The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 29, 1933, Image 1

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    v : i J IJi.U : tool
Lincoln, refer,
mV- m
T ft I ill.E they were waiting to
' liear the chimes ring out for
^ y midnight on New Year's
Eve. Dan said: "Have you
ever .thought much about i
_^ Time, Dora?"
4^%. “You ask strange ques
Lions, young man,” she !
laughed, “i don’t know
what you mean.”
Dan grinned back at her. “When !
you get going on it . . . it's rather
awful. And when I say awful ... I
mean just that. Until the idea of the |
Old and the New
Year formulated In
men's minds it was
just Time every
where—infinite, un
bounded. uncount
ed, going on and
on. Then 1 suppose
somebody noticed,
in certain parts of
the world, that
birds came back in
one season, and
went back another.
That now it was
cold for a while,
and now it was hot.
That the tides
came and went
with regularity . . .
and so, they sort
of scratched their heads and said,
'lx)ok here . . . there are four sea
sons, spring, summer, autumn, winter.
And there are suns and moons to
measure them by. day and night’ I
don’t think Time Itself really cares j
whether it is divided into twenty-four
hours a day, seven days a week, and
twelve months a year or not; just a
convenience for human beings. The
animals don't care; the birds know
when to leave and when to return
without any calendars whatever . . .
funny, isn’t it? You get lost in the
idea; not technically, but just brood
ing over it. What has happened in
men’s minds divides Time for us.
Time itself is un
changed1 . . . It’s
awful. Isn't it?
Scares one a little.''
The clock began
booming off twelve
strokes. "Midnight
. . . and Happy
New Year!” smiled
Dora. 'Tou’re prob
ably right, but I’m
glad somebody
thought It up—the
beginning of a New
year, and all the
fun of it. If it were
all just Time . . .
where would the
parties he?”
laughed, “Come on,
let's go and crash one this minute!”
193S, Western Newspaper Union.
Calendar of Grapes
Spain has an old custom, observed
on New Year’s Eve, wherever merry
makers are gathered, of eating little
bunches of exactly twelve grapes, one
for each month of the year.
Dr. Lennox On The
November 29, 1933
Congressman Edward R. Burke,
800 First Nat’l Bank Bldg.,
Omaha, Nebraska
Dear Congressman Burke:
I highly appreciate the consider
ation manifested and your kind let
ter regarding the situation I wrote
Nebraska Conlmftteenlan ArtHur
Mullen about sometime ago.
Discrimination as to color has been
shown by officials on various jobs,
and I am sure you realize those of
the Colored group are the last to be
hired and are the first tob e discharg
ed. After making investigations of
this condition, I do not believe, how
evere the same is as bad as it was
In the letter to Post Master Pat
ton, I was speaking in behalf of pos
tal employees of all nationalities. I
was informed by Mr. Patton there
would be no changes at the time; if
so, Just a few, but he would try to
avoid even making them, and I
thought this very considerate-.
I know of numerous individuals
whose applications for a Federal
Home Loan have been on file for
sonK' time, but I do not personally
know of any who have been sm •
ful in obtaining one. I am 1
* An Uubridled,
for Your Community
“The Omaha Guide
HEW TO THE JJNE\ Fs vour PaDer'
VOL. VH.— Omaha, Nebraska Dec. 29 1933 No. 44
- - ==— - =_ - . .-— — -
f-Heler^cl iS
PfcJJ-m |JOH.\ LARKIN was too busy
j I for frivolities on New Year’s
13 U Eve. He sat at his massive
I I desk till eleven, and then,
m to rest his eyes, turned off
his lamp and sat in dark
ness, watching the lights \
BmliHlititulfl and figures on the street be
When he woke with a start an hour
later at the sound of horns and sirens,
he was cold and stiff. Suddenly he
realized that some one else was in the
room. He sat very quiet, scarcely
breathing. A beam of light flashed
and was gone. A moment later the
unseen visitor had picked out the safe,
and delicate Angers twirled the dial.
