SOCIAL c* • a CLUBS AFFAIRS ✓O-O-Cl-e-t-yV ORGANIZATIONS ■■ , - ■ < ■■■■ —1■ „ 1 - — — ~ ; ^ ' 1 ■ 1111 v — 1=1 .. ■'-= OMAHA NEBRASKA JUNE 2, 1934 ■-1 = PAGE FOUR The Sempre Caterie Ladies ENJOYABLE MEETINGS The Sempre Caterre Indies Bridge club met Friday May 21st at the home of Mrs- Sam Wead, 2434 Grant St- The following officers were elect ed. Mrs- Siam Wead. president; Miss Inez Battles, secretary; Mrs- Fred Wakefield, treasurer; and Mrs- James Grizzard, chairman of the entertain ment commit&ee- Luna McDonald was voted sergeant at arms- By laws were then drawn up- The club then adjourned to meet next Monday at the residence of Mrrs- James Grizzord Miss Inez Battles—Secretary St. Benedict’s Crusaders The comedy drama “Go Slow, Mary” was presented to the public Monday night. May 21st- Plans are being made to repeat the performance soon Leads were played by Miss Minnie Prey or and Alvin Gbodwin, followed by Bernice Saunders and Robert Williams- Mrs- Madoline Sterling dir ected During the rehearsal of “Go Slow, Mary.” their business meetings were i discontinued- It was resumed Thurs day. May 14th at the home of Mrs- j M A- Sterling The reunion was held m a round table style • Mrs- J Sterling was hostess. Lot of clever jokes and stunts were performed Madoline Sterling—President Minnie Preyor—Reporter Friendly “16” Bridge Club The Friendly “16” Bridge club wu entertained by Mr. McDonald, 2725 Charles 9t- After a few minutes of business, the du&l started- Sam Wead and A- J- Lefall started off losing, but they finally pulled up- Mr. George Edward and Mr- James Griczard won first place- Sam Wead and A- J Turner and Cornet Lefall tied- The club will meet at Mr- John Adams, 2217 Ohio St-, at 8 p- m A- J- Lefall—President T- R- Turner—Reporter The Ladies Friendship Club The Ladies Friendship club met at the home of Mrs- Christine Sturdevant 2620 Decatur St-, Thursday afternoon, < May 24th at 2 p. m. Nine members were present- The regular business meeting was carried out as usual After which the evening was spent playing whist- A delicious luncheon was served- Everyone enjoyed the meeting very much- The next meat mg will be held at the home of Mrs Mary Turner, 3018 Burdette St Miss Minnie Barnes—President Mrs. Myrtle Stringer—Sec’y Miss Doily Berry—Reporter * The Eureka Bridge Club The Eureka Bridge club met with Mr. « Phillips. 26th and Burdette Sts-. May 19th- All members were pre aenfc After a short regular bool ness meeting, five changes of Bridge was played- Mrs- Payton. Mr- Ford held the highest scores and won first prise- Mrs- Niolig, and Mr Atkins won the booby prise- Mrs- J Phillips and Mrs- Atkin gave us some point on bridge- We think tW* w»a very timely as we can always leain more of this game A dainty luncheon was served by the host- Mr- Phillips, was a visitor- The next meeting la with Mrs- Roberts on 28th St Mr- J- Davis—President Mrs M- Payton—Reporter The S. A. Botts Club The S- A- Botts club was entertain ed by Mrs- Elsie Harris, 2724 Maple St A large number of members were pre sent- "We were very glad to have had Mrs- Reynolds, of South Dakota, mother of Mrs- Jesse Vann and also Mrs- Iietcher visit with us- A deli cious repast of ice cream nd cake was served to all present- Our next meet ing will be at the home of Mrs- A- W Anderson 2909 Decatur St, June 5 with Mrs- Ethel Brown a hostess , Mrs- A- W- Anderson—Pres Mrs- Bthel Brown—Reporter 0 HOUSE CLEANING TIME IS HERE Send Us Your Curtains, Drapes, Pillows, Blankets EMERSON •'■LAUNDRY And Zoric Dry Cleaners Call We. 1029 2324 No. 24th OMHAH’S most progressive - . V The meeting of the Young People’s progressive Club of Salem Baptist Church are really interesting, if you don’t believe it, you should have been at the one last Monday night at thechuTcn. They are planning on put ting on a popularity contest in the very near future. With such a leader as Miss Amelia Thomas, this club is bound to succeed in whatever it endeavors to do DOINGS AMONG THE j CENTRAL STUDENTS I --- Preparation for final examinations is the main activity at Central this week and next Several race students aided in the Spring Concert given by the music de partment of Central Last Friday One of the main features of the pro