The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 28, 1934, Page Eight, Image 8
su,de rnTTnuTa? °maha —— LUl | U lU a ii-^SET - --- - - - HE GUIDE, OMAHA, NEBR. SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1934 -—-- — « j THE OMAHA GUIDE j 1'i-iHK np SUBSCRIPTION—The Omaha Guide is Month.- ‘ subscription $1.00. Single copy, 0 cents. RENEWALS In renewing, give the name just as it appears on the label unless it be incorrect, m w-hich c-aso [ lease call our attention to the mistake; and al wiys gwe the full address to which your paper has oeen sent. , CHANGE OF ADDRESS-In ordering a change of audress, always give both old and new addresses. If •be paper does not reach you regularly, please notify us at once. \ DVER'FISING RATES—Given upon application. REMITTANCES—Send payment by postal or express „ onv.,v order, cash in registered letter, bank check or OURP ADDRESS—Send all communications to The Omaha Guide Publishing Company. Incorporated —' i /-\ -vt ‘f Ri__”"T|. "r%\ • J i » 3 H ftjr |eo*ri) ..; . am N.bruka Pr«M » i ■—ti— I EDITORIAL | i___; ■ MARGARET PAYN EAPPOINTED STENOGRAPHER Miss Margaret. Payne, formerly of Omaha, now residing in ( hicago, has recently been employed as a stenographer in th office of National Auditions, as a stenographer and typist- Miss Payne secured the postion thiough if fcommendatio v ni J- Ha-fvey Kirns, who is governor in cha ge of the Ne brasku auditions ELQER J. E GREENFIELD TO SPEAK OYER RADIO Elder Greenfield of 1009 No 49 Ave^ who is visiting in Chuago^ spoke over station WIND, Garey, Indiana, Sunday night July 29 from 10 to 11 p- m- Elder Smith of Chicago will also sp ak from this same station A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE FiVto times during the past Jnonth. citizens of color have been insulted, assaulted and humiliated in the use of the public parks and beaches in this city. Each time indignant citizens hav> made open protests to such treat ments, but stil the situation exists. It is high time that some definite con certed effort be taken by the Negro citizens to demand that protection be given them in these public supported places of recreation- Such incidents as have taken place are sewing the seed of interracial hatred and distrust, and is fanning a flame that may ignite open conflict at any time. Phe dis graceful race riots in Chicago, Springfield and Tulsa, are unhappy ni mo ries we hoid where in enforcement of law and order caused ihe city to pay «a price too dear for their negligence The law is plain regarding the free use of public places by all citizens j regardless of race, cr^ d or color. The Attorney General stands back of the law, k still remains to be seen how far our local authorities will.go.m carrying oat Ulelr oath of office In the mean t|me, it is necessary that Negroes demand tfceir constitu- j tienal rights- Some suggfstions have been made by officials, nr authority, , that, seperate accommodations be provided for Negroes- Strange as it •a -ms, some Negroes have advocated this policy. Omaha needs no sepe Vate pools, parks or anything else seperate for Negroes; acceptance of one segregated accommodation will lead to others being forced on the race. ,Tbe only seperatness, which should be shown is where decency, and be haviour is concerted- This rule should be enforced on persons of a class, Eut the race should not be. . , , . Negroes have one effective weapon to fight officials who lack courage to enforce the law, and that weapon is his vob?. Unfortunately, his memory has not served him from one election to the otVr. These are critical times in the life of Negroes, not only as to effect his economic relation* but hih ri'ht to pursue liberty and happiness- This is a time requiring herv intelli £T££X. n- wt-t -■> “»—«"’ *» wnt Neeroea answer the challenge? • JUDGE JAMES A COBB TALKS ON NEW DEAL •nracnrvrTON_(CNS)—Judge James A. Cobb, of the Municipal Court, ! iTtn add c. on the “Ne. D»fW« *» >»'"'* LMe"' ot L“"ta C°"* .hole country is ,» « « ot Te nTm the Negro to cooperate wth all intelligent forces of ad ;Tancement to create a better and more beautiful world in which all citizens W live in * t^—f t* ded, and being HUe ’ ly to^get ***1better position in the shuffle color^people of America have everything to gam and^nothmg^OTe^ y ^ contracti gets just about “A race, hbe an 1 , prut itl«d to The colored man in Ameri ■ .hut It iu honestly .ud mttlhs ^ ^ mil5t ..