The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 02, 1933, Page Three, Image 3

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Father James A. Daly, Pastor.
Madoline E. Sterling, Reporter.
The Alter Society held it’s re
gular weekly meeting and discussed
plans for future activities of the
The President, Mrs. George
Jackson outlined many interesting
plans that met with hearty approval
of all.
Mrs. Glass, the chairman of
the Altar committee, was commend
ed highly for her work on the Altar
and candles last week, and she wish- i
es to thank those who assisted her
in this task.
We are heartily in sympathy
with the John’s family who are the
proud pcssessers of a new bom boy
born to them on last Wednesday!
morning, at the University Hospital, j
Mother and baby are doing fine.
That most wonderful of birds, j
the “Stork,” seems to have had a.
a very busy week in our Parish, he
stopped at the home of Mr. ana Mrs.;
L. Carpenter. 2421 Grant and left!
a prize package containing a beauti
ful 7 lb. girl. We sincerely hope that
little Helen will not be too badly dis
appointed at not receiving the baby
brother that she so fondly hoped for,
and will find that a little sister is
just twice as much fun. The mother
and baby are reported in excellent
condition. 1 U(:
The Buffet Supper sponsored by
the “St. Peter Claver’s Guild” was
not as well attended as we had hoped
it would be. Many notable guests
were present, however all expressed
a sincere delight in the excellent
supper that was served. Rev. Father
Willwording, of Creighton was the
guest of our Pastor, F. th?r Daly,
Attorney D. E. O’Brien and Mr. Mos, with their wives made a party
of four. We were very pleased with
the attendance of Miss Abts, from
the Catholic Charities Bureau, who
brought a group of ladies with her
She expressed much pleasure with
the service and hospitality received.
It was her first visit. Mr. Myers, of
the “Myers’ funeral Home,” together
with his family were among others
who enjoyed their Sunday supper
with the club. Mrs. Sterling, the
chairman of the entertainment com.,
is grateful to the lad>es who helped
so willingly to Sponsor© the affair.
Mr. Daly of the Yellow Cab Co. and
his family were also present.
The P. T. A. for St Benedicts,
held it’s first business meeting last
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[ Sunday afternoon in the principal’s
school room, with a goodly number
present. Discussion of the making
of uniforms for the girls was the
principle topic. Sister Mary Daniels
expects too have all the girls in un
iform by the first Monday after
The ladies of the P. T. A. will
tar Society, in making the uniforms
be assisted by the lauiee of the Ai
by the newly appointed president,
of the girls whose mothers do not
sew. The meeting was presided over
Mrs. James, ail others officers were
present except the secretary, Mrs.
Jackson acted in her stead.
Don’t forget the wonderful
chicken dinner to ba given Sunday
the 10th f Dec. This dinner will be
sponsored by Mrs. Ward of St. Phil
menion Parish, who is an energetic
worker and very capable of manag
ing such affairs.
29th and T St.
Rev. J. H. Jackson. Pastor
Mrs. J. C. Collins. Reporter
With a very beautiful day for this i
season of the year, Bethel Baptist
Sunday School had its usual routine j
i service.'., under the leadership of ]
our 9upt. Bio. H. C. Garner,
For the 11 o’clock worship services
our pastor Rev. J. H. Jackson, being
out of the city, the services were con
ducted by the widaiy known Woman
Evangelist, Rev. Mrs. A. V'. B Trux
ton, a member of our church. Her
subject was “The Man To Hear”,
found in Luke 9-35. This subject was
very beautifully and clearly discuss
ed. All present was benefited by
such a forceful message.
At 7:30 P. M., with our recent ap
pointed Pres. Bro. Joshua Henderson
pr :siding. our B. Y. P. U. services are
contriving to take on new life in lon
junction with the evening worship
period. Since it was our privilege to
have Rev'. Mrs. Truxton conduct our
services throughout the day. she gave
us a very profound message in the
evening services. Her subject was
“Christ’s Order To The Saved Man,”
John 5-14. Should every saved per
son abide by such a message, the
world would be more at eas^ oday.
Visitors and friends are always
welcome to worship with us at the
Bethel Baptist Church.
M rs. Gooden. Superintendent
Asilee Dotson, Reporter
Zion Baptist Sunday School was
opened at 9:45, with singing, “What
A Friend.’7 and “More About Jesus.”
The Lord’s prayer by Dorothy Harris.
