The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 21, 1934, Page 5, Image 5

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The Dead Ask For Water—
Morgue Attendants Flee
Mexico. D- F April 19—A 25- year
old woman who had been pronounced
dead after stabbing herself and jump
ing from a hotel window, recovered
consciousness today as she lay be
tween two bodies in the morgue.
Using suddenly on her slab, the
woman. Margarets Hernandez Bernal,
asked for a drink of water and the
morgue attendant* ran from the
buiding. shouting fo»- help
A surgeon was summoned and
performed an operation on a knife
wound in her chest which he re
ported wass ucces.-tful- She was
take to a hispital. where it was
said tonight that she probably would
When the association was founded
there had been 3.284 lynchings since
1 1882. During the ten years from
1899 to 1908 inclusive, 959 lynchings
had occurred, 857 colored and 102
white; 28 having been burned, one a
woman and two of them, children.
Steps were immediately taken to
^ fight the evil. It v.fis decided to
raise a fund to investigate a lynch
ing in some chosen locality. Nearly
$300 was in ^ Tied lately raised and by
January 12, 1912, the fund had grown
to $400 67 and the investigation start
The association became almost im
mediately known nationr lly through
its investigations and its publicity in
magazines and newspapers. When
Robert Johnson, an nnocent Negro,
was lynched at Bluefield, W- Va.,
James Oppenheim, noted writer,
volunteered his services and WTOte a
graphic account of his investigation
m the The Independent. When a
white mob invaded a hospital at
Coatesville, Pa., removed a negro and
burned him. the association hire Will
iam J. Burns, the famous detective, to
investigate the case
in 1913, the association investigated
six lynchings in Virginia. Oklahoma,
Tennessee, Louisans, and South Dako
ta- It also obtained the introduction
of an anti-lynching bill into the Pen
nslyvania legislature- The association
at this time in getting favorable con
sideration for its publicity and just
treatment of the Negro in the news.
It succeeded finally, however, in get
k ting over 100 daily newspapers to
change their position on lynching and
other topics concerning the Negro.
As the association grew older, the
number of its investigations increased
In Janurary. 1916, a special agent
was sent to investigate the lynching
^ and terroristo which had driven 2,500
Negroes out of Dawson, Cherokee, and
Forsyth counties, Georgia. Another
agent collected facts and photographs
on the burning of Jesse Washington,
May 16, at Wraco, Texas.
A drive was stirted to raise a
fund of $10,000 to start an anti-lynch
ing crusade. Fifty thousand copies
of the Waco Horror were published
as a supplement to The Crisis and
38,000 copies distributedat the ex
pense of the association. N. A. A. C.
P. branches cooperated magnificent
ly. Over 10,000 appeals were
braodcast. In less than four months
the $10,000 was raised.
Investigations were also made that
years of the horrible lynching of two
women and three men at Gainesville,
Fiordia and at Abbeville. S. C..
The tremendous growth in the as
sociation’s membership during the war
years of 1917 and 1918. furnished it
with the financial means to make a
more detexnaned fight against lynch
ing . The 1918 lynching record total
ed 63 Negroes end 4 whites. A
great number of investigations were
conducted and nation-wide public.
was obtained through the association’s
efforts. A number of public of
ficials in the South, ineluding sheriffs
and judges, took a determined stand
against mob-violence. The efforts of
the association aroused strong and
favorable editorial comment in many
southern newspapers and a wave of
Press condemnation of lynching
y throughout the nation. The publicity
given the N. A. A. C. P. investiga
tions and news stories was chiefly in
etrumental in forcing President 'Wil
son to make a pronouncement against
ylnehing on July 26. 1918.
The association had made lynching
/^nd mob viol^^e a national issue.
In 1919 it called the First National
Conference on Lynching where 120
distinguished leaders of American
opinion focused national opinion upon
the menace. It circulated widely an
Address to the Nation upon the evils
of lynching, demanding a congression
al investigation. It was signed by
140 leading federal and state officals
and citizens fron 30 states, including
the South. It published Thirty Years
pf Lynching in the United States
(1889-1918), which gave all the facts
about organized murder including
stories of 100 typical lynching*.
