The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 28, 1934, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    SOCIAL ^ ^ CLUBS ~~
<?g==I~'~~-- —J-- — HE GUIDE, OMAHA, NEBR. SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1934 —r— ^...J-.=rr-^., = pAGE FQUI>
• • v.'lff? .-^***- 'V. s-a-Bipj'r - •> v -"H1 ■•;'; pE:i'.-;., ;j ■ •. VA
* - 1
The “Stay at Home Camp” conduct
ed by Mrs. Alice Wilson, Girls’ W’ork
■er, of the North Side “Y” will be
closed on Wednesday August 1.
Due to the la>ge number already
registered in the swimming class
conducted by Mr. Dillard Crawford
and Mr. John Anderson at the Christ
Child Center, there will not be tim:
to talc care of any more registrations
for swimming.
The six o’clock breakfast that was
given at Elmwood Pa’.k, under the
auspices of the Autumn I^eaf Club
of Pleasant G^een Baptist Church
was a wonderful success, sixty guest
Mr. McDonald, Mr. Spencer and
Rev Price made it possible for the
people to attend the breakfast, by
making arrangements for ten cars
which were used to bring the guest
to and from the park. The decorat
ing committee of which Mrs. Benola
Pearl was chairman had the tables
set and decorated very attractively.
This committee also had charge of
the serving, those serving, dressed in
white were: Mrs. Ivin Barge, Mrs.
V. Moore, Mrs. Bullion, Mrs. Turn
er and Mrs. B. Pearl
The finance committee of which
Mrs. Mary Currens is chairman,
played a very important part in mak
ing it possible for the breakfast and
its success.
Mr. McIntosh, who is noted for
his ability to cook in Omaha and
other sections of the country was the
cook, assisted by Mrs. McIntosh and
Mrs. Barner.
Mrs. Estella Watters, who is pres
dent of the Autumn Leaf Club was
the general chairman, assisted by
Mrs. Beatrice Johnson.
Rev. P. J. Price, Pastor
Mrs. Estella Watters, Pres.
Mrs Dorothy Caldwell, Sec.
After eleven months visiting in
Omaha, with her son and daughter,
Mr. J. W. Ducas and Mrs. Minunie
Dixon, Mrs. Ellen Dacus departed
for her home last Wednesday even
ing . She visited in Brmingham
p*ior to going home. Mrs. Dacus
was entertained at a reception giv
en in her honor by her son and daugh
ter at the home of her daughter Mon
day evening, July 16.
Mrs. Dascus has been royally inter
tained while here and numerous af
fairs were given in iter honor before
her departure. She was also the
receptamt of many gifts, and made
many friends while hei’e.
Mrs. J. W. Thomas, 2212 Ohio,
served a dainty buffet luncheon on
Saturday evening, in honor of h r
niece, Mrs. J. C. Cavette and also
nephew, John 0. Cavette of Flint,
Mrs. Lyda Wilson of Denver, >
Colo, is a house guest of Mrs. J. ,
W. Thomas, 2212 Ohio St.
Mrs. J. L. Giles and Mrs. J. W:
Thomas served a delightful break
fast in honor of MxS. Lyda Wilson
of Denver, Colo., at the home of
Mx-s. Thomas.
The Daily Vacation Bible School
which was conducted at Pilgrim Ch.
for two weeks closed Monday even
ing, July 9th with a very good pro
gram and exhibition of the thixxgs
made duxing school. 126 children
were enrolled between the ages of
four and thirteen. The following
teachers assisted. The school age,
Mrs. Anna Davis; Beginners, Misses
Roberta Phar and Jane Kems; Pri
mary, Misses Wilma Upchurch, Mil
dred Dotson and Mildred Ector; Jun
ior Boys wood work, Messrs Nathani
el Goldstein and Owen Caxrter; Sew
ing and Art, Mrs. Ethel Goode and
Miss Constance Muellins, Miss Cath
erine Williams served as pianist and
Miss Loraine Fletcher, secreta.y.
