The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, June 16, 1934, Page FIVE, Image 5

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' •
W.*^,-|MpROvED L-J
chool Lesson
Mombar of Faculty, Moody Blbla
Institute of Chicago.)
ltJ4, W eat am Ntwapaper Union.
__ _
Lesson for June 17
LESSON TEXT—Matthew 28:1-20.
GOLDEN TEXT—Go ye therefore,
and teach all nations, baptizing them
In the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching
them to observe all things whatso
ever I have commanded you: and, lo, .
I am with you alway, even unto the
end of the world.—Matthew 28:19, 20.
JUNIOR TOPIC—The Conqueror's !
Marching Orders.
fXC——Our Marching Orders.
IC—The Great Commission.
1 -
I. The Empty Sepulcher (vv. 1-7).
1. The earthquake (vv. 1-4). This
occurred when the glorious angel tie
srended from heaven to roll the stone
away from the tomb. This work of
the angel was not to allow Jesus to I
escape but to show that the tomb was
empty. Christ needed not even the j
help of the glorious angel for he came |
.forth from the grave byvhis own pow
er as the seal of his atoning work on j
the cross (Horn. 1 :4). The open tomb
and the angels sitting upon the stone .
with calm dignity Is a graphic picture
of Christ’s triumph over the devil; :
;and the terror of the keepers is a
sample of what all of ('Prist s enemies
shall one day experience when he ;
conies in glory to reign as king.
2. The angel’s message to the worn j
en (vv. 5-7).
a. “Fear not” (v. 5). While the ( ne j
niies had occasion to fear, these wom
en who loved the Lord received good
j news from the empty tomb. The Lord
will not leave those who follow hint
and love him in suspense and dread.
The empty tomb puts an end forever
ro all doubts and fears. It is evidence
that tlie question of sin has hepn dealt
with and that f.'nd is satisfied and
eternal victory is secured. Let every
teacher endeavor to show the impor
tance of tlx* fact Hut* the tomb was
empty, for it shows we have !’
living Saviour. The resurrection of
Christ should he the major theme of
those who give out .he Christian mes
n. ToniP, see” (v. fit. The angel
fold the women that the Lord had
risen and invited them to see the
place where lie lay. The reason lie
invited them to come was that he de
sired them to make sure about the
facts, lie remained with ids disclrdes
forty days giving them many infallible
proofs of his resurrection (Acts 1
c. “(lo quickly” (v. 7). Having seen
for themselves their responsibility
was to go and tell tiie message. It is
important to he convinced of facts.
Experience is necessary before testi
mony. They were to go quickly to
the disciples with the message that
the I.ord would go before and meet
II. The Risen Lord Meets the Women
<vv. 8-10).
The women quickly obeyed the com
mand of the angel and were running
to bring word to the disciples. Jesus
met them on the way. All who go
quickly with his message, the Lord
will meet on the way. When they saw
Jesus, that he was really the Lord
they worshiped him.
III. Paying Money to Circulate a Lie
<vv. 7-15).
That Jesus arose from the dead
could not even be denied by the San
hedrin. They saw only one way out
of the difficulty; that was to bribe the
keepers to tell a lie. They had paid
money for his betrayal; now they paid
more money to circulate a lie about
his resurrection. Money not only in
1 duces people to lie, but It even mua
sles the mouths of some teachers and
IV. The King’# Great Commission
(rv. 16-20).
1. The royal authority (vv. 16-18).
By virtue of his divine authority be
Issued this command to the disciples.
Only as the disciples realize the au
thority of the Lord will they go out
to proclaim his message.
2. The content of the commission
(rv. 19, 20).
1 a. Go teach all nations. This ie
* the first and primary business ef the
ifflaciplea, and is a present obligation,
b. Baptize them in the name of the j
triune God. It is propet that tfcooe
. who have become disciple* el the Lord
f should receive the .rite which 'signifies
I that relationship to him. \
e. Teach them to observe all CtorUtia
•ommaatoeats (r. 20). OhrlaTa «U
etplea ebenld be taught abaft wee to
, el hta ceaaiaandmenta.
