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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1934)
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGH S, COUNTY. NEBRASKA N jtice: Mable E. Bonner, plaintiff vs. Her bert N. Bonner, def ndant. To Herbert N. Bonner, non-resident defendant: You are hereby notified that on the 19th day of April 1934, Mable E. Bcciner as plaintiff filed h r petition against you in the District Court of Douglas County, Neb. aska. the ob ject a id praye • of which was to obtain a divorce from you on th ground of DESERTION. That said petition appears at Docket 303 Page 68 of the records of the District Court of Dou glas County, Nebraska. You are required to answer said petition on or befo e the 3rd day of September, 1934, or the allegations of said petition will be taken as true and a divorce awarded' accordingly. Mable E. Bonner, Plaintiff Atty. W. B. Bryan 1604’2 North 24th St, NOTICE OF ADMINISRATION In hte County Court of Douglas Count}, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Ethel (Saybert, d esc eased: All persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 26th day of July 1934 Clarrine Jarrett filed a i*etition in said County, praying that her final admlnlstrtlon account filed herein be settled and allowed that she be discharged from her trust as execu trix and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 25th day of August 1934, and that if you fan to appesis before said Court on on the said 25th day of August 1934 at 9 o’clock a. m., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as ;o tills Court may seem proper, to the eau i iii all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. Bryce Crawford County Judge Be-8-4-34. Ex. 8-18 34 A DMiN' ISTRATIGN NOTICE In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter ox the Estate of William H. Morti mer, Deceased: All persons interested in said mat ter aie hereby notified that on the 6th day of* August 1934 Cleo H. Mortimer filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final adnfhistration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be dscliaiged from his trust as executor and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 1st day of September 1934, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 1st day of Septem ber at 9 o’clock A. M., and contest sad petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petiton, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further- orders, alowances and decrees, as to thus Count may seem proper, to tose end that all matters fertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. BryceCrawford County Judge Be. 8-llr34 End 8-28 34 ° OUR FINAL WORD O —-- -- 0 Continued from page One as well as the regular election. Having received those 924 votes “written in” X am now taking the liberty of placing my name on the ballot for your convenience and con sideration. If you LET GEORGE DO IT he will 'see that your best interests are properly loked after.” GEORGE C. ROTHERY This yellow, anti race, prejudiced pamphlet is an insult to our intellig ence and lays down a challenge. We must meet this issue at the polls, vindicate our right to representation and manifest our common sense judg ment as men and women and as a thinking people. Whatever our petty differences or jealousy may be, let us lay them aside on August 14tl^ and meet this challenge at the polls like men and •women, race lovers that we are. Re member first and last we axe Negroes and must protect our rights as citizens. VOTE FOR REPRESENTATIVE JOHNNY OWEN. CANDIDATE TO THE LEGISLATURE FROM THE NINTH DISTRICT. ROOSEVELT DEMOCRAT CLUB Charles F. Davis, president Mrs. Fnnnye Ousley, secretary WM. (BILL) GREEN Continued from page One 3163 Lincoln Blvd. 2724 Maple St. 2860 Lake St. 531 No. 27th Ave. 2513 Charles St. 2509 Burdette St. 1123 So. 11th St. 2115 No. 26th St. 3213 Pinkney St. 2522 Lake St 2615 Patrick Ave. 2529 Parker St. 2609 Decatur St. 1919 Clark St. 41€0 Dewey St. 3310 Oho St. 2425 Lake St. ! 