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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1934)
Rex Drop Two Close Games to Little Rock CUDAHY REX LOSE TWIN BILL TO YOUNG UNS, LITTLE ROCK NINE WIN 6-5, 4-3 as McCAKROLL DOES IRON MAN STUNT McCarroI, with plenty of stuff on the ball, pulled a successful “iron man stunt out at Western League park und r a boiling hot sun, Wednesday afternoon, to top of the success of the Fourth of July excursion to Omaha by the Little Rock Colored Travelors. McCarroI tossed both games a ganst the touted Cudahy Rex, Omaha sandlotters and came out head hand shoulders above the rest n a pair of tght games. The fivist 6 to 5 and the second 4 to 3. He pitched the open, the« reli -ved Freeman in the fourth inning of the second. In the opening game the Rex came uj one run short in the final inning rally, scoring two on errors and a double by Wright and Smith’s tap, but that wasn’t enough. First game -i LITTLE HOCK ab r h o a Purs e. 3b. 5 0 0 0 3 S. Hawkins, c.... . 3 2 2 9 2 Pickett, ss. 4 0 0 2 3 Mitihi‘1 if-If.4 110 0 Spec #man, 2b .4 0 0 0 1 Griff n. If-rf . 4 0 0 1 0 J. Harris, cf ..4 1 0 1.0 Louse, lb.4 2 14 2 LcCarroll, p.4 0 10 4 Totals 3G 6 6 27 15 CUDAHY REX ab r h o a Lawson, cf .5 2 12 0 Lee. 3b .. . 3 0 0 2 2 Clements rf-lb . 4 12 7 0 Smith, 2b . 5 0 10 4 Fry, lb-rf. 41070 Bolden, ss .; .... 4 0 110 Hicks, If .2 0 0 0 0 Manley, If .2 0 10 0 Young, c. .. .4 0 0 8 2 R. Walker, p. 0 0 0 0 0 Crump, p. 4 0 10 4 x Wight. 1110 0 Totals 31 3 8 21 13 r xBatted for Leo in ninth A * _ Little Rock.031 000 002—6 Cudahy Rex.001 000 022—5 Errors—S- Hawkins, Spearman, Lawson, Lee, Clements, Smith, Bold en. Crump Purdie. Three-base Hit— -Manley- Two-base Hits—Bolden, Crump, Clements, Reese, Wright Stolen Bases—Lawson, Lee, Clements, Fry. Mitchell, S- Hawkns (3)- Double Play—Young to Bolden to Lee. Bases <on Balls—R- Walker 1. McCarroll 3 Crump 2. Struck Out—R. Walker 2. McCarroll 9. G.-ump 7. Runs and Hits—R. Walker 4 and 3 in 2, Oump 2and 3 in 7. Losing Pitcher R. Walker. Wild Pitch—McCarroll. Balk—Crump. Left on Bases—Rex 9 Little Rock 6- Passed Ball—Young. Umpires—Daley and Tracy. Time— 2:00. Second game LITTLE ROCK ab x h o a Purdie, 2b .4 0 12 2 S- Hawkins, c.1 .... 4 0 0 8 0 Pickett, ss .2 0 0 0 1 Mitchell, If. 3 0 0 0 0 Spearman, 3b .2 1111 Grffin, rf ..._._...3 1110 J. Harris, cf.3 112 1 Rouse, lb, . 3 12 7 2 Greenwood, p .... . 1 0 0 0 2 Freeman, p.0 0 0 0 1 MeCarroll, p.. 10 10 0 xJohnson.....1 0 0 0 0 Totals 27 4 7 21 10 CUDAHY REX ab r h o a Lawson, cf....4 0 110 Lee, 3b.....2 112 0 Clements, rf..4 0 1 1" 1 Smith. 2b.,.4 0 112 Manley, c.4 0 14 0 Fry , lb .4 0 1 10 5 Bolden, ss. 4 110 3 Hicks. If.2 10 2 0 Evans, p.3 0 10 1 Crump, p . 0 0 0 0 1 Totals 31 1 9 21 13 xBatted for Freeman in fifth Litte Rock.....—000 020 2—4 Cudahy Rex..011 100 0-3 * —— Errors —Spearman, J. Hawkins, Rouse 2, Greenwood, Bolden, Lawson, Crump- Two-base Hits—Spearman, Rouse, Fry. Manley. Stolen Bases— YACHTS READY FOR RACE TO HAWAII SAN PEDRO, Cal.—Modem Magel. Ians laid in stores Tuesday and gave the final check up to 12 sleek sailing craft which will start on a 2.200-mile i ace to the Hawaiian Islands at noon Wednesday. Handicap ratings range to more than four days between the scratch I starter, Fandango, L. E. Hoffman’s ol foot schooner, and F. C. Elman's borrowed single master, the little 27 /jot sloop, Common Sense III. These will be computed at the end of the race when the last yacht has dropped ancha* in Pearl Harbor or signified that it has dropped out. LONDOS BEATS ERNIE_DUSEK Harrisburgh, Pa.—Jim Londos, de fending his newly won heavyweight wrestling crown, conquered Ernie Dusek after 50 minutes and 10 seconds of grappling Tuesday night. Dusek, groggy after he was hurled from the ring, was pinned with a body slan and press. Londos weighed 200; Dusek 2l8. . - - ,- --- GAMES POSTPONED All games in the Mid City Senior league w: re ostponed last week on rcount of rain. - I Andy Jensen Andy Jensen, 45 yea»s in one spot, is now a candidate for County As sessor on the Democratic ticket in the August primaries. Mr. Jensen i ‘.he son of a pioneer North 24th St business man, who for more than 50 hears, given employment to 6 negroe in their Laundry plant, known as the Jensen Laundry at 24tli a id Erskina Street Mr- Jensen says that if he is elected; as County Assessor, you