NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County of Douglas County, Nebraska IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF: Samuel Houston, deceased All persons interested in said es tate are htTeby notified that a peti tion has been filed in said Court petition before said court on the 28th day of July, 1934 and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 28th day of July. 1934 at 9 o' clock A M-, to contest said petition the Court may grant the same and grant administration of said estate to JOSEPH D- LEWIS, or some oth er suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD, County Judge begins 8—90—8t __ i Attorney Ray L. William*, Room, PROBATE NOTICE In th-.i matter of the Eetate of Matilda Starnes deceased. Notice is hereby Given: That the creditors of said deceased will me 11 the administrator of said estate, bej fore me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County ^ Court Room, in said County, on the 4th day of September 1934, and on the 5th day of November 1934, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day, for the, purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and i allowance Three months are allow ed for the creditors to their claims, from the 4th day of August! 1934. BRYCE CRAWFORD. County Judge begins 7—14—34 ex 7—20.34. PROBATE NOTICE Inthe matter of the estate of Norita Love Robinson, deceased. Notic is hereby given that the cred itors of sair deceased wall meet the administrator of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County., Nebraska, at the County Court Room., in said County, on the 4th day of; September 1934 and on the 5th day i of November 1934, at 9 o’clock A. M. each day for th? purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjust ment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to pre1 sent their claims, from the 4th day of August 1934. Bryce Crawford, County Judge Beg. 7—14—34 end. 7—2*—34 STATEMENT OF DONALnGALLAGHER Religious belief and affiliations are •trietly matters of conscience! race or color is not a matter of choice. No man should be condemned for what he cannot help. Tolerance is se much • part of my religion and my nature I cannot understand why there should ever be the slightest feeling of 111 will between those of different be liefs or races. To me my fellow citizen of different belief, or differ ent color, means one who has the NHne joys and sorrows and problems and pains that I have. We are all traveling the same difficult road through life togther ia search of just one thing—peace. We (must ass'«< each other by kindly words and deeds along the way. Te my feligw citizens of all creeds and colors, I give full credit for be ing jusrt as sincere, as reasonable and pas atrio as I feel myself to be, and I believe that of all virtues charity is the chiefest.” LOOKING BACK (FEEDING THE BRUTE) By Videtta Ish (For the Literacy Service Bureau) A woman inquired of another “How do you get along so well with your husband?” The laconic answer was “I feed the brute.” The woman fcneant she pleased her husband by her good cooking. This is good sense, but the way some women feed their husbands tends to make brutes of them. Yes, some make brutes of their husbands who lose patience with them and become brutal in their treatment. Then, it is really true that experimenting on their hus bands’ stomachs often women make dead brutes of them. GET YOUR FREE TICKETS TO THE KRUG PARK — Big Picnic at — The Omaha Guide Office KANGAROO COURT BENEFIT PICNIC at KRUG PARK, SUNDAY JULY 29th. 1934 EVERYBODY WELCOME SELF-EXAMINATION By R A. Adams (For the Literacy Service Bureau) V If you’re inclined to ©ensure, or to Marne. Ta "lift up holy hands” and cry “Oh, shame)' Better examin your own self. and see If you who’d others