The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 07, 1934, Page Seven, Image 7

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and FUTURE ••
M. A. Y.—I feel like just going
off and dying because I am worried
to death. Will he ever tictum to me
again. I can’t live without him..
Ans: You will hava to live without
him for you wont get the chance to
live WITH HIM. Straighten your
self u and think nothing of being
jilted for that’s all in the game of
life. He will never love you the way
you want him to.
R. W. T.—Will I be ablj to get a
new automobile soon?
Ans: Better make sure of a good
Job before trying to buy a new car.
It seems that you will have a car
this year, but it will not be a NEW
B. D.—Will it be wise for my
n 'phew to do what our doctor tells
him to do?
Ans: He would be acting unwisely
if he did not carry out your doctor’s
insO motions. Make arrangements to
have him undergo the OPERATION
that his doctor suggested to him.
He will come out all right.
L. H.—Will I ever get married
and if so whei will my marriage
take place in life ?
Ans: The man you ar going with
will be ycur futuiv MATE. The
marriage will not take place until
February of next yea but your en
gagement will b 1 announced the latter
part of this year.
X. X.—What happened to my ten
dollars that was missing from me
about one year ago?
Ans: Approximately a year and a
half ago you hired a young man to
work in your store. This boy made
an an error in making change
from a sale and gave a party a ten
dolla" bill for a one. This boy does
not know of his mistake.
J. F.—What kind of employment
will I enter into next and will I make
it success of it?
Ans: You will not work for anvon
else for you will open up a SMALL
BUSINESS of your own this summer.
This business will net you a fair pre
■ fit and will enable you to get started
into larger business.
C..E, I).—How long will my son
go to school next term ?
Ans: He is not thinking of quit
ting school. H . will remain insch:: ;
for the full nine months and will
pass his work with good grades.
next term will be as difficult for him
as the past three teims have been.
H. A. G.—Will I get anything
i from th i party that I worked with in
a near city?
Ans: Your old business part i r
fully intends to beat you out of the
money that he owes you for labor.
He did not apreciate the friend: alp
: that was betw.en you two for TZN
years and handed you a very raw deai
He is not ■worth worrying ove *.
J. B —ITow will rry husband make
now an' is he guilty?
An:-: Ho will receive a sentenc
but it will not be a very long one. He
has not been misjudged and he will
take his mjdicine like a man. Stick
by him for this will be the last trouble
; i hat he will gc*t into—he has learned
his lessen.
E. F. C.—What is my talent and
, will I cultivate it?
! Ans: The work that you could do
most successfully throughout your life
is ACTING. into all the dram
atic plays that they hold in your city
land try to join a dramatic club.
NOTE:—Your question printed free in this column.
For Private reply send 25c and (self addressed
stamped envelope for my New Astrological Read
ing and receive by return mail my advice on three
questions free. Sign your full name, birthdate, and
correct address. Address Abbe’ Wallace.
P. 0. Box—11, Atlanta, Georgia.
Dr- William J. Thompkins, the new
Recorder of Deeds of the District of
Columbia has not been in the City
very long, but “out of a rich exper
ience as a one time superintendent
of the Kansas City General Hospital i
No- 2, and Assistant Commissioner i
of Health of Kansas City, he has |
called attention to District Health |
conditions, with the accompanying
high death rate among infants from
Dr- Thompkins laid down the pro
position that the citizens must share
proportionately in the benefits pro
vided from public funds- He found
the record very poor in this regard i
in the District of Columbia, but laid i
the fault at the door of the local col
ored citizens. He pictured the impos
sible health conditions with the ac
companying high death rate among j
infants and from tubesculosis- This |
neglect, the Recorder declared, was
charg able to the administration of
the local Health Department- Wash
ington must reduce the record of in
fant mortality for the colored com
munity. Well baby stations must be
provided in number sufficient to real
ly serve the community- The colored
citizens must have representation in
the Health Department—official
physicians; and most of our ills will
be cured when the colored citizens
manifest tho same interest in the
qualifications of white nominees as
they do in the qualifications of color
ed nominees. Doctor Thompkins cit
ed the close scrutiny exercised in the
case of the mere mention of names of
colored candidates for the local muni
cial court judgeship, and commended
similar zeal in all personnel matters
as a measure to safeguard our inter
ests as citizens and taxpayers.
