The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 07, 1933, Page 6, Image 6

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p g 0 Omaha, Nebraska, October 7, 1933 g__________^—- ... ■>— -■->
Mr Charles (Chuck) Johnson, 2627
Binney, has returned from a recent
trip through the east. He visited in
Pittsburg friends Mr Clifford Hill
and Miss Will a Mae Weston, former
y of Omaha. Mr Orlanders Webb
accompan d him on . the trip east.
They spent about six weeks in Pitts
burg. and made short visits in other
cit es, and spent about two weeks in
Chicago attending The- Century of
Progress - ’ }'1'
Mr and Mrs M G Allen and two
sons. Leonard and. M G; (Sonny)*
Junior, and mother, Mrs Virginia
Bray,.of Whitman, Nebraska stopped
in the city last Thursday enroute-- to
The Century of Progres in Chicage
Mrs Bray and eh tw,o boys, are stopr.
ping with her sister Mrs. Zethro
Brooks,. 2216 North-25jh Street,'and
Mr and Mrs Alien, left la^t Thurs
day for Chicago,.. ... ; - ,*
M iss Viola. Brooks* .popular Central
High student, an.d.a .cousin, fit Mrs
Allen, accompanied.them, to Chicago./
They motored in their. 1933 V-8 They
will spend about ten days in Chicago
— — V* ' *<* * -‘
A delightful, birthday- party-, was
given Saturday by M-fj and Mrs
Cecil Riggs in. h?Ppr,of-the-ir- daugh
ter Miss Betty Riggs Delicious rej
freshmtnts consisting of ice cream,
cake and candy-were seryed ■ by ■ Miss
Olive Willis a,,nd- -.Mias Mabel*King -
Various games were played 'The af
ternoon was spent dancing.,; Among
those present^-tyere- Lois Gordon,
Adolphia. Collen _an<J Auvern? ' Kin
caid, Amt'n and!.'-ie*s^ Jackisn
Helen flrally, Betty; Davis, juris
Pittman Delores. .Qal/fwH,,A l.-.*}*
W:!lis Lu’isha Neljv Dorothy. Mae
Smith. V-'1(1.1 Thomas.,.-Louise Rob
erston Im iv.Sister and Dorothy. Alae
Robinsor, Ninda Feagin, Jean Rudd,
May Phi I to/, and Frances Bell A
lovely ti'-n • was had by all
All NEW'S must be in THE OMA
HA GUIDE office not later than Mon
day at 5 p. m. -IVeW's Handbd in later
may not and should not be expected
to be printed in the present issue.
Mrs Vera Leech, of Tyler, TexaB
is now in the city She returned with
her sister and brother and sister Mrs
Leech has lived in Omaha be
fore and attended Central High
Mr and Mrs ~McCutcheon returned
from Kansas last Monday Mr. Leon
ard Nichols, a brother of Mrs Mc.
Cutcheon returned with them He is
a very popular young man of his
hometown Mr Nichols will probably
make Omaha his home.
5Tr and Mrs Oscar Harris, of
Cleveland were here. visiting Mr
Harris’ mother, Mrs Shelton on
North 27th Street last week Mr.
Harris will be remembered. as one of
Omaha’s most popular, yotfflg men of
a few years ago They were here
about a week
Mrs Jennie Allen,. 2705 Hamilton,
is steadily improving from a paraly
tic stroke She is able to sit up some.
The funeral of Mrs Mary Theg
pen, 264Q Seward, was 'held Monday
at 2:30 p m , from the Church of
The Living God, 25th and Erskine
Streets She was the Mother of that
church The funeral was very large
ly attended
Mrs Mary Ellen Richardson,, of
California, arrived in Omaha Tuesday
morning to attend the funeral of her
sister, Miss Theresa Liverpool, who
died last. Thursday The funeral was
held from Lewis Funeral Chapel at
r" 1,1 1
L p m , on Thursday ,
Through the efforts of Mr Urdell
Regan, member of Disabled Ameri
.an Veterans Chapter No 5, Miss
Rachel Coleman and Miss Constance
Mullens, 2516 Hamilton Street were
employed on the For get me not tag
<ales day of tha-t organisation last
Tuesday, September 26th, Mr Pa.
rick O'Connor, National Commander
Mr Regan, who has been living in
Chicago, is here in Omaha on account
>f the illness of his sister, Mrs My
rtle Douglas, 2613 Patrick Avenue
te will remain in the city indefinite
• • ‘ * • ' *
Professor George W,.- Bryant and
wife are spending twenty one days
horey. mooning in. Los Angelas, -San
Francisco and Oakland, California,-.