Mrs. Goodqp gave a splendid de-'
acription of the lesson, “Paul In
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Corinth.” Her central thought, “Don’t
Let Discuragement Overtake Us.”
The more trouJ-* Paul had, the more
he was determined to go on. There
fore let us try o imitate the follow
ers of Christ, so that we can become
nearer to Jesus.
The banner attendance classes were
3-6-14, banner offering to classes 3-7
14. The toal attendance was 111.
2215 Grant Street
Rev. C. C. Harper. Pastor
Rev. J. R. Young. Asst. Pastor
Sunday morning services were
. preached by Rev. C. C. Harper, to a
large congregatin. Hymnals were
rendered by the Junior Choir. Pres.
Mrs. Helen McWhortor. Mrs. Ida
Woodson, Directress, and the child
rens choir, directress Mrs. Hattie
Madison, which were very inspira
tional to the service.
. he Street Rally was a great suc
cess, having the largest congregation
of the season. Rev. Harper preach
ing the “Faith Of A Silver Dollar,”
and just poured n^w life into the
sp, ritual souls of the vast multitude,
the special program was very well
rendered Mrs. C. C. Harper in charge.
The B. Y. P. U. held its regular
meeting at 6 P. M., program was ren
dered by Group No. 4 of the Junior
and Senior, Mrs. Matthews captain
of Group 4, Mrs. Reynold in charge
of the Juniors.
Come out and hear the special pro
gram Sunday, by Group No. 1, Mrs.
Johnson in charge, W. Lamdram,
Rev. Harper was last n the stand
for the night service, preaching the
gospel to a new congregation, with
that ever courage in the spiritual
truth, assisted by the Mission chorus,
Mrs. Madison in charge.
22nd and Seward Sts.
Rev. E. \V. Anthony Pastor
Minnie Harris—Reprter
The Sunday school opened at its
regular opening hour, 9:30 a. m„
Supt. Nicholason presiding. The les
son was preview by Supt. Wesley.
Some members of th primary depart
ment sang a Thanksgiving song, lad
by their teacher Miss Amelia Thomas.
The B. Y. P. U. opened at 5:30
p. m.. Pres. Cooper presiding. A
wonderful program was given by
group o 3 (the senior girls.) on the
lesson topic which was a special topic.
M iss Ruth Crane gave the origin of
Thanksgiving day.
The Sunday School and B. Y. P. U.
are planning a splendid Christmas
pageant, which is sponsored by Mrs.
E. W. Anthony.
At 11 a m Rev. E. W. Anthony
brought to us a wholesome message,
subject “A Prayer For Deliverance.”
The visiting ministers were Rev. Pat
ten and Rev. F. S. Goodlet
At 8 o’clock, Rev. Fort assistant ■
pastor, brught to us the sermon, sub
ject, “Eagl^ Stirreth Her Nest.” He
stated that a religion in times like
these do not call for a great deal of
shouting. We all like to hear Rev.
Fort preach.
The Young Peoples Progressive
club is doing wonderful work in up
lifting the youth of the church.
Don’t forget he Thanksgiving din
ner, given by units No. 3 and 4 Nov.
30. Cme out and eat all you can
Salem is still working to put over
a successful program for the cause
of Christ.
24th and Ohio Sts.
Reverend F. P. Jones, Pastor
Enthusiasm and interest is still
running high in every department of •
the church. Sunday School opened at
3:30 Sunday morning with the usual
attendance, the pastor preached at
11 A. M. and 8 P. M., each was im
pressive, and furnished much food for
thought. The B. Y. P. U, at 6 o’clock
was up to the standard, a very inter
esting program was rendered by
Willing Workers, group. In addition
to the large number of members j
presant there were many visitors.
I The entire membership was highly
: pleased -with the results of the rally i
■ just closed. Many gave the amount i
of an entire weeks work, and all did
their best to reach the goal. Up to
i this time a round $500.00 has been
j reported. The Sunday School, B. Y.
i P. U. and Mission Socity, are working
hard to win the contest, and to crown
■ their contestant Queen of the Har
vest Home Fesival on Friday night,*
Dec. 1. Thanksgiving services will be |
Quality Lapndry and Dry Cleaning
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(when finished out of family bundles)
_^^Omaha’s Most Progressive”—_
held Thursday morning at 11 A. M.,!
every one is invied to attend. The
Sunday School is making preparation
for a very elaborate Christman Tree,
and exercises. A very impressive
White Gift service will be held Dec.