Dr- Thompkins scored both the
Health Department and the Public
Health Service for neglect of health
cf colored children of preschool age
He advocated establishment of well
baby stations in every community,
pointing out the frequent impractic
ability of a colored mother with sev
eral children reporting to Freed
mer’s Hospital for clinical instruct
“Supervision in clinic and by color
— '•* the Health
O •
for aii co,.
natal period up to 6 years ox age,
rapidly increasing child mortality is
to be checked.
‘The District of Columbia.” he
said, “will continue to have an in
creasingly higher tuberculosis rate
among both races if immediate pre
vention steps are not taken. It would
have required only $50,000 last year
to save the livrs of 250 of the color
ed babies that died here from lack of
proper care, and expenditure of $100,
000 for three years would decrease
the rate to a point below that of
cities of comparative population and
Early symptoms of tuberculosis,
Dr. Thompkins said, were disregard- !
ed by the Health Department heie, |
and cases were not rated as positive
until they had reached a well-deve
loped state- As a consequence, he
estimated, instead of the 2,300 cases
rated as positive, there are actually
10,000 tuberculosis cases her?, con
tacting approximately 100,000 of the
urban population
For one baby station in Southeast
Washington,” he said, “there is one
nurse to take care of an area 1
square mite- It would be impossible
for he? to make an investigation of
the territory in a month, and inspect
the muddy culvers between the house
and other prevailing insanitary con
ditions- The fact that there are only
11 stations here, with only 11 District
nurses, whose equipment is dilapi
dated and inadequate in every parti
cular, is a serious reflection on all
agencies of Government- If the wind
can blow germs from Dakota to
Washington, as it did recently, cer
tainly it may be expected to blow
them from neglected colored areas to
Ch.vy Chase and other localities
better cared for.”
Civic associations giving immediate
attention to Dr. Thompkins’ critic
isms have started a movement to
force the health authorities to pro
per action.
Hapenings That Affect the Dinner
Pails, Dividend Chocks and Tax Bills
of Every Individual. National and
International Problems Inseparable
from Local Welfare.
Recently a birthday party of great
national importance occurred- It
marked the first anniversary of the
NRA—the most extraordinary bureau
ever created by the Federal Govern
Birthday “greetings” were of two
kinds. On the ona hand, the NRA
executives praised the bureau to the
skies, said that it had started us well
on the road to recovery, would take
us all before long. On tha other
hand, various critics said that the
NRA represented the downfall of dem
ocracy, that it meant we were in for
1 either fascism or commu^sm, that
Family- „ia inouqm It was Gideon instead of poor Elw*«.di _
—• —r- . ..-.vaaa j — _ r srer
ih i|
So yoUO B£TTc.O.
' Tosh • j
[ THE. tvTUC.1. 1
1 iwtekwational cactoon caw.*
it had abrogated every major provi
sion of the Constitution.
Neither of these viewpoints is in
dictative of the stand the American
r)"ople will take when they finally
vr-css an opinion. They know the
NRA has done fine things—such as
Jrni ating sweat shops and child
leb and giving labor a be ter break
so far as wrages, hours and working
conditions are concerned. They know
likewise done things which are
1 so good—such as setting itsnlf up
a - a czar over routine business mat
l - about which situation they are
Most commentators are of the opin
the main trouble with the
NRA is that it g ew too fa.:t and tri
ed to cover too much territory. In
the beginning, it was principally an
arbiter of working conditions—it laid
down minimum wage and maximum
.. .iivi.i'-work rulings. Then it be
gan to branch out into very different
fields. It made rulings concerning
such loutines business matters as
siz’a and time of credits. It fixed
■ prices—at the expense of the consum
ing public, according to the various
1 Darrow reports. It became the ex
| ecutive head of every major indus
try. and offie vs and owners of com
panies and corporations found them
selves hog-tied at every turn. They
couldn’t make a move without author
;zation from Washington.
