Square A8E PUTONCf OV:A BIG BUSINESS Ttf 3 HIT'I MWi;' Hiw *i/(l *rtlg-£^p^jj,e -fyil'.t e>*n<» ni 10 HllOT| -fCH BSTER, <^Psf '—Wn H *t*eib jft * to -----w--- -- 9til ev£rf cl r.oiq br.r *i3«h. bn* c* ;r- > *.-{< } 5ic s-*: .esta? - ? - «>w IltdR lot ^rn ot n^fnDcf ^irfj lO teUAO «if{‘ JxHw «./-,• ||<*e .^RIXZ .Jbeatce.,,, .11/.1/ lit f Aiy^lfi ^tniy Dov t -StUidajii ^aacL.Mouday-^arli^ SMri^Kab ‘ iBAB^fAjC® ’ ’ 2aii* Gr»y C P,, has been engaged to carry the-fightito court. u BERWYN, Pa —.Uolored parent? in sdl n: stev -st'oy htr -hsa *^!-4T6< them rtjy};he townshiw-board by_teep_ >ng ajll chiftgS out |of jclBfli }fhey hava-hegn.t-hrpat.pned with arrest but to Jim crow No children attended sb^iool1 ah fest fe^¥*t‘dlttW& cK^Sren4 wl^Ve f",lfcfiliift&d’ ;<%o! a mixed SfTfftoIsu<’'-ffiis ^ar, ’but •'’ffl^-'bklk^ »W]( 2d0t-_is barred ' Raymond Pace Alexanderengaged by the Bryn Mawr branch of the N. A A C. P , is handlihg the legal fight re >■ _ . , Radio Programs to Aid Omaha N. A. A. C. P. Campaign a ____________ OMAHA, Neb. — Three radio pro_ ?r-ams over stations WOW, KFAB ind KOIL respectively, will be used by the Omaha branch of the NAACP I < • -f ily.i September- 2Of 19Si3. .r Harry Knudsen, , ■ \r>.j Commissioner of Streets, -,. k _.j . . City Hall Building, Omaha, Nebraska. Dear Sir: Know doubt you are manifesting every effort that you can to help the unemployment situation of our city It has been stated the truck com_ posed rfiately every two weeks,.while others are employed" daily, which is. .unfair, if hese'facts are.-true,.^ iSivery!dj.f*.t 'fcttlt living in »• community, support,. -, ""’I ii ,w i n i ,n i - ■ - - 1 . •' : « *’ ■ I' "■ n5« vujO'i stern:*! •to’1! |; * • S/tft/etn/&K 2&~&9-3fl ant/ &c/o/en 3*/ a i> ■ v. , "- ■/55f7l>B'vm fism rt'Uitei v!l! !■■. ■•,. -ITggfTfBlM Ijttj '] ;;,.u,, ■ Barbecue 15c Lamps—lamp wicks, lamp chiminies Fuller’s paste11 39c BONES, 4 lbs 1QC Springers,_ 15c Premium Bacon, halflB.-' TOc * °.i1T *y>rrt «. • ■ ■ 1 : \ > * ->■,J ;f Choice Home Made -4 _ H AM BU RGER, lb. 1UC BoneleSS Picnic loriq “I 000.00= i'C'Mjgizttrz YoVitfua THHO XrooHoa ■ dBNII*^F ' ' . " • 1 • W-- .fcf:!?ftI/Orn i : , ♦ax;: bum It w« .ioyii^ " ;,i.! , -nyrf* .toubyi q) «rf-i tn •*'*«'ivirMini|l*9*iruf 'if yj *HsmO «rfi )B irirreShi^FniUg^ /' _ — Sm)tmaomr yri) i^bul. • * - ”‘ ""‘". ■:' " v* bud ;i.;rf-.T •■'.si: •■ "t> ;■: a-w; . •>;; -.n- ismi n,. ..../, ■ j—.i,> '■ .-'-——— *•' ‘1 •'r " ,J Colquitt Grocery t Haydens Market Montgomery Grocery v 2754 LAKE ST. ^ rWE. 3091 - i 2633 FlUNKLIN^cn tAT^8815 2S31LAffi^ A^i6^ (^26 ! oP «no*o n*rf) ovnCl l?3rfr) j wiylA.^.- Xfi^nyv •■/ . - ' • "¥',’w • inoofi Vdner & Houston Adams* ^Grocery • o) bfiari Naborhood Grocery ■'1' Z114 JV. 24th ST. JA. 3543 1313 N. 2Btfr ST. AT. 2543 27th & GRANT ST. WE. B089 ' IIWU g BVI1 fj JUI « ,K»*r« .DvOflUOflilfi lOniT/Ol/ 9Hj ?.fl:OOfn i , . , ti-'V1. J. 'AH:....a-, .i.v. m. , _,:T,, . , , , " , _ dyirt ,*o iuo otb9 y»fij Jort ob i<'fiiH jol «»xr;)ifaireqr9 Isio) sri) \o nvibfidy foody?. 000,00) v.)iIidiidoiq f,° ^rlJS >9*1odfl ln«sibrti bn«i cbmrt rf/u abtrul oikfcq :irj9|i. nnfiA^^ «d) !•• Jwo i.yyio'l *tf iii 7 V ■ * ■. _n«r- dT P.yi™yjts yaJMiurf «#: * d-sow ’ V> tub -yfqbsq )Bd' .... inyfnliBqyb sv-ihn.xy »< ; ms vjb This Coupon >vith a Purchase will entitle you to One Free chance on a bushel basket of groceries fsm.