The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 26, 1934, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    ^ -M „ GUIDE lAffel If OMAHA
"■“3 ... lln I ill.
-- Marts of V ■■ ■ A ■ C.t>, oaa Nat’l L,le
PAGE FOUR -Omaha, Nebraska Saturday May 26th 1934
Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant Street by
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petitions are no v. i i. g circulated in Douglas County cali
ing for the ?!,• :-.i t che ballot of a proposed amend
mendent to th< c- ^ • - lion whereby there shall be on*
House of the State Legisj- lure, rather than a House of Ra
presentoative and r t* Senate as at present and that
there shall not be lrsr 1 ■ n thirty members in THE NEW
house not more than fifto
Voters shall b'- e uea u;-o». :o coxisider just what this
will mean. It w:h mean the further removal of the gov
ernment from direct control of the people and the loss of
the balancing power of two houses. To the Negro
voter it means much, greater disaster. It means tbe re
districting of consolidation of legislative districts and
loss forever of a Negro representative at the State Capital.
You should ther -fore rfuse to sign these petitions
and preserve your only safe guard, the right of represen
(From he Omaha World Ilearld—Monday, May 14, 1934)
Wednesday night near Los Angelts two masked men
kidnapped from his estate William F. Gettle, a wealthy
til man.As they carried him off they answered a friend’s
remonsrance with the snarl: “No soft stuff. We’re here
here for business. This is kidnapping.”
This incident reminds us of invetably of the kidnap
ing in California last vear of Brooke Hart, of his murder,
and of the lyching at San Jose of Hart’s abductors, to
gether with Governor Rolph’s comment: “This is the best
ldSison that California has ever given the country- We
■how the nation that this state is not going to tolerate
Governor Rolph thus had condoned one of the great
est crimes against society, a crime greater even than kid
napping—lynch law. The truth is now brought home to
Him that any concession to violence, no matter by what
pretext, breeds more wiolence. The war upon kidnappers
ivas hurt, rather than helped, by the San Jose lynching.
California now gives that lesson to the nation. One hopes
Governor Rolph has learned it at last.
Madoline E. Sterling.
By, Rev. F. P. Jones Pastor Of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
“If any man will come after me, let him deiny himself.”
* Matt. 16:24. These words, spoken by Jesus himself,
do not mean occasional acts of self-denial, temporary fasts
self-imposed moments of hard-ships; but they ean a total
repudiation of self as the object of love. An uncondition
al surrender of self as the first object of consideration.
Unless this is done no Christian can adopt the maxim;
“Take care of Number One,” unless he has made Christ
Number One.
“Safety First” may be a very good motto if only we
define ‘safety’ alright. Whose safety are we
refering to? certainly not our own: But the safety of
_ life? If not why? The call is to the
world, and ‘Whosoever will, let him Are you living the ‘Safety-First'
come-” mo^sbiu jo
| society, the safety of others, the
! safety of others, the safety of the king
j dom of God- He who places any one
or anything else first is guilty of
reversing the Christian order.
Is it possible to modify the tendency
of human nature so as to set up an
other personality than our own, as
‘number one’? Of course it is pos
When a man marries, if he has a
worthy idea of matrimony. His feel
ings of loyality, love, and devotion,
are sometimes iavished with extrem
ity, upon another—his wife- The
whole philosophy of selfish
ness may be shattered, by the sight of
a baby’s face, or the thought of a
^ittle life so helplessly dependent, and
so devine
This program of the ‘Christ Life’;
Self dethroned, Christ enthroned and
the adoption of Christ’s standard
of values- We must care for the
things that he cared for; we are
forced to admit things that were made
supreme by him.
However much we may be inclined
to do otherwise, we are forced to
admit that this old world in which we
live has changed the philosophy of the
life which Christ taught and lived,
to a self-centered committee of three,
consisting of “I, Myself and Me "
But remember, my friend, there
is ao other standard, no other phil
osophy by which we may live as
Christians, exxcept the standard, and
the philosophy that were established
by Christ himself
He. is the only ‘Code’ by which we
should be governed, the only ‘Safety
First’ sign that should guide
us- If this is done, we may be j
assured that we are denying our- j
selves, and following in the footstep i
Washington —(CNS)— The recent
National Conference on Fundament
al Problems n the Education of Ne
groes meeting here last week was told
by President Roosevelt that: “As
yet all too small a percentage of the
Negro children of our country, especi
ally in its rural sections, enjoys ade
quate or equtable facilitie for the
education which is America’s goal
for every child.” And that “We have
neither schools enough properly to
accomodate the chldren who should
be in attendance, nor educational offer
ngs of the quality and variety adapted
to their needs.”
