The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 28, 1934, Page Seven, Image 7

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| Ipun *
W. L. H.—Can you tell me what to
do about my husband’s insurance?
Ans:—You are wa trig your money
paying premiums o.i a policy for him
when you have not heard a word from
him in FIVE YEARS. He is out of
your life and I dont see you benelt
from this insurance.
E. B.'—Will my mother make good
begging money and will-hr friends
*nuke good also ?
Ans:—Your mother and her fri nds
who are trying to raise money for the
CHURCH will make a small amount
of money. Th >y should a Tange to
give a church dinner or banquet and
have the congregation buy from them.
I believ.j they would make more
money this way than asking for it.
M. E. L.—Which one of my friends
am I going to marry and will I be
happy ?
Ans:—1 ho YOUNG man you are go
ing with would make you happier
than thj OLD gentleman would.
The old gentleman appears to be
more fond of your children than the
younger man. The young man will
win you for his wife.
M. C . D.—Pi are tell m. wmtlie
or not I will make the expected ex
pensive trip and how will I go?
Ans:—Yes, you will make th- trip
and you will travel via BUS. You
need not hesitate to make this trip
because of thi NERVOUS condition
yt u suffer with for it will not worry
you, in fact the trip will help you
C-. C. C.—Will ray boy friend be
clear.<1 out of his trouble?
Ans:—Your friend has been very
careless and reckless; and unless he
leaves the city he will be forced to
MARRY one of the girls that he is
aceussed of. It would be a good idea
if you too would watch the company
you keep
M. D. R.—Should I accept the job
or should 1 resign a;id stick by my
mother’s bedside?
Ans:—Your financial condition will
not permit you to resign even though
your mother is sick. Continue with
your NURSING for the REIEF or
ganization will call you to go on a
case in a few days. It will do no
good to stay with your mother when
she Leeds food and medicine and
can’t get it, and especially since you
could do more good working.
H. D. M.—Why did the fellow tell
such an untruth on me?
Ans:—This man was JEALOUS of
you and this girl—he tried to keep
her from going with you and this
was the only way that he could suc
ceed. Leave her alone until she dis
continues her friendship with him—
she will realize that she has made a
L. M.—My father has been gone for
several years and I am very anxious
to know if he will come in my life
Ans:—He will again enter your
lif.i in 1935. Your lather is now liv
ing in RUSSIA. Approximately six
years ago he cjossed the ocean and
worked on board ship. He traveled
over the entire country of Europe
and will return to this country again
E. C. R,.—I made a loan over a year
ago and I have not received my
(money as yjt. Does he intend to
pay this money or not?
Ans:—The young man that you loan
ed the money to is willing to pay it
but he does not have the cash. He
wrote you a letter in April stating
that he was going to pay it, but cir
cumstances would not permit. You
will receive another letter from him
with a part payment in it.
N. W.—My mother is acting very
funny for the past few weeks
and she comes home and don’t say
anything and goes right to bed.
What is wrong with her?
Ans:—Your mother has lost a very
dear friend of hers and sh.- s giv
ing over his death. Comfort her and
try to keep her mind off him for she
,11 m»'{ herself sick if she dees not
cease this worry.
W. . C.—Would it be a wis idea
for me to look the property up that
I have had in mind?
Ans:—It appears to me that there is
some proerty advertised yearly for
taxes that is in your name. I don’t
see you profiting from this property,
but if it will satisfy your curiosity
to know whose it is, then look it up.
C. J. T.—What do you think about
the work I am doing now?
Ans:—I think it swell if you stick to
it long enough to become recognized
in writing SHORT STORIES. Keep I
in touch with the magazines that you |
are writing for now and they will
help you to get started into th fu- !
W. B.—Was it an enemy that took
the tap off my wagon wheel and
wh re did they take it off at?
Ans:—While you were at a banquet at
the CHURCH on July 4; several
boys took the tap off your wagon
whe. 1 just for fun. They are not
enemies arid did it only to tease you.
Haw another put on as you will not
get the old one back
W. J.—Will I be given a position
this next year and when will it be ?
Ans:—You wrill be given a teacher’s
position this fall that you will t.ach
in another state and the location ap
pears to be LENA, LOUISIANA.
Put in your application in there im
mediately .
M. A. G.—When will I get me a
friend and will I be happy with him?
I am not lonesome now.
