The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 09, 1934, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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bt. John A. M. L. Church.
“The Friendly Church”
22nd and Willis Ave.
Rev. L. P Bryant—Pastor.
The last Sunday was a great day
at St- John’s. The attendance to
all services were vere good- The Sun
day School started the day with a
fine crowd- Rev. Bryant preached in
the morning from Isaiah 54th chapter
and the 10th verse- He took for his
subject, "The Kindness of the Lord.”
Thoughts to be remembered: 1. Love
always kindness, therefore all should
be knd- 2- If people fail, it is be
cause they do not clean their hearts
before God, for God has mercy on
all of us- 3- We should always be
at peace with God, because if we are,
we will have peace with self and man.
and if we really knew the value of
the Church, we would treat it better
4- The earthly material will not stand
nor will all your personal friends, but
the kmdness of the Lod will
The Senior Choir gave its regular
all request prog^m at the evening
service- There was a great spiritual
blessing for those present- There
was one to renerw her covernent and
join the church
The sick of the church all are doing
fine except Brother E M- Wright
We are glad Mrs. Maude Ray and
brother are both up again- The vis
itors crds turned in were as follows,
Mr. Babe Martin of Berkeley Calif
Mr Pohn Ruby of Los Angeles—,
California, Mr Ollie Young of Mus
koge, Okla . and Mrs. Charity Bell of
Omaha. No other cards were turned
in but we are very pleased to see
other visitoring faces
You are always welcome to St
John and asked to make it your
church home while visiting the city.
Christ Temple
26th and Burdette St
O- J. Burckhardt—Pastor
J. W- Goodwin—Asst. Pastor
M rs- Edna Panky—Reporter
Sunday was a splendid day with us
at the Temple. The Sunday School
was full of interest- Elder Goodwin
the Su pteri ntendent who has been ab
sent for several Sundays was back
at his post- Elder F- H- Hunley
taught the Bible Class in the absence
of Deacon Anderson- Elder Hunley
made it intresting for the class in
bringing out essentia] points in the
At 11 a- m the pastor spoke from
the 4th chapter and the 9th verse
Among the things he emphasized the
fact that Christianity was superna
tural, and that wewho re Christians
are superhuman- He said Christian
ity was not the outgrowth of a natural
soil that made up the man or the wo
man. but that it was supernatural
and comes from the skies- But that
the natural man was made fram the
At 3 p- m- the Missionary Band over
which Sister Willie Vann is president
put over a wonderful program- Sister
Marion Butler sponsored for the pro
gram, and Sister Bertha Mallory was
Mistress of Ceremonies and performed
her duties acceptably- The visitors
taking place on the program were:
Mr- and Mrs- McGrau. Mrs- J- D.
Lewis- and also Mother Dixon was
asked by the Mistress of Ceremonies
to make a few' remarks, which she
did and the remarks wrere timely for
the ocasion- Little Donna Boy But
ler who is 3 years old sung a solo
that found a round of applause from
the people- Sister Vann the presi
dent made the closing remarks, in
which she stated that she^was truly
proud of the mefntbers of her orgam
aation. Mrs- Mary Hays also sung
us a solo, which was appreciated
At 7 p- m- the young peoples meet
ing was reorganizded and has started
out with a new' program for the
summer. Elder Hunley is the super
intendest and Deacon Stafford is the
assistant and Sister Edna Panky was
appointed teacher of the young girls
class. Adi young people who do not
attend and other young peoples meet
ing elsewhere will be made welcome
At 8 p- m- Elder Sterns brought us
a great cJosisg message on recon
struction of the present day system
of religion. He made a great closing
plea in which he pointed out the
methods of the present day church
not having the endorsement of the
Holy Ghost- Those who have heard
this master mind on that subject have
been (made to think soberly
Sunday will be the closing of our
rally. Elder Goodwin will preach at
11 a. m- Elder Hunley will have
charge of the afternoon program at
3 p. m. All are invited to be present
and worship with us upon this oc
casion. ~ ^
Metropolitan Spiritual
2410 Lake St.
Rev. R. W. Johnson—Pastor
Mrs- Georgia Peoples—Reporter
Rev. G- T- Murphy of Chcago, 111.,
is visiting us- He is conductinig a
two weeks revival for us- He is a
wonderful speaker and also a good
singer- He has had the fire burning
ever since he has been in our city,
and the whole congregation is filled
with the holy spirit- If you haven't
it when you enter the church, you
will have it when you leave
Church of the Living God,
C. W. F. F.
2316 No. 25th St
Rev. I- Graham—Acting Pastor.