At the same time Dr. George J.
Ryan, president of the Board of Ed
ucation, in New Yory City, told a
group of educators that: “Unless the
school syptem is capable of preparing
young people foj. the leisure of tomor
row, as well as for the vocation, the
country will pay for the neglect ten
fold and over in crime, debility and
hitman waste.”
The educators met to begin a move
ment to prepre the damage of the de
pression in schools in the United State
Dr- Ryan said:
“You can patiently wait for nation
al most every field, but you dare not
in lmost every field, but you dare not
permit millions of school children to
grow up either physically or mentally
“Nothing offered in later years can
fill the void caused by malnutrition
of mind or body during the tender
formative years of the growing child
“For the best interests of humanity
the backward march of education must
be halted- Our Nation can survive
only so long as we are true to the basic
ideals of education. We can not be
loyal to our nation if we suffer our
schools to be detroyed any further ”
Dr. Harold G- Campbell, superin
tendent of schools, said educators
have been “shocked to witness the
enormous toll that education has had
to pay on the battle fields of the pre
sent economic depression.”
“The heroism of the American
teacher in their efforts to save ed
ucation from tho horrors of this ec
onomic war can never be fully record
ed” Dr- Campbell concluded.
The National Conference on Funda
mental Problems in the Education of
Negroes set forth the following as
“Immediate National Objectives and
Ideals”—to be based on the principle
of the single standard in education
TION—schools and colleges available
and accesible fr all Negro children,
Repudiate Mob Violence and Endorse
Work of Southern Women for
of teachers, curriculum offerings,
dequate in length of term, number
equipment and facilities
—Selection, training, compensation
and working conditions of teachers
in keeping with the highest standards
of profesional growth and leadership
in recognition of their outstanding
importance in the education of Negro
children and in the leadership of
Negro life; and the acceptance of. the
responsibility by all teachers of Negro
youth to teach the fundamental princi
pies and issues underlying our econom
ic and social order.
Adequate financial support for all
schools for Negro children equitably
distributed, and intelligently ad
ministered. with full recognition that
there can be but one standard of ade
participation in the administration and
control of scholg by intelligent re
presentatives of the people served:
and cirriculum diffrentiation and adap
ttion bed on individual needs rather
than on race
Discouragement of and opposition to
the extenion of segregated schools.
Vocational Agriculture Boys
Get Production Loans
Washington—(CNS—Boys enrolled
in vocational agriculture courses in
5,300 rural high schools in the United
States who are still minors may ob
sociations for financing farm projects,
tain loan from production credit as
under a cooperative plan worked out
by the Farm Credit Administration
and the agrcultural service of the Fed
eral Office of Education.
Under the Smith-Hughes law,
through whch Federal assistances is
extended to vocational education pro
grams in the various States, farm boya
who enroll for vocational agriculture
courses are required to undertake
suprvisd farm practice. To start their
projects, which are conducted on the
home farm under the supervision of
the agricultural teacher, pupils fre
quently find it necessary to have a
flock of chickens, sdme cattle, seeds,
fertilizer, or similar upplies necessary
for the proper handling of these pro
jects- It is to furnish funds for out
lays of thi character that production
credits loan have been arranged.
Production credit associations as or
ganized and charted under the Farm
Credit Act are authorized to make
loans to farmers for general agricul
tural purposes . These associa
tions, however, do not handle loans
for as small amounts as are ordinarily
required by Vocational agriculture stu
dents to finance their school projects
A.dded contract. To overcome these
difficulties, therefore, boys needing
loans may secure them as a group ^ a
chapter of the Future Farmers of
Amerca or a similar organization of
vocational agriculture students- Group
borrowers will organized themselves
into a Student Credit and borrow the
total amount needed, as ane loan,
through an “adult borrower,” who will
give a “master” note for the total a
munt for a period of time ciocide with
the duration of the projects covered.