judge may guilt less be. I If you’re inclined to critize, and say “I wonder bow he ever got that way” Better examine your own self, and know If you who censure are not even so. So, If and when you find your sell inclined To judge, and censure, better bear ia mind A guiltl «s one, and such a one alone Is qualified to cast accusing stone Sirvco yoa sometimes may into error fall Mercy to show and charity to all, You’lll find it after all. a better plan. And nearer what should be ‘twixt man and man. METCALFE RUNNING FOR GOVERNORSHIP Revision of Nebraska tax laws along constructive and equitable lines will be one of the most import ant tasks confronting the next gov. ernor and the legislature, Stanley F. Levin, president of the Young Voters League for Metcalfe for Governor, said at a meeting of the league at the Rome hotel Tuesday night. I The tax bill, known as House Roll I No. 9, which provides for a tax bill on credit accounts of business and professional men and women, drew the particular fire of Levin- He char acterized this law as impossible of enforcement “There is real work to he n Neb raska on taxation,” he said- “The most practical form of relief is to be found in a reduction of the cost of government through the elimination of jobs which have been created lor purely political purposes.” He declared that Metcalfe could be depended upon to follow such a pro gram of strict economy* POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT -CLASSIFIED ADS Mill made Screens and Doors while you wait. 2717 North 24th Street. FOR RENT—one kitchenette apart ment and one room. Reasonable prices, 2226 Ohio Street. A NEAT-FRONT ROOM KITCH ENETTE. WEbster 3707 FOR RENT—One three room apart ment neatly furnished- Inquire 1417 No. 24th St. WE. 4044, even ings. Loves Kitchenette Appa-rtment For Rent at 2518 Patric St- Call We. 5553 YOUR OWN—LAKE SHOE SERV ICE NONE BETTER; 2407 Lake St Furnished Rooms for rent. WEbser 2303 Big Rummage Sale on New Goods— 1324 N 24th St- Come and Be Con vinced. BETTER RADIO SERVICE A. E. and J. E- Bennett 2’15 Ctfm mings St- Phone Ja- 0696 RUFFELED AND LACE CUR TAINS DONE CHEAP WEbster 3707.. ROGERS ICE SERVICE-QUICK DELIVERY ATlantic 5564. 2104 North 29th Avenue.. Three room apartment. Everything furnished $4.00 JAckson 0986 Shirts Laundered I i CASH AND CARRY AT Edholm and Sherman 2401 North 24th St. We 6055 t Has The Church i Message For X hese Tines? Everybody is wondering and worrying aboat these puzzling panic days Millions are rally soffering deprivation No other single fact about th present de pression has caused more concern or com ment than the tragic lack of leadership in all spheres All the world has looked for a sup rhuman to show ns the way out of the uncredible conditions in which we are bogged Perhaps our mistake has been to exp ct one man to lead us It may be that in a democratic world we should give heed to or many local leaders For there are such Consider the minister of religion Thousands of them are standing np in their pulpits every Sunday and affirming sure and tested truths which offer out and trading During the week they are ministering in di victuals Their unique advantage in that they can quote, "Thus saith the Lord,” as he appeal o tJ>‘ Book which records worse natural experience's than that which we are now undergoing Ministers deal with canstat factors of life Whatever the circumstance, th re is always God to be taken into account Courage that is born of faith is a greater factor in such Cpies as these that taxes or rcurency reform Peace of heart, which is possible in all storms, is a precious part of the preachers message. And, in the last analysis, all of our troubles are personal.. Brotherly helpfulness has its home in the Church. There are no general statistics for it not everybody