The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 10, 1934, Page 4, Image 4

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    'I ■! ■' ') U " " " --
Christ Temple
2f»th and Burdette Street
O. J. Ilurckhardt, Pastor
J. W. Goodwin, Assistant Pastor
Mrs. Verda Gordon Reporter
Sunday was at great day at The
Temple. The Sunday School was full
of in rest. At 11 a. m. The pastor
brought U3 an interesting message
on the last judgment- In the evening
the W. W. W. organization had a fine
program in which some interesting
subjects were discussed- Mrs. J- D
Lewis; Mrs. Mammie Dixon Mr. and
Mrs. Anderson’s of the Adventist
Chuit-h and Dr S- B- Shoukunbi’s
wer, all contributors to the program.
At the close of the program Elder
Tanzemore brought to the waiting
audience a wonderful talk of a phil
osophical nature relating to general
cun litions of the world and the pres
ent day method of raising children.
So we had a splendid day in which
much valuable information was given
We expect a good religious pro
gram for Sunday. We will have good
speaker at 11 a. m- and the ‘pastor
will fill his own pulpit at 8 p. m. He
will, discuss one of the greatest sub
j cts of the Bible. The Bible Institute
taught by Elder Tan;:emore will be
on Thursday evening- The Young
with the Institute work- Remember
People Bible Class will unite itself
our weekly meetings. Tuesday night
Bible class Brother John Parker
. ?.ehc.r Thursday Bible Institute Fri
day night prayer meeting you are
v :•_* r... to all of these services.
Bsthel Baptist Church
P v- J. H- Jackson. Paster
’dr.;. J. (’• Collins, Reporter
Sunday School was opened at 9:30
o'clock with a goodly number pres
ent. The lesson was thoroughly dis
cussed and enjoyed by all
Worship services began at 11 o'
clock with Rev. and Mrs- A- V, B.
Truxton in charge. This worship
period was devoted to individual
Christian Experiences their trials
and triumphs. The spirit was keenly
felt throughout the services. At 7:30
our B. Y P- U- met a period which
is always enjoyed by the younger
set. At 8 o'clock; Rev. Mr- Fort of
Salem Baptist Church brought to us
the message of life- “The Way Of
The Cross”—Gal- 6 14 was very in
terestingly discussed by Rev. Mr.
Visitors and friends are always
welcome to worship with us at the
Bothel Baptist Church.
Metropolitan Spiritual
2421 North 24th Street
Rev. R. W- Johnson, Pastor
Mrs. Georgia Peoples, Reporter
The Sunday School opened at its
usual time Sunday being the first
Sunday the fire was burning good.
Everyone was filled with the spirit
_ ___
The Omaha Guide
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R v- R. W- Johnson preached a very
interesting sermon.
Mrs. Fred Forrest entertained the
Progressive Club Monday night;
March 5th at her resident 1208 North
24th Street- Ice Cream and Cake was
served- Every one enjoyed the meet
ing- We had with us as our guest;
Mrs- Spriggins.
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Rev. F. P. Jones, Pastor
Ail that remains ')> be said is that
you should have been out Sunday.
This was a day richful from the start
to the finish. Sunday School created
r. wonderful atmosphere Mr- C- Ste
wart conducted the evangelistic per
iod which was good. B- Y. P- U- is
doing splendid work. A very inspir
ing program was given- All the
groups are doing very nicely. Pastor
Jones brought to us one of the most
powerful and instructive messages
witnessed for sometime from the
Subject: “Church Fellowship”. This
was a day of Pentecost with us for
!be Holy Spirit filled the house and
touched many hearts and all rejoiced
together; we are praying for many
mere such times- Rev. J. P Mabley
] reached at the evening service. The
pastor administered communion to a
laige number. The pastor preaches a
special sermon Sunday. Come and
hear him.