As collateral for hs master note the
adult borrower will present the indi
vidual notes of each student borrower,
signed by the parent or guardian or
another adult, and endorser by the
adult borrower
To safeguard these production loans
to vocatinnal agriculture students, a
statement setting frth the nature,
prrpose, plan, kind and scope of the
project of each participant, and the
assurance of the supervisor Oj. spon
sor that the conduct of these projects
will be supervised and proceeds of
all sales therefrom remitted to the
production credit association credit
associatin, must be submited with each
loan application.
(Continued from Page 1)
heard the sermon
Monday night’s service was in
dorsed by local ministers of churches
of both races- Rev- M- B- Pringle,
preident of the Council Ministerial
Association presided
Addreses 800 at Union Service
The new world trend toward na
tionalism is the most pernicious and
insidious propaganda ever fotered
against the teachings of Jesus Chrisa,
Dr- Jeltz declared before an audience
of 800 persons at a union service at
the Broadway Methodist Church.
“The religion of Jesus is not the
religion of lyncMmad America, Nazi
Germany, soviet Russia or facist
Italy,” he declared “For dress it up
as yon may, natonal class and race
prejudice are left over forms of an
old world isolaton which is only de
stuctive and has no place in the new
wrld of increasing proximities-”
He said that wars for the most part
have been started by people living on
a purely physical plane, abetted by
persons living on a mental plane- He
declared that the task of the Christian
church is tol ift men to the highest,
the spiritual plane
A chorus directed by Mrs- Jeltz
sang spirituals- The meeting was
opened with an invocation by Rev. E
. Berg of the Seventh Avenue Baptist
church- Dr- A- A- Heath of Broadway
church gave the introductory remarks
Rev. George Slater, jr-, of Bethel A
M- E- church and Rev. Rhoades of
Beulah Baptist church spoke- Rev- M
B- Pringle of the First Christian
church, president of the Council
Bluffs Ministerial association intro
duced the speaker. Rev- O- J- Burck
hardt secretary of an Omaha Minister
ial union, gave the benediction
Monday’s service was the 144th
interracial meeting Dr- Jeltz has con
Appears at St- John’s A- M. E. Church
Dr. Jeltz appears in Omaha at St.
John’s A. M. E. Church at a great
onion revival, Tuesday. May 29th
Bethel A. M- E. and Cleaves Temple
C- M. E. churches unite with St.
John's for this mammoth meeting.
Dr. Jeltz will conduct services in the
city for three weeks.
Mr. Leon Moore, and Mr. Howard*
Ousley. U. P. Waiters who have been!
for months traveling with the Union i
Pacific’s new train, left about May
22nd for Chicago, to take charge of
the new train again, which will be
exhibited art the FJailr. These two
outstanding young waters have made
themselves real men, in the hearts
of the Union Pacific officials- Luck
to Mr. Ousley and Mr. Moore.
Mr. Theo. A. Thomas, one of Hotel
Paxton s well known waiters, who has
many fnends among the guests of this
hotel, have been chosen again, as
head waiter, at the Omha Field Club
Mr. Thomas is well known at this
club Except for two seasons ‘32
and ‘33, wnen Mr. Edgar T^e ane Mr
Deverce, respectively handled the club i
Mr. Thomas had it for many years !
The club opened on May the 19tb '
with a bang. 622 members was han
dled by this most competitive head
waiter, in such a well planed and ef
ficient way that the members and
manager cculd not say too much of
Mr. Thomas after the Orchestra play
ed “Home, Sweet Home ”
Mr. James Calloway, who was in
touch with the Valley Queens officers
planning to give the Omaha Waiter’s
Association’s friend* another kick
in life, by giving them a ride up the
stream of the old Mlss^tri River, was
indeed a sad looking young gent
when he returned from down stream
Friday after seeing the Queen con
Qured by the King Missouri. Mr.
Calloway, you know, is the chairman
of the Waiter's Entertainment
Mr. J. Fisher, who for ten years
was an important figure in the Fonten
elle Dining, room and recently at the
Paxton, has taken up the position of
Head Waiter at the Clover Leaf Club
Mr. Fisher is broad and should have
no trouble in placing this club, through
god service and courteous waiters in
hearts of Omaha’s pleasure seeking
patrons. We all wish Mr- Fiher, laods
of luck.
