cSi-.., guide nnTffinnfat omaha _ do more work than hm ■ I I I I I I U I fl I *No Man was erer hand. --—-- II, III III | | Glorious who was not 71 March ot EvtAtS Xj X X XIX XX ■--—- Laborous.’ -HI IH I I W IIIII H Ciiy, ana Nat’l Lite l ... . . ----- THE GUIDE, OMAHA NEBR, SATURDAY JULY 14. 1934 ‘ “ THE OMAHA GUIDE •tsttfia •sasr as* is xxss*' All Newa Copy must be in our office not later than Monday at 5 P. m.^nd »U Advertuin* Copy or Pafd Articles, not later than Wednesday »t ^n' Watered as Second class mail matter, March If*. SUnPost Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under the act »f Congress of March 3, 18 It*. ..... . ASCRIPTION RATES (Strictly in Advance) One Years ..$2.00 S,x ‘' %l 2U Three Months... $1.00 TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION-The Omaha Guido « ia,„ed weekly and will he sent ro any part of the Tim wti StH.es for *2.00 per year in advance. Forotgi. r bicriiKiiii* (including poetage) $3.00 in advance. Trial six months’ subscriptions $1.25. Trial Three Moe’hs’ .description $1.00. Single copy. • cents. RE*. EWAf.S In renewing, give lb" name just as tt appears on the label unles.- i*. be incorrect, m which case please call our attention to ih.- mi-take; and *1 wavs g.-e the full address co wh.rh your p»pe* bus oeen sent. . . . - CHANCE OF ADDRESS In orib nog n i liange of address, always give both M «m« new addresses. If the paper does not reach you regular^, pif-a.se m>nr> us at once. '.OVERUSING RATES--Given »ip«n .•opiu-ation. REMITTANCES—Send payment by postal or exp.-ss mo-t. y order, cash in registered teller, bank check oi stamps. . ... . Ot R ADDRESS—Send all communications to the i) aha Guide Publishing Company. Incorporated -i —. —+*** ***** .- -- *»»*••«• #Sr 4+U+n» EDITORIAL REMOVE The JUDICIARY FROM POLITICS The trend of the time nationally and locally is an utter and complete i removal of tiu- judiciary from possible or remote control of unscrupulous ■I politicians. I'. is an undeniable fact that judges, knowing that their beiyi sthorly Khali expire, and they must run for reelection, naturally must fab somewat of a politician, R oping their ear forever on the ground ever tempted to show favor to politicians Younger judges experience political manhand ling more so than the older judge.. Judges years of service, establish . names and in time become independent of politics. Our main object, hope, wish and prayer is for a judiciary free and unhampered, a be to mate out even handed justice regard! ss of the importance or lack of importance of the persons involved . This end may be accomplished by entrenching judges in their offices and giving to them the security necessary to enable thcjpv to fulfill t!b ■ office' withoutany feeling of ned-ssity 0f currying favor of any person or group of persons. Fulfillment to this end, we feel can be accomplished by tha necessary legislation giving the governor power to appoint Supreme Court Municipal Court and district Court Judges for a period of life or until retired,withremoval from office by impeachment proceedings only. It may be argued that the governor would have no control over these men after they were confirmed, and too, his term of office is short in com par ison to the term of the judges Party worries arg a trival objections.. The one paramount consideration is that we would get a much high caliber men for the judicial office than sometimes is th* case under the lelctive system and can have an unshacfeeled judiciary. We submit this to the candidates to the legislature, and ask that the “Removal of the Judiciary from Politics,” be incorporated as a plank in their platform, and that they will submit such legislation as is necessary to to bring about tis end.. WHERRY CHALLENGE ^ * *' SIMMONS’ RECORD Kenneth S. Wherry, Republican | candidate for the United States Sen ate in a speech before the Douglas County Voters League, Tuesday ev ening said, “That former Congress man Sirojnons ten year record in the National Congress does not warrant his asking the people of Nebraska to represent them in the Senate. The main plank in his platform, “Keep the Government out of busi ness” is certainly not substaniated by his record. As Congressman he helped the former administration set up the Farm Grain Board Enact ment, and in the last primary he campaigned the Fifth Congressional District in the support of the Farm Grain Board. There has never been a more socialistic legislative en actment passed than that of putting the Government in the grain busi ness in direct competition with the 4mall elevator operators in the Mid dle West. His chief supporter and backer in this campaign. Samuel R. McKelvie was gives a place on the board at an enormous salary. The farmers • f Nebraska and the people of the Unit ed States are now paying that salary and the debt incurred because of the provisions of this most