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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1934)
Legal _ Atlorney Ray L- Williams Number 200 Tuckman Building 24th and Lake Streets. PROBATE NOTICE o _____ In the matter of the estate of Wil liam H. Mortimer, deceased notice is hereby given that the creitors of said will meet the executor of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas county, Nebraska at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 4th day of June 1934 and on the 4 day of August 1934, at 9 o’clock a m- each day, for the purpose of pre sentng their claims for examination, adjustments and allowance- Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 4th day of May 1934 Bryce Crawford, County Judges Sealed bids will be received at vie officeoffioe of the Department of Roads and Irrigation in the State House at Lincoln, Nebraska, on April 17 193* until 11:00 o'clock A. M., and at that time publicly opened and read for CONCRETE PAVEMENT, STREET LIGHTING, and incidental work on DODGE STREET in Omaha on U. S. PUBLIC WORKS PRO JECT NO. NRM-20-D-DIVISIONS I AND 11. FEDERAL AID ROAD. The approximiate quantities are: 6,000 cu Yds. Excavation 3,425 Sq. Yds- Concrete Pave ment 60 Lin- Ft. 12" Sewer Pipe 8,500 Sq. Yds. Concrete Base Course 7,700 Sq- Yds. Bituminous Fill ed Brick Surface Course. 144 Each Street Lighting Standards. No bid will be cinsidered unless it includes or is accompanied by a certi ficate duly executed by the bidder sating that the bidder is complying with and will continue to comply with each approved code of fair com petition to which he is subject and if engaged in any trade or industry for which there is no approved code of fait competition, then stating that as to such trade or industry he has become a party to and is complying with and will continue to comply with an agreement with the President un der section 4 (a) of the National In dustrial Recovery Act The attention of bidders is direct ed to the special provisions cover ing sub-letting or assigning the con tract and to the use of Domestic Ma terials. The minimum wage paid to all skilled labor employed on this con tract shall be sixty (60) cents per hour. The minimum wage paid to all un skilled labor employed on this con tract shall be forty (40) cents per hour. The attention of bidders is also directed to the fact that the State Director of Reemployment, Lincoln, Nebraska, will exercise general su pervision over the preparation of em ployment lists fo this work Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and information secured at the office of the County Clerk at Omaha Nebraska, or at the office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln, Nebraska The successful bidder will be re quired to furnish bond in an amount equal to 100 per cent of his contract As an evidence of good faith in submitting a proposal for this work or for any portion thereof as provid ed in the bidding blank, the bidder shall file, with his proposal, a certi fied check made payable to the De partment of Roads and Irrigation and in an amount not less than the total j amount determined from the follow ing list for any group of items or collection of groups of items for which the bid is submitted: Concrete Pavement Items, Five Hundred Dollars. Brick Pavement Items, Two Thous and Dollars Street Lighting Items, One Thous and Dollars. The right is reserved to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND IRRIGATION. R. L. COCHAN, State Engineer PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Joe. P. Camper, deceased-, notice is here by given, that the creditors of said deceased will meet the admimstratix ' of said estate, before me. County | Judge of Douglas County. Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 11th day of June 1984 and on the 11th day of August 19S4. at 9 o’clock a- m- each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustments and al lowance- Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, fom the lithe day of May 19 34 Bryce Crawford, County Judge PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Martha J- Roberts, deceased Notice is hereby given, that the creditors of ■ aid deceased will meet at the ad-' m n;straux of said estate, before me, j County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 11th day of June 1934 and on the 11th day of August 1934, at 9 o’clock a- m- each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, ad justments and alloances- Three months are allowed for the creditors io present their claims, from the 11th day of May 1934. Notice of Administration. In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska., in the matter of the estate of Evelyn Davis, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administra tion upon his estate, and that a hear ing will be had on said petition be fore said court on the 12th day of May 19v4. and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 12th day of May 1934, at 9 o’clock a- m to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant ac>ni nistratioa of said estate to Henry Black or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford, County Judge LEGAL NOTICE Ray Lawrence Wiilliams. Attorney Room 200 Tuchman Bldg. 24th and I^ake St IN THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY. NEBRASKA, In the matter of the Estate of David Allen. Deceased. TO THE HEIRS AT LAW. AND OTHER PERSONS IN TERESTED IN SAID ESTATE: You are hereby notified tkat a pe tition has been filed in this Court, on the 17th day of April. 