„rk iutelli j ea most have a defin ^ ^ ^ mind always that he is part and par gently and honestly. - . t the present economics and politic ; eel ot the Americun Geemumeut^eUn^ »_ ^ rf ^ ^ , 1 “ «<"“*“• fr°m ‘h' d“' ‘hat 1 ; - “rsr;r,-.hc ^ : W. E. B. BuBols. toudmg «»upo',he tools of civile ! i"hb^ r, xe«e ^jar^ttirjscrs: • -£VZ£ SiCutui"r sums - o, civllU.ti.n as the dominant groups in this country. THE UNTAXED AMERICAN IS A ' the mind! of every American Nq <;ne who ocCupies property,owns **TUe mvtaxed Amerna lQ t;le theatre; eats 3 meals a day; , a car, smokes tobacco, drinks bee^ ^ ^ motions of daily life gets rides on a street car or g^^ who think themselves non-taxpayers by untaxed- T et earnngs go far- for taxes- They are vic when at least ten per ce . . qj itself government earns no money, tims of the great Americ n gupport (must come from someone who does Every dollar that it J* ^ must tax production, all production, which means the earning- ® 0 consumer share in paying the bills-" that both producer a ^ ^ ^ ^ ft is the consumer who invanbly MUTT AND JEFF—Even A Fish Has To Tend To His Own Knitting &UD FISHER P^FSTERDAy. IF you RECALL, JEFF, DRESSED LIKE A FISH, FOR THE PURPOSE OF LuRlNG OTHER FISH near THE CAMERA, WAS 4 CARRIED AWAY FROM THE GOOD SHIP, FOUR LEAF CLOUER, BY AN UNDERTOW. LATER,JEFF WAS CAU6HT BY AFlSHINS BOAT? L bears the greater share of the burden—ou$ industries much as they would like to; have no magic means of conjuring money from air. Every expense of operation; whether it be materials; labor; rent or taxes; must be includ ed in the cost of the finished product. The buyer always pays. And to day with the cost of all forms of government soaring he pays more in tax es for each dollar he earns than he ever did before. If these indirect taxes were paid directly, there would bq a howl of an guish frfl|m one emd of the country to another- Taxpayers in all walks of life would band together to demand more efficient and less expensive govern ment- And a similar resuit will follow when the p<|ople learn that indirect taxes can be as expensive as direct taxefc-even more expensive as heavi er levis can bd exacted without the public knowing it In brief^when the actual facts concerning taxation are known^ there may be a change from the intolerable conditions of the prsent E N DANGERING FUTURE EMPLOYMENT 4 According to spokesmen for workers in the coal mines, the billion-dollar coal industry, which even in these times employs upward of 600,000 men, is destined to play a minor part in the future industrial life of thenation if the Federal government’s program for the development of needless hydro-elecctric projects is continued. The great government hydro-electric projects firfust inevitably destroy an enormous market lor coal at existing steam generating stations, and cause vast unemployment among miners and railroad workers- Also, it es said that thd output of the government hydro plants will blut an electric power market already served served far in excess of existing tfemands- As a result a wider market for the surplus energy will hav« to be sought among many coal users, thus further displacing use of coal in industry and homes These objections to the hydro program are important, when government effort is allegedly directed to providing jobs- Many millions of men are out of work and now thousands more are threatened with loss of employment. Every time a man loses his income, it is felt throughout the industrial structure—his purchasing power is gone, and hd no longer bays the myriad articles that factories produce. * There is no dearth of electric energy«in any section of this country, and in most area a fair priced publicly regulated supply is close to twice the demand. Engineers have said that some of the proposed government projects are even of doubtful practically—in ease of drouth they would be rendered useless AN ANSWER TO AN EDITORIAL CNA.