The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 07, 1934, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    Wilson All-Stars And Globe Trotters Win Second Contests; Go Into Tie For First Place
The accusation made by prominent Omahans, or
Mart Thomas are entirely unjust. It is reported that Mart
has be n showing racial favoritism in the gym at the Mid
City Cener, but this is not true, as shown by tlje great suc
cess mat the C enter has been.
Mart Thomas says “I will not be intimidated by any
person who have no authority to complain or kick and they
will be met the same method that I always apply to such
people.” I have used the same methods in handlings my
boys many times and it has troved a success. I will al
ways be open for sugestions if they are the right kind.
It seems as though football has done its part to keep
up with the new features of streamlining. The shape of
the ball has been changed so that it is less like the shape
of an egg and more like a modern torpedo and can be
thrown through the air aat great speed and accuracy.
The new ball according to announcement of W L
Langford, secretary of the rules committee, will have a
circumfei’ence at the short axis of not less than 211-4 in
ches nor more than 2-12 inches, as compared with the old
ball that had a minimum measurement of 22 inches and a
maximum of 221-2 inches. In other words the new 1934 ball
will be sailer anywrhere from three-quarters to a full inch.
I believe this will cause the punt chasers to do more
dodging of punts than ever before. They have been dodg
ing quite a bit in the last few years. The ball will not
have the same bounce. The quarter can only hope and
pray when the ball hits the ground. It will also bring out
the‘punting qualities of the best kickers, because it wll
produce lots mors more distance and require more con
We can only hope tor the best t oturn out m me 1001
ball world. If they keep on doctoring the game, it won’t be
long before old time thrills will be gone from the game.
• Coach Lou Little, of Columbia, sajyts that the ball will
bring four major results. He says, “first, it will be a nar
, rower ball and will militate against accuracy in drop and
place kicking. Second, it will punt further, especially
against the wind but its lightness and narrowness will
place an unusual strain on accuracy. Third, of course it
will be much easier to pass and it will be thrown straight
and further. Fourth a punter will be able to kick further
with it on wet days. <**._. ** . —
—._ *
Chicago, March 30.—Edwin R. Em
bree president of the Julius Rosen
wald Fund, says Americans who hate
the Japanese call them "bad names ’’
In a course of lectures at Fisk uni
versity on the Peoples of the Pacific
Mr. Embree discussed the races of
the South seas, Australia the East
Indies, China and Japan.
“All of the Peoples of the Pacific,"
Ae said, "have been subjugated by
the white nations of the west with
the single exception of Japan.. As a
vosult, America and Europe are
friendly though patronising to the
Polynesians, the Malays and the Chi
nese. But they resent bitterly the
independence of Japan .
{ As a matter of fact the Japanese
are the moat capable and in many
ways the mast attractive people of
the whole area. The Japanese land
space is the most beautiful in the
World. The Japanese themselves are
courteous, talented and amazingly
resourceful. Japan has a civilization
which by any standard is among the
highest of all world history. China
may have been greater in the remote
'past, but Japan has today a living
active culture which puts her at the
head of the whole Pacific region. Her
art and architecture and landscape
gardening as well as her modern in
dustry and science, are equal to the
best anywhere.
“Why then is there so much pre
judice against Japan in America?
Why are our newspapers full of cri
ticism and abuse? Why are propa
gsfcdists crying for war against her?
“The answers are simple. First, ]
we want the markets of the Far East
and we fear Japan as a rival in trade
Second, and more deep rooted we re
sent the fact that any colored na
tion should pretend to be equal to
the real white nations of the west..
“All over the Pacific the white man
goes as lord and master. England
has seized and colonized Australia
and New Zealand. America has an
nexed Hawaii, rules the Philippines,
and in cooperation with European
powers controls all the South Seas.
Holland owns the great Malay archi
peligo—the East Indies—an empire
of sixty million people. The western
powers have long held China in a po
sition of dependence. She has beaten
western nations at their own game.