I 1 The • reliable power (». SB). I
jitecarj enterpHae la CMftttoMAai
Wishes to Thank Her Many
I wish to thank my many friands
and the employees of the H- A- Wolf,,
Company, for their kindness to me
during my illness
Th --re was nothing they left un
done, as I was well remembered with
beautiful flowers, abundance of
fresh fruits, lively convalesing cards
and liberal contributions. Again I
want to thank you
Church Oi The Living Loci,
C. W. F. F.
2316 Ncrth 2!ith Stre.t
Chief J. 1*. F. Stuckey, Pastor
Clara Graham, reporter
Sunday School opened at 9:30 a
m- Brother P. H. Robinson, superin
tendent- T he lesson was taught from,
bhe 27th Chapter of Mathews, and ihj
3.-rd to the COth verses- Chief Stuck
ey preach, d from Mathews 11th
chapter and the 28th verse- His sub
ject was: “Take my Yoke Upon You
and L <arn of Me." He also gave a
wonderful lecture Sunday night
Chief Stuckey left Monday morning
at 8 o'clock for Topeka, Kansas,
when h.- will stop for a few days.
I hen he will leave for his home in
Kansas City, Kansas to spend a tew
days thue . He will then
leave for th.i Election in Chicago, 111.
It will begin on July 4th. I know we
all will* miss Chief Stuckey while he
is away
St. John A. M. E. Church
“The Friendly Church”
22nd and Willis Avesue
Rev. L. I*. Bryant—Pastor
The revival services have been v.ry
impressive at St- John’s during the.
last two weeks. Rev Jeltz and wife
art working very hard both night and
day- The attendance has been very
good yet not what it should be.
Th * regular weekly activities of the
church have been laid aside to some
exitent during the revival. Let every
one pray for the great success, of
these meetings. We regret to know
Rev. Jeltz became slightly ill
the services last Monday night
The schools are now out and the
children have a chance to sleep during
the week days so th , teaching staff
are hoping they will be at Sunday
school on time and have more regu
lar attendance
We are always glad to see so many
visitors at St- John’s and are always
glad to welcome them there. Make
it your church home while visiting
in Omaha this summer.
The newly dedicated Church of Re
ligion is holding its regular Sunday
morning services at 26th and Blondo
Streets- The Sunday school opens at
10 o’clock and the morning worship at
11 o’clock. Thjre are no Sunday
evening or mid-week services
Our program is liberal religion and
in order to do this effectively and
efficiently, we are asking persons of
deep religious and intelligent outlook
to render such services as they are
qualifi.d to do- Mmbers of the
Choir, Sunday School teachers, and
other departrqiental workers are es
pecially needed- The minister would
be glad if such persons would call
Friday evening, June 15 at eight
o’clock at 22o4 Ohio Street, to dis
j cuss such matters as are herein out
! lined.
Thelmas I- C- Hughes, Minister
St. Benedict’s Church
2423 Grant Street
Rev. Father J- C. Daly—Pastor
Madoline Sterling—R» porter
The Altar Society was entertained j
last Wednesday at the home of Mrs
Ruby Redmon, 2633 Patrick Ave
Afte: an interestisg business meeting
the hostess served a delightful lunch
eon. Mrs- Washington, the mother of
the hostess, was the guest of honor,
l she celebrated her birthday, and the
Altar Society was vary fortunate in
deed to enjoy the delicious birthday
cake that she genjrously stored with
them- We wish her many happy re
i turns of the day. •
Mrs- Thomas Scott, who has bean
; previously as honerary member, was
received, as an active mepiber at this
, meting. The Society is planning
I many interesting activities for the
i summer; including the summer vo
cational school, and the Catechism
classes for the Sunday school. Any
| .number of the Layety, wihisg to
c ontribute their services to this worthy
! cause, will ulease see tha pastor, Rev.
Father Daly, or any member of the
i Socijty.
