---______ • ‘ *, v • 1 , .• " ;V_ -v^ /• St. Benedict’s Father J. C Daly; Pastor Madofcne E: Sterling: reporter The ladies of the St- Peter Claver Guild met in the Church club room and Mrs- Sessions was hostess of the e'-u ning: Plans w. re-completed for the sponsoring of an Easter break fa -t by the Guild on Easter Sunday April 1st- from 9:00 to 1:30 p: ni: Ot -:er plans of interest were discuss ed and the act ng i-resident read several paragraphs on the life of St Peter Claver that was enjoyed by all Mrs: Sessions served a delicious re past am* was voted a most excellent and generous hostess. The Crusaders of St: Benedict's are developing a splendid play under the direction of their president and will soon be able to present it to the public. They selected a 3 Act Comedy drama by Lillian Mortimer entitled; “Go Slow Mary;" and they will soon be able to make a very creditable appearance The Junior Choir was heard in their initial venture last Sunday* at the can* Mass; and never before did their voices blend in such excellent union they did in those beautiful hymns Mrs: Catherine Allison a promin ent Catholic benefactor of St- Bene dict was largely responsible for the training of the children and was ably assisted by the principal; Sister Mary Daniel and Mrs- Marie James th o Mr: Samuel Barton a r. „ nLo: of the Cx*usaders and a bass s igcv In the quartette assisted the rule folks with the singing of a s that proved a trifle difficult for th r young voices- Mr: Barton sang . . ;;l i nally well Mrs: Morris who has been on the V list for some time is reported < ng well she is able to sit up and v h r*e to see her in church again s n Mr: John W: Conn of 2914 North io h Street was received into the Catholic Church and baptized by the Castor Father Daly last Friday aft t noon Mrs- Conn was present at the i, The Omaha Guide )1 Recant mends The State Furniture So. Corner 1-lth and Dodge Streets. As One of the Most Reliable and Accomodating firms to Buy from. Prices the Lowest end Terms the Easiest --—- , floss Drug Store Now Located At 2122 N. 24th St. apt ism’: Pleasant Green Baptist Church Rev. I': J: Price; Pastor Mrs: B: King; Clerk Mrs: Lottie Keys; .reporter Sunday School opened at 9:30 a m: with Superintendent Vealand; • ••siding. Enrolled in Sunday School 42: The school is doing nicely under; the leadership of Superintendent1 Vealand and Brother Milton. At 10:45 devotions were led by f> aeon Spencer and Mitchell- The , choir was on time- At 11 a: m: Pas tor Rev: P: J: Price fill the Rostrum speaking from the 1st chapter of Drnicl and the 2nd verse- Topic; ^ : Christ Kingdom of Eternal: At 3 p: m: Rev: Rhoades spoke for Mrs. Turner; “State of Oklahoma: He is from Council Bluffs: BYPU opened at 6 p: m: with President Collier presiding- They are doing nice work in the BYPU: At 7:45 p: m: devotions were held 1 At 8 p: m: the pastor spoke from the 31st chapter of Deuteronermy and the 11th verse- Topic Eagle Stir His Nest:” It was a wonderfully illustrated sermon by our pastor- We had a very large congregation Sunday night- Visitor are always welcome to Pleasant Green: Four additions to he church were: Mrs: Anna Greene; Mrs: Alford and two other members reunited their membership. We give thanks to God for such a leader as Rev. P: J: Price: When you want to feel the spirit; come to Pleasant Green 22nd and Paul Street for we are doing good work- Sunday night Rev: P: J: Pi ice will speak in behalf of Kansas; Mrs- Lottie Keys: She hopes all her friends will come out and help her. CHURCH OF GOD 2025 North 24th Street M- E: Ashley; Pastor Mrs: B: M: Welch; reporter Sunday School opened at 9:30 a in: and it was well attended: The astor brought us an interesting message on how to reverence God’s house 8:30 p: m: Elder H: P: Mor j gan brought us a splendid message; Jchn 1st chapter 6 verse. Christ Temple O: J: Burckhardt; Pastor J: W: Goodwin; Assistant Pastor Mrs: Verda Gordon; reporter The Temple work is taking on new life and new aspirations Elder Hun Icy taught the Sunday School in the absence of Deacon Anderson and i lively Sunday School it was- Eldei J: W: Goodwin brought a heart searching sermon at 11 a: m: And cur pastor brought us a worthwhile sermon Sunday evening from the ccautitudes- Many