Although he realized that a shot
might pass unnoticed in the din out
side, he could
scarcely sit and be
robbed. With a sud
den lunge he
grasped both of
the Intruder’s
wrists—and in his
arms lay a frail
form, quite motion
less. He looked, for
a weapon, found
none, and turned
on the lights.
"A girl.” he ex
claimed. “in boy’a
clothes H*
She stirred and
sat up.
“Well,” he de
manded. “Tell me
what you wanted
In my safe."
"Nothing. Let me go.”
"I suppose yon were responsible for
those ietters that were stolen last
week. But they were in code, so you
came back for the key.”
“Do you mean these?" She took
from her shirt a sheaf of papers. “I
was going to put them back. I hare
dec~ded them.”
He took the papers. Above the code
ran a perfect translation. He looked
at her a long time. “Don’t, please,”
she said, and covered her face with
her hands.
“Did anyone ever tell you how beau
tiful yon are?" he asked. “White and
dainty like those snowflakes falling
She shrugged. “1 suppose if you
were going to call the police you
would have done so by now.”
“Are yon going to let me go?*’
“More than that. I'm going to take
you home.”
“I can get home all right. Even if
anyone recognizes this as a disguise
they will think it part of the night’s
“As you say. But won't you tell me
why, at midnight on New Year's Eve,
a beautiful woman returns a cleverly
- decoded message to my safe?”
“Yes,” she answered. “Sit down.
“A week ago,” she began, “I was
very down on my luck. I have al
ways been rather a gambler, and I
vowed that I would either be well off
all who are in need of a loan will be
able to obtain one, for many homes
will be saved in this way. that would
not be otherwise.
Looking after my profession and
trying to help conditions here and
there in the community, I have had
more than I could do. At this time
the working classes are in great de
mand for consideration and I am
glad to note the same is gradually
being worked out by Federal relief
When I have the opportunity I
shall be more than glad to drop in
to see you. From your expressions
evidently you are free from preju
dice and nothing gives me more
of this type. I shall also be happy
pleasure than to meet an individual
to present notes and recommend
your name to those seeking such con
Again thanking you,
Very truly yours,
Dr. G.. B.. Lennox.
* \ '■ \
November 23, 1933
Omaha, Nebraska
Dr. G. B-. Lennox, Pres..,
Omaha Working Men’s Com..
" 3-2 North 24th Street,
aha, Nebraska—
'^KTriFW*' H-L-. *!■' i.Tm , WWBWMBB——
% I
A head
————iiM———cBBKi*inii' ■ ■! m ■■iMJiaMcuaMPMMMBrBnMUDBaMMMnBMCPaMWMCMnp—aw—a—M«tt3—gam»^—a——M—
My Dear Dr. Lennox:
Some time ago you wrote to Mr.
Arthur Mullen in Washington re
garding the probable discharge of
certain employees under Civil Ser
vice. Mr.. Mullen advised you that
he was turning this correspondence
over to me. Since that time I have
tried to find out if there was a move
under way to discharge colored em
ployees.. I wrote .^cfertain officials
who might be behind such a move
and expressed in no uncertain terms
my objection to discharging any em
ployees just because they happened
to be colored. Not only that, but I
have endorsed five members of your
Democratic League with the hope
eventually there will be more of your
race on the Government payrolls, in
stead of fewer. I am not one of
those who subscribe to the theory
that a peope should be discriminat
ed against,—in fact I believe they
are entitled to their proportion of
the patronage.
About the same time I received
this letter from Mr. Mullen, I chanc
ed to note an article in the newspa
per in which a group of prominent
colored citizens of Omaha were pro
testing to the Home Owner’s Loan
Corporation, and also the Federal
Employment office, because these of
fices were discriminating against col
ored people seeking loans, and also
seeking work on Federal projects. I
was given assurance by the execut
ives of these offices that they do not
discriminate against any race of
people. Since then I have heard no
further protests, so I hope this sit
uation has been eliminated.