Clara Graham—Reporter
Sunday school opened at 9:30 with
a large number present- The lesson
was taught from Matt 20th chapter
and the 18th to the 31st verse- The
morning service opened at 11:30
o’clock- Rev. I. Graham preached
from St Paul the 5th chapter and
the 11th verse- 'His subject was:
"We Persuade People Because We
know the Terrors of The Lord- The
Lord has blessed us in adding anoth
er sold to the church Sunday. We
wll baptise sext Sunday at 2:30 at
the Primitive Baptist Church. Rev.
Wagnor preached a wonderful sermon
Sunday at 3 o’clock- Those who did
not come out, certainly did miss
something because we had a very nice
time- We had quite a few visitors
Sunday- We are always glad to have
visitors come to our church- We are
having another sermon Sunday even
ing- at 7 o’clcok- We hope that every
one that can, come Sunday
The Freestone Primitive
Baptist Church.
Sunday school opened at 9:45 a- im.
Miss Arme Oliver as Supt and Miss
Lueries Grey as Secretary. Rev O.
W- Travis, teacher. The lesson was
very beautifully discussed. Prayer
meeting was opened by Deacon D- D.
Oliver and Brother Thomas Robert
son. Rev. Dan Thomas read for his
scripture lesson part of the 10th
chapter of St. John and the hymn
that was sung was: “Must Jesus
Bear The Cross Alone. Rev. 0- W.
Travis took as his text,, a nart of the
6th verse of the 25th chapter of
Matt: “Behold the Bridegroom Come
th. Go Ye Out to Mee Him-”
At 2 o’clock Baptisimal services
were held- At 5 o’clock the Mother’s
and Deacon’s meeting was called to
order by the pastor- The prayer
services wee conducted by the Deacon
Rev. 0- W- Travis read for the script
ure lesson a part of the 6th chapter
of Galatians. Rev- Thomas took as
his text for the evening service “Be
hold I Come Quickly, and my Re
ward is With Me-” Rev- 22 chapt
er- This was indeed a wonderful
sermon and it made our hearts glad.
One more member was added to the
church in the person of Mrs- Anna
May Speece.
Mrs- Alean Grey reported $25-00
in the last rally.
Bethel Baptist Church
29th and T Streets
Rev. F. S- Goodlet—Pastor
Mrs. J. C. Collins—Reporter
The Sunday School is steadily grow
ing errvebers and friends of the com
munity are taking a new interest in
the School work- Rev. Arthur H
Pace of Hamtromck, Mich-, was a
visitor in the School period. He gave
a brief but interesting talk
At the 11 o’clock worship hour,
Rev. Arthur Pace was introduced to
the congregation as the guest speak
er by our Acting Pastor, Rev. F- S
Goodlet. Rev Pace chose for his
topic. “The Prophetic Note of His
Closing Career." St- John 12-32.
Many high points were brought out
on the life of Christ-H is message
was one of inspiration and proground
After the morning worship a deli
cious dinner was served in the church
hall by the Progressive club
The City-Wide B. Y- p. U- met at
5:30 p. m. with president Mr- William
Cooper presiding- Mr. Roy Gordon
vie- president of Pilgrim’s B. Y- P. U
discussed the lesson in his own way
with much enthusiasm
Evening worship began at 8 o’clock.
Rev. Paco’s sermon was “The Depths
of God’s Greatness.” Pasalm 8-3-4.
The entire day was filled with joy.
Visitors and friends are welcome to 1
worship with us at the Bethel Baptist
Church■ I
Attend Some CkurcH Every Sunday
If you get any service out of this II Before you buy your household
church directory write us a line or I " H I I TD fl Q 0 C°nSU,t the Pa*6S °f the 0,"a
B h I I I I I Ball H ba Guide first. That will make vour
two, we want to serve- . UHIHUIIUU P*P*r a bigger and better paper-.
Notice—Because I have been unable to reach a few of the pastes of some chures,
I am asking that any church omitted, will please get in touch with me, or send in a
written statement, regarding your church activities, and I will gladly enter the same
in this column Any error or ommision in the present arrangement, if brought to
my attention, will be cheerfully corrected The Editor.