1934, by Geo riga Allen, wife of deceased, alleging that David Allen, died a resident of Douglas County, Nebraska, on the 15th day of December, 1932, possess ed and of which he was seized or had an interest or equity therein, real estate situated in Douglas County, Nebraska, consisting of an estate of inheritance in: West, 30 feet; South 93 feet. Lot 7 Block 12, Parkers Addition to the City of Omaha. Dougas County, Ne braska as surveyed, platted and recorded, and better known as 2436 Franklin Street That the interest of said deceased in said realestate is a Homestead and vs holly exdmpt from attachment, execution or other mesne process and not liable for the payment of the debts of said deceased and asking that the regular administration of said estate be dispensed with and that a decree be entered naming the heirs at law of said deceased, to gether with their place of residence You are therefore notified that a hearing will be held on said petition on the 12th day of May, 1934, at 9:00 A- M- o’clock and if you fail to ap pear at said time and place and con test said petition, tha Court may grant the sme, enter a decree of heir ship and dispense with further ad ministration of said estate BRYCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. -CLASSIFIED ADS Piano Lessons, Frances Coorington Beginners 25c... Advanced students 50c- alnut 1816. 2214 Lake St bettefTradio servic Better Radio Service Ja. 0696 A. E. and J. E. Bennett 2215 Cuming Street. Rooms for Single Employed Per sons. Two Blocks from car line Call WE. 5365. Two Rooms Reasonable- Web. 4162. FOR RENT—One three room apart-1 ment neatly furnished. Inquire 1417 No. 24th St. WE. 4044, even ings. WILL PAY $15.00 per month for modern heated furnished apartment, garage. Christian’s home pre ferred. WE. 1750. Loves Kitchenette Appartment For Rent at 2518 Patric St. Call We. 55S3 YOUR OWN—LAKE SHOE SERV ICE NONE BETTER; 2407 Lake St Furnished Rooms for rent. WEbser 2303. Big Rummage Sale on New Goods— 1324 N 24th St. Come and Be Con vinced. BETTER RADIO SERVICE A. E. and J. E- Bennett 2215.Cum mings St. Phone Ja- 0696. Waitress Gets Thirty Days. hia gun- Mr- Small said when he went up to the controversy there was two policemen there and that they went with him to the Ritz Cafe and surely he would not be going around with two policemen with a gun in his pocket At this point the state rested and the defendent’s attorney, Mr- Walker called Miss Fannie Haw thorne to testify- Miss Hawthorne stated that Miss Redd and her friends had been wanting to whip her for "rr*i time. She said that she had no .n.ent-^ns of cutting anyone in parti cular, and knowing that Mr; Small had a gun, that she had borrowed a barber razor to protect herself- She stated that she was not intending to cut anyone, when Miss Redd was cut, that she was swinging her arm to protect herself, and in the swinging her arm. Miss Redd was cut- The Judge asked Miss Hawthorne where she got the ra^or and what she was doing with it- She said to protect herself fro.rn her friend, whom she knew was angry with her- At this point Miss Redd said this affair about which Fannie thought she was angry happened down at the Ritz Cafe- Miss Hawthorne said that she was waiting on a party who wanted her to serve them and they had a mis understanding. At this point Miss Rdd stated, “Judge, I was waiting on Mr- Galloway and his party and she said something to me about the party and the argument began- It was quite a while ago, but Fannie has been sore at me ever since then-’’ At this point, the Judge said that he be lievd this girl was a dangrous girl to be loose carrying a razor and that hv would not want to be aound any : place where she was Mr. Walker! attorney for the de I fendant asked for a continuance of the case until he could produce other I witnesses that were supposed to have ben there but had not as yt showed up- This the City Prosecutor ob jected to as he said that the attorney had had plently of time to have his witnesses present That was the reason the trial had not been held be fore Mr- Walker stated that his defena ant should have the testmony of Mr Willie Hall, with whom she was danc ing, and others. Mr. Small- at this ; point stated that it would work a hardship on some of the girls if the trial was delayed as some of the girls ; were working and that they had laid I off to be in court to testify and could not affoard to lay off again- The Judge stated that the girls that had testified need not return only Miss Redd, if she desired to do so- Miss Redd stated that she was not work ing and that she would be there Thursday morning, April 