St. John A. M. E. Church
■ ne l' riondly Church”
22ml and Will’s Avenue
Rtv. L. I*. Bryant, Pastor
Many were cut to service Sunday
to hear the Presiding Elder Dr. W
.j. Btooks in his message to St. John;
V, h- opened his Second Quarterly
meeting1 for this conference year. The
aud’cnce sat with rapt attention
while this venerable warrior against
sin told how Christ stands at the
door and knocks and drank in his ex
hortation to make the requirements
so that Christ might enter-”—Revela
tion 3:20
In the afternoon the Reverend Mr.
Calhoun of the C. M. E- Church an 1
his choir rendered a very excellent
service. His subject for the sacra
mental sermon was: “Gethsemane-”
The attendance was appreciative; as
well as inspiring. At night when thi
presiding Elder closed the day with
his sermon on “Symbols of the Bills.”
The financial report for this quar
ter shown as increase over the last
figures showing that more than $17
dollars was raised; $213.47 of which
came in during the Quarterly Con
ference meeting Sunday and Monday
March 4 and 5th- Reports both spirit
ually and financially are indicative
of the growing satisfaction among
the members and services as an in
dex to the leadership found in the
The Sons and Daughters of Allen
which really means the entire church
the sponsoring their first annual
banquet in the very near future. Bis
hop John A- Gregg will be the prin
cipal speaker and a splendid program
is arranged. You just can’t keep
away from St. John so get in line and
hear the Bishop and partake of the
delicacies which will be found in
abundance- Friends and visitors are
always welcome at St- John. Come
to Sunday School at 9:30 a- m- Some
Sunday and spend the day with us.
Clair Chapel
Rev. Alfred Clay, Pastor
N. W- Smith. Reporter
Sunday School and both morning
and evening services well attended
The Forum was also well attended.
Club Number 5 had well attended
service- At 3 p- m- Rev. Sluter
preached a wonderful sermon. We
are all looking forward to the Rally
on Sunday March 11th and we hope
to go over the top as all the clubs
are working very earnestly. Visitors
are aways welcome at any of our ser
Pleasant Green Baptist
Rev. P- J- Price; Pastor
Mrs. Bessie Kins; Church Clerk
Miss Lottie Keys; Reporter
Sunday School opened at 9:30 a.
m- Superintendent Vealand enrolled
forty seven. The school was well at
tended- Lesson was reviewed by the
Reid-Duf fy
24th & Lake St.
Webster 0609
Free Delivery
j president of the B- Y- P. U. Brother
I Collier.
At 11:30 a. m. the peaking meet
ing \va3 held. At 3 o'clock Rev. Jones
1 and his choir was present to speak on
! b half of Mississippi- Rev- Jones’
| topic was "Cooperation” 4th Chapter
I of Ephesians. The sermon was beau
tifully illustrated and we had a
wonderful melting. At 8 o'clock our
pastor; Rev. P. J. Price preached
Four members were added to the
Church. God. is just blessing us right
along under cur new leadership;
Rev. P. J- Price.
On Thursday March 8th the church
ir. g.\::ig a banquet at the Y. W. C
A. and the tickets are twenty
On Sunday March 18th the church
is having a special program at 3 o'
clock- The choir will sing and Rev.
i'. J. Price will speak for the State
of Kansas.
On the 16th of March there will be
a musical program for Mississippi,
x here will be no admission- Only a
silver offering will be taken. Every
one is asked to come out and hear
this wonderful program.
St. Benedict
Rev. Father L'aly Pastor
s ado!.ik* E Sterling, Reporter
The Altar Society held it’s we kly
meeting last Friday afternoon in the
Church Club Room. All members
were present and plans were made
to continue the work of the late pres
ident; Mrs. Petrolia Jackson. Mrs.
Sterling who has been acting in her
stead for some was acclaimed
President for the remainder of the
year- Owing to unforseen circum
stances the bazar w ill be postponed
until a later date than was previous
ly planned.
The “St- Peter Claver’s Guild” will
give a series of readings on the lives
of Saints beginning next Monday
night with the life of St. Peter Clav
er and continue each Monday night
for an indefinite time. We feel sure
that this form of study will prove
interesting as well as educational.