We live not by bread alone The soul is like unto any other part of the body. It
must be fed and where is the food? The Church is the only place. Make your
choice of the following Churches and attend some church every Sunday.
United Sabath Day Adventist. 2320
N. 28th Ave- Rev- M- M. Boodle,
Pastor. Sabath day services (Satur
day), Sabath school, 9:30 A- M- Mrs
L. Smith. Supt- Sermon. 11 KM) o’clock
Jr. and Sr. Mission meeting, 3:00 p.
m.. conducted by Mrs. A. B Wright,
and Mrs. Edith Boodks Sunday,
Sermon and Song Service, 7:30 P. M.
Senenth-Day Adventist Church. 28th
and Lake Sts. . ....
Brother George Anderson, Church
Elder, Acting Pastor.
Sun Down Vespers, Friday Evening.
Saturday Services, Sabbath-school.
9:45 A. M-, Mrs. Ethel Anderson, Su
perintendent. Sermon. 11:00 o’clock.
Missionary Volunteer Society, 4:06 P.
M. . conducted by Mrs. Anna Part
ridge- Prayer meeting. Wed. evening
8:00 P. M.
Zion, 2215 Grant St.. Rev. C. C
Harper, Pastor
Services—Sunday school. 9:30 a- m.
Mr. Harry Anderson, superintendent.
Sarmon, 11:00 a. m- and 8:00 p- m
Prayer meeting, B. Y. P. U- 6:00
p. m. Mr. Murray Landrum, Presi
Salem, 22nd and Seward. Sts-, Rev.
E. W. Anthony, Pastor.
Services—Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.
Mr. F. L. Wesley Superintendent.
Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.
B. Y. P. U. 6: p. m. W. M. Cooper
Prayer Meeting.
Mt. Moriah 24 and Ohio Sts. Rev.
F. P. Jones, Pastor
Services, Sunday school, 9:30 a- m.
M rs. A. B. Speese superintendent.
Sermon 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.
B. Y. P. U. 6:00 p. m. Mr- M- Niles,
Mission society Meeting, every 1st
and 3rd Thursday afternoon, conduct
ed by Mrs. F. P. Jones.
Paradise 23rd and Clark Sts., Rev.
| N. C. Cannon, Pastor; Rev. P. M
Harris, Assistant, Pastor,
t Services—
' Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., Mr. C.
; H. Garner, superintendent.
Sermon, 11:00 and 8:00 o’clock.
Prayer meeting wed- evening B. Y.
i P. U. 7:00 p. m. Mr. J. Henderson,
| Mission Art Club, Thursday afternoon
conducted by Mrs. A. M. Busche.
! ______
Pilgrim—1320 N. 25th St. Rev. J.
A- Dotson, Pastor.
Sunday school, 9:30 A. M.t Superin
tendent, Mr. Fred Dixon.
B Y. P. U. 6:00 p. m- Mr. J. W
Baker, President
Tuesday evening, 8:00 o’clock, Gen
eral Group Meeting.
Men’s Laymen, Mr. George Lewis,
Heart to Heart Club, Mrs. Fannie
Porter President.
Willing Workers Club, Mrs. Fannie
Porter. President
Ever Loyal Club Miss Nicholson.
Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.
Senior Red Circle, Thursday, 6:30 p.
m. Mrs. Fletcher, President.
Junior Red Circle Wed. 4:30 p. m.,!
Miss MiJdren Dotson. President.
Missionary meeting. Wed. 2:00 p. m. i
St. Benedict The Moore, 2423 Grant
St. Father J. C. Daly S. J., Pastor.
Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., Sister
Mary Daniel, Superintendent.
Low Mass, 9:00 A. M. High mass,
and Benediction. 10:15.
Altar society Tuesday afternoon, 2:00
p. m. Mrs. M. Sterling. President.
Peter Claver Guild Monday 8:00 p. i
m. Mrs. Ona Glass, President
Week Day Mass every morning, 8:30
--- J
Christ Temple—26th and Burdette
Sts. Rev. O. J. Burckhardt Pastor
Services. S. S. 9:30 a. m- Rev. J.
W. CJooden, supt
Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.
B. 1. P. U., 6:30 p. m-, conducted
by Deacon Stafford, and Elder Hunt
Mission Band Meeting, Monday even
ing, 7:30 p. m. by Mrs. Willa Vann
Bible Class and Bible Institute, Tues
day evening, 7:30 p. m. conducted by
Brother J. C. Parker, and Rev.