ANS:—Y o u will find a
friend in a certain man that attends
your CHURCH and whom you are al
ready acquainted and a little interest
ed in You two will spend many en
joyable days together this summer,
but by fall you will give him up for
another man.
L. D. C.—I am planning on taking
my kid sister and having her live
with me but my wife is a little doubt
ful whether she wants her or not.
Will they get along together?
Ans:—They will be the best of pals
—Take her, for she will be a great
help to your wife with her children
and you will be able to give her the
education that she wants so badly.
Your children will love to have your
siste.' with them.
Y. J.—My business has dropped off
considerable this last year and help
m,3 to get it started again?
Ans:—You will have to get a better
and larger line in your BAKERY if
you expect to hold your customers.
People get tired of the same kind of
cakes and breads and go elsewhere for
a change.
L. J. N.—I am thinking of visiting
my relatives in my old home town
this summer and want to know what
month to go?
Ans:—Go to your home town in
August for you will find your GRAND
PARENTS will be there and would
like to see you. Your mother is
showing her age and is also anxious
to see you.
F. G.—I applied for a job last week
and I am wond:ring if I stand a
chance to get it?
Ans:—You will be working in a
; couple of weeks and you will be driv
j ing a large PACKARD automobile,
j The people whom you chauffeur for
j will make a long trip over the United
States this winter.
J. M.—Does my sweetheart love me
and does he mean the nice things'
that he tells me over and over again
>eve^y time we see one another?
Ans:—He means every word that he
tells you and if you want him you
had better marry him for he is tired
of trying to COAX you into marry
ing. He will give it »p if you don’t
make up your mind in a hurry. He
• is more in lov. with you than anyone
’ he has ever gone with.
NOTE:—Your question printed free m this column.
For Private reply send 25c and (self addressed
stamped envelope for my New Astrological Read
ing and receive by return mail my advice on three
questions free. Sign your full name, birthdate, and
correct address. Address Abbe’ Wallace.
P. 0. Box—11, Atlanta, Georgia.
At the Democratic Rally held on
Monday night July 23 at Dreamland
Hall, over 500 were in attendance to
hear local candidates. The meeting
was given under the auspices of the
Roosevelt Negro Democratic Club.
Attorney Charles F. Davis acted as
■master of ceremonies and in his
opening address voiced the spirit of
the New Deal whcih he said is the aim
and object of the organization. The
organization went before the people
on the platform of a New Deal for
Negro in. local government and
placed each speaker upon hi sown to
sell himself to the audience. The
master of ceremonies put two ques
tions to the candidates regarding
their attitude upon giving to the Ne
gro his pro rata of eemployment,
leaving the answer of the questions
by the candidates their selling point
to the audience
Representative Johnny Owen, can
f - Drm for iih m By Frank Leet
Inth matte: of the estate of Norita
j Lovj Pobinson. deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the cred
J itors of sair deceased will mieet the
administrator of said estate, before
in . C "! ity Judge of Douglas County,
Nebraska, at the County Court R»om,
in said County, on the 4th day of
Sept mber 1934 and on the 5th day
of November 1934, at 9 o’clock A. M.
, each dsy for th purpose of presenting
their (’aims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance. Three months
are allowed for the creditors to pre
sent thair claims, from the 4th day of
Augusl 1934.
Bryce Crawford, County Judge
Beg. 7—14—34 end. 7—28—34
(Political Advertisement)
(From Omaha Bee News—Sunday
July 22. 1934)
T. W. Metcalf , candidate for
governor, led the entire Republican
field in the political poll standing
rnnounced Saturday night by radio
stations KOIL and KFAB. M tca!f<
polled 827 votes to lead Dwight Gris
wold, v'ith 609 and C. A. Sorenson,
with 119.
Robert Smith of Omaha, with 698
votes, held a small 1 ad over Robert
G. Simmons. Lincoln, with 647 votes
in the Republican race for Senator.
Kenneth S. Wherry was third plac
with 464 followed by Barton Green
with 41.
In the Democratic gubernatorial
race Eugi eie O'Sullivan went into
the lead for the first time with 735
votes, replacing Roy Cochran who
had 704.
Other standings were W. B. Ban
ning 270, T_<rry Carpenter, 155, and
John F. Rohn, 99.
Edward R. Burke let! the contest
for the Democratic nomination for
senator with 940 votes to Governor
Charles W. Bryan’* 738. Flyod I,.
Boli n was third with 54.