Mrs Buy^nt will be at home, 2875
Wift Street,. November 1st -.
■ V-J-— . 1 .*-*»»
Mr And Mrs .John W Smith of
Brooklyn, N Y. were the guests of
Mrs Tea Dyson, 2725, Charles . St
and left Thursday for . California
They will t- stop in Ghicago on their
way back east , • • •-*>•
’ The: Ruth Chapter wilt sponsor-a
big baqquet October, 19> .afe the Mas
onic Ha.UtJ26th and Blondo Streets .-:
v Mr , . Jameg Swjnger, of Denison,
Tfexas, passed . through. Omaha, and
Was a caller at THE. OMAHA G.UIDE
office, and visited his-brother, Mr ; L
M ■ Blow, 2712; Miami . >He visited in
New York*. Detroit,,Chicago, and oth.
*• the East:.-. ...
,f ----_ •;
* Mr -Swinger has be erferfi ployed by
"ie-M Ki and T Railroad f6f the
ppsfr fourteen years, and rubs front
Dension- to^Monetl, Missodri a3 "brake
'man* We invite Mr Swinger back to
‘OAiaha"'at softie future daft for a
v.rgfer Visit. ’ ’ V*
,. . . '• -*'*'• '*
Mr Dester * Li" Carter, 2601 Z
Street was ghd’nted a divorce and* full
custody’’of their'son Lester Leon, Jr ,
f.i Ms estranged hvrif,^ formerly
Miss Louise Ousley
~ Mr. T S Lambert, 26th and Ohic
Streets, died last Tuesday at a local
hospital He has been in business
here.for a number of years,, and has
lived in Omaha for the past eighl
years He is survived by a-daughtej
Mrs Hazel Watson
Mr S. II Dorsey, 3717 Parkei
Street, who has Ivied in Omuha foi
the past forty, seven (47) years, is
now employed by the Nebraska
Power Company as a salesmar
through the agency of Reid-Duffj
I Pharmacy, 24th and Lake Streets
i Mr Dorsey will be glad to sell yot
' globes of all types and charge then
to your next month's bill
Mr Dorsey was the second boj
employed at the Millard Hotel in Aug
ust 12, 1882 as a bell boy when the
hotel .opened for businesses. He has
reared a respectable family and is
well known throughout the city by
both black and white citizens
• l ...
Mr and Mrs S E Montgomery,
Mrs E Harris, 2724 Maple, Mrs
Sarah Stamps, 2723 Ohio arid Mrs
T.udie Gray, 2802, Ohio left last Fri
day for Kansas City, where they at
tended the Annual Conference of the
C M E Church, which was held in
Bowers Memorial C M. E Church.
They returned Monday
her mother Mrs W P Wade, 1703
North 33’rd left last Saturday for
Kansas City, where they attended the
Annual Conference of the C M E
Church, on Sunday, and later went to
Richmond, Missouri where they will
spend about two weeks,- or more.
Sizes ^ There can be no smartness to
1 t0 12 \ any item of apparel that does
AAAAAA ’ not fit.. Particularly is this
to EEE 7 true of shoes. For comfort
and style, a shoe must fit
.... * ... .. "TT
$5 and $6
Miss Grace Dorsey, 3717 Parker,
-no Mr Joe Dorsey, of Warwick, N
Y returned from a visit in Georgia
where they visited Mrs Williams
Mrs Williams it is typical of the
southern artistocracy She has in her
employ a Negro chaffeur and maid
Miss Dorsey and Mr Dorsey were
very elated over their visit to the
Mrs Martha B Evans, 2875 Wirt, |
left last Saturday for Kansas City
where she attended the Annual Con
ference ;She returned by way of St
Joseph, Missouri and Topeka/ Kan:
sas where she will-spend about two
weeks . . • • '* « ?
