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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1934)
VOLUME vm THE OMAHA GUIDE OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 1, 1934 NUMBER 28 , NRA ! HIGHLIGHTS IF THE WEE! — President. .Asks Gen. Johnson to j ♦day: Provident Roosevelt has asked) Gene a I K 'gh S. Johnson to remain} as NRA A dministrator. Since the virtual < • mpletion of the codes a few1 months sgo, the General has been gradually recognizing the NRA to , mar t the requirements of administer " mg them. At the same time, the simplifying and perfecting process has gone on. “The President,” the Administrator told newspaper men on leaving the White House, “said that I hart to stay right here with ^my feet nailed to the floor.” Where Complaints Should Be Fil ed: To investigate complaints of code violations, A,he Compliance Division of the NRA has establisber 54 offi cers under the State Compliance Di rectors. One is in each state, and extra branch o cers have been set up in New York, Pennsylvania, Tex as, and California. When complaints are not settled by the representa tives of these offices, or when appeals are taken from the decisions of the State Directors, the cases are refer red to state adjustment boards, con sisting of representatives of Labor, Capital, and the consuming public The court of last resort is the Com pliance Council at Washington, which recommends action when it fails to make adjustment. Food And Grocery Chains Back Government Standards: 'The Food and Grocery Chain Stores of Ameri ca, whose members have more than 23,000 stores, and whose brands of can goods account for more than 15 per cent of the total American pack, has joined the drive for the adoption of Department of Agriculture stan dards and more informative labels, k Division Administrator A. W. Riley f has been notified by President F. H. Massman that the Association had agreed unanimously to give “active support” to the movement. A & P Adopts Government Grades: ^ The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., the world’s largest grocery dis tributor, with 1-.000 outlets, is the first concern to notify the NRA that it will revise its canned food labels to conform to the grades defined by tho Department of Agriculture. This eompany packs or controls the pack ing at 10 per cent at aH canned goods put up in America. In a wire to Di vision Administrator A. W. Riley, President J. A. Hartford said, “We wish to go on record as favoring the plan, believing it advantageous to the eonsuminr public.” Libby McNeil Libby, C’-ic, :o packers of canned goods, notified the NRA that it is willing to go to the length of design ing new labels to prevent misunder standings. Dress Manufacturers Would Curb Pwucjr(The movement which has been under way for years among the country's leading manufacturers to ottrb style piracy has culminated In a demand for the ammendmeot of their code. The NRA will have a hear ing on the subject early next month. Codes in otheu- lines af industry have greatly reduced design piracy. This is particularly true in the silk field, where all surface designs are filed by their owners with a registration bu reau. The dress manufacturers also want a bureau where styles may be filed and reserved for the exclusive two of the registrants for six-month periods. The Fashion Originators' Guild of Annudca, which has been fighting style piracy through agree ment with the leading retailers has announced its support of the propos er amendment. la - Sheltered Workshops Now Organ!*. «d: Completed questionaires and (Continued on page four) MRS. MARTHA T. SMITH TWO WOMEN INJURED IN COLLISION Ex-Police Captain Carney was driv ing South on 15th Street, and Mrs Henry Smith was driving East on Capitol Avenue, about 8 p. m. Mon day, August 27, when the collision occured. Mrs. Henry Smith of 3521 Blondo,j was taking Mrs. McKnight, a guest, and her mother, to the station, when the accident happened. The mother, Mrs- Martha Taylor Smith of 2211 Ohio, was seriously injured. She was taken to the Lord Lister Hos j pitai, where an ex-ray was taken, which showed fracture of the ribs. She received a gash on her legs, and bruises about the head and arms. Mrs. McKnight was bruised about the head and arm. Mrs- Henry Smith was bruised and ctit on the arms and legs. They were attended and left at home. The car was badly damaged UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN BARS GIRL FROM DORMITORY