The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 16, 1933, Image 1

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    w w vwv- -V-W-w-V -KJ-u-u-u— - U - U - U - O_
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/ iS Outstanding—
f s I Mouthpiece
I Jgj for Your Community
^ “The Omaha Guide
ZijjsyE^ EQUALITY HEW TO THEL1NE\ Is Your Paper>'
___^_VOL. VII.—_Omaha, Nebr. December, 16, 1933 No. 42
r\ ' n n a a
Vff rO ObJ* PART
\ Tune In - ■ jl
wide NEWS"|’
Every Week froai this CoIcihe J
By Clifford C. Mitchell
Omaha Chronicle Compliments:
Practically all that a colored col
umnist gets is praise and so I am
elated over the compliment paid me
by John Benj. Horton, Jr., of the
Omaha Chronicle, which reads:
“***I hope to always publish your
articles; they have much valuable
merit. At this time I take great
pleasure in offering to you a compli
ment, namely; That as a writer of
news which has the particular bear
ing on the Race’s intellectual, politi
cal and spiritual future, you’ve done
still much more towards helping to
develop ourselves economically—
through your columns, you’ve made
it possible for hundreds, if not thous
ands, of our men and women to se
cure profitable employment in var- j
ious channels mentioned in your col
umns. Certainly, this labor on your
part is worth the highest esteem
from your fellow craftsmen as well
as from our vast clientele of four-j
teen millions of patriotic American
citizens in black. ,
I am glad that my efforts to dig
up money-making propositions for my
readers, and potential advertisers for
the publishers are appreciated.
Without a doubt the most salable ■
specialty that I have yet run across
is found in an amazing new inven
tion, "The Everlasting Match” which
works and acts like a match and can
be lit and relit thousands of times
by striking over and over again.
This little novelty, which is most]
useful and compact, is made for both j
men and women and is finished in i
bakehte of pleasing colors and also
in ehronium with a high polish that
will not tarnish or wear and is guar
anteed for one year, with a money
back guarantee to agents. In fact
the "Everlasting Match” is made with
the same care and precision as a high
grade watch.
Unlike most automatic lighters,
etc., the “Everlasting Match” is es- .
pecially adapted for pipe smokers,
and, of course, is serviceable for all
cigar and cigarette smokers, and are:
sold at various prices to meet the
poeketbook of every smoker.
My leaders, especially agents, will
be particularly interested in knowing
that on an investment as low as Three
Dollars a full one hundred per cent on
their money can be made, and where
purchases are made in quantity lots
it is possible to make much more.
This product is one of the many
Useful specialties created and sold
during the World’s Fair here in Chi
cago and the company is rapidly ex
panding and offering opportunities to
agents throughout the country. From
my own personal observation, while
in their various local agency offices,
I saw this specialty being sold to
agents, both men and women, in
quantity lots just as fast as the
clerks could wait upon them.
I would strongly urge every ^reader,
especially prospective agents, to con
tact the Everlasting Match Company,
445 South Dearborn Street, Chicago,
Illinois, at once as I firmly believe
this opportunity to be one of the
best I have yet written up.
And for my women readers, espec
ially for women agents and distribu
tors throughout the country I have
contacted a firm who is handling a
new woman's needed specialty which
has been on the market for only five
months, being the Elvyn Sanitary
Shield made with silk outside and
rubber inside, washable with soap and
water, and dried with talcum powder.
This shield sells for only fifty cents
and agents can make one hundred
per cent and more on their invest
ment when purchased in quantity lots
To those actively connected with
work among churches, lodges and so
cial clubs, the selling of these shields
will prove quite profitable.
Three samples will be mailed to any
address in the United States on re
ceipt of one dollar with a money-back
guarantee. Send all orders or inquir
ies direct to Mrs. Bursmith, care of
Elvyn Company, 166 West Jackson
Blvd., Chicago Illinois.
Annua! Xmas.Sea!
Sale of T. S. Ass.
The 26th Annual Christmas Seal
'ale of the Nebraska Tuberculosis
Association is now being held in
Omaha and the state.
Guy Christmas Keels
Fight Tuberculosis
This month the cheery little Christ
mas Seal faces its gravest task in
years raising funds for the fight
against tuberculosis.
Teacher, social worker, and others
in daily contact with children report
undernourishment, lack of disease
prevention, and contact with tuber
culosis as conducive of seriously low
ring health standards in this com
The protection of children and the
search for those who have tubercu
losis are important parts of the work
of the Nebraska Tuberculosis Asso
ciation. Many Omaha children owe
their first examination to the Christ
mas Seal and many more will not be
found in time unless the public buy
Christmas Seals.
The activities of the Nebraska Tu
berculosis Association supported by
Christmas Seals include: a tubercu
losis nurse for Omaha; Nutrition in
the schools; chest clinics for child
ren; health education programs; and
health camps for poor children
threatened with tuberculosis.
