The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 10, 1934, Page Three, Image 3

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Mrs. B. Nionlig was h ’to the
Eureka Bridge Club February 24th
New business of importance is to b:
dtiscuascd next meeting n;ght- A
lovely lur.-eh was served and a good
time was had by all- All of the mem
bers were present but -Mr. C. Phil
lips. Visitors were Mr. and Mrs. W.
Johnson. The first.prize went to Mrs.
W. Penn and Mr- Wm. Roberts. The
booby prize was won by .Mrs. John
son and Mr. Davis- We hope all of
the members are present next meet
ing with Mr. Atkins.
Mr- J- Davis president
Miss M. Payton reporter
The Young Art Greeters had their
Third Meeting at the home of Mrs
Hill 2909 North 26th Street Thurs
day March 1st 1934 at the home of
Mrs- Hill the sponsor Myrtle Thomas
president; Marguerite Hill reporter
The Beau Brummel Club organized
February 21st 1S34 with a member
ship roll comprising the names of
twenty young men who have spent
their boyhood days in Omaha. The
meeting was held at the Community
Center with the Vice-president James
Crawford in charge. The chairman of
the committee on by laws and con
stitution to the organization and it
was accepted with applause
Oth r business of importance was
taken up and the meeting was ad
journed. Next meeting will be Wed
nesday night at the center.
Johnny Jackson reporter
Mailellus Richila secretary
The Savoy Club held its weekly
meeting Saturday night February
3rd 1934 at the home of Mr- Mair
field 2530 Patrick Avenue- Bridge
was played the monthly score ended
February 3rd. The first prizes were
awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin;
the booby prize to Mr- Redden.
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mr- and Mrs. Redden 2505
North 2£>th Street Saturday February
10 1934.
Elex Edden president
Gertrude Johnson reporter
The Gold Digger’s Club met at the
home of Miss Susie Hall 2420 Char
les Street Thursday March 1st- Chair
men of the different committee were
appointed. Miss Juanita Jordan was
chosen chairwoman of the Social
Committee Miss Bernice Gray of the
Sick and Welfare and Miss Kather
ine Wheat of the Kenington chair
man- Final plans wTere made for the
Jitney to be given Friday night at
2720 Franklin Street- Everyone is
asked to come out and enjoy himself.
Delicious refreshments will be ser
ved- A delicious repast was served
by the hostess. The next meeting will
be at the home of Miss Clara Ander
son 2522 Wirt Street Thursday Mar
ch 8th at 4:30 p. m. Each member is
asked to be present
Miss Mildred Bronson president
Miss Amelia Thomas reporter
Mrs- Marie Wright of 2422 Erskine
was hostess to the club at it’s last
meeting February 27th and the vote
of thanks extended her was well de
served for the delicious repast and
excellent hospitality offered. A large
number of the ladies were present
and many interesting topics were
discussed while they were busy with
their needle work. A very interesting
report was given by the chairman of
the sick committee. The next meeting
will be at the home of Mrs- Ruth
Williams 2628 Parker and the follow
ing meeting will be at the home of
Mrs- Christine Althouse 2407 North
22nd Street
Vera Graham president
Madoline Sterling reporter
The Friendship Checker Club met
Monday evening at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Wardell- Quite
a few members were present includ
ing some formerly on the sick list
The club enjoyed a delightful repast
served by Mr. O’Neil Reynolds which
followed our regular weekly meeting.
We cordially invite visitors to meet
anytime with the club.
Edward Ellis president
Mollie Smith secretary
Amanda Jones reporter
Mid City Community
A packed house filled the Auditor
ium Friday night March 2nd for the
Amateur Program which consisted of
songs Tap Dancing Skits and Special
numbers from the Mid City Jubilee
Quartette- Mrs- Rae Lee Jones and
Miss Marjorie Bolden had charge cf
the program with the able assistance
of the members of the staff. Prizes
were awarded to Elaine Meece; Pa
trica Redd- and Elaine Raglan for the
best acts
Every Friday night will be High
School night at the Mid City Comm
unity Center for various types of
-ctivities. All High School boys and
g'.rls are expected to be ardent sup
Old Fashioned Dancing under the
direction of Mary Cusack will be
March 15th in the Auditorium of the
Mid City Center.
Keep Friday March 9th for the
Operetta at Zion Baptist Church at
8 p- m- No admission.