NEW YORK — Aug 24 — Although Jean Blackwell of Baltimore, Mary land is a senior at the University of Michigan with better than a “B” average and a young woman of ex cellent character, she is apparently being barred from Martha Cook dor mitory solely because she is a Ne gro. This charge is made in a letter recently received by the National As sociation for the Advancement of Colored People from Mrs. Sarah M. Blackwell, the girl’s mother. The al 1 edged discrimination is now beng in vestigated by L. C. Blount, president of the Detroit N. A A C. P. branch, | and F.. Grigsby president of the De troit Civic League. Miss Blackwell made application in April for a room in Martha Cook dor mitory, whch she understands is re stricted to girls with a “B" average. Although she fulfilled all qualifica (Continued on page four) OMAHANS SING IN NORFOLK A group of singers from Omaha, rendered a beautiful sacred program Sunday at 8 p. m. in the First M. E Church, at Norfolk, Nebraska. Sopranos — Marie Robinson and Clemintine Reynolds and Lillian Perry Alto6—lone Mills and Scotchie Crawford Tenors — Alfern Car y and James Harrison Base—Bill Green, Mrs. H- Madison Directress and organist. Rev. L. M. Fort, Mrs. Lillie Harrson and Alfern Garey were in the party REFUSES RETIREMENT AND PENSION Mr. Gus Coma, 55 years old, of 2712 Ohio Street, who is employed at the Swift Packing Co., will return to work on August 30, after a week’s vacation. Mr. Coma has been employed at the Swift Packing Company for 37 years. After 25 years of service, an employee is entitled to a retirement and pension. Mr- Coma’s retirement was due 12 years ago, but he refused to take it, because of his good health. The ComjKany has told him many times that he was eligible for a pen sion, but he is so dutiful that he re fuses. “YOU HAVE STABBED ME IN THE BACK,” HERNDON WIRES SCHUYLER NEW YORK—,‘At this crucial point in my fight, you have stabbed me in the back.” This is the charge made by Angelo Herndon, Negro organizer sentenced to the Georgia chain-gang, in a telegram sent last Thursday to George Schuyler, Pittsburgh Courier colmnist and N. A. A- C. P. leader. The telegram is an indignant pro test against Schuyler’s statement in his columfn of Aug. 25, concerning Herndon. Schuyler said: “Herndon is out on bail, and will probably skit it like all the rest.” Schuyler re fers here to the $15,000 bail collect ed hy the International Labor De fense to free Heraron from Fulton Tower prison in Atlanta, pending ap peal of his sentence of 18-20 years on the chain-gang. (Continued on page four) NIAGARA FILLS NEGRO IS I VICTIM OF I RIPE F E-UP NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. — A rape frame-up which bears startling re semblence to the Scottsboro case is beng fought by the Intematonal La bor Defense here The framed man is George Davis, a 23-year-old Negro worker. He has been bound over to the grand jury on the high bail of $25,000 cash or $50, 000 property. The frame-up is ac companied by efforts of the local press and police to whip up lynch spirit against the Negroes of Niagara Falls. On Monday, July 30, the Niagara Falls Gazette printed, under scream ing headlines, a story to the effect that at 1 o’clock that morning an 18 year old white girl, Helen Lauchet, had been raped by two Negroes. The story went that the girl had been out with a white boy, Stanley Wajcik, and another couple, and that while in park two Negroes had jumped at them, held Wajick prisoner, and had taken her into the bushes and raped her. Print Lynch Appeal The Gazette printed the. story as though all the statements made by the girl were proved- At the same time appeared a letter, signed “A mother, “calling the men of the com munity to show chivalry towards their women in the Southern style to bend all efforts to make the streets safe again for white girls to walk by making an example of a few Ne groes. The International Labor Defense had attorneys in court to defend Dav is, who signed retainers for the ILD. (Continued on page four) -O GHARCE DISCRIMINATION ON POBLIC WORKS NE WYORK—Aug, 24—The eternal vigilance necessary to obtain fair play for Negro workers even in this city was illustrated yesterday when the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People wrote Col. William J. Wilgus, new director of the Works Division, complaining of dscrimination against colored em ployees.. The letter signed by Roy Wilkins, assistant secretary of the Association, charged that “where white and col ored workers were on a job together and some members of both races were laid off, that almost uniformly the slips given the lay-off as ‘lazy.’ Tate at work,' ‘unwilling to work,’ etc., quota.' This means, of course, that when these colored workers present themselves for reinstatement or even [ for home relief, consideration of their application will be prejudiced by the reason entered upon their discharge slips” The letter farther charged that many skilled colored workers “who had even passed examinations" were given jobs and pay of unskilled work ers. It cited the case of a colored blacksmith who was suddenly reduc ed from that rating at a pay of $1. 18 12 an hour to a laborer at ,50 an hour, and who despite repeated ef forts has been unable to get his pro per eating and pay Another complaint is that the sup ervisor in charge of a certain build ing project classifies all white work ers as “key workers” and necessary to the continuance of the project, “whereas all colored workers, no mat ter how competent or of what senio rity, are unclassified and are thus the first to be dismissed • .. and inex perienced white workers placed in their job6.” The director of the Works Division was asked to investigate these vari ous types of discrimination and wipe them out MISS LOUISE B. PRYOR Father Victor Holley, Rector of St. Phillip’s Episcopal Church, and for merly rector of St. Cyprian Church' of the west side and the Holy Spirit Mission of the south side of Pitts burgh, Pa., will be married Sept. 3 to Miss Louise B. Pryor of 1414 North1 25th St. i Father Holley, a native of Haiti is the grand-son of the first colored Bishop to be ordained by the Church. He has studied extensively in the Unitei States. Father Holley suc ceeded the late Father John Albert William, a rector of St. Phillip’s- His successful tenure of office has been subject of comment and approbation. Miss Louise B Pryor, fiancee of Father Holley, is the 20-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Pryor. She was bom in Omaha, at tended and graduated from the grade and high schools of the city. FATHER VICTOR HOLLEY Miss Pryor holds the distinction of being the first Ne gro to graduate from North High School. The family of Miss Pryor are old resident of the city. Her grandfather, Mr. E. W Pryor, has lived in Omaha 45 years. Mr. Ells worth Pryor, her father, was born and raised in Omaha and married here 21 years ago- Mrs. Ellsworth Pryor, her mother was formerly Miss Lila B. Waters of Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Pryor’s family has been residents of Pittsburgh for over sixty years. Father Holley and Miss Pryor will be married at 8 p. m. Monday, Sept. 3, at the St. Phillips, The Deacon Episcopal Church. After a honeymoon of a week, the couple will be at home at the St Phillips Church Rectory, 1119 N. 21st Street FUND GROWING TO FREE SCOTTSBORO BOYS AND HERNDON _ NEW YORK—With the task of free ing Angelo Herndon on $15,000 bail just completed the workers and their sympathizers are again digging in to their pockets to raise a $15,000 fund to carry the ease of Herndon and the eases of the Scottsboro Boys to the U. S. Supreme Court this fall After five years of joblessness, of crimes, of semi-starvation, the work ing class, white and Negro, faced with the daily problem of food, of shelter, of clothes, has not only lent $15,000 in bail, but has given in oot right gifts $4,000 toward the defense fund. From California, where worker* and ] workng-class organizers arc faeng long prison terms because they dared to strike, comes this letter: "You probably know the terror workers are facing here in California right now. Every available cent and ounce of energy is being thrown into this fight against fascist hoodlums. The joy of seeing Angelo Herndon free (for a while at least) and the desire to see complete freedom for him and other class-war prisoners, makes me tell my landlord to go to hell, and send you |£•" From New Jersey: “Thank yen for giving me the opportunity to assist in the Scottsboro - Herndon Emer gency Fund. I am not a Communist like Herndon, but an active Socialist. I shall strive for a united front on these cases.” With the Georgia Supreme Court agreeing to listen to another motion for rehearing of the Herndon case, and the cues of two of the Scott) JESS HUTTON PUCES IN AUDITION FINALS Omaha entrants in the National Au ditions held at Soldier’s Field in Chi cago, rendered