It prosecuted an erwrgetic cam
jiaign for a congresaiontl investiga
tion of lynching, spending 515,793 in
1919 alone for this purpose. The
South had by this t|me become so
touchy on the cubject that John Shil
’ lady, the secretary, (white) was set
upon in Austin. Texas, by a mob led b
a mob led by a county judge and a con
satble. and severly beaten.
i he wave of nice riots during the
year in which hundreds of Negroes
and whites wee killed gave further
point to the Associotion’s campaign
for a congressional investigation of
lynching evil.
and race riots by the Association were
made sometimes by outside agents,
but frepuently by the Association
officers. including Walter White.
James Weldon^ lihnson. Herbert J.
Seligmann, William Pickens. Other
investigation were made by voluntary
branch officei-s and white people who
wished to assist the Association's
Dayton. 0.—(CNS)—Many Libra
rians throughout the country' report
that Paul Laurance Dumbars work
art popular all the year round but up
on the death of the poet’s mother
Mrs. Matilda Dunbar, there was a
manifest increase in the interest and
for a period of a week thereafter it
was hardly' possible to secure a copy'
of any of his poems.
At the West Carnegie branch here,
where Dunbar’s poems are called for
continuously all the year around, the
librarian some time ago made up a
number of folders containing 20 of
his best poems and these have had
a wide circulation.
People who work in our neighbor
hood laundries as a rule patronize
our neighhborhood merchants and
professional men
The business firms and professional
men should give thee laundries their
serious consideration.
Rav Lawrence Wiilliams, Attorney.
Room 200 Tuchman Bldg, 24th and
Lake St
In the matter of the Estate of David
Allen. Deceased. TO THE HEIRS AT
You are hereby notified that a pe
tition has been filed in this Court, on
the 17th day of April, 1934, by Geo
riga Allen, wife of deceased, alleging
! that David Allen, died a resident of
Douglas County, Nebraska, on the
15th day of December, 1932, possess
ed and of which he was seized or had
an interest or equity therein, real
| estate situated in Douglas County,
Nebraska, consisting ef an estate of
inheritenee in:
West, 30 feet; South 93 feet. Lot
7 Block 12, Parkers Addition to the
City of Omaha. Dougas County, Ne
braska as surveyed, platted and
recorded, and better known as 2436
Franklin Street
That the interest of said deceased
in said realestate is a Homestead
and wholly exdmpt from attachment,
execution or other mesne process
and not liable for the payment of the
debts of said deceased and asking
that the regular administration of
said estate be dispensed with and
that a decree be entered naming the
heirs at law of said deceased, to
gether with their place of residence
You are therefore notified that a
hearing will be held on said petition
on the 12th day of May, 1934, at 9:00
A- M- o’clock and if you fail to ap
pear at said time and place and con
test said petition, the Court may
grant the sme, enter a decree of heir
ship and dispense with further ad
ministration of said estate.
And Now the Race Seemly
Going to be a Hot One
For That Junior
Senatorialship of Neb.
Especially the Republican Nomina
tion it loks as though the Governor.
Charles W. Bryan has the democratic
rvlmination for Senatorship in the
bucket- We doubt very much whethe
any strong democrat of Douglas
County would want his weakness
shown up by Governor Bryan’s strong
popularity in the out of state coun
ties, for the Democratic nomination
From all indications the Republican
nomination for Senatorship will be
between the Honorable Rorebr Smith.
Omaha's and Douglas County’s most
popular pubic servee and clerk of
the District Court- The man that
filed by petition in the last race for
Clerk of the District court and beat
the two regular party nominees, De
roocsatic and Republican for the
Clerk of the District Court by the
majority of 2 to 1. No questions
about his popularity in Douglas
County, county, he is loved by people
in all walks of life, for he never says
no to anyone in trouble- He is saught
by both his enemies and his friends
when in trouble, and seemly he m*s
no such word as no to anyone that
makes a reasonable reqoest of him
it looks as though Senator Kenneth
H- Wheery of Pawnee City is going
to be Mr. S^nith’s opponent for the
repubican nomination tor the Junior
Senatorship of Nebraska, if Mr.