17, wci will tell you more about it i
__ i
The Friendly Church
22nd and Willis A ve.
Rev. L. P. Bryant. Pastor
The services at Sc. John last Sun
day, werti very, very good. Rev.
Byrant preached a very able sermon
from the subject, ‘'Elements of Un
consciousness In Character.” He left
many good things for the Christian
to hink about. The ateriuance was
very good for all services. The at-'
tendance at the Endeavor reached
102 Rev. Bryant wants to see the
att-jndance at class meetings grow
the same way. The other ministers
present werq Rev. E. Z. McDonald.
Rev. Oliver Butler and Rev. Thomas
The hands on tha rally clocks were
turned again Sunday night. They
moved fine. Help your Captain turn
the hands of her clock by paying in
some or all you arq to pay. The
Capains are Mrs. Willa Ray, Mrs.
Rose Lucky and Miss Amanda Ogit,
so if you don’t know who your cap
tain is, see these ladies and find out.
It is very interesting to see so
many old faces coming back to St.!
John. Now, if you are not active in'
your church, why not line up before
the yeas closes.
Those who joined the church last
Sunday, were MMr. Howard Fields
of St. Johns A. M. E. Church of
Cleveland, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs.
Louise Gough of the C. M. E. in Om
aha. The visitors last Sun .lay were
Mr. M. L. Karris of :he Omaha Guide,
Siate Representative Johnnie Owens
and Family and Mr. C. C. Petties,
who is now the husband of our own
Mrs. H. L. Bonnett. They were mar
ried Nov. 6. Mr. Petties is a Baptist,
now, but who knows but what Mrs.
Hattie will make a Methodist out of
him, and Mr. Johnson, directOj. of
Zion Imperiol Choir and wife. Vis
itors are always welcome to St. John
and invited to make it their choice.
The all request program by the
Choir was very good. There was a
great message o receive through
The Official Board met Monday
night, and a number of new members
were put on the dicerent boards of the
Watch the Omaha Guide each week
for your church and social news. It
will keep you informed as to your
Sunday school 9:30 A. M., preach
ing 10:45 A. M., Endeavor at 6 P. M,
and evening worship at 7:45 P. M.
The Mission Art Club of the Bethel
Baptist church met at tha residence
of Mrs. B. Blackstone, 3021 Lindsay
Ave., last Wedesday Nov. 22, at 1:30
with ten members present. After the
meeting adjourned Mrs. Blackstone
served refreshments. The club will
meet Wednesday November 29 at 1:30
at the residence of Mrs. L. Hill, 3115
Mrs. R. Williams—President.
Rev. J. H. Jackson—Pastor.
Mrs. R. Roberts —Reporter.
Rev. Clay. Pastor
N. W. Smith. Reporter
Sunday School and both morning
and evening services were well at
tended. Two new members joined:
the church.
Much credit is due Rev. Clay, and
the trustees, and brother C. H. Bar
nett for painting the church, as we
are to have Bishop Mu W. Clair with
us on Dec. 6, and our committee is
using every effort to make it pleas
ant for him, and hoping for good
success. /
We welcome visitors at all services
and will help to make them feel at
home, and don’t forget our young
peoples forum at 6 P. M. every Sun
By R. A. Adams
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
Sometimes come blessings in disguise,!
And, failing such to recognize,
Some impulse strange we oft abey,
And priceless treasures thrust away.
Sometimes ship-wrecked, with rescue
/his we refuse, thru craven fear,
Then, when it is too late to save,
We leap toward the receding wave.
Tis sad that timid creatures, these,
Scruples exacting to appease.
In blindness blessings should refuse,
Which to obtain meant but to choose.
Twere well this lesson then, to learn:
Best to be careful, and discern
What’s good or ill, ere we decide,
Lest blessings true we cast aside.
By R. A. Adams
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
Not long ago a woman was struck
a terrible and dangerous blow by her
husband. The probability is that her
skull was fractured, and she may
die. Hurt, dazed, stunned by the
blow and the revelation of brutality!
on the part of her husband, she went
up stairs, secured a revolver, returned
and killed her husband. In other
cases men have been killed while in
the act of beating thir wives. Had
these women the r ght to kill their
husbands ?