. . j - . r ' 5 ^;
: Louis O'Connor,. 1915-Izard .Street;
-suffered aconcussion idf Shed brain
Tuesday night when he was struck at
19th and Cuming." Street by sen auto
as he -was pushing a-.cart;-aetOS& *He
intersection The auto --was- driven fey
Fred Laux, 2b23 Bristol- Street' ;"
, . . .. -.-:-— K ' * "•>
!r -Rev:- -M'" 6 Knic^it h3sto'r 1 of
■ Lawrence,' • Ka'n'saS’ was a' ' Caller- sft
THE OM AH ‘GUIDE" office Wednes
day moring *’ Rtev : "Knight’ -was "the
pastor* in Lmcelh, NebVask& 'for a
number of-years- ' '‘*k* • *•
-.j. • i—«’•-•’ 4 *'
* ! ‘•Rev’ ’ -M ’ Camper Vf - a caP-?r a'
THE OMAHA GUIDE? office ’ He has
V-^n p&stor of Salina,"ahd Abelepe,
‘ Kansas-' for ‘ thil Conference’ year.
: ReV Cafnper’ls qdite well' knd'wn here
as' he Kars'a T)r?>th£r, an'd several ’sis.
'j tors who live here He'ahfl'hls "fSfnity
at one time lived in' the’rfity ' "
t v *4-_ ,
Miss Mildred Turner, 2624 North
27tli Street, left last Saturday hight
I for Kansas *©fty; Missou'ri "Where/she
will spend"a feW days:vadaiiori Miss
Turner J -is1 ortfe of 'the most popular
beauty operators- iir the city
... i-asTv* ; —— : 1—‘ .
Mrs 01 lie Robinson, and daughter,
Nome Mae; of CoronadO" Apartments
! 22nd and-Capitol Avenue have" "jUsl
recently returned from a'three mon.
th’s vacation and visit* with her moth
•j t t ^ - a
er. sister and relatives in Jackson,
Mississippi She spent some'time in
Memphis, Tennessee and • stopped iri
Chicago ^ lroute to Onraha-, where
she. attended: The Century of Pro.
gress She reports a delightful time
- j "tv
Mrs. Edward Fletcher, Virlee King,
and Jasper and Marion Price have
recently from. Brunswick, : Missouri
where they went to bury their uncle
Benjamin Jackson .
—————— ■> ^
, i _
Men and women are invited to
join any of the classes to be held at
the North Side Y, beginning the sec
ond week in October with little or no
! expenses! NOW is the time to spend
your leisure moments of your time
On Monday and Wednesday even.
■ ings, Mrs. John Albert Williams will
be on hand to instruct all of those
interested in" individual and group
help in improving one^ English, Read.
, ing, Writing etc. There? s no charge
| for th'-s class! 1 •
.un the same night, TAP DANCING
for beginners and advanced pupils
will bd gjvefl. The instructor is Miss
Sylvia Hackman, Physical D»}red>v>r
| at Central Y W C A who pr{/■
j mfses many ftew steps" an ensembles.
| A V'ERY nominal fee of $3.00 (three
! dollars) for tb>ee- moilths is the
j charge.
One of the newdsfc and most at
tractive cla/ises-will the one is
! AUTO MEG'S A NIGS for woman
drivers. A moto'r will be set up and
instructionss will be given, the pop
nlar Mr Matthew Randall, Manager
Randall’s Garage will1 tell you all the
necessary things • abudt caring for
your car without cost!
By popuar request, ttfe class in
COOKING will be resumed on Tues.
day afernoons at two o’clock Besides
learning how to cook simple and
fancy dishes, instructions in' prepar
■ng inexpensive meals and wise buy
ing will be given.
General practice in PARLIAMENT;
ARY LAW, one of the largest class
es held last winter will be resumed'
on Thursday evenings with Mrs. C
F Behr, First Vice President and
Dine i
Panama Garden \
2210 Seward StI
PHONE WE. 4019
C. R. Trimble, Prop.
Parliamentarian, Omaha Woman’s
Club a3 instructor. Classes are offer
ed at a very small fee of 50 cents for
SIX lessons
The Branch :s fortunate in securing
?dr Charles C Charvat, Professor
of English, Creighton University as
leader for one of the new classes,
class is held on Friday afternoon at
4:30 o'clock. ' ' - - . -
Have you ever wished you could
write? Here is your opportunity!
Bring all of' the things that you have;
written to; the class. Poetry, 'Short
Sto*ries. and plays will be'studied.