—In all the annuals of base betrayal there is hardly to be found a more dastardly deed than the latest vicious attempt of the Pittsburgh; Courier and the NAACP. officials to destroy the defense of the nine in nocent Scottsboro Boys. In a foul and slanderous editorial tfe,* Pittsburgh Courier declares:. “These ill-fated Negroes might pos sibly have won a new' trial if it had not been for the negligence of the Scottsboro Defense attorneys.” But these reformist Negro traitors know that the appeal was filed with the- statutory 90 days from the date when judgment was- entered on Dec. 6 in the hand-writing of Judgj Cal lahan . They know that the upoding of Knights’ 'motion on this point by the Alabama Supreme Court was so patently fraudent'that it has " been compelled to back water. Moreover, they know that the defense has suez ceetfed in defeating all th vile man uvers of the Alabama lynch officials, and have forced a stay of ex.cution for Heywood Patterson and Clarence Norris. But this editorial announces with ghoulish glee, “They seem to be doomed. All of the mass meetings ;n all of the capitals of Europe, Asia ■ aDd Africa cannot save them now.” , This is a repetition of the treacher ous action of the Pittsburgh Courier when the appeals of seven of the Scottsboro Boys were first brought before the Alabama Supreme Court. Then the Courier proclaimed; “Th' boys have sealed their «wn d«om. We leave them to their poor judg ment and the ILD. May God have mercy on their sou’s.” Now they re peat the same vicious prayer not to any good, but to the lynch officials to burn nine innocent Scottsboro Boys. Yet these traitors pretend to be friend the Scottsboro Boys, whom they thus deliver over to the lynchers The same issue of this filthy news- ! paer carries a etter it claims to have received from Clarence Norrie, thank ng th Pittsburgh Courier for “all they have done for me in these try ing days.” But this letter bears on its face unmistakable evidence of the vicious forgery by which it was pro duced. These forgers would have us believe that Clarence Norris writes not of ME. but of HIM. These tools of the lynch oppressors would like to make the Negro people believe that Cla rence Norris accepts and resigns hm self to his own lynch murder in the electric chair, and writes glowingly about it! ' The editor of the Courier, Robert \ I Vann, has been bribed with a position in the Roosevelt government. To ' s'efher with the NAACP. *iisFeaders, he carries out the d.spicable role of assistant executioner of the Scotts boro Boys and th Negro peopl . This attack, upon the Scotts-boro defense is another attempt to cover up the betrayei of George Crawford 1 by the NAACP. misleaders into the hands of the Virginia lynch oppress j ors. This is clear from the foal I ■ rerood of the prostitute columnist, George Schuyler, who writes of the Crawford case, “The NAACP. hand j led the case as; well as it could be I handled. . . He was lucky to get off ! with life imprisonment, what with th® mountain of damning evidnce against him. Going on immediately to attack the Scottsboro defense, Schuyler writes, “Both of these young men, I wager, would have preferrd to-have the NAACP. get them life im pvi'sonment, instead of a burning dfea*Sh. h Not death, a-nd not life imprison ment for the nine innocent Scottsbo ro boys, as these treacherous lynch agents desire, but struggle, united mass struggles, to raise the funds needed to save the Scottsboro Boys and Angelo Ii.mdon. See that they are sent immediately and directly to the International Labor Defense. Fight to smash the murderous lynch frame-ups! MOTHER OF TEN RISKS LIFE TO SAVE MAN NEW YORK CITY—(CNA)—Mrs. Rosina McKnight, 38 year old Negro mother of ten children, risked her life on July 19th to save a sick man who had fallen on the tracks of a B. M. T. station. The man was James Mc Kcpn. Overcome with illness, he pitched forward and fell off the sub way platform where he lay exposed to the perils of an approaching train. Mrs. McKnight jumped after him. She strained every muscle to pull him out from between the rails. On the platform frightened spectators stood glued, no one thinking of helping. But Mjs. McKnight heard the fast aoproaching train without a tremor. She pulled out her white handker chief, ran down the tracks and flag ged the train. Motorman Harry Seidler, coming to a sudden stop, helped remove the unconscious Mc Keen to the platform. Mis. McKnight had no tihie to be a herione. She declared she had to get home to cook supper for her ten children. TAXES! TAXES TAXES Congress has adjourned. But the eyas of the public are still turned on W ashington. And most of them, figuratively speaking, are fixed on the treasury building. 