The powers-that-be in Washington,
as a matter of fact, have recognized
this. Th i NRA is giving up price
fixing. It is about to reduce the
numbo- of codes in effect by 70 of
80 per cent. It is becoming less
arbitrary in its actions. In brief, it
looks as if the NRA in the future
will be mainly concerned with wages
and hours and working conditions, as
was its initial purpose.
Most of these changes, which are
being received with great applause
by the bulk of industries, may be
credited to Mr Roosevelt. The Pre
sident is the commander-in-chief who
makes the final decisions. The be
lef is widely held now' that General
Johnson may be supplanted before
long—he is able, energetic, agg 'essive
and honest, but he has made too many
enemies. He gets things done—but
there are always a great many
wounded feelings whin he is finished.
His great weakness is lack of tact,
plus amazing sensitiveness. Critis
ism, no matter how friendly and well
disposer, invariably anger him.
It is impossible to enter into dis
cussion of business conditions these
days without bringing in the ominous
word “strike”’ The labor problem is
uppermost in the mind of every ex
ecutive—even though his business has
not been directly affected, threats of
a general strike keep him awake
It is an interesting fact that we
hear more of strikes now than at
any time since tbj great post-war
walk-outs—yet the number of men
involved in strikes, and the total of
working hours lost, are about the
same as in the past five or six years
In other words, so far as the statcis
show ,the strikes problem is no more
severe now than it was last year or
the year before, or in booming 1928
However, the statics don’t trll all.
In the past, strikes have occurred
because of disagreement over wrages
and hours. Present strikes are very
different—the strikers, as a matter
of form, make demands for shorter
I * i
ATlantic 0850
1 f 12th and Douglas Streets !
Moone’s Emerald Oil Guaranteed to
Stop All Pain and Soreness and
Banish Offensive Odors
In just one minute after an appli
cation of Emerald Oil you’ll get the
surprise of your life. Your tired,
tender, smarting, burning feet will
literally jump for joy.
No fuss, no trouble; you just ap
ply a few drops of the oil over the
surface of the foot night and morn
ing, or when occasion requires. Just
a little and rub it in. It’s simply
wonderful the way it ends all foot
misery, while for feet that sweat
and give off an offensive odor,
there’s nothingbetter in the
Moone’s Emerald Oil'Is
guaranteed to end your foot
-—r- troubles or money back.
The Wherry For Senator Club,
sponsored in the north end by Mr.
Herman Fredlander entertainment
that was given in honor of Senator
Kenneth S. Wherry at Eagle Hall,
2301 Harney St., was considered a
huge success. About 350 people were
present. Mr. Friedlander acted as
chairman of the meeting. Musical
numbers were furnished by the Mid
City quartet. Mr. Oscar Washing
ton made a twenty minute address,
after which he was compelled to ac
knowledge the appreciation by the
audiences applause, by rising ana
bowing three times.
Mr. Washington delivered a master
piece. No question about it, he is
the coming great orator of the West.
Mr. Friedlander as chairman of |
the meeting, introduced the speakers j
of the evening. Atty. J. C. Travis !
