The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 23, 1933, Page 5, Image 5
['REVEALING^ -err-;. t/our- * i PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE •• 0/A66E'WAU.ACE Ifouiqeat mental** on tte. Aier'.cjr, 84aga ■■ ■ , — — ABBE WALLACE ^ J- R. N.—tv in i be successful in getting a promotion ? ANS.—The expected promotion ■will be secured around spring. Buc kle right down and go to it. E. M.—Will I niake good or a name in the Theatrical World if I seek work on the stage ? ANS.—There are SEVERAL FE MALE IMPERSONATORS who have made a name for themselves on= the stage. You are not in the position financially at the present time to finance such a venture. Your idea will bear FRUIT in future years. D. C. M.—Do you think it advisable to leave this city? ANS—I really do, and I think it for the best to go BACK TO YOUR HOME TOWN. It seems that your husband will be successful in finding a worth while job. A. W.—Will I profit in connection with my negotiations with the B. & L. Association? ANS.—You will benefit from this association. This willl be in the form of a small Estate due from your wife’s death. r — M. D.—Will this party make good his promise? ANS.—This man by your same ini tials of M. D. will keep his promise to you. He is in earnest. f - B. G.—What do my neighbors think of me? ANS—You are WELL LIKED NOW. At the rate you are paying visits to your neighbors you will soon wear out your welcome. Take a tip from me and stay home for a change. N. B.—How can I go on living? Is he entirely happy with her, or does - —-■ ———j he miss me a little? ANS.—Play fair sister. You had [ vour chance and LOST. One year from today you will be so WRAPPED UP in a very serious love affair that your old flame will be passe. i - D. S.—I don’t like hard work. W’ill I get a job? ANS.—I believe you meant to write that YOU DON'T LIKE WORK or ANY DESCRIPTION. LAZI N ESS is the downfall of good many j folks. Exactly one year from today you will be engaged in the same j thing that you are now doing “NOTHING’’. L. H.—Do you see whether my hus- ! band would be ab1e to make a suc cess out of the proposition that he has in mind ? . j ANS.—Both your husband and yourself had better stick to your PRESENT JOB. Don’t gamble with any COMMISSION SELLING PRO POSITIONS. A. M.—Please tell me if my friend means me any good, or is he just sticking around for what he can get? ANS.—He is sticking around for what he can get because he knows YOU ARE ONLY TOO WILLING TO GIVE IT TO HIM. F. E. F.—Will you please tell me if my father is living and where is he?. ANS.—My crystal reveals a very | dear relative of yours in LOUIS- j VILLE, KENTUCKY. Your father, I believe. M. H.—My home condition is so unhappy. Will it ever be any better? ANS.—YOUR SON is responsible for your unhappy homelife. An im provement wil be brought about when he stops SOWING HIS WILD OATS. NOTE:—Your question printed free in this column. For Prviate reply send 25c and (self addressed stamped enevelope for my New Astrological Read ing and reeive by return mail my advice on three questions free. Sign your full name birthdate, and correct address. Adress Abbe’ Wallace, P. 0. Box—11, Atlanta, Georgia. -* CHRISTMAS GREETING from CHAS EDERER, FLORIST “EVERYTHING IN FLOWERS” 2904 BRISTOL WEB 1795 XMAS GREETINGS to Friends and Patrons RABE’S BUFFET —2425 North 24th St., 24th & Lake— CARL RABES, Proprietor -Refreshments and Lunch BEER—Draught or Bottled PHONE JA. 9195 OMAHA seasons; greetings— AND BUTTER Legal Notices NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the Estate of Annie Brown, Deceased. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a peti tion has been filed in said Court al leging that said deceased died leaving no last will an praying for adminis tration upon her estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 13th day of January, 1533, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 13th day of January, 1’33, at 9:00 o clock A. M. to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administration of said estate to Ella Flowers or some other suita le person and proceed to a settlement thereof. BRYCE CRTWFORD, County Judge NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation in the State House at Lincoln, Nebraska, on December 29, 1933, until 9:00 o’clock A. M., and at that time publicly opened and read for PAVING and incidental work in Omaha on U. S. PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT No. NRM 20-D-Division II and U. S. PUBLIC WORKS PRO JECT No. NRM 20-E, Federal Aid Road. I he proposed work consists of con structing 2.2 miles of PAVED road. The approximate quantities are: 51,400 Sq. Yds. Concrete Base' Course. 