socialistic and impractical experiment, which, I am informed has been ddarhtted by Mr. MeKeivia as a failure. Former State Senator Wherry con tinued his charges against the Con greBsman that he helped set up the Govmkunent in the banking business and one of the first acts was to loan the Chartes Dawes Bank of Chicago ninety million dollars, approximately oae- three hundredth of our present national indebtedness. But this is not aH: said Wherry, he voted for all ap pmatkine running into bfllees ctf delta*, a debt so huge that the pay ments will be saddled. upon our child sen, aetting up the Government in tfee transportation business. How can one come to the people of Nebraska, asking election on a platforfcn “Keep the Government out of business,” with a record as social istic ai that? Further, his record reveals that he was anything but a friend of the farmers of Nebraska. He voted for tariff schedules guaranteeing the industrial east protection at the ex pense and discrimination of the Farmer. When Mr. Simons went to Congress, cattle were worth $7.00 a hundred; hogs 8c a pound; corn 60c, and what $1.25 a bushel. When he $500 Reward If I Fail to Grow Hair ^ PERSONALLY N Hair Root Hair Grower • "*"■* '• a icienunc vegetable compound of nail root aad Alno Otl^togetber with several - other positive herbs. Therefore, making the most powerfu' harmless Hair Grower known, actually vc'ng hair to grow ir most obstinate c^ea. Unexcelled for Dandruff, Itching, Soru Scalp and Palling Hair. Will grow murtasJie and eyebrow? j like magic. U mu t nit 0e put where hair la not wanted. 1 Mrs. Uuffette writes: ‘After having used every knows advertised hair grow er for years with a»- results I tried Hair Root Hair Grower aad continued faith dully .for lh months; now my hair is » Inches (It was 4 laches when I started) 1 believe every woman can grow her- halt 1 k to i laches a anr nth by using - Halt'' Root. ’ SIX MONTHS TKKA. ME.NX .SLIM Hair Root Hair Grower...........MM 1 Hair Root Shampvt .! _ _ natr note Magic Grows* .55 OrabL i?2»^Uhf S™*?1**8*!?* Wtt® uwu* a8o"L*rS* Straightening. vO°«nl>a *1^ *ch-Bniahsa ,60c aach-Satln CHbssHalr DreMlnTtnJ rtndghtenlng the hair wlthoat hot irons, 23c and 50o each. ^ - W Re quit* Ons-hol/# Deposit on Alt 0. 0. 0. Order* / ' royal chemical company Jg'*' . MUTT AND JEFF— Ml Mint H« r« An Otbi Shot K£LL0,JSFF! Haul's It e-iew miHfit>ou>s ■ ^ _ Of Pr*War THtNKTHIS is a gmjuI T»KE to MAKS wrutss? J — f o.k., cone v. om up! _By BUD FISH£U gf ww VOHiT CHA ^coMfc. was defeated for reelection in the primary two years ago by Congress man Terry Carpenter, fat cattle were 0.00 a hundred; hogs Zbic a pound vheat 26c aud corn 10c a bushel. Does his t-n year record show that he represented the fanner of Neb au- ku ! On the other hand when Mr. Sim ons was elected to Congress the fanner of Nebraska could buy a grain binder for $150 00, a mower ••• >75.00 a «* accept any other consideration j from a law violator but th« correction of the aril to society. It is commonly said in America .hat every man has his price. Well, this may be true, but histocy in the last twenty years ha« proven that B ou what a law violator said to me in South Omah. when I was investigat ing the conditions of a family, that had been reorted to my office. He said tha* he haj been induced to go in !e illegall traffic by representatives of the policj department, with guar antee of protection* and that’s why ho was a law violator, that all police m» n ■A'ere in the racket for what there is in it for themselves. She said to him. ‘‘How about Bob Samardick?” He raised both hands and ghastly made the following remarks. ‘Don't esl* that man’s name, it is a known fact by all law violators that he just simply cannot be handled by anybody at any price.” She said, at this po:nt. “Suppose he was put in a posi ticn to enfojc the law. what would you ssy about that?” He said that it would just be this, all law violators would f;n 1 anoth r territory to work in. foi they hat' that man Bcb Saimardiek. No one has been able to show him the place where he can better his own condition by winking at the law violators. The entir unde "world of Omaha respects him and his name alone puts fear in their heart.-. * A tty. Elmer E. Thomas said. “My admiration of Bob was proven when I * *» - *■ ^ STREAMLINE BUSSES II "CHICAGO • Burlington’s now-type, high* f speed streamline busses, possess* ing many refinements to increase travel comf&rt, are now in daily operation between Omaha and Chicago* The new mute closely parallels the maia line of the C* B. & Q. Railroad, and utribes the best all* paved highways aU the way* f I Lo, f Ar. AT. Rad ( Ar. Creatao. ' Ar. Ottumwa. la.,.. Ar. Bartinetoo. Ja.. Ar Galeabua^lt.. Ar. Krwanea. BL.. Ar. Prtncrtoo.nl... Ar. Uengota, IN... Ar. Avon. BL.... Ar. Oak Park. Ar. Chicago Union Static*.. 