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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1933)
SHALL WE CON TINOE 'Miss Eyes’ The Omaha Guide truly wants to nerve you m you waat to be served. For seven weeks we have had more comments and the largest distribu tion of papers as a result of the coimnn known as “Mias Eyes." The comments have been pro and con, and the pros seem to have the best of the cons so far. and since the maj ority rules we are going to ask our readers to help us nettle this dispute shoot the “Miss Eyes” column The following in a blank ballot for ynur »ot*. Shall we coatine “Misa Eyes" colama? Please register your vote in the square of tout choice and mail the same te The OMAHA GUIDE office 241* Grant Street, or turn it in. in pm^a Yes □ No □ Senator Kingfish’ Cont. fro™ p. 1 Turner the senator touched him and at the same time whispered another of ha insulting terms in his ears. And that was too bad for the sena tor. In less time than it took to rec ord what had happened. Huey was on the floor, his eye was the color of Turner's first and the musician was nursing bruised knuckles. Hrtreau in Disorder That’s ail there was to it. As a matter of fact there wasn’t time for aay more, m the jjpod senator, long on wind bat shaft in the gentle art of protecting his orbits, had beaten a hasty and unceremonious retreat. So j rapid was his retreat that he didn’t even taken tune to thank his host or to tell him what a good time he had enjoyed twitting the servants—that! is until hi sadden collision with a fmt. immediately upon hi* departure the daily press began * search lor the mas who had suddenly made himself * hero. At first newspaper men tried (> rrt a stst\nent out of the senator imaelf, but that big man from the South was so swift of foot that he rendered himself invisible to the eye. “Here he is!” somebody cried. And before the reporters could reach the spot the cry was changed to “There he goes!” la be meantime Mr Turn er had quietly proceeded with the party and had as quietly departed for his home in Harlem. Those who knew what had happened kept quiet about it. and those who didn't know wanted to find oat so they could also keep qnseC T”»* next time "Kingfish” Long was he showed up in Milwaukee at the hoard from was two days laser when convention of Veterans of Foreign Wars He was wearing a long face, a black *ye, aad was telling a wsird ■tory about a gang of men (black handlers i holding him while another Have Yoor Notary Public Work Done at The OMAHA ^^GUTO^ffice^ Dry Cleaning The Cut throat who has been ruining your dresses and such for so long in this town is now out of the picture. Come back to the old STAND. BY. Our CASH AND CARRY prices are as low as any and our DE LIVERY charge is moderate. BDHOLM AND SHERMAN LAl'NDEREKS AND DRY CLEANERS gang beat him. There was a number so great that he couldn’t count them. “Maybe it was the number that John saw,” one veteran whispered to an other. “I think he had better see a doctor,” the other veteran answered. And after telling his story (which nobody believed) the senator pro ceeded to say what he thought of newspapers and reporters. “We chased the polecats out of Louisiana,” he said, “and they came up here and became reporters.” The implication being here that it .was a reporter who was responsible for his brown skinned optic. Vets Repudiate Speech Following his Milwaukee speech, which to the credit of the veterans they hastened to disown and apolo gize for, he collected his baggage, left the hotel (without paying his hill), sneaked into Chicago and just as quietly sneaked out again. But up here in New York the talk goes merrily on. The white press is still looking for the man who black ed Huey Long’s eye—or is pretending to ae looking for him. Huey, it is stat ed, has offered a reward for the name of the man who smote him — if said man will present himself in Louis iana. And the Sand Point Bath club has let it be known that from hence forth and forever the blustering senator from Louisiana will be per sona non grata at that club. In other words he will always find the latch string on the inside to him and the key in the lock. Still more simply put. he never be a guest there again. Another interesting sidelight on Huey's fistic activites came to light Tuesday also when New Orleans re- ■ porters gave out the fact that Huey has been taking boxing lessons at the \ New Orleans Athletic club for the past six weeks. Apparently he was in training for his big bout, which ended with one blow and one black eye, with Huey Long on the receiving end of both. n also was divulged this week that Tanner’s conques over Huey was about the eighth bout in which he has engaged and i„ which he came out second best. There is one story about * 70 year old exgovernor forc ing the “Kingfish” to turn on the air in a New Orleans hotel a few years *go. Another man, a Shreveport law yer, also landed a safe one on the senator's eye, after which Brother Long staged a one man race. In his time Huey is said to have challenged the worst and the best of them, but due to the fact that it always takes two to make a fight, and Huey just couldn’t make his feet remain still long enough to return a blow, usual ly managed to escape with just one blow to his credit—or should one say discredit. Dallas Tanner is a hero in New -rork. Although usually quiet, unas suming, he has been