The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 28, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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Happenings that Affect the Dinner Pails,
Dividend Checks and Tax Bp; of Every
Individual. National and Internation
al Problems Inseparable From
Local Welfare
Industrial activity, in spite of the ap
pearance of some downward tendencies,
is continuing at a comparatively high
rate. In August, production was more
than 50 per cent greater than in August,
1932. In July, production reached its
peak, when it was equal to the 1923-255
Price advances, which started with
the first manifestations of recovery, con
tinued through September. The cost of
living has accordingly risen. An excep
tion to the general trend is farm prices,
which have declined. One of the best of re
cent signs is that the wide discrepancy
between production and consumption,
which confused the outlook a short time
ago, is narrowing.
Latest information concerning basic in
dustries shows:
DOMESTIC TRADE—Both wholesale
and retail increased in August, in
both volume and value. Department
store sales were well above the Aug
ust 1QQ9 IpvpI 2 <v °
EMPLOYMENT—Though production de
clined somewhat in August as com
pared with July, payrolls and employ
ment continued to improve — the ad
vances being carried into September.
It is estimated that 750,000 persons
found work in August, and the Sep
tember experience, when detailed,
may be still more favorable.
prices, with the exception of retail,
slackened in August and September.
Retail prices rose 8 per cent between
August 1 and September 1 — the
greatest monthly advance in a decade.
CREDIT—The most significant recent
change m the credit situation is that .
open-market purchase of U. S. Gov
ernment securities by the Federal Re
serve has increased. Purchases rose
to a weekly rate of $35,000,COO, as
compared with $10,000,000 previous
ly. The Federal credit expansion
drive, which includes liberating of
assets in closed banks, is apt to work
sudden and unexpected changes.
SECURITIES—Market action has been
confusing and unpredictable. Gener
ally speaking, stock prices have fluc
tuated with exchange quotations
on the dollar. Among bonds, high
grade domestic issues have stood up
well, and issues of foreign gold
standard countries have advanced.
FOREIGN TRADE—Exports have de
clined and imports increased. The
outlook for increased exporting is not
bright at the moment.
CONSTRUCTION—Contracts jumped 28
per cent in August, due principally
to public works and utility undertak
ings. Building activity, however, is
lower than it was last year or the
year before.
TRANSPORTATION—There was a con
traseasonal decline of six per cent in
freight traftic in August, and the de
cline continued through September.
However, comparison with the
months preceding July, and with
1932, are still favorable.
AUTOMOBILES—Production schedules
dropped in September, but less than
was anticipated. The decline in re
tail sales has been less than seasonal
trends would have indicated. De
mand at end of September was hold*
ing up well. Tire output in August,
while smallest in live months, was
at the highest August level since 1929.
POWER—Steady and continued advanc
es in electric consumption have been
registered in practically all parts of
the country.
CHEMICALS—Activity has been affected
by declining production in the major
productive lines which constitute the
market for chemicals. Demand was
dull so far as paints and varnishes
were concerned, with a seasonal in
crease in alcohol orders. Prices have
been firm.
FARM—The August wheat movement,
because of the short crop, was com
paratively slight. The month’s re
ceipts w*ere down 27 per cent as com
pared with July, and wholesale wheat,
prices declined. Corn prospects were
slightly better. Hog receipts were
much higher than before, and sheep
and lamb receipts likewise showed
improvement. Butter receipts showed
the usual seasonal decline.
FOOD—Production in the food process
ing industry declined 8 per cent in
August, with allowance made for the
customary seasonal change. How
ever, activity was 8 per cent above
a year ago, and employment and pay
roll levels were encouraging.
LUMBER—Curtailment in receipts of
new orders has caused an increase
in stocks on hand and a lessening
of production. Prices continue to ad
vance, as do payrolls and employment
IRON AND STEEL—Steel production
declined during August, and a still
sharper drop followed during first
half of September. Orders have
come in slowly. Unfilled orders of
U. S. Steel at end of August were
lowest since April.
TEXTILES—Though production has
slackened, August production was the
best for th^t month since 1929. The
Textile code 'has produced substantial
gains in payrolls and employment.
-... . -
At the moment, the position of the
farmer is mixed. On the one hand, defi
nite progress has been made in clarifying
his problem and taking steps towards
its solution. On the other, farm income
has failed to rise to the extent that was
In most instances, the farm prod
ucts which are having the best experience
are those which are represented by
strong, well established, loyally supported
co-operatives. The cotton producers of
the south are an excellent exafnple of
this — it is not too much to say that the
future outlook for cotton is better now
than for many moons past. The milk
producers of New York are still another
— there the co-operative, in the face of
violence and sabotage, said to be largely
of communistic origin, is bringing order
out of chaos. The walnut growers of
California also demonstrate the sound
ness of co-operative methods. All these
groups are winning a battle against de- ,
pression which was started years ago.