a good account of themselves among America’s premiere singers in the National finals which were held at the Savoy Ballroom More than 1000 persons gathered to hear and witness one of the most spectacular evenings hi music ever pre sented by a group of Negro singers. Competing with a group of Ameri ca’s best female singers, Miss Es telle Robertson and Mrs. Rosa Buck ner were eliminated in the interstate semi-finals. Elmer McCreary, a bari tone from Omaha was also eliminat ed. Thomas Jones, Jess Hutten and Ed rose Willis were the Omaha entrants who appeared in competition in the finals. All at those save Jess Hut ten failed to place in the $3,000 awards. Hutten sang as his selection "Waterboy” and won 9th place among more than 200 contestants which also gave him a share in the $3,000 cash awards. The Omaha delegation of singers were highly acclaimed by the Nation al Auditions committee and judges, and despite the fact that Mr. Hutten ! was the only winner, it was claimed by such outstanding persons as Mrs.. Maud Rogers, Noble Sisale and Will Marion Cook that these entrants from Nebraska were highly (accredits ble boro Roys about to oome before the U. S. Supreme Court, funds are more urgently needed than before, the 1 L. D. officials state- Send all contri butions to Room 430, 80 Blast lltl i-Street, Near York City. BERT MOORE'S COLUMN TAILOR SELLS SUIT TO UNDERTAKER A man sent a suit of clothes to a tailor to be cleaned. The owner of the suit went to the tailor shop in a rush, and wanted his suit for a special occasion- The tailor looked all over the place for the suit It couldn’t be found- He asked his helper, if he knew anything about the suit Tha helper reminded the tailor that he had sold the suit the day before. The tailor requested the helper to get the suit from whom ever it was sold to, later, the helper replied that the undertaker, whom it was sold, had buried a man wearing the suit. REPORTS ROBBERY On John Orend of 3311 W- Street reports that while he was walking home, going north on W St., he was stopped by two unknown colored men in front of 2920 W St- The men rob bed him of 50c in cash, a pocket knife and his watch. The description of the men was given to the potce, but they are still unknown. CUTS HUSBAND One John Orend, of 3311 W Street 1811 N. 26th St, came home drunk. He started an argument and fight with his wife, Mable, and she hit him over the head with a large: mirror, causing a severe iaceratior. of the left cheek. He was attended at the police station by Dr-. Folhnan, then charged with drunkness. His wife, Mable Washington was not arrested and Smith states that he will file a complaint charge against her. MAN ATTEMPTS TO STAB POLICEMAN On August 29, Boy Harris of Den ver, Colo-, was stopped at 21st and Leavenworth St., for questioning by officers Levin and Lebed- When the officer approached the man, he at tempted to cut him with a knife- Ow ing to the policeman’s past experience as a wrestler, he subdued the man with one of his famous holds, and took him to the police station, where ho was given 10 days for vagrancy and 6 days for larceny. ALLEGED BOY ATTEMPTS BURGLARY Prank Terrell, 17 years old, of 22nd and Grant Sts., is alleged to have broken in the Hinky Dinky Store at 33rd and Parker Sts., by catting oat a screen of the rear window- He was discovered while prowling through the store. Cruiser officers, Griffin and Dodendorf arrested him The officers took five packages of chewing gum which it is charged, he had obtained in the attempt. __ ■ r~ - ponnie Booth, Jr., son of Mr.. Don ald Booth of 2408 Erskine St.., is ex pected to return to Omaha soon, af ter ten days visit to the C G C., sponsored by the FERA. for boys l have heard of Par on a golf course, but I’ve never beard of Per on a man’s job. I heard a an say that he was making Per at Us occu pation, perhaps he made something, perhaps he didn’t. I have a hluneh that Judge Lend is. the Czar af Base Ball had better loek over the 6t Louie Hotels for World Series reservation*. The Cards are strong finishers. They need observation at this time, ah elimination shows that the Detroit Tigers and the St- Louis Cardinals use the lightest weight bate of any teams in either league, 32-|100 ounc es for Detroit and St. Louis, 36-1(100 ounces for New York Yankee*.. New York Giants refused to weigh their bats THIS IS THE THIRD LINE OP THE POETRY PUZZLE— “I To Some Distant Land" Golf Club Competing In k. C. Tournament - Sept. 3