If a man would be justifiable ir.
killing another man in self-d dense,
and, if a woman would bei justiliabl"
in killing any other man who would
be beating her and endangering her
life, why would not a woman have the
same justification when the man is
her own brutal husband? It seems
that she would have a greater right,
because a husband is the last man to
use such brutality. Husbands, Be
By Dr. A. G. Bearer
The Babel Builders
Text: Go to, let us build a city and
a tower whose top shall reach unto. ..
haaven.—Genesis 11-4.
Sad must have been the disappoint
ment of these Babel-builders. They
would build a tower to reach unto
heaven; thgy would climb up and
take the throne of Jehovah by vio
lence. Confusion came. They were
scattered over the face of the earth.
The word “Babel” is commemorative
of their folly in which we find a
lesson for this age.
This too, is an age of Babel-build
qrs. Men erect towers of wealth,
thinnking that money will make
them independent of God. They revel
in their riches and sneer at the idea
of God. Then, like the case of the
magnate Insull, the tower falls—and
crushes its buildar. Like Alexander
the great, Napoleon, and the German
Kaiser, men build towers of fame
and honor. Like the Kaiser they say
“Me und Gott.” Th:y accept the ap
plause of the populace, a thing un
certain and unstable. Then, they are
discredited, dethroned, exiled, ruined.
By means of the tower of morality
men try to climb up to the heavens,
despite the fact that Jesus declared,
“Ye must be born again.”
As in the case of the foolish build
ers, all towers and all efforts will
fail and the rule and the authority,
and the power of Jehovah will stand
And, in all it will be demonstrated
that His power is supreme, and that j
“The judgments of the Lord are true,
and righteous altogether.”
By A. B. Mann
“While the city sleeps,” policemen
make their founds, protecting life
and property. Many of them are
loyal and faithful to their exacting
duties. They are in constant danger
as they patrol the streets. They
deserve great credit, for o them, ev
ery hour is an hour of peril. But
they are no more deserving than
thousands of men who are known
simply as night-watchmen, and who
are as dependable and as loyal and as
necessary as those of the other class.
In large industrial plants, in banks
and in other such places where mil
lions of dollars are stored, in public
buildings where millions of the money
of tax-payers must be protected, these
faithful servants of the people keep
their lonely and dangerous vigil—
“While the city sleeps.” Often they
lose their lives as they seek to pro
tect against burglars and bandits. To
these humble souls comes little praise
they are among the forgotten class;
they are poorly paid and little appre
ciated; they are unsung; but they are
heroes “for a' that; and a’ that.”
Unkindness to Children
By Videtta Ish
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
Children are generous. They are
forgiving. They make up easily, in
their innocence. But they have queer
memories. They remember unkind
ness toward them. Perhaps to never
forget such actions. A woman spoke
harshly to a little child of three re^rs
The child was hurt. After that, wfc n
this woman desired to show kindness
the child rebuffed her. The number
of such cases is legion.
Looking back I remember such
treatment, in a few instances. I have
forgiven. I bear no ill will. I would
do a favor quickly for those people.
But I cannot forget. Mention of their
names will bring memory of the un
kindness shown and of the hurt it
gave me. It might be well for older
people to look back. Perhaps if they
would look back and remember the
hurts they received, under such cir
cumstances, they would be more
cautious in dealing with children who
will be the adults of the next gener
ation—and who may remember, as
we now remember.
33rd and Bradford Ave.
Sunday School was called at 10:00
A. M. The lesson was well discussed,
after which Church service was called
at 11:30 A. M. After prayer service,
the Assistant Pastor took the pulpit
and preached a wonderful sermon.
At 3 P. M. the Get Together Club
met at the church, Rev Travis being
President gave a wonderful talk, af
ter which, the program was rendered.
The program wa3 wonderful, then the
Rev. Marion Jr. preached a sermon
that made the church rock.
D. W. Simmons, Sec'y
<m FUTURE ••
Ipinqesi- ment*[i«f on the
Americin Stage —- - --
C. R. S. - Is it dangerous for
to ride in my car if I get it?
Ans. Not the least bit. You are not
in as serious trouble as you arc- led
to believe. I advise you to secure a
private reply from me on this subject
as it is really a little t»o personal to
print into the paper. Just send twen
ty-five c^nts for an Astrology Read
V. V. H. Will I receive the pre
sent prmised me from my boy frien 1?
friend? .
