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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1934)
Christ Tempie 26th and Burdette Sts O- J- Burckhardt—Past or - J- W- (roodwin—Asst Enna Pankey—Reporter Sunday we had a fine time at Chrtst Temple at 11 a m- The pastor brought us a worthwhile frnessage from Gal- 2:20, Subject, The lndwel-' ling Presence of the Risen Christ- At 8 p m- Elder Stearns brought us a great message on the subject of con structive Christianity This was a mes sage worthwhile to a well filled house, whom seemed pleased with the thoughts given out by the speaker, who will attempt to finish his mes sage Sunday set 8 p- m- You should hear him- He is worth your hear ing- Sunday afternoon The Mission ary band will give a probram at 3 p. m- You are cordially invited to •oroe and worship with them We have a great Bible Class on Tuesday evenings taught by Brother John C- Parker and a Bible Institute on Thursday evenings taught by Eld er Samuel Tanzemore- You will really be benefited by attending these meet ings- Our Friday night prayer meetings are real spiritual showers If you know anything about the Holy Ghost at all you will discover that He is in attendance at these prayer meetings. The public is welcome to all our services- We are glad to nave you St. John A. M. E. Church •'ihe Friendly Church” 22nd and Willis Ave Rev. L- P. Bryant—Pastor The services at St- John last Sunday were very good The Sunday school started the day with a bang Rev Bryant preached a very im- ; pressive sermon in the morning- in whieh was great spiritual food for thought The guest soloist was Mrs- Earl Wheeler. - We were pleased to have Rev. Reed ef the Illinois conference present Rev' Reed was at one time a mem ber of St- John’s church and for a long time private secretary to the j iate Bishop Corly of Chicago Since Rev- Reed last his eyesight he has been singing and playing, try ing to do his part for Christ The members and friends of St John gave him a very good free will offering in an after collection- The: ministers present were Rev. Cole of Nebraska City, Rev- E- Z- McDonald. Thomas Rucker and Oliver Butier, a of Omaha i J The sick of the church, we are s— to know Mrs- Ray s at home again after an operation and doing fine Brothers J- C- Glover, E- M Wright and Mrs- G- Selectman are all doing better- Let us wiish for them with a speedy recovery. At the evening service we were fortunate enough to have some very distinguished visitors present in the person of Mr- Max Yergan, who has spent several years in Africa doing Y M €• A- work- Mr- Max Well of the city Y. M. C. A. Mrs. Sahlen. boys’ secretary of the boy’s depart ment and Mrs- J - Harvey Kerns, ex secretary of the Urban League- Mr Yergan gave an interesting talk on conditions in Africa and declared that (the race question was more com plex there than anywhere else- This sincerity was unquestioned and his address was well taken by an appre ciated audience made up of people from the various churches of Omaha The all request program by the choir will be next Sunday April 29th Come and get a great spiritual bles sing through song The day of union prayer at St John’s ast Friday was very impres sive- Let us hope that the maany good things that were said will have great results in the future and the spirit of prayer will always be pres ent q. You are always welcome to St John’s and invited to make it youi church home while in the city Look for your church and social news in The Omaha Guidt The Cleave Temple 25th and Decatur St Rev. O- A- Calhoun—Pastor Charles Stallworth—Reporter Sunday school opened at 9:30 a- m with a large number present. The Suday services were opened and con ducted by the Rev’. R- W- Wells, pre sdng elder of Idabell. 