The “Tango” game sponsored by this
Guild; last Saturday night proved
extremely interesting and fascinat
ing (and fcenefical; to a few) and
while there was not a very large
crowd present; tnose wrho playred
i_eiuiiniy enjoyed every moment of
the time- This game will be continued
for 4 consecutive Saturdays and there
arc many lovely prized to be won
Refreshments will be served to those
who play free of charge. Mrs. Glass
and Mrs. Cosby are in charge.
Owing to the death of Mrs. Jack
son who was Vice president the
meeting of the P- T- A. was post
poned last Sunday until further
j notice. The Sewing Class has been
j extended for another six weeks of
■ service. Ail the ladies are urged to
: take advantage of this opportunity
and attend regularly each Thursday
I night from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. The
1 Art Class meets every Friday after
noon from 1:00 to 3:00 try to attend.
The Funeral of Mrs- Petrolia Jack
son, was a very sad event of the past
week’s happenings; after undergoing
a serious operation at the University
hospital she died Wednesday evening
at 5:30 p- m- leaving a lovely baby
girl who is reported doing nicely and
weighing seven pounds. Mrs. Jackson
; was an energetic worker in our
church activities she was founder and
president of our present Altar So
ciety and Vice-president of the P. T
A- congenial and happy, personality
i-hat was admired and liked by a host
of friends.
Her death was a sudden and un
expected shock to the entire parish
and many are the fervent prayers
that have been offered up for the
repose of her soul
Mrs. Harvey Pittman of Minnea
polis Minnesota is the guest of her
son in law. Mr. George Jackson for
an indefinite period.
Mrs- Pittman is the mother of Mrs.
Petrolia Jackson who was buried last
Saturday morning- The bereaved
husbad mother and children are ex
tended the heartfelt sympathy of the
parish and Pastor. #
Salem Baptist Church
22nd an dSeward Streets
Rev. E. W. Anthony, Pastor
Minnie Harris, Reporter
The Sunday School started the
day out with a large attendance with
Superintendent Reagan presiding.
Song service was lead by Superin
tendent F- Wesley. We listened to a
wonderful review coming from Dr.
W- Jones- He brought out many
wonderful points on the lesson- We
are always glad to have him visit us.
He stated; “That Christians take
their burdens everywhere but to
Christ; therefore they fail to get an
At 11 a- m. our pastor preached
ring- Subject: “Christ the Way to
from his soul- His message was stir
Heaven” text; St- John 14th Chapter
and 6th verse.
At 5:30 p. m. the B- Y- P- U
opened with a half hour devotional
service lead by Sister Bessie Wil
liams and Sister Ruth Whitley. Pres
ident Harrison then took charge
Song service conducted by Mr- E- L
Young. The B. Y. P U- was largely
attended by the young people- A
wonderful program was given by the
Juniors of which Mrs- Willi §m. Coo
per is teacher. The Juniors Jtells the
res; of the groups to step up
A'; 8 p. !.i. our patter drought an
<. .use burn ng massage subject: “Con
c ’ation in Christ;”* text found in
P.'-i. 2nd chapter and 2nu v. rse. h no
units no still doing good work for
their church- Unit Number 2; hr. C
K. David; captain raised the highest
current cf money for the montn of
February 1st. On the third Sunday;
i our pastor and other will be at Christ
Temple to render the service for the
afternoon- The Street Rally ended
Thursday night March 1st. 1934 with
Mrs- L- Turner having the highest
am cunt of money- She reported five
dollars and seventy cents. Deacon
Harris had the highest amount for
men. Ihe president of the Church
Aid Society; Mrs. Mary Alexander
presented tokens to encourage tnem
in their work.
Pilgrim Baptist Church
Hamilton and North 2">th Streets
Rev. James H. Dotson; Pastor
Services were good nil day Sunday
an i a large crowd attended all serv
ices with quite a few visitors present
rooming ard evening- The pastor
preached at both services using as a
subject in the morning ‘ABUNDANT
LTbE’. “In Him was life; and the
life was the light of men—John 1:4.
In the evening he used as a subject:
‘I he out working of love-’ Sunday
School was well attended also B. Y.