As a matter of fact, it is doubtful if
the government’s farm relief program
would have much chance for success with
out the co-operatives. They are acting
as an intermediary between the govern
ment and the producers — they are in a
position to explain and to clear up prob
lems and to settle misunderstandings.
They will probably be called upon to do a
large amount of necessary policing, to
protect the progressive farmer against
his radical fellows. And they are exten
sively called upon, in an advisory capaci
ty, whenever a change in government pol
icy is contemplated.
Yes, the co-operatives are forging
ahead — and at a faster rate than is gen
erally realized. While rewards are ap
pearing now — their greatest achieve
ments are still ahead of them.
How great is the influence of exces
sive taxation in retarding recovery, and
in preventing employment and wage in
creases that would otherwise be provid
ed? «
The answer is that its influence is
very great indeed. The most public spir
ited business man alive ca,n’t spirit dollars
out of the air. He can’t wave a wand and
produde the wherewithal for new jobs
and pay raises out of his hat. He has
so much spending power — and of late,
in the average case, increases in income
have been more than offset by increases
in his operating costs. He has fixed ex
penses, which can’t be pared. The dif
ference between those expenses and in
come is what he has to spend.
Nowadays, an extremely — often ex
tortionately — high percentage of the
difference must be paid to the tax-eollect
or. We’re all “buying” more government
than we ever bought before. For three
years business has cut costs, raised ef
ficiency, and redoubled its efforts to give
the best value at the lowest cost. Govern
ment, as a whole, has failed to follow.
It is very possible that the recovery
movement will, in the near future, reacn
a point where it cannot go further with
out tax reduction. Some of the money
that now goes for government must be
released into the channels of productive
enterprise, to provide jobs and opportuni
ties and the means of expanding busi
ness. And those who are now entrusted
with government management, from fed
eral right down to the smallest hamlet,
should be busy planning the way to do
just that.
No better protection than life insur
ance has ever been discovered,” writes
Paul Tomlinson, financial editor of Harp
er’s Magazine, in the September issue.
“No better protection exists today.”
Thousands of Americans will say
“Amen” to that. The past three years
have been great enlighteners so far as
what to do with one’s money is concern
ed. They’ve demonstrated that economic
law cannot be forever frustrated — that
you can’t double your money in a year
or two and still be on the safe and con
servative side. All of this has been an
expensive lesson.
And now that recovery is on its way,
the statistics are pointing to a gratifying
increase in sales of life insurance. In
the mind of the average citizen, a life
policy is more than the best protection
it is likewise one of the very best in
vestments. In one or another of its
forms, it offers him what all investments
are designed to provide — money for
one s old age, the building of an estate,
education for one’s children, and so on
— and it offers him the highest attain
able degree of safety.
The chance is most negligible that a
fife insurance policy, purchased from an
established, old-line company, will not be
redeemed precisely as the contract desig
How many other investments can of
fer so much!
. At Bie meeting of the Interracial Re
lation Conference which was held Friday
October 20, at the Y. M. C. A., 17th and
Harney, and that night at the Zion Bap
tist church, 22nd and Grant streets, quite
a tew addresses were delivered on ques
tions_ of grave importance, effecting the
relations of whites and blacks alike. It
may be that this movement of Interracial
Relations is in its infancy in Omaha but
to an observer who has been in touch
with the aims and purposes of this or
ganization and watched its functions in j
other parts of the country, it. was both !
surprising and disappointing that so few
of the citizens found time to attend, es- !
pecially is this true of the whites.
. As v> e. understand it, the purpose of
tins organization is to bring about a bet- !
ter understanding between the races, !
black and white, especially in matters
having to do with the industrial and eco
nomic status. In the address of Dr. Geo.
