^-improved—**”' UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY 1 chool l^zzzzn CBy RKV. P. 13 FITZVvATLk. U D., Member of Faculty. Menjoy BJble Institute uf Chit-8K<*.) r Teift for home Sunday night, he will attend the convention before his return. Our church -seems to be catching new light. Four new members were added to our church. You are welcome to Salem at any time. z -—G CHRIST TEMPLE 26tb and Burdette Street* 0. J. Burckhardt—Pastor J. W. Goodwin—.Asst. Pastor Edna Pankey—Reporter Our pastor returned from Jackson to seat of the convention news that imought good cheer o ua The conven ion was a success in every particular Much advancement was made in further perfect the work of the church. The pastor took pu the time Sunday morning on discussing Ishmeal and Isaac, shewing that Ishmeal repreBent ftd the legal church, and Isaac repre sented the church at Pentecost. He showed that the c»mal mind will always oppose right. For it Is not subject to the Law of either indeed can It be. The pastor used the evening service In giving a review of his trip south and the workings of the conventions, which was filled with interest and was much appreciated by the members present Don’t fail to worship with us Sunday we expect a fine days service aside from the regular service. There will be a rmfsicai program given at 3 p m. by the choir every one is invited to come and enjoy this program. -rs_ PARADISE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. P. M_ Harrfe—Paator C. Si. Maupin—Reporter Sunday School opened at the usual hour, with the Supt. Sis. M. E. Hill full of pep, and prepared for the task. Attendance was a* usual, the leeson was very wdll disucussed. Much good is being done in tho Sunday school. At 11:30 a. m., the pastor discussed "Two Keeps,'' text - Jade 21-C4. The pastor showed that it required special effort on our port, as well as faith in Jesus to keep us from falling int# |pmp tation. 0 At 8 p. m., the pastor spoke flrwrn the subject, “The Gospel and Ita power,” text, Romans 1-16. The m««lage was very nicely delivered, as wall as in spirational, and., very enjoyed by all The program rendered by the Commun ity Choir of St. John Baptist Church, August 23 was a financial auccees. We thank our many friends Cor their hear ty cooperation, iadtors are always wel come t Paradise. .. Mrs. W* B.j Robinson—C. C. —-G— ST. JOHN A."m. E. OBVJRCH "He Friendly Cburah” Rev. L. P. Bryant ■Paster Sunday, August 26, was the fourth and last quarterly mfeeting of his con ference yer. Rev. Brooks, the presiding elder, preached at the ..morning service and the choir gave its regular fourth Sunday nights program, assisted by Rev. Bryaat. The quarterly reports wens very good. They show that this will end as a very successful year, both spiritually and financially. The records show that about 82 have been added to the church roll during the year. Now that Conference year is about over, flhe membeha and friends are asked to pay their dollar money as soon as possible. Now that the summer days are about gone and the nice ceol wea ther is here, we hope te see beter at tendance, both at church and Sunday School. There ore some ver ineresting pro grams to be given at St. John before the end of the year. Watch for the dates. One will be the King Solomon Wedding, and another the Baby Con test. Watch the Omaha Guide to see your church and social news. -G BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 89th and T Strata Rev. F. 8. BeoJott Acting Paster Mrs. J. C. OcHine—Reporter The Sunday School was opened at 6:36 a. m., with a nice attendance, tu -a-_ spite of the dissappodntnjent of the non-ajrriral of Rev. J. Jackson, a very inspiring message was brought to ufl 1 by our acting pastor. Rev. P. S. Good lett, which was enjoyed and apprecited by ail. His subject was. "The Hiding •f God's Power.” which was found in i Habakkuk 3rd and 4th verse. After the morning services worship, a very delicious dinner was served in | the church hall. • .under the chairman- I ship of Mrs. Emma Lee Farmer. Our Pew Services were very enjoyable j and entertaining. The principle epak ers in the Pew Services were. Miss Rachei Taylor, executive Sec’y of the Y. W. C. A. : Dr. Craig Morris. The women