The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 02, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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Oh! Yes! Here we are again with
mu auto excursion to M and an Park
fSepUmber 15, 1923 given by the dif
ferent hoards and clubs of Bethel A
Ji F. Church. Presidents of each
sargaf _*:jon see sister Maggie Smith
•r Sister Z Hickman for tickets.
Dor - rr. - the number 2430 Frank
c-T»rke*» for tjje round trip
25 Refreshment will be served
ml rr’ from 5 cents up.
A. EL Women Giving Program
Jama.- Waddle, civil war veteran
sum t land w 11 be pre-ented by
La* * v* the G A R , Garfield
cinii 11. Friday a 8 p m , in
Meiru: hi hall, courthouse.
A « her offering will be taken to
airfraj expenses of the band on a trip
C* lb* national GAR convention
St Paul. Minnesota, September 19
to 21. Civil war veterans will be hon
•f»C guests at the concert, which is
<tprr t< the public as well as to vet
wnrf of other wars, civic societies
and allied rganizat'ons
fiat's* id circle is holding a public
water** t i«.n and ice cream social
We i*i» - ay evening on the lawn of
Mr* Viona Pixl y's home, 5712 N
Thirty-third Street.
220*3 and Sewards Streets
Mr*, t W Anthony, Pastor
Edward H Anthony, Jr. Reporter
Sunday was a glorious day at
■Salem. I Re spir t was high at every
MUM i Sunday School was interest
sag and well attended. The morning
.arvicr found everyone in a very
aptritna! mood The pastor spoke
from the Book of Revelation, and
when he was through every one there
felt they knew Christ in the pardon
ing of his sins, and was truly filled
with the word of God.
At 3 p m the pastor and choir
worshipped with the Mt Moriah
Baptist Church whre the preached
another soul stirring message. The
choir was lauded for their lovely
aong service
B Y P U opened at 6 p m
After a tan minute song service the
groups entered into a 20 minute
afcudy of the lesson on “How Public
Opinion Ik created.” No 3 is leading
an the 9 point content.
C S Sayles is conducting a mass
Tuesday afternoon at 3 p m Mr
•ete'uif of the Mission Society. The
G S Sayles will bring the
at the mid week service
evening at 8 p m The
Okmch Aid Society will hold a gen
ii rs Davis, 2617 Charles, is very
iB in the Douglas County Hospital.
HU Grant Street
■rv. C. C. Harper. Paator
Bee. J. R. Young, Assistant Pastor
Scmcay School 9:30 a m H L
Andersen superintendent
Rev Harper preached the Anniver
wnry sermon of Zion Sunday morning
full of spiritual fire and in
npiraiortai truths fVom every fase of
Rhe gospel
The Janior choir and little folks of
Rhe Sunday School sang “Shake my
•others Hand for Me ” B Y P
<J opens at 6 Come out and enjoy
HWRram. Group No 1 will fur
•••h the program next week.
Rev Harper closed the 45th Anni
■waranry at the night service with the
■P'Via" chorus of Men’s Glee Club
from the Ruben night of Zion.
Rev Harper will preach a special
-JUTuacm, Axt Sunday, September 3 at
3 p » on “Setting the Field.
■- 8. Martin. Reporter
A *ur< day for service Sunday, and
aaoat ail members were present. Ex
pieisi'.ns showed that all were inter
ested in the sermon. We are trying
t» pat our entire interest into the
werwiees, so that our lives may be
for little children. Their lives
saast bt trained to meet the future.
"Yfce Sunday School is improving
emrh Sunday. The lesson was emphas
iwi «® the subject. “Losing to gain.”
The quartette of Mt Moriah Bap
titt '"-»orch sang three numbers for
*n in car Christian Endeavor at 7:30
p m These boys have wonderful
moires. They are asked to be with us
att aaty other convenient time.
Tbs church regrets very much the
'lacaiS *it of Sister Holmes’ mother.