2313 No. 21th St. 802 No. 45th St. 2814 No. 28th Ave. 2852 2852 Binney St 2320 No. 26th St. ! REV MCGEE SAYS VOTE FOR ROBERT SMITH Knowing Robert Smith as we do, and what he has done for our group age should go to the polls and cast a vote for the nomination and elec tion of Robert Smith for Sesator on thjs Republican ticket} and we will be assured of having a true friend. Rev. Z. E. McGee Speaks At Elk’s Hall Continued from page One program- I do not know the candid ates, but I do know that Jchnnv Owen will serve you in the future as he has in the past. The stuff he’s made of does not permit him to do otherwise. He should be se, t ent back to the legislature t > re • present the ninth district. Governor Bryan complimented Mr. Har-y Re land saying that he was an efliuient state officer. Mr. Harland L. Mossman, candid ate for County Attorney was present ed by the Chairman. Mossman, con ceded winner, was recce;ved heartily I by the audience, and spo-ke of his State Relief activities, his stand for he unemployed and the fact that he wears no man’s collar, being free to exercise his own judgment unhamper ed bv political cliques. At the close h address Mr. Mossman received a hearty round of applause. I Mir. William N- Jamieson, candid ate for County Attorney, succeeded Mr. Mossman on the platform attack ? Mossman saying, “Baltics is no [ place for an honest man. It remind me of this story. ‘A man came home His Shut was dirty, stained with to bacco juues. His wife said, “John where have you been? John replied, “Paying cards at the Paxton Hotel.” ‘My Goodrfess,” she said, “haven’t they any cuspidores at the Paxtcn?" I John said. “Sure, but a guy didn’t dart; turn his head in that game.” Jamison’s speech was exploded when a citizen took the floor | and indorsed the followng candidates, Bryan, for Senate, O’Sullivan for , Governor, Mossman' for County At 1 torney, Johnny Owen for Represen tative of 9th District and C Adams, Representative for 10th Disrict. In cosing the speaker said, “Pay no at tention to this fellow Jamieson. I am giving to give you has reco; d | made when he was not a candidate I for office to show you what he thinks j cf the Negroes. In the trial of the. cas 1 of Mamie Alexander, ried for the killing of her husband, and defended by this man Jamieson, who is now here askng for your vote, Jamieson | in his plea to the jury, waving his arm to the rear of the courtroom packed wth Negro spectators said. “Gentlemen of the jury, pay no at tention to that black mob from No. 24th St. This is the same way he would treat Negroes if declared as County Attorney, as a black mob. I am for Harland L. Mossman for County Attorney Rep resen tatire Johnny Owen was then introduced by Mr. Leand. Mr Owen received an ovation from the audience and spoke saying he favor ed an Aldermanic form of City Gov j eminent for Omaha that we may have our own alderman in the city hall ! that he favored election of the school I board by districts to enable us to be i represented on the school board. ; Mr Owen further said,' “There is but a single issue left for race, voters to consider, we as a race are en 1 titled to be represented in the legis lature. It is our just due. I am the oniy Negro candidate on the Demo cratic ticket for the legislature from ; the ninth district The govemor says I will have served the district com I mendably. I hope that I may be of greater servce. As a race conscio us, race loving people, striving for recognition, this issue placed be fore you. We must -win in this p imary fight. Mr Harry Lea^ 1 then took the do r as an indivdual, disposing of issues concernng Bryain Other speakers of the evening were j Mr. Grant for William Barber, Mr. John South for John Rohn, Mr; John Hopkins, Mr. Knutson; Mr. C. Adams, Mr. Mike Endres, Mr. Kap an for Cavanaugh, Mr. Southard for Eugene D. O’Sullivan, Mr. Joe Breen, Mrs| Mable Gillespie, Mr. John Woods for Wm. (Bill) Green Mr. Andy Jensen, H. H: Harper, candidate for Congress and Rudolph Tesar. candidate for Metropolitan Utilities Director / EUGENE D. O’SULLIVAN “GENE” Democratic Can^;da+o for GOVERNOR —■ »■—mmmm— Of ihT'f1 and raifed T a farm> ne sPeass the language I ot the farmer and understands the