were the comment, heard regarding the same: Our Bible j Class Tuesday night was good as usual and the Bible Institute taught i by Elder Tanzemore is gaining mom- j entum as it goes- Brother J: C: Park er who teaches the Bible Glass ever Tuesday night is a great scripturian and you should set in his classes: We are expecting a great day Sun day you come and worship with us j at 3 p: m: Elder E: W: Anthony of j Salem and his congregation will j ; worship with us Elder Anthony being _ __ | ; Reid-Duffy I Pharmacy i 24tl Sz Lake St* I Webster 0699 Free Delivery the speaker for the occasion. The Sisters of Christ Temple was called together, Monday night by Sister Willie Vann daring which time they organized a Missionary Band. The service was opened by singing. There ...» Sunshine in my soul today. Follow 1 by the reading of the scriptures by Sister Edna Bankey; Sister Vann discussed the purpose of the meeting. The following officers were selected: Willie Vann President Hel en Watts vice president. Bertha Mallory secretary; Henrietta Me-. Hodden treasurer; Carrie Irving riiaplain. Edna Pankey was made chairman of the field work. The fol i. wing named Sister White; Forest; Huntley; Love and Middleton. Sister Amelia Anderson was' made chair-. man of the cooking committee. Sister Marion chairman of the program committee. The president closing re-! marks showed the possibility and opportunity for the work of this or ganization. _ ■ I Bethel Baptist Church 29th and T Street Rev. F: S: Goodlett Acting Pastor M rs: J : C: Collins; reporter Sunday School was opened at 9:30 o'clock with a very nice attendance. Our Acting Pastor that has been; called to serve during the period we aie without a pastor; Rev. F: S:l Goodlett having a previous engage- j ment our worship services was con-1 duct<-d by Rev. A: B: B: Truxton J who chose for her topic “Take Hee3 That You Be Not Deceived.” Luke 21 8. All present were spiritually bene fited by the speaker as she spoke so profoundly and encouragingly to the church. A large number attended BYPU at 7:30 o'clock conducted ‘ by the Presi dent; Mr. J: Henderson- After which those present for evening services enjoyed a Spiritual; Feast from the subject: “Love” by Rev. Sister A: V: B: Truxton; 1 Cor: 1-1:13. Visitors and friends are alw'ays welcome to worship with us at the B the Baptist Church. Cleaves Temple 27th and Decatur Street The Cleaves Temple Sunday School is one of the most interesting church schoos in the city. The enrollment runs high. So crowded have the Sun day School rooms become that the adult class is having its classes at the Parsonage. Each teacher has been well prepared and well qualified for the task of teaching. We have in our group teachers who are outstand ing religious educators. We are working out new methods new plans and new ways of presenting facts to our students. We believe that religion is to be lived and not a formular to be used after death. It will be worth while for any individual to attend this school. One cx the most unique aitairs ox the Sunday School was the Talent Rally. It was a contest for talents! Oh boy. what talents. Thei'e were ex traordinary talents super talents big talents and small talents. Each student was given a penny for a talent. The one who invested this penny and brought in $3.60. Miss Beatrice Berkley Williams of Ohio Street won the highest Pri3e in the Junior Department. She brought in' $2.00 with her penny: Little Miss Williams is one of our outstanding: students. She ranks high in her class ! activities. The next contest is a rally between each member of the classes. Little Master Greenfield wants it known that the rest of his class mates must go some to surpass him. Little Miss Royler tells the primar ies to look out. In the Junior Class they are saying that Miss Beatrice Williams can’t get away with this prize. All of the intermediates are stirred up. In the Young People’s Class the far daughters are saying we must have the prize while the handsome sons are casting lots among themselves. In the Adult Class each is watching the other. Such a grim contest has never been seen before. Folks; if you want to be in the whirl in the rea swim of life; if you want to be in that magnificent crowd of gay and happy people