She ha* been present with us for a
'tome, and was very faithful to all
departments of the church. We want
ISSstor Holmes to have her mother to
oouae again.
Hiss Ed rose Willis, our pianist, is
leaving this week for Chcago for a
drip to the Worl’s Fair.
A summer dinner will be served at
•flea church Thursday by club No 1.
lbs Edden. president.
Several visitors were with us Sun
day at both services. You are always
■other Williams, will have a Tea
••Mi messages 2060 North 19th St ,
Tuesday and Thursday, from 12 to 6
‘clock. Tcegular service Sunday, Wed
nesday, and Friday, evening at 8 p
m Prosperity class, Monday morn
ing at 10 o‘clock.
2423 Grant Street
Father Daly, Pastor
M. C. Arbuckle, Reporter
this Sunday being the thirteenth
Sunday after Pentecost the Epistle is
iuund in Galations 3, 16:22. The Holy
io pel in St Luke 17 to 11:19.
Ow ng to that Father Daly is at
nding the National Catholic Inter
tacial Federation being held in
Cleveland, Ohio, the 2, 3, and 4th of
‘■ptember Father James Preuss
tfered up mass last Friday, which
vat the Friday of the month,
:.i will also offer up mass at 9 and
10 o'clock Sunday morning. The Jun
ir Mins rel was great. Each child
was a star without a doubt. Little
Miss Eva Mae Brown and Charles
Johnson stole the show, and were a
show by themselves. Those who were
not present do not know what a great
treat they missed. The grown ups put
their work over just like regular
vaudeville performers on a salary.
Hie U'iiture attraction of the whole
show was the great Sam Brown, one
of the World’s leading tap dancers
'•rid what I mean he really went to
town. Bo Jingles Robinson has noth
;ng on this boy Sam. The people are
talking about having the show re
peated. Mr Baker just in from Holly
wood, California after finishing one
of his great pictures there, was a
guest of Sam Brown and played a
few numbers. The most striking of
them all was the one he played-up
side down. He is a marvelous piano
player. Ask those who were there:
Mr and Mrs Percy Johnson, who
sponsored the show worked Ijard with
such short time to put the show over
and are due plenty credit. Father
Daly was well pleased with the show
from beginning to end and has to end
and has been getting plenty comple
ments upon the show from both
rac^s, and wish to thank every one
who helped. Mr and Mrs Carroll
anil sons from Toledo, Ohio were
g<| st of Father Daly and enjoyed
the show greatly. Do not forget Sun
day is the third of September and
the St Benedict Improvement Club
will have their dinner 25 cents. Mrs.
Grant and James have been furnish
ing the church with flowers for quite
awhile. The Junior Crusaders are giv
ing an Apror. and Tie Party the 12th
of September. Come and here them
29th T Street
Rev. J. H. Jackson, Pastor
Mrs. J. C. Collins, Reporter
We had a very nice attendance at
Sunday School, Much enthusiasm was
put into the lesson by both teachers
and pupils. Morning worship began at
11 o'clock The members and friends
were happy to see our pastor, Rev.
J H Jackson at home again. He
brought to us a very profound and
educational message. His subject
was: “Spiritual Recovery.’* The text
being found in the 51st Psalms 11, 12
and verses. In the Pastor’s outline he
named several steps toward “Spirit
ual Recovery.’’ Two outstanding steps
was “Repentance and Confession.”
Evening services began at 8 o'clock.
Baptizing being the foremost event.
Before baptizing out Pastor gave a
talk on “The Need of a Church in
Society. This talk was very impres
sive as many fine points could be
gleaned from the talk. Visitors and
friends are always welcomed to wor
ship with us at Bethel Baptist Church
2124 North 24th Street
Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pastor
Mrs. Georgia. Reporter
Rev R W Johnson preached a
wonderful sermon, Tuesday It was
enjoyed by everyone. Wednesday
^ night, Mr R L Noall, the choir
direc’or had a wonderful musical
program. Friday night the choir en
ertained by giving a musical recital.
