The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 08, 1934, Image 1

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=VoLVffl;==^^_Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, Sept. 8,1934 _NumberJTwenty-Nine_
Happenings That Affect the Din
ner Pails, Dividend Checks and Tax
Bills of Every Individual.
National and International Prob
lem? Inseparable from Locel Wefare.
Man proposes — God disposes,”
says the old proverb. It proves a
fact that has the Department of Ag
riculture and high government of Ag
als giddy and dismayed.
Main Administration program for
the former has been crop and acre
age reduction- Working on the the
tOontinhed on Page 2)
Ques:—Why Are People Wrho Keep
On Gabbing Like Tonsilitus?
A ns:—They Are A Pain In The Neck.
Mrs. Mary Hayes, 2619 Decatur St.,
on going out af the Ritz Theatre,
slipped and fell striking her bead on
the pavement
She was taken in a cab to her
home by Mrs. Bertha Harris of 2908
N. 26th St.., and attended there by
Dr. Lennox for severe shock and head
®n Sept- 4, Mrs. Rose Jackson of
4912 So 25th St. attempted suicide
by drinking lysol poison, over do
mestic troubles she was having.
Jack Jackson, her husband, is visit
ing in Chicago, and was erpescted to
return Tuesday night, the night that
the attempted suicide. Mrs.. Jackson
was attended by Dr. McMahon at her
home .
Mrs. Elizabeth Planer of 1821 N..
23rd St , on September 2, got into
an argument with Tom Union, of the
same address, which resulted in a
fight. Three of Mrs. Planer’s teeth
were dislocated, and she also suffer
ed abrasions of the right arm and
knee.. She was attended by Dr. Foil
man and left at home.. No arrest
was made
Sunday night Sept. 2, William
Brice, alias Frank Quack of 2728
Parker St.., was seated at a table
near the east window in the Panama
Gardens, at 2210 Seward, when some
unknown person fired a shot through
the window, striking Brice in the
back. He was take* to the Lord
Lister Hospital, and attended by Dr.
Attwood for a bullet wound in the
back, which was removed from the
left chest..
Jaanita Brice, his wife, and Buden
Dixon of 2728 Parker Street, were
arrested for investigation in connec
tion with the shooting.
Mrs. Anna Jones of 1608 Burt St..
was walking alone, going east on 17th
St., between I.gard and Nicholas, and
m some unknown manner, stumbled
fell and injured herself. There was
n® eye witness to the accident. She
was taken to the police station by
Gmiser ear officers Shanahan and
Voboril, and attended by Dr.. Good
rich. then taken home
On Sept 1, 1934 at 4:50 a. m.., Mr.
A. Cooper of 2413 Blondo St.., en
terer his garage at his home, while
entering he was struck on the head,
knocked down and robbed of $90.00,
by an unidentified white man..
Mrs.. Cooper, on hearing the com
motion, rushed to her husband’s aid,
ar.d the assailant fired a shot at her,
missing his aim. The shot was heard ;
throughout the neighborhood.. De
tectives Arthur and Callahn, with'
ambulance, and Dr. Goodrich attend
ing Cooper and left him at home
Officers Rose, Burke and other of
ficers searched the neighborhood for j
tka robber, but was not successful in
finding him
(Continued en Page 8|
Mr.. Simon Harold of 2211 No..
28th Avenue, head waiter at the Cham
ber of Commerce for some 20 odd
years. He has gven the position as
headwater when Mr. W.. M.. Lewis
tetired a few years ago..
About six months ago, the execu
tive committee of the Chamber of
Commerce took over the Dining De
partment, and all Negro waiters were
replaced by girls .
Mr. Harold was kept on the job as
headwaiter.. After a few months of
unsuccessful efforts of trying to sat
isfy the patrons of the Chamber of
Commerce dining room with girl wait
resses. the lady in charge resigned,
and the dining room was closed for
the summer.. Mr. Glen Eastborn,
the Chamber of Commerce Commis
sioner, kept Mr.. Simon Harold on
full pay and on Sept.. 1, the dining
room was re-opened in charge of
Mrs. Qusenberry, with Mr.. S.. L.