cram was a solo sung by Thomas .Tones, outstanding member of the A Capipella Choir. In the City Track meet, held at Tech High the performances of the col ored tracksters of Central were out standing, Big John Elliot won two first plac" gold medals, the shot put and discus. Buddy Gamer placed third in the javelin throw, Ed Wiggins placed fourth in both 100 and 220 yard dashes. Wiggins was a member of Rogers, catcher for the Central nine has proven himself to be one of the best catchers in the city- Ed Wiggins and Walter Rhodes, Central trackmen were invited by Henry F- Schulte, director of track at the University of Nebraska, to articipate in the Central States inter scholastic track and field meet to be held at Kansas City, Kan June 1st and 2nd ENTERTAINS GUESTS FROM CHICAGO Mr. Levi Vaster. 2320 No- 26th St gave a very delicious chicken dinner in honor of Miss Claudel Ward of Chicago. 111. The guests present were JILre,. Malinda Braze!ton, Mis* Sarah •pa«A pJVipfH Sip* pOT U»!X8JJ A NICE AFFAIR The party given at the Masonic Hall last Friday wght by the 1>* Perittea Club mas a hugh success Soane of Onaaha% mast prominent young people ware there- There was a fine orchestra that played music that made everyone's heart whirl that listened to rt Such affairs as he one given by this dub proves to be a credit to our race STRANGE HAPPENING* It is very strange that a certain Omar Wagon studs still, eo long, be tween Lake and Ohio on 25th St Doe* it take that long for the young man to deliver a loaf of breed or a cake? IN OMAHA FOR TWO WEEK VISIT I Rev- J. L- Glover and family are in Ojpnaha on a two weeks visit with the ir many friends and relatives- Rev Glover is Pastor of thePhiliips Chapel C. M- E- Church in Nashville, Tenn Rev Glover will be remembered by the People ef Omaha as theformer Pastor of the Cleaves C- M- E- Temple on 25th and Decatur St GONE TO VISIT FRIENDS It has Just been brought to our attqnton that Mrs. W. M- Robinson, of 2431 Caldwell St. has rented her lovely home and gone to visit friends and relatives in sunny California. ONTHEAVENUE popularomahawEDS NAUGHTY GIRL Miss Juanita Jordan is becoming very popular during the last few days I at least it seemed that way, at the | prty at the Masconic Hall, that she attended. On dscoveding that her ssh to her dress was untied, when got up to dance, why it took four young men to tie it back for her, before she could resume her dance WE WONDER It is rumored that the davenport. nearly expired, at a certain young ladies house, when George Curry and his girl friend paid a visit to this young lady. We were asked, if we had the slightest idea for this pecu liar action on the part of the daven port. No hrd feelings, George- We only hea:d, it wasn, told to us exactly, i we just heard A VERY GOOD DANCER KissLula Mae Williams, is reported to be a very good dancer, although j hving only attended three public dan ces in her life. If we must say so, j thas’ pretty fair. I THREATS DEAFENING George Curry, has proven that he is a true cream puff, because he can’t i take it- \ ou should have heard him i rave, one night last week up on 26th \ and Blom/to St- Anyone who didn’t know him, would have thought some one had accused him of murder or accidentally got in his hair- But, Geo rge you must remember, that it’s all in life. If you do not want publicity, you should not do things, that will cause you to get it, such as highhat ting a young lady, that has never done anything in her life to hurt you, •nd telling her to never speak to you again- We’re sorry George, but it can’t be heled _ ! DON’T EVER DO THAT Louis Macklin was seen Wednesday afternoon; standing in front of the Reed’s Ice Cream stand holding a baby- When two young ladies walked up, he said, “How do you Hke my baby?” Be careful Louis someone is bound to get the wrong impression WE ONLY HEARD It is rumored that June Artison and Ethe! Cole have been knocked out ! of the company of the popular Mr Glen Pruitt, by a certain young lady on Grant St- We only heard, rem ember—Louis Macklin is reported to be rushing the popular Leona Davis We advise Louis, to take It easy or he might overstep his bounds WAS HIS FACE RED You can imagine how Van felt at the Party