The-Branch will resume- its t)RA-1
MATIC; Club in the' near fuftire. ■ Aj
three act play is'to"be attempted and ‘
all persohs ^interested irt jdiirhg this j
-group may also register. ' T
Class fights can be* fchanged * if
groups so dcs-re. AM • cla’Ssefg will be
opened when ten persons have regist
ered Other glasses - started on. re'-,
f quest of tap psijspijs i ■ 1'; ”
• Call WEhster. 1539 to; register. • -|
f-^e •Jacques Club shas held- three
’ social .meetings •< since, 'organizing.*
Meetings have been held at the home*
of George A Lov, Edward A"-.BitT
.dipx, and Orville iA-1 Jones!'The* next
' meet mg.-is to be>&eld rrt'th'e residence
j'of Walter Rbddes. -It> can= be'.testified
that a -good *ime-Jias-been'had Toy* ad
Tat" the Jacques* meetings,- f«r- they'^rre
* really righteous.; Wc. are- very*1fIad'*tio'
‘announce the return of crur^ Wrelftti
I'member, William King,"wh&'hatM bet n
Vacationing in California. Clemmist
Williams, reporter.'5** ( *•* r' ‘
■ .. . ... ••<*«*
'the Mystery Club -met 'at'the h&ll at
' 24th and Parrker Streets Halit Satur
day night. -The meetingf W-as c&ll'ed Tb
order by =the president, Mts ''Smith.
A brief • business - session" wafe' frans.
•; acted. Mrs * Vanrc£, Seeretirty, ‘Virgil
Sherman, reporter, **• ; '
I* The Fall Opening &f the Jolly
j- Bridge ttes was held 'September 26th,
at 'the home-of MtS Stella Sullivan,
2516 Burdette -•Street; The 'Annual
election.of officers was held with the
| following ^President! Mrs
Galoway;-vice- president; Mrs Ca&sie
I Jackson;-, secretary, Mrs ' Katherine
I Manley, -assistant secretary "Mrs
Stella Sullivan; treasurer, Mrs Myra
Kineaid; chairman -of entertainment
committee; Mrs: Ersie Haden; re
porter, Mrs Bernice Henry. •
j After all business wap transacted
the afternoon was spent in bridge.
The hostess later s'erved a delightful
luncheon. The next meeting will be
i with the new president, Mrs Mary
i Galloway, 2714 Lake Street on Oct.
» ober 10, 1933. Mrs Mary Galloway,
president; Bernice Henry, reporter.
The Woden Art Club met Sept-em
ber 25th at the home of Mrs. Willa
Johnson. 2225 North 24th. Street
l There were fourteen members pres
ent and we spent and enjoyable even.
leg sewing.,Afterwards we. were ser
ved in a most gracious manner by.the,
hostess with a c/Wicious. luncheon,
which is the reason Why all members
j are always eager to ma.G every meet
ing''-. Mrs Lavida Butler',- president;
| Mis'3 Irrna Speese, reporter.
Well /oiks! Les Charmontes Sfe on
the air again. The meeting was o/fcn
in' jts usual manner at the honfc*
! of Mr Alva Baldwin. While it is
! ampfc time any ofie wishing to join
j must their applications in rtotv
| Mr VafSfe Saunders, Misses Rachel1
Hartley artd> Ella Tho/Wa’s handed in
their appi.icatihns and wSre accepted
by the club', * N > '
The question of meeting during the
week instead of on Sunday wife dis
cussed. For a while it seemed, to' be
‘‘‘Trouble in Paradise,” bM .it was d*e.
Cided upon to have three footings a
month, two on Sunday and oife during
.the week.
A- Committee of three was ajfentt
ed to plan our first event of the sea
son being a Hallowe'en Party. T"iS*
committee is as follows: Misses Ella j
Mills, Constance MaDirrs, and Mr. j
Vollie Satmrfers.
We can't say in these modern days
that the men don’t know their colors.
In choosing our club colors, the men
displayed their color harmony very
artistically. After a brief hysterical ,
moment black and white were the [
chosen colors.
Miss Minnie Preyor was our visit- \
or for the afternoon. She expects to j
join in the near future.