-r* vii aaata JUATaa o 1 be given away at Adam’s Grocery, 1313 North 26th Street Saturday evening, September 30 at 5 olock to the person holding the lucky number. ' ' ' ' 11 ' ■ i I 1 ■ ■ 1 .. ..J?'l'I1.1J',.!.!! . .. J. I J i... i'|l , i . proper s We 11 the inves. s«e to working on the to present condi. s very much need_ if given, and the nifested when the . .., Thanking you very much for your Too^li^tloh' ^^*^T!o'rfea%o%<"1ri 're. gards to the above situation, I am Respectfully yours, DR G B LENNOX, President •/bftna‘ha‘Working MenVbdmmission i.! le%r,.9^. Septum, her 29thp. wjjl((pay 4hat,;>V;$ ai;e. very much pleased with your cooperation not making any particulap-^ft^CTent. ial among our JllfilO I‘.S*! I The factsi^J^^u^lij^l ^^2] gardi^g^ -Ifp^jh^i^tru^ to the extent tnat they have been asked tpjfs, true tbpugh out, the. enfire df pajtnjept Also wish, to S^y th^t thevChaces.gr^.ten^o one )0t"Npyeml?er and, pec., ember , will peg all ^activities. i,n the StTP?^,!DePa!bweht abolished Again thanking ,y.ou for your eour. tesjes, we beg,.to remgin • Yours, very truly,; HARRY KNUDSEN, City Commissioner. Tag-Legal Notice -- *-« » V Kill lit* N. A. A. C. P. ACCEPTS rbiuri! AP6UGGY tndol .)'■ -(j ,1,1 ; .* > It is indeed a- very “ill wind that blows nobody good.” Mr Storz says that it was a cousin of the family who inaugurated the system of dis_ criminating on the account of color in the Soft Drink Bar Of course it is a had thing for us to believe that a cousin would take such authority without consulting the heads of the firm However we ought to be big enough to accept an apology when it is offered. We understand Mr. Storz, the father of the Storz Brewing Company has extended an apology to. the colored citizens of Omaha through' the president of NAACP Mr R C Price, that fearless fighting leader especially in the position he how holds as president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Not once has his at.i tention ever been called to an act of discrimination on the account of color since he has "been connected with the NAACP with the authority to per. form, that he has not gotten results He is on the job twenty four hours a day Mr. Price does not claim to be an orator, or a quick thihker, hut it goes without saying, 'he is a’ worker and a feariespSighted' for‘‘jhstHCb'iiof1 only far »the NegVd-race, but for the entire cftijtemr of Omaha- " •' .. i oT I ROOSEVELT CONFERS WITH OFFICIALS- ON INFLATION 9ni‘, ARY PLANS :i rf !- ~ 7 ! qie ' oT 1 Wants to Raise Prices as Summer ‘Boom’ Turns Rapidly Downward SJfTi • | I WASHINGTON — Forced; by. the pressure .of the jipp^nding; collapse of his whole price,,; raising program, President Roosejyelt",yest,eiday, jnet, in. cppferenef., with his .closest iipancjai advisors tp consider methods of rais. ing prices through .ipore. inflation. The Roosevelt .industrial “bqom” of the sppimer mqptRs.,is fast, turning, into? an, intensified, industrial .fri»isQ; Production has turned, sharply. down.-, ward, while prices, .£hong|in;stmn-way #v#lst app begin, ning to show signs, of -marked weak, ness,, for lack of any real retail.buy. ing by the workers whose purchasing ppwec ha„ . been cut by the .Roosevelt I I tgWvIXl U I - —Phofg-More Resina Prices J | Some form oF'devaluation; or in. .flationary freeing of frozen bank_as_ Sets;—gpcms inevitable ArT the very near future.ihiqfcn; ^i3y ewj 1 This will mean-ebon hig*iesr ipridOei * than prevailing at'the present time ! -V-‘ I-'.. ; >;■ . rj ; t j '-T-v j; b*- - ■■' f 1l?i. ■ 'tV -n ' i j- . .ADS-;V.