The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 23, 1933, Page Three, Image 3

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    Pleasant Green Baptist Church
22nd and Paul Street
Rev. P. J. Price, Pastor
Sunday school opened at 9:30 A. M.,
with Superintendent Vealand presid
ing, 45 was enrolled. We made the
Superintendent, pastor and teacher
very happy, by having one sinner to
join through our Sunday School. We
are doing wonderful spiritual work.
Same of our members and pastor.
Rev. Price, went to South Omaha for
11 A. M. services to Rev. Joseph
Gates’, the collection raised was >6.00.
Sunday afternoon, a Holiday Tea
was held at Mrs. Milton’s, 1812 No.
28th, which was well attended.
At 8 P. M., opening scripture was
read by Rev. s- S. Whitelow, Luke
2:16, singing by the Choir, and invo
cation by Rev. Cooper. Our pastor
was not feeling so well, and turned
the pnlpit over to Rev. W. M. Clay
ton, who preached an inspiring ser
mon, from Prov. 13:37.
Don’t forget Watch Meeung, me
Christmas tree Monday evening, and
program under the auspices of Mrs.
E. Johnson, program committee.
Pleasant Green’s Choir gave a
beautiful Holiday Tea, Sunday after
noon, at the home of Mrs. Milton,
1812 No. 28th, which was well attend
ed. The home was beautifully decor
ated in the Choir colors, which were
green, red and white. A bouquet of
beautiful American Beauty Roses
were in the center of the table.
Green cakes, white ice cream in red
containers, and chicken salad was
Those present were: Mrs. B.
Moore, Mrs. McIntosh, Mrs. E. Mater,
Mrs. E. Morrow, Mrs. Bostic, Mrs. B:
Pearl, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Price, Mrs.
Vealand, Mrs. B. Milton, Mrs. Ida Mc
Quire, Mrs. Barge, Mrs. M. Kern,
Mrs. Lee Walker, Mrs. Williamson,
Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Dolly Corell, Mrs.
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Hattie Keys, Mrs. B. Johnson, Rev.
P. J. Price, Mr. O. Morrows, Mr:
G. Pearl, Mr. McQuire, Mr. Milton,
Mr. Barge and Mr. Bishop Pearl.
Everyone seemed to have enjoyed
themselves. We hope the Choir will
have another tea soon.—Mrs. Ida
McQuire, President.
Christ Temple
26th and Burdette St.
O. J. Burekhardt, Pastor
J. W. Goodwin. Assistant Pastor
Mrs. Verda Gordon. Reporter
The services were good Sunday as |
usual. We had a good lively dis-1
elusion aout Paul and his voyage
and the treatment accorded him, as
a prisoner. At 11 A. M. the pastor
brought the message using Abraham,
as God’s key man under the old dis
pensation. Many points of interest
was brought out during the discourse
At 8 P. M. Elder Tansctrore
brought a practical sermon that wap
both appreciated and enjoyed by all
present. Brother Tanzemore has a
manner of presentation that is pe
culiarly his own in driving a thought
home to the heart of an individual.
Please don’t forget that we have a
fine bible class every Tuesday even
ing and you are invited. We have a
wonderful prayer meeting every Fri
day night to come to one means you
will come again.
The pastor will preach his Christ
mas sermon Sunday at 11 A. M. You
are cordially invited to be present, we
are expecting a fine service all day,'
so you come and worship with us.
We will have our Christmas program
Monday night don’t miss it, if so you
will miss a treat. You are always
welcome at The Temple.
22nd and Seward St.
Te Sunday school opened at 9:30
a. m., Supt A. L.. Reagans presiding..
Song services was lead by Supt. T.
Wesley and the lesson was also pre
viewed by him. The Sunday school
appointed the committee to do its
Christmas buying for the younger
children. The Sunday school had no
late officers Sunday morning, which
was something unusual.
The B. Y. P. U opened at 5:30
p. m. Pres. S Porter took charge for
the evening. The State B Y P U
President, Mr. Dacus of Pilgrim was
j our honored- guest. He said many en
couraging things to us. He told us
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i that our B Y P U was well organized.
| Mr. Crawford, the state missionary
was also present. President Cooper,
is planning a big time next Sunday.