0kl* Wells is an enthusiastic, intellectual and inspiring expander of the Gospel Both day and night services were well attended- Dr- Wells » conduci ng the revival for the week- To miss hearing him will mean that you have denied yourself of one of th rare race treats of life Mrs- Lillian Bryant returned to her home in Schuyler Tuesday after snendtng tv*> weeks visiting her daughter, Louise Bryant, and her sister. Mrs John Allen Bethel Baptist Church 29th and T Streets Ftev- F- S- Goodlet—Pastor Mrs. J- C* Collins!—Reporter St John A. M. E. Church. ‘The Friendly Church” 22nd and Willis Ave. 1 ftev. L- P. Bryant—Pastor Sunday school was of much in- j merest to both students and teachers rhe lesson was discussed thoroughly. A.fter the general tudy of the lesson yy the classes, a review and other topics were discussed by the state president, Mr H- L- Anderson, of Zion Baptist church Morning worship began at 11 j o'clock- A very fine sermon was profoundly discussed to us by our pastor in charge. Rev. Goodlett ‘A Short Bed and Narrow Covering ” Isaiah 20:20 A 3 o’clock sevice was held under the auspices of Mrs- Clarence Brax- j ton’s group- Rev- W- S- Metcalfe of Allan Chapel Church was the guest speaker- His topic for discussion was “Almost Persuaded” Acts 26:28 A most enjoyable evening period was spent as a very commendable program was given by Miss Addie Foxall- Some of the many interest- j ing numbers appearing on the pro gram were: an oration: “The value of Nego History to Negro Youth— M- Oscar Washington A_a oration— Is There Any Great ness in the Negro Race-”—Mr- J- C Harris Instrumental Solo—Miss Catherine Williams 'iwo selections by the Clover Leaf Quartetbe A Solo—“Water Boy”—Mr- Charles Alston. There were other numbers of j great nterest- Visitos and friends are always welcome to worship us at the Bethel Baptist church Salem Baptist Church 22nd and Seward Sts Rev- Fort—Acting Pastor. Minnie Harris—Reporter The Salem Baptist Sunday school opened at 9:30 o’clock a- m- with su- j perintednent Regeans presiding- The classes enjoyed thirty minutes of class study of the wonderful lesson topic- The church wa made to re joice Sunday morning over the con- | verson of two young men, Mr- Lorenoe Ettington and Perry Roach At 11 a- m- Rev. E- H- Hilson brought to us a soul stirring mes sage, subject: “Save from Fire” text Jude 23: Chapter Read Thus Putting Them Out of The Fire- He preached from his soul- Our hearts were made to rejoice as he spoke to us The B Y- P- U- opened at 5:3- p m- with President Cooper presiding Group No- 5 of the Intermediate department gave a wonderful pro gram- Mr- Saul Porte is the group captain- You miss a treat when you fail to visit our B- Y- P- U At 8- p- m- Rev- E- Hilson brought splendid gospel (message- His sub ject was “Serving God With What We Have-” Text Exodus 4th chapter and the second verse reads thus: “What is that in your Hand Mos„es-” Rev- Hilson is indeed a gospel preach er- He makes the message so very plain that even a child could under stand- His illustrations and com parisions are wonderful. He stated in his sermon, the trouble with so many of us is that we look in some one else’s hand, instead of using that in our hand Next Sunday night he will preach to the business and professional men, a special sermon- The good quality about Rev. Hilson is that he is a race man- He is rapped up in the ad vancement of his people. Baptising will be Sunday morning Don’t fail to come — Chureh of God 2025 North 24th Street M. E. Ashley—Pastor E. V. Dixon—Assistant Pastor Mrs- B- M. Welch—Reporter Sunday morning our sermon was delivered by our pastor. Mrs. M. E. Ashley, text. “Stand fast and there fore in the liberty where with Christ has made you free and be not entan gled again with the yolk of bondage.” Gal. 5:lrSub. Stand fast and Unmonre able. Cor. 11:23-28. It was very incourgaging and a real soul stirring message from heaven filled with hope for every child of God. The Church was uplifted with such an electrified sermon. Mrs. Pennrell. teacher of the young people's meeting made arrange ments for the Mother’s Day program. She will be assisted by Mrs. Noami Johnson. The public is invited to at tend also te take part. Sunday nights message xwas de