SOCIAL 1 £> v'• • ’a _ CLUBS AFFAIRS "O-O-Cl-e-t-y > ORGANIZATIONS 2 —.. ... „ . the omaha guide, omaha. Nebraska, Saturday, sept, i, 1934 ^ .—1 • ■-=» nuts. TKD ADAMH AND OTHERS ENTERTAIN OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS ; ‘ At hAnhoom park Mrs. T»*l Adams, assisted by Mrs. E. M. Wilson and Mb's. Gooden, ^entertain ed with on informal dance at beautiful Jlanscom park, honartng^Mrs and Mrs. Gaines T. Bradford of Birmingham, ala., an* Miss Lucille DO-vis of Mobile Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Gaines Bradford be Ang daughter and son-inlaw of Mrs. Adams. -< The gueet expressed themselves as having an enjoyable evening at this affair. After the dance, Mr. Robert B. Jefferson of Dallas, Texas, entertained with a delightful cocktail party, at the beautiful and attractive Mid-Why tTafo, at 241-8 No. 24th St., Mr. and Mr*. Jim Bell, props. Honoring Mr. and Mi-*. Gaines T. Bradfond, Miss Lu i.le Davis, of Ala bama. Guests present, Mr. and Mrs. J D. CS-awford.Mr. fcnd Mr*. E. M. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wal tcB, Mr. and Mrs. William Davis, Miss Lorraine Fletcher, and Mr. Gerald Phil lips (esoort) Mr. Charles Wilson, of Portland, Oregon, Mr. John Smith, Mr. Herbert McO-w, Miss Celestine Smith and Mr. Robert . Jefferson (escort). The guests were highly entertained at this p*try. Mr. Robert B. Jefferson being & so journer here for the summer is one of Dale's most popular young men. Since his stag here, he has made many good, life long friends for himself. Mr. Jeffer son will leave some time around the first of September, when he will bo en reute for the South, visiting on Hi* jneftum trip, friends in Kansas City, Tulsa, Oklahoma CHy and thenc© to Dallas. He is motoring to these points and expresses himself as having had a wonderful time while visiting -here in the Mid-West. After the party at the Mid-Way Cafe Mr. and Mbs. Sylveeter W*ltes enter tained at their home on Binney St., with a beautiful twilight party, the same guests being present Mr. and Mrs. Waites are very popular hero * mong the social and civic affairs of Omaha -G Mrs. R. West and Mrs. Alice Smith,, entertained Saturday evening at the residence of Mrs. West, at a party shower for Miss Louise Pryor, who’s wedding takes place Monday Sept. 8, to Rather Vice tor Holley, Rector of St PhMip Church. s Mrs. Alice M. Smith, of 2409 Blondo Street, is expecting Mrs. Sam Patten, formerly Mias Clara Rogers of Oakland, California, to spend a few days with her and relatives on her way to Chicago, ' She is expected Sept. 4th or 5th. Mrs. Estella Watters, popular club woman of the Pleasant Green Baptist Church, just returned fram the Conven tion in Des Moines, Iowa Those who accompanied Mrs. Watter were; Rev. P. : Price, Rev. Ford of Salem-, Bap tist Church, Mrs. Ida Auston, Mother Edward Ldtle. Miss Maggie Mae John-, son, of tWe FWaaaint Green church. All had a very pleasant trip, visiting Rev: P. J. Price pastor of the Pleac aant Green church. v •* • 1 Mrs. W. M. Cooper, of 260$ Blondo St., left FViday. August 24, for Tex arkana. Aik., than #he will visit, her mother and fathw and other relatives-, Mr. Cooper is planning ejn .driving jjfy through to the National ..Bap-, tist convention, oonvenins » Oklahp ma City, Sept- 5-8* Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Dorse*. *C Mew York City arrived in Omaha August 2T to Visit with M. .r. Dorsey'a nwOw and father. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. £9ft aey, of 3717 Parker St, They plane ?n spending a week with Mr. Dorsey's par ents, leaving about the. and or 3rd »* September. ^ : -.. • —— M A vra Katie Barlow and children, Oar rie and Albert have visited with Mfs Louise Strawther. of 2220 Willis AVe. for the past week. Mrs. arlow and her children have returned to Ghi cg% .... '*■ . Mrs. Mary Grant of 2223 Willis Ave is expected home s*on from her visit to lake Okoboji, Iowa. She has been ai the Lake for several weeks. --G Mrs liable Hawkia*. of Chicag*, Id. Who has been vlaMng with her d*ughte. Mrs. Alice Galloway. 2M4 Mo. 28 St. just returned from ft visit with relative! and friends is Salt Lake City. Utah M*«. Hawkins was the gae*t of Mr Busk Green, wfeife in Satt IsUte City She returned to btphha. Wednesday t visit with her daughter again for tw weeks. TOURNAMENT HELD IN K C “TSa., 4Ek V'.r. The Swastika golf club is sending a twelve man team to compete in a tournament in Kansas City, Mo. Labor Day, SeptS. Other cities entering this tourna ment are: De*-Moines, Topeka, St. Louis and Kansas City. J ^ I t -Q DEMOCRATS HOLD COUNTY CONVENTION ra— : Francis P. Mathews, chairman of the Democratic County Central Committee, opened the Democratic County conven tion at 7:40 p. m Thursday Aug. 30, the Council Chamber of the City Hall. The convention re-elected Mr. Mat thews chairman of the Democratic Central Oommitttee. Mr. Milton Pet erson, vice chairman, Paul Halpine, secretary, James M. Roncka, treasurer, Mrs. Beatice Gray and Mr. Charles F. Davis were elected Committeemen from the second ward to the Douglas County Central Committee. -GS REPUBLICANS MEET IN CONVENTION Lauding the Q. O. P. and arraigning the Democratic party the Republican County Convention opened in the City Hall at 1 p. m. Thursday, August 30. James A. Rodman w*e elected per manent chairman of the convention. A committee of sixteen were sppoint to select the County Central Committee personel. bgr. H^c^ Anderpon waP placed on the committee a* is member at-large.. ' t > - * ■ <' L —<3-—V* r ,t. , . ENTERTAINS , NEW YORJL. GLE>T \Ci«» Grace Dorsey,, pf 3717 Parker St. entertained a few friends Wednes .t/y •- 1*4 • w .ft * day, Aug. 29, at a tea in honor of Mr. and Mrs.. R-. C.. Williams of Augusta ’ j/iW *i r * ti.Vlf.i : Ga. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Tbbrsey *re here visit ing Mr. Dorsetf'd pJpMnfs.'M1. and Mre. 8. . ,H. Dos«jr> Mrs. R. G. Williams aunt of Mr. Joseph Dorsey, also ac companied then* Jto Omaha. They will attend th*ir W4, Gabor Gay - ,v; - ■. . ... -.i •. *- -uit TTX r 8TSND8 ACATION IN . SUNNY CALJEOJXNLY i r%W.• * • . I Oerald Craddock, llye^rs of age, son of Mr. and Mrs. WCradock, returned h<>me) aftfcr spending six weeks ; in Sunny OUfOriilh; ;'*rtdlti'hg with h.i»! grandmother , Mrs. W. O. Johndon,. Bukerfield. California. He reports * vey nice trip, and speaks of his en-1 Joyment in the nice California sun. Mrs. oh.nny Jaoksonj 2904 Defcatur St. ! deparfM for Tulsa, Okla., to visit re-, latives. Site intends, to stay two weeks; "1 S-iJ 9 ,tV.'T:.-r ..‘••■.I- i PENNY M31AS BA* HIDE : f.--u i rrj—r i Eshi* r The Penny,.-OMte.tftv Spifttuak Uhuroh4 ,«i4»hnot5ed Park. .• vi; f-*>t c lurn vtf trill,. .. t Gurnee were playe^B,jr^iat wiener* and ico.'CXQMK :r^.irfW^. Will W»mep ■ Mt». t^i^lps, M^a-^I.S.I -ty* nd^ehigi sdMted bey Mra^^le.u^rtmnde.Uft an 'snSoyahte eywi*ia„ r-iWiMif-. ■ * ' * ■ i-sr r i« V - *, . At i‘ Wftyit&ligilttfrdtf&fc' on, the 24ti,7 :Mfti>*niels - * hi » iito mil i.