A Grandmother Tea will be held
Saturday afternoon- There will be
prizes given to the oldest and the
Mrs- Edwin S- Jewell Chairman In
ternational Relations Committee of
the Omaha College Club was the
speaker' at the Public Affairs Com
mittee Tuesday evening at the North
Side “Y”. The subject for discussion
was the present Austrian situation
This is a third talk in a series plan
ned by the committee to study eco
nomic and social problems of foreign
countries. Miss Jennie Robinson is
Miss Ruth Marie Brown Executive
Secretary Des Moines Iowa guest
speaker at the Membership Tea last
Sunday at the North Side “Y” was
the dinner guest of Mrs- John Albert
Williams. Miss Brown enjoyed a love
ly sightseeing trip as the guest of
Mrs. J- W- Dacus
Children’s Show at Ritz Theatre
“SOOKY” starring Robert Coogan
will be the feature attraction at the
Children’s show at the Ritz Theatre
on Saturday afternoon March 17 at
2 o'clock. Tickets are 10c and may be
secured from the Y- W- C. A- or from
girls or women. Mrs. Addie Seals is
chairman of the Service Committee i
i and is sponsoring this effort
Large Numbers Hear Miss Brown
A large and appreciative audience
listened to an interesting and educa
tional talk on “Memgership in the
YWCA Sunday at the North Side ‘Y’.
Miss Ruth Marie Brown Executive
Secretary of the Blue Triangle
Branch YWCA of Des Moines Iowa
was the speaker. Following the talk
Tea was served.
Boy And Girl Forum Sends Tele
gram to President Roosevelt
After a joint discussion at the
semi monthly Boy-Girl Forum of the
North Side “Y” the following parsons
drew up a letter stating the approval
of the entire group o&the AntiLynch
ing Bill- Irene Harrold Thomas Ross
and Robert Coulson- The letter was
sent Air Mail to President Roosevelt
and was signed by the boys and girls
present- Attorney H. J. Pinkett ser
ved as discussion leader for one of
the groups and presented the sub
ject: “Disarmament” for discussion
Mrs- M. L- Rhone presided at the
second group and presented the Anti
i Lynching Bill- Mrs. Lucy Charlotte
Crawford is sponsor of the Boy and
Girl Committee.
youngest grandmother. Refreshments
will be served
There will be a Tap Review given
at the Mid City Center F riday Mar
ch 30 1934 sponsored by Miss Mar
jorie Bolden
Miss Beatrice IFcRie Miss Rufti I
Burlerson Miss Stenolia Williams j
Mr- and Mrs. Charles Boudin Mr. and j
Mrs- Pickins Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt j
Cooper Mrs. Lucil Edwards Mr. K- !
Hudson Mr- Jasper Cole; Mrs- An
tham Huff and Mrs. Ida Jiles ofj
Council Bluffs. Mr- and Mrs- Bert j
Yost; Mr- and Mrs- Stuart were en- j
tertained at a luncheon at the beau
tiful home of Mr- and Mrs. Harry!
Leland 26th and Maple Street Feb- j
ruary 2nd 1934
Miss Allia Carter the daughter of
the Rev. and Mrs- J. T- Carter re- j
eently of Weleetka. Oklahoma is em-1
ployed by the Service Decorating
Company- Operated by Mr- Arthur
Stone in connection with the Stuart’s j
Art Shop at 2522 Lake Street. Miss
Carter is an accomplish Typist and!
does type writing and memographing
for the public.
Miss Edna McAlister of 2214 Grace
Street returned last week from a
brief visit with relatives in Atchin
son Kansas.
Miss May Robins of 1814 North
2st Street returned last week from
i Oklahoma City to be with her moth
^ Miss Rubia Washington of San Diego, Cali.
w •I^1SS Rubia Washington who was reared in the home of the late Booker T.
Washington, and a graduate of the Tusk gee Institute of Tuskegee, Alabama is in
?Hr , >'• Sj?e ls the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Childs, 1105 South 13th St.
Miss^ V* ashmgton specialized in cutting and designing in Paris. She is from San Diego,
Caliiorma, where she has resided for the nast twelve years. Miss Washington was the
aebigiwr m the Chiparesian, San Diego's finest cutting and designing estalishment,
vr.o did designing for the largest department stores and many of the finest seamstei
stops of San Diego, California. Miss Washington will be in Omaha for an indefinite
er who has been iil for some time.