then come to Cleaves Temple. Sunday School. There is something of inter est at all times. Watch out for the big Sunday School Party. It will be one of the most unique and inU-cost ing auai» that has ever been given, ihe Ten ttride Wedding Who is th> Unknown •Graoni.' He certainly is running the laches swise er ..lean nuts, they are all in love with him. The great mystery abou. u is they don’t know who he is. I’ve never know my people to keep such a secret. I can hardly rest for tele phones ringing and women talking. What do you suppose all this racket married to one man. Oh my what a is about? Ten ladies are trying to get man! Some of them says that he is a big high; handsome brown skin so ciety man. But nobody knows who Wish it was me. There might be a possibility cf all ten of the ladies; ghiting married. There is no way of finding out wh ohe is. If it were; you | know' ten ladies sure would find out. All Omaha is stirred up. They are I longing and waiting patiently for the j unknown groom to appear. Like a ground hog he is waiting for the sec- j ond of April. Then they say he will appear: Come see this mysterious man that’s stirring up the people of Omaha. Purchase your tickets now: : The preaching services began at eleven o'clock. The pastor Rev. 0- A. Calhoun, ascended the rostrum filled with the spirit as usual. He took his text from Mathtews 25:31. He used for a subject: ‘‘Doing Religion.” In substance he said “In Judgment God Shall Be Judge and Jesus the Per secuting Attorney- Men in sin are in opposition to Christ. They are a gainst him and his program. In life we fail to get justice some times because there is so much to enter into life’s equasions. The Scotts boro Boys are failing to get justice because of racial prejudice. We fail to get justice because of selfishness; political bosses; meager affairs ect Ladies and Gentlemen; men and send themselves to Hell. There are many ways by which this is done. Men send themselves to Hell by ly ing; stealing; murdering drinking cursing committing wrong social acts leading wrong kinds of lives. Some people think that religion is a matter between God and man. The religion of Jesus Christ is not only; songing praying shouting getting happy crying and paying but it is a matter dealing with our fellow men Some people are saints at church and the devil at home its nothing to that kind of religion. One maybe able to sing and pray until the shingles seem to fly off the roof; but what good is that if we get on the outside with a long lying tongue. Religion is a mat ter that affects us daily. Then he gave many definitions from religion from leading authors. The most sti iking def illation was one from William James—‘^Religion is visiting the sick the fatherless widows and orphans and keeping unspotted from the world” Then he said: “Religion affects not world.” Then he said; “Religion Affects Not Ony my Re tionship with God but aso my re lationship with my fellow men. Can’t spot me means much. In fact; it has meant too much- Men are doing all kinds of things and boast abqut no body can sport me: Religion friends is what you do and not what you say-” Everybody was inspired by this wonderful expander of the Gospel. Sunday evening at 3 o'clock the pastor’s wives gave a program. It was enjoyed by all. The Epworth League is progressing nicely. W e in vite you to come to the league Sunday evening at 7:45 the pastor preached another wonderful sermon. He took his text from Acts 17:6. He j used as a subject: “The Gospel a Re volution.” In substance he said: “The : Gospel should create a disturbance, j If the gospel is not creating a dis-1 turbance; we as preachers and christ- j ians are not doing out part- John the ■ Baptist created a disturbance and men could not rest until they repent- ] ed of their sins; where ever the apostles went they created a distur bance. In Ephesus; the apostles stir red the people to such an extent; I that they burned their books. Homes i were crowded with a kinds of trashy hoodue; black magic and fortune telling books. We need a barn fire today to burn up some of the trashy books in our homes. Then we will- get somewhere Then he taled of how the gospel revolutionizes the heart and social conditions. He talked of how the gospel