^.t-~rr. which CAUSE t» ***i-T*ke them regularly ahdyeOshooW aufier lwa and leaaaochcooelhfc PW|5ISTENT USE BUNGS JP ^LMANENT RE LIEF. Sold n ail good drag score* Scull acac 50*. LYDIA L PINKIAE’S TADLETS POR MBUEFAND PREVENTION > BP PERIODIC PAINS IHaaaaaaaHaHMM proved himself a very charming and efficient boat, when he so successfully entertained his Wife, Mrs.Oorinne Donnell Me Daniels, at a beautifully appointed buffet luncheon at the Mid City Comuni ty Ceter. The affair w®e a complete surprise to Mrs. McDaniels, and «*>«> wsf» |reaQ^r surprised;. The lunch was served on tables prett ly decorated with rose and garden flow era. Bridge was the devension of the evening. Mrs. McDaniels was reci pient of many lovely gifts, of which she w®« very grateful. Mr. McDaniels i. «l j * . ' • • ► was so successful in putting over -the surprise, with the a^stance of Mrs. G. H. Ashby, Mrs. Walter Seals, Mrs Howard McDaniels, and Mrs. jack White. The guest present included, Mr. and Mrs. Sherley Taney, Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Wheatly, Mr. and Mrs. Sabert Hanger, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Howard McDaniels, Mr. and Mrs. Jack White, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. W■ Gray, M}r. land MSrs. Wajte^- SejJlp, Mr. and Mrs. Toby James, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer*, Mrs. G. H. Ashby, Miss Will a Johnson, Miss Rachae Taylor, Mrs. Julia Thom8* of St. Douis and Mr. Jack Tolson. -G MR AND MRS F. D. WIGGINS OF CHICAGO ENTERTAINED Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Wiggins and were the house guests for a week of Mr. and Mrs. Rountree, 1918 No. 28th St.. Mr. and Mrs. Wigging spent weeks In Wellington, Dl. O., with Mr. Wiggins’ mother. Mr., and Mrs. Jackson entertained them Wedesday evening at 6 o'clock din ner. Covers were laid for twelve. Mr. an Mrs. Josepn Taylor entetain end with a. bradge [M-rty in honor of Mrs. Ethel Willis and Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins. Mrs.. Pearl Wakefield enter taned 12 for breakfast Thursday.. Mr and Mrs Shirley Yancey enter tained ten for six o’clock dinner Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. F. U. W'iggina left Sunday evening Aug. 26 for their home. .... . . —-G Mr. Lorothop Rogers of St. Paul. MitynesoHa visited •the Omaha, Guide plant on Tuesday, August 28 *'• ! i. "I' ;v if ■' Mrs. Lucius Fulwood, 2722 Burdette St. entertained Sunday August 26 for Mrs*. Robert Sherili of Tuscaloosa, Ala. who is the house guest of her sister. Mrs. Vera Hariss. A splendid repast wag enjoyed Mrs. SheriU will return to he home on Sept 1. to begin her work as a successful teacher in tb# public schools at Bessemer, Ala. D. Eugene Muray, 2911 North 27th St. is enjoying a vacation trip In the Northern woods ol Minnesota, fishing, boating and so, forth, in the company of Mr. C. A. Musselmaa, Sec’y of the Y. M. C. A. and hi® wife. Mr. Murrey will return Friday August 3f. • * ' • * i *• {■ 7 i. ' | Mass Hallye Johnson entertained at heme, 2020 Pinkney at. Among the gueeta were, Misses Emily Williams, of Oklahoma, Mr. Richard Green, and the Loving Five; wich are Joseph JJnion, Bill Cooper, Alomco Whte, Ward el Tohrer, and El Cooper A very delghtfull luncheon was served by the hostess. The menu consisted of, stuffed tomatoes. Red tpn, crackers, and icd cream, and «ake,j A. beautiful gift vrea-gitfian, the. Loving Fixity, the hos tehs. • ■ -- *, y ,. ■ iOv. L . . •.-trr—Q——tv.*-. || ..i c.*J5 ?*••«* f V/- " ^ -t | 5 -J- *- iri * j i .1. -j..- . ROSS "’if* *./!•*>>:5 C, . nY *>•; * • « Irt - “>*• f> C#«ll»W -T-'- “-■o'sc. r \ sr j... ■ *’■ '•• v t ft'.f.