Quintelia Watson daughter of Mrs
Dorothy Thompson Watson 1914
North 27th Street died Monday
morning at 1:10 a. m. at a Local hos
Quintelia was thirteen months of
age and was loved very dearly by
everyone that knew her. She was ill
for two months and died of double
pneumonia and diptheria
Funeral services were held Wed
nesday morning March 7th at 10 o'
clock from Lewis’ Chapel. Quintelia
was buried at Prospect Hill 33rd and
Parker Street- She is survived by her
father and mother Mr. and Mrs- Wat
son her grandmother and grand
mother and grandfather Mr. and
Mrs. Thompson and a great grand
father Mr. Charles Thompson.
Miss Margaret Bell and Mr. Mill
iard Singleton were married on Sat
urday March 3rd. Mr. Singleton is
the son of Mrs* Anna Jones and
drives for Emerson and Jensen’s
Mrs. Austin Brannon mother of
“Tickie” Brannon is indisposed with
a head infection. She has been ill for
about a week
Lawrence Boggus and Rev. Popes’
son ware added to tfea Bee News Car- i
riers’ Staff.
Mr. Henry Levels entertained with
a reception at his home Thursday
evening March 1st from 8 to 11 p. m.
in honor of his brother in law and
sister Mr. and Mrs- Charles Branch
who were married on February 9th
at Lincoln Nebraska.
Mrs- Alma Allen has returned
home after having enjoyed an exten
sive visit through the South.
Miss Joseph Baker Carrol Watkins
and Earnest Caldwell of Sioux City
Iowa visited the Misses Hallot and
Alma Allen and also Mrs- Louise Me
Crackin of Chicago Illinois.
Mr. Arthur Williams of 2808 Ohio
Street is confined to his home with
Lumbago and the Grippe.
Mrs. Arch Hodges cleverly sur
prised her daughter Helen with a
b.rthday party given at her home at
6701 ti Railroad Avenue Tuesday ev
ening February 23. The evening was
spent in playing cards and games
and dancing after which a very deli
cious lunch was served. The guest
list included the Misses Adele Mit
chell; Louise Bryant; Margaret and
Laura Alston Loreeta Riddle Oletha
Hodges; Mrs. Wade Gray and the
Messrs- Otha West James Hall; Lois
Harris Sinclair Breakfield Charles
Stewart Trolies Harris; Mr. and Mrs.
Van Burcn Martin and Mr. and Mrs
Jack Whiteside.
Mr- Bradford Boll called at the
Federal Free Employment Bureau
and asked to see one of the head of
ficials and because he would not tell
some of the employees his personal
message he was insulted and beat up
very badly.
The Committee of the E- C. A. will
report the matter to Mr. Hodge for
investigation. This committee have
also been informed that colored men
here in Lincoln is not getting a fair
deal in regards to government jobs
Mrs. Evelyn Johnson of 2400 South
9th Street received a message of the
death of her mother in Yazoo; Miss
issippi. She left Wednesday morning.
The O. E- S- of the A. E. and A.
M- and her host of friends regret to
here the sad news and we extend our
deepest sympathy to the family.
The Three Act drama sponsored by
the Normal Church Frday in behalf
of the Urban League at Quinn Chap
el A. M. E- Church was a success.
Mrs- Blanch Johnson who with the
assistance of the CU of U will pres
ent the pagent at the Temple Thea
tre 12th and R Street Friday even
The Junior Choir of Quinn Chapel
rendered their monthly program to a
packed house of colored and white.
The Community Center invites you
to their regular functions each night
of the week except Saturday. They
give instruction in Cooking Sewing
and any thing in the way of eco
When in Lincoln you may drop in
the Wiley Cafe and be served to any;
thing in the way of food.
The Colored Boys that are no the j
Orpheum Circuit must be congratu-1
lated for wonderful performances in
Lincoln at the Church and the act on
the stage at the theatre
The GUIDE will carry all Lincoln
News free of charge- Make the Lin
coln News column interesting. The
OMAHA GUIDE will print your
; civic; religious; Fraternal and Social
news free of charge just Call C- R
i Johnson or Call L. 7859- He will be
: glad to take your news
, Rev. Burckhardt was called to Lin
' coin last week to associate -with Dr.
' J- H. Schilling of University Place
1 in the funeral of Mr. George E
Englehardt one of Lincoln oldest
business men- He was also a vet in
the Civil War and was buried with
military hcnors. Rev. Burckhardt and
Mr- Englehardt had been friends for
the past 30 years
Chicago — And Chicagoans
Visiting a Bible House!