1 he last Congress, like its predecess or, was extraordinarily expensive. It appropriated billions, and the budget which has contained a wide gap be tween income and outgo for some time is still further out of joint. In brief legislative activities of recent months have done nothing to mitigate the tax problen—they have made it con sid. ably more imposng than it was. It may be taken for granted that much of the money appropriated will serve one good purpose or another. Perhaps none of it wll be wasted. ! That, at this time, is beside the point. We are reaching the stage where and individuals can no longer pay heavier tax levies—and where many relief activities b.cause of their cost, are hampering not forwarding recovery. Government is precisely like individ Every citizen knows of useful things he would like to buy. He can’t buy them b.cause he hasn’t the money It isn’t a case of what he wants to do —it is a cease of what he ccan do with the means at his disposal. We have lost sight of that individual ized idear of government spending— and states, counties and cities have been even worse offenders than the federal government itself. It is un questioned fact that investors are put ting money into tax free bonds, where it does nothing for the sake of indus try, because of the fear that taxation willcontinue to take most of the pro fit out of private business. Jobs are lost, factories a^e closed, homes and farms are foreclosed, innstrial deve lopment is brought abrptly to a halt because of high taxes. These are facts not hot air. Cost of gover nment is our greatest and fastest growing problem. RADIO TALK BY CHAS. F. DAVIS, ATTY. * | Advocating the nomination and elec tion of H. H. HARPER, DEMO CRATIC CANDIDATE FOR CON GRESS ALSO the nomination and lection of JOHNNY OWEN FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE. It is my pleasure to speak to you on a subject of most importance. You deserve an opportunty to proper ly reflect and to -weigh the gravity of the situation that now confronts us. We are now in the midst of a primary election. The result of this el.-ction means the continued success or possible failure of the NEW )EAL. Your President and mine, Frank lin Delano Roosevelt, is entitled to a vote of confidence from American people. That vote of confidence can be given him by sending to Congress men willing, capable and far sighted enough to support wise legislation re gardless of its source of origin and who will lend 100% cooperation to he President. We must send ad ministration suporters. The second Congressional District, which incudes Douglas, Washington and Sarpy Counties now have the opportunity to give a most deserving vote of confidence to our already careworn President by electing to of fice H. H. HARPER, your candidate end mine, a staunch democrat and firm administration supporter. Mr.H arper is a graduate of the law department of Creighton Univer sity, was admitted to practice in 1910 . He has lived in this part of Nebraska for over twenty-five (25) years. He is a student of political economy and has unofficially kept in touch with every step of the Recovery program. H. H. HARPER, is high ly fitted for this great responsibility of representing the Second District in th 74th Congress. Our hopes and prayers are for the continued success of the Recovery Program under the Roosevelt Lead ership. We can achieve a victory for ourselves and our President by send GETTING THE STATES TOGETHER Uniform traffic laws and or'dinanc es in all states are vital to any move ment designed to reduce the number of deaths and injuries as well as th * economic loss chargeable annually to automobile accidents—a fact that was emphacized by the ve nt Fourth Na tional Conference on Street and High way safety. With Secretary of Comm rce Roper presiding, the Conference approved a model Uniform Vehicle Cod which all states ask to copy or adopt. First in importance in this Code is a Model Operators' and Chauff.urs’ r, :ee",so Act which requires examin rtion or test before awarding certi ficates. Twenty one states now have .such a law. Four states give th ' license to private ope ators on appli cation, and the other states hav - no license at all All but six states have a minimum age requirement, ranging from thirteen to eighteen: semingly, the six will p. rmit anybody to grasp s. wheel or run a car. . Other laws in the Uniform Code I are: Model Motor Vehicl * Administ 'ation Registration and Certifcates of Title and Anti Theft Act: Model Civil Liability Act: Modal Financial Traffic Ordinance. Albert W. Whitney, associate Gen eral Manager of the National of Casualty and Surtey Underwriters, who was a member of the commttee vhich arranged for the Conferncc said, in explalfning purposes of the uniform. Code: “As anyone can realize it is vital for a state to control those it permits to use its highways. It should have the rigt to say who shall drive in the place, and then