was introduced as a representative |
for Theodore Metcalfe for governor. '
Mr. Travis put it very forcibly that
Mr. Metcalfe was not straddling the J
fence on any public issue. He also J
stated that Mr. Metcalfe was in favor
86th Semi-Annual Statement
Savings and Loan Association
of Omaha
July 1,1934
(As Shown by Books at Opening of Business June 27, 1934)
Quick Assets—
U. S- Gov’t Bonds and Obligations.... 2,207,123 56 $ 4,014,012-04
Loans Secured by First Mortgages on Improved
Real Estate_ 12,577,642-29
Delinquent Interest ....-.. 7,6.>3-20
Loans on Pass-Book Security-*.-.. 23,364-24
Loans in Foreclosure Decree..... 706,432-20
Real Estate Sold on Contract___ 33,742-02
Real Estate Acquired Through Foreclosure ... 427,894-13
Office Building, 1614 Harney Street, and N- W
corner 18th and Farnam Streets... 329,330-55
Furniture and Fixtures _ 1-00
Total . $18,120,071-67
Credits to Members’ Savings and Paid-Up Acc’ts.$ 16,734,280-85
Balance Held for Borrowers--- 48,902-99
Reserves...._.. 1,302,926-88
Undivided Profits _ 33,960-95
Borrowed Money__ NONE
Total . $18,120,071-67
TOTAL RESERVES—$1,336,887-83.
Cash and U. S- Bonds and Obligators on Hand—$4,014,012-04.
DIVIDEND—At the rate of three per cent/ per annum, the 86th con
secutive S mi-annual dividend earned and distributed. Our
large holdings of nnemployed cash and low yielding U- S
bonds, although an element of strength, have had some deter
ring influenq? upon current earnings
NEW LOANS—Demand for good home loans has been unusually
moderate which, coupled with abnormally low withdrawals or
outflow, consistent receipt or inflow of loan payments, and
persistent inflow of new savings funds, accounts for our large
holdings of cash and Government bonds
DELINQUENT INTEREST—$7,653-20 at close of period, all that
remains uncollected of $371,859-99 earned.
NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNTS—993 new accounts opened. Withdraw
als by members have been extremely light. We have tempor
arily found it necessary to refuse offers! in great number of
larger investment sums, limiting new accounts accepted to
comparatively small amounts.
Edgar A- Baird, President John R- Donley, Assistant Secy.
James A- Lyons. Secretary Clark W- Carnaby, Assistant Secy.
J- Herbert McMillan, Treasury Wayne C- Selby, Assistant Secy.
THE CONSERVATIVE, 1614 Harney Street
of a tax system that would relieve
the tax ridden property owners. He
stated that if a man had $5,000 worth
of real estate, he had to pay taxes
on it, but if a man had $5,000 worth
of exempt securities, he escaped the
tax burden, and he felt that this was
an unfair distribution of the public
responsibilities, and in his opinion, the
only relief for the property owners,
and for an equal distribution of the
expens s of the operation of our state
county and city, was a sales tax that
everybody had to buy and there would
be no escape.
Mr. Joe Rosenbloon was introduced
as a representative for Judge Herbert
Rhoades, who is running for Congress
man from second district. Mr.
Rosenblocm made a very firey address
for Judge Rhoades, which was well
rceeiv d by the audience.
Senator Wherry, the principal
speaker of the evening, stated the
basic wealth of Nebraska coming from
the soil, that unless thr ag ricultural
district prospered, it was impossible
for Omaha to prosper, therefore Ne
braska as a whole prosperity as a
whole depended on the success of
the farmer, and if he was elected to
the United States Senate, his job
would be to fight for th-- rights of
the farmer and to strengthen our
financial institution. Senator Wher
ry made a masterful address, and from
inquiry from the guest of the ev.n
ing, they expressed a very favorable
opinion, and they thought he was the
logical candidate to b? elected to the
United Senate.
It is predicted by Mr. Friedlander
that Senator Wherry will carry the
second and third ward of Omaha 100%
At the close of the meeting refresh
ments were served by the Refresh
ments Committee. Mrs. Ruth Baugh
man of 2221 Lake St. was chairman
of the Refreshment Comfnittee of the
North Omaha Wherry For Senator
Women’s Club, sponsored by Mr.
Friedlander and his friends. Every
body had an opportunity to shake
hands with the Senator at the close
of the meeting.
cIfrecPeak of Quality
Herrin van&i
Tel .phone Office ATlantic 1200 |
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Clearance of 97 Better
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Smart styles! The Newest
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1-2 Gallon Bottles
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