The graduating class of St- Bene
dict’s was entertained at a breakfast,
: last Sunday morning, given by the
i president of the P-T- A-, Mrs- James,
Mr J. E- Baker, an assistant student
' teacher, asd Rev- Father Daly, the
Pastor were the guests of honor. The
; graduated were; Pauline \V ashington
! Geraldine Fields, Daisy Coli, and
Theodore Franklin- An interesting
program followed the breakfast, with
final remarks by Father Daly
Mrs- Redmond and Mrs Sterling
were in attendance at the monthly
session of the Diocesion Council of
Catholic Women, held at tthe Dio
cesion Brueau, at 25th and Cass Sts
last Friday morning, from 10 a- m
to 12 noon
Thee two, represent the Parish of
St. Benedict’s, in the National drive
for “Catholic Standards” in the pre
sentation of motion pictures, and news
stands, and reading rooms literature.
Attend Some Ckurch Every Sunday
If you get any service out of this I I -..Before you buy your household:
, I I 1% | | W0 needs consult the pages of the Oma-1
•hurch directory write us a line or I I I § 11 I | fil \
I I I I 11 I II ■■ ha Guide first-.. That will make your
two^ we waut to serve- . | 1| paper a bigger and better paper-...
Notice—Because I have been unable to reach a few of the pastors of some chures,
I am asking that any church omitted, will please get in touch with me, or send in a
written statement, regarding your church activities* and I will gladly enter the same
in this column Any error or ommision in the present arrangement, if brought to
my attention, will be cheerfully corrected The Editor.
— —--—- — ■ - - 1 ■—-; 1 • .. ■
We live not by bread alone The soul is like unto any other part of the body. It
must be fed and where is the food? The Church is the only place. Make your
choice of the following Churches and atte nd some church every Sunday.
United Sabath Day Adventist, 2320
N. 28th Ave. Rev. M- M. Boodle,1
Pastor. Sabath day services (Satur
day). Sabath school. 9:30 A- M- Mrs.
L. Smith. Supt- Sermon. 11:00 o’clock
Jr. and Sr. Mission meeting. 3:00 p.
m.. conducted by Mrs. A. B Wright,
and Mrs- Edith Boodle. Sunday,
Sermon and Song Service, 7:30 P. M.
_______ I
Senenth-Day Adventist Church. 28th J
and Lake Sts. _
Brother George Anderson, Church
Elder. Acting Pastor.
Sun Down Vespers, Friday Evening.
Saturday Services, Sabbath-school.
9:45 A- M-. Mrs. Ethel Anderson, Su
perintendent. Sermon. 11:00 o’clock.
Missionary Volunteer Society, 4:00 P.
M. . conducted by Mrs. Anna Part
ridge- Prayer meeting. Wed. evening
8:00 P- M.
Zion, 2215 Grant St., Rev. G. C
Harper, Pastor
Services—Sunday school. 9:30 a. m-1
Mr. Harry Anderson, superintendent
Sormon, 11:00 a. m- and 8:00 p- m
Prayer meeting, B. Y. P. U- 6:00
p. m. Mr- Murray Landrum, Presi
Salem. 22nd and Seward, Sts-, Rev.
E. W. Anthony. Pastor.
Services—Sunday school. 9:30 a.m.
Mr. F- L- Wesley Superintendent.
Sermon. 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.
B. Y. P. U. 6: p. m. W. M • Cooper
Prayer Meeting.
Mt. Moriah 24 and Ohio Sts. Rev.
F. P. Jones, Pastor.
Services. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.
Mrs. A. B. Speese superintendent.
Sermon 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. j
B. Y. P. U. 6:00 p. m- Mr- M. Niles,
Mission society Meeting, every 1st
and 3rd Thursday afternoon, conduct
ed Vy Mrs. F. P. Jones.
Paradise 23rd and Clark Sts., Rev.
N. C. Cannon, Pastor; Rev. P. M.
Harris, Assistant, Pastor
Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., Mr. C. !
H. Garner, superintendent.
Sermon. 11:00 and 8:00 o’clock
Prayer meeting wed- evening B. Y.
P. U. 7:00 p- m. Mr. J. Henderson,
Mission Art Club, Thursday afternoon
conducted by Mrs. A. M. Busche.
Pilgrim—1320 N. 25th St. Rev. J.