! Don’t forget to come out and witness
■ this wonderful affair.
At 11 A. M. Rev. E. W: Anthony
. brought to us a wonderful gospel
| message. “Witness of Christ”, text
i first chapter of Acts, 8th verse. Rev.
Anthony put his whole being into the
message. He exercised the power of
self renunciation. He remarked that
if we claim to be witnesses of Christ,
we must be meek.
At 8 P. M., Rev. D. Patten of Sioux
City, brought the message. He spoke,
from his soul, sdbjeat “The Name”
(speaking of Jeeus)., text Isiah 9:4.
Saturday evening, the Sunday
school and BYPU are giving their
Christmas pageant, and the Choir is
giving a Christmas Cantata Sunday
night. Don’t miss this.
Unit No. 3, of the church Aid So
ciety is sponsoring a doll contest. The
contestants are Mrs. E. Sngleton and
Miss Juanita Yancy.
Clair Chapel
W. Smith. Reporter
Rev. A. Clay, Paster
The envelope rally was a fair sac
cess, and all five services were well
attended. The N A A C P had the
election of officers at 3 P. M., and the
Forum had the inter-racial commit
tee from the white churches.
Visitors ara always welcomed.
Bethel Baptist Church
29th and T Street
Rev. J. H. Jackson, Pastor
Mrs. J. C. Collins, Reporter
Sunday School was opened at 9:30
o’clock, by the Superintendent. In
spite of the cool frosty morning, we
had a nice attendance.
Worship service was of great in
terest, and was enjoyed by everyone.
The Choir sang Christmas Carols,
and the Yuletide Spirit was woven
over the congregation. Following
this beautiful song service, our pas
tor, Rev. J. H. Jackson, used “A Hope
of a Coming Messiah” as the subject
of his discussion, found in numbers
He so profoundly discussed how the
Ancient Prophets, and Saints unwav
ering held to the “Hope that some
Higher Being would come to deliver
them out of their suffering. During
these days of depression and tangible
problems with which life is confront
ed, without Hope, our lives would be
as an empty dream.
Visitors and friends are always
welcome to worship with us at the
Bethel Baptist Church.
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
24th and Ohio St.
Rev. F. P Jones, Pastor
Sunday was another great day at
Mt. Moriah. Sunday School opened
at 9:30. The unusual large attend
ance demonstrated the usual high
standard of interest add enthusiasm.
Mrs. L. Lewis the Superintendent an
nounced a very elaborate program
which will be presented by the Sun
day School along with the Christmas
Tree on Friday night. The Pastor,
Rev. Jones preached at 11:00 A. M.
to a very large and attentive aud
ience. The Ever Loyal Group pre
sented a very beautiful and impres
sive pre-Christmas program at the
BYPU hour. Many visitors witnessed
this program. At 8:00 P. M. an aud
ience which taxed the capacity of the
auditorium had assembled for the
Annual White Gift Service. Every
seat was filled and many stood in the
isles. The Service opened with a pro
cessional by the Choir of 30 voices,
: who were robed in white, and wore
golden crowns. When assembled on
the platform they made a picture
which could easily be compared with
the imaginative angelic choir, and
with a background of white which
stars and imitative snow drops which
filled the auditorium created an at
mosphere which was almost heavenly.
The Service which was divided into
three parts was conducted by the pas
tor Rev. Jones, who was also robed
in white. Scripture was read by Rev.
J. S. Williams of the Hillside Pres
byterian Church, and Prayer was of
fered by Rev. P. M. Harris State Mis
sionary. A reading on the Gift of
Self was given by Miss Ruth Griffin
followed by a duet by Mrs. Almeta
Austin, and Mrs. L. C. Clark. Mrs:
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I Dorothy White gave a most excellent
reading on the Gift of Service, which
was followed by a duet by Mrs. Rosa
Buckner, and Mrs. A. J. Crumbley.