( Large Modern, Kitchenette Apart, inent—AvEbster J}7&7. ' / / '~'4 j Wnd Bath Apartment; 2420 'North 24th'’■ Street, Suitable for j C1W», Hoine oi-ftoomere. J.' A,Ifedy,' ilAThrirtit 0000. ” ’ 1.-d • •>. dm r»dr risiJeilj n V • rf-mr • xr x u; dt nri IVypdvJ^g I9§n,^nt8..«c<^pl|pt90^f«. 5|.*qpp» ^^taWOSjaUfM, Street. Call after ^ ^ ^aso^ble^ Rent— ANNETTB-'-BRAUTV^SttOP, North 28th A vernier- Mrs. Elrette ' Smith; ’Prop. For* appointments. _iGaJl - WEbster'3ft03.. Prices- reason.. in-j i uiluitt if iv. i.r.-o jjoiiJ MODERN FROPPROOM for work. -ia&'iiiati'rWEBdtc^StoOTJ'! nA *■:•!• Noiw).'--re— Modern r.oom for man* £all JAckson bnaaix.ril r. nil ---i-r- 1-• ; J Furnished Roorp for ftent, ' 4162 I .i>vi ?fiut,i ii FURNISH: ROOMS fori *«te» : with double' beds, are single. 2628 Char* nlefc Street;i»b owl . .:tvc .1 nxJ>aq -jutl *-!i —r-H-nvir'l ..i. iivtj.W u—rqi.1 ■; Modern roopi one block from car line. ""i'iii;; i «.;14. 11 .:i.c i. ■ i .ii,:. -1 i. amrr NOTICBii»trttirO0fe&0&AVl6£? OF T. H. J4AENNKR, lac.bni KNOW NfiMfnBY vfTBESE: PRESENTSi*.tT iT.nHtcMAENNER, [ ,, GLADYS R MAENNER, ; is borfonoiq M. M. ROBERTSON; I^,;E HARBERT, Incorporators.. , VfthfTri# -rfi-ni m "■ ■ . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at .the office ; pf .the Department of Roads, and Irrigation in the State House' at Lincoln,. Nebraska, on September 22, until 8-®P. o'clock Ak;M,;, and at t^at iaipe/. Pbbliply opeoed j and read for Grading, Culverts Two Bridges and incid^J South National R£covery(;Secppdary Highway Project^ jfjRORU Federal Aid,(^ ^rnc.fn7/ R , TJ The prop^ wpr^ pp^ist? <# coiv, structmg 3.8 miles of Graded Earth lulitoejd « kf.-H . Thp approximate quantities; are:. ,. Co. Yds, Excavation,!.' f 4 Cu Yds Class “A” Concrete for ^ox Culverts and Headwalls Lbs Reinforcing Steel for Box Culvert? and Headwalls., •, , 5 .Lin. Ft. 18” Corrugated Metal pipe ... 5 rLin, Ft. 24” Corrugated Metal pipe ... . ‘ ... . 436 Lin. Ft. 24” Culvert Pipe. The attentipn of bidders is also di ed to the Special Provisions cover ing subletting or assigning the con-, tract and to.the use of Domestic Materials , , The minimum wage paid to all skilled labor employed , on this con tract shall .be sixty (60) cepts per feb '.. •The imimqm [Wage paid to. all un_ Skilled lahior employed on this con_ tract shell be forty (40) cent£ per j Jiltin' yabsjrrboW yrr/e ybi jR ’ ml h?-ir/irf«rr -jiorO >\ Idvin ya!>?‘ioT jyfuss lie Jr n:,viy > recteif to th* fa/t/ Ho&*e. State ' D’tectdr • ^of „.$|iSfiployment, Lincoln, Nebraska, pfHjypyT'T'tnf1') eral^M5$ih4 > .Be ifoennkntf <5nfo}mabfonT. secuppdiJ^t <*f ■thy'JCounty' Clerk at Omaha, Nebraska, or at the of$p£,qf tRe; Department of Roads ^ and^ Irrigation at Lincoln, Nebraska. “The successful bidder will be re cjflif&f ’ to ’furritfeh bond iit an amount ecfflar tb of his contract. “Ai; AVi:- '■thri&fh&tr of good faith tn sdBlnitftittg aL proposal for this work orftf81- sfBy portion thereof as provld-1 erf ’lrinVFfe bidding blarnk, the biddet*’ shSIl-file, With his' proposal, a certi fitllTRe&C'lhade paySblb to the DO- * pbf4itndHB<''0^ Roads and Irrigation'* atid m^n anfount not less than the’ following list, for any group of items ’ olr' ObHectiO'h- of grdups■ of items’ tor which 'the'Bid is snhmittd'} :i * Gfadlhg'ltotng Sdvpn Hundred (700) dollars:'') d)i» )"i. ■ • < 1 Culvert* - Itends' Twenty five • (25)^ dOHalrsi'jvii L- . ;n •>r’1 i : -The right is reserved to waive all technicalities 'and reject any or all'1 blds'-i-dm .iii j ■ uf<:Jgi ‘ ' "t\ f svi’ici i — - > ■ Notice- ito : hereby1- given that on M©nday"a public’ auction to thd-highest bidder for’icash, at 1620^ Cuming Street, OnWha^iNebbaskWrfc't1 the office of the - Ward - Printing Company, Iqaff flOtX Tools, presses, fold«f»)iaqoeMarteR.$ and other projwrtyi q«A]«PflurbenanoesH t4fiiat«^o,nthelongii»gt.«. covired byt mortgage made by .Ward and Mead Company; • |.M>rf->b ■/*.; Frank C WJpnd-and Mary A. Ward , to .fHildur, Mead, and-.bearing date .of Augus^, 4. 193,0,-f and,.;having, been d^y filod ;ip the-office of the County ciq^h, I?ougias Coupty, Nebraska, or th§, ,9,th day of August,, 1930, at 11 o'clock AM, and assigned to Char. Goodefcow, :qn the 25th day of July*, .19$3r) which assignment was dujy forded o»n the 13th day of September, 1933, in the office qf the f’P.unty Clerk °f Douglas • t County, N^bras^a Said sale will, be for the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage, for costs of sale, and all accruing., costs, and for the purpose of satis, fying the amount now due therepn,; in the sum of $343 47, and that no suit or other proceedings at law have been instituted to recover said debt or any part the^of CHARLES GCODENOW, Assigned1 of - Mortgage. - •fotfcjs*? ,t«j • ! ■* <. .1? . f‘5! ** WiTlCE TO fMNTRAGTdRS ^ Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Department Roads and Irrigation in the State House at Lin_ coin, Nebraska, on September 22, 1933, until 9:00 o'clock AM, and it that time publicly opened and read for PAVING and incidental work on the OMAHA-#AHbG' Patrol1 No ' 210, State Road. The proposed Work consists of con structing 0.1 of a mile of PAVED ROAD. The approximate quantities ate: -61800 Co. Yds. Excavation. 675 Sq. Yds Concrete PdVepieht. 1 Reihoval of Structure. 1 £9 Co. Yds Class “A” Concrete for Box Cbivertfe and Headwalls.1' 1 -3,700 ‘Aha Reinforcing Steel for Box diverts and Headwalls. v "Die attention of bidders is directed !l!PrbH&5ioi& covering; subletting' of^hssighing the contract and to the litfe of Domestic Materials. The minimum wage paid to all' skilled'labor employed 6n this con tract Shall' be'sHcty !(60) cents per hbOr ’in not !.•••: />rm •; - .novo The attention of bidders is also di rected to the fact that George Hodge Sttkte Director of Reemployment, Liil coln, Nebraska, will exercise general supervision- overThe* preparation of emplojSeJ/ltsljb fcSNfh'fei ) Plans and specificatioifertfatTihe work^.^^ the office of the Departmer&WAftolids and Irrigation at Lincoln, Nebraska. ' Yhe sficce3sfhl bidder will be re qfciii'Ci1 to furnish1 borid in an amount equal to 100% of his contract. vAa an evidence* good efaith in? submitting a proposal fftr this work., the. bidder/ must file* .with his ptorj Pfgql.ya certified check made payable ^rthe.' Department of Roads and Ir^ irjgatipn . ana in an am op nt ..not iesi than Three Hundred ($300.00) doll I ptfijjl } r’;*>•;•••’ DEPARTMENT OF .ROADS aJUI L: , ..IRRIGATPNj-, R L Cochran. Stqte Engineer GRACE BERGER. County Clerk, 1 MAKHHIIg «F,I>oqgI|A«qunty. OVIA 8H3JIHOVTUAJ 8JI3EA3.I0 YHU jj I wmamamamzsmmaamnmmmmm