will not have to fight for your pro-rta of em ployment in hi department and that ,'s no pre-election talk either. My pas record should be sufficient proof." Political Advertisement 6 AMERICANS AMONG 16 SURVIVORS AT WIMBLEDON WIMBLETON, Engdand, June 30— The United States held six of the 16 , places in the quarter finals of both the men’s and women’s singles di visions as the first week of play closed Saturday in the All-England tennis championships. Frank Shields, lanky New Yorker, and George M. Lott, Chicago doubles player, joined their Davis cup team mates, Sidney B. Woods of New York and Lester Stoefen of California, in the “round eight” as King George and Queen Mary headed a crowd of 20 thousand that ack-d the Wimble don stands under a scorching sun. But as lay resumed Monday, only Wood, singles ace of the A|merican Davis cup squad, was favored to ad vance toward the men’s title now held by Jack Crawford of Australia. Stoe fen must lay the defending champ before advancing any further, Lott faces Fred Perry, one of England s Davis cup singles champions, and the eiratic Shields tackles the other, H. W. “Bunny” Austin. Wood fac.s much simpler opposi tion in Vernon Kirby, SSouth African star, who staged an upset Saturday by eliminating Baron Gottfried von Cramm of Germany, 6-2, 2_6, 6_4, 6_2. The women’s quarterfnal pairings next week pit Cilli Aussem, German star, against Helen Jacobs and Mms Rene Mathieu, France’s outstanding player, against Sarah Palfred. Shields Saturday beat Christian Boussus, lefthanded Frenchman, 6.4, 3.6, 6.4, 7_9, 8_6. Lott beat Harry Hopman, former Australian Davis cup player, 4.6, 6.3, 6.2, 6.2. p.crry subdued Adrian Quiet, young Australian, 6_, 6.3, 6.4. TUXEDOES WIN, 14 2 The Tuxedoes, the fastest kittenball team in the middlewest, before the largest crowd of the year downed Adams, Nebraska, 14 to 2. The Tuxxedpes in fine shape showed plenty of class in their long drives and~t heir" excellent base running that accounted for the arge score. Adams received their two runs through the generosity of the Tux edoes, who entertained the enthusias tic crowd immensely. OCCUPATION STUDY MAY BRING TO PUBLIC NOTICE CHISLERS ON RELIEF ROLLS WASHINGTON, July 6—(CNS)— A small army of interviewers, clerks and supervisors are soon to compile information in Washington, Balti. more and Norfolk, as well as 75 other typical cities, to determine the number and proportion of persons on urban relief roll? who are capable of being gainfully employed The inves tigation may also bring to public no tice a number of persons who have left gainful occupations in order to get on the relief rolls- The informa tion will be made available in the Fall, and if persistent rumors are confirmed, a considerable number of the 4,000,000 families now on relief rolls will be found to embrace a horde of persons who are more willing to be on the relief rolls than to work at gainful occupations. ____ Lawson, Pickett, Spearman- Double J. Hawkins to S. Hawkins- Sacri fice—Lee. Hit by Pitched Ball— Greenwood (Hicks) . Bases on Balls —Evans 2, Greenwood. Struck Out —Evans 4, Greenwood 4. Runs and Hts—Greenwood 3 and 2 in 3 1-3, Freeman 0 and 2 in 2-3, McCarroll 0 and 4 in 3, Evans 4 and 5 in 6 2-3, Crump 0 and 2 in 1-3. Winning Pitcher—McCarrol. Losing Pitcher ■—Evans. Wild Pitch—Greenwood. Left on Bases—Rex 10, Little Rock 4. l^mpires—Tracy and Daley. Time —1:45. Virgin Island League fceeus to Oust Governor Pearson WASHINGTON, July 6—(CNS)— The Suffragist League of the Virgin Islands demands the removal of Paul M- Pearson as Governor of the Vir gin Islands. The protest, signed by Ella Gifft, acting president, charges Pearson with “maladministration, in efficiency and misleading qualities.” Miss Gifft assails the Governor for employment of a well to do business man as an NRA inspector of public safety, for alleged failure to eradi cate malaria and for allegedly inef ficient hospitals “Poor people,” she wrote, “who are taken to the hospital because they have no proper care at home are sent out of the hospital before they are strong enough to walk because there is not enough money allotted the hospital for the maintenance of these patients-” “We even had typhoid fever the last six months, which I believe is due to the insanitary conditions in which the gutters are kept- This small island has never been in such