revolutionizes the heart and social conditions. He talked of the .1 heum homes; the home for girls j cut. Then he said that we as Christ-1 Ians are to make the world better- If we are not; then we are*not carrying cut Christ’s Plan ” Rev. Calhoun is aj great pastor a wonderful preacher: and a profound orator. Once you, hear him; you will nor ritret having) that strong da ire of returning. All: who are desirous to hear him should i cen t early because of the huge crowds. Charles Stallworth; reporter St. John A. M. E. Church ‘ The Friendly Church” 22nd and Willis Avenue Rev. L- P. Bryant; Pastor The services at St. John last Sun V.y were very good throughout the day- The attendance at all services were very fine. The Sunday School started the day out with a high spirit- Rev. Bryant preached from the 144th Psalms and the 3rd verse and from the subject: “Humanity.” He preached a good sermon in which there were many good thoughts to be remem,bered In the afternoon; Rev. Bryant and several members of his congregation went to Allen Chapel in South Oma ha to attend the quarterly meeting; while at the same time; the Sunday School group of the church went to Bethel to the Sunday School Alliance. At the evening services; Rev- Bryant took for his subject; Spiritual Bank ruptcy. Those to join the church were Sis ter Evelyn Handy of Bethel and a former member of St- John and Miss Lovely from Memphis; Tennessee. We were glad to see Sister S: M: C: Baker Brother Glover and Master M. T- Murrell who have all been ill for some time. Some of the late sick of the church are Mrs. Ester Hicks The Paul Quinn Club invites you to be at a baby show on March 23rd next Sunday March 18th Rev. Bryant and his senior choir will go to Clair Chapel to help Rev. Clay in his quarterly meeting. There were no visitor’s cai’ds pass el in but some of the Visitors in the church were Rev- Cole of Nebraska City and Mr. Mrs. Curtis Kirtley of 2 ion Baptist Church. The weather is getting better each Sunday now. The Sunday School in cites you to come and make yourself welcome- They have classes for both j oung and old. Make yourself feel young again by coming to Sunday I School Program for the Week: Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Freaching Services 10:45 a- m Endeavor—6 p. m. Class Meeting Tuesday—8 p- m Bible Class Wednesday—7:30 p. m. Teacher Meeting Friday — 7:30 p. m. Learn to watch for all your church and social news in your own home town paper; The Omaha Guide. It is trying to keep you informed on all I news Clair Chapel H. W. Smith; reporter Rev. Alfred Clay; Pastor Sunday School and all of the serv ices were well attended- Rev. Clay preached a wonderful sermon and we were all overjoyed to know that he is able to be but with us once again The Forum had a very prominent speaker; in the person of Miss Pat terson and everyone enjoyed listen ing to her. All the clubs had good re ports on the Rally and raised $88-00. The ladies are leading. Visitors are always welcome to all services. Salem Baptist Church 22nd and Grant Street Rev. E. W. Anthony; Pastor Minnie Harris; reporter The Salem. Baptist Sunday School opened at 9:30 a. m- with Superin tendent Wesley presiding- The Sun day School was well attended. The younger people are to be commended for the interest they are taking in tho work. The lesson seemed to be well discussed by all of the classes. At 11 a- m. our pastor brought to us am inspiring gospel message. His subject was “Staying With Christ-” Text read thus; “Jesus saith unto them; you need not depart-” He stated; If Christians would stay with Jesus they need not be afraid of the trails that confront therm The BYPU opened at 5:30 p. m-j with* president Hosenbaugh p: :sid-‘ ing. Devotion was conducted by Mr. E. L. Young- President Cooper coudn’t stay until the meeting was over because he visited Morning Star’s BYPU- He wiil continue mis for sometime visiting the BYPL’s of. the city. At 8 p- m- our pastor! brought another wonderful message O . . *»TT' n 'Mi 'fr C» \ i B n CUDJ t. c ... O A ■■ TCXt w I V-uU^vv* Vi »-*■• - '• • me 36th verse. The sick of the crunch are Sister Gregere; Sistt-r Hester; Sister Dixon and Brother Kendall Sister Mamie Thomas; Sister T_rtci who has been sick is reported well- Brother