The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, June 16, 1934, Page FOUR, Image 4
f SOCIAL \CLUBS 1 AFFAIRS ''O-O-Cl-e-T-y^ ORGANIZATIONS ' -.-■- ■ ■ ____ ' ' .. =5B=^ OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, JUNE 16TH, 1934 pAGE FOVl> Motors South to Attend Wedding Mrs W- V. Countee, Mrs. Cecelia Jewell, Mrs- J. C. Jewell left early Monday morning for Memphis, T^Jim sse to attend the wedding of Mrs Countee’s nephew, Mr- Robert N. Htnnir gway to Miss Lawrence Patterson, the daught r of Mr. and Mrs- Lawrence B- Patterson, which will take place June 20th. Mrs- Cece lia J well will be one of the brides maids- In route the party will visit St- Louis and Kansas City, Mo. They will return home about July 1st ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED Miss Bernice Lawrence Givens is engaged to Mr. Hidleberg. Th jy will be married the early part of Sept Miss Watson Names Bridal Miss Cuma Irvin, daughter of Mr. VV. B. Watson names Mrs. Wade Grees her oldest sistar as Matron of honor and her only attendant. Mr. James Jones will servj as best man to Mr- Claycer- Mrs- Wilmoth Hous ton will sing “O Promise Me- Mrs Otis Jamerson and Alias Alice Gre n will serve at the piano Ihe ceremony which will be pri vate for the immediate family will taks place at thj Watson home, 2925 Grant Street, Wednesday June 27th at 4 o'clock p. m- with Rev. Bryant, Pastor of St- John A- M- E- Church officiating. The c.remony will be followed by a Buffet Supper at the home of Mrs- Wade Green. A recep tion for 200 guests will be held in the ev.ning from 8 o'clock p- m- ’til 10 o'clock p. m- at the residence of A£r. and Mrs. James Jones, 2884 Ohio Street- Invitations are in the mail this week for the reception Secret Marriage Announced ibe announcement of th. marriage of Miss Maxie Johnson to Mr- Lamarr of last July 31st 1933 cahie as quite a surprise to r.latives and friends who had gathered at the home of the brides sistar, Mrs- Harry Hardy last Monday night in honor of the Bridges 21st birthday- The announcement was made by the bridts mother, Mrs- Albert Johnson The marriage of these two young people had been kept a secret for al most a year as both had been attend ing school. Mrs. Peters has been at tending Central High and Mr. Paters is a medical student of Omaha Muni cipal University. The bride is one of the beautiful daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson. 119 South 27th Street. The Groom is the nephew of Mr- and Mrs. John Archie, 506 South 21st Avenue The bride received many lovely gifts- Bast wishes and congratula tions were extended to the bride and groom # Those present at the reception were: Dr- and Mrs- Herbert Wiggins; Mr- and Mrs-'•John Archie; Mr- and Mrs- Ben Howell; Mr- and Mrs- J- W Mil sap; Mr. and Mrs- Earl Hunigan; Mrs- A- Brown, Mrs- E- Warwick, Mrs- B- Justice, Mrs- J. Rose MISS ES Tamer and Mary Ellen O’Neal Geraldin and Velma Rose, Dixie Mc Intosh, Fidelia Rucker, Hilda, Etta Maa Jcsie Woods, Edith Coleman, and Burton Johnson, Mr- Thomas Peters, Henry Levels, Herbert Gamer, Sid ney Ruckar, Frank O’Neal and Char les Johnson. Mr and Mrs- Peters left Wednes day for Little Rock, Arkansas, where they will spend a few weeks with the groom’s brother, Mr- W- Peters- They will mfrke their home in Texarkana, Texas, where Mr. Petars will con tinue his doctor’s course. VISITING IN THE CITY Mr- Thomas Peters of Texarkana, T jc&a is a guest of his Aunt and Mr. John Archie of 506 South 21st Ave nue- Mr. Peters is a student of Wiley Collage, Marshall, Tsxas- He is also a wonderful pianist, who has been heard over the air several times. RETURNS TO CITY Mrs Viola Jon$» has returned from St- Louis, Mo- where sha was granted a divorce decree from Mr. James Jones of this city- She was also grant d alimony and the custody of hia two children. Mrs- Jones plans to remain hers definitely. She also plans a nerw home of her own ENTERTAINS WITH KITCHEN SHOWER Mesdames Wilmoth Houston and Rachel Woods entertained at a kit chen showjr, Monday, June 4th at the residence of Mrs. W. H. Green, 2863 Ohio Stroet, honoring _ Mm Cuma Watson, whose marriage to Mr. Elgin Boyd. Clayter