obs rves, in his own community, that Church members are aiding one an other on a larger scale than any pro feesional welfare organization. Long views, both backward and forward, are provided by the pulpit.. It is reassur ing above all else to have the Divine Pur pose raced in human history. This is not a run away world.. God is still dealing with us as with son. Most persons who absent themselv -s from church are missing all of this truth. Sunday worship turns men’s thoughts God ward—and only in that direction is there real hope.. Therefore, even as an emergency measure in these sobering times, everybody should. -ATTEND CHURCHSUNDAY N TIME OF ILLNESS, DEATH OR OTHER TROUBLE ANY MINISTER WILL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU. THE 28 CHURCHES OF OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS WELCOMES YOU SUNDAY JULY 14TH, 1934 THE FOLLOWS INDIVIDUALS FRIENDS AND FIRMS HAS MADE THIS ‘AD’ POSSIBLE. OMAHA CARL RIEKES TIRE SERVICE IL S.. TIKES TIRE REPAIRING GASOINE AND #IL—BATTERY AND ROAD SERVICE •15 North 18th Street WRECKS! WB FIX 'EM SHAMES BODY AND RADIATOR FREE ESTIMATES—TERMS 1»M CU+ftincs St. ATUatfc 4&5C COMPLIMENTS THE BON TON INN AND CABARET MJIS.. MARY PIERCE, Proprietor 1*1# Sfteth lath Street GUARANTEED USED AND NEW AUTO AND TRUCK PARTS AT A SAYING STAR AUTO PARTS 17th aad Chicago Street Phone ATlantic 9369 NEBRASKA LOAN OFFICE RELIABLE SINCE 1906 1303 Douglas Street ALWAYS YOUR FRIEND TO SERVE YOU HARRY D. MILDER GROCERIES AND MEATS 1034 Soath 10th Street JAckson 2243 WHO FIXED THE POST^OFFICE CLOCK? NEBRASKA WATCH HOSPITAL 708 South 16th Street HOWELL AND MUNRO Coal and Coke OLDEST COAL FIRM IN OMAHA Telehone JAckson 1922 524 Pacific Street DRINK THE BEST WTLLOW SPRINGS BOTTLED BEVERAGE 705 South 13th Street Phone ATlantic 5560 MOHAWK TIRES TIRES REPAIRED AND VULCANIZED NATIONAL TIRE SHOP WHISTLE - VESS BEVERAGES —ARE BETTER 10c Bottle and 5c Deposit Returned on Each Bottle We Have All Flavors 1131 North 18th Street WEbster 2131 OPEN ALL NIGHT PAXTON HOTEL PHARMACY MATTISON AND HANSEN, Props.. (Corner 14th and Harney Streets) KINNEYS OMAHA’S GREATEST SHOE MARKET 16th and Dodge Street OMAHA PURE FOOD CO. 2410 Cummings Street I DUFFY PHARMACY 24th and Lake Street I Phon® WEbster 0609 OPEN A CONVENIENT CHARGE —ACCOUNT AT— MAYPERS 16th Street, Capitol Avenue SCHMOLLER AND MUELLER PIANO CO. 1516 Dodge Street Compliments HARRY BELMONT LOAN COMPANY 1819 North 24th Stret Compliments CITY CLUB BEER CO. DISTRIBUTORS Schmidt City Club Beer J. C. WOOD AND GO. DRY CLEANERS THIRTY YEARS IN OMAHA Phoae Jackson 1C19 322 Ste.. 14th St.. OMAHA POTATO MARKET WE FEATURE EVERYTHING IN THE FOOD LINE 16th Burt Street Compliments of THE OMAHA GARAGE 1517 North 24th Street Phone WEbstei 0300 LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN— GROCERIES—MEATS— POULTRY A.. A..—.“Cut Price”—Yossem 2033, 2035, 2037 North 24th Street LOUIS H. CINEK Republican WILL APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT FOR Clerk of The District Court ARKIN’S MEN’S SHOP STETSON HATS AND ARROW SHIRTS •' AT POPULAR PRICES 1409 Farnam Street Paxton Hotel Building LINCOLN MARKET WHERE THE PEOPLE SHOP 1624 North 24th St.. WEbster 1411 Compliments GROCY-GAS 801 North 16th Street Compliments EMMERSON LAUNDRY WEbster 1029 CompUments TRIMBLE BROTHERS Kingsbury Beer Compliments RED AND WHITE STORES I ———————— ---V— Compliments THE ACE TIE SHOP 1402 Farnam Street WE SPECIALIZE IN TIES AND HOSIERY SOUTH OMAHA RELIABLE FURNITURE COMPANY SOUTH OMAHA 4923 South 24th Street MArket 2174 PHILIPS DEPARTMENT STORE THE FASTEST GROWING STORE IK OMAHA 4935 So. 24th St So_ Omaha PETERS DIAMOND BRAND — SHOE STORE SOLID LEATHER FOOT WEAR 4812 Sooth 24th Street South Omaha 0. K. HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE AND