L. Haynes, Executive Secretary of De
partment Race Relations, and Federal
Council of Churches of America, of Wash
ington, D C., delivered Friday night at
Zion Baptist church, he stressed the ne
cessity of the whole hearted support of
the people m assisting the President in
puttmg over the NR A program. He fur
ther explained the hard task encumbered
upon those who are fighting to keep the
wages of Negro workers on a parity with
that of other workers, while all of which
is proper and right, but there is a great
duty the Negro owes to himself. As has
bee£ sa^cL' “He who would be free must
s ^ethe first blow,” which saying is ex
emphfied m die struggles of the Colonies
W1Y^nfia-1?.d also in the case of Cuba
and the Philippines against Spain. Had
Zu Colonies waited for France to lead
the fight against the unjust system of tax
ation without representation, there would
have never been drafted the Declaration
of Independence. Lafayette would have
never sailed from France with his troops
to assist the Colonies, had not Cuba
struck the first blow against the tyranny
of Spain and Gen. Wheyler the “butcher”
and oppressor, the U. S. would never have
come to her assistance and they would
still be groaning under the heal of Spain.
As it was with them so is it with us. If
we are to take our place in the sun which
was once ours, we must strike the first
blow. True we invite assistance and help
from our white friends, but the assistance
we get depends in a large measure upon
the degree in which we contribute to the
solution of our own problems. If we per
sist in contributing only a small proper
tion of our energy, time and money to the
solution of our problems, we can expect
only a perfunctory response from our
white friends. At the present time the
local branch of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People
are making an intensive membership
drive here in Omaha. Not only are people
of our group being solicited for member
ship, but every man and woman of the
white race, who believes in equal oppor
tunities, justice and fair play is also be
ing asked to join.
As Negroes we should not forget that
as we pray for fairness and justice, so
must we be unto others. We have for
years suffered from unjust persecution.
It is not then consistent to the attributes
of mercy for which we nrav that we
should practice towards others that from
which we have for years suffered and
died, be they white or black. Threfore,
we should not take advantage of any
man’s condition, for reasons not consis
tent to the principles of justice and fair
play, which only appeals to the lower pas
sions of envy, hate, prejudice and mis
One week from today will see the
opening of the Eleventh Annual Com
munity Chest Campaign. On that day
more than six thousand volunteer work
ers, private citizens like yourself, men and
women who have their own homes, their
own businesses and their own interests,
will start out going from house to house,
from office to office, interviewing people
and securing pledges toward a goal of
$603,136 to finance the welfare and relief
needs of Omaha for the coming year.
Whether it is below zero or whether it
is mild: wheather it rains, snows or is
clear this huge army will journey forth.
Why do they do it? They are not paid
money. They receive little public recog
nition for their work. They are not
bound by any written creed. Perhaps
it is only because they know:
That there are from one to two
thousand dependent families whose de
pendency is due to some other reason than
unemployment, who cannot receive help
through Federal funds and who must be
cared for by Community Chest agencies.
That some means must be found to
provide food and shelter for eight hund
red to a thousand homeless men who must
be cared for each night at the Homeless
Men’s Bureau;
That next year there will be more
than five hundred helpless, orphan child
ren for whom someone must make pro
vision ;
That from fifty to a hundred crippled
children must be provided with the medi
cal services and the convalescent care
necessary to give them an equal chance
with others;
That the Visiting Nurses who last
year made almost 60 thousand calls will
have an even greater job to do next year;
That baby clinics and summer camps
for under-privileged children must be con
tinued, and that homes for the aged and
invalids must be supported;
That agencies for the building of
good citizenship and the wise use of leis
ure time must be maintained for the use
of the boys and girls and unemployed men
and women;
That the need this year is greater
than ever before; that those who can,
must give more generously, and that new
givers must be found to take the places
of many who gave last year but who this
year are dependent themselves.
There is nothing in the history of
Omaha quite like the Community Chest
Campaign. There is no movement you
could be conneqted with of which you
could be more proud. There is no need
that is more vital.
Py M. L. Harris
At the meeting held in the interest of the
Scottsboro boys last Tuesday night, many things were
said in the speech delivered by Richard D. Moore in
his masterful appeal to the people of Omaha, that is
at least worthy of serious thought.
The Negroes have for so long been exploited by
the republican and democratic parties as well as self
appointed and so called leaders, he know's not where
to fly. The great mass of the Negroes are praying
and waiting for leadership. It is not true as is often
hoard expressed that the Negro will not follow leader
ship. He will follow, but it must be of the right type,
one divested of every into of selfish interest and self
ish agrandizement. A leadership which not only will
suffer the pangs of hunger, scorn and calumny for
their sake, but if needs be will sacrifce his life on the
alter of service. The Negro is so hedged round and
about by so many “leaders’ each of which is propos
ing a panecea for every ill which besets him he knows
not whether it is best to endure the pangs and darts
of an outrages fortune or take up arms and by oppos
ing end them.”