livered by Elder Ashley, his subject was “Who shall dwell in Thy Holy Hill” Psalm 15:1. It was a conven ! sive sermon that went to the heart • Attend Some Ckurch Every Sunday If you pet aay service oot of this church directory write us a line or two we waut to serve-..... * Churches - -Before you buy your household needs^ consult the pages of the Oma ha Guide first—That will make your paper a bigger and better paper*. Notice—Because I have been unable to reach a few of the pasters of some chures, I am asking that any church omitted, will please get in touch with me, or send in a written statement, regarding your church activities. And I will gladly enter the same in this column Any error or omi-nision in the present arrangement^ if brought to my attention, will be cheerfully corrected The Editor. We live not by bread alone The soul is like unto any other part of the body. It must be fed and where is the food? The Churcli is the only place. Make your choice of the following Churches and attend some church every Sunday. - ■1 - ---— -- --- --- ■ - •- - . ADVENTIST. United Sabath Day Adventist. 2320 N. 28th Ave- Rev. M M. Boodle, Pastor. Sabath day services (Satur day). Sabath school. 9:30 A- M- Mrs. L. Smith. Sdipt- Sermon, 11:00 o’clock Jr. and Sr. Mission meeting. 3:00 p. m-, conducted by Mrs. A.’ B Wright, and Mrs. Edith Boodle. Sunday, Sermon and Song Service. 7:30 P. M I --—- ■ -- ---- ■ , Senenth-Day Adventist Church. 28th and Lake Sts. . . ... 1 Brother George Anderson, Church Elder. Acting Pastor. Sun Down Vespers. Friday Evening Saturday Services. Sabbath-school. 9:45 A- M-. Mrs. Ethel Anderson. Su perintendent- Sermon, 11:00 o’clock. Missionary Volunteer Society. 4:00 P. M-. conducted by Mrs. Anna Part ridge- Prayer meeting. Wed. evening 8:00 P. M. Zion, 2215 Grant St-. Rev. C. C Harper. Pastor Services—Sunday school. 9:30 a- m Mr. Harry Anderson, superintendent. Sermon, 11:00 a m- and 8:00 p- m-! Prayer meeting. B. Y. P- U- 6:00 p. m. Mr. Murray Landrum, Presi dent. Salem, 22nd and Seward. Sts-, Rev. E. W. Anthony, Pastor. Services—Sunday school. 9:30 a.m.j Mr. F- L- Wesley Superintendent Sermon. 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. [ B. Y. P. U. 6: p. m. W. M- Cooper President. Prayer Meeting. j " Mt. Moriah 24 and Ohio Sts. Rev : F. P. Jones. Pastor Services. Sunday school. 9:30 a- m. ; M rs. A. B. Speese superintendent Sermon 11:00 a. m and 8:00 p. m. j B. Y. P. U. 6:00 p. m. Mr- M- Niles. President. Mission society Meeting, every 1st and 3rd Thursday afternoon, conduct ed by Mrs. F. P. Jones. Paradise 23rd and Clark Sts., Rev. N. C. Cannon. Pastor; Rev. P. M Harris. Assistant. Pastor. Services— Sunday school. 9:30 a. m., Mr. C. H. Garner, superintendent. Sermon, 11:00 and 8:00 o'clock Prayer meeting wed. evening B. 1 . P. U. 7:00 p- m- Mr. J. Henderson. President. Mission Art Club. Thursday afternoon conducted by Mrs. A. M. Busche. Pilgrim—1320 N. 25th St. Rev. J. A. Dotson, Pastor. Services— Sunday school, 9:30 A. M., Superin tendent. Mr. Fred Dixon. B Y. P. U. 6:00 p. m- Mr. J. W Baker. President Tuesday evening. 8:00 o’clock. Gen eral Group Meeting. Men’s Laymen. Mr. George Lewis, President. Heart to Heart Club, Mrs. Fannie Porter President Willing Workers Club, Mrs. Fannie Porter. President Ever Loyal Club Miss Nicholson. President Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7;30 p. m. Senior Red Circle. Thursday. 6:30 p. m. .Mrs. Fletcher. President. Junior Red Circle Wed. 4:30 p. m., Miss Mi Wren Dotson. President. Missionary meeting. Wed. 2:00 p. m. CATHOLIC. St. Benedict The Moore. 2423 Grant St. Father J. C. Daly S. J., Pastor. Sunday school. 9:30 a. m., Sister i Mary Daniel, Superintendent. Lon Mass. 9:00 A. M. High mass, and Benediction. 10:15. Altar society Tuesday afternoon, 2:00 p. m . Mrs. M . Sterling, President. Peter Claver Guild Monday 8:00 p. n». Mrs. Ona Glass. President. Week Day Mass every morning. 8:30 Christ Temple—26th and Burdette Sts. Rev. O. J. Burckhardt. Pastor Services. S. S. 9:36 a- m- Rev. J. W. (Jooden. supt Sermon. 