-vi $ •••'..•’(■■F ra <-* . ; W2s,..t^e- * <« I ^ I t-' Located p At 2122 N. 24th $1 Vie. 2770 Min I Hill I iihim ' Mr*. Florence Terrell Mrs. Florence Terrell, who is visiting Mn California with her aunt, Mrs. Hat tie Newman, and her cousin, Mr., eu gene Newman, 1631 1-2 West 20th St. Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Terrell wil return to Omaha about Sept. 15. She reports a very enjoyable visit in sunnj California, taking in the beach ever> , day. -<3 OMAHA CHECKER CLUB The Omaha Checker Club will have its grand seasonal opening meeting the first Friday -in September, which will be on the seventh. All business and election of new officers will be taken care of. The meeting place will be at the Mid City /Community Center, 22nd and Lake Sts. at 8 p. m. All members and checker enthusiasts are cordially invited to be present LesKe E. Green Reporter -G HOMER BURDETTE DESS IN DENVER Mr. Horaer Burdette, of 1829 No. 22nd St. died Friday Aug..£4 in Denver General Hospital in Colorado.. His grandmother, Mrs. Rosie Anderson, left last Monday, Aug. 20, to be at his bedside, and w»s pesent at his death. Mrs. Anderson brought his body back to Omaha for burial.. The body was shipped to Omaha, in charge. Funeral services were held Thurs day morning from the home of his aunt, Mrs. Cera Haywood, at 8:30 a. m. and at the St. Benedict's Church at 9 a. m. Burial w*« at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Mr. Burdette will be remembered as a former sports writer for the Omaha Guide, back in 1932, he also accom panied Mr. Andrew Stuart on an ex tensive tour through the South in June, 1934 Mr- Burdette leaves to mourn his death, his mother. Mrs. Mable Mack of Denver, Colo., an Aunt, Mrs. Cora Haywood of Omaha, an uncle, Mr. William Anderson of Omaha, and a grand-mother, Mrs.. Rosie Anderson of Omaha.. ' . . G Ideal BottXing Co. “IF IT’S IDEAL ITS GOOD” 1806 North 20th Street WEbster 3043 SUMMER ACTIVITIES AT THE NORTH SIDE Y. W. C. A. 51 girls enrolled in the second an nual “Ptay-at-Home Camp” for teen ago girls. The camp was conducted during the month of July under the leedership of Mrs- Alice McCarroll Wilson. The following persons as sirted: Mrs. Robbie Davis, the late Mrs. Freddie Porter, the Misses Mary Ellen Dickerson, Kizzie Lee Harris. Viola Brooks, Lorraine Fletch ei Asilee Dotson, Ada Lee Walker, Veneeil Anderson; Mesdames Mabel Johnson, Jesica Wright, Lois Goode and Lucy Charlotte Crawford gave interesting talks on table etiquette and every daymanners. Sewing, in cluding dresses and shorts, crafts, a puppet show, ballet dancing, art, in recreation were included in the pro gram. During the four week’s ses sion; 3 days a week a total of 370 attended the school. The swimming class held at Christ Child Center for four weeks enroll ed such a large group that the in structors; Mr. John Anderson and Mr Dillard Crawford were forced to teach in relays. Physical exams were re quired of every student and much progress was made by a large num ber of beginners. Miss Helen Wilkes, vice president,1 Junior, Senior High School Club rep resented the Branch High School girls at a ten-day regional conference at Camp Brewster, June 15-25- Mrs. Dorothy Pollard, President Trojan Club was the delegate to the Busi ness and Industrial Conference at Lake Okoboji, July 2-12 Miss Chris tine Dixon served as pianist at the same conference. Both conferences were attended by more than 400 white and colored girls from Iowa, Nebras ka, North and South