forced to retire from the admiring gaze of his friends in Harlem. And the sentiment among them is that since they couldn’t have been there to strike the blow they regret only that thag were not there to see it. Black-Eyed Huey Long Poor Huey (pronounced “Hooey”) Long, United States senator from Louisiana by the grace of the Unit ed States Constitution and the dumb ness of the Louisiana electorate, is now nursing a black eye. He re this dark adornment some time Sat urday night when he allowed his left orb to collide violently with the busi ness end of a man's fist. And that’s what you may call talking to Huey in Huey's language. But how did Huey get that black eye? After all, you know quite well that he was born with two white ones —at least that’s what he thinks. And you know further that Senator Craw fish Long would not willingly adept a shade for his eye which suggests a race he so despises. According to the story going the rounds, he stopped over in New York at the exclusive Sand Point Bath club just to have a bath. Stories differ as to just what happened. In fact, we do not know whether the “Crawfish” really had a b&th at all before the discoloration * * * took place. It appeared that the great “white BUEHLER BROS. . . MARKETS . . 212 N. 16th St 24th & Lake St. 24th & Cuming St. Small lean Pork Shoulders, pound . 3y2c BOSTON PORK BUTTS, pound 6»/2c LEAN PORK CHOPS, pound 12>/2c SHOULDER POT ROAST, pound 7c CHOICE PLATE BOIL, pound 3'/2c < HI ( K ROAST, pound 9c VEAL ( HOPS, pound .10c LAMB CHOPS, pound . 10c \ EAL BREAST, pound 5c CUDAHY’S SLICED BACON, 5 lb. box 39c 100% PL RE LARD, (4 lb. limit) 4 pounds for 22c ( RLAMERA BUTTER, pound 19*/c SUGAR, 10 pounds 77^. 51c FLOUR, 48 pound bag: .$1.55 EGGS, 3 dozen limit, per dozen lip ROBERTS MILK, tall cans, each . . 5</,c SMALL SP AREREBS,.pound FRESH H AMBURGER, .. pound RED STAR COFFEE, pound 19c OLDGOLDMALT, per can .... hopeless” had forgotten the bath at tendants’ right names and proceeded to call them by such names as were familiar to his vocabulary in his na tive state. Hooey further mistook service for servility and thereby hangs the tale.. The “white hopeless” started out with a blaster and ended up with a blister. The blister made its appearance in the form of a healthy hickey on the side of his head in the vicinity of one of his optics. After the cultured and re fined senator had been untangled from the fist of a guest whom he had mistaken for one of the bath attend ants, it was discovered that Huey was not as good a fighter as he was a talker. It was also discovered that while he could give it he just couldn’t take it. * * * The lacing which took place (in the vicinity of his eye) made Huey doubly sore, especally since the eye1 immediately took on the complexion of the fist that it had encountered, i When the senator had been lifted from the floor, it was for a moment difficult to tell to just which race he belonged. Amid the confusion some one yelled “Fire," as a result of which both a physician and the fire department responded. The pulmotor was not necessary, however, for mak ing a be* line for the nearest exit. For several hours pandemonium reigned. Neither police nor press could locate Huey. It seemed that the impact of the blow had so disturbed his mental equilibrium, to say noth ing of his physical equilibrium, that for several hours he continued to run around in circles. 1^ finally, in one of his lucid moments, struck the Mohawk trail and ended up in Milwaukee where he had heard the rumors of u gathering of veterans including a number of natives who speak his lan guage. From this apparent point of van tage, the senator began to issue statements, purporting to explain to his constituents in Louisiana, espe cially and to the nation in general, that there was no overt act on his part to turn black—that it was rath er a case of bad judgment in measur ing distance. However, we must con gratulate the senator in that he sought t® throw the cloak of pro tection around the Colored race by placing the responsibility for his sudden predisposition to change com plexion to a bunch of gangsters whom he charged with making the assault. In explaining the affair the senator said that from the multiplicity of contacts which came his way it would have been utterly impossible for one man to have reached him so many times in the short period that elap sed before he took the count. He ev en suggested that tha gangsters were members of a “black rect, as the evidence shows the only discrepancy being in the number of hands em ployed. In the meantima the mystery grows While it is known that one man with a black hind is nursing his knuckles, the Pinkertons, the Burns detectives and Scotland Yard have been unable, to date, to uncover the other alleged members of said gang. It is mystify ing, indeed. Poor Hooey. VETERANS IN THE RICHMOND PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM RICHMOND, V^.