P- U- Group No. 1 had charge of the
program which was enjoyed by all.
A partial report from the drive was
r. .re than $200-00. Ever Loyal Club
-s i. -Ming this week at the home cf
Mrs. Bowen with Miss Dora Williams
as hostess. The play: ‘Not a man in
the house’ will be given at the church
Thursday evening. Cast of characters
are the Mesdames Minnie Dortch;
Ethel Goode; Irene Beane; Alice
N.cholson; Verda Jowers- W'illing
W crkers Club elected the following
officers for this year Mrs. J. W
Porter president; Hesree Smith vice
pi esident; Mary Wheeler secretary
and Milner S. Sanford treasurer they
aie meeting at the home of the pres
ident and invite all the members to
be present. The Heart to Heart Club
met with Mrs. Eva Steward Tuesday
evening. The Junior Red Circle girls
meet at the parsonage every Tuesday
at four thirty o'clock- The Senior Red
Circle will meet with Miss Ella Mae
Mills this week. This club will have
a forum at the Church the 4th Sun
day from four to six o'clock with
some very interesting speakers to be
announced next week- The Church
Miss Jo-hnnie Gordon graduates from
congratulates Edward Davis and
Technical High. Both are active
members of Pilgrim. The Mission
Circle was well attended in their
general meeting last Thursday even
ing. The president Mrs. Jane Johnson
was indeed happy to see so many out
encouraging reports were made by
each group with.several new mem
Church Enquiry Column
W atch for the opening of this
column. At an early date in the fu
ture; a Church Enquiry Column Edit
ed by Madoline E. Sterling will be
opened in the Guide.
We believe that every conversion
is surrounded by an absorbingly in
teresting story; and we believe that
such a story will help those in dark
ness to see the light. Would you not
be glad to tell YOUR story; for the
salvation of anothers soul?
Why I ;m a e'i-i tian. Why I am of
this particular faith; rather than
another. What satisfaction I have re
ceived; that this same faith can give
to my fellow men.
These and many other questions of
intense interest w'ill be openly dis-1
cussed; in this column by the Min
isters and converts of every Deno
mination. Please send all correspond-!
ence to the Editor of this column to
20 Grant Street; Omaha Nebraska- |
Looking Back
By Videtta Ish
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
To those who remember the man
ners of children of other days it j
seems so very strange that today j
they should push themselves forward
and in so many ways manifest fla
grant obtrusveness- If children of
the other generation were allowed to
remain in where their elders were
engaged in conversation, they knew
they were to be “seen and not heard-”
But, today, children correct their
parents in use of language and in the
narration of incidents- Sometimes
they “hog the conversation,” taking 1
it entirely away from the older!
ones. It is not unusual to hear, “No,
mother; it was this way;” and “She
didn’t say that; she said this.”
In other years the penalty for this
conduct would be a “back-hand lick,”
and a dismissal from the company
And it would mean a “dressing” af
ter the company had gone- Yes, child
ren of today are more; enlightened:
than were ‘their parents and their
grand parents; but, in manners, they J
are yet decades behind.
Millions of investors injured by
political horse-play are going to
fight for their savings. They are
tired of being slapped in the face
with political pie to secure public ap
plause and votes
By A- B. Mann
F • T’i: Service Bureau)
H :ng con Ft. :is, low wages
: io' :r.c exist race of dives in close
nrr-x;mity to hemes and immoral ex
ample of their elders all have con
t«:batory 'nfucnca in juvenile de
linquency. But little care those whose
r>uty it is to improve th so conditions,
i ‘ they refer to colored youth- Seeing
white, these dominate ones cannot
s duty—and dinger—in such situa
tions. Yet they criticise and condemn
moral laxity thus encouraged
As it refers to crime, this myopia
is inidsuptably in evidence- In a
t. ugh section cf Detroit, Michigan,
as in many other cities, it is no un
usual thing for colored people to be
murdered by their own. In many in
stances women have been murdered
in the streets- Few of the murderers
are ever apprenhended, and the ex
planation is in the remark accredited
to a police officer. He is reported to
have said, “•Well, it is just one Ne
gro killing another and there’s no
need, that the State should have the
expense of a trial ” And this is the
attitude* of many.officials both North
end South- To Be Continued.