Dakota, Minneso ta, Colorado, Missouri and Kansas. Specialists in health, economics, re ligion, crafts, raci relations, psych ology, national and world problems,! leadership, etc, gave very helpful j talks on practiutl girl problems Problems ot the working girl eg. wages, hours, co.les, unions, strikes.' employer; employee atttudes were thorougMv discussed For the first time, the Industrial | department of the North Side YWCA was represented at the ten day lead ership course held in the beautiful MJcCormick Residence, Chicago, 111- j Mrs. Lucy Mae Stamps Rucker, Pres ident Quack Club attended. Twenty five girls from the southern, eastern and middle western parts of the coun- ; try, Seven of whom were Negroes j The Omaha Gaida Recommend* The State Furniture Co. Corner 14th and Streets. As One of the Mo.-t Reliable anti Aeconioii-tir.g Firms to Buy from. Prices the Lowest and I Terms the Easiest 1 HOCKEY BALL PLAYERS WANTED WANTED—COLORED HOCKEY PLAYERS FOR. TRAVELING CLUB GOOD SALARY " AND EXPENSES PAID STARTING ON ROAD NOVEMBER 1. WRITE R. L. VOJ2LZ, IN CARE OF ROBBINSDALE I SHOPPER, ROBBINSDALE, MINN. | FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS Oh Boy, It’s Here Free Lunch With Beer FREE MENU—TAKE YOUR CHOICE Each N‘*rht With Budweiser Beer—Starting 8:30 p. nt. Unntil 6 a- w MOND Y _ CHICKEN SALAD TUBS! \• 7“_________CRAB SALAD WEDN YSD \ Y___AMERICAN SPHAGElTl THUR’liAY ___SALMON SALAD FRIDA Y _- _SARDINE SALAD SATURDAY ---- TAMALIES SUNDAY ____ SHRIMP SALAB Remember w® sell the best Barbecue in town. It is barbecued by Colonel Maeeto and served by Gen eral Knox. MASON AND KNOX CAFE 2307 North 24th Street WEbster 4208 THE HOME OF THE KING OF BOTTLED BEER BUDWEISER were present- The course included an intensive study of the ways of work and history of the Association how to woric with people, techniques of discovering the needs and interests of girls within a group, committee work, principles of program building,1 parliamentary law, etc. All expens- i es for these delegates were met large ly by the club groups- Through a special scholarship fund set up by the National Board *f the YWCA, some aid was given -G UNDER THE FHA. PLAN Under the Federal Housing Admi nistration plan for remodeling, re pairing and renovating homes, many contracts will be let for this week We urge all contractors, plumbers, carpenters, etc. to register at the Omaha Guide. We are anxous to see you get your share of ths work We likewise will be pleased to as sist any home owner by direction and advice toward assisting you in procur ing the benefits under theF .H. A _n_ REGISTRATION WEEK FO FREE CLASSES September 3rd - 7th . 9:30 p. m. NORTH SIDE Y- W. C. A. Spend your leisure usefully and plea antly!—Knowledge is your BOSS!!!! Be Prepared for the unexpected op port unity!! WITHOUT ANY COST! PLANNED FOR YOU JOIN NOW! THESE ARE THE FREE CLASSES Cooking, Sewing, Dramatics, Negro History, Music Directing, Current Events, Book Lover’s Club -CLASS IN PERSONALITY-j Learn how to like! Successful! Learn how to get along with people! Learn how to meet people! Learn how to express yourself! Learn how to be popular! CLASS IN HOMEMAKING FOR QUIVERING NERVES When yoa are fast on edge < . . when yoa can't stand the children's noise t;: when everything yon do Is a harden . s s when yoa are irri table and blue .;. try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. 