bring in he highest amounts in the rally were. Miss Adie Foxall, $15. .03, and Mrs. Stella Killings, $6.21. A highly enjoyabe day was enjoyed by all. Visitors and friends are always welcome to worship with ns at Bethel Baptist Church. --CJ STRl'GGLiR AND STRIVE AND PERSKRVE B.v R. A. A damn (For the Literary Service Bureau) 'Tia not enough to wish, and wait Fortune's arrival at your ga»e. For all who’ve been by fortune blessed, Of their desires have gorlb in quest. ’Tis not enough to sit and hope. But he with circumstance must cope. And overcome opposers strong, YVho'd sing at last, victorious song. It has been often proved, also, Tis not enough alone to sow. But one must cultivate his fle'd. ,f ho would have abundant yield. This corollary th.-n is true: All who the things worthwhile would do S Must conquer indolence and fear. Struggle and strive—and peraerve. “RETRIBUTIVE JUSTICE" By R. A. Adams ; (For the Literary Service Bureau) , __ There is abundant truth in the de claration: "Reributive Justice is con stantly at he heels of ever)’ evil-doer."1 The inference is that no matter how fleet may be the evader, he purser will enevitably overtake him. This ruth was manifest in the death of a once prominent physician, the other daft:. Once he wfis rich, prominent, prosperous, pepuar, and hopeful, with a bright future before him. He lived in a large city. Ho numbered his friends by the thousands. He died in an ob scure town where for twenty years he'd lived in seclusion. almost incognito. And he actually died, “Unwept, unhon-J ored and unsung." Thin man as a young^physician want ed to be rich. He wooed and won the daughter of a multi-millionaire. Her family hod no faith in him and used every means to prevent the marrige Ab thousands before her had done, the girl sacrificed on the altar of love j and bceame estranged from her family Even her mother severed all communi cations with her. This physician, so it was charged i and so the world believed, undertook to murder the entire family of his wife so as to get control of all of * he i millions. Her father died, then her fa ther’s brother, and her own brother. It was practicsfljly proved that this doctor had mpintjained a culture of typhoid germs—as a matter of re search, he claimed. It was discovered that all three of the persons who had died eo suspiciously had been given such germs from which death resulted. This man was three times tried for murder, and his murder millions pre vented conviction. The civil law gave up; he was released and allowed to go free. In all his wife stood by him and his attitude sent her mother pre maurely o her grave. A few years afterward,, the wife secured a divorce j and the custody of the two children. The doctor faded out of the picture Yes, the murder-millions beat the law. The civil law gave up. But retributive injustice was restless and inexorable. For emphasis, I repeat, Retributive justice ia constantly at the heels of every evil-doer. _n_ SOCIAL SINS (Exerting Evil Influence* By Dr. A. G. Bearer (For the Literary Service Bureau).. Text: For none of us liveth to him self—Romas 14:7. This text has been used to emphasiz man’s dependence upon his fellows. It .the influence of one life on that of an other. 1. Influence Is Invlteble. "Whether he tried or not, and whether he knows it or not every individual exerts in fluence over the life of some other in dividual. 2...May Be Helpful or Harmfii. T*he influence of good life is the most potenent influence In the world. Such influence is upliflng, and inestimately beneficial to fellow-beings. It is man ifestly and unqueetiongby one of the greatest of blessings. Drunkards, gam biers, prostitutes, libertines, degenerate*, andnotorious criminals for the moot part exert evil infuence. 3. Responsibiity and AocotmtabUJy. The very principles of justice and eq uity would emphasize the truth of re sponsibility commensurate with oppor tunity. The same principles would de mand accountability or reckoning. Yee, most assuredly, exerting detri mental inJduenee end hindering ethical progress is a serious social sin. -G—. METROPOITAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 2416 Lake Street Rev. R. W. Jeh**en—Paster Mre. Georgia People* Ttffrnrtir Sunday School opened at it* usual hour With Supt. Sister Ransom pre Attend Some Church Every Sunday If you get any sertricc- out of this | | ... Before you buy your household church directory write us a line or I'hlirOhOO ** *“*“ °f ^ ^ I - I II Hi Q || ■■ ^k ha Guide first-... That will make your tw*\ we waut to ser\e- .