of Council Bluffs, Iowa will taka place Wednesday June 27th, Mi's. Ruley McMurray ent rtained at a miscellaneous Bridge Shower Sunday June 10th at the homo of Mrs- Jam is Jones, 2884 Ohio Street, also honoring Miss Cifma Watson, who will be married to Mr. Elgin Boyd Clayter on June 27th- First j :.r:ze was won by Mrs. Alice Jones, I Second prize by Mrs. Eth } Kirtley and Booby prize by Mrs- Merriane j Towler- The guest prize w.nt to Miss 1 Cuma Watson. Several other social affairs are be ing planned for Miss Watson among them, a Waffle Brea! \ ist Sunday morning June 17th and a miscellan eous shower the following we-k. SWASTIKA GOLF AUXILIARY The Swastika Golf Auxilllary met at the Mid City Community Center. Tuesday night. Plans were f or mu la t d for the regular bi-weekly match on Wednesday. Mrs. Elaine McGe_* vice prfsident of the club surprised th / members with a club song, a par ody on “Love Thy Neighbor." Several new applications were accepted. R.j member there are only two weeks be fore the close of this years’ memib.r ship drive. All women interesttd send their applications to 2213 Lake Street in care of the President, Mrs. Rae Lee Jones JUNIA LEAGUE Plans are formulated for a “Moon light Cabaret" to be given on th.3 lawn of Mrs- Frank Blackwell, 2711 Binney ■ on Thursday evening June 28th, to which the public is cordially invitdd- The League, whose primary purpose is doing good deeds for oth ers' gathered clothing and other necessitias and distributed them to needy families last week- The next regular meeting is Tuesday June 19th. ENTERTAINS COUPLE Mrs- Ruby McMurray entertained Sunday afternoon, June 10th with a miscelaneous shower is honor Miss Cuma Watson, who becomt-s the bride of Mr- Elgin Clayter, June the 27th. Covers were laid for eight- In keeping with the occasion, the color scheme was pink and green. The center piece was a bride and groom assisted by the minister. A Dutch Luncheon was served and many useful gifts were received Mrs- Audra Hall Kellom departed this life Friday at her better. Mrs. Kellom was sick for better than two years- She had wonderful care on the part of her mother and friends- She was brought up in Omaha coming here with her parents when a child 4 years- She leaves to mourn her loss A mother Mrs- Matti Hall two sis ters- Alice O’Neal and Maneta Tapps and several nephews and many life long acquaintances AT CAMP Mr- Ventura Hazelton. a well known young man about the city and a Cadet at Central High School has gone to Camp. He left last Friday. June 8th- It is not known just when he will return CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Miss Mildred Bronson. 2514 Deca tur Street, celebrated her nineteenth birthday, Wednesday June 6th- Many beautiful gifts were received by her. Although she did not entertain with a party, a few of her friends, paid her a visit and offered their congratula tions and gifts. GRADUATES FROM CENTRAL HIGH Miss Margarite Blair, a well known young lady about the city, graduated from Central High School, Wednes day night, June 13th. Miss Blair, it is rumored, received very good grades, so much so, that she did not have to tak-j the final examinations. We wonder, what the next step will be in the life of Miss Blair, now that she has completed her high school training __________________ I “Y” NEWS QUACK CLUB TO PRESENT NEW OFFICERS Friday night at Brownell Hall will bj the scene for the Annual Spring Frolic of the Quack Club of the North Side YWCA- Officers for the incoming year will be presented at that time. The following are the names of the 1934, 1935 Quack offi cers elected in the regular weekly m eting: Lucy Mae Stamps Rucker, President; Hattie Breckinridge, Vice President- Faith Patterson, Secretary Estelle Newland, Corresponding Se cretary; Ida S-_ars, Treasurer, and Mildred Holman, Reporter. Mrs. Mildred Langbhen, delegate to the Industrial assembly of the National Convention of the YWCA- will speak to the Quack Club Friday, June 22 The meeting will be held at the Mid City Community Center. I Girl Reserves off to Camp Brewster Among the 150 girls and leaders attending Camp Brewster this we k are the following girls from the North Side Grade School Clubs: The lma Page, Mary Heddy Wiggins, Mary Ellen Britt, Lois Gordon, Mar gie Ross. Madri Miller. Betty Baugh, Wilda Chu, Katie B asley, Ethel Davis and Elia Wright- The follow ing leaders also left as members of the camp staff: Katherine Williams, Program; Asilje Dotson and Mar garet Dickerson, Handcraft Troian Club Note Plans are on foot for the closing event of the Trojan Club- A Spring Party to be held at tha Northside “Y” Friday evenisg June. 22 at 8:00 p- m- The affair promises to be a very beautiful one!