12th 4 Wab.... * i Returning , 1 Lr. Chicago. am am am MS am .7.-00 am 1 .HO pm lliSOpm lliMptn ljio as |U0 am fell as 10:00 as 1241pm I ilO pm 1:50 pm 8 JO pm 4 JO pm 4:59 pm 9-JO pm 1140 pm I INFORMATION • RATES FREE FOLDER I | J. V. Shtr^ General Agent. Oiuiha. Neb., ! I6eh A Funim. Phone Aaint r < •> i "■ —>■»-■ mm . 1 ■— r I / appointed him to Federal office, ong acquaintance has only increased my iadmkra|ioq for him'. He has three qualities which make- him a marvelous choice. 1. He is incomp tible. 2. He knows more about his job than any officer I have ever seen or known. 3. He is fearless of dan gei* and fearess of criticism.” Mayo.' ioy N. Tow] said, after carefully reading over the petition, and the names thereon, was quite to know that they have the confidence in Bob. “I am happy to know that these signers you have on this petition have tho same respect and confidence in Bob Samardik that I have. I am only toe glad for an opportunity to sign this petition. I would be glad to have a copy for my files. May t have one?” The circulator of the netition left him a copy. Robeit Smith, elerk of the District Court, said. “Bob will make the finest State Sheriff ebraaka has ever had. if the Governor will apoint him. Weep up the good work. I hope you do the job.* 1 am sorry indeed the time and •space will not permit me to give you the words of the many petition signers but to make a long story short, about 185 eitizens of Ofnaha, in the same class heretofore mentioned had as a whole, about the same opinion of Holiest Bob’s integrity and his law inforeement abiity. Onaha should take it’s hat off to the city Commis sioners for the confirmation of the recommendation of Honorable Frank L. Myers, of Robert Samar dick for the chief of police of the city of Oma ha. I know of no greater pieca of work that has been done in the entire administration of our present city Commissioners. Omaha at lange should feel grateful for having such courageous men at the helm. Again I say. we doff our hat* to our City Coi^missioners for this act of pre serving the wellfare of society. Bob Samardick will do th« job with half the men any other police chief has had under his supervision, and society today i9 more fully protected than it has ever been in the history of Omaha Even police officers are hajgr to know that they will enjoy the fulfillment of their duties in the line of their chosen profession, and they will not hace to wink their eye at the law violators with a fear of being re primanded for doing their duty, which they took an oath to do, because of some outside interference. The citi zena of Omaha are sure of one thing, that Roy N. Towl is Mayor of the city that Frank Myers is Police Commis sioner of the city of Omaha, and that Bob Samardick is chief of Police of the city of Omaha and that they hast? the full cooperation, and the backing of the entire city council. This is making new history in Omaha. May God sp ed them on their journey for a better city in which to lira for pro tection of all and persecution of none' (Continued from Page D He was accused of attempting to attack a 19 year old girl on Sunday July 8 near Jones. La. He was ar rested Sunday, officers were prepar ing to file formal charges against him •rhea the ng>b battered down the doo • of the small jail house. Mondag night and seized him. SOCIAL SINS (Gambling and Gamblers) By Dr.. A. G.. Bearer (For the Literacy Service Bureau) Text: Thy money perish with thee —Acta 18:26 Money and all that it stands for are perishable. This is moat surely true trua in regard to the money of gamb , ^Ts • On« Ls inclined to change the fiA Tf REDUCi The July 1 reduction in gas rates "as the second one this year. The first one cut $60,000 a year off Omaha's gas bills. This one saves Omaha $79,000 annually. A total r/o*/s in l§34. | of $ 1 39,000 a year for both—giv ing Omaha the lowest manufac tured gas rate in the United States. Use gas freely — it's cheap in Omaha! Chec~rr C.;c Oman a s uo.iies already use gas for cooking purposes —not alone because it's cheap, but also because it is clean, hot—and the quickest-heating fuel now available for cooking purposes. GAS RANGES ON SALE AT LOCAL RETAIL STORES Cheaper Refrigeration . . . Hundreds of gas refrigerators are serving Omaha homes today. The combination of low gas rates, a refrigerator that ha* always been the most economical to operate, offer Omaha'* best value. 15 LOCAL DEALERS SELL ELECTROLUX GAS REFRIGERATORS Cheaper Home Heating . . . The last reduction in gas rates is also effective on home that *nR—* reduction of more than 8% in the cost of fuel. Asic one of the 1,200 home-owners who use ga* for heating in Omaha. ASK ANY HEATING CONTRACTOR FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Cheaper Water Heating . . Under these rates, yss can’t afford to f »«Ppl7 of ho* water. Aak about (he ANT LICENSED P1/UWB0R FWR PRICES AMD TKRift