Both programs was enjoyed by ev
eryone. Mrs Luella Sayles, musical
Director and Gospel Singer was with
us and sang some wonderful numbers.
Rev R W Johnson preached a
wonderful sermon at Cleave Temple
at three p m Sunday.
"The Friendly Church”
-2nd and Willis Avenue
Rev. L. P. Bryant. Pastor
The services a St John last Sun
day were very interesting. Rev
Bryant preached both morning and
evening. He preached in the morning
from Job 7 chapter and a part of the
six verse. “My days are spent with
out hope”, his subject was: “Spiritual
Brankrupcy” There was great
spiritual food to be gotten from this
very practical sermon.
There were four people to join the
church namely: Mrs C W Leonard,
Mrs Mamie Harris, Mr E Brum
mell and Mr J Waddle It is al
ways encouraging to have people to
unite themselves with the Christian
army. As October 4th, the date for
conference to open at St John is
drawing near, the Stewards Depart
ment is urging that all those who are
behind with their class dues will pay
up so as to help make a good report
for the year. On September 10th and
24th will be special fifty cents rally
days to help the Steward Depart
ment. Let each member and friend
show they love and appreciate the
pastor and wife, and the great work
they are doing at St John by paying
their back class dues and also their
dollar money. The members of the
Senior Choir who went with the pas
tor and wife to Nebraska City to
render a program sponsored by Rev
W S Metcalfe’s church in that city
report a splendid time.
On Friday, September 8, the child
ren of the church are giving a patriot
ic pageant," A Hosting of Heroes”
Let everyone come and show the
children that what they do is greatly
appreciated. The children are being
trained by Mrs E Turner whose
heart aad soul is buried in the work
with children. The church was very
proud to see Mrs Bessie Hasting,
who has been ill for some times, out
The-visitors last Sunday were: Mr.
3!-d Mrs Leo Spear, Omaha, Mrs
Mayme Harris, Omaha, and the Rus
sell family from 4210 Oldine Street,
St Lou:s, Missouri Visitors are
always welcomed at St John and in
vited to make it their church home
while in the city. The services at St
John are never very long. The morn
ing service is usually out by 12:30
and -he evening about 8:45.
You will find more and more
church and social news in the Omaha
Guide each week Wacth for the boys
<»aeh week They will be glad to de
liver it to you
Mother Mary F Williams, Nation
al Spiritual Mother of The David
Spiritual Temple of Kansas City,
Missouri will speak at Cleaves Tem
ple Sunday morning on the subject:
“The Lord Called A Woman.” This
will be Woman’s Day at the church.
Mrs Martha B Evans is chairman
and will have full charge of the ser
vices. Rev and Mrs Glover, Mrs
Wade, Mr S E. Montgomery have
returned from Chicago and Mrs
Pettie a sister of Mrs Glover re
turned with them to remain for a
few days in Omaha. The women will
serve dinner after the morning ser
vice in the basement of the church.
Every'one is ask to remain for dinner
at 3 o'clock the Ladies will have a
Pew Rally sponsored by a group of
women All are ask to take a part in
this Big Rally. Miss Alice Hunter
Jvill have charge of the program for
the evening service. This is to be a
splendid program. You can not af
ford to miss it.
“No Work No Eat”
By Dr. A. G. Bearer
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
Text: If any would not work
neither should he eat.—II Thessalon
ians. 3:10.
Paul announces a bold yet sound
principle of social economic when he
decrees that a fellow who will not
work is not entitled to eat. And any
honest consideration of it will force
the conviction that it is right. It has
several elements as its basis. Let U3
note a few.
1. Divine Decree. To Adam the
first man and the first sinner God
said, “In the sweat of thy brow shall
thou eat bread.” This was that all
men, thereafter, should work for
their own living.
2. Human Necessity. Labor be
came necessary to the physical well
being of man, in his fallen condition,
since the fall affected his body as
well as his soul.