Ans: . This boy friend of yours
From Another Town seems to be kid
ding you along. He hasn’t got any
present for you. ....
Ans: . The man that you are now
going with will remember you in his
will. The amount does not appear to
be large, but enough to prove to you
that his friendship is sincere.
L. C. Will I ever belong to this
organization to which I was once
pledged? ....
Ans. Not for several years.
This National Organization tha; you
have been pledged towill accept you
as a member at that time..
V. E. . Does the party that I care
for care for me? ....
Ans. A good bit yes, but, it is
revealed to me that he is even More
Fend of a light skinned girl of your
acquaintance. If you are under the
impression that you are the only one
in this mans life, you had better
wise up.
M. M. . Please tell me what the
mind leave me anything in his will?
future holds for me? .
L. C. Will the party I have in
Ans. . At least Three Marriages
and a few babies to boot. Many years
cf your life wil! be opent in a very
large northern city..
S. S. - I want to know if my hus
band is cheating on me? __
Ans. - Your husband is interested
in an old flame of his. It comes to me
that this is the woman you broke him
off with Two Years Ago. You w il
have to bear down on him again._
F. C. W. Is my brother in any
danger? .. .. .
Ans. Your brother is going from
bad to worse. He is in with the
Wrong Crowd. Unlees he leaves his
bootlegging pals he will have him
self a new suit of clothes, — with
stripes. ....
P. L. T. _ I would like to know if
I will ever see or hear from my step
daughter again ? ....— -
Ans.In the years to come you
will never come into contact with
your step-daughter. I cannot contact
you and she together nor can I con
tact her in my crystal. I fear she is
not living.
W. C. _ How will my son make
out in his trouble? ..
Ans. _ Your son will receive a
sentence of Ten Years and over for
his part of this crime. There is very
little that you or anyone else can do
to influence leniency in his favor.
L. M.My pocket book was either
lost or stolen a few Sundays ago. I
suspect a relative. Tell me if I am
right or not in my suspicions? ..
Ans. Who else could have done
this but your step-father. Yes he
took your money and furthermore
you will never get it back. It won’t
do you any good to make a Squak
about it now. For your mothers sake
say nothing about it. —.— .
NOTE:—Your question printed free in this column.
For Prviate reply send 25c and (self addressed
stamped enevelope for my New Astrological Read
ing and reeive by return mail my advice on three
questions free. Sign your full name birthdate, and
correct address. Adress Abbe’ Wallace,
P. 0. Box—11, Atlanta, Georgia.
Christ Temple. 26 and Burdette St.
J. W. Goodwin. Ass’t
O. J. Burckhardt. Pastor
Verda Gordon, Reporter
Sunday was a beautiful day, our
morning service was lightly attended.
But Eld*r Goodwin brought a stir t
ring message, and I heard many com
pliments on the part of the members
regarding the morning sermon. Un
der the supervision af Elder Huntley,
and Deacon Stafford the young peo
ples meeting was interesting.
At 8 P. M.—The pastor preacaed
on the Subject, “Neglect” using as
a text, Hebr. 2-3. How shall we es
cape, if we neglect so great a Salva
tion. He pointed out that in these
days, the majority of people were
neglecting Salvation, for the triffling
things of lifa.
The folks are yet discussing the
sermons preached by Elder Bethel
soma have said they were now de
termined to live a separated life, ere
respective of who attempted to tell
them they cannot. We are looking
forward to a good service Sunday and
we also solicit your presence and
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
Wife Incapacitated. Husband has a
problem—have one “Other Woman’’
or be promiscuous—of course neith
er would be right—if the shoe were
on the other foot—better try hav
ing wife cured—it is never justifia
ble to do wrong—No; Mr. Husband.
Maxie Miller: I am a professional
man. My wife is sick and incapasi
tated for marriage intimacies. I am
a healthy man and surely I shuld
not be expected to injure my health
by practicing continence, indefinitely.
My problem is whether to have just
one sweetie or to be promiscuus.
What do you think best? Which horn
of the dilemna would you take? I
am anxiously waiting for your an
swer. Unfortunate Hubby.
Unfortunate Hubby: You are un
fortunate only in a way, but you will
be really so if you commit this sin
against your afflicted wife. When
you were married each one took the
other “for better for worse; in sick
ness and in health,” and your wife’s
being temporarily incapacitated
would not abrogate your marriage
(Continued on Page Two)
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