St. Johns, 22nd and Willis Ave. Rev.
L. P. Bryant, Pastor.
S. S. 9:00 a. m. Mr. W. E- Webb,
supt-, A. C. E. League, 6:00 p. m.
Mr. Rucker.
Sermon, 10:45 a- m. and 7:45 p. m
Class Meeting, Tuesday evening, con
ducted by the Pastor, Rev. Bryant.
Bethel A. M. E. 2430 Franklin St.
| Rev. J. W. Williams, Pastor.
1 Services—
I S. S. 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Maggie
Smith, Supt.
Sermon. 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
A. C- E- League, 6:30, Mrs. Etta
Mae Woods. President.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening,
Choir Rehersal, Thursday evening.
Clair Chapel, 22nd and Miami Sts.
Rev. Alfred Clay, Pastor.
Services. S. S- 9:30 a. m-, Mr. R. R.
Boone Superintendent.
Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m
Lucille Gray, President.
Choir Practice, Friday at 8:00 p. m.
Board Meeting, Monday 7:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
Cleaves Temple, 25 and Decatur Sts.
Rev. O. A. Calhoun, Pastor
Services, S. S. 9:45 a. m. Mr.
Charles Stallworth, Stiperntendent.
Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
by the Pastor.
Prayer Meeting, Wrednesday evening
Mission Society, Wednesday after
Forward Step Club, Tuesday evening,
by Rev. O. A. Calhoun
Stewardess Board Friday Afternoon;
Choir Rehersa, Friday evening.
Allen Chappel— 25th and R Sts
(South Omaha) Rev. W. S. Metcalf
Services. S. S. 9:36 a. m.. Mr. John
Fellows Supt.
Sermon, 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening.
7:30. ^
Metropolitan Spiritual Church, Lake
St-, near 24th. Rev. R. W. Johnson,
Services, S. S. 1:00 p. m., Mrs.
Ransome, Supt
Chur eh services, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. Sunday, Rev. Johnson.
Church Services Tuesday and Thurs
day. evening at 8M)0 o’clock. Rev.
Prayer Clubs Monday, 8:00 p. m
conducted by Mrs. Payton.
Penny Club, Wednesday 8:00 p m
by Mrs. Grffin.
Choir rehersa 1, Friday evening.
St. Phillipe Episcopal Church—21st
and Paul St. Father B. E. Holly,
Sermon and Holy Communion First
and Third Sunday at 11 a. m.
Sermon and Holy Communion second
and third Sunday at 7:30 p. m.
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Mr. Dil
lard Crawford, Supt.
Regular morning services every Sun
day at 11 a. m.
Vespers meet second Tuesday in each
month. W. M. Haynes, Senior Ward
en and B. B. Cowans, jr. warden.
Women’s Auxiliary—Mrs. John Al
bert Wiliams—President.
Mrs. J. G. Donley—Secretary.
Meets every Thursday afternoon.
Altar Guild—Mrs. Augustus Hicks
Mrs J. C. Donley—Secnefary.
Meets Every Tuesday night.
Choir Guild—Mrs. Margaret Wil
Mrs. Dalaire McCoy—Secretary.
Meets every Thursday night.
Dorcas Society—Mrs. H. Wiggins—
Mrs. J. C. Donley—Secretary.
Meets every Friday afternoon.
Pleasant Green, 22nd and Paul Sts
Rev. P J Price, Pastor
Mrs Lottie Keks, Reporter; Mrs
King, Clerk
Servces—Sunday School-0:30 a m ;
Supt Mr Vealand ..Morning Ser
vices, 11 a. m every Sunday morning
B Y P U , 6 p. m , President Mrs
Ida M McGuire.__Evening services
every Sunday night
Weekly Meetings
Mission, Thursday night._Prayer
meeting. Wednesday night, led by one
of the Deacons ..Aulun Cub, Monday
night .President Mrs. Estelle Waters
Pick Club, Tuesday night, President
Mrs. Turner. Choir reTearsals,
Friday night, President, Mr. S- Me
Salem Baptist Church
22nd and Seward Sts
Rev. Fort—Acting Pastor.