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. B. Y. P. U., 6:30 p. m-, conducted by Deacon Stafford, and Elder Hunt ley Mission Band Meeting, Monday even-; ing, 7:30 p. m. by Mrs. Willa Vann Bible Class and Bible Institute. Tues day evening. 7:30 p. m. conducted by Brother J. C. Parker, and Rev. j Tanzimore. * METHODIST St- Johns. 22nd and Willis Ave. Rev. L. P. Bryant, Pastor. Services— S. S. 9:00 a m. Mr. W. E- Webb, supt-, A. C. E. League, 6:00 p. m. Mr. Rucker. Sermon. 10:45 a. m- and 7:45 p. m Class Meeting, Tuesday evening, con ducted by the Pastor. Rev. Bryant. Bethel A. M. E. 2430 Franklin St. Rev. J . W. Williams, Pastor. Services— S. S. 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Maggie Smith. Supt Sermon. 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. A. C- E. League. 6:30, Mrs- Etta Mae Woods, President. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Choir Rehersal, Thursday evening. 7:30. Clair Chapel, 22nd and Miami Sts. Rev. Alfred Clay, Pastor. Services. S. S. 9:30 a- m-, Mr. R. R Boone Superintendent. Sermon. 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m Lucille Gray, President Choir Practice. Friday at 8:00 p. m. Board Meeting, Monday 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8:00. Cleaves Temple, 25 and Decatur Sts. ' Rev. O. A- Calhoun, Pastor ! Services. S. S. 9:45 a. m. Mr. Charles Stallworth. Stipemtendent. Sermon. 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. by the Pastor. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday evening Mission Society, Wednesday after noon. Forward Step Clnb, Tuesday evening, by Rev. O. A. Calhoun. Stewardess Board Friday Afternoon; Choir Rehersa, Friday evening Allen Chappel— 25th and R Sts (South Omaha) Rev. W. S. Metcalf, Pastor. Services, S. S. 9:30 a. m., Mr. John Fellows Supt Sermon. 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. 7:30. Metropolitan Spiritual Church, Lake St-, near 24th. Rev. R. W. Johnson. Pastor. Services. S. S. 1 H>0 p. m ., Mrs. Ransome, Supt Chureh services, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday, Rev. Johnson. Church Services Tuesday and Thurs day, evening at 8:00 o'clock. Rev. Johnson. Prayer Clubs Monday, 8:00 p. m. conducted by Mrs. Payton. Penny Club. Wednesday 8:00 p. m by Mrs. Grffin. Choir rehersal, Friday evening. St. Phillipe Episcopal Church—21st and Paul St. Father B. E. Holly. Priest Sermon and Holy Communion First and Third Sunday at 11 a. m. Sermon and Holy Communion second and third Sunday at 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Mr. Dil lard Crawford- Supt Regular morning services every Sun day at 11 a. m. Auxiliaries— Vespers meet second Tuesday in each month. W. M. Haynes, Senior Ward en and B. B. Cowans, jr. warden. Women’s Auxilliary—Mrs. John Al-. bert Williams—President. M rs. J. C. Donley—Secretary. Meets every Thursday afternoon. Altar Guild—Mrs. Augustus Hicks —President. Mrs J. C. Donley—Secretary . Meets Every Tuesday night. | Choir Guild—Mrs. Margaret Wil i liams—President. ! Mrs. Dalaire McCoy—Secretary. | Meets every Thursday night. Dorcas Society—Mrs. H. Wiggins— President Mrs. J. C- Donley—Secretary. Meets every Friday afternoon. Pleasant Green. 22nd and Paul Sts Rev. P J Price, Pastor Mrs Lottie Keks, Reporter: Mrs King, Clerk Servces—Sunday School-9:30 a m ; Supt Mr Yealand_Morning Ser vices, 11 a- m every Sunday morning B Y P U , 6 p- m , President Mrs Ida M McGuire---Evening services every Sunday night Weekly Meetings Mission, Thursday night-_Prayer meeting. Wednesday night, led by one of the Deacons-._Aulun Cub, Monday night .President Mrs. Estelle Waters Pick Club, Tuesday night, President Mrs- Turner. Choir rerearsals, Friday night, President, Mr- S- Mc Guire. of sinners and backsliders. We thank the public for their attendance Pleasant Green Baptist Church. 