Mrs. L. Lewis gave the reading on
! the Gift of Substance. At the close
of each part the pastor extended the
i invitation and those who wished to
give themseves, or reconsecrate them
j seves for service were given the op
portunity at that time. Upon the
! invitation for the Gift of Substance
j every one was asked to join the pro
cessional which was conducted by
; Mr. J. D. Lewis Mortusian, at which
time those who had brought gifts
came forward, ed by the 100 special
workers, and placed their gifts in the
cradle of the Christ child, in front of
the rostrum. Mr. Harold Williams,
and Miss Alice Parks represented
Mary and Joseph, and were seated
on either side of the cradle. The
choir under the very efficient leader
ship of Mrs. Viola Wright rendered
beautiful Music throughout the »er-j
vice. To much credit cannot be given
Mrs. Jones the pastor’s wife, for the
elaborate and artistic decorations
which was arranged for this occasion,
and to those who assisted her, which
were as follows: Electricians—Mr.
Oliver and Earl Frazier, Messrs.
Clark, Mason, Richardson, Speese,
Stewart, Welch, Lewis, Dixon, Mos
ley, Hill, Rice, Miss B. Speese, Ella
Wright, and Mr. Harold Williams.
Just efore the service began a picture
was taken and any one who would
like to have one, can do so by caling
Rev. Jones. The Choir will present a
beautiful Pageant “The Night of
Glory” Sunday evening, Dec. 24, ev
ery one is invited to attend.
St. John’s A. M. E. Church
“The Friendly Church"
22nd and Willis Ave.
Rev. L. P. Bryant, Pastor
The services at St. John’s last Sun
day were very impressive. Rev. Bry
ant preached from St. Matt. 8:3.
Some of the most outstanding
thoughts were as follows: 1.—We
must get real close to Christ to feel
the powers of his mighty hand. 2.—
God wants the world to serve him
and not feel unworthy, because he
will raae it plain to all, who will serve
him, as Christ makes it plain to the
Christians. They should touch some
unsaved person and make it plain to
them. If one has his hand clamped
in the hand of Jesus, he need not have
any fear, for Christ will lead him in
the right way.
The Choir is doing some very hard
wark trying to get its Christmas pro
gram ready for eary sevices Chist
mas morning. Make your plans to I
see and hear these Christmas services j
ecause they are always very good.
Th program for the week begins
1 Saturday night, Dec. 23. with Christ
| mas play and Christmas tree by the
children Department of the Sunday
School, under the direction of Mrs.
Eiija Turner. Sunday 10:45, Christ
mas sermon by the pastor, 8 P. M.
! Echoes of Christmas by the Young
j People’s Department of the Sunday
School, Monday morning at g o’clock
a Cantata and Pageant by the Senior
Choir, under the direction of Mr. H.
L. Preston.
St. John takes this method of wish
ing all its members and friends a
very Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year. She wishes for the Oma
ha Guide, and its Staff a very Merry
Christmas and a happy New Year,
and many of them.
Read the Omaha Guide for all your
church and social news for the year
St Benedict’s News
Father J. C. Daly, Pastor
M ado line E. Sterbag, Reporter
The Christmas programme, spon
sored by the teachers of oar school:
was really the acme of junior enter-1
tairrment. The children were at their I
best, and the eareftil selection of
plays for their talent was a work of
Master Brown, the announcer, and
later the tap dancer, was a large
percentage of the shew, and his clev
er bits of humor kept everyone
laughing throughout the entire after
Every child in the entire perfor
mance showed the abiity of a veteran
actor, or actress, and delighted the
audience far beyond expectations.
The auditorium was packed to its
fullest capacity, with an overflow in
the hall. Many visitors and benefac
tors from other parishes were pres
ent, and we were delighted to see
the former teachers of St. Benedict’s
among the number of Sisters who
came to see the play.
Much credit is due the principal,
Sister Mary Daniel, for this splendid
entertainment, and she was assisted
by Sister Mary Christella, and Miss
Kilpatrick, the lay teacher.
The children made a lovely picture
in theiru niform attire, the girls all
wore a pretty little tailored frock of
light blue with a white peter-pan
waist, while the boys were extremely
smart in their dark trousers, white |
shirts, and colored ties.
We wish to express thanks to the
many ladies who worked so faithfully
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to make the girls dresses before the
play, as it was done on such short
notice. Several of the ladies were
non-catholic and showed a very will
ing interest in the work.