- —- I I U ■ | | paper a bigger and better paper-... x # Notice—Because I have been unable to reach a few of the pastors of some chures, I am asking that any diurch omitted, willpiease get in touch with me, or send in a w ritten statement, regarding your church activities, and I will gladly enter the same in this column Any error or ommision in the present arrangement, if brought to my attention, will be cheerfully corrected The Editor. We live not by bread alone The soul is like unto any other part of the body. It must be fed and wrhere is the food? The Church is the only place. Make your choice of the following Churches and atte nd some church every Sunday. ADVENTIST. United Sabath Day Adventist, 2320 N. 28th Ave- Rev. M. M. Boodle, Pastor. Sabath day services (Satur day), Sabath school. 9:30 A. M- Mrs. L. Smith, Supt- Sermon, 11:00 o’clock Jr. and Sr. Mission meeting, 3:00 > m., conducted by Mrs. A. B Wrignt. and Mrs. Edith Boodle, Sunday, Sermon and Song Service, 7:30 P. M. Senenth-Day Adventis Church, 28th and Lake Sts. . . .. Brother George Anderson, Church Elder, Acting Pastor. Sj*n Down Vespers, Friday Evening. Saturday Services, Sabbath-school 9:43 A. M-, Mrs. Ethel Anderson, Su perintendent- Sermon, 11:00 o’clock, M:ssionary Volunteer Society, 4:00 P M-. conducted by Mrs. Anna Part ridge- Prayer meeting. Wed. eve'ning I*. M. '-ion, £215 Grunt St., Rev- C. C Harper, Pastor Services—Sunday school, 9:30 a. m Mr. Harry Anderson, superintendent. Sormon, 11:00 a. m- and 8:00 p. m Prayer meeting, B. Y. P- U- 6:00 p. m. Mr- Murray Landrum, Presi dent Salem, 22nd and Seward, Sts-, Rev. E. W. Anthony, Pastor. Services—Sunday school. 9:30 a.m. Mr- F- L- Wesley Superintendent, Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. B. Y. P. U. 6:p. m. W. M- Cooper President. Prayer Meeting. Mt. Moriah 24 and Ohio Sts. Rev. F. P. Jones, Pastor. Services, Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Mrs. A. B. Speese superintendent. Sermon 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. B. Y. P. U. 6.-00 p. m. Mr. M. Niles, President. Mission society Meeting, every 1st and 3rd Thursday afternoon, conduct ed by Mrs. F. P. Jones. Paradise 23rd and Clark Sts., Rev. N. C. Cannon, Pastor; Rev. P. M. Harris, Assistant, Pastor Services— Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., Mr. C. H. Garner, superintendent. Sarmon, 11:00 and 8:00 o’clock. Prayer meeting Wed. evening B. Y. P. U. 7:00 p. m. Mr. J. Henderson, President. Mission Art Clnb, Thursday afternoon conducted by Mrs. A. M. Boeche. Pilgrim—1320 N. 25th St. Rev. J. A- Dotson, Pastor. Services— Sunday school, 9:30 A. M., Superin tendent, Mr. Fred Dixon. B Y. P. U. 6:00 p. m. Mr. J. W Baker, President Tuesday evening, 8:00 o’clock, Gen eral Group Meeting. Men’s Laymen, Mr. George Lewis, President. Heart to Heart Clnb, Mrs. Fannie Porter President. Willing Workers Club, Mrs. Fannie Porter, President. Ever Loyal Club Miss Nicholson, President. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Senior Red Circle, Thursday, 6:30 p. m. Mrs. Fletcher, President. Junior Red Circle "Wed. 4:30 p. m., Miss Mildren Dotson, President. Missionary meeting, Wed. 2:06 p. m. CATHOLIC. St. Benedict The Moore, 2423 Grant St. Father J. C. Baly S. J., Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., Sister Mary Daniel, Superintendent. Low Mass, 9:00 A. M. High mass, and Benediction, 10:15. | A!ta( society Tuesday afternoon, 2:00 p. m. Mrs. M. Sterling. President. Peter Claver Guild Monday 8:00 p. m. Mrs- Ona Glass, President Week Day Mass every morning, 8:30. Christ Temple—26th and Burdette Sts. Rev. O. J. Burckhardt, Pastor. Services, S. S. 0:30 a. m- Rev. J. W. Gooden, supt. Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. B. Y. P. U., 6:30 p. m-, conducted by Deacon Stafford, and Elder Hunt ley- . Mission Band Meeting, Monday even-i ing, 7:30 p. m. by Mrs. Willa Vann Bible Class and Bible Institute, Tues uay evening, 7:30 p. m. conducted by Brother J. C. Parker, and Rev Tanzimore. METHODIST St. Johns, 22nd and Willis Ave. Rev. L. P. Bryant, Pastor. Services— S. S. 9:00 a. m. Mr. W. E. Webb, snpt-, A. C. E. League, 6:00 p. m. ! Mr. Rucker. Sermon, 10:45 a- m. and 7:45 p. m Class Meeting, Tuesday evening, con ducted by the Pastor, Rev. Bryant. Bethel A. M. E. 2430 Franklin St. Rev. J. W. Williams, Pastor. Services— S. S. 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Maggie Smith, Sapt. Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. A. C- E. League, 6:30, Mrs. Etta Mae Woods, President. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening, Choir Rehersal, Thursday evening, 7:30. _m Clair Chapel, 22nd and Miami Sts. Rev. Alfred Clay, Pastor. Services, S. S. 9:30 a. m-, Mr. R. R. Boone Superintendent. Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Lucille Gray, President. Choir Practice, Friday at 8:00 p. m. j Board Meeting, Monday 7:80 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8:00. . 1 ' "■ — ' ■ ■— i. ,, _i Cleaves Temple, 25 and Decatur Sts. Rev. O. A* Calhoun, Pastor. Services, S. S. 9:45 a. m. Mr. Charles Stallworth, Superintendent. Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. by the Pastor. i Prayer Meeting, Wednesday evening : Mission Society, Wednesday after I noon. Forward Step Club, Tuesday evening, by Rev. O. A. Calhoun Stewardess Board Friday Afternoon; Choir Rehersa> Friday evening. Allen Chappel— 25th and R Sts (South Omaha) Rev. W. S. Metcalf, Pastor. Services, S. S. 9:30 a. m., Mr. John Fellows Supt. Sermon, 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.' Prayer meeting Wednesday evening, 7:30. Metropolitan Spiritual Church, Lake St., near 24th. Rev. R. W. Johnson. Pastor. Services, S. S. 1:00 p. m.f Mrs. siding. Rev. Johnson preached a wonderful sermon, aad also Rev. Parmer preach ed an Interesting semon. We had with us, 11. R. H. Woodslde as a visitor. -G REV. iBI RCKHARIVr RACK FROM CONVENTION AT JACKSON, MISS. By Rev. Burckhardt I arrived in Omaha Friday, Aug. 24. after an extended trip through the Southland, Jackson, Mias, being the ob Jectlve point, where the church of Christ was holding a great convention. I left Omaha Tuesday evening, and my first stop enroute was Burlington. Iowa, the former home of Mrs. Burck hardt. While there I was guest of Dr, J. E, Johnson and wife, Dr, Johnson is one of the leading pediatrist of the State of Iowa, and they have a fine home im the residental district of Burl ington. His wife la known throughout the city for hea art work, both Dost or and wife «-e splendid people, and I al ways feK at home when with them. My next stop was Chicago, where I spent the week-end at4760 Champlain, at the beaatifal stone front mansion ef Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas, the oldest and the wealthiest residents of the Southside, wnere the best classes of our r«ce group live. Aside from heir beautiful home, they own other properties, and valuable holdings. Mrs. Burckhardt and Mrs. America Thomas and myself have been close friends for many years, and of course I felt very much at home. Mr. Thomas is better known by his friends as “Jim" in plain, nobler traits of manhood. When ence in Chicago, my aspira tions like the rest of the peopta of the country was to see “The World Pro gress," and this I did, or as much of it, an I could possible see in three days, and in these three days, I saw enough So far els a lair is concerned, I think I saw enough to satisfy me the rest of my life. The Pair, I think measures up fully to the wall chosen name gives it,“The World's Progress.' I am sure one can get more information by con tact at the Fair in one day, then you could bjy research in fifty years. The Forfl Plant, The Hall of Science, The and th« various foreign buildings, and thousands of interesting things I have not mentioned, like .the Congress of Religion After spading a profitable, and plea *nt week-end, I again strtsd on my trip to Jackson, Miss., Saturday sw ing, arriving at my destination Sun day, I learned that they had lynched 2 members of our race group Ransome, Supt Church services, 11:60 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday, Rev. Johnson