3. Justice and Equity Demand. A
man will live. He must live by his
own labor or the labor of another,
and the latter would be unjust and
inequitable to others.
4. Corollary. For these reasons, a
man who refuses to work ha3 no
right to eat; he has no right to be a
parasite on the body politic. Let all
the laggards read and consider, “If
any would not work neither shoul 1 he
HANOVER, Va — In 1931 the Chi
ckahominy Baptist Association of
Hanover adopted a plan to raise $12,
000 in ten years for the consolidation
and support of Negro schools in the
The Associations action attracted
the attention of local and state school
officials and the plan was promptly
approved. Owing to the protracted
depression the ten year plan will pro
bably be revised at the next meeting
of the association, scheduled to con
vene next week.
lyric voice of an American society
leader of London, singing old Georgia
Negro spirituals, has been “lent* to
the League of Mercy, an English
charity in which the Prince of Wales
is interested.
Mrs John Ormond Lawson, John
ston, once a great favorite in Wash
ington society, is recording several
old songs of the Southland for
phonograph records which are to be
sold for the benefit of the league.
This charity was founded by King
VII. to raise funds for British hos
pitals. The Prince of Wales, a friend
of the Lawson, Johnstons, is the
grand president.
TOLEDO, Ohio— (CNS) — At the
seventh annual convention of the
Naional Postal Alliance of Postal
Employees, Roy O Wilhoit of St
Louis, Mo , was reelected president
for the Fifth time.
Other officers elected were Jerry
0 Gilliam, of Norfolk, Va , vice
president; Sidney M Jackson, of
Washington D C , secretary, and
R E L Hutton, of Oakland, Cali
fornia, assistant secretary. Mack D
Anderson, of Memphis, Tennessee,
was elected to succeed Joseph B
Brown, Jr , of St Louis, as editor of
the Postal Alliance, the organization’s
Castle-Erlich-Hirsch Carnival At
Nebraska State
The Castke-Erlich-Hirs'h Shows
the largest carnival organization
on the road, is going to bring
“Gladway” to the Midway at the
Nebraska State Fair September
3rd to September 8th, inclusive.
The famous Garden of Allah, the
Sugar Foot Minstrels, Miller’s
Modern Museum, Cantain Dan
Riley’s Wild Animal Circus, Pig
mie Village, Roxie, the Fire Fight
,ing Horse, “Believe It or Not," as
well as several new and unusual
fun houses, will provide spectacu
lar and thrilling entertainment.
Captain Riley and his wild ani
mal show, where he controls twen
ty jungle beasts in a stesl arena,
is a sight that makes your blood
run cold.
perial Potentate Harry Knight, of
New York City, has again been elect
ed to the highest office in Scottish
R te Masonry Mrs Alice E Camp
bell of New York was elected Imper
ial Grand Commandress
Kead. What Others bay
June 12, 1933.
Mayor Roy N. Towl
Executive Offices
Omaha, Nebraska
Dear Mayor Towl: j
I am sure at this time you have be
come very well acquainted with me
as a correspondent, having eomm
un'cated with you while Fire Com
missioner, and again as Mayor of
our city.
1 am hoping you have had a rest-!
ful and pleasant vacation after hav-1
ing been burdened with different
transactions and duties one under-1
goes who first takes office in behalf
of citizens who have made your posi- I
tion possible. We believe you will
manifest every consideration regard
ing the employment situation in our
city, realizing it was through all
citizens the final count was obtained
and all should receive considerationj
each department of our city.
There should be no hidden facts or
any manifestation given kept secret
to prevent manifesting consideration
to others who are entitled, but den
ied of same.
We have always had a representa- j
tive in the Welfare Board. At this
time it has been rumored the same j
was suspended with, not only due to
lack of funds, but also to do away1
with the former employee and avoid
appointing another, and we are seek
ing consideration and information.