Minnis Harris—Reporter
Salem Baptist Sunday Cchool was
opened at 9:30 a- m- with Supt- Wesley
presiding- Rev. D. Nicholson, former
Superintendent previewed the lesson
for us- We are always glad to listen
to a preview coming from our former
At 11 a- m. Rev E- H- Hilson
brought to us an inspiring message
His text was found in the 27th chapter
of Mathews and it read as follows:
"What shall we then do with Jesus
After the sermon baptismal service
was held- Sx were baptised
There was no B- Y. P- U- at Salem
All of them met at Bethel Baptist
Church in South Omaha
At 8:15 p- m- Rev Hilson a*ve »
special address to the professional
and business men- He used as a sub
ject, “Fault in the Unfortunate-” He
said many helpful things for the up
lifting of the Negro race- He stated
thhat it was the Negro’s fault, if he
and stop critizing them- He also ex
increase their trade- He urged the
Negroes to patronize thi own people
plained the conditions in some of the
couthern states- Sunday was the
hasn’t anything for himself. He ex
plained to the business men how to
last day of our rewal meeting. Rev
Hilson made his departure Tuesday
morning. We are sorry to see him
go. He put many of us to thinking
in hhis pactical sermons
The businessmen that were present
were: Mr- Adams- Mr- J. C Hall, Dr
Dr- and Mrs- W- Jons, Mr- Kerns, j
retary of the Omaha Urban League,
and Lawyer Bryant- Each of them
gave some encouraging remarks- Sa
lem will start back in her regular
routine of service- Mr. Galloway, of
the Omaha Guide was also present
Mr- Lewie, the undertaker, sent in a
donation of $1-00
Quotations From
Negro Authors.
“An angel, robed in spotless white,
Bent down and kissed the sleeping
Night woke to blush; the sprite was
Men saw the blush and called it
Paul Laura nee Dunbar
The Crusaders met at the home of
Mrs- M- A- Sterling, 2216 North 25th
layed- However through the assist
ance of Miss Fannie Lou Levison,
Miss Laura Love, Norman Love and
Robert Williams, the play is being
resumed, with the date, Thursday,
May 17th, being set as the day for
its presents ton
Street, Sunday, April 29th- A de
lightful repast was served by the host
ess, Mrs- Sterling
Through certain difficulties the
play, “Go Slow Mary,’ in three acts,
which the club is presenting, was de
The cast of the play is as follows:
Billy Abby, a young husband, Alvin
Goodwin; Mary Abby, his wife. Miss
Minnie Preyor; Mrs- Berdon, Mary’s
mother, Mrs- A- Sessions; Sally Carter
Mary's best friend, Miss Fannie Lou
Levison; Harry Stephens, Sally’s
sweetheart, Norman Love; Burt Childs
Billy’s friend, James Baker; Bobby
Berdon, a nephew and holy terror.
Robert Williams; Dolly Berdon, an
other holy terror, Bernice Saunders;
Katie, the Abby’s maid, Miss Laura
Love; Danny Grubb, the ice man,
George Barton; and Murphy, the pol
iceman, Sam Barton.
Madoline E. Sterling.
Carefully searching the events of history from the
beginning of civilization up to the present time, we find
that man has always recognized the existence of a superi
or being or a God who represents the beginning and end of
all things.
To us, who enjoy the blessings of education and in
telligence, this is God, in the three blessed persons of the
Holy Trinity, God, the father, God the Son and God the
Ho$y Ghost. To the heathen, or those living in gross ignor
ance of God’s revelation to man, God is replaced by the
Sun the Moon, a Volcano, qrputing smoke and lava, or
again it may be some image of wood, stone or precious
This inborn recognition of a creator and superior be
ing has been the cause of man’s unconscious love and fear
of God from the beginning, and it has been the cause of the
questions that have been in his mind as far back as history
dates. “WHP am I here?” “Who made this world in which
I live?” “Who, or what is responsible for the constant ro
tation for seasons, ,and the continual mystery of life and
death, that comes on from day to day?” “How long shall
I live, ;ind what becomes of me, or whejre shall I go when
I die?”
These are some of the principal questions that
have burned, like a glowing fire in the hearts of all genera
tions, and what is the answer? God! ! ! God, in all his
power, wisdom and divinity, answers every question that
we may ask. It is God’s own purpose that we are here, it
is God whom we recognize as creator and perpetuator of
all things and at his will we are taken from this life on
earth, to life everlasting. In auswering the last question
God has given us the opportunity to exercise the ability
of our own will and reason. What becomes of us after
dleath is a matter for us to decide here, and now, by the
use of our Christian privilages. I sometimes think that if
Christianity could be purchased at a price, ranging in
scale with our possession of worldly goods it would be far
more popular. Humanity, as a whole, seem strangely in
different to the things that are so abundantly free and true
appreciation is never felt until the abundance is lost for
ever. Did you ever hear the old adage, that, “You never
miss the water ’till the well goes dry?” So that saying
may be applied to Christianity and the blessing of God.