farm problems i:1 Xe- I mask a. He promises to remember the “ forgotten’’ Deni- § oerats and to represent, the people of the town the hmh- 1 nay did not go through, as well as the town the highway 1 did go through. ‘ 5? NO GRAFT—NO Fixers—either lawyer or layman—No H backdoor politics or business. I Fearless Independent Honest Impartial | (Continued from page 3) get-away down tine bill, but was scon captured by Rev. Gonwell’s sen. Dr. A. L. Hawkins one °f the guest nf the T^ocsl made an interesting af ter dnner speech and vo-lutarily serv ed waiter. Professor E. J. Hawkins, urncipal of Junior High in Fort Scott, Kansas was the outstanding speaker- We were favored with Some, very timely ;and encoura/gng remarks. The Local was als° highly complimented for the good work an! the stand we take to better condi tions in the uommunfty. He stated it was expected of us on account of the positions we h°ld. Other inter esting speakers were. Miss Elian Page Baily of Topeka. Kansas; Mrs Lula Berkley Williams, Mrs. Pegg and H. L. Anderson of Omaha- Com rades OLLIE LEWIS, Secretary Treasurer and Henry W -Black ex president of the Local introduced the guest speakers. Others present were: Mrs- Earl Wheeler president of the auxlary; Mr and Mrs. Archie Duff, Mrs- Ray Conwell and s°n. W. T. Conwell. Be atrice Berkley Williams, Mr. and Mrs- J. W. Dacus, Rbert Dacus. Mrs. Sarah Dixon, Kennith Austin. Mr and Mrs. Gene Pendelton, Mrs- Ol lie Lewis, Mrs- M. A- Austin, Mal com Austin, Mr. and Mrs- C. B: Haw kins Wilkes and daughter Helen, Vonciel Anderson- Virginia Me Mc Raven, Mrs A- L. Hawkins, Mr: and Mrs: John F: Faucett and daughter Melba Faucett The Local feels highly honored by their Itingujshed guest, ainw we wish to see all of those who were present and many more at our next annual picnic John F- Faucett, Reporter Dollie Berry entrTaind the Club at the rome of Mrs. Mary Turner, 3018 Burdette St, Thursday, August 2, 1934. The usual business meeting was carried out, and the collection of dues. Seven members were pre sent Mrs Myrtle Stringer, our See., has returned from her vacaton, af ter visiting her sister in Kansas. Mrs. Stringer reported a very nue visit. Mrs. Ida Fountaine will en tertain the club next week. Minnie Burns, Pres. Myrtle Stringer, Sect. Dollie Berry. Reporter A RECORD MADE Continued from page One while the city was under martial law. The foi owing day. after the burn ng of Will Brown, when the aarm went in that there had been a white woman raped at 30th and Burdette St Mr. Coad aJnjd his assstants were assigned by General Woods, toget her with ether government officials to make an investigation. Immedi ately a barricade for three blocks around was established at the house where the attack was supposed to have occurred, blocking curiousity seekers and pedestrans from pass ing . The writer was admitted through the lines. On arriving at the scene, he found that the woman had given her story to the investiga tors, claming the big burly Negro had forced her into the woodshed, and after completing the attack jumped out the west window of the •woodshed. Mr. Coad made the following re mark to the writer, “When we first came here it was three Negroes, we have it down to one and when we - 1 ~et it; to any, the story of this ^ no v.Ii be at the right place.” i- r. Coad said to the writer, “Come around, here. I want to show you something, that is the window she says he jumped out of. See thte co,>webs rtretched across that win •f ' ' in evcfcy direction. My ccto clusion of this story is right.” This is the record of Mr. Ralph G. Coad. made 15 years for your consideration in Tuesday’s primary August 14th. If you elect Mr. Ralph G. Coad, as you,. Representatve n the House of Congress, you can rest assured that he wll represent all the people all the time, amywhere, regardless of i^ee, creed or color You will not have to wonder about where Mr. Coad wil be when the N. A. A -C. P. or any other civic order calls on him to make a firm stand aganst racial dserimnation. He is fear less courageous and will take a firm stand against wrong treatments any time and any where, right