Church Services Tuesday and Thurs day, evening at 8:00 o’clock. Rev. Johnson. Prayer Clubs Monday, 8:00 p. m conducted by Mrs. Payton; Penny Club, Wednesday 8:00 p. re. by Mrs. Grffin. Choir rehersal, Friday evening. St. Phillipe Episcopal Church—21st and Paul St. Father B. K. Holly. Priest Sermon and Holy Communion First and Third Sunday at 11 a. m. Sermon and Holy Communion second and third Sunday at 7:30 p- m Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Mr. Dil lard Crawford, Supt Regular morning services every Sun day at 11 a. m. Auxiliaries— Vespers meet second Tuesday in each month. W. M. Haynes, Senior hard en and B. B. Cowans, jr. warden. Women’s Auxiliary—Mrs. John Al bert Williams—President. Mrs. J. C. Donley—Secretary. Meets every Thursday afteraooL. Altar Guild—Mrs. Augustus Hicks —President. Mrs J. C. Donley—Secretary. Meets Every Tuesday night. Choir Guild—Mrs. Margaret Wil liams—President. Mrs. Valaria Mr Caw—Secretary. Meets every Thursday night. Dorcas Society—Mrs. H. Wiggins— President Mrs. J. C. Donley—Secretary. Meets every Friday afternoon. Pleasant Green, 22nd and Paul Sta Rev- P J Price, Pastor Mrs Lottie Kelts, Reporter; Mrs King, Clerk Servees—Sunday School-9:30 s m ; Supt Mr Veal and ..Morning Ser vices, 11 a- m every Sunday morning B Y P U , 6 p. m , President Mrs Ids M McGuire-—Evening services every Snndsy night Weekly Meetings Mission, Thursday night-.-Prsyer meeting- Wednesday night, led by one, of the Deacons-..Anlun Cub, Monday night .President Mrs- Estelle Waters Pick Club, Tuesday night. President Mrs- Turner. Choir reoearsala, Friday night. President, Mr- S- Mc~ the fallowing day after my arrival which happened lust a little ways from Jackson. Just a day or two before I reached jackssn. they had searched many homes looking for a Negro who waa supposed to have inputted a white woman over the phone. I was In one of the home they had searched. It was the general sentiment in Jackson that this womans husband had over heard a phone conversation she was having with a lover, and when called in question, she said some Ne gro had called her over the phone and insulted her. These happenings had no bearing upon our convention, it was one of the best that we havi had for ye>ars, while all of our convention are of a high type which Is characteristic of the or ganization. but this one was better re presented than usual- We had a large delegation from Los Angeles, Cleve land, Indianapolis, Detroit, Washington St. Lewis, Kansas City, Newport, Chic ago, and a largo number of delegates thoaghout the Southern states. The Bishop C. P. Gohnes, who is the father of the organization, Bishop Cronic, Veter, Morrison, Butler, and Bishop Moody of Kentucky wasn't pre sent. Our regular attendenee r»n from three to four thousand daily. Among this large crewd, there was sprinkled some of the finest white citizens of the south, who there, like here, are willing to encourage a worthwhile proposition Ve alse have devout southern peo ple whe are members of our erganiza tion. Bishop C. P. Vohnes, our Sen ior Bishop was at himself, and gave out much rich spiritual food, that I am sure enrichened many lives. His annual address a diamond mine in wealth an encouragement the younger element in the ministry to push on in this splendid work of the master. The general work of the convention came under the presidingship of Bishop h. I. Conic-, whe is a splendid ckistjan gentleman. During the en tire conventoin I never heard a harsh word spoken by a Bishop or delegate. spirit of the Christ was exempli fied in all of our general work as well as the committee work- Had you been in attendenee at this convention you would have beter understood what the Psalm of David meant in he 133 divieien of Psalm, hen he e^id, "Behold, ho good and pleasant it is for Bret hem -- , . a I to dwell together in peace." It might also wound funny for me *t» say to you, that during my weeks stay in Jackson. I only saw four men smok ing on the convention! grounds, and they were mechanics, who came to work on etrs, and they threw a w'y their cigarettes in n very short time after they c«)m upon the grounds. From this, you c«n see whm s high respect even the sinness have for stored place