She has armed herself as effectively
as America or the British Empire
She has introduced factories and
world trade so successfully that she
is steadily seizing the markets of the
whole far East. She is now outdoing
the west even in imperialism. At a
time when America is giving up the
Philippines, when England is being
foraed to every compromise in order
to hold India, when Holland is being
asked to leave the East Indies—at
just this time Japan is spreading her
empire to Formosa, Korea and Man
“Furthermore, while the white man
may do almost anything he pleases
as he travels over the South Seas and
China, he has to behave himself in
Japan. The Japanese are courteous
but full of self-respect and pride.
They will not allow anyone to insult
them or bully them in their own coun
try. l
“The white man naturally thinks of
most of the Pacific peoples as very
good ‘niggers’ because they bow be
fore him and do whatever he says.
But the upstanding, self-reliant Jan
anese he calls ‘bad niggers-’ America
resents so greatly the independence
of this colored nation that many in
fluential people ard trying to foment
a war so that we may humble ohr
only rival in the Pacific area, our only
I colored rival in the whole wide
I world.”
At a meeting Thursday night, at the
Mid-City Community Center, the Swa
stika Golf Club held its anual election
of officers and mapped its program
for the insuing yean
The members elected to offices were
President J. D. Crawford, vice presi
dent, Harvey Avant, secretary Sayb
ert Hanger. Treasurer, Earl Wheeler,
Correspondence secetary Lawerence
Marshal, and reporter John Adams Jr.
Arrangements for a stag to be given
on April 15th for the prospective me
Lewis; Wilson
Guard; Absent
After much discussion the J. C. C.
sent their basket heavers up to the
Mid-City Center to show their abili
ty to the Wilson All-Stars. This
they failed to do; the Wilsons win
j ning by the tremendous score of 98
to 16
The combination of Wolfe, Sher
man and Saylan, for the Wilsons was
too fast and smooth for the J. C. C.
In the first half, using a fast break
ing attack from the corners these
three players alone scored 35 points
between them to nine for the entire
J. C. T. team.
One of the most outstanding things
in the defeat of the J. C. C. was
that their players were large and
experienced and the Mid City team
were a bunch of first year men
Mart again showed his ability as a
coach by turning out a team that has
lost very few games in the great
number that they have played.
Sherman, a guard played the best
game of the season, scoring 41 points
I for the winners, Wolfe and Saylan
each scoring 24 and 23 points respec
Fg Ft Pf Tp
Himmelstein, f.2 115
Wolfe, f .12 0 3 24
Epestien, c .2 12 5
Sherman, g .20 1 1 41
Saylan, g .10 3 1 23
Totals .46 6 8 98
* J C C
Fg Ft Pf Tp
Soref, f . 0 1 2 1
Green .-.3 0 2 6
Mgzamin, c .0 0 10
Fredericks, g.0 2 12
Stilson. g . 3 12 7
Totals 6 4 6 16
Score at the half 49 to 9—Referee,
Bolden, Central
"*>'• •< - ’V.
Those who blame present plight of
railroads on wasteful operating me
thods would do well to ponder this
fact: In 1929 the rails handled the
heaviest freight in their history. If
the unit cost of operation had been
the same in 1929 as in 1920, it would
have cost the lines $1,212,899,000
more to handle the 1929 traffic than
it actually cost
The railroads owe the public a
definite duty. They must provide the
safest, most adequate and most ef
ficient transportation possible. They
must sell the service at the most
reasonable cost consistent with a
reasonable return on the capital in
vested in their facilities^ The rail
roads hav discharged that duty with
absolute scrupulousness. They have
broadened and bettered servce—they
have increased freight and passenger
train speeds—they have lowered
rates—they have reduced accidents
almost to the point of existence—
they have and are carrying n exten
sive research designed t provide still
greater progess in these fields.
In return, the public owes the rail
roads an even break in competing
with other carriers—fair to all, dic
crimination against none.. Instead of
that we have permitted other types
of carriers to operate with little or
no regulation, granted them heavy
subsidies and taxed them proportion
ately less. ,
Fairness instead of favoritism
means more jobs, more purchasing
power and a sounder transportation
system- It means a long steep to
wad economic recovery.