Recently in other columns I have
mentioned the letter and the gift of a
Bible from a large Bible Publishing
House- I shall use this space in rec
ording my impressions after my visit
to their plant which is at the corner
of South Jefferson and Polk Street
in Chicago a three story brick build
ing almost wholly occupied by this
Bible industry. In this building are
the general sales department the edi
torial department the printing de
partment and the stock and shipping
rooms. At this plant the New Analy
I wrote in my book comment column
tical Bible about the receipt of which
last week is published.
The binding is done by the A. J.
Cox Company master book binders of
Chicago and the distribution is hand
led through the John A. Dickson1
Publishing Company with Mr. A. W- j
Cox president of both companies.
Mr- G- C- Buxton is in charge of
Sales and Advertising and has direct
supervision of the distribution of the 1
hundreds of thousands of Bibles
Dr- James R- Kaye one of the out
shipped out of this building,
standing Bible scholars of the coun
try is the director of the Student’s
Bible Institute which is under the
supervision of the Dickson Publish
ing Company. Dr- Kaye is the author
of many religious books; we will con
sider these at- a later time.
The New Analytical Bibles are
marketed through several different
channels mostly through individual
representatives in each community or
through newspaper and display ad
vertising placed in hundreds of pub
Many religious and secular news
papers and magazines advertise the
New Analytical BJbie over their own
name because the advertising done
by the publishers has created a uni
versal demand for ibis Book- full
page advertisements appeared in
more than a hundred and fifty reli
gious magazines and newspapers last
In this connection I might mention
the tact that Mr. Buxton asked me to
supply him with the names of the
various colored publications as their
firm is willing to give the colored
paginations the same advertising
proposition as handled by the white
The New Analytical Bible comes
in a great variety of styles and bind
ings. There is a price to fit every
pocketbook. All are beautifully
printed on genuine India paper and
many of them arc bound in the finest
imported leathers
In addition to the, selling of Bibles
they have? - complete Bible -Study
Course which is conducted under the
name of the Student’s Bible Institute
This Course covers a period of two
years and entitles the purchaser to
two additional volumes namely the
Student’s Bible Guide and Helps and
Through the Bible in Two Years. The
Course and text books including a
New Analytical Bible and two years’
correspondence privileges are sold on
a convenient installment payment
plan and is sold also through adver
tising in publications and through
direct representatives
Complete literature on all of the
atove including fifty important Bible
Questions and Answers will be for
warded free to all those writing di
Company 800 South Jefferson Street
rect to John A- Dickson Publishing
Commercial Opportunities
- i
Ar. Opportunity to Build a Repeat
The Casterline Candy Company,
manufacturers of candies novelties
and toys, for the past five years
have authorized me to advise my
readers that they are putting on a
campaign to secure a specialty sales
man in each community in the coun
try. This firm wants only one repre
sentative in each community and if -
such representative qualifies the
Casterline Candy Company will pro- |
I tect the agent on all business coming
j from that community- The agents’,
j qualifications are that he should be
j well known in the community and be j
able to contact the merchants as'
j well as the consumers- This proposi- j
j tion appears to be a rapid seller, with (
i arge profit to agent and merchant
and with an enormous repeat possi
bility and it is on this repeat busi
ness that the agent will “cash in’’ on
a protected exclusive territory. Write
to the Casterline Candy Company,
4541 Ravenswood Avenue Chicago
immediately as only one agent in a
community will be placed. I might
mention the fact that their candy is
a penny seller with an opportunity
of securing free prizes on each penny
purchase including a large box of
0. H. Henry carmels and many other
novelties and specialty items
Another Exclusive Territory
ror men and women agents 1 have
run across an opportunity that a real
live go getter can make an independ
ent and profitable living handling
the Nu-Way Later Bandage “that
breathes” which sells at a low popu
lar price and to consumers direct
professional people stores hospitals
schools factories first aid stations
aid stations Bk5t shrdl cmfwy cmv c
etc. While at the office of the Nu
Way Manufacturing Company 3817
West Harrison Street Chicago I per
i sonally investigated he records of
several of their agents throughout
the country- One man I recall start
ed with a small capital of $7-20 last
November and during the months of
November December January and
February the poorest season of the
year this man in Indiana has pur
chased close to $300 worth of Nu
Way Latex Bandages at whoesale
prices on which he was able to make
from one hundred to four hundred
per cent on his investment according
to the class of sales he made. Many
other agents are doing and have
done even better than this one who
started with only $7-20 I would rec
cmmend that every interested pro
spective agent write at once to the
Nu Way Manufacturing Company
3817 West Harrison Street Chicago
I for full particulars on this wonder
ful money making opportunity and
how to become an exclusive distri
butor in your district
An Opportunity not requiring a
single penny of Capital!