plight before, until this present ad ministration came here”. Miss Gifft asks that regulation of the island le placed unde- the Amer ican Navy. The question is asked: “Can it be true that in the rum producing Vir gin Islands there is also brewed a strange elixir which prolongs the reign of Gcernor Paul M- Pearson?” “Or is it the political brew of Wttehington which l.nds the governor the necessary strength to hang on to his office despite opposition of the people of the Islands and many Ad ministration leaders?” ENTERS RACE FOR GOVERNOR R. L. Cochran, state engineer, an nounced his acceptance Tuesday of the filings made by petitioners in behalf of his candidacy for the gov norship of Nebraska, with the fol lowing statement to the press: “Today I have accepted the filing made by petitions for me the office of Governor of Nebraska “The privilege of having had a part in building the state road system, with THE TUXEDOES IN ACCIDENT The Tuxedoes on their way home f’jom a Feurth of July game, at Adam Nebraska, in the car driven by Ho ward Hazzley, collided with another car at 50th anr Hamilton Sts., injury ing Adolph Bolden, “Sozz” Smith and Willie Ware. The Tuxedoes may have to revamp their line-up, as it is probable that these players will be out for the re mainder of the season GLOBE TROTTERS WIN, 5-3 The fast rising Globe Trotters in the Junior League, downed the Trin ity M- E. nine, 5 to 3. Holloway stared with three out of three trips to the late. Wicks and Peoples and Williams worke fo-* the winners and Hamblin and Marks for Trinity. The Anzaes are a ferocious half- j cannibal tribe that live In the heart of Africa. BONERS are actual humorous tid-bits found in examination pa pers, essays, etc., by teachers. | Venison comes from frogs. « • • The hoy and girl studied their music lesson good in order that they wouldn’t be connolsseured by the teacher. « * * A pullet surprise is awarded every /car in America for the best novel. * * * The people in the Tropics don't Kv.:r acli clofiung. They dress like st:. lues. • • • The sphinx is the head of some king mounted on a lion. • • • Archeology is a study of ancient Iniquities. ®, Bell Syndicate. —V7NU Service, out creating any indebtness, has been such a satisfaction to me that I have been somewhat reluctant to accept this filing. As a result, however, of the requests which have come from all over the State by petitions, letters and personal calls, urging me to be come a candidate for Governor, I have come to feel that I could be of greater service to my native state in the of fice of Governor than in my present osition “These earnest demands have con vinced me that as Governor of the State of Nebraska I would be given the united support of its citizensin working for the things needed most by and for the greatest benefit to the majority of its citizens. “I will run independent of any slate or group “My campaign wll be made on my record of public service. “As Governor I will employ the same business efficiency in all state departments as I have always used in the Department of Roads and Ir rigation “I favor a contisuation of the pre sent tax reduction program, at least until such time as the revenue from the farm, factory and business gen ci ally, has sufficientlly increased to justify greater governmental expen ditures. I am oposed to any new forms of taxxation “I favor the continuation of our pre sent highway rogram, which includes not only Improvement of the main routes but also extensions of the sec,, ondary and feeder roads, that the farmer may be served in marketing his products. I am opposed to the constuction of either state of county highways. “I favor the utilization of the waste waters of the state. I believe my residents in North Platte in the heart of the irrigated district, my ownership of a farm near there, and my experience irrigation engineer over a period oi years in administer ing the waters of the state, qualifies me to cooperate and assist in the development and administration of needed projects ”—R. L. While in Washington recently, I announced to the people of Nebraska that I would be a candidate for the United States Senate in the August MERCHANTS STILL WIN The Mid City Merchants trimmed the Pants Store. 