\ SOCIAL O • a CLUBS AFFAIRS 'S-0-Cl-e-t-y> ORGANIZATIONS . .1- -- - Omaha, Nebraska Saturday May 26th 1934 PAGE SEVEN The Troians The Trojans held another of their hot meetings at the “Y” last Tues day, May22nd- After the usual busi ness of the club was transacted, the plans were completed for the big event we are to pull off next month that is a “Trip Around the World ” that is to have plenty of pep and fun on it Our tickets are oat and on sale al ready for the low price of 16c- Run down any Trojan you can catch and buy a stack of tickets before the rush Don’t forget everybody, June 16th Lola Smith—President Ferwilda Artison—Reporter GENERAL NOTICE The Trojans are sending out a gen eral notice to everybody- Next week is our initiation of new members and anyone you see on the street next Tuesday p m- with a dress on back ward and wrong side out, missmatched shoes and stockings, no paint nor pow der and carrying a pan of dirt is a victim and you have our permission to give them a hearty slap and a big ha-.ha- Then wish them good luck and hone they sruccumb to the initiation ! after they reach the club. I Trojan’s Trip Around the World! Going! Going! Going Have you got your ticket for our jaunt abroad? The tickets are going fast! All transportations will leave the “Y” at 8:15 June 13th- Remember the route, from France, to Italy, then Iceland, and in Japan the Orientals have planned a dancing party- Don’t forget! Tickets on sale at the “Y” Roberta Pharr—Publicity Chair New Club Organized The Tri Ve Ra’s, a new club or ganized for young men, gave farewell party, Sunday evening, May 20th in honor of Mr- George Dean, the de parting secretary- Everyone pre sent reported a wonderful time The Tri Vi Ra’s have beautiful de corated rooms at 2417 Erskine St-, where the members and invited guests spend the evenings in playing cards reading and discussing plans for the up lifting of the young men OlanPrestidge—-President Claude Powell—Reporter Lady Friendhip Club Lady Friendship club met at the home of Mrs- Earl Busch, 3217 Ehirnet St-, after the meeting Whist was played and a wonderful luncheon was served Minnie Bums—President Mrs- Morris—Acting Reporter The Friendly “16” Bridge Club The Friendly “16” Bridge club was entertained at the home of Mr- Benny Marks. 2723 Charles St After ten minutes of business each couple start ed out to be victorious over the other Mr. James Grizzard and Frank Adam, won first place. Mr. Sam Wead and A- J- Lefall won second place- 1 ne club will meet at Mr. McDonald. 2725 Oharles St May 28 at 8 p- m A- J Lefall—President *r. R. Turner—Reporter Young Mother’s Column By Lula Mae Riggs “MOTHERS OF TODAY" Years ago. you were ushered into this world- Against a tender loving tLl you were n<*tled and you came a part of the heart of that dea moths, of yours. Through the years of infancy, your mother mi JF* attending your every wan^ ing infinite patience lest you fall, as tmy feet try brae*' a wee mite of humanity, your mother shared in your infant joys In the school day years, you were a combination of joy and 90^ chfld_ rUdZr”as"mforte: hood days „iv#nl and healeT of every youth** woe Mother' Your Guardian Angel trial and tribulations of this seeming! Doubtless, she is brow Wrinkles of care may hue » Still, She is your mother, the friend you ever had If you are fortunate enoug your mother with you, today. whether you^are with her or not send her some or flowers or if you are away from her send her a letter, and let her know that she is being appreciated Formal Reception Dance Given By Jonolier Club The first formal reception dance of i the season was given by the Les Jonal-. iers club at the Masonic Hall May 14. The dance was very brilliant affair and largely attended The guests were greeted on entering by the reception committee composed : of the officers of the club- The hall j was beautifully decorated- The color I scheme being pale green and yellow. Many beautiful gowns represent- j ing the latest in sheer, crisp, summer ; fabrics were worn by the ladies Rome of the outstanding gowns were worn by Miss Celestine Smith, presi- j dent of the club, who had a canary organdie, made along the new “wind i blown” lines with trin, with this was worn contrasting sandals . of green 1 She carried a green organdie muff; Miss Nathalie Brown in peach or gandy made extremely long and full at the bottom was verv charming