The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 24, 1934, Image 1

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An Uubridled,
/ I Outstanding
/a H Mouthpiece
l WLr^ for Your Community
V^jJf op2* “The Omaha Guide
HEW TO THEUNEA 13 vour PaDer”
Woman Who Saw Lincoln Shot Recalls Night
Happenings That Affect the Din
ner Pails Dividend Checks and Tax
Bills of Every Individual- National
and International Problems Insepar
able from Local Welfare
The most remarkable thing about
tHS present congress is its lack of re
markableness. Before it convened the
prediction was that it would simply
be an echo of the President with
possibly a few false notes to add in
terest. Nineteen-thirty-four is after
all the year in which all the Repre
sentatives run for re-election and
normally there would be a lot of per
sonal political fence building done in
both houses. But Congress has been
even more of a rubber-stamp than
was forecast- Matters have reached
the point where its doings outside of
routine approval of one Roosevelt
measure or another aren’t even front
page news. The Republican party has
made only sporadic attempts to pre
pare for elections. It has no general
program no outstanding national
leader no unanimity of opinion
among its members- A large percent
age of Republicans in both houses
vote with the President
The meaning of all this of course
is that most Senators and Represent
atives believe that the New Deal tak
ing it as a whole still has the' public
confidence is still popular- They be
lieve that to oppose it in a strenuous
way is the equivalent of political sui
cide although practically all the Re
publicans outside of the insurgent
wing and many of the Democrats
[Var It is being carried too far that
the experiments m various instances
are getting out of hand that some of
the new laws and bureaus are ham
pering not forwarding the progress
of recovery. The NRA and the con
sumer is a case in point- A definite
feeling is growing that the big manu
facturing industries are running ram
pant so far as prices are concerned
and are sticking the buyer good and
rlenty- Costs have gone up appre
ciably faster than has, the average
income- But only a handful of Con
gressman have had nerve enough to
speak oi this. And what they’ve said
hasn’t made a dent
So far as general business is con
cerned the most important law to
come before Congress in the near fu
ture will probably be a V\ hite House
supported plan for revising the se
• curities act- A number of grave er
rors were made in the daft that be
came the law of the and at the last
Congress. It was designed to prevent
. the selling of dubious stocks and
bonds—but as matters turned out it
prevented the selling of the most
honest securities. Capital has simply
ceased to flow into industries which
sorely need it and are entitled to it
Revision of the bill will probably in
clude modification of the liability
provisions and will tone it down gen
erally so that honest businesses wish
ing new capital will have nothing to
fear when offering securities to the
————— e
Money is a strange article- The
economist figures out what this or
that monetary policy will do—and
when it is put into effect results are
apt to be diametrically different.
hat is true to an extent of the Roose
relt 59 cent dollar- Reason for creat
ing it was to boost commodity mar
kets and strengthen the American
position in foreign trade
As soon as Mr- Roosevelt signed
the bill fireworks started in the stock
and bond markets. Activity was the
heaviest in many months with shares
changing hands at a dizzying rate
Prices were generally up- But the
commodity market did not react ac
cordingly- And across the water the
pound started to depreciate faster
than the dollar. In London a dollai
(Continued On Page Two)
0atied to Testify
Before' Senate
; Pullman Porters Prepare* For Call to
Send Brotherhood Leaders to
Washington For Hearing
NEW YORK. February 23—A.
Philip Randolph, national president
of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car
Porters announced at the headquart
( ; in New York that he is in receipt
of a letter from Senator Hiram W
1 Johns n of California, which direct
i d attention to a communication
' which he received from Mr. Joseph
j B- Eastman, coordinator of Federal
I Transportation relating to the status
! of Pullman Porters and Maids under
! Federal legislation governing rail
| way employees. The letter from Mr.
Eastman reads in part:
"It is my understanding that the
j standard railway organizations, act
ing through the Railway Labor Exe
cutive Association, have filed and are
supporting an amendment to the
i Emergency Railroad Transportation
* "r. which, if enacted into law will
make the same applicable to the Pull
man Company and other transporta
tion agencies in the same manner and
to the same extent as such Act is
now applicable to carries by steam
j railroad. In that connection, I pre
sume that Mr- Randolph will have an
opportunity of giving TESTIMONY
undoubtedly is the proper procedure
for him to follow in getting action
upon his complaint.”