Every change for good which has ever been es
tablished in this old world was by the so-call radicals,
Christianity was established by the greatest radical
that ever lived. These United States was formed by
radicals. The chains was struck from the hands of four
million slaves by radicals. If the fight which is being
made for the lives of the Scottsboro boys and for equal
Communistic Party is Radicalism let us, make the
most of R.
UXiOXi/.AYiON HY-kR \.
Webster, chairman of th- Brother
hood of Sleeping Car Portoi-s and A.
•-O.V- Ilii. loir. i».A»iueilt
of the Pullman Porters’ Union took
occasion while in Washington ,ast
week in attendance at th • annual
convention 01 the American t dera
tion of Labor, to sponsor a mass
meeting which was held Thursday
uur^ ai mo Lincoln Temple Con
gregational Church.
ihe principal speaker was Edward
F. McGrady, assistant secretary of
-P >ue un “The Meaning
of the NR.A to the Negro." Other
speakers were M. P. Webster wno
gave a graphic and interesting ac
count of the organization and strug
gle of the Brotherhood with the
Pullman Car Company; and Spencer
Miller, executive director, Workers’
Education Bureau of the American
Federation of Labor.
Dr. Charles H. Wesley of Howard
University presided.
cused of attacking an aged white
woman, George Armwood, colored,
was dragged from the Somerset
County jail in Princess Anne the
county seat October IS by a mob of
more than 1,000 men, women and
| children and lynched.
I He was hanged from a tree after
the mob had stripped him of cloth
j mg-, attached a rope around his neck
and pulled him behind an automobile
i through the town.
1 As the mob made its lsow pro
gress, members leaped at Armwood,
I screaming and cursing. The prisoner
apparently was dead when the crowd
; leached the hanging scene.
Later, the body was cut down and
was taken to the public square where
it was burned. The rope was cut into
.small pieces an ddistributed as souv
I enirs.
Armwood was accused of attacking
Mis. Mary Denston, 71, as he retum
I ed to her home Monday.
Hj was arrested heie in company
i with John Richardson, a white man,
charged with beng an accessory aft
er the fact in the alleged assault, and
brought here for safe keeping. Coun
ty authorities informed Governor
Ritchie th^t there would be no
trouble and the two men were taken
back to Princess Anne.
Hanged Near udges Home
In breaking into the jail, the mob
overpowered 25 State policemen, sent
to guard Armwood. Eight officers
1 wer ■ injured suffering cuts and
bruises on their heads from bricks
and stones hurled at them by mob
The hanging occurred next to the
home of Judge Robert F. Duer, who
had attempted to dissuade the crowd
, when it first formed at the jail. The
; crowd incensed at Duer’s remarks,
; first went to the judges home, but
I moved to the neighboring house when
hoy vunabe te find a tree suf
ficiently large.
One boy, apparenty about 18 years
of age, slashed the Negro's ear al
most off with a knife. After they
had taken the Negro to the public
j square and burned him, the mob dis
i banded.
White Man Rushed Away
In the meantime, John Richardson,
j -;he white iran who was under arrest
charged with being an accessory af
ter the fact in the assault on the
; fai-m woman, was taken from the
| jail by officers. He was accused of
taking Armwood away from the
vicinity of the alleged assault and
transporting him to another section
' of the county.
Governor Ritchie talked to judge
Duer and the State’s attorney earlier
i nthe day and was assured by them
that there would be no difficulty.
After this, the governor issued
statement saying he would not Jiave
the Negro removed.
The mob gathered shorty after
nightfall. It converged on the jail
and, as it neared, the police fired
tear gas bombs. This moved the mob
back for the time being, but later it
again came forward and this time
came to hand-to hand combat with
the police. In this melee, Captain
ohnson was knocked out by a flying
brick. The mob then secured timber
from a neaby lumber yard and began
battering on the jail door whie the
officers stood helpless nearby.
Sheriff Luther Dougherty reached
prisoner’s cell, crying “don’t break
the jail at this time and ran. to the
in here.”
“The responsbility for Armweod’s
being at Princess Anne that night,”
said Governor Ritchie, “rests square
| ly on the shoulders of Judge Duer
and States Attorney Robins.”
Whiie Armwood was here in Balti
more where he was rushed ot avoid
a mob shortly after his capture*
State police said he signed a state
ment admitting an attack on the
Governor Ritchie, after being in
formed of the lynching, said he had
telegraphed Judge Duer and State’s
Attorney Robins that the °State of
Maryland was looking to them to set
in motion all the forces of law to ap
prehend the mob members. He order
ed Police Commissioner Charles Gai
(Continued Next Week)