When the meeting was adjourned,
Mr Baldwin surprised the club by
ushering them into the dining room \
to a delightful luncheon served buf- |
fet style, which tickled the palate: (
•\nd pleased the stomach. |
The next meeting will be at the j
home of Miss Henrietta Edson, 2708 ,
Charles on Wednesday, October 11, J
1933 at eight o'clock. Will you be f
there ? An invitation for visitors is f
always extended. Charles Davis, pres- :
ider.t Roberta Pharr, reporter. f
_ O
The Eureka Bridge Club members
met at the home of Mr and Mrs J
Philips, 3036 Emmet Street The
meeting was called dfder at the usual
opening hour by the newly elected
president, Mr J Davis After the,
transacting of business, visitors were j
introduced by the coacher They-are:
Mr and Mrs Charles Andrews, Mrs.
M Patton, Mr and Mrs Dotson,
Mr Ford, and Mr and Mrs Ken.
neth Moore. The rest of the evening
was spent in playing bridge. Prizes
were awarded . Mrsv W Penn and
Mrs Dotson.- Mrs Charles Andretvs
and Mr .FoTd, booby. A buffet lunch .
was served by the hosjess. Meeting
adjourned until Saturday week at the
borne of Mr and Mrs Wm Roberts,
35-33 Nftrth 28th Avenue ’ Mr S j
jDavis, -president; Mrfe J/ Philips,•
Acting reporter^ .;.«•» *. t"Tv ‘■
•• The “Jacques'’ had. their! in.weekly
social meeting^ Saturday; •wv'eflvng’.i
rSeptembey £0,. at- the .-home -pf AY alter
r- , . \ .. _ I
RhSades.; .3015 . Manderson.- Ai
ful” luncheon * consisting ; of* Salmoji
Salad, Olives Potatoes* Chips,. Wafers, ^
•Jeio Catte' and Pufich was* served A
lovely ti}iie^8’s"$fed1by all. '
LeonarckTurnfer,. secretary1 a’nh -report.
t : * I - . x'
er. V j'T4**'' 3k».*r •.- 3'»• . , w
' Cfn Friday} afternoon, ! September'
2'0tb, The “Jacques, .and . the; Decs*:
u^julged in. a^ganae. of faotl|aH-t The.
“Jacques”'* had a regular ..cheering
squad anil everything^' to make the
game seen-eollegiate except the aell.
pajadm and/pe*nuts.'’After a
peak battle Abe* MJAcqi*es?’-'ifcon -with'
.a sc-ore of ^30-Q. . Oo October 14, :the
Jacques will play the ‘‘Decs”, again.
*....» ...
• The Happy ^Hour Bridge jClub -met
Thursday 3f list week with ,.Mi . and
_ Henry. ftddi&Hf, Z7l8 “Nor^h 27
Avenue. 'A 15v£ly time'was reported
;.py. ^pach .nrfeinber' 'present -and- fivv
i. ehanges *f.J>rWgP Were played? jtfrst
E i ■ Daniels ,wg& awajrgfed .first prfzfe
for ladies Mr —-—r-for men.',
The Happy Ho.ur.Bridge Glub met
at 34th and' Fjirnman. wjtji. Mr., .and
Mrs - C McFall) Bridge was the ev
ent of the,evening- There were five
‘changes ef bridge pjayed. Mrs Paul
Adartis, a vjsitor,>was awarded a prize
for‘ holding the highest Score' for
ladies and Mr C . Davis for men
j The hostess served a delightful re.
! Mrs Mattie Bates entertained the
Jolly Shoemakers Club at a friend’s
home on North 29th Street' last
Thursday Evening. Imp'frtant busi
ness was transacted for one hour, af
ter which the members made it quite
. interesting for the male visitors,
whose presence graced Obr meeting, at
a spicy game of cards. Delightful
refreshments were served and enjoy,
ed by' all One new applicant was re
1 Reived into our ranks. We adjourned
to' jneet next Thursday evening with
Mrs Lucille Payne on North 17th
Street ?frs Minnie Ousley, report
* V
The. Progressive fheb met at thd
home pf Mrs MeCants, 2628 Parker
Street at 8 p m , with a sdbg for the
opening entitled “Now don’t ydfr want
to. be ready when Hd comes.” Scrip
ture reading 120 Psalms by .Mrs
Paytofi. A song: “In My Father’s
House.’' Visitors were: Mrs Rangee,
Mrs. Joseph and Mrs Davis. Bene
diction by Rev R W Johnson. Mrs.
PSpton, president, Mrs. .Mickel, vice
president, and Miss Maxine Brown,
secretary. '•I* *•
, . _ =3 ^
Please notify THE OMAHA*
GUIDE office of your change ,ifi ad
dress, or 5 cents will be charged to
your' yearly subscription for return
postage fees.