Others hare been chosen to carry
on this work, and we are entitled to
a representative. Perhaps your in
tentions are to manifest his consider
ation, but in making your change of
employees, no conclusions have been
drawn as to who the appointee shall
I am not a politician, but spoke
not only in your behalf, but all of the
candidates on your slate, and am
hoping you and I will become as well
acquainted with each other as I did
with our previous executive. I am not
a hard man as often taken to be seek
ing a fair consideration regarding
employment as a citizen, tax payer
and business man for of your
I am hoping you will not misinter
pret my meaning, and shall appre
ciate information and consideration
regarding this matter.
Respectfully yours,
DR G B LENNOX, President,
Omaha Working Men’s Com.
August 17, 1933.
Mayor Roy N. Towl,
Executive Office,
Omaha, Nebraska
Dear Mayor Towl:
I have communicated with our
former executives on several oc
casions, and can say not one time
was I not impressed with their state
ments, or did I fail to receive a reply
to any letter written to them. A pro
paganda has been spread there is
some of your mail you fail to receive.
I have written you important letters,
and if you have not obtained them,
or through negligence in some way
have failed to respond, I can not ap
preciate same.
There is a certain amount of con
sideration due all citizens by every
public man who is in a position to
give same, are seeking. One true
statement is “when the public in
general gets behind a situation, they
either put it over or destroy it.” It is
through the general public that all
the city positions are obtained,
whether the citizens are recognized
or not after one has been successful.
We are enitled to our pro rata of
employment in all city departments,
but those in a position to give this
consideration, have denied this group
or given employment to others that
should have been given to us, which
is not fair. What consolation, inspira
tion or hopes can a body of people
receive who are constantly denied of
their rights of employments by citi
zens whom they have supported ?
Different codes of the National
Recovery Act as authorized by our
President are now going into effect,
and after so long a silence, at this
time I am wondering what considera
tion in regards to our pro rata of em
ployment you have in mind? We be
lieve by these codes at last they are
daring to form a plan which will
give the weak a chance with the
strong, and the poor a chance with
the rich, and are also hoping it will
mean greater opportunities within.
our city for those who have been the
first to be discharged and the last to
be hired.
I am sure it is realized taking into
consideration citizens, tax payers and
the population of the group, compar
ing the same with others, a fair con
sideration of employment is not giv
en, and as Mayor of our city, we are
asking you to see that employment
to which we are entitled is given.
We do not want to believe you are'
“Robbing Peter to pay Paul,” butj
from all evidence we have been den- i
ied appointments to which we are
entitled, were promised and formerly
have been given.
Perhaps I have misinterpreted you,
but can not understand your silence,
and am still seeking a reply and
through you the consideration of em
ployment we are due; hoping the
game will be given as a matter of
justice if for no other reason.
Thanking you very kindly, I am
Respectfully yours,
DR G B LENNOX, President
Omaha Working Men’s Com.
2122 Vt North 24th Street
Executive Office
Roy N Towl, Mayor
August 21st., 1933.
Dr G E Lennox, President,
Omaha Guide’s Working Men’s Com
2418 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
Dear Doctor Lennox:
Please be assured your letters have
not gone astray and are being given
appropriate consideration.
I realize that strictly pro rata em
ployment in all departments of the
city has been somewhat difficult.
However, I believe that, if you take
the entire payroll, you will find that
it makes a fairly good showing in
most cases.
Shall be glad to increase the em
ployment as per your suggestions
whenever I have an opportunity to
do so in any department. You must
realize that it will be necessary to
make adjustments from time to time
and I want you to feel that your re
quest have not been forgotten
Very truly yours,
June 22, 1933.
Executive Office
Mayor Roy N Towl
City Hall
Dear Mayor Towl:
I highly appreciate your letter of
Aug. 12th in regards to the informa
tion I was seeking.