26th at 9 a- m. when the trial began in the court room, sitting with Miss Haw thorne was Mr- Willie Hall Josephine Holbert, Tommy Holbert, Bernice Wright, Gardner Macklin, and Miss Gladys Walkr Miss Walker was the first to testi fy- She said that she was a friend of both of the girls. Miss Redd and Miss Hawthorne, and she told about the same story as the others had told- During the time Miss Walker was testifying. Miss Redd and her friends said in a low tone, “Shell tell the truth about it- She won’t lie for Fannie or anyone else- She’ll tell just what she saw and nothing elst-” Miss Walker seemed to tell a straight story and it was well received by the (Court- Her testimony and the facts that had been gathered from others gave at this time a priod of recess During the recess period, Mr- Hall decided to go and look at the Radio Room, wrhile he was making observa tions of the Radio Rood, Miss Rose Overton and Miss Ollie Redd on go ing to the Ladies rest room, passed Mr- Hall- He said- “What are you going to say?” They answered him by saying. “That’s what we want to know, what are you going to say?” Mr- Hall answered, “Oh, I’m going to say it alright-11 To -this one of the ladies answered, “That’s what we want you to do, say it-” Mr- Willie Hall testified that he was dancing with Fannie when they bumped into Miss Redd and Miss Redd said that you could have at least have said excuse me- He said he then turned around and said “excuse me ” At this point Miss Redd interrupted I and said, “Didn’t I say alright?"I Mr- Hall answered, “Yes, you did” Mr- Hall stated that after Miss Redd said alright, the argument began Both of the girls were swearing at each other and he saw Miss Haw- ! thorne throw her arms toward Miss Redd and saw Mr- Jewell and another man come up and take Miss Haw thorne away and that was about all tht he saw The defendant’s Counsel, Mr. Wal er addressed the court at this time in defense of his client and at the close of the case, Judge Palmer ordered Miss Hawthorne to 30 days in jail She was taken in custody but was seen walking down the street a few hours later. It is said that she is oat on bond, and is serving a notice of appealing her case to the distcirt court (Continued from Page One) Continued From Page One — of any money metal can be considered only in its relation to the value of gold—and, with gold at around $36 the value of silver is actually less than it used to be, in spite of higher fixed prices. Many economist believe that inter national recovery will be delayed un tl gold and silver are related—so that when gold rises and falls, silver fol lows it. And it is a certainty that a genuine silver revival would mean much to the United States—is pro viding jobs, purchasing power, and in dustrial and social opportunity. ' i ON THE AVENUE MEMOS ON' A COLUMNISTS’ DESK Regarding the George Curry—Mar garite Blairstory- It wasn’t, as fan tastic as I set forth, at ail- I wrote last week confirming the fact that George and Margarite had bust. Well it wasn't true, or maybe it wasn’t, at least now they are back together again. . . .Sam Barton was pract ically made a sapof by some of the weaker sex, so Little Willie says- He is supposed to have bought three quarts of ice; cream for the girls- who proceed to leave him sitting in a dark room while they enjoy the ice cream in the light of the kitchen. . . . Have you heard Ruth Etting sing “Riptide?” HITS AND MISSES Stephen Taylor has been retained by the Mid City Center to assist as athletic director. ... I just discover the other day, after so many years that anybody can write but, the big thing is getting srjiebody to read it . . . .Susie Hall has gone blah, blah, over a certain young man—-The little affair bloomed one spring morning like a morning glory on a hike of the Creolians club. . . . Gera Id ae Smith has been constantly talking about "that etrtain young man." CAREFUL GIRLS Evelyn Beck is gaining in popular ity fast, or either she can’t make up her mind to anyone- She has a new fish on her line every day. . . . Will iam Thomas seems to be up a tree with the hunters chopping on the trunk to bring him down. The fair hunters being Dorthy Alexander and Melba Robbins. . . . When you pick up a paper nowadays, you read all about relieving the taxpayers, well, t just can't be done, he has been re lieved of all he has already THE LOW DOWN Good luck to Oscar Washington on his try of that pretty young widow. . . . Elizabeth Black and Leonard Turner have been sealed tightly to gether. . . . All of the young men think that the “Unholy Six” are T. T .... Irene Harrold and Frank Jask son are swinging along in full blast .... Crisman Clark and Mildred^ Ector are m, m, m.Mary Gor- i don and Clarence will swing down the aisle soon. IT 'S STATED THAT— Prophecies are the style so here j goes- If his material holds up Tho- i mas Jones will be the outstanding singer for 1934. Amelia Thomas will ; remain the nicest of the girls- Wy nonie Harris will be the “old corned- [ ian” to hold his own- No matter what new names come forward or what present persons increase