More than 5 000 ballets have been
cast from all sections of the states.
didate for re election to the legisla
ture from the ninth district was re
ceived with acclaim by the audienee
and roundly applauded. He was
commended and praised by every
speaker on the program. Milton i
Peterson and Rudolph Teaser, both
candidated for director of the Metro
politan Utilities District went over
in great fashion with the audience.
Their sincerity was greatly appreci
ated. Harland I,. Mossman, candi
i date for County Attorney, was well
r.cived and his candidacy has been
greatly augmented since his appear
ance on the program.
Other -sp. alters on the program
were Ralph Coad. Mrs. Mabel Gil
lispie, H. H. Harper and Charles F.
McLaughlin, candidates for Congress,
James T. English and William N.
Jamison, candidates for County At
torney, Paul Hapine, candidate for
State Auditor. Harry Stevenson,
candidate for Clerk of the District
Court, Arjdy Jenson, candidate for
j County Attorney, William Barber
t and R. K. Danml, candidates for
__ _ _ ... . _.
Not Just Another
PillTo Deaden Pain
But a wonderful modem medi
cine which acts upon the conditions
which CAUSE the pain. Take them
regularly and you should suffer less
and less each month. PERSISTENT
LIEF. Sold at all good drug stores;
Small size 50jf.
Theodore W. (Ted) Metcalfe,
former Lieutanant Governor candi
date f r the Republican nomination
for Governor, has denounced certain
political bosses of the Republican par
ity who have promised jobs in all
parts of the state in order to build a
political organization for one of his,
“The next Governor of Nebraska
should be in a position to do a real
job without dictation from any of the
King Makers or so called political
bo.-srs who would use our state gov
ernment to further their own selfish
interests,” said Metcalfe
Former Lieutenant Governor M t
brought out also that if eve *yone
who has been promised a job by his
oppo.vents were to get them the state
would go bankrupt paying out the sal
Following is the statement issued
by Mr Metcalfe:
“Certain political bosses of the Re
publican party in Nebraska have told
me that I cannot be nominated or
elected Governor of Nebraska unless
I will promise jobs and other things
to political leaders throughout the
state. If everyone who has been
promised a job in the state house
gets them, the state will go broke
meeting payrolls.”
“I have made no promise to any
one other than the promise I have
publicly made to the people of Ne
braska to do an honest and faithful
job as Governor of Nebraska. If I
am nalminated and elected Governor
I will not owe my success to any po
litical bosses and being under obliga
tion to no one. I feel that it will be
possible to do the job which must be
done in Nebraska, if our tax payers
are going to get any relief from the
tremendous lead they are now carry
ing. The next Governor of Nebraska
should be prepared to cut down the
cost of government by cuttng dawn
the number of jobs and I intend to
be in such a position. The next
Governor of Nebraska should be in a
position to do a real job without dic
tation from any of the king makers
or political bosses, who would use
our government to further their own
selfish interests. ”
“If the Republican party is to suc
ceed in November the rank and file
of the republican party must have a
major voice in its party councils. If
I am nominated for Governor by the
republicans of Nebraska the humblest
republican of our state wall have as
much to say as any of the self styled
bosses of ou:* country.”
Sheriff, Harry Swanson, candidate for
Secretary of State.
Mr. John Woods spoke for William
(Bill) Green and gave one of the best
addresses of the evening. He stress
[ ed Bill Green’s fairness in the past in
1 the employment of Negroes on jobs
i in his charge and of his understand
Robert Smith, candidate for the U
S. Senate on the Republican ticket in
he Primary Election on August 14
Watch next we ks issue for the be
ginning of a series of Robo t Smith’s
platform, which ho wishes to acquaint
h:s many friends with, for their con
structive criticism
Political Advertisement
ing and help of poor families dur
ing the trying years of the depression.
Mr. Woods received a round of ap
plauses at the close of his add •ess.
Ralph Coad, candidate for Con
gress made a hit with the audience
when he mentioned his endorsement
of Father John Albert William open
ly and above board, for a member of
the board of education and hishaving
campaigned for him and his having
required the foreman of the Utilities
tor. tain Paul Barnett, who was
threatened with discharge without
cause, except prejudice. Barnett
i later quit and Mr. Coad forced the
foreman to employ another Negro to
[replace him.