We shall never realize) how negligent, how slothful, or
how unworthy of the graces of God we have been, until
death summons us and we stand, face to face with our
Creator and hear the words that will pronounce our
doom. And what are those words?—“Depart from me, I
know ye not?” and “Enter into the kingdom, that has
been prepared for you.” In your case and in My case,
which shall it be that we will hear? that depends upon
how Christians faith has been exercised in this world.
We have had “Clean-up” week in our city streets,
alleys and vacant placets, now suppose we have a “clean
up” of our hearts. Uproot the weeds of sloth, jealously
and deceit, do away with the rubbish of hatred, malice
and revenge and shoved out the ashes of sm and
living. Let in the sun light of God’s grace, and allow the
flowers of purity of heart, love of your neighbor, and the
worship of God to grow abundantly in the garden of your
Words Are Not Deeds.
By. R. A- Adams
(For The Literary Service Bureau.)
| True, words are pleasant things.
And often, speaking brings
A measure of content,
When saying is well meant;
Vet, helping human needs,
Words are just words—not deeds
Helpfur are words well said,
When sorrow bows the head,
To comfort and to bless,
In times of deep distress.
When sorrow in sorrow bleeds,
And yet, words are not deeds
Kind words can help and cheer,
Can staunch the falling tear,
Heal up the broken heart.
When pierced by cruel dart.
And copiously it bleeds;
And yet, words are not deeds
So, well to recognize
This truth, and realize
It is our duty true,
Not just to say, but DO;
For, e’en holiest creeds,
Words are far less than deeds
“Social Aspects of Christianity.”
“The Social Gospel.” and “Social
Christianity,” are familiar terms. In
regard to and in the discussion of
Christianity, this “social phase” is
receiving more attention than ever.
Perhaps there are being published
more books and more articles on this
subject than ever before- All this
connotes that men are begining to
see, aad to understand that while
Christianity is Divine in its origin
and its principles, it is a thing of
human touch, and for human practice
rather than something as the state
ment of divers “thumb-woron creeds-”
All of this is what Jesus taught
both by percept and example- His
parable of “The Good Samaritan,”
taught neighborly interest, opportuni
ty and responsibility. ‘The friend
at midnight” was intended to show
one's duty to a friend in emergen
By contrast, the story of the “rich
man and Lazarus” exposed the at
titude of the heartless rich toward the
poor, the needy, the unfortunate, and
emphasized the unsubstantial value
of things material
In His life, touch with men, His
contacts with the poorest classes,
Jesus clearly exemplified all that He
taught of brotherhood and of com
munal interests- And in these He
gave to His disciples the key to so
cial duties, social responsibilities and
general ehtics- In all He presented
an elaboration of “The Golden Rule,”
His formula for social righteousness.
And it is well that the world and
especially the Christian Church are
beginning to see the scope and the
tremendous importance of the work
of the church in meeting and reliev
ing human needs. u '
By Dr- A- G- Bearer.
(For The Literary Service Bureau.)
Text: Thy money perish with thee
Acts 8:20
Any form of dishonesty is wrong,
but perhaps in the whole superstruct
ure of it nc form is more reprehen
sible than what has been called
“simony.” It is so called from
Simon Magus, the sorcerer who
sought to purchase power to confer
the Holy Ghost- He meant to buy
the power and sell it- But Peter
pronounced a curse on hm for such
Today, “simony, takes many forms
Some of them are, embezzlement of
funds contributed for religious use;
graft and bribery in assignment of
ministers, using .the church and be
nevolent causes to secure money for
personal use; capitalizing and com
mercializing the weakness of gulli
able, ignorant, religious fanatics; and
there are many other grievous forms
of this terrible sin
Smony is a sin—a gross and an in
excusable sin- It is at once a sin
against the cause which it exploits,
against those whose confidence is
abused, and against the souls of
those who practice it- Simon was
punished. Simon’s name will ever be
a synonym of corruption and infamy;
and all such will be punished.
Palpable has been the practice of
simony in Negro churches; and ter
rible will be the punishment of the
Read The