Mrs. J. H. Dotson had charge of
the devotions and Bible work and
also served as supex-visor of the
school. Miss Ruth Buckles, a repre
sentative of the Baptist Union help
ed in both schools at Zion and Pil -
grim. The school was quite a suc
cess in every way having children
from practically every church in the
Mr. Pelham J. Robinson of Oma
ha, and Miss Ama Feathenson of Ft.
Worth, Tex., were quietly married on
June 6, 1934 in Papillion, Nebr. Mr.
and Mrs. Robinson are planning on
making their holme in Minnesota in
. tho fall.
j The Junior Alter Guide of St.
.Phillips met at the home of Mary El
len Britt of 2010 Lake St., Friday
Dr. L. E. Biitt has b.en confin <1
! at his home for the last ten days
| or. account of a sun stroke.
M<s. J. C. Cavette and son of
Flint, Mich., were guests of their
aunt, Mrs. J. W. Thomas, 2212
Ohio St. They have been the recipi
ents of many social couresies since
being in the city.
Mrs. J. L. Giles, 2217 N. 29th
St. honored Mrs. Cavette and son
! with a delicious breakfast
I ——
Mr. and Mrs. S. Sanford of 954
N. 28th St. entertained with a de
lightful dinner party Thursday even
ing in their beautiful and spacious
home, honoring Mrs. J. C. Cavette
and he/ son of Flint, Mich. Pink
and white roses and other flowers
were attractively arranged about the
house. Everyone declared a good
Mrs. J. C. Cavette was a guest
] at an elaborate luncheon, served by
Mrs. W. N. Owen, Friday night at
her home, 2228 Ohio St. Twelve
ladies were present.
Mrs. T. S. Davis, 2530 Grant St.
served a lovely three course dinner,
Sunday, honoring Mrs. J. C. Ca
vette and son, John C. Cavette of
Flint, Mich. There 12 present.
Mrs. J. C. Cavette was guest at
a breakfast given by Mrs, J, E, Todd,
at her home 2204 N. 19th St., Fri.
morning. There were nine present
who enjoyed the delicious breakfast.
Mrs Martha Taylor Smith enter
tained at a beautifully appointed
dinner Thursday ^ftemoon at her
attractive home at 2211 Ohio Street
in honor of Congressman Oscar De
Priest of Chicago who was her house
guest. Mrs Smith who is one of the |
most gracious hostesses in the city I
served an elaborate five course j
dinner. Her table with a color
scheme of pink and gr.en, was res
plendident with crystals silver and
had a center piece of summer flowers.
Covers were laid for Rev. L. P.
Bryant. Mr. and Mrs. D W Gooden I
Mrs Kat> Wilson, Mrs. Cecilia W.
Jewell, Dr. J. H. Hutten and Atty.
Ray Williams. During the afternoon
number of Omahas representative
citizens both white and colored called
uon the distinguished Congressman
from Illinois.
Omaha, Nebraska,
July 24, 1934,
The Rev. P. J. Price, Pastor,
Officers, Members of the Pleas
ant Green Baptist Ch., corner of
22nd Paul Street
Through the Omaha Guide:
Wishes to thank our neighboring
churches and many friends for their
friendly cooperation during our sup
perstructure drive and with all due
respect we will assure you a hearty
We wish to call your attention to
Sunday’s service, July 15th, at 11 a. ■
m. Service rendered by the Rev.
P. J. Price, pastor of the Pleasant
Green Bapt. Church, a wonderful ser
vice was witnessed by the congrega
tion and many friends. The member
ship waa very timely in their atten
We were also enjoyed with the
visitors n the petfsons the Revs. J.
H. Reynolds of Council Bluff, la.;
Furgerson of the St. Johns Church;
W. M. Clayton of Pleasant Green
Church; R. Cooper also of Pleasant
Green. The Pleasant Green Chor
was present. Sister Beatrice Johnson
at the piano.