I have been wanting to call on you
and a group of your friends, but
since I returned from Washington
last June my congressional business
has been so rushing that I even find
it difficult to take care of my cor
respondence. However, I hope to
talk to you before leave for Wash
ington for the next session. If you
chance to be downtown anytime, I
wish you would call at my office as
I would like to get your views on
the present day conditions, etc..
Anytime I can help you in anyway
feel free to call on me.. If you have
any veterans who need advice or
help, give them a note to me and I
will take care of them. Also, if
you have any friends seeking loans
from the Home Owner’s Loan Cor
they do not think they are being
poration, give them a note to me, if
properly taken care of by the Cor
poration officials.
With kindest regard^ ’ "'T
very truly yours,
Edward R. Burke,
Washington, (CNS) A Southern
States Industrial Council composed
of the presidents and secretaries of
manufacturers associations, has
been organized to present their
views on legislation proposed and a
dopted in the Congress and to pres
ent to the NRA facts connected with
conditions in the South and the sen
timent of Southern industry.
The council approved resolutions
urging adoption of wage different
ials exsiting in Southern industries
prior to July 1929 and asking that
the South obtain representation in
the preperation of codes.
Atlanta, Ga.—(CNS)—Hooded men
and police attended a gathering in
the Holsey Temple, when a meeting
was held to raise funds for the de
fense of the Scottsboro boys.
Representatives of the Internation
al Labor Defense were scheduled to
speak. The police went to the church
and sent many of those assembled
away, including Mrs. Mary Leonard
and Parker Q. Wilson, of Cincinnati,
scheduled speakers. Robed men dis
tributed • handbills printed in bold
type “The Ku-Klux Klan rides again”
and “Communism wil not be tolerat
ed.” The distribution was quiet.
The Rev. J. Raymond Henderson
carried on the meeting and raised a
small fund. Imperial Wizard, Hiram
W. Evans, disclaimed any knowledge
of the Ku-Klux Klan having repre
sentatives in action at the meeting.
I f I*
' ? Tlie Passing 1
! I Year I
* X
1 By Henry Loukuaa, in Detroit N«wi ^
I — -*
Y '—_»T'- - —'—— ■ ■ ■■ _ ..
'J'HE year that we measured has ended;
And has fused with the eons sublime.
The Und-murks we knew have all blended
In the age old image of time.
Its suns and its shadows have perished,
■ Like the loves that we quickly forget;
But the spring and the autumn it cherished
Still haunt with a tinge of regret.
We meet on this threshold each season;
And we sigh as the sands must drift Ijy.
Each grain is as precious as reason.
For they total the years ’til we die.
or flat broke by the last day of the
“That night I read in the paper of
your exploits in the stock market—
how everything seemed to rise or fall
at your command. I decided to throw
my lot with yours—only I knew that
of course you would not divulge your
methods to a stranger.”
“When the stranger is so beautiful
one might do many things,” he mur
mured. “Was your ruse successful?”
“Very. I now have ten times what
I had then.”
“But I don't understand how you got
into my office, aud found the combina
tion to my safe.”
She laughed. “That was easy. My
father was a locksmith; when I was
a child locks and their mechanisms
were my toys. I could open them by
“And decoded the messages.”
“That did take work. I sat up all
that night, trying again and again.
iou see, the pos
sibility of a code
had not occurred
to me when I first
decided to rum
mage among your
personal effects.
That was why I
had to take the pa
pers away, instead
of Just reading
them. But at last
I was lucky, and
, once I got a start,
It was just a ques
tion of time.”
"You have a
good start into the
New Year as a
safe-breaker,” he
“Please don’t say that. I was so
desperate, and it hasn't hurt anyone.”
“But it ha3,” he insisted. “I’ll nev
er be the same unless I am sure you
are keeping out of such deviltry.”
“If I make a New Year’s resolution
never to crack another safe will that
satisfy yon?”