Receipt of knowledge among the j
porters that Brotherhood representa- j
tives may be called to give testimony
in the hearing on railway legislation
before the Senate Interstate Com
merce Committee for the Pullman
i Porters, concerning rates of pay,
| hours of work and rules governing
! working conditions together with the
: status of the Plan of Employee Re
! presentation or Pullman Company
Union, has had the effect of awaken
ing and arousing a new interest and
spirit of loyalty and devotion among
the porters and maids to the valiant
fight of the Brotherhood ( for eco
nomic justice. From all sections sa
crifice so as to be able to send the re
presentatives of the Brotherhood to
Washington to prosecute the porters’
program with Congress and the Co
ordinator of Federal Transportation,
according to Randolph- Because of
the serious nature of the matter to
be considered in the union meetings
that are being held throughout the
country, great care is being taken
only to admit members whp can pro
duce an A. F. of L- membership card,
continued Randolph
(Continued On Page Two)
i C. W. S. Maids
To Aid Families
. —- ■—
The families of jobless men who
are out all day looking for work will
be aided by the federal government
The Civil Works Service of New
York announced on Monday that 200
trained colored housemaids would be
put to work in the homes of unem
ployed families at a $12 weekly sal
It is hoped to expand the number
of houseworkers to 1000, the an
nouncement stated but for the present
time their services would be limited
to homes in which the wife is ill and
unable to care for her children
High Court Reverses
Conviction of Man
The Appellate Division of the Su
preme Court has reversed the con
viction of Wiliam Thomas, 35, white,
of 601 West lS5lh street, who was
sentenced by Judge Joseph Corrigan
in the Court of General Sessions to
serve a term of 7 to 14 years in Sing
j Sing for the murder of his wife
Justice Alfred H. Townley, who
| wrote the opinion, said in effect that
Judge Corrigan had taken sides with
the prosecution and asked the jury to
convict Thomas.
Thomas testified that his wife
killed herself. He said he came home
at 3 a- m- on New Year’s Day, 1932,
and that his wife asked him angrily
where he had been- He said he told
her that he had been working, and
that she then seized a kitchen knife
and stabbed herself in the abdomen
He called the police and an ambu
lance. She was dead when the ambu
lance arrived
Justice Townley ruled that because
Ethel Waters Spo
ngers Out Georgia
and Florida
NEW YORK CITY February 21—
(CNS)—Reports from the executive
offices of Columbia Broadcasting
System have cut their hook-up so
that stations in the States of Florida
and Georgia will not receive the Ethel
Waters’ programs on- Sunday even
ings. This comes as a result of the
wholesale protests from listeners in
those States that object to a colored
artist being featured with a white
As a counter movement thousands
of other listeners in other parts of
the country are expressing great de
light in her features as sent out by
the broadcast company
Miss Waters has recently been the
toast of New York’s effete critics and
doubling from the Music Box Theatre
where she is one of the stars in “As
Thousands Cheer” she has delighted
and won many staunch admirers who
are now rallying to her support and
sending in commendations to the
Columbia Broadcasting Company.
Miss Waters’ newest venture will
probably run her salary well over
seven thousand dollars a week, ac
cording to figures published recent
ly in a well known weekly magazine.
It was said that this noted star re
ceives $1000 per night for her Sun
day at Seven concerts; $3,000 for
each movie short she makes; with
her salary in “As Thousands Cheer”
unquotted. This stamps Miss Waters
as the highest paid star on Broad
NEW YORK CITY, February 21—
(CNS) — Governor Paul Pearson of
the Virgin Islands who has been in
Washington on official business for
some time flewr back to St- Thomas
on Tuesday, February 13th
A distinguished visitor to the is
lands in the very near future will be
Mrs- Roosevelt who is taking a lot of
people with her. My guess is that Os
car Chapman, Assistant Secretary of
the Interior and Harry Hopkins Fed
eral Administrator, may be of the
party. President Roosevelt is plan
ning to go, but no date for his visit
has been set
testimony was barred at the trial that
J might have tended to show a dispo
sition on the part of Mrs. Thomas to
commit suicide, Thomas did not have
a fair trial
It was brought out that Mrs- Thom
! as was a colored woman and she and
her husband had quarreled over her
I all ged refusal to have children, but
this testimony was not admitted in
the lower court insofar as it had
! bearing over her alleged threats to
j kill herself.
“This excluded testimony,” Justice
j Townley’s opinion read, “was clearly
competent as bearing upon the proba
bility of suicide.
Honor to Thirteen
th Colored Priest
WASHINGTON f ebruaVJr 21—
NS)—The Rev. William Leroy Lane,
of-New York thirteenth Negro to be
ordained in the Catholic priesthood in
America, celebrated high mass and
preached the morning sermon at St
Augustine’s Catholic Church, Sunday
February 11; services being attended
by the District Commandery of the
Knights of St- John, whose staff of
officers acted as a guard of honor in
full-dress uniform. The Ladies Auxi
liary also participated in the serv
Father Lane will serve as priest in
Trinidad, British West Indies on a
voluntary mission.
C jzens CiDiiitus
Of The flee3 Of
A Leader
The undaunted courage of Dr. G
B- Lennox in championing the Negro
cause in Omaha must be recognized
by the thinking colored people. The
most natural question arises, why?