B- Johnson is also ill: You are welcome to Salem at ail tlHi.cS. Bible Forum 2012 N. 27 St. Elder Irving has a Bible Forum each Wednesday night at the above number where a number of men and women gather who represents some of best members of the different churches where a good work is being accomplished. The work is inter denominational and unbiased and if you attend these meetings once you will then realize their worth to the community. In these meetings real I Bible truths are thrashed out in a sweet spirit and when you leave the ■ meeting you all a gow over the truths you have learned. We think if l you attend this meeting once you will j in all probability become one of us. i Ernest Preston Boxer to Attend Forest Camp Ernest Preston 2712 Franklin St. popular Omaha Light Weight Ama-, teur Prize Fighter is planning to at tend the Forest Camp to train for his Professional career long about the last of April Arthur Williams 111; Reports Back to W ork Mr. Arthur Williams 2808 Ohio Street who was reported ill last week is able to be up and around again and has reported back to work _ I C. C- Galloway of the Omaha Guide honored guest Mr: and Mrs: Edward Childs of 1105 South 13th Street had as her honored guest for tho week end; Mr- C: C: Galloway Acting Editor of the Omaha Guide. 1 Informal Bridge Club Guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gray Mr- and Airs: Lloyd Gray enter tained the member of the Informal Bridge Club at home March 3rd. Friends of Air: and Airs: Henry Tal j bert were honored guest; Mr- and j and Tuddle. Miss E: Bennett was I hostess for the club- Saturday night ‘ at the home of Mrs: Mary Wright. Airs: Mobile Johnson will be hostess for the Informal Bridge Club at the home of Mrs: Lloyd Gray; 2716 Cor-1 by Street Saturday night The Banquet under the auspices of the eight governesses of the Pleasant Green Baptist Church which was given at the Northside YWCA 22nd | and Grant Street was a grand affair. I The attendance at the Banquet was about 210 This banquet of which Mrs. Addie Turner was the originator was an overwhelming success Mr: McCreary acquitted himself grandly by the way he prepared the menu for the large number of guests. The chairman of the committee and her staff of officers worked faithfully to make the Banquet a grand affair- Namely: Mrs. Benola Pearl chairman; Mrs. Edna Taylor; Mrs- Ella Bullion; Mrs: Verilee; Moore; Mrs: Ollie Bostic; Mrs. Eula Meltsie; Mr. F: C: McDonald and Mr. Bishop Pearl. The governesses all appeared in' uniform at the banquet by wearing badges to represent the state for which they are working- The gover nesses names are as follows: Mrs: Addie Turner; Oklahoma: Mrs. Lottie Keys; Kansas: Mrs- Es tella Watters; Arkansas; Mrs- Etta Clayton; Mississippi: Mrs. Dollie Johnson; Missouri: Mrs- Mary Cur ren; Alabama: Mrs. Georgia Cooper; Louisiana: Mrs- Zetta White; Texas. All governesses and guests came beautifully gowned in evening ap parel. Some of the best talent of Omaha appeared on the program at the banquet; which was highly ap ------- • 111 * "*" •^KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES”_ Merely A Difference In Definition f /hm-mhV. just r tou^h as a SPARE TIRE UJ 1 /IF I CAN ONLY KEEP ( IT ON TH‘ PLATE, l MAYBE I C/^NJ CARVE N. IT *! i | • v * y^WELL, BOSS, CAT / CHICKEN AM GOT MORE \ SPRING IN IT THAN ] AfsiV CHICKEN AH EVER. J V SEE IN ALL MAH J v l,fe ^y Wi1' If ' ... 1 predated by all present- The short talk, fo-'cn by Mr: Hf»r*y Lei and and Mr- Simmons were v :y ably presented on “Tiie Racial Uplift-” The instrumental solo give ,■ IV. ss Dorothy Bryant was enjoyed by all. The tables were beautifully uacorreed with spring flowers- Rev: P: J: price; pastor of Pleasant Green had a table beautifully dec ■ a. 1 with “lev and candles fn- r ryr - of 10. All flowers used at the banquet were distributed among the sick of our community BEAUTIFIES HOME Samuel Cain 2902 Decatur Street has started to clean up and beautify his lawn and garden. He will spend his evenings off from work to do this W ~f W-. ™ - i j if. .F'.cGV to UN1FORM INTE:.C MAL QUNDA7 3 rt’ r- r-» f c ' ~ ^ H ki iWLL •_j .. (By RJ3V !• B. F.TS5.. I> l>, il-i.ib -i of Ka.ultj, ?.o.<*ly llllile Institute of Cl:ii* ^ » ) ©. 