We have the utmost confidence in
you although our close contact has
been very little. As one writer has
said, “A man is known by his daily
works” which magnifies the confid
ence we still have in you—fairness to
I realize at this time you are over
burdened and approached by those
seeking fair and unfair considera
tions. Different classes of people who
are limited within a small field and
unable to understand perhaps after
given an explanation. Realizing this
and other confrontations along theae
lines, I can readily sympathize with
you. Endowed with intelligence and
experience, with a sTteile however, I
am sure you have been able to take
care of the majority of situations
confronting you.
There is no confusion with those
v.-ho comprehend, as it is realized
conditions at this time bring about a
reduction in all budgets, and auto
matically it is necessary to reduce
labor. Knowing someone has to be
laid off, we believe that you will make
all suffer in proportion to their
amount or the consideration due
We still have that belief and hope
that you will readjust situations to
the Extent it is appreciated.
Thanking you very much for any
consideration you may give in re
gards to a fair play to all, I am
Respectfully yours,
DR. G B LENNOX, President
Omaha Working Men’s Com.
By R. A. Adams
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
A stranger, unacquainted with our
customs, notes that business is su-s
pended, mills, factor'es and other in
dustries closed, and the people resting
from labor. Re witnesses thousands
in parades, with music playing and
oanncrs waving. Hearing and seeing,
he inquires concerning the occasion,
and he is told, “Why this is Labor
Day!” And he gasps at the paradox.
To such a stranger mu3t b i ex
plained that Labor Day does not
mean what the term signifies, erymo
logically, a day on which to labor,
but a day dedicated to the honor and
the interests of laborers of the nation.
This explained and understood, the
paradox disappears and the matter is
This is as it should be, because of
the unique and all-important role
played by labor in the prosperity of
the nation and the perpetuity of our
civilization. Labor is the basis o’"
which our various national systems
rest. It is the corner stone which
b'nds and secures the parts of the in
dustrial and economic superstructures.
It is the base of the pyramid repre
senting the chiefest accomplishments
of men, in all the ages. It is indis
pensable to the progress, the profit
and the very life of mankind. The
richest man in the world cannot be
independent of labor, and the weak
est laborer is an integral element in
all that makes up the warp and woof
of human progress. Then let us join
th paraede, or let us take off our hats
as the toilers an saviors of the nation
pass by.
XENIA, Ohio—(CNS) — Charges
that Bishop William L Heard, of
Philaelphia, Africa M E. Church,
had “misapplied or misappropriated"'
$18,000 allegedly collected for Wil
berforce University, have been placed
in the hands of the board of trustees
by an investigating committee.
ber Wilson, an ex-congressraan, of
Laurel, Mississippi has been appoint
ed United States District Judge for
the Virgin Islands.
Carey Baptist Foreign Missionary
Convention of America will meet in
Raleigh, North Carolina his weeV
August 29, September 1
The Lott Carey Convention is Nat
ional in scope and is the only organ
ization among Negro Baptists in the
country doing foreign missionary
work exclusively, employing mission
aries in Liberia, South Afrca and
AHOKIE, N. C—(CNS) — By the
over turning of a boat in the Chowa
River near here on August 16, five
persons all resident of Scotland Neck
were drowned. There were six in a
small row-boat when it capsized.
Reginald Ethengane clung t* the
boat and was rescued.
Those drowned were: Grant Smith,
45; Topsy Scott, 25; Susie Randolph,
14t Evelyn Johnson, 15 and Lillian
Johnson, 13. The bodies of Grant
Smith and Susie Randolph were re
ty authorities today said Lenior
County will have its first Negro air
plane owner this fall if tobacco prices
are good. They reported a colored
farmer with a bumper crop of the
weed is planning to purchase a plane
if he gets enough money for the
crop. Neighbors are trying to dis
suade him, fearing accidents, but the
man was said to be determined to
own “one of them things that ‘zips’
and goes streaking for the clouds.”
It is reported that the air-minded
man has never been in a plane.
'A. C. P.