Wheery's friends have their way
about it- The senator says he is be
ing- pursued by mail, telephone and
telegrams from his friends through
out the state to not file for Govern
or but to file for U- S- Senator- i
w ltnout a clou ot, w neery is tne ■
most popular outstate progressive1
Republican we have today and if
Senator Wheery files it is said, that
he will have the organization behind
him that supported him in his last
campaign for Governor His friends
are considering holding a meeting out
in the Central part of the state in
the near future to create a public
sentiment, that will force him to file
for U- S- Senator. Senator Wheery
seems to be in the air as to wrhat he
really wants to do- It is said by his
friends if he files for U. S- Senator
with his popularity in the state and'
with Robert Smith’s popularity in
Douglas County and the friends he
made in the last state campaign it
will make the Republican Senatorial
nomination a very hot fight between
two progressive Republicans
Did you know you have a Library
in your own Community? Why not
take advantage of it- The Library
is located at the Mid-City Communi
ty Center 2213 Lake Street, upstairs
on the second floor
The Library is open every day- Af
ternoons from 2 to 6 p- m- and even
ings from 7 to 9 p- m- Saturday 12
to 5 afternoons and 7 to 9 evenings
There have been many new books
added to the Library for both adults
and childrn- You will have more
time to read as the warm days ap
proach- Mothers, read to your child
ren, learn them how to amuse them
selves by reading a good book- Prob
ably your children would like to
travel and you cannot afford it es
pecially in these days, let him read
the seven seas by reading a good book
on traveling
Do you know you can educate
yourself by reading a good book?
Well! Just Try It
Mrs- Evelyn Singleton—Librarian
" ' "
It Pays to Use Electricity
“In Omaha, where electric rates are
That is a slogan used by the Ne
braska Power Company, which has
done much to advertise Omaha
throughout the United States as well
as providing an alluring invitation to
industries to locate here
Oficias of the Nebraska Power
company point with pardonable pride
. to the fact that the price of electrici
ty has been reduced 62-4 per cent
since 1913- Bven during the boom
days of the late ’20’s the price of
electricity in Omaha continued its
downward trend while other prices
were skyrocketing.
In conection with the low price of i
electricity in Omaha it is interesting
to note that housewives best under
stand what electric service really
means to the modem home
It is not so many years* ago that
the monthly statement of charges
for electricity was referred to as the
“light bill.” That is not the case to
day- The modem housewife calls it
the “electric service bill,” because in
reality that is what it is •
The modem housewife knows that
the monthly electric bill buys:
Cooking. 90 meals, washing, iron
ing, 80 pounds; entertainment, 160
hours, radio, light. 150 hours, refri
geration, 750 hours, cleaning, 2.5000
square feet, clock, 750 hours, coffee,
150 cups, and toast 150 slices
There are other it^m which figure
in the monthly electric service bill,
but the foregoing gives an idea of
the inaccuracy of refering to the
“light bill”
Talk About Hot Elections.
Continued From Page 1.
names have been mentioned for pos
sible chance of being nominated for
the presidency.
Mr. H- A. Taylor, iwner of th**
Ritz Theater, Mr- T- P- Mohammitt
ex-aewspaper ower, Melton Johnson,
owner of the Johnson Drug Co, and
Dr- Craig Morris, the dentist or a
dark hose may he poduced at the
last minute
All members of the board are re-'
quested to be present without fail'
Monday- At 4 p. m- at the regular j
meeting, says Mr- Ketchum. acting1
Ex Omahan Visits
Mr- Dave Green of Tulsa Oklaho-,
ma. head watt her of popular restaur
ant, speryt two wteeks visiting his,
daughter, Mrs. Alice Galloway. 28141
N- 28th Ave- Mr. Green was greet-,
ed at his arrival by a granddaughter.
While in Omaha he was seen up and
dowm 24th st., visiting with friends i
and telling them what a fine grand- :
daughter he had- He left Friday
evening for his home
Three New ‘V’ Eights.