The ladies of the Altar society wish
to announce that, beginning the first
Monday after the Holidays, there will
be the opening of a sewing class, for
all those who are interested in each
work. We have the services of a
very capable and well known instrue
toress, who will teach all the arts of
sewing and remodeling fre? o' charg* j
This course is sponsored by the
Board of Education, and all are in
vited to attend. ’
The Masses for Christmas day will ■
be at 8:00, 9:00 and 10:00 o’clock.
The public is cordially invited to
hear the beautiful High Mass at 10:00
o’clock sung by the “St. Benedict’s
Senior Choir,” directed by Mrs. May- j
bell Fields, accompanied by the or- i
ganist, Mrs. James.
To the many friends and parish
ioners of St. Benedict's, we wish a
merry, merry Christmas, and a happy
and prosperous Now Year.
By R. A. Adams
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
Mid Christmas joys let us in mem'ry
This truth: Always ’tis greater joy
to shar*
The measure of our own prosperity,
With others who may poor and needy
Whoever ministers to mankind,
In charity, will then most surely find'
Tis truth; then, henceforth will be
More joy it is to give than to reeeive.
So, comforting the needy and dis
In ministr’ing that others may be
Thus helping others we the means ]
By which to multiply our store of
By Videtta Ish
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
Using Ugly Words
Those Negroes “what corned out uv j
slav’ry” “didn’t had no eggercation,” 1
but they had a wealth of common I
sense. And they had good manners,
too. Few of them were guilty of
“roughness” as is so frequent, today.
“Oh! she said a ugly word!” This
was heard often, and it was said with
horror. Perhaps the “ugly word” was J
devil, or “ plague-take-it.” And, in
some cases one child would call anoth- j
er a fool, or a liar, was a terribly
wicked child and “the bad-man” was
almost sure to get him.
But, now, children do not hesitate
to say fool, liar, devil, and even to
use unmentionable terms. Who is to
blame for this condition? Who al
lowed these children to "get away?"
Parents are paying the penalties in
that children not only say those ugly
words to one another but to their
p&rente. “I heard a girl say "Father
is an old fool!" On another occasion
a girl practically called her mother
a liar, when she said “It’s not true,
mother and you knew it was not when
you said it!” Well, the children are
so different from what they were
"when I was a being brought up.”
By A, B. Mann
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
In a Negro college where all the
teachers were white, one of the in
structors was hearing a class. Ha
was annoyed by noise on the outside.
He directed one of the students to go
out and stop the noise. The student
returned but the noise continued. The
professor roared, “I sent you outside
to stop that noije, and the noise con
tinues!” The student answered tim
idly, “Why, Mr. professor, they ara
white boys!" The teacher understood
the situation and. rising he said “III
go; I'm not afraid; I am an American
eitixen, free born, and WHITE I
According to the order of the clause
and the ration of emphasis which
characterized this statement, it means
more to be an American citizen than
it does to be free-born;" but, by the
Mine measure, it would be indicated
that it means infinitely more ta be
WHITE- In this our own America,
as those of the dominant race
trample those of the unfortunate
one, they ignore the elemental de
mands of justice and equity, as these
relate to Colored Americana. Doing
this they are declaring emphatically,
as did the professor, “I am an Amer
ican citizen; free-born; WHITE'”
By Dr. A. G. Bearer
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
Text: Let us go now even unto
Bethlehem.—Luke 2:16.
When these humble, happy shep
herds said “Let us go now even unto
Bethlehem, they had reference to the
literal Bethlehem. Perhaps they did
not even think of the significance of
the name Bethlehem. But there was
and is a deep spiritual significance at
tacned thereto. The wisdom of God,
the foresight of the prophets and the
fulfillment of the Christian hope all
are involved.
The term Bethleheni means “The
House of Bread.” Jesus Christ was
and is the “Bread of life which
cometh down from heaven. So, Beth
lehem is both literally and figurative
ly the House of Bread. So, today,
when materialism is failing to satis
fy the souls' of men; when there is
the confessed need for what the
world cannot give; it is well to echo
the challenge, Let us now go even to
Bethlehem. And the world may go
to the Christ, the Living Bread with
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