RfiD P ERKINS and Hi/
■ Jt the—
. iTftHAMJvAXn
Monday,. OCT. 16th \
-*fl " -
• Matinee Dance
! Every Sunday—From f to til J j
—*t— ]
Music by I
Robinson Drug Co.
24th & Decatur Sts. j j
" j
Benedict’s Club meeting was at
VIrs James A wonderful time was
lad by all Mrs Mabel Fields, presi
dent; Mrs Jas/ V vice president;
Mr B: i . on, reporter
The first meeting cl the “Watty
Koquettes met at the home of Doro
thy Pel, 24ft Ohio- Street The
election of officers are as. follows V
Ruth Williams. president* IWah'-*2'
Longmire, vice president, Vopcei An-.'
derson, secretary, Rjta Blair, ; trea
surer, Roth Cray and Dorothy* Bell,*
argent at arms The cpmtfiitt&'es 1
v.oro Joft onen' until next.*nyeeting:
which will be Friday October
the.honpe .of Vonceil Anderson ..The
cfub .copsjsts o.f fourteen giiSs •
Are; Vonceil Anderson, Dorothy*Belly:
dVfaxirie"Bla"ir, Rita. Bfair, Mary Ellen
E)fckei4on. Chris'tinV Dixog^^Ruth.
Gray,*- Mabel' “Lorigrnire, -Catherine'
RaCndtree,’Helen" Sfi£f wood, E,ya Ste-.
wart,. Tt* yWr,
es, -andjRjU-t h 'rlji amSi
yon;-QMA.IjA GUIDE for’
'more ’’particularsof, the “Katty Ko-'
qiietfs ” Helen Sherwood, reporter i
UlZi ' * • ****** ; .
I-must'say that" the Trojan ..Girls’
Boy. and" Gfcirl membership partV fhrn-*i
ed out-jo-be a wh£wJ Aside fjom. the '
^arnes-. played indfdn^had otherwise.1
jjiB . costumej; worn* by the .different
;'boys, and ^itl^”; were a Knockout
TVon’t*let any bocjy kid^you tfiat Edjt4h;,
’ Cole-mil rtf' dhe'Ai’t' maid* a food boy,
abet if Ahey say'Frances Silhms isn’t
son* kid Jift-i ibnlp’eA/'wljy you have
opr ppritiasigto to-smack their faces*
For the,benefit nf^fhose wh -> want t -
know Just^wlvy- Naomi Carter .jvrcpjJjj
make a good preacher, just^s^ fny
oheiwbo.adw hfer perform the—
riage of djachpl Gordon, and Miss. ,T^ayfy
jor-ij?. the play w^fch .was jhe mpin
event of .the'evening.
* .Then after Lolg. Smith pl^ye^j and
sang ‘‘Afy Man"’ for us, Mary Anji
'cdUldri’t restrain - herself any lon’ge^r,
and as Jfie last; strain^ of her.favp^e
song were, ended-. We ate .qup Jc§
cream and called it a night, and what
a night!-, -
I . ■ ' -_
As the name implies this book
thoroughly covers the subject, of
Beauty Culture and its written speci_
fically as a text book for thosp stud
ents who desire to learn all. of "the
secrets, technique and methods of
modernized beauty culture.
The various chapters contain, in de
tail, a thorough knowledge on such
subjects as, Sterilization, Hygiene,
Sanitation; Physiology and Anatomy; J
Origin and Construction of the Half;',
The Scalp; Scalp Diseases and their
Treatment; Scalp Treatments;' Sham.’!
poofng; Singeing, Thinning, '-'J-Dpy
Shampooing; Hair Pressings Hair
Cutting;' Hair Dyeing and Bleaching;*
Marcel Weaving; Permanent Waving’;.
Water Waving,' Finger Waving; Hair .
Dressing and Paper Curling; Mani
curing; Facial Massage;' Art "of j
Make Up; Skin Blemishes and Disu
ease*; Electricity; • Diet aftd Weight
Control; and Shop Control. - • ,
Without attempting to assu/JW fO;
know the actual requirements of
Beauty Cultutists I dare say there
but little that Otle needs to learn, un. ;
less of course it is actual experience i
itself, that is not clearly and thor.!
jugniy covered ana illustrated m tms
»ver two hundred page text book.