22nd and Paul St. Rev. P. J. Price—Pastor. Bessie King—Church Cleark. Sunday School opened at 9:30 a.m. with Supt. Vealand presiding. The school was very well attended. At 11 o’clock services, Rev. P. J. Price spoke from the 3rd chapter of St. John’s and the 16th verse. It was a very inspiring sermon. One ad dition was added to the church in the person of Mrs. Pearl Welch. At 8 p. m. the church went over to Salem Baptist, Rev. Price, our pastor preaching the sermon. The choir sang. The B. Y. P. U. under the leadership of Mr. Collier is doing very nieely. Visitors are always wel come to any of our metings. Clair Chapel. 22nd and Miami St. Rev. Alfred Clay—Pastor. H- W. Smith—Reporter. Sunday School and all of the ser vices were well attended. Rev. Dot son preached at 3 p. m. At the even-j mg services Rev.Clay’s sermon was j “The Last Round-Up.” The con-; ference were raised and the mefnber ship of the church as well as the friends wished Rev. Clay success and for his quick return. The church was crowded. Visitors are always welcome St Benedict’s Church Father J. C- Daly S- J— Pastor Madoline £• Sterling—Reporter The two one-act plays given by the “Y” players, last Tuesday evening, at St. Benedict’s Church, was a tre mendous success. A large crowd was in attendence and sincerely appreciated the work of the casts, and the director, Mr. Forsythe. Mr. Eugene Murry play the principle role in “No Account Boy” and Madeline Sterling was “Grannie Naumie” in the play ef that name, both were rated high for their ability in handling the difficult parts. The Sacrament of Confirmation was administered to about 80 members of St. Benedict’s Church an last Sunday afternoon, at 2:30. This beautiful and impressive cere mony Y*as conducted by the Most Rev erend Bishop Joseph F. Rummel and he was assisted by four priests and four alter boys. The long and beeu ttful procession met the Bishop in the school buiilding and welcomed him to our parish; it then proceeded to the Church, where the children were care fully catechized by the Bishop, in which test they showed their excel led tVaiwng-? tyy the SiSters and pleased the Bishop very much. This was an event long to be re membered by the large crowd that was there and will be indelably grav en on our hearts ofo the many child ren who were so fortunate as to re ceive this blessing. The children were beautifully dressed for the oc assion all girls wearing pretty white dresses, and attractive vales; while the boys were in neat trousers and whte blouses, wth a brght carnation and green foliage on their leftehould er. Mrs. Ora Glass, with the assist ance of the ladies of the Alter Socie ty, prepared the chldrens, clothing, and assisted Sister Mary Daniels, Sii art Mary Christella, and Miss Kirk patrie, in dressing the little folks for the ocasion. The beautiful cut flowers for the Alter were furnished by the Edders Floral Co., the music was furnished by the Crusaders Choir. Don’t forget the rummage sale, and the Bake sale to be sponsored by the Altar Society, early next month BIG REVIVAL NOW ON Bevival at the Omaha All Nation’s Pentecostal Church, 23rd and Grace St, conducted by Rev. F- A- Waites of | CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their many acts of kindness shown us during our recent loss "of husand and father, especially S:. Benedicts. Altar Society, St. Peter's Cleaves, Mrs. Sterling, Father Dailey and St. Benedicts Church. Mrs. Alma Sessions—Widow Mary Sessions—Daughter. Clifford Sessions, Jr.—Son. I j Phildeiphia. who is preaching soul stirring sermons in a mighty way and many sick are being prayed for and greatly benefitted and healed through | the laving on hands of this woman of God through the power of the Lord Everyone invited to attend these meet ings, you will be wonderfully uplifted when you hear Rev Elizabeth Fox- i also of Phildeiphia who is a sweet spiritual gospel singer and plays the piano The meetings wHl continue nightly except Saturday nights- Sunday ser-' vices all day 11 a- m-, S p- m- and 8 p m- Special healing services for all manner of diseases every Wednesday night • The Lord is blessing the meetigs- One white brother was' sanctified at the altar Sunday morn ing. The Pastor EldeT J. E- Green field is attending every service and regaining health, regaining health rapidly through the prayer of Rev- Waites A Big Popularity Contest The church schools throughout the city are sponsoring a big popularity contest and May festival- Nothing like before! This contest starting' Sunday between the Sunday schools of the Alliance. The. aim of this con test is to create a Sunday school spirit in each school and a broad or friendly spirit in each school. The purpose is to better equipp our Sun day schools in general. Those whom I have at present that are in this city wide contest are: Miss Asaillee Dotson of Zion Baptist church. Miss ! Efma Wesley of Salem. Mass Alice Mae Gamer of Bethel church. Miss Lillie Morgan of Pilgrim Baptist church. Mjss Amette Capleton of Cleaves Temple C- M- E. church These young ladies and then sponsors will be around with their votes. You can help them much by buying a vote. The girl that raises ;the most money will be crowned queen of the festival and be called | tile most Popular girl in the city. You who do not see your Sunday : '<ichooi ^Presented, find out the rea son why, from your superintendent and get your conteseant in as quick possible- The Sunday school i f*1 raiSed the most money in this i drive, the superintendent of that school will be called the most popular superintendent in the Sunday School I Alliance Watch out folks! Cleaves Temple ! says she must win this contest- Zion says that she is that ship that has seen many go down in defeat while she landed safe with victory. Such Sunday school in the hrdtatdtadluu echoes are coming up from each Sunday School in the Alliance. As I go to press, I receiving I different churches name ng their contestants. Miss Etta Be-h , t!" from \ “ E ChurCl' The™ others who will appear i„ ^ issue of The Guide. The Alliance. ^nt^rson Resident of - Seeing White (Concluded.) By A. B. Mann. (For the Literary Service Bureau) Corally (Concluded.) 4—Brutalizing Effect- Raping j C°l0red WOmen' ebbing colored peo Pie. abusing helpless black people lynching Negroes, will so harden Ld brutalize the perpetrators of these wicked deeds that they will commit them against white people also In this the nation has reaped a terrifcle ^ 10 8ay’ jt WiM not profited by its lamentable experienc 68 ^-Provolang Criticism and Ridi cul^-lt should not be considered strange that people of other coun-i ies and of other nations should th!T f QS and mOCk “ ThtV ^ink that if we would “make the world: for democracy.” we should also • make our own country safe for all' within its borders. They speak de risively of our effort to save the heathen while we murder, ruthlessly, our down c.tizens, They laugh at our altruism when we to so large an ex tent think in terms of hatred! The greatest service the leaders of the white people of America can do is to help them to see their duty, overcome their prejudices, change their attitude, to open their eyes and se duty, justice, equity, philanthropy, brotherhood, in the light of truth and as they rightly concern all mankind, rather than as they concern those who, at this period are dominating the world, and why by prejudice are endangering the happiness and the very destiny of the world! ftJUII111 ^R0V£D -« mmtm UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY I chool Lesson (k If. r ». riTZWiUI, D D, lUakW at Pneolty, Mm4| Mk IMttlti »f Chlaa**.) S 1N4 Waatara Hwwwlai. Lesson for April 29 CHRIST'S STANDARD OF QRKAT NESS T —ON TEXT—Matthaw W IT-11 •OLDEN TEXT—Eran aa tfca Baa ut ■M aut nat ta ha minlatarad ula bat ta mlnlatar, and to ftra hta Itfa - x raaaam tor many.—Matt. MUM ART TOPIC—How to Booomo Oraat. JUNIOR TOPIC—How ta Bac*ma i Oraat. j INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP 1IC—Who Ara Truly Groat"? TOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT WF IC—Craatnasa Through Salf-Danyta* Barrie*. I. The King Foretell* HI* Death and Resurrection (tv. 17-18). 