First, as a doctor he has the know
ledge he had to qualify his education.
Second, as a doctor he came directly
in contact with the colored people of
Omaha- He knowing their sentiments,
happiness and sorrows, their grief
has burdened him- Being aware of
the Strong desire of Negro parentage
that their sons and daughters, should
receive some of the fruits of their
hard honest labor, past and present;
has stamped an impression on his
mind- Doctor Lennox unselfishly have
championed the necessary cause of
his people.
Just why do you think he is a lead
er Mr- Subscriber the thing that a
-man does bespeaks, the man. When
he chose his residence, he chose it in
the neighborhood, where his people
were the thickest- The very appear
! ence of the kind of structure chosen,
clearly indicates his desires were to
impress his race- We see his thrift
iness in his work. And by his choice
for durability, the architecture and
beauty of his homestead; that it was
Anyone having knowledge or wit
nessing an accident occuring October
20, 1933, 8:30 p. m- at 16th and
Nicholas. Car involved traveling
south collided with pedestrains at
north cross walk of said intersection.
Write Box 168 Omaha Guide Office,
2418-20 Grant Street
Mews Reel To Be
Made Of Mi
Lynoh Hearing
j Governor Ritchie Will Appear And
Tell Of Action By The State In
Armwood Lynching.
Dramatic Surprises Promised From
Long List Of Prominent
j Washington, Feb- 16.—Following
| closely upon Governor Ritchie’s ac
i ceptance of the Senate judiciary- sub
i committee’s invitation to testify at
; its hearings on the Costigan-Wagner
anti-lynching bill, Feb- 20-21, the
' committee issued a subpoena sum
moning Attorney General William
Preston Lane of Maryland to tell
about the breakdown of law enforce
ment in his state following the lynch
ing of George Armwood at Princess
Anne, Oct- 18, 1933.
The committee also plans to sub
poena all those accused of participa
tion in the Armvvooa ' fyfichlttgt xhu
state police who were present during
the burning, together with colored
and white newspaper reporters who
covered the crime. Louis Azrael, as- j
sociate editor of the Baltimore Post, j
has also signified his willingness to1
appear before the committee.
At a conference held here this week
between Senators Costigan, Wagner
and Van Nuys, chairman of the sub- j
committee, with Walter White, sec- j
retary of the N- A. A. C- P., it was i
decided to go thoroughly into the
burning of George Armwood as a
demonstration of the complete im
portance of the states in dealing with
lynching and the necessity for a fed
eral anti-lynching law.
Los Angeles Calif., Feb.—Ordinar
ily it costs nothing in Los Angeles to
obey traffic laws but when James
Boyd, of 1237 E. 46th street observed
a boulevard stop on Central avenue, it
eost him approximately $2300.
When Boyd’s car slowed down, two
bandits leaped aboard and forced him
to drive to 26th street and Paloma
where they robbed him of $300 cash
and a 3-carat ring valued at $2000
Foundryman’s Face Is
Burned At Oil Furnace
Flames wrhich bulged out of the
door of an oil furnace at the Federal
Metal Products Co., 4041 Park avenue
about 3 a. m-, Thursday, seared the
face of Elijah Butler, 31, 1946 Papin
street. Butler was tending the fur
nace and opened the door. His con
dition was said to be serious at City
Hospital No- 3.
San Jose Citizens Support
Anti-Lynching Bill
New York, Feb. 16-—The National
Association for the Advancement of
Colored People has received a resolu
tion signed by 250 citizens, voters
and taxpayers of San Jose, Calif.,
scene of the Holmes-Thurmond lynch
ing, expressing approval of the Cos
tigan-Wagner bill and urging its
passage. Copies of the resolution
were also sent to the California sena
j tors and representatives at Washing
A resolution urging passage of the
anti-lynching bill was passed this
week by the Ohio State Conference of
the N- A. A. C. P. has also been sent
to the Washington representatives in
Congress of that state.
Baltimore To Jele -
brale Rosenwald
• Bay
BALTIMORE Md- February 21—
(CNS)—National Julius Rosenwald
Day was celebrated here on Sunday
February 11 at the Druid Hill Avenue
Branch of the YMCA- Rabbi William
Rosenau Ph- D. of Eutaw Place Syna
gogue and Professor in Johns Hop
kins University was one of the
speakers the Reverend E. W- White
J- F- Coates and C. C- Ferguson as
sisted in the program presented
Dr. Emmett J- Scott of Howard
University Washington deivered tne
principal address. The following are
extracts from what was called a most i
notable eulogy:
“Just a bit more than two years
ago a rare soul passed to its deserved
reward- We have gathered here to
day to pay tribute to his memory. It
is to be feared however that we are
likely' in our love and veneration to
create in.our minds a legendary %
gure possessed* f>Jf atl the virtues of a
super-philanthropist a super-god of
the machine of Big Business thinking
in terms alway's of bigness of thou
sands of millions—a creatui’e of
tremendous driving force without the
divine attributes of warm heart im
pulses and deep human sympathies
Such a picture would not adequately
represent Julus Rosenwald.