Service at 3 p. m. was rendered
by the Rev. Fort of Salem Batist
Church. Attendance was good; a
wonderful s.rvice was enjoyed by
Pleasant Green members and many
Exercise 6 p. m. B. Y. P U was
in operation; attendance was good; a
wonderful lesson was enjoyed by
all; all were very timely in their at
tendance. Bro. E. Collier,' Supt.,
Miss Charlesetta Upcher, Sect.
Service for 8 p. m. was rendered
by a program given under the auspi
pices of the Square Deal stores: Mr
Adams, of Pilgrim Bapt. Ch., Mas
ter of Ceremonies. Business Rep
Montgomery, Carrey, Hayden, Voner
resentativcs as follows; Messrs
Houston, Avant and others. Mr.
Adams made a wonde ful talk on Ne
gro patronage for a.,d sev- I
eral short talks frame others an we i
enjoyed several sacred numbers from 1
the South rn Quartette.
1'hursday, July 19th, a progressive
tea was given by the Home Mssion
Circle, which brought about some
wonderful things. The t a was re
freshing; ice cream and sandwiches
were s.rved, the pastor commended
the work of the mission circle and
advised strick attendance of church
activities, last but not least, the Pa*"!
tor’s Aid Club presented to the pas
tor a gift of a suit of clothes. Sis.
ter Eula Mlton, President; Sister
; Mary Cu.'rens, Sect., and m mbers
el :ho church, the pastor was over
joyed and wonderfully surprised and
wants the church and many trends
to know that he still has words that
s cm unexpressable even though he
as tried to express his appreciation,
there are still high points unmen
tionable and is strvng t£ prove him
self faithful to the m mbers and his
chu ch. Rev. Price wishes the
church to know that he has set a
goal within himself for his church
and ,numbers, we are lookng for
ward to a superstructure in the
near future so I solicit the coopera
tion of every member and f iend and.
nigh boring church ec. Ev. rybody is
cordially invited to attend Pleasant
Green Baptist Church.
Respectfully Yours.
F.EV. P. J. Price, Pastor
J. Sullivan, Private S et.
Sister Bessie King, Ch. Clerk.
The Octette club met at the r sid
ent of Mrs. M. Boberson. 5709 So.
29th treet. Team No. 1 played th.'
tie off. and was three games in the
lead at the clos? of the meeting. Th
president presided over a short busi
nss meeting, after which a delightful
lunch:on was served. The next meet
ing will be at Elmwood park.
Mrs. . Roberson—President
Mrs. C. Br vv i—RepoJter
The Pastors Wiv s Club closed for
the summer by entertaining their
husbands and families at a break
fast at Zion Church Thursday morn
ing at 10 o’clock. The menu con
sisted of canteloupe with crushel ice
fried chicken, rice, coffer, homemade
rolls, jelly and butter and icd tea.
Thirty four persons were present: 12
children. Rev. and M:-s. C C
Harper were honored guest. After
breakfast a peppy program was ren
dered with talks by Rev. and Mrs.
Harper, Father Holly, Rev. Conway
and Rev. ,T. H. Dotson, president of
the Ministerial Allianc. and Mrs. Z.
E McGee. Mrs. Bryant presented
the speakers and Mrs. J. H. Dotson
had charge of the program with
Rev. J. S. Williams at the piano.
A good time was had by all.
The Friendly Bridge Club was en
tertained by Mr. John Adams, 3115
Coflby St. The Vice President held
a brief meeting. There were 12
members present. Each member was
trying to outwit the other by play
ing scientific bridge. Mr. Sam
Wead applied more science than any
one else, by winning first prize. Mr.
James Grizzard won low prize. The
club will be entertained by Mr. Ches
ter Bennett at 2508 Binney St., on
Aug. 13, 1934 at 8:30 p. m.
Mr. A. J. Ljfall, Pres.
Mr. T. R. Turner, Rep.
Here is a real tale for you and I
would like for all of my rreaders to
write upon it or try to memorize my
story. I am sure you will find it
very interesting and also more facts
than will even believe at the start.