Prof Rl'se
cl 000.000 *° fund . j
S1™ down»ent r Preached
Three Addresses.
Sunday ■ “f
Wright’ School M» ’ CW. DE
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OUT Of **® SEt’
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S,C. fo« mouths ago «' V3 dep
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0f the NRA ___ 1
Debate Federal Anti Lynch Law
Dr. Caiiver Appointed To F.R.A. Staff
Xmas. Bun
ized bySoc
The Christmas Bureau organized
under the direction of the Council of
Social Agencies, operates from Dec
ember 1st until Christmas. It is de
signed to prevent duplication in the
giving of Christmas baskets to de
pendent families. It is assumed no
responsibility for seeing that all
families receive a basket or that any
family receives a basket. It has on
ly one service: that of making more
efficient and more useful the Christ
mas giving of clubs, churches and
The Bureau receives from all re
lief agencies the names and address
es of all dependent families.
It asks that organization,c clubs,
churches and individuals who are
planning to give Christmas baskets
clear their lists through its files so
that duplication of giving may be
It furnishes to individuals or or
ganizations who desire it, the names
and addresses of families who need
The Bureau is located this year in
503 Hospe Building. Its work is di
rected by Miss Gladys Shamp, and
the Christmas Bureau may be reach
ed by telephoning AT 9374 or AT—
Because Federal Relief is now be
ing furnished on an adequate basis,
The Christmas Bureau is asking this
year that special attention be devot
ed to meeting the special needs
which cannot be met either through
Federal, County or Chest money. For
your information we are enclosing a
list of these special needs.
In connection with the Christmas
Bureau the Junior League operates
a Gift shop. Toys, collected by
schools, repaired by the firemen and
painted by the Boy Scouts, are plac
ed in this Gift Shop. Dolls repaired
ana dressed by the Girl Scouts Camp
Fire Girls, and Girl Reserves are al
'so taken to the Gift shop. Depend
ent families are given tickets to the
Shop and three days before Christ
mas the mothers and fathers go
down and pick out presents for their
children. ;
We believe that a Mother and Fa
ther belongs the right of planning:
Christmas for the family, and if we i
really want to make Christmas a
joyful season we will help them plan
their own Christmas and not do it
for them.
We want you to know about our
Christmas Bureau and Junior League
Gift Shop. Will you not make it a
part of your responsibility to see
that the clubs and organizations to
which you belong are informed of
this service and make use of it.
Suggested Christmas Gifts for
Dependent Families—
The following gifts are suggested
inasmuch as the food requirements
of dependent families can be met
this year, while the thing included
in this list cannot be furnished thru
any of the relief agencies)
Lynching most
The millions who listened to Pres.
Roosevelt on Wednesday night, Dec.
6 felt deeply grateful for his condem
nation of lynching and his rebuke to
Gov. James Rolqh of California for
his expressed approval of the hanging
of two prisoners by a mob in San Jo
Speaking in Constitution hall at the
twenty-fith anniversary meeting of
theFederal Council of Churches of Chr
ist in America, the Pres, also critc
ized the frequent tardiness of Amer
ican Justice.
ial Council
We have a list of 64 children who
are failing in their school work due
to poor eyesight and whose parents
cannot afford to purchase glasses.
There are dozens of children in de
| pendent familiesw ho must drop out
of school unless some arrangements
can be made to furnish them an al
lowance for pencils, paper, car fare
' and the incidental school expenses
the children must meet.
We have long lists of both child
ren and adults who need to have
their teeth cared for.
There are very few dependent fam
ilies in Omaha where there is equip
ment to handle minor accidents such
as cut fingers, etc.
The following are suggested gifts,
many of which we consider almost a
necessity but which are considered
luxuries by most of the thousands
of families under the care of our re
lief agencies:
Rugs Curtains, Sheets Pillow slips
Carpet sweeper, children's garters,
Dictionary, Waxed paper for lunches
Baby bed, Brooms, Books, Dust pans
Old furniture (chairs, table etc)
Cooking utensils Cots and pads,
Dishes (especially cups and saucers)
Carfare, Brace for club foot, Cloth
es pins, Stove, Bluing, Drawing
supplies (Paper, crayon, charcoal,)
Clothes line, Beds, Oil cloth for tabl
es, tar paper for finishing house, mops
special shoes for deformed ankle, hand
lotion, starch, hot water bottles,
Pipes, Handkerchiefs, Tobacco, Pen
cils, Razors, Heaters, Razor blades,
Tooth paste, Shaving soap, Tooth
brushes, Needles, Toilet soap, Darn
ing cotton, Bobby pins, Scissors, dish
towels, Safety pins, Combs, Hand
towels, Wash cloths, Shoe polish.