A- Dotson, Pastor.
Sunday school, 9:30 A. M., Superin
tendent, Mr. Fred Dixon.
B Y. P. U. 6:00 p. m- Mr. J- W
Baker, President
Tuesday evening, 8:00 o’clock, Gen
eral Group Meeting.
Men’s Laymen, Mr. George Lewis,
j Heart to Heart Club, Mrs. Fannie
I Porter President
Willing Workers Club, Mrs. Fannie
Porter, President.
About 300 pledges for tne “Legion of
D:-necy” are being circulated by this
parish and the majority of them have
been igned- The object of this move,
ment is to cl janse the screefi of vile
and indencent motion pictures, that
are corrupting the minds of the Am
erican youth. The report, given at
this meeting was enthusiastically re
Three young men of the “Crusad
ers club attended the Mass and
Benediction of the “Nocturnal Adora
ton Society” of which thsy are mem
bers; at the “Blessed Sacrament”
church, last Sunday morning, from
5 to 6 a- m- and were servyd break
fast with about 275 other members
and guests with his Excellency, the
most Rev- Bishop Joseph F. Rummel.
Those attending were: Alvin Goodwin,
George Barton and his brother Sam
Barton. The young men have been
members of this organization for
several months, and never missed
their hour of Adoration, which is in
deed very commendable.
Fath.r Daly, the pastor, was the
guest of Father John, at a large banq
uet, given in honor of the St James
Orphanage Drive, at the Knights of
Columbus Dining hall, last Sunday
evening at 6:30, many notables were
present, including his Excellency, the
Bishop, who was the principle speak
er of the evening. An interesting
program was given by the little
folks of the institution, in which two
of our boys appeared, that pleased
the entire group.
Ever Loyal Club Miss Nicholson,
Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.
Senior Red Circle. Thursday, 6:30 p.
m. Mrs. Fletcher, President.
Junior Red Circle Wed. 4:30 p. m.,
M iss Mildren Dotson. President.
Missionary meeting. Wred. 2:00 p. m.
St. Benedict The Moore. 2423 Grant
St. Father J. C. Daly S. J., Pastor.
Sunday school. 9:30 a. in., Sister
Mary Daniel, Superintendent.
Low Mass. 9:00 A. M. High mass,
and Benediction, 10:13.
Altar society Tuesday afternoon, 2:00
p. m. Mrs. M. Sterling, President.
Peter Claver Guild Monday 8:00 p.
m. Mrs- Ona Glass, President.
Week Day Mass every morning, 8:30.
Christ Temple—26th and Burdette
Sts. Rev. O. J. Burckhardt, Pastor-:
Services, S. S. 9:30, a- m- Rev. J. j
W. Gooden, supt.
Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.
B. Y. P. U., 6:30 p. m-, conducted
by Beacon Stafford, and Elder Hunt
Mission Band Meeting, Monday even
:ng, 7:30 p. m. by Mrs. Willa Vann.
Bible Class and Bible Institute, Tues
day evening, 7:30 p. m. conducted by
Brother J. C. Parker, and Rev.
St. Johns, 22nd and Willis Ave. Rev.
L. P. Bryant, Pastor.
S. S. 9:00 a. m. Mr. W. E. Webb,
supt-, A. C. E. League, 6:00 p. m.
Mr. Rucker.
Sermon, 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m
Class Meeting, Tuesday evening, con
ducted by the Pastor, Rev. Bryant.
Bethel A. M. E. 2430 Franklin St.
Rev. J. W. Williams, Pastor.
S. S. 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Maggie
Smith, Supt.
Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
A. C- E- League, 6:30, Mrs. Etta
Mae Woods, President.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening,
Choir Rehersal, Thursday evening,
Clair Chapel, 22nd and Miami Sts.
Rev. Alfred Clay, Pastor.
Services, S. S- 9:30 a. m., Mr. R. R.
Boone Superintendent.
Sermon, 11:90 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Lucille Gray, President
Choir Practice, Friday at 8:00 p. m.
Board Meeting, Monday 7:38 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
Cleaves Temple, 25 and Decatur Sts.