pop-! ularity, Margarite Blair will remain on top- Orchestras will continue to have lousy singes _ IS BOB BACK YET W wonder if Bob Graves arrival j from K C- had anything to do with Fannie Levison’s seclusion act this this past vceek-end METCALFE IN RACE FOR GOVENOR Theodore W- Metcalfe I Thedore W- (Ted) Metcalfe, former | T^euitenant Govenor, has announced his candidacy for the republican nom ination for Govenor of Nebraska. Mr- Metcalfe is a native of Nebr aska, bom in Omaha- He is 39 yrs- ! old and was a resident of Lincoln for 12 years and was educated in Lincoln J grade and high schools; was a grad uate of the Unversty of Nebraska College of Law. was editor of a daily nswsnaper at. Fairbury. Nebraska, at | the age of 16. and is now engaged in ! he real estate development business j a 116th and ratea 2024 North 16th 24th and Leav. 24th and Lake 24th and 1'arker —_ 6066 MlUtarj LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY FOODS is d R A FI fresh baked UlvLAD g oz. LOAVES ^ For lO'l VALUE COFFEE S2 „ u,. 2()t | || POTATOES 23, PORK SAUSAGE LB 7»/2c | RIB BOIL LB 7>/2c BEEF ROAST LB. 10c |ToRK ROAST IB. 8c CfirAR ouvxruv granulated g pounds 25c jij GOLDEN ROD CREAMERY I BUTTER PER P0UND 24c j OMAR WONDER 5 POUND BAGS 25° I |j| FLOUR 24 Pound Bags.95° I BUTTER NUT JELL ALL FLAVORS PKG Cjc | BUTTER NUT 5 MINUTE | COFFEE FRESH PER LB.^\c FOR MEN AND WOMEN Are you sliping? Rundown? Pepless? Is the natural power and pep you once enjoyed no longer as keen Try DYNAMO GLAND TABS, the won derful, exciting discovery that stimulates weakening glands and helps bring back the feeling of power and pep lyou used to enjoy. Most of the fun in life goes to the man or woman who is able to enjoy it. When wear or rundown, the tonic effects of DYNA MO GLAND TABS will help renew the feeling of energy and aliveness. SPECIAL! Send for DYNAMO GLAND TABS to day. One Box, $1. Triple-size, $2.50. (Cash or money order.) Or, of you prefer, rend no money and pay postman on receipt, plus few cents postage. ZENITH PRODUCTS, 497 Greene Ave., Brooklyn N. Y. in Omaha- , In his statement, Mr- Metcalfe de- | dares for repeal of th prohibition con- j stitution in Nebraska, single retail sales tax as a complete replacement of our state property tax and a re organization of the state banking de partment lie promises if elected Govenor to take the stat highway department out of politics and to give the state an “economical and efficient administra tion with as little expense as is con sistent with practical and constructive service to our citizens ” Mr. Metcalfe is tthe organizer and Chief Admiral of the Great Navy of the State of Nebraska, an organizer of good fellows and loyal Nebrask ans with representatives in every' town in the state, Just pass the good word along among your friends that Ted Metcalfe | is a candidate for Govenor and will ap preciate their support- Mr. Metcalfe a man that has proven on a number of occasions that he is a true friend of our people, and is entitled to our sup port Mr- Metcalce received the highest honors by the votrs when he served you as Leiutenant Govenor, having re ceived the most votes in the county as well as in the state. This amazing confidence the people of Nebraska gave Mr- Metcalfe at tha Shoes try Friedman Shoe Store, 1510 N- 24th St A A*~* We Do Expert Repair Work. We Accept Relief Orders I CRISP, DELICIOUS Healthful You’ve never tasted a more de licious cereal than these crnn chy whole wheat flakes, served with cream and sugar. But that’t not all— they have add ed a small quantity of flaxseed just enough to make Uncle Sam’s a mild but effective lax ative. Eat Uncle Sam’s every norning for your health’s sake | Sam Laxative BREAKFAST FOOD =--■ -~ time has never ben equalled but once before in the history of the state. He 'made good as Lieutenant Gov ernor- He will make a good Gover nor. Let’s make the slogan “Ted Met calfe- our next Governor-” THE ONE HORSE STORE W. L. PARSLEY, Prop. 2851 Grant Street Phone Web. 0567 OMAHA, NEBRASKA For better Gardens Buy Your Garden Seeds in Bulk and SAVE 60 per cent— We carry a Complete Line of Rose Bushes, Trees, Shrubs Grass Seed and Fertiliser THE OLD RELIABLE —Home Landscape Service 924 N. 24th St. Tel. JA. 5115 The Omaha Guide Recommends The State Furniture Co. Corner 14(h and Dodge Streets. As One of the Most Reliable and Accomodating Firms to Buy from. Prices the Lowest and Terms the Easiest Ross Drug Store Now Located At I 2122 N. 24th St. We. 2770 WHEN SPRING IS HERE REED’S CAN’T BE FAR OFF Redeetes Commercial and Home Made Ice Cream. Best in Flavors—Best In Prices REED’S LITTLE BUNGALOW 24th and Patrick Virgnia White, Manager -—_______ f Lovme \ Face Powder Enhances Every Skin A million women every day prove in imitable Lov’me delicately emphasizes every natural beauty—conceals every de fect- It gives petal-smooth perfection to every type of skin. A finer, clinging powder which says on all day. H«T» no triad CaidOtotf bub ft) €LBA Lov’me Powder 7°*" dealer cannot tnpplj yon, tend ns bit name PARTUMER1E MELBA « 580 Fifth Art., New Yodc^J*. Y. »>