The Christmas Bureau can furnish
names of families who require parti
cular things and people can secure
them for the family or such items
can be furnished for distribution
thru the Junior League Gift Shop.
When a person offers to buy glasses
he is either given the name of the
individual and secures the glasses
through his own oculist, or if he
wishes to make a cash contribution
his fund is turned over to the school
and glasses are secured wholesale
through one of the dispensaries.
We do not excuse those in high
places or in low condone lynch law,
Mr. Roosevelt said.
He did not however, directly refer
to the California lynching or tr rec
ent lynching in Missouri and Mary
His remarks on lynching brought
prolonged applause from the capac
ity audience. Mr. Roosevelt expressed
faith in the new generation as a pre
liminary to his strong condemnation
of mob violence.
This generation for example he
said is not content with preaching j
against that vile form of collective;
murder-lynch-law-which has broken i
out in our midst anew. They know an i
we know that it is murder-and a del
iberate and definite disobedience of
the commandment, Thou chalt not I
kill. I
_ •
An Interview With
T he Duke
has been much talk lately in popular
musical circles as to the changing
styles in the writing and arranging
; of compositions intended for orches
i Lral use. Pro and con the “experts
argue—Is jazz in its accepted form
going to last and, if so, how long?—
Is some new musical form going to
be discovered to take the place of
jazz and, if so, what will it be called
; —These and many other questions
along the same lines; are being ask
ed and answered; and the musical de
i bate goes on and on—What better
way to strike a nail into this contro
versy and get a true expert opinion
that will hold weight throughout the
orchestral realm, than to ask the ver
diet of the one person who is most
noted for his creative efforts in the
field of jazz music—Duke Ellington—
creator of such radical jazz depart
ures as “Black and Tan Fantasy"
and the sensational "MOOD INDI
GO”! In answer to many questions
the “Aristocrat of Jazz” had thig to
“It is my honest belief that the
musical rhythm known as “jazz” will
actually never make a full exit from
the musical earth. I do feel that its
accepted forms are due for radical
changes but I also believe that in the
background the jazz element, based
on primitive jungle rhythms, will re
I have always been a firm believer
in musical experimentation. To
stand still musically is equivalent to
losing ground. It has ever been my
ambition and desire to be a few steps
ahead of the times—so that they
would have to try to catch up with
me rather than I with them. Just as
a scientist in his laboratory mixes and
re-mixes his chemical elements again
and again in order to reach a new
discovery ... so must the musical ex
perimenter mix and re-mix his musi
cal elements . . . trying different har
monies, melodic strains, tempos, rhy
thms—until he may emerge with that
sought after ‘something new under
the sun*.
My belief is that the new form of
jazz will be ‘sophisticated jazz’—a
more subtle, a more clever, a more
startling form than ever before. You
must have noticed the change in pop
ular song lyrics in the past year or
more. They have taken a sophisti
cated trend. They are more subtle—
the rhyming is more clever—the re
sults are more startling than ever
before. In a similar way, music must
keep satisfying the public taste—even
in some cases, it must educate the
public taste so that gradually it will
learn to know, like, and call for this
new type of jazz—this ‘sophisticated
I have just completed a recording
f°r of my latest com
position called “RUDE INTER
LUDE”. In it are contained new de
partures in musical tempo and ar
rangement—some pretty daring de
partures—but I offer it as my first!
contribution to what I sincerely be
lieve is due to be the new form of
jazz—‘sophisticated jazz’.
To try to describe verbally what
has been done in the writing of “rude
interlude” is an impossible task. Be
words is, at best, an unsatisfactory
ing asked to describe any music in!
assignment. Music is created to lis-i
ten to—to react to—to stir emotions '
—and not to describe—“RUDE IN
TERLUDE” especially is difficult to
talk about—Perhaps it might be best,"!
considering the fact that I am its;
author, that I leave the description ^
of this new radical ‘brain-child’ of
mine—this fore-runner of ‘sophisti
cated jazz’—to somebody else”.
And so we rush off to the RCA
VICTOR Record Company to get for
ourselves a glimpse of this new form
Appointed As Fed.
Relief Administrator
Dr. Ambrose Caliver Appointed To
FERA Staff
The appointment of Dr. Ambrose
Caliver, Federal Office of Education
Specialist in the Education of Ne
groes, as a part-time specialist in
Federal emergency relief work in
volving Negro education was an
nounced today by Harry L. Hopkins,
Federal Emergency Relief Adminis
Doctor Caliver, who has been loan
ed by the Commissioner of Education
to the relief administration for part
time services, will continue his work
in the Office of Education. His dut
ies with the Federal Emergency Re
lief Administration will be to give
advice in connection with special
problems concerning emergency edu
cational program for Negroes, and
to help in disseminating information
to Negroes and other persons inter
ested in their education.