the Creolians gave at the Maaconic Hall, when being told to hold a package by Efener Williams, kindly consented and after having it for bout an hour discovered that he was only holding an empty reedette box nicely tied up WATCH TOUR STEP GIRLS Anyone that is not acquainted with three boys from South Omaha, that ride up and down 24th Street, with this wrote on th backe of their ear on a covering for their tire, "THE THREE KEYS" THE CASINO, be ware, or yu might be fooled into thinking they are the Three Keys, but only three South Omahaboys, ad vertising a new beer garden that open ed in South Omaha a few days ago, with their drived none other than the popular Leonard Mitchell OH THESE BOYS We wonder why the boys that were shooting craps on the corned of 26th and Blondo last Thursday night, all jumped and ran when the police sud denly drove up- Surely, if they are bold enough to get down in the middle of the street to hoot them they would not let a few cops stop them from hav ing their little innocent fun Eat Anythin* You Lika Take the capon below to the Daffy Pharmacy Owen Pharmacy Roan Drag Store Johnson Drag Store Robinson Drag Store Thnll Pharmacy for spec ial Offer. —--—-- —*— _Upon presentation of this capon j and 89c to the Duffy Pharmacy Owen I Pharmacy Ross Drag Store Johnson Drag Store Robinson Drug 8tore an Thnll Pharmacy- yon win be giren a fntt sized $128 bottle of Pnratona. — Miss Laura Ellis -Miss Laura Ellis, 3412 Evans St a graduate of Technical High school, and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sand ford Ellis, was married to Mr. Roy j Goban. of Kansas City Thursday after ' noon at the home of Mrs- Ruby Eld ridge, 2522 Maple St- The couple will reside at 2514 No. 25th St DOINGS AMONGTHE YOUNGER SET ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT Mrs- Leona Batesof Oklahoma City. Okla- announces the engagement of her daughter Lucille, to Bob Flyod of Omaha Miss Lucille Bates, a former Oma han. but now a resident of Oldhoma has been in the city for the past two weeks visiting relatives. Mis Bates plans to return to her home early in July; returning to Omaha for the wedding in September 6th. Mis Bates is a high school graduate and has one yer of college work to her credit. She i also active in social f fairs in the state of Oklahoma Mr. Flyod well known to our citi- | sens and his character is unqestionable : He is employed at the Yellow Cab Cifnpany. We congratulate this couple upon their deairs to go into the future toget her. May the future bold plenty for I them r ENGAGED AFTER HAVING MAR RIAGE ANNULEB Miss Jewell Lott whose secret mar riage to Roy Govan was annulled by Mrs- Belaxia Collins, three months after the marriage a now engaged to Mr. J. H- Gondales of Dallas, Texas. She is contemplating on spending part of the summer with her Grand mother in Dallas there ahe will join Mr. Gonzales in matrimony- The lat er part of the summer they will spend in Chieago Kies Lott Is undecided whether she will make her home in Omaha or Dal las ANOTHER MARRIAGE Kiss Louise Scott and Mr- George E- Parker, both well known about the city, were married Tuesday night, May 29th from the St- John Episcopal Church at 30th t Evans by Rev- Fath er Sepker It was a family affair- It has not as yet been decided where this young couplet will make their home- We wish them much success ' j Read Guide HANDKERCHIEF TEST THRILLS SMOKERS How a New Kind of Tooth Paste Dissolves and Removes Ugly Tobacco Stains B08T Tooth Past* is move then e eleea-testing, refreshing denti 'rice. It is the only teeth parts specifically created to r—ors the handkerchief. In like manner, BOST Tooth, Paste, and no other, will re move from your teeth the stubborn Aemlisl deposit of tobacco. BOST unsightly yullow rtaia* from omokors’ tooth. Go to your druggist Mv. ! buy a tubs of BOOT Tooth Paste apd mako tho famous "haadbsr. ehiof test'1 It fc this: Ubala a mouthful of bobaooo amoko aad bl» It through your luaiTVir contains no acid, no abrasive, and is as safe and beneficial for the teeth of children as for adults. It sweetens the breath and refreshes the HIGHLIGHTS AMONG THE STUDENTS Sybil Stevens is employed at the John^pn Drug Store- Mr. Johnson has remodeled