“True it is that he was one of the
world’s richest men; true it is that he'
was one of America’s most distin
guished and one of its most success- i
ful business men; true it is that he
was a great benefactor a munificent
giver to causes which intrigued his
heart interet; true it is that he was
a great humanitarian a thinker and
a guide to many in the world of so
cial activity and service—but greater
than all these he was the MAN
(Continued On Page Two)
Plan For Conventi
on of Cosmetologist
Plans for the convention of Ne
braska Association of Cosmetologists
to be held in Omaha Feb. 26, 27, 28
were discussed by Norman Folda at
the monthly meeting of the Omaha
association Monday night at Hotel
The committee in charge Monday
night included Miss Irene Gray, chair
man; Misses Vi Miller, Emma Ohms,
Nettie Mae Koch and Wynn Rene
Sturgeon, secretary of the associa
tion-About 75 members attended.
Lorenzo Donarico is president.
Little Rock, Ark—(ANP)—Henry
Thomas. Cumberland street cafe own
er, was shot by police Friday night
and may die. Two detectives had
gone to Thomas’ home, above his res
taurant, to question him. He came
from the restaurant below, yelled for
them to come down and threatened to
shoot. They beat him to the draw.
Albany, N- Y-, Feb. 8—The New
York State Assembly Tuesday adopt
ed a resolution urging President
Roosevelt and Congress to take steps
to prevent lynchings. * Assemblyman
J. E- Stephens, colored member, spon
sored the resolution.
Recalls Killing Of
{ WASHINGTON. February 21—(C
NS)—“Every time I look at it, I see
the flash of Booth's shot and hear
his cry from the stage,” says Mrs.
j S. R. Eastman of Falls Church, Vir
ginia, recalling incidents of the Good
Friday night when Lincoln was shot
by John' ,Villtes Booth, an actor, at
Ford's Theatre, April 14, 1865. “I
was only 17 then, but I shall never
forget it- ’ continued Mrs- Eastman.
Marion Butler writes of the tragic
event as (follows: On a Good Friday
aftemoc:"* nearly 70 years ago, Abra
ham Lincoln lounged in a White
House c.iair, his legs stretched out
before him, his head cupped in his
hands- formal ityof the meeting
oi hiSFCabuU I not^d*, begun, he yaa
describing to a few early members a
dream which had come to him the
night before.
unly a iejv blocks distant on this
same afternoon, a pretty, brown
haired debutante sat in one of Wash
ington’s fine old residents absorbed
in dreams of her own- Daughter of a
New England minister newjy arrived
in Washington, she had just won per
mission from her reluctant father to
attend the theatre that night.
While Lincoln told his ministers
how he had seen himself in some
strange ship “moving with great
rapidity toward a dark and indefinite t
shore," Sarah N. Russeii was dream
ing happier dreams of th? evening’s
performance at Ford’s Theatre on
Tenth street, where she would see
both President Lincoln and the new
ly victorious General Grant
Miss Russell, who is Mrs- S. R
Eastman, of Falls Church, Virginia
is now 86 but her memories of that
tragic night are as vivid as ever. She
recalls them each year as February
12 brings Lincoln’s birthday around
Carefully cherished ail these years
is a rare, old playbill which she re
ceived from an usher on the night of
that world shaking drama- Her es
cort of that evening,. J. Merrill Or
mes, of Washington an attache of the
War Department of the stirring
1860’s, had it framed for her half a
century ago.
It is dated Ford’s Theatre, April
14, 1865 the night of Lincoln’s assas
sination, and announces a benefit
performance of Tom Taylor’s comedy,
“Our American Cousin,” starring
Laura Keane, John Dyott and Harry
(Continued On Page Two)
Original, Little Eva
Celebrates Birth
Belmont, Mass-—Mrs- Edmund J,
McDonald, white, the original “Little
Eva” in “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, cele
brated her eighty-sixth birthday
Thursday- She was four years old
when she played the part the first
time “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was staged
in Troy, N- Y-, in 1852..
Philadelphia,—(ANP)—Mary Mor
gan, 30 yrs. old, can now talk clearly
after having lost her voice for more
than two years- Speech returned to
her after an operation for the re
moval of a tumor of the larynx in
Mercy hospital.
STAUNTON Va- February 21—(CN
S)—Leaving a note warning his
friends against the “treachery of
women” WTilbur F- Hicks colored war
veteran hanged himself last week,
i Folded around the note was a biblical
picture. The coroner’s jury returned
a verdict of suicide