Acessories were green; Miss Lorraine ! Fletcher in green organdie, made on i the new lines bodice high at front and low back, used yellow accessories. Miss Madeline Brown was very at tractive in green chiffon dress with matching cape; Miss Claretta Bid diex was charming in white crepe with slippers of red crepe The La Mode Girls The La Mode Girls gave a Mother and Daughter luncheon Sunday after noon at the home of Miss Julia Mae Jackson, one of the members of the Each girl grought her mother or a re presentative. The luncheon began at four o’clock and lasted until six thirty. After the mothers were served they l remained at th table to listen to a hort program given by the girls of; the club- The program was as follows j the introduction of the girls of the club and the origin of the club by the presi- j dent, Miss Irene Harrold; the origin | of Mother’s Day, by Miss Ceola Nelson who is secretary of the club; Miss Lillian Morgan sang a solo entitled, “That’s What God Made Mothers For” Miss Hattie George read a poem en titled “Mother.” The girls concluded the program by singing their club song- The sponsor Miss Mable Ray was unable to be with the mothers and daughters. This club has been organized since November 1933. The officers are as follows: Irene Harrold, president; Iantha Hall, vice president; Ceola Nelson, secretary; Ada Walker, as sistant secretary; Lillian Morgan, treasurer; Leona Davis, reporter; and Hattie George, critic- Other members are Precia Harrold, Bonnie Lewis, Julia Mae Jackson, Fannie Lou Levison, Lillian Crter Irene Harrold—President Leona Davis—Reporter “Y” NEWS The series of Boy and Girl Forum sponsored by the North Side “Y” ended Friday May 18 with a vocation al Forum- The following persons spoke: Dr- Craig Morris, dentistry, Mr- Milton Johnson, pharmacy, Mr Dillard Crawford, art, Mr- Milton Wil on, auto machanics, Rev. Slater, min istry, Miss Evelyn Evans, nursing, and Miss Dorothy Davis, grocery business- Thomas Jones precided. Mrs- Lucy Charlotte Crawford very successfully directed the forums this year and with the committee planned meetings which were beneficial to many- The following persons are members of the Boy and Girl Commit tee: Mary Alice Willis, Margaret Beck, Olive Willis, Mabel King, Leona Davis, Lillie Morgan, Ethel Terrell, William King. Crisman Clark, Harold Biddeaux, Thomas Jones, and Orville Jones Hi-Y Boys Hold Mother-Son Banauet A mother and son banquet sponsor ed by the Hi Y boys was held at the Mid City Center, May 9th- Principle address was given by Mrs. Herbert Wiggins. William Davis reponded in behalf of the boys- Special guests were Mr- and Mrs- Truitt Maxwell Mr- Maxwell is general secretary of the Y- M- C- A- Mr- Paul Bunce of the traffic department of the North wester Bell telephone Co- and Mr Carl Sahlene, older boys secretary of the Y- M. C. A- Forty attended Mother’s Day Tea Given A Mother’s Day tea was given by the High School Council of the Mid City Center, Sunday May 13- Miss Gertrude Lucas was principle speaker Others appearing on the program were, Miss Helen Wilks, Mr- Stephen Taylor and the Mid City Male Chorus efreshments were served by the refreshments were served by the tudents- Miss Levina Scott, preesident acted as Mistress at ceremonies I and Robert Hill. The evening was ; in playing different games, such as spinning the plate, etc- A delightful repast of punch and cookies was served by the hostess FAVORITE SAYINGS Mr. Edward Leonard Lane is a very hot tempered young man at times he becomes hot or bored in any way, he can be depended on to say, “Who cares! Dem! Mr. Herbert Patten, when put in a tght place, will always say “You can’t prove it-” _i_ Mr. Elmer Williams, a well figure about the city, is heard to say “Ain't no ne d of me .lying, cause I’m trying so hard to tell the truth.” Miss Jesse Brown, a junior at North High School, favorite saying when she becomes bored, is “Oh, for Pete’s sake.” Mis Versie Mae Thomas was heard t' spy at the meeting of the Pro gresive club last Monday night, to a certain question, “Don’t start me to lying” FAVORITE SONGS The favorite song, at present, of Miss Amelia Thomas, 2532 Blondo St is, “I’ll String Along With You.” According to Miss Minnie Harris, Mth and Caldwell, her favorite song is, “We’ll Make Hay While the Sun Shines” Mr- Lorenzo Rosenbaugh announced Monday nightthat his favorite song thus far is “Good-by