Manager of Dining Room
L. A. M.—I have been wonderful
ly helped by your advice and am com
ing again. I am tired of women
giving me raw deals, what must I
do to get even without causing any
Ans: Be careful Lee. Just as
long as you live you will be one of
the FORTUNATE GIRLS that wom
en feel ENVIOUS of, and for that
reason they will continually try to
make trouble for you and your boy
friends. No one can put you out
very much, so take it on the chin for
you will win out when the game is
7 uxedoes have Eye
On Softball Crown\
Manager Clyde Frampton’s Tuxe
do kittenballers could win the Cook
championship with their veteran team
last year.
Now, Collins Lee, the walloping
outfielder and a couple of last years’
junior players that are on hand, the
Tuxedoes expect to be right in the
center of all pennant tussles again
this year.
With a hurler like Cook, who
chucks them from the right side, and
hacking him up with a classy infield
made up of Grayson, thirdbase, Bol
den shortstop, R. Smith second base
figures that everything should click
figu that everything should click
fairly well.
The outfield, for one thing really
looks better than the average with
Lee, Harvey, and probably Hunter.
A1 are good fly hawks and they are
capable of giving the old apple a ride
With the prospects looking very
bright, and if everything breaks
right the Tuxedoes should do better
than they did last year- And that
would be something.
The Aces basketball players, win
ners of 1933 Junior loop step out in
to faster competition, join the Senioi
ball league, that will be played Tues
days and Thursdays at Twenty-sec
nd and Paul streets.
The Aces boast a fast all-rounc
crowd pleasing combination just as
they did in basketball.
Brown and Harrison, the Aces
scoring sensational form and unbeat
able combination around second
base- Brown at second base is an
adapt at fielding and hiting and Har
rison at short stop is noted for his
sensational fielding and timely hit
Kemp at third base is the slugger
of the team.
Holloway, captain and manager, di
rects the team from behind the bat,
with Wade handling the hurling
chores. The outfield is composed of
Hall, Richardson and Johnson
•' -
With the ceasing of CWS programs
the Mid City ping pong team finish
ed in a tie with the Friendship
House- With three won and none
Morton Park, Hansdom Park and
Benson feels victims to the wizardy
of the Mid City paddle pushers, who
lost only three games out of twenty
one- Foxx as captain and No- 1 play
er; Epstein; N- No- 3 Saylan No- 4
Taylor No. 5; Wolfe No- 6 and Sir
acusa No- 7 won every match they
engaged in- McKinney, No- 2 failed
to live up to expectations, losing all
matches he engaged in.
The doubles team made up of Foxx
and Taylor and Epstein and Saylan
were victorious in all matches
Jimmy Lu Vallee Wins Quarter Mile
Ran On Coast
LosAngeles—CNS Jimmy Lu Valle,
son of Editor Lu Vallee formerly of the
Washington Tribune, in a coming qua
rter miler, on March 24 breezed home
in the fast early season time of 47-7
seconds: thus issuing a challenge to
the outstanding quarter-milers of the
2—6 Room Houses Modern except heat
$10 per month each. Call At. 1600 Ask
for J. B: Bone
Phone Web. 0567 S
2851 Grant Street ::"
- " 1
mm' "irw a«———\
Paul Phillipe Expected to
Do A 9.5 Century
According to a letter received by
Marty Thomas, Athletic director of i
the Mid City Center from Paul Phil
lipe, sensational Omaha Central High
Athlete and now attending Mar
quette University he is improving
rapidly as a sprint star.
The Marquette flyer has been go
ing great guns in recent meets- He!
was spiked slightly in the last meet
with Michigan state, but is well on
the road to recovery and expresses
conifdence in rounding into such
a condition as to warrant a 9-5
hundred by mid season.
Phillips, r»oomate of America's
premier sprinjter, Tfilphe Metcalfe,
will be a fitting successor to him
, High school atheletes have been en
joying little rest during spring vacat
ion, Coaches Schmidt and White, Cen
tral and Tech respectively, are work
ing their squad over time in preparat
ion for the State Meet
John Elliot, Central’s all around
athelet has (been putting the shot and
throwing the discus with good form
and distance- Earl Anderson, former
grade school sensational high jumper,
is showing great stuff this year. Sam
Goldstein is getting himself into con
dition but is reported inegilible.