I Mr. Jerry Owens, who was with the
U. P. Dining Car Co- for 17 years and
a highly thought of waiter has now
received a year round position at the
Omaha Field Club- He seems to be
making many frinds here, just the
same as he did with the traveling pub
MUTT AND JEFF—What A Monkey Sees A Monkey Does
i my’ nemes! U
wrve»eeNftA/iN6 around S thins i do) lS*'t
enough; t want to -0
1 XW&EAS Of TW« 1 a. /’•fe®
DEEP^ohoK^:^ /JkC^g
g>'OH,Mutt! brinoTO M
S3 me back a bcttce 124R
S oe= haiRtohic’ f'yfS],
right there.i'll
mo is<ey sees, I
*on*ev Does'
I ^
^fVrep*j X
Rep- Johnny Owens
Mr- Johnny Owens, Representative
to the Nebraska legislature from the
ninth district, will file on the Demo
cratic ticket for reelection- Mr- Owens
served as representative during the
last session of the State legiclature
Many bs/oic^>ie commmtJ have been
made on Owens conduct of his office
Tn commenting on Representative
Owens’ work, Govenor Bryan said,
“Owens is a credit to the House of
Ri prcsentatives- The people of his
district should be proud of the re
cord he h»is made since he has been
•uoissee siijt ui
IIis very move and act has been
that of a prefect gentle Rian, and
very much in keeping with the posi
>n that he holds- I believe that he
is known and respected by his co
workers as an outstanding reprsent
Mr- O’Malley, speaker of the bouse
of Representatives, of the State Legis
lature during the past session said.
“Owens is one of the standing mem
bers of the House of Representatives
He is a credit to his race and a de
cided asset to the lawmaking body
The people of hs district may right
fully be proud of him. He commands
and receives respect as a gentleman
and a legislator ”
Owens’ legislative re-districting vie
tory cutting off the redominate white
section of the ninth and replacing it
with the heavy Negro populated sec
tions of the tenth district to make the
ninth district, thereby assuring a race
representative to the legislature in the
future, was a master stroke of legisla
tion, showing tact, wisdon and fore
sight This measure is one of the
most farreaching and beneficial pieces
of legislation vitally affecting the
race voting in the passed history of
the State of Nebraska
Prevention of Lynching
Lake Charles, La—At the recent
meeting here of the Louisana Associ
ation of Peace Officers. 109 officers
: from all parts of the state personally
; signed repudiation of mob violence
and endorsed the program of the As
, sociation of Southern Women fr the
Prevention of Lynching The meeting
I went on record also as favoring a
| state anti-lynching lawthea die
Sherriff Hughes of Shreveport for
repulsing recent mob attack on the
; Caddo Parish jail.
The anti-lynching cause was pre
sented by Mrs- Bon Knox, of Shrew
port, state chairman of the Associa
tion of Southern Women for the pre
vents of Lynchii \ Her address was
heard with marked interest and sym
pathy by the assembled officers, and
the Asociation’s anti-lynching program
was endorsed in a resolution from the
floor. Mrs- Knox then presented
for personal signatures the following
“Believing that lynching does not
belong in our American civilization;
that it is within itself a violation of
the law; that it is un-American and
dangerous; we, the undersigned Peace
Officers of the State of Louisana.
' endorse the educational program of the
Association of Women for the Pre
ventin of Lynching.”
One hundred and nine of the as
sembled officers promptly affixed
their signatures, including sheriffs,
deputies, 'mayors, detectives. police
chiefs and patrolman- Mrs- Knox was
invited to attend next year’s conven
tion of the officers and was booked
for another address at that time- Re
porting to the headquarters of the asti
lynching association in Atlanta, she
“The convention was a most inter
esting event for me- Never have I
had such a royal greeting, reception
and response. I feel that the way has
been paved for our women all over the
state to visit their respective sheriffs
adn shall begin at once the effort to
have them do so ”
The Association of Southern Wo
men for the Prevention of Lynching
was organized in 1930 by Mrs- Jesse
Daniel Ames, of the Commission on
Interracial Cooperation. It now has in
thirteen states branches with 19,000
signed members who have pledged
themselves to combat lynching :n ev
ery way possible.