Love” “You only Want Me When Nobody Else is Around.” is the favorite song of Mr. Alfred Kimsey. Ruth Crain can often be heard singing, “Your Coffee In The Morn ing.” Herbert Patten constantly sings, “I Just Couldn’t Take It Baby.” VISITS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Harris of Council Bluffs, Iowa, were the house guests of their cousins Elmer and Lula Mae Williams, May 21 and 22- While in Qjhiha they heard the evermore popular orchestra of George E- Lee Send us your favorite saying, funny happenings, favorite songs, foods deserts, your parties, outings, your guests, ambitions, desires, etc. You can make this one of the most inter esting columns in the paper, with your cof^City Quartett which sang during the luncheon Guests wer: Miss Fisher, lawyer; Miss Lorraine Stevenson, Miss Goldie Mitchel of Houston, Texas and Mrs J. A- Williams Happy Hour Bridge Club Th Happy Hour driBge club met at the home of Mr- and Mrs- Dorsey and were entertained by Mr. Mills and Mrs- Jackson. After a long dis cussion of business, bridge was played The club prizes were won by Mrs Dorsey and Mr- McClutcheon. The guest prizes were won by Mrs- Conn A very deilcious midnight luncheon was served Mr- Vernon Stmps—President Mrs- Julia Welch—Reporter The Katy Koquette Club ' The Katty Koquettes honored their mothers at a Mother’s Day tea, May 20th at the home of Miss Vonceil An derson- Mrs. Janies Bell, spoke on “What I Would Like Our Daughters to Be ” Christine Dixon and Vonceil Anderson sang a duet and Ruth Will iams gave a Club Prophecy. Dorthea Bell and Mable Longrnyer asssted at the tea table. The club met last Friday at the home of Mable Longrnyer- The host ess served adelicious buffet luncheon After a brief business meeting we socialized Mable Longrnyer—President Helen Wilkes—Reporter OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES We are now focusing our attention to the outdoor activities. Our playground is now open every evening from 5 to 8- The Woodson Center girls baseball teajn was or ganized Tuesday- Members of the team is as follows : Ella is as follows: Ella M- Smith, Mattie L- Donaldson, Stella Lyle, Anna B Lyle, Priscilla Gilldon, Fannie M Morgas, Carrie McGinty, Odessa Wil liams, Jessie M- Cunningham and Althea Franklin- The girls are anx ious for games with other girls teams- Any team wanting a game wth the girls call Miss C- Agee, Mar ket 2860 Or 1944, Holds Joint Meeting The Siveurre club of New Hope Baptist Church, president Brooks Moore, met jointly with the club of Pleasant Green Baptist Church, presi dent Mrs- Turner, at the residence of Brooks Moore, 1507 No- 20th St-,Sat urday evenng- A spendid program was rendered by the following parti cipnts, the Spiritual Five, of Prima tive Baptist church, the Carter’s Quartette of New Hope Baptist Church, a reading on Mother’s by Miss Davis and apaper on Courage by Mr- Carter- Several remarks of en couragement is to be said on the pro gram made by Mrs- Turner,' Mrs- Mc Gee and Rev. H- St- Clair, supervisor of the New Hope Baptist church- A grab bag was presented and many _Call u For Your- .... -- C0MMERC1A L* Commercial Sign Painting Phone We. 1750 2418 Grant St. The Omaha Guide useful gifts were recieved by each one who paid 10c a grab. Then refresh ments consisting of ice cream and cake was served to about 80 people. Brooks Moore—President Miss A- Carter—Club Delivered Sermon At Mount Zion Pentecostal Church In Council Bluffs, Iowa Mrs. Rev. F- A- Wates delivered a wonderful sermon at Mt- Zion Pente costal Church in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Monday night of which Elder Jones is pastor. Quite a number of both races were in attendence from Omaha. It was through the generous courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. J- D- Lewis, that a aparty of six wre enabled to attend, included in this group were:Rev Waite and Fox of Phildelphia, Pa; Mr. and Mrs- H- R- Greenfield, Mr- and Mrs George Reynolds, and Miss Small- A large crowd was present- Many were prayed foT healing 'by the laying on of hands of Rv- Waites and Elder Jones To Continue Regular Service The Omaha All Nation’s Pente costal church will continue regular services at the church, every Tuesday and Thursday nights- All day Sunday Pubic invited to attend at all times Elder J- E- Greenfield Pastor. DOINGS AMONG THIS YOUNGER SET HAPPILY MARRIED The former Miss