of worship. We as »n jrganimtion would eonsid«r it a d.sgmoe saying no thing about it tieing irreligious to see one of #ur ministers using tobacco in any form. llom«n 7-1-2 says, “Having therefore these promises dearly beloved, let us cleans© ourselves from all the filthiness of the flesh perfecting hoiines in the fear of God. Our convention stresses a clean life, and holy living on the part of her subjects. This trip mark ed an epoch in the history of my life, (hat shall long be remembered by .vlr of the fact that my friends both Saints and sinners united their forces toget her and mado up a treasure that mad* it possible for me »o make this trip I shall aways feel grateful pi my heart to both ®inl and sinner, and shall continue to pray lo the God of all the universe to make me worthy of this kindnee shown me Yours in much lov©, Bro. O. J. Burckhardt (, Pastor of Christ Temple -G PltOBERBS AND PARABLES (“Birds of A feather") By K. A. Mann (For the Literary Service Bureau) “Birds of ft feather" means birds or the same kind. Ever see geese and turkeys mixing? EVer see ducks and cranes flying together? Then, seeing a flock of birds associating, you conclude all are *f the same kind. This warns against evil associates. A good person may be misjudged be cause he is found with evil-doer®. But such judgment would be indeed reason able. One might accidently and un knowingly get into bad company, but if he makes it a habit to associate with them, then undoubtly he is like them. So one needs to be careful of the com pany he keeps. -O LOOKING BACK (Routing Or Owning A Moras) By Videlta Lsh (For the Literary Service Bureau) The other day I heard a fooish ex pression. The speaker was a young married woman whose chief ambition is rated as this best dressed woman in town. This woman lives with her parents in a rented house and on an alley. Her father and her husband make around $290 per month. She was advised to Influence the men folks to buy • home. Her reply was, “I dont whuC a home. I dont want to bo bothered with property. I was raised in a rent ed house find I’m satisfied." Leoking back. I remember how young folk of my class talked and dreamed of owning a home. Well, things have changed, since I was young. -G MAX IE MILLER WRITES: (For the Literary Service Bureau) Girl towing around a two-egged boob is 22—Pays admisssions and cafe bills— Give Mm the air and right now Marie Miller: I m a girl of 19 and my boy friend is 22. This friend lias no job and I have one. I’ve been pay ing the fares when we go to shown and cafes. To save his face I slip the ooins to him, but it is Hiine.righton. Sdme of the girls guy me about it. They call me "dafy” "soft cotton” and other ..things. I confess this ridicule gets my goat and I’m thinking of cutting him loose. What Qo yeu say about a thing like this?—Easy Thing. Easy Thing: Whoever gave you that name named you well. Only thing more appropriate would Ixi "tool thing and even that ujould be 4fs mild.. .There isn't an ounce of manhood ki thi» tob low's whole body and he cannot have any respect for you. Cut btm loose! Yes, right now! And use your money for a better puropss. .By H. A. Adam*. (For The Literary Service Bureau) The news dfej jatehes of a few lays ago gave some discouraging informa ..tion in regard to crime. One dis patch wafs beaded, "Convicted, Sen tence Paroled." The lawbreaker, a man of twenty-two years, was charg ed with highway robbery. He was al loyed to plead guilty of grand tau-eeny. The Judge gave him a sentence of 5 years in the state prison, then ina- f meditely paroled him and set him free. In the other ease, the headlines read "Sixteenth Time In Court.” It told the story of a man who had been ar rested sixteen times within four years. In this case was given a fine of 22 dollars. When courts are thus lenient with those who commit crime these aery courts and their judges encourage crime. Those men will doubtless com mit other crimes, and others whc have criminal tendencies will lose their fear of coarts and of penal lnstltu tiens. One of the most surprising features Is that these lenient -courts hfive long been noted for law-enforcement. It Is signifies*, tjoo, that whisky featured atae in these ease*; of law-breaking.