The Kay Products Company 5021
South Wells Street Chicago manu
children’s raincoats; leather coats
facturers of men's women’s and
sport blouses etc- for over twenty
years are now lining up their spring
and summer campaign through
agents- They have never attempted
to use colored agents particularly
but are quite willing to allow their
colored prospects the same agency
proposition as they give the whites
and to ail pvospcclve agents who
write at once before their sample
outfits have become exhausted the
Kay Products Company will send ab
solutely free with transportation
charges prepaid their sample selling
kit and full instructions as to how
the agent can with only one or two
orders a day make a living with earn
ings great-r than any ordinary job
Would likely pay in salary and with
out one single penny cm investment
on the part of the agent. This pro
position should be acted on at once
for the company ha: only a limited
number of these free selling kits to
send out and aiso gocause their
agents must be assigned now at the
beginning of their most profitable
sales season.
An Opportunity For Every
Many municipal administrations
of the United States have taken ad
vantage of the opportunity offered
to them by the C- W- A. to start in
tensive .surveys and investigations
into local traffic conditions with the
aid of competent staffs provided by
the Federal Administration to find
cut what causes automobile accid
This series of traffic surveys is
one of the most interesting develop
ments of the present day Federal aid
plan- They will show not only wh»t
kind of accidents happened and what
the cost was in death injury and
property damage but also what phy
sical conditions and human failures
helped to bring them about. These
will include anything from misplaced
traffic signal lights and improperly
banked turns to violations of the
speed laws- When the purveys are
finished city officials will know
where why when and how auto
mobile accidents are occurring in
their communities
With the information obtained im
provements can be made on the basis
of actual facts and no waste of mat
erial or man power will be involved
Sidney J, Williams vice president
of the National Safety Council is
Director of Safety for the C. W- A
and is head of the clearing house for
technical information on these pro
jects- According to Maxwell Halsey
Traffic Engineer of the National
Bureau of Casualty and Surety Un
derwriters who is Mr. Williams’ as
sistant in charge of the area for New
England New York and New Jersey
“Traffic surveys can be made profit
ably in any city of the United States
No city is too small or too large- If
the studies are made and their con
clusions followed a 50 per cent accid
ent reduction is entirely possible."
Postal Employees Met
The Omaha Branch of the Postal
Employees held their regular month
ly meeting March 3rd at the Mid City
Community Center. The meeting was
dalled to order at 8:30 p- m. by our
president Mr- Malcolm Austin of
Council Bluffs Iowa- Business was
soon transacted. All communications
were received and adopted The Nat
ional Alliance of Postal Employees is
a Fraternal Beneficiary and Welfare
Organization devoted to the Postal
Employees and the Postal serv.ees
The local has subscribed to the Crhwk
and Opportunity magazine as a 'on
tributio-n to the Library of the Com
munity Library. On February 20 h a
number of ladies met at the home of
Mrs- Earl Wheeler 3011 North 28th
Avenue and organized a auxiliary to
be known as the Postal Employees
Auxiliary. Mrs. Wheeler was elected
President Mrs. A- B- Young secretary
Mrs. J. W. Dacus vice-president and
Mrs- Ollie Lewis treasurer.
Mrs- C. B- Wilkes and Mrs- John
F- Faucett was appeinted committee
on By-Laws. Next meeting will be
held Tuesday afternoon March 6th at
the residence of Mrs. J. W- Dacus
2816 Miami Street
The Postal Alliance members are
very proud of the auxiliary and con
gratulate them. In addition to our
social meeting plans for civic ami
community work will bej considered.
Mrs. John F. Faucett reporter
The Club Sin-Nombre met at 2320
R Street Wednesday February 28th.
The membership of the club was in
creased by two. After business the
club members played cards and
danced for entertainment- The ciub
will meet at Mr. and Mrs. Rannye
Merrill 5318 South .’.1st Street W< d
nesday March 7 1934
J. C- Harris president
Emma Foxall reporter
ST. THOMAS, V- I. March 4—(C
NS)—Governor Paul M. Pearson has
announced that arrangements had
been concluded whereby the Virgin
Islands government will acquire con
trol of the St- Croix Distilling Co.
Old St- Croix rum, famous since
American Revoluntionary days, will
be manufactured under government
The enterprise is to be operated by
the Virgin Islands Co., the entire
stock of which will be held in trust
by Interior Secretary Ickes