Dodds, around whom Coach Davis of
South High School intended to build
his team is not now attending school
This has given the coach much worry
Mr- George Bryant, was in the city
and visited his wife Mrs- George
Bryant, 2875 Wirt St- Both Mr. and
Mrs. Bryant left Thursday morning
April 5th for Lincoln to rejoin the I
Georgia Ministrels
Better Radio Service
Ja. 0696
A. E. and J. E. Bennett
2215 Cuming Street.
Rooms for Single Employed Per
sons. Two Blocks from ear Una.
Call WE. 5365.
Two Rooms Reasonable. Web. 4162.
FOR RENT—One three room apart
ment neatly furnished. Inquire -
1417 No. 24th St. WE. 4044, even
WILL PAY $15.06 per month for
modern heated furnished apartment,
garage. Christian’s home pre
ferred. WE., 1750.
Three Room Kitchenette Apt., Fur
a month HArney 0887.
Four Room Apt., Unfurnished $10.00
a month HArney 6887.
Four Room Apt., Unfurnished, $8-00
a month HArney 6887.
Loves Kitchenette Appartment For
Rent at 2518 Patric St- Call We. 5553
[CE NONE BETTER; 2407 Lake St.
?umished Rooms for rent. WEbser
lig Rummage Sale on New Goods—
324 N 24th St- Come and Be Con
furriers hatters
942 4 6 NORTH 24TH ST
Municipal golfers of Omaha are
g ing* to find their playgrounds few
and far between during the early
p: rt of of the summer but the park
department promises that the in
conveniences suffered will be only a
drop in the bucket compared with the
rich rewards the linksmen will reap
late in the season.
There will be no golf on Elmwood
Park links before July 1, since con
struction of the new lay-out has en
tailed almost complete demolition of
the former course. Park commis
sioner Frank Frost has a full crew at
wok but the extent of the enovation
wok pobably will keep them busy at
least until July, possibly until late
in the month.
The new Carter Lake course will not
be ready this year- Several greens
have been installed but the course
will not be groomed until next fall.
The new Benson course is all built
and will be seeded as soo nas warm
weather arrives- It may be opened
in July
Spring Lake, the links that have
been a headache to the department
for several years, may become a
reality some time during the sum
mer- The greens and tees are all
finished and seeking operations fini
shed will, get under way in a few
The status of Miller park’s links
is uncertain- All of the greens have
been graded up and made larger and
rolling- If these carpets are planted
they will not be open until July- It
is possible that some of the old Elm
wood greens will be transplanted at
Miller, in which event the course
should be eady within the month
That leaves the nine-hole Foun
tenelle park route. Here four new
greens have bene constructed and
two hols altered- The dog leg effect
has been removed from No. 8 and
one of the other holes is being leng
thened. There will be a change of
Elmwood greens onto Fontenelle
grounds in order that the green
wards will be in tiptop shape early
in the season.
Mid City Track
Meet Postponed
Mid City’s CWS track program
that was to have been held Saturoay,
at Twenty-second and Paul streets,
was postponed because of snow and
wet grounds
The team wll devote its efforts in
preparing for the City Center meet
April 23rd.
• Shoes try Friedman
Shoe Store, 1510 N. 24th St
We Do Expert Repair Work.
We Accept Relief Orders
The flashy Wilson All-Star3 de
feated the Mercurys in a free classic
at Twentieth and Burdette street,
Harry Wolfe the Wilson pitcher
failed to display the control he had
in previous aontestst allowing the
Mercury’s five hits and six rune in
the first inning, but as time went on
soon controlled himself to his regular
pitching form in the closing minut
B. Carey and T. Carey, the big
guns of All Stars held their regular
home run hitting record up, each get
ting two circuit clouts each- Sher
man did the surprising thing when
he also clouted a four bagger in the
second inning.
Alder, on the mound for the
Mercury’s was an utter failure
throughout the whole game, allowing
the Stars seventeen hits, compared to
the three hits he allowed the Hitless
Wonders last week
But with the exception of the few
errors the game was well played on
both sides- In the other games the
Globe Trotters nosed out the Hitless
Wonders 8 to 7 and the Chat “N”
Nibbles downed the Maroons 5 to 3
1 1"^m ' ■
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