r) - ‘ April 28th At. 8812 Free Delivery | We are opening One of The Finest and Most Complete Stocked Grocery and Markets Ever Operated By Race People In the State Of Nebraska. Your Patronage At our Former Location 27th and Franklin st. Has made This Possible. ii _._ Believe me they are fresh We know, well what. Biggs of course! That’s our busi You Are Cordially Invited To I am on my way! .'Where ? To that grand opening of The Hayden’s Cash Market. . _ — - - -— — —_ 1 1 At 1804 N. 24th St. nextdrug rstoreon to take Advantage of Our |i Introductory Sale Prices HOMINY RE,) BEANS CORN P0RK AND BEANS 3 Cans VEGETABLE S0UP™MAT0 SGUP N<> 21/2 I0C LIMA BEANS NUMBER TWO 3 Cans 0 * POTATOES15 Lb Package . ORANGES FA^CY SWEET NATAL LARGE Doz* 27c APPLES’EXTRA FANCY wlNESAPS 4Lbs- 25c B ANN ANAS FIRM YELL0W RIPE LB* 7 2 ■_________— TOMATOES FIRMKEDLB .15c CABBAGE NEW GREEN LB W BEETS OR CARROTS Fancy Large Bunch *c STRAWBERRY RHUBARB BUNCH 5*. ONIONSTHREEP0UNDS 10c newTotatoes pound 5c ASPARAGUSLAR