For your convenience in keeping
up with the latest the Sunset Taxi
has furnished its fleet of industrius
polite and courteous dirivers with
new V eight- Mr- James the manag
er states this his aim is to give Oma
ha Taxi uers the cheapest and best
service obtained- Rates 15 cents up
Mr. George W- Hibler 2415 N- 22nd
St who has deen indisposed with a
broken leg for the past 6 weeks is
reported favorably improved
Mr- Hibler was in a local hospital
for a period of 10 days- It will be
some time before he will be able to
report back to work
Can See Again After
Thirty Years.
George Owens, a Negro. 103 years
of age regained his eyesight last
Friday, due to an eye operation at
the Tuskegee Institute Clinic, after
being blind for thirty years
Window Washer Rescued
Before Crowds.
Charles Clump, a Negro window
washer at the Hill Hotel, 16th and
Howard streets was extricated by em
ployees of the Hotel after he slipped
through a window ldge and plunged
one foot through a glass canopy
above the 16th St entrance to the
Hotel, while crowds of spectators
gazed on- Clump was reported not
Borrower of Lost Trombone
Must Pay.
Floyd Butler, 2892 Miami St- was
held on the charge of Larceny as
Bailee of a Trombone, by Municipal
Judge Lester Palmer in Police Court
last Thursday- William Harris, 2406
N. 27th St- made the charge- Mr
Harris is a former Trombonist of the
Father Flannigan Boys’ Band
It is alleged that Harris lent But
ler the Trombone and in turn Butler
lent it to another man- Butler was
ordered by Judge Palmer to pay
$2-00 a week to Harris until the full
amount of $35-00 had been paid for
the trombone
DRIVE NETS $920.29
Atlanta, April 13—Attorney A- T
Walden president of the Alanta
branch of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People, reports that the branch,s re
cently closed 1934 membership drive,
the first to be conducted without out- j
side aid, was a huge success- Re- J
ceipts so far reported total $020-291
and the final sum will probably be
in excess of $1,000- Leading citizens
cooperated in every way to make
the drive a success
What It Means to Be a Christian
In opening this column, for the
expression of the Church, we wish
to say that all denominations are
free to express themselves- No ar
ticle with a coneroversial intent will
be pubished. The object of this
work is not to dissuade Christians
from their etablished choice of reli
gion, but to show the way to those
who were walking in darkness, and
tell them the true merits of a Chris
tian life
Please get all items for this column
to the editor by Monday noon, of
each week, and they will appear in
alphabetical order.
By M. M Boodle
My dear friends, in order to give
an idea of what it means to be a
Christian. I must invite you to
make a visit to Calvary. As you
stand there before the Cross. I say
to you, in the words of Pilate, “Be
hold the Man!”
We would taye you there for two
or three reasons, first, to instruct
your intellect. secondly, to excite
your emotions, thirdly to amend your
practice. For we hold that to be a
Christian consists of three things:
first, sound doctrine affecting the in
tellect, econd true experience, dealing
with the emotions, and third, a holy
life, fashioning the outward visible
nractice of everyday existence. If
we make a visit to Calvary, Jesus
would benefit us in all these three,
and if by faith we are enabled to
see Him now. we shall go away
profited in each of these particulars
—edified in doctrine, blessed in ex
perience, and sanctified in practice
Behold the Man! See Him cruci
fied, his hands extended Do you
mark the droppings of His blood- Do
you see the thorny crown upon His
head? Do you note the scars of mise
ry upon Him?? Do you see His
lacerated back, as the lash tears it?
Do you observe His eyes sunk in
their ockets ? Do you behold the
dull, dead misery settled on His ma
jestic countenance? Do you perceive
the acute unutterable anguish which
He suffers ? Can you see Him ? If
you look aright, you will ever know
how desperately vile sin is- This is
the spot -where sin committed its
direst crimes- Sin is exceeding sin
ful when it is a homicide, but it is
most sinful when it turns deicide and
kills its God! The vilest deed sin
ever did was when it nailed our Sa
viour to the cross and there let Him
hang, the murdered victim of our
Would you see sin? I might show
you a thousand pictures of sin- 1
might let you see fair Eden, blast
tered and withered, with all its fruits
smitten- It was sin that caused it
all- It was sin that caused our fore
father to invent the plowshare to
plow Eden that was once so beauti
ful- It was sin that caused God to
send a flood and wash out the world
It was sin that caued the chamber:
of the great deep to be broken up- It
was sin that called down the ven
geance of God on SodJ^m and Gomor
rah* It was sin that caused the ang
er of God to be kindled against
Pharaoh and the Egyptians in th<
Red Sea- It was sin that aroused a
Better Radio Service
Ja. 0696
A. E. and J. E. Bennett
2215 Coming Street
Rooms for Single Employed Per
sons- Two Blocks from ear line
Call WE- 5365.