Not only are methods given and il_
lustrated Dut the actual formulas for
picpiiations of the
trade are specifically given which, in
themselves, make the text book ex.
Sremely valuable to those Engaged in,
or desiring to learn the art of beauty
-uitu ioi ' --
From a mechanical arrangement
the book is pleasing ip appearance;
bound in a purple* stiff press board
cove rihg with white lettering; and
p* *4bu' thiopgiiout iF1 large readable
»*y^e nni&u 'Wltycn ,-setS
off the illustrations in excelleht style.
Ih the back ofthebook' is a most
comprehensive index so that the stii.
Uenv on a moment’#! notice dan refer
to 'thC- text bn- any -partfedlar subject.
1 j£' limited "number 6i these text
-aids ypL ac-ngifioLd'^by the edi.' -
tor,'.Kathryn- Wifaon-' Of tK&'-' Calilor.
Jsi. i?Ciitioi’’o^beaut^ Culture, * S00
$orilj, ^d.-S^ieej, U(niaha,.-x\ebraoKa,
r#nd wiiL be. prepaid *o «ti»y'address on
r.Ccipt oi ■ 3,"\) f
And whije.. I. have, no intention of
> , • - VX M #
going into the-Beauty Culture dus..
ness, I am glad to add to „*ay. library .
this must useful hook of knowledge
b1rl?S5'sd]bjei?t',11141 ^ rdehjbers qf the-1
race are interested-' > . ..
Supplemental Reading:
Almost a month a filer 4h|r Sept.
emTb'er Brqiwcman’s were bn sale in
Chicago I received' my iWail’*'copy’:
This is the same issue that I com.
loenfedMi-pon. aeverat -'wrelffjrwgo ’and" ’*
which contained a snort ^story oi
-nuheV*"Found”? and* iff" iHusfraifng
which, Ofi&rtes O' #aw&n( the iiiu.,.
tfatiV;' 'uafed ’iriy oVn liKeness' Incid.
enfafty/ many letters'>nd’ comment#
^hatfi bben'fece’i^e&' as the xesult* oi 1
j*-jt • <’ M “ 'i •
^>rY* (ifubo^y a ,
,^pcivsW«!Mngeer as
j^are all the ^issues, jis filled .with infer.
. esting. bits of,neM5S; apd •^'personals''
jop apd,abogt tho§e:po<jr-veterans who '■
/ind th|ingelws .janftneif jn - the Koch * •
Hospital in,, M-isgpuri'.' Ths ..hospita' ,
(TB.) .has apeqloryd sectiop,. Division
Eight, and, it has been-- my privilege
for -soma -time- to 'help these-boy^ by
needing them i-thany complimentary
newspaper r and magazine s'dbserp
tions,and’they appear about the‘most
gTateful of any “shtltifts” that I have
contacted. ' ■ ‘ '' ' '
The October Short Wave, (jfraft
clearly illustrates many ways by
which I can increase/the radio' re cep.
tivity on my own radio In prison
when I had no radio I thought it a bit
of irony when this magazine arrived
but now I welcome . it gladly each
By R. A. Adams,
(For The1'.Literary Service Bureau*
If you have done yoUr part,
Using both hand and fi^art, .. ^
Reckoning loss aji‘d,gain,
Fret hot yoursejf, bpt know
Lift's balance sFeet shall show
You have not'lived in vain \',r
•When evening^ shadows fall, '*
And comes* the final call,
Rest in your soul; content,
Tho men/deny' you praise,
And may nbt ever raise
For you a monumeittl
. , f / v 1 l
Rbjoicedn this; If you "t'
Have been to duty true,
And served humanity; 1!T
When life’s race you have won, ’v
Oxod deeds for others done ‘
.-You*' monument shall be.
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V , .v. _ 24th and Cuming Street
LeJB Pork Should^/ per lb. ....... 4Vtc
Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, per lb. 13'iC
Choice, Ifoyed Rib Roast, lb. . .12Vz«
Best Cream’iftry Bfttter, per lb. .v " .20'>c
No. 1 Country Eggs, 2 dozen limft, pr doz. - .13' zc
U)0% Pure Lard,- per lb...®°
Choice Chuck Roast, per tb. __-. **c
J Rifr Boil, Pig Tails',' 6x Tails, per lb, *--" " -.
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WET WASH- THRIFTY ffotfrh thy Linens|
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