Pity The Poet
By R- A. Adams
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
Pity the poet who must write—
Must everlasting indite
What may not ever see the light
He writes because, h's brain afire,
Must have relief or something dire
Will come to pass- What, you in
quire ?
He is the butt of ridicule,
To many, a consummate fool,
Cr just the devil’s helpless tool
He writes until his eyes gTow dim,
But what he writes is more to him
Than just some fancy, fad, or whim.
His torotures you can never know,
How, by the lash he’s driven <*o,
So pity him and mercy show
Hitting: The White Man's
Vital Spot
By B- A. Adams
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
Familiar is the story of the strike
of Negro buyers on Chicago’s South
side, led by the eourageouos Chicago
Bee and by means of which the chain
stores were forced to give employ
ment to colored people- This was hit
—his pocket book. There are thou
tng the white man in the vital spot
sands of such cases; and the number
should be multiplied. An incident of
this kind came under the writer’s ob
servation in Kansas City, Kansas.
The Kansas City incident has to do
with two white drug stores- When
the colored peope first invaded this
neighborhood, these two drug stores
were unfriendly and Negroes were
denied service at their soda foun
tains. More Negrooes came; and coL
ored drug stores opened in the neigh
borhood. These two proprietors
thawed out- Now they are willing
and anxious to serve colored people
in any way- One especially asks, “Is
there anything else? Do you need
soap, or powder, or anything else?
Not long ago the other former snob
stepped out in the snow to invite a ,
colored man to “come in and wait for
the car.” These are instances wdiich
show colored people can hit biased
white people in the vital spot- And
they should not hesitate to do so.
The LortTs Prayer
By Dr. A. G- Bearer
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
Text: Thy kingdom come; thy
will be done—Matthews 6:10.
1. Definition of the Term- The
tfcims “kingdom of heaven” and
“kingdom of God” are used inter
changeagly and is now conceded
that the “kingdom of heaven” refers
to “a state of society ” Jesus em
phasized . the spiritual significance
when He declared, “The kingdom of
heaven is within you.”
2. What the Kingdom Means to
the World. It means living the life
of Christ; bringing life and char
acter into consonance with the ex
ample of the life of Christ, artd with
the “Golden Rule,” His formula for
social righteousness- With the king- j
dom of heaven in the heart of a man, -
he will deal justly with all, will have,
sympathy for all wrho suffer or are ;
unfortunate, will be tolerant in re
gard to human errancies and he will,
be generally helpful to his fellow- i
men- Of course, the ultimate and
complete result will be that God s
will shall be done “in earth as it is
in heaven.”
3. How to Bring It About. In
this text we are taught to pray for
the coming of this kingdom- But
prayer alone will not accomplish
what is desired- Those who are inter
ested in this consummation must
work and thereby hasten it
Maxie Mil!er
Married woman decoying girl of
14—something “dead in Denmark”—
best place for girl at night-time Is
home—honest mother better do her
duty—let other woman worry.
(For advice, write to Max-'? Miller,
ca: The Library Service Urrgau,
Kansas. For personal reply send
Maxie Miller: I am the mother of
a girl fourteen and there is a mar
ried woman very fond of my daugh
ter. She want’s to take her to places
and wants my child to stay nights
at her house. This woman has a boy
cider than my girl, and the people
say I ought not to let my girl go
there so much. I think the woman is
all right, but I am uneasy. What do
you think I ought to do in a case like
this? I hate to hurt the woman's
feelings—Honest Mother.