12 to 1. Goldman of the Merchants allowed only two hits. PARKER HAS EASY MATCH Chicago, 111.,July 3—Frankie Par ker, defending champion, and Bitsy Grant, seeded No. 1, had no trouble Tuesday in the national clay court tennis tournament. Parker entered I th • fourth round with a 6_0, 6_2 win ovc • Art Kaiser of Chicago; Grant bent Walter Haynes, 50-year old veter an who won the title n 1911, 9_7, 7_5, and beat Leonard Patterson, Los An geles, 7_5, 6_3 to reach the quarter finals. Grant will take Wednesday off to tangle with McDiarmid of the West i ern tournament. BILLY LOVE EASY VICTOR —:—->— .. 1 DES MOINES, la., July3—-Billy | Love, 133, Omaha welterweight, de cisively outpointed Jess Akerman, 135, Des Moinis, in the six round, main event of a boxing show at River view Park here Tuesday night. Pep O’Brien, 127, Des Moines, shadt^d Sammy Musco, 126, Omaha in six rounds. TUXEDOES WIN AGAIN Monday July 2, the Tuxedoes neatly tucked another victor*y under their belts, when they defeated the Sedge wick, Iowa team, 14 to 5, before a record crowd At this game was installed some thing new in kittenball playing fields, a ublic address system for the attend, ants at the game. AMERICAN CREWS, SCULLERS TO RACE THAMES RIVER j HENLEY-ON THAMES, England, —The biggest reresentation of Ameri can grews and scullers ever gathered on the green banked Thames will take the water in the preliminary and first rounds of the classic Henley races. Conditions were unsually fast Tues day night as ths, crews took their practice paddles over the mile and 550 yards course which is used as the : standard distance for sprint races the ! world over. If there is a following breeze, records may be shattered. The Kent (Conn.) school eight, de- 1 fending the Thames challenge cup, faces the hardest test of any of the ' American crews in meeting Quintin . club of London. Before the draw they were favored a probable final- • Primary. That decision was made after a thorough analysis of the rec ords and a careful study of the state ments made by those already filed se:king the Republican nomination for that office. The rank and file of the Republic an party should have an opportunity to vote for a candidate who is not self appointed, nor selected to repre sent that element of our party which two years ago sought to incorporate it and use the party for their own selfish ends. Our party should have a candidate who is not a rubber stamp for any group of individuals '■ but one who will fearlessly and 1 courageously represent all of Neb raska, all of the time, in the United States Senate Nebraska is primarily an agricul soil- If Nebraska is to prosper, the tural state- Its basic wealth is in the farmer must prosper- A candidate should be elected to represent the people of Nebraska who is thorough ly familiar with farming and who understands the fawners’ problems Such a background can only be gain ed by living in an agricultural com munity- The people of a farm state like Nebraska need a representative in Washington who believes in the farmer, a Senator who will preserve the farmers’ markets and one who will see that a parity price is con tinued placing agriculture on a par with all other industry. The setting up of codes in all forms of industry for both industry and labor, eliminates unfair trade practices and guarantees to labor a living wage and to industry a legiti mate profit- Why has agriculture been left out of the picture? The in dustry of this state is agriculture One who orders a beefsteak in a restaurant today pays a profit set up under the codes in turn to the re staurant keeper, the distributor, the wholesaler, the packer, the commis sion man. and to the railroads for transportation. The only one who is not guaranteed a profit is the farm er- We should either go back to the old axiom that “competition is the life of trade” or else the farmer should be guaranteed under a code the same privilege that is now guaranteed to all other forms of in dustry- Recently in the papers Gen eral Johnson said you couldn’t pry the codes away from industry with a crow bar- The only recourse left then for the Nebraska faspners is to come together in a huge mass meeting and write codes for all branches of agri culture, fixing the price on their commodities guaranteeing a legiti mate profit. Mutual insurance of deposits is ab solutely sound and should be con- ! tinued that confidence be maintained serves have gone up all over the country and there isn’t any question but