his store and we are quite sure that Sybil will be a great help to the store Catherine Rountree is thinging of changing her Course from a House hold Arts Course to an Auto mach' anic Course because of her great love for Bookkeepng which is not required ! in the Auto Mechanics Course We have learned that Louise Car renter is quite talented in art cooking and sewing. But because of her ex cellency in all three we haven’t as yet found which she does the best Those that haven’t heard Josie Woods sing really should hear her; sweet voice. Whether or not she will ' s;ng lato like her sister has not yet b'-rn decided- She is in the Senior Glee at Central High School and her ambition is to make the A Capella Choir- x Ruth Wiliams has quite a dramatic; ability Booker Michael’s greatest ambition ; is to be able to express himself before an audience like George Randall- We suggest that he practice up on his favorite sayings Robert Hill, a student at Central High, is now employed Vn the new Hogan grocery store Hattie George is quite happy at the thoughts of graduation so she can take +he rest she has waited a long time for T ittle Jeanne McRae, the daughter of Mr- ,T. T- McRae, is taking piano leaaon from her aunt, Dorothy Beck We ere all looking forward as to her being as great a musician as her aunt' and grandfather. We are proud of Thomas Jones for the splendid appearance at the Musi Concert that was given at Central High Auditorium last Friday night He is one of the most outstanding •iagera of Omaha “Y” NEWS Mrs- Marie Leooq, member sf the staff of the North Side Y- W. C- A lft for a two month’s vacation- Mrs Leooq will visit members of her fam lly in New Orleans and Lo* Angeles before returning Min Rachel Taylor, executive secra tary of th North Bide “Y”. attended the National Coraefnenee of Social Worker* in Kansas Cky. May 21 to 26- Miss Taylor was elected to repre sent Negro Social Worker* of the Middle West on a committee, the pur pose being to make suggestions as to programs and speakers for the National Conference of Social Work «n which will convene in Montreal. (Canada next year. BOY AND GIRL SOCIAL Tbe Roy and Girl Fomxm Committee closed its activity for the year with a party at the "T* Monday evenng. May 28th- About 40 guest* - were present- Miss Lorine Baker of Kansas City was among those present The young people pent a very en joyable vning The Member hip Committee will hold a supper picnic at Hummel Park. Friday, June 8- This will be the eU* ing meeting of the year Beau Brnmmel The Breau Brnmmel met Wednesday I 23rd- Business of importance ' was transacted- The members deeid *d that we would meet every other j Wedn'-sd&y instead of twice a month | Mr- Stamps anti some of the metnbers i reported that the style show was a ! gr<-at success and those that failed I to attend missed a treat The enter tainment comittee has something up their sleeves for the near future Mr. Brooks who has been as sistant treasurer will act as trea surer until Mr- Moore’s return to th~ city- The next meeting is June 6th. Mr- V- Shobe—President Mr- J- Jackson—Reporter Birthday Entertainment Mrs- R- L- Brown entertained Mr. Arthur Farmer at a birthday dinner party at her beautiful home t 2101 Grant St. on Friday night May 25th A beautiful five course dinner was aerved to a bom twenty guests The guests bring: Mr and Mrs Frank Austin, Mr- and Mrs- Edgar Gren, Mrs- J Williams, Mr- Frank Farmer and company, Mr. and Mrs Jack Farmer. ?.'rr- Victor Simlmons, J Mr- Paul Hayes Mr- Turner Forest, j Mr- Robert Young and othrr guests The guests departed at about 3 a- m after a mot. delghtful vening. wishing Mr. Farmer a pheasant birthday and thanking Mrs- Brown for being such wonderful host Opens Store No. 2 Mr- J- C- Harris, prominent South Omaha Grocer, has opened a No- 2 ■tore at 27th and Franklin Streets and are now ready for business Low prices and good service- Your patronage is appreciated. OPTIMISTS CLUB PRESENTS ENTERTAINMENT Fashion Show in conjunction with the presentation of “A Bachelor’s Dream” proved very entrtaining on Friday May 25 at the North Sode “Y”, Willim Thomas pantomined the bach elor who wooed but did not win many charming lassies- Miss Christine Dix on was