PAINT SOUTH OMAHA HArket 467C 4831 South 14th Street -TOUR PATRONAG1 APPRECIATED” DOUGLAS SHOE STORE South Omaha ~T. NIKOLICH TAILOR AND SINGER SEWING MACHINE SHOT 2907 Q Street South Omaha Compliments GRANP OPENING —OF THE— New Tarver Mondaj 16th __and lunch, 26 oz. Beer 10c 2931 Q Street South Omaha Compliments J. C. HARRIS CASH AND CARRY GROCERIES MEATS ICE CREAM AND SOFT DRINKS—FREE DELIVERY 5224 South 30th Street MArket 0741 South Omaha NICK JOHNSON STORE j GROCERIES AND' MEATS, BEER j WINE AND ALL LEGALIZED LIQUORS Bring your Federal Relief Order to us 2921, 23 Q St. Phone MArket 4802^ COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA Compliments DOLLY’S BAR B-Q MEATS 1310 West Broadway CASE FRANDSEN JEWELER ALL WORK GUARANTEED Liberty Theatre Building JOE SMITH AND CO. THIRTY YEARS OF QUALITY “Get The Habit” MID WEST AUTO PARTS COMPANY PARTS FOR ALL MAKERS OF CARS 1508 West Broadway Phone 444 MAKE RITE GARAGE GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING 1633 West Broadway CONNOLLY DRUG CO. I PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS 2319 West Broadway PURITAN MARKET CASH AND CARRY OR DELIVERY GROCERIES AND MEATS 220, 222 Broadway Phone 2843 - v ~ ^ — - Compliments HERMAN’S CLOTHES SHOP BROADWAY AT MAIN STREET ' RABEN AUTO EXCHANGE AUTO PARTS GLASS INSTALLED 1920 West Broadway Compliments THE LITTLE SAVOY RESTAURANT AND BARBER SHOP 14M West Broadway CITY FUEL CO. COAL KINDLING WOOD 2441 West Broadway Phase 2775 SHYKEN’S FURNITURE STORE FURNITURE, HOUSE FURNISH ING NOVELTIES 637 West Broadway Compliments SHELL f__ ' GROSSMANS DEPART MENT STORE OUTFITTERS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY 604, 606 Broadway (Opposite Office) GEORGE S. STEINBERG GROCERIES AND.MEATS Phone 1946 1428 West Broadway Compliments i SEARS 1 ROEBUCK & CO. MALICK & SHIELDS Oil and Gas Dx-Gas 14th Street and Broadway TRY OUR SERVICE J. & R. MOTOR SUPPLY COMPANY ROAD GRIPPER TIRES 302 West Broadway HARVEY BROTHERS Suits— Overcoats 520 Broadway PHII SAKS7 NEW CENTRAL COUNCIL BLUFFS FINEST FOOD SHOP Phone 2763 544, 546 West Broadway ---. Compliments OF A FRIEND BUCKS BOOTERIE j THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES "DONADAMS j NEW AND USED TIRES, VULCANIZING 1616 West Broadway IOWA CLOTHES SHOP i j CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN 536, 38 West Broadway WALGREEN COMPANY DRUGS WITH A REPUTATION Phone 6120 420 West Broadway —■ PEOPLES’ DEPART MENT STORE Council Bluffs, Iowa THE STORE WITH OUT A NAME 1002 West Broadway “The Best Store to Trade After All” Buehler Bros. 212 N- 18th 9t... | 4*08 So, 24th St. I Ml N.. 24th fit. | 2408 Cumin* fl B O P AND 8AVE AT BUEHERS SPECIAL, SALE ON EVERY ITEM IN OUB STORES !■ SATURDAY.. veaiTlkgb ..7__:: VEAL LIONS __.. __ Vi or whole VEAL SHOULDER~ROAST. lb 8c ' VEAL BREAST with pocket, lb «e I PORK ROAST, Pinic lb , .‘77* BOSTON PORK BUTTS _I. _7~ pound.. jji SM ALL SP A RE RJB8. Pound _ 7c PORK LOIN ROAST __I ~ end cuts lb. _ 8^< ARMOURS PURE LARD 7777.7. 2 Ib«.. ___ j5t ,! YOUNG BBEI CHUCK 777.., ‘ ■ ROAST, lb__ 9< ; BEEF-SIR BUTT Boneless--?-- I Rolled and Tied lb. . 12c || DOLDS SMOKED .7! Picni* lb . [ DOLDS SMOKED HAMS_ I Vi ot whoD lb. I7< J FRESH EGGS, 2 dozen . 21c | ’ SUNLIGHT BUTTER, lb.24c j FANCY. 19X LEGHORN SPRING CHICKENS, lb 18'/2c I __? “SEE THESE” For Good Used Cars at 1702 South 13th Street 1927 Hudson Car-$125.00 EXTRA GOOD BUY 1928 Master Buick . $150.00 LOOKS GOOD RUNS GOOD 1928 Ford Coach-$125.00 A SNAP FOR THE PRICE 1931 Willys Knijjht Sedan .. -$275.00 EXTRA GOOD—TIRES—READY TO DRIVE ANY PLACE HULAC CHEVROLET 1702 South 13th Street ATlantic 1713 t .. [ Call \ Omaha Poultry Market ;; 1114 No. 24th St. We. 1100 FRESH EGGS— FRESH Dressed Poultry While You Wait WE DELIVER FAIRMONT’S ICE CREAM Veak of Quality