When you are just on edge * * •
when you can’t stand the children’s
noise :. i when everything you do
is a burden . ; ; when you are irri
table and blue .;. try Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable. Compound. 98 out
of 100 women report benefit.
It will give you just the extra en
ergy you need. Life will seem worth
living again.
Don’t endure another day without
the help this medicine can give. Get
a bottle from your druggist todayj
f'I work all the time and feel strong . .
You Can Escape
Periodic Upsets
Women who must be on the job every
day need Lydia E. Pinkham’s Tablets.
They not only relieve periodic pain and
discomfort ... they help to correct the
CAUSE of your trouble. If you take them
regularly ... and if yours is not a surgical
case . . . you should be able to escape
periodic upsets.
Chocolate coated . .. convenient.. . de
pendable. Sold by all druggists. Ness- small
size—50 cents.
u. J U V.air a textlle Wln?er in the mill. I had cramps so
bad that I had to cry many times. I used to stay in bed two
days a month Lydia E. Pinkham’s Tablets helped me wonder
fully. For the first time in my life I do not suffer. I can work all
the tune now and feel, strong.—Mrs. Bennie Coates, 1963 Ter
race St., Muskegon, Mich. wio****^
___A_Lterine Tonic and Sedative for VTotncn
! Jack Pszanowski, former chief of
police, is a Republican candidate fo
Sheriff of Douglas County. He was
torn in Nanticoke, Pa. and has been
a resident of Omaha for over 50 years
Ho has the following record on the
Omaha Police department where he
■ ved for 24 yars. He served 7
as a patrolman: he organized the
Auto Theft Bureau which gained na
dona) Aecognition for the Omaha
Department in the recovery of stolen
rutomobiles. He served 7 years in
this department with the rank of
cutenant, then was made Inspector
* Police. He organized the Boys
Safety Patrol and instituted the
police school for offticers-. He per
fected the radio and cruiser pat ol
to its present standard of fficiency.
After serving 3M- years as Chief of
Police, with many years of service
before hi!m, was retired on a pension
at the age of 51 though he expressed
a desire to remain. He contributed to
the police ^pension' fund from his
monthly salary since its beginning
and is entitled to the pension (which
does not come out of the taxpayers
pocket) as every officer on the force
contributes to this fund. Jack
Pszanowski if elected Sheriff, will re
turn his pension check to the Police
department pension fund.
The office of Sheriff requires poh
ice experience and Jack Pszanowski’s
24 years experience in law and order
equips him for this office. Jack
Pszanowski is capable, effeient and
deserving. The man for the job.
The job for the man. Give him a
vote on August 14.
(Political Advertisement)
When you are just on edge ... i
when you can’t stand the children’s
noise .. . when everything you do
is a burden . .. when you are irri
table and blue . . . try Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound. 98 out
of 100 women report benefit.
It will give you just the extra en
ergy you need. Life will seem worth
living again.
Don’t endure another day without
the help this medicine can give. Get
a bottle from your druggist today.
a. £.
T i AMiva.waar. __
John Benj Horton
John Benj. Hoiton, Editor and own
er of the Chronicle and a caadidat.1
f^r State Represents \e flrromthe
9th District on th > Republican ticket.
Primaries August 14, 1934.
(Political Advertisement!
| What Good Ice Cream It j
t Must Be.
Imperial ice Cream 1
Cream of Quality \
Products t
2523 Leavenworth Street 1
ATIaatie 1777 j
Clean Powerful Penetrating Oil
Quickly Promotes Healthy Healing
Get a two-ounce bottle of Moone’s
Emerald Oil (full strength) with
the distinct understanding that you
must get quick relief and splendid
results or your money cheerfully re
The very first application will*give
you relief and a few short treat
ments will thoroughly con
IJtA. vince you that by sticking
faithfully to it a short while
longer your troubles will
disappear. Guaranteed.
*lt would be a hardship for me
to be without a telephone
Each eveni^q mq s®n calls up
to chat with rre That is the ®
I briqhtest spot in mq daq 7
■ \\ I ' A
r—— -S
...Then Jim telephoned
i the doctor. If .t hadn't been
: for the telephone, I don't
know what woc-ld have
to Doris .“
"Wbudnt it be temble with
'! Out a telephone Mq fr.ends
are alwaqs telephoninq me /
to plan th.nqi to do *
:J -■-^ *5*' ;
h A'JU '
® freic things tl at cost so little pro
vide so much p sasure, convenience
and protection as the telephone.