McLead, who lives at 20 North 15th
St.., Council Bluffs, Iowa, as Chef
cook, the first Negro Ctef cook the
Chamber of Commerce has had since
Mr.. Harold still remains as head
waiter in charge of the Dining Room
with the following men in his employ
ment; some extra and some full time,
Earl Hunnigan, Chester Hodges, E..
Simoa, D.. Morrison, K. Macklien,
William Lomack, Tom Jones, Fritz
McKim, A. Massey, Ml. W. Reanex,
William Pierson, A. Johnson, Forres
ter Scott, Isaac Fie her, Laurenca
Tucker, Ulysses £. Watson, Carl M..
Heidelberg, and N.. W. Jackson..
Tuskegree and Wilberforee will hoW
their annual football classic game at
Soldiers Field, Chicago, Bl_, on Oct.
21, 1934. There will he special ex
cursion rates from Omaha for alumni
of Wilberforee and Tuskege* Insti
tute, and their friends.. If you wish
to join the party, register at the
Omaha Guide Office.. You can make
it a three day or a 10 day stay.
You will also have the priviledge
of attending the World’s Fair for
the admission of 15c after the foot
ball game.. The public is cordially
invited- Watch the columns of the
Omaha Guide for more details.
NEW YORK—(CNA)—Had it been a
Negro accused of “attempting to
rape a white woman,” he would not
have gotten off so lightly as did Pat
rick Carlos, white IRT ticket agent,
who appeared last Wednesday, Aug.
15, before Magistrate Ann Kross of
the First District Magistrate’s Court.
On the morning of July 30, Mrs.
.Richard B. Moore
Angelo Herndon
Saved from the Georgia Chain
Gang by $15,000 cash bail by the In
temartional Labor Defense, Angelo
Herndon, young Negro organizer of
the unemployed will be In Omaha this
mouth to speak at a mass meeting
at the Workers Cultural Center, 2404
Parker St. on the evening of the 26th..
With him will be Richard B.. Moore,
of the International Labor Defense,
nationally famous Negro Speaker,
and Mrs. Ida Norria, mother of one
of the nine Scottsboro Boys
Herndon was convicted under an
old ‘‘inciting to insurrection” law
dating back to the last century, be
cause of his activity in organizing
the unemployed workers of the South
and sentenced to twenty years hard
labor Although his cause was under
appeal, he was ordered to the chain
gang unless bail could be raised at
once. A nationwide call by the In
ternational Labor Defense brought
response from all parts of the coun
try, workers sending quarters and
dollars to make up the sum, and bail
was raised in time to release him. A
erowd of ten thousand workers, col
ored and white, met him at Pennsyl
vania station in New York on his re
lease *
The Omaha branch of the Interna
tional Lab^r Defense is 'calling a
special meeting of members and all
other interested, at 2404 Parker St.
Monday evening, September 9th, to
prepare for the appearance here of
three nationally known figures in the
Negro liberation movement
Atty. Charles P Howard Of
Des Moines Injured
Kansas City, Mo.—Sept.. 4—Attor
ney Charles P.. Howard and J. W..
Mitchell of Des Moines, and Clyde
Baker of Fort Dodge, Iowa, on their
return trip home, after competing in
Kansas City’s Labor Day Golf Tour
nament, with teams from Omaha,
Topeka, St.. Louis, Des Moines and
Kansas City, were severely injured
in an auto accident 75 miles out of K.
C.., about 2 a. m.. Tuesday, Sept..
The men left Kansas City about
midnight, and were seventy-five miles
out on Highway 69, when the acci
dent occured, traveling in a Plymouth
coupe. The car plunged over an em
bankment at a curve in the highway,
completely demolishing the car
All three were brought back to K.
C- X-rayB revealed no fractures.
Clyde Baker, most seriously injured,
when questioned about the accident,
said that he was driving, and must
have fallen asleep at the wheel, just
as be was approaching the curve
After emergency treatments to Mr..