Ella Mae Thomas and Mr. John Anderson are now man and wife- The marriage announce ment came out in Monday evening papers- We wish them all the luck n the world BACK FROM CAMP Mr. Percy Hall and Mr. Booker Gordon, both well known among the younger set of Omaha, are back from C- C- C- Mr Hall and Mr- Gordon have been at camp for softne time, and were welcomed back, Sunday morning, May 13th with open arms by their rela tives and friends. MAY PARTY GIVEN A May party was given by the Creolians club, a club composed of 15 girls, last Friday night, May 18th at the Masonic Hall. It was an invita tional affair. The music was fumish by James Payton and Willie Chapman All of the young ladies present pre sented a very spectacular scene with their different forms, colors, and of dresses. There were in all present about 200 young people. JUST A SMALL MISTAKE At the social meeting of the Pro gressive club last Monday night at the home of Miss Amelia Thomas, 2532 Blondo St, a slight but funny mistake was made on the part of the president Upon checking up on the amount of money in the treasure, there was a slight disagreement- After a few word had passed between members and the president, the president turned to the secretary and very seriously said where are your recipes ? PUNCHES . Frozen Fruit Punch 3-4 cup granulated sugar ^11 I ■ I ■—.. . Vi cup water Vt cup blackberry juice (unsweetened) 1-16 teaspoon salt l-s cup orange juice 2 egg whites Vz cup raspberry juice (unsweetened) hit cup maraschino cherries Cook sugar and water slowly to con sistency of a syrup- Add to strained fruit juices- Cool. Pour into Frig idare tray and allow to freeze firm. Remove to ice cold bowl and beat with rotary egg eater. Add stiffly beaten egg whites to which salt has been added- Add cut maraschino cherries, pour into tray and finish freezing with agitating. This recipe will serve ten to twelve people SALAD Waldorf Salad 1 Cup cubed apples 1 cup finely chopped celery 1 cup English walnuts meats Mix with mayonnaise- Sseve on lettuce leaves Afrs- Vera Graham HOUSEHOLD HINTS Scorched or stained articles may be cleaned by boiling in a half gallon of milk and turpentine, and a half pound of soap- Laying in sun HOUSEHOLD HINTS Many are committing suicide on the installment plan, because they do not get enough fresh air and sunlight, we need both in the work rooms, offices, homes and sleeping rooms. Send us your favorite receipts, your household hints, your health hints, and ! your favorite menu- Send it in care I of the Favorite Recipe Column. Oma ha Guide Office. 2418 Grant St DAN AND FAN Many children have sent names in j to the boy and girls' club- They are ! all so good that it will take a lot of ' time, perhaps those of you who have | not sent in your suggestons. have some good names. Below yolf'^ill find a duplicate coupon like the one in last week s paper Pick the winning name and win a a pair of Rink Roller skates. The Cooks Corner Brownies % cup butter or other shortening 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 cup four lVi teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 squares unsweetened chocolate 1 cup walnut meats, broken in small pieces 1. Cream shortening, add sugar and well beatened eggs 2- Sift flour once, measure; then sift flour, salt and baking powder together, and add to creamed mix ture. 3- Add chocolate, previously melted 4- Stir in nuts and vanilla 5. Pour into well greased dish. 6- Bake Read The Guide DJER-KISS TALCUM A ipeeyle H All the world knows Djer-Kiss is foremost among all Talcums. For the whole family, after bathing, it is indispensable. Use it daily. Softer, finer, absolutely pure—it protects and absorbs. The delicate, inimitable Djer-Kiss fragrance, of course. White and Rose. Jumbo Size 25^ $1°.° Regular Size A 1 jjer .TALCUM POWDE Genuine Djer-Kiu Parfum, in a dainty _ _ , Vanette, Pune Size.25 " TRY HAYDEN’S FIRST Berets an "Eye Opener* for You Ladiet Quality White Shoes Surely you’ll want New White Sums for Des oration Day and here’s your opportunity Is secure them for little money. Shoes like these if solddba a regu lar way would command a much higher price. D Featured in Sizes 4 to 9 and AA to C Widths Mail Order* Filled for Those Living Out of the City • Straps • Sandals 9 Pumps 9 Oxfords 9 White Buckskin 9 White Kid 9 White Linen 9 Many tcith Perforations 9 All Types of Heels Harden’! Mala Floor.