Honest Mother: If you are hon
est with your child and with your
self you will keep your eyes opened
and protect your own child. Sus-1
picion is justifiable when a married
w oman hangs on to a girl- The fact j
that you are fearful and that the
neighbors are discussing this matter
ought to make you cautious- I would
not “snap it off suddenly.” but, gra
dually I would break this alliance- As
to the staying at her house, you
should forever say no! The parents’
roof is the safest place for a girl at
night, especially. Let her stay at her
own home, if you would protect her
and avoid trouble
I have known many cases of this
kind- I am thinking of one where the
married woman would call and say to
the girl, “Stop by; I got a piece of
pie for you.” Finally she got a piece
of pie that failed to digest; and a girl
of twenty-two is the result of the in
Be honest with this girl and pro
tect her; and let the other woman!
_ I
‘The Green Pastures4 Cele
brates Fourth Anniver
sary in Ohio:
ATHENS Ohio March 7—“The
Green Pastures” Mare Connelly’s
famous and widely traveled work
shewed here on Monday February 26
and celebrated its fourth anniver
sary- In the four years that have
elapsed since the opening night at
the Mansfield Theatre in New York
this extraordinary enterprise has es
tablished many records- For one
thing it has traveled more than 14
000 miles and has exhibited in thirty
eight States of the Union and two
Canadian provinces. It has recently
completed a tour of the South that
embraced every stage of the old Con
federacy save Mississippi where the
aters were not available
One of the grandest stories in the
realm of the theatre is that of Har
rison—this gentle Negro gentleman
who began life as the son of fugitive
slaves in London Ontario and who
was a bellhop waiter railroad work
er dramatic reader and teacher be- 1
fore he rocketed to fame on Broad
way at an age when most men are
thinking of retiring. Now with plenty ;
of money and as much prominence as j
any living member of his race he is i
as simple and unassuming as he was
before he found fame in “The Green
Except for the recent death of j
Salem Tutt Whitney who portrayed
.“Noah” and the earlier passing of
Wesley Hill and Samuel Davis both
of whom enacted the role of “Ga-1
briel” “The Green Pastures” on its j
fourth birthday still retains essential-1
ly its original cast
_ I
Your Children—And The
The birth of every child is accom
panied by happy and confident plan
ning for its future. Parents study
every detail of raising of environ
ment of education.
And education stands out most im
portant of all. The world of today is
intensely competitive—both for busi
ness and individuals. The place for
the untrained and unskilled worker
grows steadily, smaller- This is the
age of the specialist and the expert
whose education has prepared him to
do one thing well
The actual cash value of education,
was computed some years ago in a
thorough going survey. It was found;
that the average boy goes to work at.
the age of 14. He reaches his maxi
mum income 'of about $1700 at the
age of 40- By the time he is sixty he
has earned $64000.
The average high school graduate
reaches a maximum income of $2800
at 50- His total earnings at sixty
are $88000.
The average college graduate is
earning $6000 to $8000 a year at 60
His total earnings are $160000 to
$200000—three times that of the un
trained worker
Beginning March 19 the nation is
to observe Financial Independence
Week- Life insurance in all its
branches will be discussed and ex
plained- Among the various policies
offered by the legal reserve com
panies are those guaranteeing educa
tion for one’s children. They are im
pervious to depressions and financial
distress of all kinds- And they solve
one of the most pressing and vital of
all problems faced by parents
Cuban Army Officers Join
With Reds
HAVANA Cuba March 7—(CNA)
—Lisuts- Ciro Leonard an 1 Fdueard
Tomou former army aviators char
ged with plotting “with Communist
• agitators” against the gem-mutant
were arrested this week on orders
from the butcher Colonel Fulgencio
Battiste it was learned
Fraternization of workers and
soldiers have recently been branded
as “red plots” to overthrow the gov
ernment indicating the fear of the
ruling class of Cuba against the
growing protest of the workers a
gainst the misery and starvation of
the Mendieta regime- The two of
ficers are held in the Cuban Fortress
chool Lessen
(By REV. p u Fi'l'Z WATER, D U.,
Member of Faculty. Moody Bible
Institute of Chicago.)
©. 1934. Western New»pa,» r t'ninri.
Lesson for March il
LESSON TEXT—Matthew 13:31-33
GOLDEN TEXT—Of the increase ot
his government and peace, there shall
be no end, upon the throne of David
and upon his kingdom, to order it anc
to establish it with judgment and witk
justice from henceforth even for ever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will per
form this.—Tsaiah 9:7.