May Queen to be Crowned
A May Queen will be crowned
Monday evening May 28th at 8:30
p. m- at Clair Chapel- Eevryone ,s
invited to come out and help crown
your choice for Queen
Mr. Willi? Thorrps one of Omaha’s
popular waiter? hss bade us g'o< d
bye for the suir~ Ms iast ^ s
lot with the Palrm.r House in ^hicajro.
A letter last week in formed us that
he is 0- K- We miss you Mr- Thomas
Mr Toney Jackson well known head
Jfter at the Omaha Country Club
for many years, is. now at the HU
Hotel nd has a swell position there
Mr. Jackson just came bacfc irom a
vacation out of the city- We do hope
he will gain many friends at this
Hotel, as he did at the Club- *Jr‘
Tunnis Gordon is also at this Hotel
A swell combination to have on any
Hotel manager's paym>n. j
bring him lots of ner« and help h,m
keep his old business
Mr. Henry Sherron, Hotel ■
head bus boy for years, untd Jan
1933. has returned from the •
where he spent 13 months, and
-**r- wo «*>»w,it"
is vorking « catty
at Hotel Paxton again- He can ca ij
u:. tray with ease
30 dinners on his tray
Don’t try it pleaae, waiters
All extra waiters were called into
service Saturday as all of Omaha
Clubs opened their doors to its mem
bers- Some night clubs were short of
help a* most all waiters answered the
three big clubs call
-- I
Mr- William Ousley *re!l known
Paxton waiter will leave “
20th of June to v.s.t jelatw«
Chicago- Mrs- Ousley inll 1 ‘
bit earlier, the 12th. She has a mster
there and I am sure them vacation will
be a pleasant one
Several of Hotel Fontenelle*
waiters have left for the Countrj
and Happy H/Tlow clubs
Mr- Roy Wst head bus boy at Hotel
Paxton will leave about the first of
June to join his mother in Brooklyn.
N- Y-. where she spent the winter
They will travel to Los Angeles. Calif
Mother will remain in the city of Roses !
but Mr- West informed me he will bo j
back in our city, about July the 5th
Nice trip Mr- West
Mr- D- Creeg, of Kansas City, Mo
and now head waiter at Lake Okoboji
has asked for the service of Mr
»-... . »- t --
Thtse two young men seem to be very
classy club waiters as well a hotel
Mr- Scroggins, head party man at
Hotel Comhusker at Lincoln, Nebr
is back in the city- Friends seem to
think he will join the staff of Mr
Creeg at Lake Okoboji- Very good
and reliable waiter to have on a pay
Mr- James Corbett, who has been
batchng on the side after serving
his most popular guests at Hotel Pax-,
ton is expecting Mrs- Corbett home
*oon, who has been at the bedside of
her sick mother, in Sioux City, Iowa
Wife’s biscuits will taste awful good
Mr- Corbett
(Continued from Page 1)
tor Long would lead a filibuster a
gainst the bill. Since receiving the
petition Senator Long has denied the
statement that he would oppose the
Fight Kidnapping; Ignore Lynching
“A bitter stuggle is ahead if the
bill is to be passed.” declared Mr.
White. “At leat fifteen lynching*
have been prevented since the Costi
gan-Wagner bill was introduced in
Congress through fear that such
lynchngs would help in the psage of
the bill- Should Congres adjourn
without taking action we fear that
such lynchings would help in the pass
age of the ill. Should Congress adjou
rn without taking action we fear that
the removable of pprechension that
federal legislation may be enacted
will result in a new outburst of lynch
ing, That is why the organizations sup
porting the Costigan-Wagner bill are
determined to force action at this se
Congress quite properly has pass
ed legilation agint kidnapping. But
there have been not more than three
hundred kidnappings in all of theU
S. during the last forty five years, at
the same time there have been more
thn five thousand lynehings Surely if
Federal legislation against the horr
ible crime of kidnpping. Of which
there have been relatively a far sma
ller number there should be legislati
on against the horrible crime of lyn
ching where there should have been
sixteen times as many of these crim