to penalize those whose driving practices are dangerous to the lives and limbs of others. “The other acts of the code are so reasonable as to recommend them to every driver” ing administration supporters to Con gress to help carry on the NEW DEAL. I feel no hesitancy in saying Victory shall be attained by s .aiding to Congress, H. H. HARPER DEMO CRATIC CANDIDATE FROM THE SECOND NEBRRASKA DISTRICT. Likewise may I suggest the name of Representativ JOHNNY OWEN who served the 9th District in the ast session of the legislature. Mr_ OWEN is a loyal democrat and runs for re-election on his most admirable record< The ninth district should return' JOHNNY OWEN DEMO CRATIC CANDIDATE FRON THE ' NINTH DISTRICT TO THE NEBR ASKA STATE LEGSILATURE SAVE 41 PER CENT ON . A MODERN HOME A recent estimate says that half of the unemployment in this country is one of the dormant state of the con NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County of Douglas County, Nebraska IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF: Samuel Houston, deceased. All persons inter sted in said es tate are hereby notified that a peti tion has been filed in said Court petition befoie said court on the 28th day of July, 1934 and that if they fail tc appear at said Court on the said 28th dav of July, 1934 at 9 o' clock A M-, to contest said petition the Court may grant the same and grant administration of said estate to JOSEPH D- LEWIS, or some oth er suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD, County Judge begins 6—30—3t. Attorney Ray L. Williams. Room, PROBATE NOTICE In th ■ matter of the Estate of i Matilda Starnes deceased. Notice ft hereby Given: That the 1 creditors of said deceased will me t : the administrator of said estate, be ! fore me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the : 4th day of September 1934, and on the 5th day of November 1934, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims j for examination. adjustment and I allowance Three months are allow | ed for the creditors to present their ! claims, from the 4th day of August 1934. BRYCE CRAWFORD, County Judge begins 7—14—34 ex 7—28,34. struction inrustry. In normal times building employs many millions of men either directly or through the purchasing power it creates. Today no industry is more depressed. It s hoped that the passage of the home bulding act by the late Cong "ess will start machinery for stimulating building at last. Close to two billion dollars worth of potential private cap ital may be put to work. One of the great banes of the prospecctve builder —steep interest rate and prumlum charges on second mortgages—will be eliminated, according to the plan. Prices for materials are low, tbe bar gain time for building is still here. The editor of the Almerican Builder said a short time ago that a saving of forty one per cent, as compared with normal costs, is offered the pres ent day home builder. A soundly built, up to date home is one of the best investments the average man can make. Modern methods, materials and plans make a small home more comfortable, effici ent and us2ful than was the large home of a few years ago. Get in at the bottom—depression prices are not not going to last for ever. (S500 Reward If I Fail to Grow Hair _ PERSONALLY _ 'i Hair Root Hair Grower It". / y BM! 50% TO 09U66IST5 W> AANO AGENTS ft tv OOIAN ,*§ f %%?** * is & jcientiHc regeUinia coiijpouod or haii J root and Alao Oil. together with several I other positive herb*, t herefore. making I the most powerful h' rmiese Hair Grower J knows, actually '•c'ng nalr to grow id 1 most obetlnate c'-ea Unexcelled foi Dandruff. Itching. Soro Scalp and Falling Hair. Will grow mueta-'.he and eyebrows f Ilk* magic. It mu t not be put where ^ i hair la not wanted. 1 i Mrs. LufTetta writes: ‘After navlng used every known advertised hair grow I er fer years with a>- results 1 tried Hall I Root Hair Grower and continued faith fully for 15 months; now my hair is » Inches (H was 4 Inches when 1 started) I believe every woman can grow her ball j Vi to 2 inches « mrnth by using-Hall ' Root.'* v SIX MONTHS TKrCAYMENT .$1.0* Hall Root Hair Grover..‘60* ! Hair Root Sham pin .. Hair Seed Magic Glower . Olocio F"*™*1 tor rtxajgnwn’.ng wild irons, zoo- Large straigntening, $L50 each—Brushes, 60o each—Satin Qloss Hair Dressing toj J straightening the hair without not irons, 25c and 60o each. -t a. ‘ tVe Require On*-half Deportt on All O. O. D. Orders. J y 1 . RQYAJ* COMPANY ~ #ox 7? ^awaI<-A, \ )