Rev. O. A. Calhoun, Pastor
Services, S. S. 9:45 a. m. Mr.
Charles Stallworth, Stipendendent.
Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
by the Pastor.
Prayer Meeting, Wednesday evening
Mission Society, Wednesday after
Forward Step Club, Tuesday evening,
by Rev. O. A. Calhoun
Stewardess Board Friday Afternoon;
Choir Rehersa, Friday evening.
Allen Chappel— 25th and R Sts
(South Omaha) Rev. W. S. Metcalf,
gervices, S. S. 9:30 a. m., Mr. John
Fellows Supt.
Sermon, 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening,
Metropolitan Spiritual Church. Lake
St-, near 24th. Rev. R. W. Johnson,
Services, S. S. 1:00 p. m., Mrs.
Ransome, Supt
Church services, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. Sunday, Rev. Johnson.
Church Services Tuesday and Thurs
day, evening at 8:00 o’clock. Rev.
Prayer Clubs Monday, 8:00 p. m.
conducted by Mrs. Payton.
Penny Club, Wednesday 8:00 p. m.
by Mrs. Grffin.
Choir rehersal, Friday evening.
St. Phi Hi pe Episcopal Church—21st
and Paul St. Father B. E. Holly,
Sermon and Holy Communion First
and Third Sunday at 11 a. m.
Sermon and Holy Communion second
and third Sunday at 7:30 p. m
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Mr. Dil
lard Crawford, Supt
Regular morning services every Sun
day at 11 a. m.
Vespers meet second Tuesday in each!
month. W. M. Haynes, Senior Ward
en and B. B. Cowans, jr. warden.
Women’s Auxilliary—Mrs. John Al
bert Williams—President.
Mrs. J. C. Donley—Secretary.
Meets every Thursday afternoon.
Altar Guild—Mrs. Augustus Hicks
Mrs J. C. Donley—Secretary.
Meets Every Tuesday night.
Choir Guild—Mrs. Margaret Wil
Mrs- Valaria McCaw—Secretary.
Meets every Thursday night.
Dorcas Society—Mrs. H. Wiggins—
Mrs. J. C- Donley—Secretary.
Meets every Friday afternoon.
Pleasant Green, 22nd and Paul Sts
Rev. P J Price, Pastor
Mrs Lottie Keks, Reporter; Mrs
King, Clerk
Servces—Sunday School-$ :30 a m ;
Supt Mr Vealand ..Morning Ser
vices, 11 a. m every Sunday morning
B Y P U , 6 p. m , President Mrs
Ida M McGuire-__Evening services
every Sunday night
Weekly Meetings
Mission, Thursday night-. .Prayer!
meeting. Wednesday night, led by one
of the Deacons-_Aulun Cub, Monday
night .President Mrs- Estelle Waters
Pick Club, Tuesday night, President
Mrs- Turner. Choir rerearsals,
Friday night, President, Mr- S- Me
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Christ Temple
26tth and Burdette Streets
O. J. Burckhardt—Pastor
Mrs- Edna Pants y—Rporter
Bishop Wm. A- Washington will
opn a ten days convemon at Christ
Temple. June 17- The convention will
be don i in the oftemoons a id each
n'ght Bishop will hold services. I am
sure you know t.hat you will be wd- |
come to all of the servic s. We will
not have a service in the afternoon
Sunday the 17, but we shall go to St
John’s asd join in the closing services
there that Dr- N- H Jeltz will be in
charge of
Wa ha<i a fine Sunday School and
the services generally were good all
with a fair attendance But I am
suto the Bishops friends will be glad
to know- he will spend these 10 days
here as he belong to the p.ople of i
Omaha, and some very substantial fri
ends among them
__ i
Salem Baptist Church
22nd S. ward Streets
Rev. E. H- Hilson—Pastor
Minnie Harris—Reporter
The Sunday School opened at 9:30
a- m- with Supt Reagan p: ashling
Supt- W.sley lead song services- The ,
lesson was previewed by Supt- Wesley
The Sunday School journeyed to
tha Sunday Alliance at 3:30 p- jn.