First how many people today are
really what my topic says, “Broad
minded.” This I do net know, but
I can say that the majority of them
are not. If they were, how different
this country would be today.
Now, let us be fair to ourselves on
this subject. Put aside all personal
Spiritual Medium. Advice on j
Life, Love, Business and Marriage.. J
Readings that please and satisfy., f
Don’t fail to pay a visit. Lost and!
Hidden, Located,— Names and 1
dat s given.. Special Readings 50c.. j
Daily 9 a m to 8 p m , 2^)6 \
Douglas Streets, Omaha, Neb.. !
*--■.. . . . .. ..j
_ lost 57 lbs. by taking Krnschen
Salts and it had no ill effect on me. I
didn t cut down on a single food—I
recommend it to any
one who is over
weight.” Mrs. A.
Ropiak, So. Milwau
kee, Wis.
To win a slender,
youthful figure take
a half teaspoonful of
Kruschen Salts in a
glass of hot water
first thing every
morning. While fat
is leaving you gain
in strengtn, neaitn
and physical charm—look younger.
Many physicians prescribe it and
thousands of fat folks all over the
world have achieved slenderness. A
jar lasts 4 weeks and costs but a trifle
at any drugstore. B;:t protect your
health—make sure you get Kruschen
—It’s tl e SAFE„way to reduce and
money back if not satisfied.
The members of the Sophisticated
; Club, consisting of Eva Mae Dorris.
8 years, Eddk Mae Holmes, 11 Brith
i° Dorrie. 10, Shan Edmondson 9,
j Delores Jackson 8, and Amelia Jack
son 10 years old, are planning the
| entertainment and show of
the season at the home of Mrs. Jack
j son, 2723 N. 26 on August 6.
feelings, take our high hats off.
Put what we are or what we think
we are aside and talk things ever
just as if we were all around the
family table or having a family re
union. First I wish to ask you if
y- u know what ‘'b.'oadminded” really
mea is? I am sure you do, so I am
going to ask again that you consen
trate d.eply and we can get over
with this topic quickly and easily
W ell, “broadmindness” if used
covers the entire life of a person.
He is able to see things in the right
|1ght, and do things in the right way.
i o leave school and enter or venture
out upon a trade or a profession, we
must be broadmind. d enough to know
that it takes time, patience, and labor
to conquer whatever we go aftes
Rem mber this “labor conquers all
mgs. and if we are broadminded
inT ^ ^OW thiS and get ri*ht
wh^.^T PUt °Ur Sh°ulder to the
1 i Ca" S6€ n0thil* but success
ahead. Don’t be like most of our
People, quick to start something and
'"”k to stop. First know what y„„
-m5h to “<>• "J Stop ant S
th • matte? over, s e if you ::re able
to do it or not, and after seeing
thing c tar3 and you f el that you
are able to com.p.te the task or joo
or. bo.. iv«ierabc*r this, be fair t,
yourself, We are all cut out for ce a n
thngs. So, if you fail in something
that y u alt mpted to do don’t get
ala a <i over it. This is wbeit
“Bi admindness” plays its part.
If the ma . or men that built the
first airplane had ge t disgusted when
nis ship w nt up and then crashed
to earth, had thrown dow.t his tools
and said, “I will never attempt to
build another,” we would not be able
to see p.ople riding over our heads
daily. But instead, I am sure he
worked that much harder to improve
.ho fault sc as to be able to r ceive
a patent on it, so no one could take
that whicch he had worked So hard
to acieve.
And again we must be broadmind
ed in lot of other ways, for instance,
if you have a neighbo that happens
not to be broadminded, but insists on
tryi ig4 to cause trouble or . nvy your
success in life, have all kinds of pa
tience with them, and use all the
thinking power you hav. to keep
th m from doing you any harm and
at the same time do everything nice
to and. for t.him and see if th y don’t
get ashamed and come to you and
confess their wrong. Here’s where
broadmindness pays a very import
ant part. .
Remember ther_- a e some people
who delight in tearing down, and if
you alow yourself to act the same as
they, the broadmind d person has
faded clean out of the picture.