1. On the way to Jerusalem (▼. 17). This was his last Journey to the be loved city. He took tho twelve dis ciples aside from the traveling pilgrims to make knows tmto them what was before them. 2. The betrayal and death foretold (vv. 18. 19). He thus went forward fully conscious of the awful tragedy of the cross. This is the third time since the transfiguration that he told 'he disciples of his suffering and death, hut they were so filled with their am-’’ hitlous schemes that they did not un derstand him. The treachery of Jd ■las, the fierce persecutions of the chtei priests and scribes, the unjust Judd lent, the delivery to Pilate, the mock ■ry, the scourging, the crown a horns, the cross, the hanging betwee* wo malefactors, the nails, the spear-* .11 were spread before his mind Ilk* a picture. Though he knew all thU e pressed on, not of necessity bu* Vliberately. The Joyous outlook a - he victory which would be accom (dished by the shedding of his blooi led him forward. 3. The resurrection foretold (S 19). The revelation of the cross would have been a dark picture ha*) not the resurrection been made knowa The resurrection life is always seer ns tlie Issue of the cross. The blessed ness of the life beyond this “vale ol tears” should Induce us lo press on • Christ is the grand example (Heb 1222). il. The Ambitious Request of Jam** and John (vv. 20-23). 1. The request (vv. 20, 21). This reqjiegt was made by their mother. Ik was for a place of prom urn.■** ... u. kingdom. This is not the *»-i i. 'ter whom children have used to r:i r< ■ •» that which tiiey are a«lmmef to •!*> themselves. It is not wrong foi uoiu Srs to be ambitious for their in.v■ they should know that life's pinnacles tre exceedingly dangerous. Ir I- rr •*' desirous that parents slmiild - fdaces for their cliildren near to .i mt the vain ambition of Use v. .... should not occupy their munis. 2. Jesus’ answer (vv. 22, 221 11, spoke directly to the men. not to Umfr mother, declaring that they kn iv n »: what they were asking. Mr sli *hem that the way to tills position o jlory was through suffering. The «-irj: which they were to drink was ot gmr pain and agony. The way to r places of glory In the ki:gu<.. Christ is through tiie i>ath of town and self-forgetful service and . i great suffering. i III. How to Be Truly Exalted fvv 24-2S). 1. The angry disciples (v. 21). fc’hen the ten heard of the repu.-si ..r James and John they were filled wilt indignation against them. Their dis i pleasure did not arise from the fact that they were free from the same selfish spirit, but that these two hat! crowded to the front 2. Greatness among the heathen (v. 25). The rule of the world has llways been by the strong hand. Tbt standard has not been moral excel ■ence but position and power. Even foday the reason one natioD rules an other Is that the one possesses sharjmr rwords and heavier artillery than thi ither. 3. Greatness among Christ's dis ciples (vv. 26, 27). The standard here Is a sharp contrast- The way to the place of prominence In Christ’s king Com is the way of self-abasement. To | give Is greater than to receive. The fray up Is down. To be serving some »ne Is much better than Being served. It la not wrong to be ambitious to be great but the basis of true greatness la that which human selfishness seeks to avoid. There will he degrees of rank In Christ’s kingdom, but this rank will be character, not position or au thority. The spirit of Christ substi tutes the “greatness of love for thy lave ef greatness." 4. Christ la the supreme example of greatness (v. 28). All who will be great ahould study and imitate Christ. aa bear In mind that true great «eaa expresses itself in service to otk has. even to the giving of eur lives. This will eliminate ail our scrambling tar place and power. The one grand )aat by which to know whether Christ's spirit cemtxels one la whether M to aarrtag others or seeking to be ReadiTThe Guide