JUNIOR TOPIC—A Story Picture ol
the Kingdom's Success.
TOPIC—What Our Religion Means to
—Pictures of the Kingdopi.
In this chapter of Matthew tha
“mysteries” of tlie kingdom are un
folded (v. 11). By “mystery” in the
Scriptures is meant truth undiscover
able by human reason, made known
by revelation. The teaching set forth
in these parables sets forth the admix
ture of moral and spiritual interests
which characterize the period betweei
■ Christ’s rejection and his triumphan
I. The Mustard Seed (vv. 31. 32).
1. Its unimportant beginning (v
31). It begins as the least of a-|
seeds. Not only v- Christ, thj
king, of humble pa ge, but hi|
disciples were unlettered fishermen.
2. Its vigorous growth (v. 32).
Though small at its inception, thd
work inaugurated by Christ, has be
come wide in extent and mighty in
3. Its lodging capacity (v. 32). The
birds which find lodgment in the tree
represent predntory individuals who
have found shelter in the church but
are not part of it. The birds which
lodge in the branches are the “fowls”
which devoured the seed that fell by
the wayside (v. 4).
II. The Leavened Meal (v. 33).
1. The meal. Meal in the Scrip
tures means something nutritious and
wholesome. Examples of its character
and use are found in Gen. 18:G;I King*
4:22; n Kings 4:41. Also it was used
In one of the sweet savour offering.**
which typified Jesus Christ (Lev. 2:1-3
R. V.).
2. The woman. The woman is thu
administrator of the home. Her rel
flponslbflity !s to take the bread pro
vided by the head of the home and
prepare and distribute It to the chit-'
dren. Observe:
a. Her act. She bid the leaven ini
the meal.
b. Its issue. It leavened the meaj.
The meal was not turned into leaven
but was affected by the leaven.
3. The leaven. In the Scripture
eaven is invariably a type of evil
(Exod 12:15, Matt. 16:6, 12; I Cor. 5:6
8; Gal. 0:8, 9). The teaching of this
parable, therefore. Is that in this ag«*
{he truth of God and the wholesoindl
institutions established by God would
be corrupted by error, worldliness, and
unbelief. The woman representing th<i
administrator of affairs in the world
would introduce false doctrine and
thus corrupt the children’s bread. '
III. The Hid Treasure (v. 44).
1. The field (v. 38). Christ’s own
interpretation makes tills to be thw
2. The treasure. This doubtlesJ
means Israel, the chosen people
(Ps. 135:4; Dent 7:0-8).
3. The purchaser. This represent^
Jesus Christ (John 8:16).
4. The purchase price (I Pet. 1:13,
19). This was the precious blood ot
Jesus Christ, God’s beloved Son.
IV. The Merchantman Seeking Good
ly Pearls (vv. 45, 46).
1. The merchantman ts Christ
(I/uke 10:10). Tlie Son of Man cams
to seek and to save that which was
2. The purchase price (Phil. 2:6-8),
Christ Impoverished h'.raself in ordej
to purchase the pearl of great price.
8. The pearl of great price (Co^
1:18). This is not Jesus Christ bui
the Cfcurch purchased by his blood.
V. The Dragnet (y. 47-50).
L The sea. 8ea !n the Scripturl
denotes people and multitudes (Data
7:8; Ber. 17:15).
2. The dragnet east .nto the sea (w
4T). This means the sowing of thg
Word by the Son of Man (y. 87).
8. The dragnet drawn to shor^
when full (v. 48). When Ood'e pnn
pose la made full concerning the pres
ent age, an account will be made.
4. The separation (yy. 48, 40). Th;i
separation Is made by the angels, anj
will take place at the end of the age
6. The destiny (yy. 40-60). The an
gela, Oodh minister*, *haB ssparaf
the wicked trean among the Just an
shall east them Into tha lorwace e
Ire where there shall be waOteg aog
■washing of teeth. The gbod shall hi
wet aside for the pleasure and setwlS
pt the Lord.