3,260 Sq. Ydc. Concrete Pavement.' 19,200 Sq. Yds. Relaying Brick sur face Course. 2’,700 Sq. Yds. Bituminous Filled Brick Surface Course. 2,125 Sq. Yds. Sheet Asphalt Sur-; face Course. 245 Cu. Yds. Concrete for Pav ing Appoaches. 19,260 Lbs. Reinforcing Steel for Paving Approaches. 265 Cu. Yds. Concrete for Retain ing Walls and Steps. 15,300 Lbs. Reinforcing Steel for j Retaining Walls and Steps. 48,900 Sq. Ft. Concrete Sidewalks. 670 Cu. Yds. Cl. “A" Concrete for Box Culverts and Headwalls. 169,900 Lbs. Reinforcing Steel for Box Culverts and Headwalls. 32 Lin. Ft- 24 inch Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe. 32 Lin. Ft. 24 inch Sewer Pipe. 68 Lin. Ft. 27 inch Sewer Pipe. 1 Pedestrian Subway. 1 Transforming Vault. Wiring for Street Lighting and Traffic Control Systems. \ Grade Separation at Sta. 66 1—17 ft. Span, Concrete Bridge. The attention of bidders is directed to the Special Provisions covering sub-letting o rassigning the contract and to the use of Domestic Materials. The minimum wage paid to all killed labor employed on this con tiac ihall be si;;ty (60) cents per hour. The minimum wage pa:d to all un skilled labor employed on this con tract shall be forty (40) cents per hour. The attention of bidders is also di rected to the fact that George Hodge, State Director of Reemployment, Lin coln, Nebraska, will exercise general supervision over the preparation of ! employment lists for this work. Plans and specifications for the work may e seen and information se cured at the office of the County Clerk at Omaha, Nebraska, cr at the office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln, Nebraska. The successful bidder will be re ' quiiied to furnish bond in an amount ! equal to 100 per cent of his contract. As as evidence of good faith in submitting a proposal for this work or for any portion thereof, as provid ed in the bidding blank, the bidder shall file, with his prposal, a certified j check made payable to the Depart I ment of Roads and Irrigation and in an amount not less than the total amount, determined from the follow i ing list, for any group of items or collection of groups of items for which the bid is submitted. Pavement Items—Twelve Thusand (12,000) Dollars. Electrical Items—Six Hundred (600) Dollars. The right is reserved to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND IRRIGATION R. L. COCHRAN, ■State Engineer j GRACE BERGER. County Clerk, Douglas County Date of beginning 12-22-33 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation in the State House at Lincoln, Nebraska, on December 29, 1933, until 9:00 o’clock A. M., and at that time publicly opened and read1 for ONE REINFORCED CONCRETE j BOX CULVERT, ONE BRIDGE, and incidental work on the OMAHA WEST U. S. PUBLIC WORKS PRO JECT No. NRS-339-B, FEDERAL AID ROAD. The approximate quantities are: 165 Cu. Yds. Class “A” Concrete for Box Culverts. 16,700 Lbs. Reinforceing Steel for Box Culverts. Bridge at Station 76 1—202 ft., 6 in. Span High Truss, and 2-—135 ft. Spans. Pony Truss Bridge. The attention of bidders is directed to the Special Provisions covering subletting or assigning the contract and to the use of Domestic Materials. The minimum wage paid to all skilled labor employed on this con tract shall be sixty (60) cents per Xmas Greetings, Happy New Year ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY The partnership of Mr. C. Owens and Mr. P. H. Woodside has been dissolved. All who are indebt ed to the —Waiters’ and Porters’ Headquarters will pay same to Mr. P. H. Woodside and not to Mr. C. Owens. Respectfuhy Submitted, by P. H. Woodside, Sole Proprietor, Waiters’ and Porters’ Hdqtrs., 2405 Lake St. FOR— THAT CHRISTMAS DINNER— VISIT OUR STORE AT 1301 NO 24TH STREET MAKE YOUR OWN SELECTION OF_ TURKEYS, - DUCKS OR GEESE All Fresh Fat. Graded Stock PRODUCE DISTRIBUTORS CO. Also Fresh Eggs and Butter ATLANTIC 0702 SEASONS’ GREETINGS Gerber Auto Parts Co. Consolidated -250, CUMING ST.