Miss Elma Wesley was our contest
ant who reported $15-10
Rev- Hilson brought to us a power
ful gospel at 11 o’clock. His subject
was “Thj Seven Sins Against the
Holy Ghost” Text found Eph- 4:25:
The B Y- P- U- opened at 6 o’clock
with Pres- Cooper presiding- A sur
prise program was given- Many w-erj
At 8 p- m- Rev- Hilson brought to
us another powerful message- Th
subjet ‘‘If There’s Anything In It,
Things On It” He mentioned truth,
hen jsty and loyality. Rev- Hilson is
sponsoring a $100 dollar drive next
Sunday- Bach man' is responsible
for $1-30 and women $1-00- We are
plansing on doing big things.
Mr- and Mrs- Hopie Bronson of
2514 Decatur Street are the proud
parents of a 614 pound baby girl
bom Thursday, June 14, at 9:55
Bethel Baptist Church
29th and T Street
R v. F- S- Goodiett—Pastor
Mrs. J. C- Collins—Reporter
The Sunday School seems to be On
a steady road to improvement, which
wj are thankful for.
The servics throughout the day one
to be remebered
Th i speaker, Rev- G- W- Lucas of
Kosciusko, Miss-, who was our
guest throughout the day, spoke very
prefoundy and nthusiastically on the
subject “Why Christianity Lives”
John 8th Chapter asd the 46th v.rse
At 8 o’clock worship services, Rev
G- W- Lucas again filled the pulpit
His message on “Tha Need of Pa
tience” was very encouraging and
inspiring- It was taken from He
brews 10th chapter and the 36th
verse- A lesson worthy of being
learned was taught in this message on
ev. F- S- Goodlett, actng pastor,
spok very warmly and complimen
tary of this young minister
Visitors and friends are welcoime |
to worship with us at th.t Bethel Uapt
ist Church
The Ladi ?s Friendship Club met
Thursday afternoon June 7th at the
home of Mrs- Mary Turner. 3018
Burdette Street Nin . members were
present- Business was transacted
as usual- The ladies In th i Friendship
Club are working on a nea-utiful
quilt to b raffled off :r the near
future. One of < ur m t oers, Mrs
Sturdevant is ill but she is Retting
along fine. A delicious r -past was
s rve.f. The next m eting wil be held
at the hr.-rrve of Mrs. Hill. 3119 Bur
dette Street
Minnie Burns, presid nt
Ge ‘St.-ing r, secre'ary
Dollie Berry, reporter
Tha Happy Hour Bridge Club met
with Mr. Raddon and Mr. Rutledge,
Thursday night June 7th.
Instead of playing bridge first, we
were taken to Elmwood Park to a
a W *inie Roast amd Ice Cream Feast
And did we have fun?
After the outing, we returned to
Mr- Rutledge
Our regular busin ss meeting was
held. Then four games of bridge, was
The club prizes were won oy Mr
R tddon and Mrs- Welch- Guest prizes
were given to Mr- Wright and Mrs
Everyone spot a most enjoyable
ev' nmg.
Vtfrnon Stamps, president
Mrs Julia Welch, reporter
The Omaha Interracial Committee
met at the Central YWCA- Wednes
day, June 13, 6 p- m-, about twenty
members were pres.nt- Miss Rachel
Taylor, chairman, Mrs. Dillard Craw,
ford, secretary.
Two very important committees
mad i partial reports, one on a con
ference with the superintendent of
schools, and one with C- F- McNeal,
who is n charpe of th 1 FERA, con
cerning seprepation of relied -sta
tions, final report was deferred until
next meetinp- Motion was made, sec
ond and carried instructinp the chair
man to send a telepram to the honor
able President -Franklin D- Roosev It
requesting him to sec that the Anti
Lynch Bill was broupht. before Con
press this session. A new committee
was appointed to take up th*- matter
with thj Park Commissioner, in re
ference to permanent city play
pround employees n our city parks
Ideal Bott\i nit.
1806 North 20th Street
WEbster 3043
W. L. PARSLEY, Proor.
Phone WEbster 0567
2851 Grant Street
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