1934, Western Newspap r Trilim Lessen for March 13 JESUS RESPONDS TO FAITH | LESSON TEXT il. tt. 1! ' 1 58-14:13. 414-15:21-31. ' GOLDEN TEXT— A“k and It shall b<-i given you. seek and ye shall llnd, (knock and It shall he opened unto you.—Matt. 7:7. I PRIM ART TOPIC—Jesus Helps a I Stranger. JUNIOR TOPIC—When People Trust Jesus. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR' jTOPlC—A Mother's Love and Faith. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TUI’ UC—Faith Tested and Triumphant. I. The Unbelief of Jesus' Own Coun 1 Itrymen (13:54-58). : Jesus shared the common fule of iineu, unacknowledged in his own coun ! try. Even his own brothers did not melieve in him until after his resur rection (John 7:3-8; cf. Acts 1:14).’ jBecituse of this unbelief only a limited work could he done there. ( II. Jesus Responding to the Faith of (the Multitude (Matt. 14:13, 1 '<). 1 1. He retired to the desert (v. 13). jTlie news of the cruel death of John Jthe Baptist brought grief to the heart | |pf Jesus and he withdrew to a place jof quietness to commune with the' tieaveniy Father. Jesus accepted John's idea ill as typical of liis own. j 2. Followed by the people (v. 13).' The people were so greatly Interested in him that they followed him on foot jout of the cities. ! 3. Jesus healing the sick (v. 14). Although the rulers had broken with |him, he did not abandon his work. Though desperate and hopeless cases jwere brought to him, none was found too hard for him. I lit. Jesus Responding to the Faith yof a Woman of Canaan (Matt. 15:21 31). 1. The mother’s awful distress (vv pi, 22). Her daughter was grievously [vexed with a devil. The daughter was |the one who was afflicted, but it was [the mother who carried the burden. jNo doubt this Gentile woman had heard of the fame of Jesus. His power to heal had come to her notice and doubtless many times she longed for him to come her way that her daugh ter might be healed. Now that lie was in ber neighborhood she came straight way to him. 2. The mother's fervent appeal for help (vv. 23-25). She humbly fell at his feet and pleaded for mercy. She besought him to cast the demon out. , Her appeal may be considered as a model prayer. a. It was sincere and earnest. From The depths of her heart she cried to j the Lord for help. b. It was brief and definite. In a ,few well chosen words she besought the Lord in behalf of her daughter. ' c. It was personal and humble. The , Lord is pleased when we beseech him in behalf of personal friends as well as ourselves. She came humbly, for according to Mark's account she fell at his feet (Mark 7:25). 1 d. It was believing and persistent. Though she was outside of the cove nant people, she believed the Lord would hear a cry of need. All who accept Christ are his covenant people. She persistently begged help of the Lord. She would not accept a refusal. The Lord is pleased with the soul who will not let him go until the blessing is granted (Luke 11:5-10, 18:1-8). 3. The woman's faith rewarded (vv 20-28). a. Jesus’ apparent refusal fv. 23).' He answered her not a word. This. seems strange that to her distressing cry he was irresponsive. Scarcely ever did anyone have to ask the second time. Frequently he did not wa*t to be asked. The reason for his silence was ’ that a real difficulty lay in the way. He was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This woman was a ptranger to the covenant people. Her bppeal was on the wrong basis. She addressed him as the son of David, which only a child of the kingdom, an Israelite, had a right to do. b. The woman’s quick response (vv. 23-27). As soon as she perceived the difficulty she worshiped him as Lord and cried for help. While only the Israelite could approach him ay the son of David, all can come to him and own him as Lord. She willingly took her place as a Oentile “dog,” recog nizing that salvation is of the Jews The word 'or dog is a diminutive term used for the pet or household dog which had a right to the crumbs which •Cell froru the tabic. c. The glorious issue of her faith (v. 28). She received more than she asked. Her daughter was healed at once while the instructions she re ceived were worth much to her. She goes down in history with the Savtor * commendation of her fa.th.