- Auto partg Co ATlantic 56o6 16th & Pierce JA. 6300 —Auto Parts for All Makes and Models Greetings 1 A MERR^ CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO L' OUR MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS. | Don’t forget to attend our Extra Special Floor Show Christmas 5 evening, Monday, Dec. 25, at 9:30 P. M. Every one will be assured I of a full evening of fun. The best of order maintained by the S Manager. E HARLEM INN, 1615-17 No. 24th St. § Call Ja. 8460 and Make Your Reservations 5 MRS. CARRIE GRACE, Proprietress § ' hour. The minimum wage paid to ail un skilled labor employed on this con tract shall be forty (40) cents per hour. The attention of bidders is also di rected to the fact that George Hodge, ■ State Director of Reemployment, Lin coln, Nebraska, will exercise general supervision over the preparation of employment lists for this work. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and information i secured at the office of the County S Clerk at Omaha, Nebraska, or at the j office of the Department of Roads | and Irrigation at Lincoln, Nebraska. The successful bidder will be re quired to furnish bond in an amount equal to. 100 per cent of his contract. As an evidence of good faith in submitting a proposal for this work or for any portion thereof as provid ed in the bidding blank, the bidder shall file, with his proposal, a certi fied check made payable to the De partment of Roads and Irrigation and in an amount not less than the total amount, determined from the following list for any group of items or collection of groups of items for which the bid is submitted: Culvert Items—One hundred fifty (1501 dollars. Bridge Items — Seven thousand (7.000) dollars. The right is reserved to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND j IRRIGATION R. L. COCHRAN, State Engineer l GAOCE BERGER. County Clerk. Douglas County, j Date of beginning 12-22-33 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Department of Roads I and Irrigation in the State House at Lincoln, Nebraska, on January 12, 1934, until 9:00 o’clock A. M., and at that time publicly opened and read for PAVING, TWO BRIDGES and incidental work on the OMAHA-j WEST U. S. Public Works Project No. NRH-20-B, FEDERAL AID ] ROAD. The proposed work consists of con-1 structing 4.0 miles of PAVED ROAD. | The approximate quantities are: 197,000 Cu. Yds. Excavation. 49,800 Sq. Yds. Concrete Pavement. 35.500 Sq. Yds. Concrete Base Course. 28.500 Sq. Yds. Brick Surface 275 Cu. Yds. Class “A” Concrete for Box Culverts and Head walls. 40,000 Lbs. Reinforcing Steel for Box Culverts and Headwalls. 40 Lin. Ft. 18 inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe. 60 Lin. Ft. 18 inch Culvert Pipe. 264 Lin. Ft. 24 ineh Culvert Pipe. 132 Lin. Ft. 30 inch Culvert Pipe. 64 Lin. Ft. 36 inch Culvert Pipe. Bridge at Station 92 1—57 ft., 6 inches and 2—41 ft., 3 in. Spans, Deck Steel Girder Bridge. Bridge at Station 238 1—40 ft. and 2—30 ft. Spans, Deck Steel Girder Bridge. The attention of bidders is directed to the Special Provisions covering subletting or assigning the contract and to the use of Domestic Materials. The minimum wage paid to all skilled labor employed on this con tract shall be sixty (60) cents per hour. The minimum wage paid to all un skilled labor employed on this con tract shall be forty (40) cents per hour. The attention of bidders is also di rected to the fact that George Hodge, State Director of Remployment, Lin coln, Nebraska will exercise general supervision over the preparation of employment ists for this work. Plans and specifications for the _•__I I fl>eer£ Xmae and may the New Year j bring yon all 1 happiness ! GEM SHOE REPAIR I SHOP < 2512 Vi No. 24th St. < ! r fflprrj} Xmas OWEN PHARMACY Web. 6100 Quick Delivery Wishing my \ Patients and Friends A Merry Xmas and a Prosperous and A Happy New Year. G. B. LENNOX, M. D « « work may be seen and information secured at the office of the County CCClprk at Omaha, Nebraska, or at the office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln. Nebraska.] The successful bidder hill be re quired to furnish bond in an amount equal to 100 ppr cent of his contract. As an evidence