If we were all broadminded enough
to think before we do a thing and
again we would save ourselves or
friends trouble. For instance, if we
would let our minds run small to
attempt to steal or commit a crim_,
if we would just stop and think of the
price of that deed, how 'many times
wq would re Consider our actions
Here is where broadminded people
make up our country.
On our jobs, remembe* that you
are onJy working for your employer
and don’t feel at anytime, while in
and labors will be much easier to
Let your minds wonder to our youn
ger set. You can just walk along th?
street and hear remarks made like
able to this, “Oh. I don’t like her,” j
She thinks she’s smart, etc. Then
if you were to go up to them and ;
say, why do you dislike this person,
the answer would probable be. Oh,
she likes Jim or Bill, or, Sh? is trying
to knock me out. or, she thinks she
is more than anybody else, etc. Now
friends, would you call this broadmind
his employment that you should take
Oh Boy, It’s Here I
Free Lunch With Beer
MONDAY1 With B“dSr Bee^-SaT«ngRl8*0 p!^ Uuntil 6 a- m
Tuesday v:;::::;-- jjfjg
theSayay;::-.-.. AMERlcA^f^\G^
. , Remember we sell the best Barbecue in town. It I
is barbecued by Colonel Mason and served by Gen- I
- eral Knox.
Itwf WEbster 4208 I
How a New Kind of Tooth Paste Dissolves
and Removes Ugly Tobacco Stains
BOST Tooth Paste is more than
a clean-tasting, refreshing denti
frice. It is the only tooth paste
specifically created to remove the
handkerchief. In like manner, BOST
Tootle Paste, and no other, will re
move from your teeth the stubborn
chemical deDosit of t'ohaoon RfiST
unsignuy yellow stains
from smokers’teeth. Go
to your druggist today,
buy a tube of BOST
Tooth Paste and- make
the famous “handker
chief test”
It is this: Inhale a
mouthful of tobacco
smoko and blow it
through your handker
chief. The brownish,yel
low stain on the cloth
is the same "Smoke
I contains no acid, no
abrasive, and is as safe
and beneficial for the
teeth of children as for
adults. It sweetens the
breath and refreshes the
Brush your teeth with
BOST Tooth Paste reg
ularly. Consult your
dentist periodically. And
Sou will be doing all
lat you possibly can
do to protect your teeth
^TViccii u-ai ag&rauu deposit on
your teeth. New squeeze enough
HOST Tooth Paste on the handker
chief to cover the stain. Then rob
the rpet briakhrwUh year wet tooth
brush and see new quickly the dis
•Bkwntion disappears.
Hake this same test with any
other tooth paste and you win find
feat the stain remains on ycur
and keep them spotlessly clean.
BOST Tooth Paste is sold at
leading drag counters everywhere.
Or in liberal trial tabes at your
nearest chain store. If your dealer
Is oat at stock, send lCc (to cover
postage and handling) for a gener
ous 14-day supply. BOST Tooth
Paste Corp., 9 East 40th St, New
York City.
charge and try to run things to suit
.. Ui.f-i'. for whether you think ho
. i :srh: o • not. • : you th-nk y -u could
rt,n his business to a better aclvantag
you msisi- remtm&er"thafc it ir his busi
nss and not. yours, and nis success lies
v «> with n't, at the same time, he
assures you of a position a. lony a.
.- . ct.-.siui. bat i would advise
you to watch and study his way of
operating and with your suiv,’
.. a... ,o o a c.gga a io better
business man or woman. You are
ony, being b readme jdod, for your own
uiUit ;.i. a~ .a same time letting
him reap the beneft oi your labor, for
it is true if you are thinking for
your future and working lowanis .ha.
goal, you are surely helping him.