NEW YORK—The joint committee
of Negro organizations taking up
Negro labor and consumer problems
before the NRA in Washington re
ceived this week the cooperation of
All news copy must be in iht*
Omaha Guide Office not later
than Monday at 5 p. m., in order
that it may be printed in the
current issue. Hereafter all news
later than the time specified wdi
not be in the paper and should
not be expected.
the National Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored People Dr.
George E Haynes is temporary
chairman; John P. Davis temporary
secretary; and Miss Nannie Bur
roughs temporary treasurer. William
H Hastie, young Washington at
torney who handled the N A A C
P end of the famous Hocutt case in
North Carolina, has been asked to
be the N A. A C P., representa
tive on the committee. The committee
has been examining codes, carrying
on research and presenting briefs in
behalf of Negro labor at the code
hearings. It will continue this work.
Dr Robert C Weaver, Harvard,
’33 (Ph. D in economics) is in
charge r>f research.
to facilitate the co-operation of all
the Negro organizations in the fight
for recognition of Negroes under the
National Recovery Administration,
John P Davis, Executive Secretary
of the Negro Industrial League, and
Dr Robert C Weaver, Director of
Research of the organization, left the
city last week to attend the Elks Con
vention and the meeting of the Negri
Business League. Mr Davis went t<
,e Elks’ Convention at Indianapolis
where he will discuss the position oi
Negro workers and business men un- ■
der the President’s program for Re
covery. Plans for the future coopera
tion of the Elks with the other frater
nal and church bodies belonging ti
the joint committee of National Re
covery will be perfected at the con
vention. Dr Weaver is at Durham
to the meeting of the National Busi
ness League. He will discuss the gen
eral problems of the Negro under the
National Recovery Program, and the
particular problems that face the
N^gro business man under for this
purpose will also be perfected at Dur
ham to the meeting of the National
Business League. He will discuss the
general problems of the Negro under
the National Recovery Program, and
the particular 1>roblms that face the
Negro business man under the codes
of fair competition. The program for
joint action under the committee for
this purpose will also be perfected at
These activities of the executives of
the Negro Industrial League are a
part of the League’s program for the
maintenance of a united front in tin
fight for the Negroes’ equal treat
ment in all phases of recovery. Al
ready a joint committee of Nationa
Recovery has been established with itc
office at Washington. The committee
will continue the fight for the Negri
workers and business men initiated
at the capital by the Negro Industrial
League in July.
Leaders in all phases of Negro life
have expressed their conviction of the
fact that it is imperative at this time
for all Negro organizations to pres
ent a united front in this critical bat
tle. It was out of such an attitude
that the Committee on National Re
covery grew.
Commitee to See Miss Perkins, Se
cretary of Labor.
Dr. George E Hayness of the
Federal of Council of Churches of
Christ of America, chairman of the
committee, has announced that there
will be a meeting of the Committee
on National Recovery in Washington
on the 30th of August. Mr John P.
Davis, secretary of the committee,
has arranged for a conference with
the Secretary of Labor, Miss Perkins,
on the first of September. Thus, one
of the chief purposes of the meeting
the last of this month is to form the
plans for tliis important conference
with Miss Perkins. The department
of research of the Negro Industrial
League has already drawn up a pre
liminary statement of the problems of
the problems of the Negro under the
Recovery program.
Foreman, of Atlanta, Ga , has been
appointed in the Department of the
Interior as adviser on the economic
status of the Negro. The appointment
was announced over the radio Mon
day night August 21 and at once
brought protest from many quarters.
The protests are not against Mr
Foreman personally, but the protests
sight the fact that only a Negro can
have the experience necessary to fully
interpret the feelings of the Negro
toward the government and Admin
istration efforts to include the race in
the benefits of the “New Deal."
Mr. Foreman is the nephew of
Clark Howell, publisher of the At
lanta Constitution and ail active
member of the Southern Interracial
Commission. He is highly regarded
as a liberal Southerner and has been
connected with the Rosenwald and
the Phelps-Stolces funds.