pianist and Mi's- Robbie Turn er Davis, directed. Girl Reserve Note The Grade School clubs axe spon soring a Style Show to be held at the North Side "Y”-on Friday, June 8. GOLF CLUB HOLDS INTER-CITY MEET The Swastika Golf Club of Omaha on Decoration Dy competed at Des Moines. The plyers left Omaha Wed nesday morning at 3 a- m- making the trip by automobile. The matches were scheduled to the off at 8:30 a- m. Eighteen holes being played in the morning and eighteen in the after noon • The Club of which Mr. J. Dillard Ciwwford ia president, has in the neighborhood of 35 members. The team to represent Omaha was select ed by qualifying matches held daring the month, low scorers being eligible to make the trip- Players qualifying for the team were, Penny Murray, Ulysses (Gabby) Watson. Jess Hut ten. Billie Davis, W. M- Taylor, John Anderson, Emmett Avant, Sayfoert Hanger, Attorney John Adams. J. Dillard Crawford, Art MeCaw, Har ry Anderson, and Z. E- McGee. Twe lve men from each of the cities com peted in the toumament The visiting teams were entertain ed by the Valley Golf Club of Des Moines of which Attorney Charles P Howard is president JIMMIE JEWELL OMAHA’S GIFT TO S POBTg Jimmie Jewell, owner and manager of the Tuxedo Billard Parlor, has been a resident of Omaha all his life, he graduated from Omaha Central High School has had university work + Immaculate young womanhood finds in Mavis Talcum Powder ex actly the deliciously cool comfort and silken smoothness which is in dispensable for a well kept body. Daintily fragrant, impalpably fine, it deodorizes and absorbs perspiration as it soothes. Mavis guards against summer heat f Use Mavis Talcum ALL OVER from tke^ . xkrrIJ— down Mavis Face Pvwder for Face mod Threat. by VIVAUDC 25* 5( *1“ M AVIS powdIi Up until a few years ago. Jimmie had not done much in the line of sports, but when Marty Thomas showed Jimmie a classy basketball and kitten ball outfits, Jimmie fell in for it hook line and sinker. This Business man has done more toward giving the Athletes of Omaha a break than any other bus'nissman jd h, re. Just when the old ball team was about to go under. Jimmie stepped in to pat the necessary financial back ing, to keep the team together, only under the name of the Tuxedoes. The same thing happened in Kittenball. Under the wing of Jimmie Jewell these boys have shown great stuff and will continue to do so long a Jim mie is here RHODES, WIGGINS, STILL STAND CENTRAL WINS M- V- TITLE Nose Out Lincoln; Tech a Door Third Marked Superitory on the track has made Omaha Central High School a champion this year. Lead by Walter Rhodes and Eddie Wiggins. These boys finished first and second in the lf)0 and 220 yard dash s ami ran last on the winning relay team. ELLIOT FAILS TO SHOW “Big John" Elliot Central's weight man, who ha® bren capturing the shot Pir. right, a <1 left failed to get any distance in his toss at all- 18 feet and 10 inches was the best heave he made and finished third GREAT 440 YARD RACE The best race of the day was the 440 yard dash, in which Joe Shef field of Tech and Henry Rosenbaum of Central waged a terrific fight down the stretch Rosenbaum, the pace settler was ahead until the last stride, when the M&ron distance ce lurched into the tape an inch or two ahead AMERICAN COMMITTEE INTER NATIONAL RELIEF ASSOCIA TION—Room 401, 20 Vesey Street, New York City BA relay 7-5267- Os wald Garrison Villard, Chairman Freda Kirch wry, Treasurer Sterling D- Spero- Secretary. NAACP- MASS MEETING CALLED TO ELECT DELEGATE AN NUAL CONVENTION A mass meeting will be called for the purpose of nominating, and elect ing a delegate to the Annual Gof —ttna. Off Um NAACP- which cotv venes ai Oklahoma City, Okla. June 27th to July 1st The president of the local Branch, is requesting all mem ber® to be present and vote for theii choice for delegate The meeting will be held at the Nortside YWCA 2306 North 22nd Street, Wednesday, June 6th, at 8:00 o'clock p- m- The general public is also invited to attend thia meeting- -ig^_ , Ctaee at 4:00 A- M Saturday and Sunday, Good Food Plus EFFICIENT SECVICK KingVuen Caf* Chap Huey and Kateaaiela our hobby American and Chineae Diahe* Phana JA. 8676 2010V4 North S4th Sb Omaha, U. S. A.