Howard and Mr. Mitchell, they were
taken to Dee Moines by Dr.. D.. M.
Mr. Baker is in the hospital beat
The Workers Cultural Center,
meeting place of workrs organiza
tions, has been opened at 2404 Park
er St. Beside regular meetings of
the International Workers Order, the
International Labor Defense, and the
Unemployment Council, the Center is
preparing to offer classes on political
and economic questions, and a regular
weekly open forum, with loial and
national speakers on a wide variety
of subjects. The Center has a read
ing room of workers literature, for
general use, open every day from
tern to five
Alic® William^, Negro saleswoman
of Harlem, entered the women’s room
at the Grand Street Station. Carlos
left his change booth and attempted
to persuade Mrs. Williams to become
intimate with him. When she re
sisted, he tried {f v« fore®. Mrs..
New York, August 31—The new
ly organized American Liberty
League was asked yesterday if it
would “include in its work defense
of the oonstitutional rights of j
twelve millions of American Negro
j citizens whose rights are more fre- j
queiitly violated and flouted than of
any other racial group in the United
States”. The query was addressed
to Jouett Shouse and Alfred E.
Smith, guiding spirits of the organ
ization, by Walter White, secretary
of the National Association for the
j Advancement of Colored People.
Citing the lynching of 3,615 Ne
groes out of total of 5066 mob vic
tims since 1882, fifteen since Jan
uary first of this year, “thirteen of
that number being lynched since
June when Congress adjourned with;
out acting on Federal anti-lynching
legislation”; the recent barring of ‘
qualified Negro voters” from voting
in so called Democratic primaries” j
ia Texas by opinon of Attorney Gen
era! James Allred, successful Demo
cratic nominee for Governor of that
State despite two U. S. Supreme
Court decisions and a third decision
by a federal district court in Texas
ruling such exclusion unconstitu
tional. and the gross discrimination
against Negroes in the expenditure
of federal educational funds, the
telegram asked “Will American Lib
erty League fight against such viol
! atlon of constitutional guarantees
to all citizens of equal protection of
the law regardless of race and color
“Should the American Liberty
League devote all its energies and
resources at its command in up-;
holding the constitution insofar as (
Negro Americans are concerned”, i
the telegram ontinued, “it would
strike at the grossest violations of |
the Constitution now existing. Will j
the American Liberty League do
WHIiams screamed and fled.
Miss Alice Evans, Long Island S
teacher, was attracted by the screams
and came to Mrs. Williams' aid.
When they confronted Carlos in his
change booth, he spat on them and j
screamed: “You goddamn black nig
ger, go back to Harlem.”
A policeman was finally persuaded
to anrd the ticket agent.
Washington, Aug. 31—Dean Char
les H. Houston of Howard Univers
ity law school and the legal com
mittee of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People took sharp issue this week
with the reply by General Douglas!
MacArthur. Chief of Staff of the!
U. S. Army, to an earlier letter
charging gross discrimination a
gainst Negroes in the military ser-;
Replying to Mr. Houston’s letter
°f August 9th, General MacArthur
denied the existence of aolor prej
udice in enlistments or in the train
ng of Negro reserve offcers and
colored regiments. “The four Negro
regiments are distinctly combat reg
iments”, he insisted, “and receive
combat training in like manner as
white regiments. All regiments, col
ored and white, due te lack of ap
propriations, are compelled from
time to time to perform duties nor
mally falling to service battalions.