- Lola Smith, president, Ella Mae Mills, Secretary. “Y” Swimming Class to Open Soon Girls and women betw.en the ages of nine to sixty are invited to regis ter for the YWCA- Swimming class which will open in the near future. Instructions will be given for begin sers and advanced pupils. Mr- John Anderson and Mr. Dillard Crawford will instruct again this year. Call WEbster 1539 for further informa tion. Madam Starnes Passes The funeral services of Madam M S- Staines was held Thursday June7 at Zion Baptist Church- Madam Star nes had been a resident of Omaha for the past forty years and a mem ber of Zion for the past twenty years. She had served the public as a Spirit ual Advisor and healer having a large a largo following composed of all races and creeds. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs- Pearl Warthen, who came from Sacremanto, California, to care for her mother and Mrs- Myrtle John son, of Omaha and six sons all of Omaha, and a niece, Mrs Miller of Kansas City, Mo-, several grandchild Two Husbands Are Unexpectedly Detained from Home Which wife is likely to worry less? i * 4 Your telephone connects you with those who are away. You are dose to everything and everybody by telephone. ren. on j of whom is Miss Marlon Commercial Art Department of the Warthan recently connected with the Omaha Guide luUCofo rJ “ THE CREOLIANS The Creolians held their social meeting at the home of Mias Clara Anderson. 2522 Wirt Street- The ev ening was spent in dancing, telling jokes, etc- The next meeting will be at the home of Miss Mildred Bronson, 2514 Decatur Street- A very delicious repast was served by the hos tess- All members are aslccd to be at the next meeting as business of im portant is to brought before the club Miss Mildred Bronson, president Miss Amelia Thomas, reporter THE BEAU BRUMMEL CLUB Meeting was called at 9 p- m- Jun_ 6th, with Mr- James Crawford, pre siding for Mr- Shoube- Each member of this club donated one or two books to the Mid City Center for their Lib rary- Club colors was selected- Mr A1 Brewer was welcomed in the club Next (meeting will be June 20th at the Mid Center. V- Shoube* president J- Jackson, reporter THE TRIVIRA CLUB Thu Trivira Club held its meeting at their cum odious and Luxurious Club Rooms. 2417 Erskine Stre.t These meetings are highlights of the regular a affairs- From tun.? to time the club has many cxtempor anious social activities- Card games and dancing at our club rooms not only open to memb.trs, but their friends whom they wish to invite. The Trivira Club delegation that went to Lincoln, has just returned from an audience with the Secretary of the State in regards to a charter for the club Yours Fraternally THE TRIVIRA CLUB Carl Heidelberg, report, r THE JOLLY TWELVE ART CLUB The Jolly Twelve Art Club met j with Mrs- Georg* Harris, Friday af ternoon, June 8th- After the business session, a delightful luncheon was DOINGS AMONG THIS YOUNGER SET Miss Willis Presents Pupil. Edrose Willis, Omaha’s most com , p tent young pianist, presented 26 of i her pupils in a recital, Sunday after - i noon, June 3rd at the Hillside Pres 1 byterian Church, 30th and Ohio j Streets- The pupils were assisted by Thomas Jones, Bariton, and Ethel Jones, Soprano. Miss Willis showed good control of her pupils. Their con duct and personality on the stage was indicative of good training- One third of the above number were mu sicians of a year’s experience, yet there were a number of them who played with a Technique quite sur passing the ordinary first grader. The most advanced pupils though small in size played with grtpt ex