off the bat, without a monents hesitation. His records enttles him to your ser ious consideration on Tuesday Aug ust 14 at the polls. Andy Jensen Andy Jensen, 45 years in one spot, is now a candidate for County As sessor on the Democratic ticket in the August primaries. Mr. Jensen > the son of a pioneer North 24th St business man. who for more than 5 years, given employment to 6 Negros tn their laundry plant, known as the Jensen Laundry at 24th a .d Erskin Street Mr- Jensen says that if he is elected as County Assessor, you will not have ts fight for your pro-rta of eon ( ployment in his department and that is no pre-election talk either. My past I record should be sufficient proof.” POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT (Political Advertisement) VOTE FOR MISS GRACE BERGER | Miss Grace Berger is a candidate j on the Republican ticket for County7 | Clerk of Douglas County, Tuesday, Aug. 14 primary. ficient servce. (Political Advertisement) Remember, he is a true friend of the Negro race, and makes no epo logy for it. That’s the kind of a man who should get your loyal sup 1 port in the Primary eection, Tues day August 14th. ' rr-—<:& i Never Been Bought— | * - I RANDALL K. BROWN Metropolitan Utilities District Chairman of the Committee on operation and const ruction. Introduction e Introduced the yetrolelm breeze coke process several years ago for making cheaper gas. which ha helped reduce YOUR GAS BILLS. ,Has always opposed the usage of natural gas without a vote of the people; hais voted against all natu ral gas contracts as being econo mically unsound, and also unfair to railroads and labor. I ask for your vote on tahe bass om my 8-year record. Keep this municipal depart ment out of politics. (Political Advertisement) j 'I | i For Careful, Prompt, Efficient t ; Helpful Servce I f Vote For t i 1 • • i • 4 ? i 4 4 ■ ? • # 4 * r 4 ! Gottneid i • f • t i Republican Candidate for t | Clerk of the District Court ? | Ilis twenty years training | i and faitliful service as Deputy t j Clerk under Robert Smith— i j now candidate for United | | States Senator, is your guar-| j antee of the continuation oft 1 such service in that office iWE ASK THAT YOU AND 1 j YOU FRIENDS VOTE FORI f THIS PROVEN PUBLIC f l SERVANT • f " " 1 . ... ■— . ■ ■ —4 -CLASiiHED ADS- •_ Mill made Screens and Doors while you wait. 2717 North 24th Street. FOR RENT—one kitch nette apart ment and one room- Reasonable prices, 2226 Ohio Street. A NEAT FRONT ROOM KITCH ENETTE. WEbster 3707. Loves Kitchenette Appartment For Rent at 2518 Patric St- Call We. 5553 YOUR OWN—LAKE SHOE SERV ICE NONF BETTER; 2107 Lake St Furnished Rooms for rent. WEbser 2303. Rig Rummage Sale on New Goods— 1224 N 24th St- Come and Be Con vinced. BETTER RADIO SERVICE A. E- and J.’B, Bennett 2‘>J5 Cum mings St- Phone Ja- 0696 Three Room Apt., Fumature, gas. light and water $4.50 week Ja. 0986 Two room apt. and use of kitchen We. 4162. CORN S P REMEDY FOR | Corns Callouses and Bunions | Manufactured By I Shrkunbis' I.abratories at all + Drug Stores ! !——.»< » . „ . . . .. f MISS GRACE BERGER County Clerk RETURN as :: She is giving a busi ness-like, economic, ef ficient service in this important office. '! REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE Primaries August 14, 1934 I t. i_ij .>h»ii»i > -ir-f "t" i ■ jVote for— IE. M, JACOBBERGER j for ;; |* County Commissioner I 42 Years Resident of I Douglas County I*—--—— f Vote for I Harry Stevenson f Deomocratifc Candidate f for f I Clerk of the District Court 1 1 ■-> (Political Advertisement) gm •% / 1 WHAT OMAHA MAKES S - MAKES OMAHA I OMAHA FAMILY BLUE BARREL | I Haskin Brcthers, Cmclha I I il “The Friend of the Colored People” I and MONARCH BEER & Distributors of | “The Beer that Invigorates” I Phones AT 2443—AT 2444 KAY CAMEL, Dist. s McCord-Brady Bldg., 12th and Leavenworth, Omaha, Neb. A Shirts Laundered * Edholm and Sherman 2401 North 24th St. We 6055 r Ask for... ji Beer | “The BEER THAT SATISFIES” t -Distributed by U. S. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 714 South 13th Street JAckson 7757 Put Hsgic in lour Baking