I SOCIAL _ _• 4.__ CLUBS I AFFAIRS ''O-O-Cl- 't-Y'" ORGANIZATIONS ___Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, Sept. 2, 1933___ Pe rsonals X > J L r >5 s and . ■ »ve.' visi ng in Omah* \ . - ar. 1 fn- r. While here j;,'" J .. .n ;-v--n . ’» is ter went V. < n a steaded t; ip, visit • . - in Kansas City, Empor and Bartlesville, C » a. Th ; i lack to Omaha bringing Mrs Wilson ami Mr i it-s. a .iter and brother. S :r lives th .*y motored to - to visit Mr and Mrs. ! . I . k*. On returning to Oma ha • t port crops look exceed ij.gN r in Nebraska and having a xr .wJe'r'el trip r . - ave returned to their homes. M ; Mr- J L Peoples have fcf- * ..on to visit his aunt Mrs Steel, r-. They both reside at the home of Mrs G A Johnson, 61P N’ r*'- 4ftth Street. Mr- L raine G Shoemaker, neice rf Mr rd Mr* Thomas Vann. 2403 N r - 2-nd Street, who is leaving ; tk h in the Pinney Woods S : Piney Woods. Mississippi, has b * the recipient of many social c * Among them have been a * n by Mr and Mrs A R H.,rr 1North 28th Street, a the: gie«B by Mrs M Lec n of the North* de Y W C A and Mi - Evelyn Evans, our city visiting Nurse; a dinner by Mr and Mrs A. Oualey 2*21 Blond.. Street at which time Mr Elvin C Davis of Chicago was a; a guest; and a party given «,n the .awn at the beautiful home of Mr urn Mrs Adam Lee, 2814 Cald well Street. Mrs Shoemaker will leave Omaha SepternU r 2, as the guest of Mr and Mr> A E Williams Sioux City, Iowa or a motor trip to Kansas City, MiiM u: She will be their guest un it! time to depart for Mississippi on or soon after the I5th of September. Mrs Shoemaker has been Cfuite active jr. the church and community life of Omaha since her coming here a year ago She is a former Instruc tor of History at the Philander Smith CV liege in Little Rock. Ark ansas; Head of the Department of English n the Arkansas Baptist Col lege ir, Little Rock; Instructor of French. English and Education at the Swift Memorial College in Rogers ville, Tennessee; and summer school Instruct r of English at the Piney Wood School. Mrs Shoemaker has bet n resting for two years in Omaha. She Lv the Clara Crawford of Des Mouse - Iowa and is a Bachelor of Arts from Drake University of that city, a member of Delta Sigma Sor ority. M s Thelma Harper,, daughter of Rev and Mrs C C Harper and a former pupil of Mrs Shoemaker at the Prilandei Smith College, will succeed her as pianist for the Salem Baptist Church. Mr and Mrs Claud McFall, Mrs. Charles. Sebetman and Mrs Georgia Goosby and Mrs Sara Arias of Chi cago. Illinois, motored to Nebraska City. Thursday evening. Where Mrs Sebetman with a number of St John's Senior Choir sang at the White Methodist Church. 0B Tuesday evening a four course owner was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs Alex Sampy, 2630 Drexel Street after which bridge was played. Following the party was served with a dinner consisting of everything ex quisite. Making it a success for the visitors. On Wednesday, Mr and Mrs Nor man Bolder and a party were royally entertained by Mr and Mrs Law r e Wynn, 2626 Seward Street. On Thursday evening, Mrs Lula , 1540 North 21st served a deli ;i iu chicken dinner after which the v d nartfd for Chicago to attend ■ Century of Progress. All report •