actness, and showed much under standing in their interpretation of works of the various authors- Tho mas Jones, young Omaha baritone, has a great feature in the musical world- It seems, so unfortunate, that such a talent should be outside, the j NOW OPENING Silver Moon Cafe 1703 North 24th Street All Kinds of Chinese Dishes ----— — HANDKERCHIEF TEST '. THRILLS SMOKERS — How a New Kind of Tooth Paste Dissolves and Removes Ugly Tobacco Stains j BOST Tooth Paste is more than a clean-tasting, refreshing denti frice. It is the only tooth paste specifically created to remove the handkerchief. In like manner, BOST Tooth Paste, and no other, will re move from your teeth the stubborn chemical deposit of tobacco. BOST unsightly yellow stains from smokers’teeth Go to your druggist today, buy a tube of BGST Tooth Pasta and make the famous “handker chief test” It is this* Inhale a mouthful ef tehSeco smoke and Its# it through your handker chief. The brownish, yel low stain on fhe doth is the same *Smake contains no acid, no abrasive, and is as safe aad beneficial fer the teeth ef children as for adnka. It sweetens the breath aad refreshes the month. Brah year teeth with BOST Tooth Paata reff olarly. Consult yens dentist periodically Jkad yon will he doUfc ell that yon \ possibly can do to protect year teeth Screen" that cigarette* depoeit on roar teeth. Now squeeze enough BOST Tooth Paste oa the handker chief to cover the stein. Then rob the spot briskly with your wet tooth brush and sea how quickly the dis coloration disappear*. Make this same test with any ether tooth paste and you will find that the stain remains on your mm keep them spotlessly clean. BOOT Tooth Paata la sold at leading drug counters everywhere. Or in liberal trial tubes at your noaroMt chain store. If your dealer is out of stock, send 10c (to cover postage end handling) for • most- 5 oos 14-day apply. BOST Tee* 1 Paste Corp.. t Xast 40th St, Kew York City. aarved. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Joseph Knight, June 15th. This ie an evening meeting. Mrs- William Young, reporter THE EUREKA BRIDGE CLUB The Eureka Bridge Club met with Mr- and Mrs- ffm. Roberts, 3533 North 28th Avenue, June 2nd- The regular meeting was held- Five changes of bridge was played- First prize was won by Mrs- J- Phillips and Mr- W- Ford- Booby prize was won by Mrs- W. Per, and Mr- J. Davis- A very enjoyable evening was spent by all- A lovely lunch was served by the hostess- Visitors were Mr- J- Phil lips- The club is still hoping he will rejoin the club- The club is planning a fourth of July picnir Mr- J- Davis, president Mrs- M- Payton, reporter Italian* School of Voice Culture. Such a voice would be fitted for the opera stagj, after graduating from the Milan Conservatory. Mr. Jones sang •'Travelin" by Enders and an encore number which was some of the nigh spots of the afternoon- Miss Jones sang “Velianelle” by Deil Agna and “Will-O The Wisp.” The pupils were: Betty Jtjan Will iams: Lutisha Neely: Junior and Louise Gra/ Evelyn Chue: K.nneth | Love: Flora Morton: Richard Gustin; . Beatrice Williams, Donald Brownlow: j Frances Autrey: Kathryn Wyatt: ! Delores Caldwell: Mary Ellen Carey: j Mercedes Moore: Olive Wilis: Archie Mae Young: Louise Gray; Elizabeth Hunter: Margaret Dortch; Mary Heddy Wiggins, Evelyn Dortch, Alice Green, Mllba Faucett, Margaret Beck, Mable Geary and Bertha Young. Announces Engagement Mr- and Mrs- H- G- Kim3ty, 2702 Corby Street, wish to announce the engagement of their son, Alfred Kim suy, to Miss Laura McCurry of Council Bluffs, Iowa Miss McCurry is a graduate of Abraham Lincoln High School. Mr Kimsey also attended the same. He is employed at tha Cudahy Packing Company. The wedding will take place in late August- The couple will makj their home in Omaha DOINGS AMONG THE HOTEL WAITERS BY HOPIE Well: Well: Good News came to I the U- P- Dining- Car Boys last week. They received the charter and at last the binding line has been sealed. That ! golden spika that the U- P- spoke of in the Iron Horse never caused the heart’s of those U- P- Official’s to bjat as sweet as it did the Waiter’s when they received this most needed