The records of the War department
indicate that here is only an infiniti
simal percentage of colored applic
ants for training in newer arms.” j
In an answering letter dated Aug
ust 29th Dean Houston charges that
“the Army has consistently discrim
inated, and is erven now discriminat
ing, against Negro officers and
troops.” "We notice that all our
officers from Colonel Charles Young
down to date seem to get shunted a
way from the regiments into detach
ed service—Colonel Young was kept
from overseas and combat duty be
cause the War Department was will
cause the War Department was un
willing to have a Negro general in
the service—The morale of the 92nd
Division was shot to pieces because
the Negro officers and the men felt
there was a determined policy to dis
criminate aganst them and keep
them from promotion, regardlless of
what their records might be. If
consistent with War Department
policy, Negroes would like to know
why Negro officers are so continu
ously kept from active service with
Turning to the status of the four
Negro regiments, he insists that
“service work is their primary occup
ation, except for the 25th Infantry”
and that “75 percent of the Negro
combat troops are actually doing
service battalion duty as their pri-j
mary function, which is a greater i
percentage than can be found among
the regular infantry and cavalry as,
a whole.”
In proof of his contention, the
former army officer cites the fact
that the 2".fc Infantry stationed at
Fort Benning, Ga, the 9th Cavalry
stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas and
the 19th Cavalry which is divided,
between Fort Leavenworth, Kansas,!
West Point, New York and Fort,
Myer, Va, all perform a minimum of
drill but are largely used as service!
battalions and on police and escort
duty, and that none of these troops
takes part in maneuvers except as
orderlies. Only the 25th Infantry
stationed at Fort Huachua, Arizona,i
“functions normally as a combat
regiment ca garrison duty”
No Promotion for Non-Coms
Dean Houston further charges
that “The recent non promotion pol
icy of the War Department operat-.
ed distinctly to tha prejudice of Ne
gro troops—In order to fill up the
complement of troops in the newer
rrms within the limitations of the
appropriations, the War Department
until recently had a policy whereby
in case of a vacancy among the non
commissioned officers in the older
line regiments the vacancy wouldn’t
be filled, but a corresponding posi
tion would be created in one of the
newer arms of the service and the
pay from the old office transferred
to the new. There would be no ob
jection to this policy if Negro sold
iers were permitted to qualify for,
the newer arms of the service. But
they were not and are not. The
result was te deprive Negro soldiers
in the four regular army regiment*
hundred Negroes and whites attend
ing a pi me given by the Communist
Party in Eagle Park here on Aug..
26, forced the park management to re
scind its order that all Negroes leave
! the grounds .
The picnic was already well under
: way when representatives of the man
j agement approached the picnic com
mittee, demanding that all Negroes
j be asked to leave the park at once
In support of their demand, they
mentioned that the Amalgam tea As
sociation of Iron. Steel and Tin
Workers was planning a picnic for1
I the following Sunday, and would
l hold separate picnics, one for whites
! and one for Negroes, from the Com
! munist picnic.
Crowd Votes to Remain
The picnic committee immediately
called together all workers in the
park, and explained the situation..:
Speakers called on the white workers I
to defend the Negroes in case of at t
tack. When one of the speakers ask ;
ed the andience: “Shall w« remain'
here—together?”* the crowd answer
ed with a thundering “Stay!” The
speaker then went on to dnownee
the Jimcrow tactics of the leadership
of the Amalgamated Association in
planning separate pinics.
Because of the evident solidarity
and determination of the crowd, the
park management did not press its
orders and did not carry out its
threat to call the police.
White hoodlums and police swooped
down Tuesday Aug. 27, on a mass >
meeting held here by the Internation
al Labor Defense to protest the rape
frame-up of a young Negro worker, !
Alphonso Davis
While the police looked quietly on,'
the hoodlums beat up several white
and NegTe workers. Then polce and i
Hoodlums waded in together to smash
the meeting.
The possbility that William Fisher,'
NegTO member of the International
Labor Defense, may be framed on a
charge of murder. Is seen by ILD.
leaders here. When the crowd de
fended itself against attack, some of
the white hoodlums were hurt.. One
of them may die.. Fisher has been i
charged wth the assault, and in the
event of the hoodlum’s death may
be charged wth murder. Fisher is
himself in the hospital, suffering
from cuts and possible fractures.