98 out of 100 women report benefit. It will give you just the extra en ergy yoa need. Life will seem worth living again. Don't endure another day without die help this medicine can give. Get • bottle from your druggist todayi VEGETABLE COMPOUND LOST 57 POUNDS OF FAT-DIDN'T CUT DOWN ON FOOD “I lest 57 lbs. by taking Kroschen S ’its and it had no 111 effect on me. I f. Un’t cut ilown on a single food—I recommend It to any one who is over weight-" Mrs. A. Uopiak. So. Milwau kee, Wis. To win a slender, youthful figure take a half teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts In a glass of hot water first t h 1 ng every morning, while fat is 'lfcaving you gain In stoenetn, neaun i and physical charm—look younger. Many physicians prescribe It and 1 thov sandy ef fat folks nil over the i world have achieved slenderness. A ‘ jar lasts 4 we/ks and costs but a trifle I i at sny drugstore. But protect your l< health—make sure you get Kruschen | < —It's the SAFE way to reduce and < money b”rk if not satisfied. • HOME LOVERS Ideas on how to entertain! Ideas on how to decorate the home! Ideas on how to keep the family hap py! HEALTH CLAES A sound body is your greatest needf Learn how to keep well! Learn how to care for oommon ill*, colds, headaches! , [yearn how to relax, how to get rid of worry, fears! Classes in Typing And Shorthand Opportunity School For Beginners And Advanced Pupils Classes will start the second week in September. Other classes will be opened on request if 10 persons en roll. Call Webster 1639 for further information -" — vr—■ Swiftest and Best RHEUMATIC PRESCRIPTION 85 Cents I Pain—Agony Starts to Leave in 24 Hours Just ask for Allenru—Within M hours after you start to take this safe yet powerful medicine excess uric acid and other circulating poisons start to leave your body. In 48 hours pain, agony and swell ing are usually gone—The Allenru prescription is guaranteed—If one bottle doesn't do as stated—money n ^back. ^ | _ ~TELLS HOW SHE TOOK 4 INCHES OFF HIPS 7 INCHES OFF WAIST In 40 days by tiklng Kruschen Saits. Mrs. Hein Blaugh of New York City reduced 26% lbs.—took 4 Inches oft hips, 3 Inches off bust'and 7% inches oir waist She wrtten: "I haven't gone hun gry a moment—I feel fine and look 10 yv*. younger.” To get rid of dou ble chins, bulging hips, ugly soils of fat on waist and upper arms SAFELY and without discomfort— ~ ■' ■■ * at tnc same tim® build up glorious health and acquire a# clear skin, bright eyes, energy and vivaciousnesfi—to look younger and feel it—take a half teaspoonfuTof Kru echen 3alts in a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast One jar lasts 4 weeks and costs but a trifle at any drugstore the world over. Make hum -you get Kruneben •attalltt.*1 8 SAFE. Money back If not , Close at 4:00 A. M Natnrday and Sunday, Good Food Plus EFFICIENT SERVlCe, KingYuen Cafe Chop bucy and Ketcamein our hobby American and Chinese Dishes Phone JA. b.r>76 2010% North 24th St Omaha, U. S. A. MADAM SARAH ’ ^ A GIFTED READER Special Life Readings 50e.. This Week only. Madam Sarah tells everything you want to know, and answers all questions, Hidden Treasures.. .If others have failed, you consult me.. Satisfaction to all or no Fee accepted. READINGS CONFIDENT! AL Hours 9 a.. m_ to 8 p. m.. Daily 408 So. 24th Street# Omaha, Neb. •V For ha1 -es. morlirrs rdy j j on Mavis TaJcum IvAvder. So pure — no added judica tion is messary. It guards hehy skins against chafing and acid irritations. Within the familiar Mavis red container is complete summer comfort for every member of the family. Mavis Talcum actually kt-ej/i the skin cooler. by VIVAUDOU 25? '50? $100 MAVIS «0WDER * I is . iiiii \ v.