“Partly,” he answered, as he opened
the door for her, “only I think I had
better come around now and then to
see that you keep it. What are you
doing this coming year?”
©. 1933, Western Newspaper Union.
Football an CM Time
New Year’s Celebration
/''VNE of the most peculiar and an
^ dent of the New Year’s celebra
tions is that held before the cathedral
at Kirkwafl, in the Orkneys. The in
habitants, according to old Norse cus
toms, divide into two sections, and
meet at the market cross to hare a
general game of football All living
above the cathedra! play to get the
ball to the country district, those re
siding before the cathedral fighting
to get it to the sea, the whole game
being played through the principal
streets of tfca town, and hundreds of
players of all grades of society often
take part in the game.
New '/ear’s
in the Family
By Charles Frederick Wadsworth
"t ’IM TltoMAN stamped the
snow 1'roiu his feet and en
tered the front door of his
He stood straight, with
chin up and a good
humoredly challenging look
in his eye.
Anne Troman, busy pre
paring the table for the evening meal,
looked up.
“Well, Father," she smiled, “you
look pretty well pleased with yourself
this evening."
“I don’t know how I look, but I
feel like a million dollars!” was Jim’s
“And why?” Anne wanted to know.
“Just because,” Jim spoke deliber
ately and Impressively, “I am going to
start the New Year with a clean slate.
I have paid every bill I owed. No man
can say I owe him a dime. And I
have yet one day to go before New
“That’s surely is fine,” said Anne.
“It does make us feel good, doesn’t
“Hold on there. Daddy Jim,” warned
little Bert. “You haven't paid me back
that three dollars and thirty-one cents
I let you have some time ago out of
my bank.”
“Nor the two dollars and eighty-sir
cents I let you have out of my bank,”
little Agnps reminded him.
Daddy Jim laughed. “Oh. that is
all in the family. You know I'll pay
you back, don’t you?”
“Of course,” said Bert, “but -so did
all those other folks you paid off.
So why did you think you had to pay
them and not us?”
“Because,” said Daddy Jim, “they
are business people and need the
money to use in their business and
make more money.”
“Well, so do 1 want to make more
money,” argued Bert gravely. “I want
to start a savings account the first of
the year, and get interest on my
“Me, too,” chimed In little Agnes.
Anne laughed as Daddy Jim’s eyes
widened. “I think the children have
one on you there, Father."
"Yes, I guess they have, at that,'
said Jim, leaning hack in his cbair to
get his hand into his trousers pocket.
"Now, let me see. Here is a tive-dol
lar bill, three ones, and a dollar fifty
nine in change. After paying my
young creditors I would have three
dollars and forty-one cents left for a
New Year’s dinner.”
Daddy Jim looked at Anne inquir
ingly. She smiled.
“That will do very nicely,” she said.
“Okay,” said Jim heartily. “Here is
the whole works. I'ay the claims of
our distinguished little creditors, and
look after the big dinner with what’s
He held the money out to her.
"And as for the dinner,” she assured
him, "I am surely going to surprise
©, 1933, Western Ncurapai>er Unton.
As a result of the recent mob-law outrages in wide
ly separated sections of the country, it is probable that a
law making lynching a federal offense will be urged at
the approaching session of congress.
The enactment of such a law would be in line with
the action of congress in enacting a measure making kid
naping a federal offense when that crime became so gen
eral in its scope that it assumed the proportion of a na
tional menace. Tde federal activities made possible by
this law have resulted in greatly reducing the kidnaping
evil, the apprehension and conviction of most of the crim
inals responsible for the kidnapings of the past six or
eight months, and the prospect that the evil will soon be
Now that mob law is no longer a sectional evil, the
most conspicuous examples of it recently being in states
other than the South, it is not surprising that congress
should deal with the evil in the same manner in which it
proceeded against the kidnapping menace.
Thre is no room in the United States for mob law
under any conditions. If our civilization is to be protect
ed, the punishment for crime must be left to the courts.
There is no midway ground.