Charter- Rdmember Pals- United You Stand. Devided You Fall , Close at 4:00 A. M. Saturday and Sunday, Good Food Plus EFFICIENT SERVICE KingYuen Cafe Chop Suey and Retcamein our hobby American and Chinese Dishes Phone JA. 8576 2010% North 24th St Omaha, U. S. A. Can a man serve the public for 3 years and 8 months and get his soups crossed, causj him to waste this time? After being in the service without the slightest troubles with the traveling public, this happen to Hop ie- To bad Hop, Study your soups hereafter. Mr. M Lambert gavu up the Ho tel. so as to become a bigger man throughout the summer. Clubs re places the Hotels during these hot summer days and Mr. Lambert be lieves in going hunting, where there is big game- So he is now out at the Country Club- Showing his ability to tlie Cream of Omaha. Mr. Fisher, who for years has had his name on the payroll of the Happy Hollow Club has cast his lot with Mr T. T. Thomas, Headwaiter at the Fiidd Club- Mr. Thomas really means to give his club the best that can be produced Luck, Mr. Thomas. The Omaha Waiter’s Association has again started out' upon its long trip to sue ess- AfUr striking a sand bar like the "Valley Queen did in the old Missouri, on their way upstream to suecdss- The Captain Ship has been turned over to Mr. A- Hicks, who has as his capalets. Mr. David Morrison, as vice, Mr. Hopie Bronson, as secre tary, Mr- Chester Hodg is as ASSIS TANT SECRETARY, and Mr- Char les Andrews is still paymaster. We hope to be loaded to capacity n xt Monday night when Mr. Hicks takes the chair, for his first real test up stream Th j Peanut Mucher’s Bridge Club has caused peanuts to go up. They met last week at Mr. Charlie Branch, 2866 Binney and the Host bought a •tore out of nuts on North 16th. Where does the Muching part come in. Mr. President. Tag—Society News Mr- King Alls, a buss boy, only a ffw months back is holding his own as a party waiter at all the Hotels and Clubs O. K- Mr- Alls The U- P- is putting lots of new faces on North 24th Street- They are sending everywhere getting waiters «■ ~ ' ~ Something New! i - 1=3 Parchment Paper Shades Choice 3 sizes, each 79c I ..i-l^J Parchment for summer, creates a cooler, gayer atmosphere This newly treated parchment paper in green, rose, peach and gold adds beauty to any base. For Bridge, table or junior lamps BRAN DEIS THIRD FLOOR + Immaculate young womanhood finds in Mavis Talcum Powder ex actly the deliciously cool comfort and silken smoothness which is in dispensable for a well kept body. Daintily fragrant, impalpably fine, it deodorizes and absorbs perspiration as it soothes. Mavis guards against summer heat. I Vt* Moo* Talcum ALL CiVER from the dxmlden down Maris Face Powder for • toed and Threat. by VIVAUD^u 2& S& i *1<» MAVIS POWDER while Omaha stand* by. It maybe for the best Mr. J «se Overton. Room Service Waiter at Hotel Paxton, with his wife enjoyed an auto trip fc» Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri a few days ago- Mr- Overton said they really had a swell time, and he made the trip without any trouble whatever. He drove all the trip, but on the next one which he is planning for Chicago, he will be assisted by the wife, as she has since learned to drive. Mr. J. Simpson, Paxton’s Party Buss boy devided his name last with a very sweet young lady and the two are happily married and keeping house on Decatur Str-et- He placed a very beautiful ring on her finger last Tuesday night Mr. Simpson will be missed on tha high Spots of Oma ha Miss Fannie Hawthorne • Loses Anneal On May 31st in Judge Yeager's Court, the case state versis Miss Fannie Hawthorne was tried before Judge Yeager and the decision of the lower court was sustained by the court- There were two charges a 1 gainst Miss Hawthorne, carrying concealed weapons and assault and batttery- Sha was sentenced to 60 days in jail -—■ ■ , — — , , \ Attention! OUR NEW LOCATION Square Deal Commission Go. 2520 Cuming Street Phone ATlantic 3711 Mr. and Mrs- Clark Miller form ally with Omaha Poultry Market will be please to meet all old cus tomers and welcome new ones Same kind and courteous treat ment. Lowest Prices on Poultry and Eggs