolves dark pigment.
Hundreds of thousands of women have
found this to be true.
Get Results —or Money Back \
Get a jar of Nadinoia Bleaching Cream
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50c If you are-not delighted your money
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your skin with cheap bleaching creams,
ointments or lotions--insist on Nadinoia
—tested and trusted for over a genera
tion. Nadinoia. Paris, Tenn.
X mentioned a blending kit for the
woman who has yet to decide on a
definite shade of powder. For those
‘hat missed this article I will men
tion the shades in brief. Bv now we
all anow that a blendng lit Is a large
box with six or seven shades of pow
der in compartments. By mixing va
rious amounts of different shades of
powder I have been able to Wend
more than 200 shades. (I am not
suggesting that you attempt quite
so many shade combinations as it re
quired over a ton of powder and IS
years to complete them.) The ave
’•age woman, with a litttle instruc
tion can blend the hight shade »f
powder for her skin within a half
dozen experiments. The standard
blending kit should contain seven
drawers fA powder-white- Flesh.
Olive, Peach. Sun Tan, Seal and Cho
colate. A combination of three dif
ferent colors-seldom more-will pro
duce any shade desired Here are
some helpful suggestions:
For the Blonde complexion, Blonde
hair with deep blue or hazel eyes,
j use two spoons of Olive, one spoon of
White and one-half Peach- For
Blonde evening makeup, add a dash of
i Sun Tan to this combination. This
' gives a healthy, rosy appearance to
I that snowy complexion- This blend
I touched with “blushing cheeks” pro
' duces a beautiful makeup.
Chinese, black hair with dark eyes
two spoons of Olive, one of Peach
and a dash of Sun Tan- Ths type of
J '•nmnlexion is enlivened by this
blend - just a bit of Sun Tan brings
I oat the “missing link” against an
I olive back ground.
Japanese complexion, with black
; hair and black eyes, requires two
spoons of Olive and one of Peach
1 This produces a beautiful, rich and
mellow blend.
Brunette, brown hair with dark
gray or brown eyes - two spoons of
White, orfr of Flesh and one-half
Olive- For evening wear, add a bit
more Olive coffee brown, jet black
hair and black eyes - two of Seal,
one of Chocolate and one half Sun
Tan. The Spanish type, black hair
and deep brown or black eyes - twe
of Sun Tan. one of Peach and one
half Seal. The sun tan, is predomln- ..
nant. A complexion that bespeakes
Spanish loveliness; a complexion
warmed by tropical suns to a baked
In blending these color combina
tions, mix thoroughly to insure per
fect color tones- Powders will not
successfully blend if they are not
properly pre-blended. Be sure that
the powder used s free from gnt and
(Bring your beauty problems to
Marguerita Ward, Broadway and
Hollywood make op-artist. She will
answer them in this column or give
you a personal responce, f returned
postage is enclosed with your letter
Adress all mail in care of this paper)
NEW YORK—(GNA)—Miss Sylvia
Ettinger has been fired from her job
in a school relief lunch room because
she fed hungry and underweight child
ren ever, if they didn’t have a meal
Miss Ettinger was supervisor of P.
S. 36 in Brooklyn. Here she fed
about 250 Negro and white children
Although Miss Ettinger sent re
quests for the necessary tickets to
the Board of Education, together with
complaints about spoiled eggs and
sour milk, her letters were never an
swered Instead, she was branded an
“agitator” and fired on grounds of
- -