of good faith in submitting a proposal for this work or for any portion thereof as provided , in the bidding blank, the bidder shall file, with his proposal, a certified chpck made payable to the Depart ment of Roads and Irrigation and in an amount not less than the total amount, determined from the follow 1 ing list, for any group of items or collection of groups of items for which I the bid is submitted. Pavempnt Items—Twelve thousand (12,000) dollars. Bridge Items — Two thousand , (2.000) dollars. The right is reserved to waive all technicalities and reject any or all ■ bids. DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND IRRIGATION R. L. COCHRAN, State Engineer GRACE BERGER, County Clerk, Doubles County Date of beginning 12-22-33 l N A A C P HAS PAID TOTAL OF $3,432 TO SCOTSBORO DEFENSE New York, Dec. 8—A total of $3, 432.07 has been paid over to the In ternational Labor Defense for the Scotsboro defense fund by the Na tional Association for the Advance ment of Colored People, it was an nounced today by Walter White, secretary. Of the total amount, $3,3 )1.21 has been paid directy to the I. L. D. and $40.86 has gone for miscellaneous ex penses, the report shows. The pay ments to the I. L. D. were: May 15, $50, lawyers traveling expenses; May 29, $100, lawyer’s traveling expenses (Leibowitz and Brodsky); May 29, $115, lawyer’s traveling expenses [ (Fraenkol); May 31, $200, confiden tial investigation; June 12, $417.20, transcript record in Heywood-Patter son case; June 13, $350, confidential investigations; July 14, $400, confi dential investigations; October 4, $9.01, balance on investigation ex pense; October 10, $300, legal inves tigations; Nov. 3, $500, investiga tions tiops; Nov. 11, $200, investiga tions and traveling; Nov. 16, lawyer’s traveling expenses (Leibowitz, Brod sky and others); Nov. 21, $200, Deca tur expenses; Dec .4, $50, Decatur expenses. There is a balance now on hand of $3.07 in the N A A C P fund. f 4 \ LOVELY ACTRESSES Reiy on GODEFROY’S TO END UGLY, STREAKY OFF-COLOR HAIR “My admirers often wonder how I keep my hair so lustrous and black, even under the glare of powerful spotlights. Well, just between us, I do what most other stage stars do. I rely on Gode froy’s Larieuse French Hair Coloring” says Miss Jacqueline Godfrey of “Flying Colors," also of “Blackbirds,” “Hot Choc olate” and the Cotton Club. Don’t wait anylonger—end ugly, off-color hair in just a few min utes with Godefroy’s. No foss, no bother—guaranteed to satisfy or your money back. GODEFROY'S LARIEUSE french HAIR ..... l If dru%pst cannot supply you— { mail coupon. I * CODEFROr~IFG."cO. j 3504 Olive Sc.. Sc. Louis. Mo. | Send me postpaid a full sue bottle of Godefrov's ! j Larieusc French Hair Coloring. I'm tending J j $* a>5 (scamps or pp»c oftce mooev order). J I | Name. J | Address... J | Town.State. | THE GOVERNMENT SAYS STOP On and after January 1, 1934, if you don’t get your paper, don’t blame the Omaha Guide, for your Uncle Sam has said nothing can go through the mail except paid subscriptions. If you hold a temporary receipt showing that you have paid any agent for the Omaha Guide, and do not receive your paper, please accept our apology for the error in our record, and bring your temporary receipt into the office and get an office receipt so we may be able to check our records, and you will get your paper promptly* Possibly no paper will be mailed to any subscriber after .Ian. 1, 1934 if our office does not show the subscription is paid. You can now renew your subscription on the following basis. 5c per week, payable monthly, three months for 75c, six months $1.25. one year $2.00, 30 days to pay in. OMAHA GUIDE PUBLISHING CO., Inc. C. C. Galloway, Business Manager. 24 Hour Srvice on Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and Chickens. Dressed to Order. Spring Chickens, light 15c per lb.; Heavy, lb. 121/2c Hens, per lb. .1 c Turkeys, per lb.20c Ducks, per lb. ..15c Geese, per lb. _.14c Free Delivery Anywhere Anytime. .Web. 5553 .„.. LOVE’S LIVE POULTRY 2613 Grant Street BEN LOVE, Proprietor WISHING YOU A MERRY XMAS and A VERY HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR IDEAL BOTTLING CO 1810 NORTH 20th ST. — — — WEMer 3043 XMAS GREETINGS— FAIRMONT’S CREAMERY CO 12TH & JONES JA-1401