Two Rooms Reasonable- Web. 4162.
FOR RENT—One throe room apart
ment neatly famished- Inquire
1417 No. 24th St. WE. 4644. even
WILL PAT $16.00 per month for
modern heated famished apartment,
garage. Christian’s home pre
ferred- WE. 1750
Loves Kitchenette Appartment Por
Rent at 2518 Patric St- Call We. 6683
ICE NONE BETTER: 2407 Lake St.
Famished Rooms for rent. WEbser
Big Rummage Sale on New Goods—
1324 N 24th St- Come and Be Con
A. E- and J. E- Bennett 2215 Co
mings St Phone Ja- 0606.
fiery jealousy i nthe heart of God
for His people, and sent an angle to
slay Sennacherib’s army of 180,000
in one night- It was sin that caused
Korah, Dathan. and Abiram to be
swallowed alive by the earth opening
her mouth- It is sin that peoples
death’s dominions- Sin has brought
the funeral herase- Sin has caused
that unquenchab»* fire to be laid up
for God to destroy the world within
the last days- Therefore we must
hate sin, eschew evil, love God and
our Saviour with all our heart- This
is what it means to be a Christian
Batting Down The
Barriers ofPrejudice
Stirring Chapters From the 25-year
History of the National Associa
tion for the Advancement of Color
ed People
The National Association for the
Advance of Colored People was born
out of the despair of Negroes and
the indignation of the white people
over the ‘rising tde of lyncihii^r.
Following the fiendish race riots in
Springfield, III. in the summer of
1908 W'illiam English Walling, noted
white writer said in an article in
the Independent for Seutember 3^
entitled “Race War in the North”:
“Either the spirit of the ab
olitionists, of Lincoln and Love
joy must be received and we
must ctfme to treat the Negro
on a plane of absolute political
and social ecfuality, or Vardanian
and Tillman willisoon have trans
ferred the race war to the North
The spirit of the abolitionists
must be revived. ”
Accoding. Walling, a southern man.
Dr. Henry Moskowitz and Mary
Whit* Ovington. with others, met in
a small New York City apartment
in the first week of 1909, and called
a national conference for Lincoln’s
birthday, at which time the mounting
evils of disfranchisement, segregation
and mob violence were discussed.
With the assistance of Oswald Gar
rison Villard then publisher of the
New' York Evening Post, another
conference was arranged for May 31
and June 1. It was attended by 1000
people. A Committee of forty was
organized with Miss Frances Blascoer
(white) as secretary. During that
year fou geat mass meetings wee
held, thousands of pamphlets distri
buted and hundreds of ^nembers en
.. . d
For better
Buy Your Garden Seeds in
Bulk and SAVE 60 per cent—
We carry a Complete Line of
Rose Bushes, Trees, Shrubs.
Grass Seed and Fertilizer.
—Home Landscape Service
924 N. 24th St- Tel. JA. 5115
F M*vii Talcum Powder wu not
a better talc—purer—actually keneficial
to tke skin, it would not ke, as it is, ke
largest selling and most popular Talcum '
in tke world '
Alavis Talcum protect* without clogging
W tke pores. It is indispensakle for men,
women and children — use all over at least once dauy.
AliorL perspiration — deodorises.
Mavis Face Powder is the perfect com
pliment for face, throat and shoulders ,
25^ 50^ $1°°
3 Wrapped ^ Lo*^** | QC j
EGGS No I Strictly Fresh From Benson FarmsJ
|Doz .is!
I BUTTER Golden Rod Creamery Per Lb 231
| PORK ROAST, Lean Per Lb. Jfcd