So let’s try to be broadminded in ali
that \vt d(. and 1 am sure our burdens
ed? Postively, no. If these people
were broadmind-ed, they would never
utter such rdmaflks. If you would
stop to think the thing ever, you
would see that the oth r has just as
much right as you to like a certain
bey. She has just as much right as
you to want to win a certain position
in life. You must remember that
.hat this world was not made just
to cater to you, and. to give you
everything you want and the way you
want it, and that nobody else was
not suppose to like who you lik d
i.r try to win w’hat you were striving
for. Anyway you take it, you must
a .mit that this is t-Jue.
1 Friends, I could go on giving you
• xampl s and discussing “Broadmind
nos.s’ but time and space will not
permit. So let us close our discus
s., n with everyone striving to be
more broadminded, to rt asen things
out before you utter a word against
anyone and we wi.l fill our labors
and our lives will be a lot easi.r and
everyone will be happier
By Dr A. G. Ber.rer
(For The Liters ;y Set vie Bureau
Text: He that backbiteth not with his
‘ongue—Psalms 15:3.
In the first vrfrs of this PsaJm
the writer inquires, “Lord, who shall
abide in thy tabernacle, or who shall
dwell in thy holy hill.” Ten he an
■rwers his own question. Among
those who are qualified for the happy
Swiftest and Best
85 Cents
Pain—Agony Starts to
Leave in 24 Hours
Just ask for AHenru—Within 24
hours after you start to take this
safe yet powerful medicine excess
uric acid and other circulating
poisons start to leave your body.
In 48 hours pain, agony and swell
ing are usually gone—The Allenru
prescription is guaranteed—if one
bottle doesn’t do as stated—money
y *
(For advice, write to Maxie Miller,
care of Literary Service Bureau. 516
Minnesota Aw., Kansas City, Kans.
Fo • ersonal reply send self addressed
tamped envelope.)
Maxij Miller: I have a woman
roomer. She is a school teacher. I
believe she s nterested n my husband
'•'d h ’s g:\ ing her too much attention
'■ hate like the devil to make her go,
cause we’re buying our home and her
r (gular money helps out. But, Pm
miserable with her in my house, I’m in
a doggone bad fix and I don’t know
what to do. What?—Martha. Wash
Martha Washington: The probab
ility is that your fears ale unfounded.
I suppose this is a young woman,
your husband is just courteous and
you ar . “that jealous” that you ima
gine everything wrong. But, your
peace is worth more than that "regu
lar money.” So my advice is to in
form this young woman that you
will not keep h.r after the expiration
of the present afrangernent. This
is best because a situation like this
will grow “wusser and wusser” and
may make serious trouble. Yes,
there are some things worth more
than money, and peace of mind is
one of them.
abodes is “He that backbiteth not
with his tongue.” And this applies
to all ages.
1. Why It Is a Social Sin. Few
social sinners do more real harrh and
work more veal destruction than do
the unprineipFjd backbiters. It i«
a social sin because it affects others -
militates against the best inter.sis
of society.
2. The Etymological Significance
To misrepresent arid slander in one’s
absence is like unto literally biting
him in his back without his know
ledge, and without giving’ him op
portunity for defjnse.
It Is Subversive of “The Gold
*n Rule.” We could not even ima
fine a person being desirous of hav
ing another person deal with him in
this way. So, in dealing thus with
another h ■ is actiing entirely eon
trary to Christ’s formula for social
righteousness, known as ‘The Golden
4. Punishment Is Both Indirect
and Direct .The indirect phase 1ms
to do with retribution—being paid in
one’s own coin, and in the regret
and remorse which will come as re
sult of having done injury to others.
The direct punishment will come in
Divine condemnation and punitive ac
tion on the part of Him who com
mands “Thou shalt not bear false
witness against thy neighbor." Y-.s.
backbiting is a sin, a grievous scial
sin which deserves severest con
On My To Vot' for Wherry
Instantly, it liquefies to a
gentle, penetrating cleans
er of every t:::v pore. Yet,
delicate pores are never
enlarged. Completely, it
removes every particle of
dust and accumulated oils
and leaves the skin soft,
exquisitely smooth.
If /Cur tic-hr cannot supply you,
ser.J u; his