that the mutual insurance of de posits has been resonsible for the in in our financial institutions. Bank re crease- The Mutual Insurance of De posit Act is nothing more than the ist. Yale’s lightweight boatload meets the First Trinity eight of Cambridge while the Tabor academy crew' from Marion. Mass., opposes Maidenhead in other Thames preliminary heats. The American crews are favor:d. Yale’s four also is favored over Moleseys Boat club in preliminary heat of the Wyford cup. The Princeton varsity crew, one of "hj favored entries for the grand challenge cup—the major event of the regatta—drew a bye through the first round. Scratches cut the entuy list to six. Princeton will meet the Pembrook eight of Cambridge on Fri day. Old Guaranty Act of Nebraska, for j which I made a lone handed fight in the Senate four years ago- This should not be a temporary enactment, but it should be made a permanent statute- When confidence is restored as between the banker and the bor rower, much of the difficulty we are , experiencing now in this depression will have been eliminated. All un necessary red tape and restrictions should be taken off the country j banker that the farmer might borrow money on an interest rate and with terms in keeping with his ability to pay. We should strive for that con fidence that was maintained between the pioneer banker and the pioneer , Page Six TODAY IN SPORTS By EDWARD L. LANE Sports Editor START ’EM OUT YOUNG Looking back over the field of Omaha athletes. I have failed to find one that has begun his training young. I don’t know whether it is the lack of proper facilities or are they just uninterested until later. The success of our best athletes has come from an early start. Take in the tennis world, Frankie Pairjker, when he was just 16 years old he could defeat sdme of the old veterans of the game. Even Omaha's own Tex Mahacek, of ’South High, got his try out with the St. Louis Browns last year at the age of 16. These boys are doing nothing unsual, it is a common oceurance (else where be sides North Omah). Maybe they are a little better than the average run. but that’s not the point. They got the proper sta->t at an early age. As soon as our boys can tottle, in stead of taking up some sport that will b»aild th m up mentally, physical ly, and morally, they fall in line with the rest of the pool hall bums and so called slickers. I have seen some good athletes in the making go bad just that way. Anoth r thing is that they refuse to practice and stick to strict rules tha are so necessary in making an athlete. In stead they would rather take ther ability foil granted and loaf somewhere in the shade. Oh, yes you can start them out right but will they keep on going that way ? I do give one group of younster credit for sticking together thus far and developing a pretty nice baseball team and in the winter a real basketball team. They are the Mid City Aces; Richard Brown. Earl Anda son, Fred Harrison, Pete Po well, William Wade and Herman Kemp. They have a good start. I hope they keep going that way. Of course, they are not up to par, but they’ll pass. We have a little better opportunity to help the little lads get the right start in the Mid City Community Center and its fine staff, use it. Most ball players believe there are only so many hits in) each piece of wood, consequently they object to lending their favorite bats because the borrowed may use up some of the hits, evidently some of our sandlot players haven’t ever had a favorite club to loan, according to their bat ting average. farmers who built this country with funds that was made from the soil. It is doubtful if there has been a time when one in public life could be of more service to people in Nebr aska than now- With the background of having lived in an agricultural LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY FOODS BUTTER-NUT COFFEE,puund 30c PALM-OLIVE SOAP,4 bar° 19c SUPER SUPS, 2 paekases 17c BUTTER,GOEDEN R0D po'u"d 25c RIPE AND SWEET WATER MELONS,pou,,a_2c VEAL ROAST, lb. _ 10c i VEAL STEW, lb. - 7J/2c VEAL CHOPS, lb. __ 14c I SPARE RIBS, 3 lbs. - PORK SAUSAGE, lb. TVic* BOILING BEEF, lb. - c PORK CHOPS End 12*c LEMONS.dozen _25c HOUSE CLEANING TIME IS HERE Send Us Your Curtains, Drapes, Pillows, Blankets _ — EMERSON LAUNDRY And Zoric Dry Cleaners Call We. 1029 2324 No. 24th OMAHA’S MOST PROGRESSIVE