A mass delegation of workers has
demanded of the mayor that all
charges against Fisher be dropped
Meeting Protested FrameUp
Alphonse Davis, in whose defense
the meeting is called, is being held
en a charge of “rape.” A white girl, j
Helen Lachut, claimed that she had
been raped by two Negroes in a pub
lk park. Davis was picked up, ar
rested and held in $25,000 cash or
$50,000 property bail. Attorneys
and investigators for the ILD. found
strong evdence that the girl had had
sexual relations with her white es
cert that evening, and had invented
the rape story to cover up the truth..
Newspapers in Niagara Falls im
mediately began a campaign of lynch
incitement. A letter, appearing in
the Gazette, called on the “men of
the community to show chivalry to
wards their women in the southern
style, to bend all efforts to make the
streets safe again for white girls to
walk by making an example of a few
— . —n
of all chance of promotion and
create a condition of stagnation.”
Attorney Houston attributes the
few Negro applications for enlist
ment in the newer arms of the ser
vice to the fact that “the War De
partment has let it be known in one
way or another that Negroes will
(Continued on it
.Driving east on Center St., Sunday
night, Sept. 2, Mr. L.. Steel of
2701 North 27th St. made a left
turn into a filling station at 112th
St A large truck traveling west at
a speed of about 40 miles per hour,
struck the Steel car broadside. Mrs..
M L.. Steel, an occupant of the car,
died instantly from injuries received
Mr Steel received head bruises and
possible fracture of an arm.
Edwin Rabe, Beemer, Nebr., driv
er of the truck was uninjured. In
reporting the accident to County Au
thorities, it was said, the driver of
the auto made a left turn without
giving any signal, and the crash re
Mr. Steel was attended by Dr.
Grayson and removed to the County
Hospital. The body of Mrs. Steal
is at the Myers Funeral Home..
Including 25 Countries In
Goodwill Flight
Another new song is in the mak
j k'ff- This time it is to be a saga of
'the skies which will blazen forth the
name of the Negro in letters so high
that millions of persons throughout
the world will not fail to see it
For our race, so well known for its
accomplishments in the field of music,
so well known for its loyalty in peace
and war is about to invade the skies
of the western hemisphere to stag*
one of the most daring Good - Will
Flights ever attempted under ad
verse conditions.
Today aviation represents achieve
ment—recognized achievemen tof the
highest type and the Negro who it
ever reaching upward towards great
er heights is about to make a bid
ior a place in the sun beside those
other groups who have already bias
ed the trail in the skies..
Handicapped m theirfopportunities
for training, denied the experimen- ’
cies that come to those who have the
privilege of piloting army, mail, and
commercial aeroplanes, laclcxr^g the
financial support ttjat a wealthier
race could readily furnish, colored
aviators will take off this month in
a tiny 90 horsepower Lambert Mono
coupe te wing their way along a
12,000 mile circuit which will take
them to twenty-five or more Pan
American countries. In this flight
the third of a series to be sponsored
by tbe Interracial Goodwill Aviation
Committee colored America will make
a mighty bid for recognition, for un
derstanding, for goodwill, a bid for
the things that must of necessity
form the foundation for any further
progress that is to be made.
Always there has been too much
talk about increasing race pride,
about establishing confidence among
ourselves, about getting our youth to
aspire to worthwhile things. Such
things cannot be talked into exis
tence, they aannot be had for the
asking, nor can they be bought They
have to be earned. Earned as other
people have earned them; by self
sacrifices, by the risking of lives, by
daring to do things which we ordi
narily hesitate te attempt; by out
standing achievement. These air
flights are being effectively used as
a key to open many of the doors
which heretofore we have been vainly
knocking against. The far reaching
good already accomplished by the In
terracial Goodwill Aviation Program
cannot be fully estimated at this ear
ly date.
A flashy new orange and black
Lambert Monocoupe chosen for the
Pan-American Flight completed its
maiden tour when t landed at the At
lantic City Airport on September 1st
It will be fittingly christened with
appropriate ceremony the Booker T.
Washington- The aviators had am
ple opportunity t(o test tihe flying
qualties of the new ship on its re
cent voyage At tiroes aided by tail
winds the plane averaged over 160
♦Continued on Page S)