The Office of Education has been
cooperating with the Federal Relief
Administration since its establish
ment on May 22 and this appoint
ment is in line with the general pol
icy of the Federal Emergency Relief
Administration in having specialists
in the Office of Education allocated
to the administration to direct and
supervise the educational phases of
relief. ,
For the past few months, Doctor
Caliver has been active in informing
State and local school people and
other leaders having charge of Negro
education concerning the educational
projects under the FERA. The*s
activities will now be continued and
- ■ ■ -—~
The wise buyer, unless he happens
to be a thoroughly qualified expert in
the field in which he is making pur
chases, buy labels. He buys a name
which he knows stands for quality
and integrity—a reputation gained
over many years through the produc
tion of an article or a service of un
varying excellence.
That’s true of food products, of
clothes, of watches or automobiles or
guns. We have learned that it 's
usually better to pay a little more,
w-hen that is necessary, to get some
thing we know to be the best, than
to buy something the salesman rep
resents as being “just as good.” Most
of us have had sad experiences with
products falling in the latter cate
gory. We have found them to be
expensive at any pri&o.
What is true for the individual buy
ity buying fire protection. The town
ing clothing, is true for the commun
buying an unknown make of fire en
gine is courting disaster. It is taking
a chance on ruin. It is gambling j
with death. If an engine fails at a
crucial moment, hundreds of thous
ands of dollars worth of property and
irreplaceable lives may be destroyed,
definite interest in seeing that fire
Citizens and taxpayers have a very
departments are kept to the highest
standards, and equipped with engines
whose names are the arbiters of qual
ity and service.
One thing which is not conducive'
to the popularity of any administra
tion is a lot of official inspectors go
ing over the country looking at every
body’s books.—Fort Plain, New York,
Free Press.
of jazz—sophisticated jazz—in Duke
Ellington’s recording of his own crea
Ask Legislation In
Giving Gov. Power
In Lynching Cases
Ask State Legislation Giving Govern
or Power in Lynching Cases_
Commend Roosevelt, Ritchie
and Park.
Rap Rolfe’s Abject Surrender.
Atlanta, Ga., Dec. B:—Facing a
(narked increase of mob violence in
1933, the Geeorgia Council of South
pni Women for the Prevention of
Lynching, in annual session here to
iay, discussed the wisdom of asking
for a federal anti-lynching law, but
ierferred action until the matter
:ould be more fully studied. The
Council requested the South-wide
meeting of rtfhe Association to be
>eld here on January 9 to give ma
ure consideration to the proposal.
It was reported that twenty-seven
lynchings have been recorded this
year, as against eight for 1932. In
view of the unwillingness of local of
ficials and courts to prosecute in sack
cases, the Council voted its approval
of proposed state legislation giving
the governor authority to direct in.
vestigation and prosecution in lynch
ing cases.
The following telegram was seat to
President Franklin D. Roosevelt:
"The Georgia Council of the Associa
tion of Southern Women for the Pre
vention of Lynching, assembled at
their annual meeting in Atlanta, wish
to express their profound gratitude
for the unequivocal and courageous
denunciation of lynching conveyed in
your address before the Federal
Council of Churches of Christ in
The Council also expressed hearty
appreciation of the emphatic con
demnation of lynching recently ex
pressed by Attorney General Homer
Cummings, and commended the vig
orous steps taken in recent lynching
cases by Governor Ritchie of Mary
land and Governor Park of Missouri.
These steps, the Council stated, were
the mob and the official inaction so
Governor Rolfe's abject surrender to
the mob and the ogicial inaction so
commonly observed in such cases.”
The Georgia Council is a constituent
part of the Association of Southern
Women for the Prevention of Lynch
ing, an organization of white women
fostered by the Commission on Inter
racial Cooperation and directed by
Mrs. Jessie Daniel Ames, of the Com
mission’s staff. The Association has
a membership in thirteen southern
states of more than 16,000 women,
each of whom has personally signed
a repudiation of lynching and a
pledge to do everything possible to
eradicate it.
Hopelessness concerning tuberdu
losis has been transformed to hope,
and a continuous campaign of educa
tion through lectures, movies, news
papers, radio, magazines, pamphlets
and posters, which reaches every
corner of the nation is in progress.
This campaign is being held now in
Nebraska through the Christmas Seal
sale of the Nebraska Tuberculosis As
sociation.. Christmas Seals have ac»
complished big things—the death
rate from this disease has been cut
over one half—but there is still a
tremendous job ahead. Tuberculosis
remains the principal cause of death
in the most important years of life—
from 15 to 40. Among teen age girls
there has been but a slight decline
in the death rate, although the death
rate for all ages has been slashed
more than half.
Purchase of Christmas Seals is a
simple and inexpensive act yet each
contribution added to millions of
others thru the country aids in build
ing a powerful defense which means
protection to each of us and which
promises in time to completely van
quish the enemy.