-(CNS)—Twen ty eight Negro employees of the Richmond public school system, the large majority of whom are teachers, have seen twenty five or more years of service, a study of the personnel of the school roster reveals. Of the number nineteen have been employed thirty years or more and are thereby entitled to a pension, if and whe^ they desire to retire, Albert V. Norrell, Sr., teacher at Booker T. Washington school, is this year celebrating the sixtieth anni versary as an employe of the system. He began his services in 1873. He is the oldest employe in the Richmond from the point of service. J Andrew Bowler, teacher of George Mason school, has taught in the system for fifty-one years and Ella T. Bolling, of Buchanan has been forty-five years in the service. Lucy A Peters, teacher at Moore school, has 3een forty-three years of service; Abram L. Morton, teacher at Moore school, forty-one years; Sara E Brown, teacher and assistant prin cipal at Webster Davis, thirty nine years, and Lucy J. Woodson teacher at Moore school, thirty eight years. Susie B. Crump, teacher at Buch anan and Fannie R Richardson, tea cher at Armstrong high, have each seen thirty-seven years of service, while Bessie L Whittle, and Mar garet L Tinsley, both teachers at Navy Hill, have each thirty-six years of service. George W Archer, janitor and fireman of Dunbar school, has been with the system for forty four years. The following have served for thirty two years: Cornelia W. Taylor, teacher at Elba; Joseph A Williams, janitor at Randolph, and Martha R. Crump, teacher at Booker T. Wash ington. A Elizabeth Williams, teacher at Moore, and Annie B Knight, teacher, at Webster Davis have each seen thirty-one years of service, while Fannie M. Williams, teacher at Book er T. Washington, has seen thirty years of service. In addition, two employes have seen twenty five years of service; three twenty six years, and four twenty seven. i “REVEALING’' | YOUR 1 PAST PRESENT I | FUTURE 1 by Abbe’ W allace m “YOUNGEST MENTALIST ON THE AMERICAN STAGE” !■»*> -mg mmm mm Wi it IWI R H. L—Will my husband ever stop fussing and will I ever find peace and happiness in my home? Ans: You will find PEACE and HAPPINESS with your husband just as soon as you and he get a little | place of your own. Your husband’s' mother is the chief cause of your unhappy home life. A. E S.—My health seems to be getting worse instead of better, what shall I do? Ans: You had no right to change doctors in the first place. Hie soon er you go back to your old physician the quicker you wiQ be up and around. E W —Will I get the job I am expecting? Ans: Yes, when the people re turn. M H —Why doesn’t my husband write me and will you tell me if he loves mo? Will he be home soon? Ans: Your husband will NOT be home for sometime. There is no need to broOd over this however for I contact SEVERAL GENTLEMEN FRIENDS to keep you company in his absence, H J. M—Will my husband die before I do or will I die first? Ans: I do not like the TONE of this letter as this question seems to be prompted by a CONNIVING MIND. I .suggest that you let PRO VIDENCE be the dictator and not me. If you paid more attention to making your husband’s a HOME LIFE happy, he would not have to seek it elsewhere. " “ m C B —Can you tell me when I was born? Ans: You were born on September 16. 1906. F^- ' 1 vi wt wt wrt w _jgj ® ■ k H —I want a job in some other line of work. Will I get one soon and what kind of work will I Wo? Ans: OPPORTUNITY will knock at your door in the month of OCT- j OBER. You will secure work in an undertakers establishment. Your work the first few months will con sist of sitting up nights taking care of the STIFFS. H E —Should I enroll in the cor respondence course that I am inter ested in and will I benefit financially from it. Ans: 1 DOUBT very much if you finish it. Its a brilliant idea if you have the GUTS to follow it out. RE MEMBER that you are the man at the wheel and success will only come by sticking YOUR nose to the grind stone. E W —I would like to know if I will have a happy and successful marriage? Ans: Your married life with J. W. will be everything that can be DESIRED FOR in a happy marriage j I wish you success and happiness. May God bless both of you. 1 D G.—Will I ever walk? Ans: Don't put to much faith in this HERB MEDICINE. Your cure lies in a good reliable doctor. I pre dict an improvement this FALL as I see you losing some of your SUR PLUS WEIGHT. G B —Does the person who is coming to see me now mean me any good ? Ans: The person who is coming o see you now means you no HARM. Neither will he over he your husband so pot this idea out of your head. NOTE:—Your question printed free in this column, fl For Prviate reply send 25c and (self addressed | stamped enevelope for my New Astrological Read* ing and reeive by return mail my advice on three questions free. Sign your full name birthdate, and correct address. Adress Abbe’ Wallace, P. 0. Box—11, Atlanta, Georgia. PREPARATIONS FOR THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS AGAINST WAR WASHINGTON — (CNS) — J. Maurice Gates, young Negro news paper man, opened the Washington Congress Against War, held in pre paration for the United States Con gress Against War slated to be held in New York September 29, 30, and October 1 Gates, who is chairman of the Washington Provisional Com mittee composed of labor leaders, writes and students called the con ference to order by a clear explana tion necessity for action at this time. He introuced Richard Lovelace, a disabled World War Vet eran, who became chairman of the conference. There was a large number of act ively interested Negro workers and others in the audience. The speakers included Donald Henderson, former Economics Professor of Columbia University and Secretary of the Nat ional Arrangements Committee for the U S Congress; Richard Love lace, formerly of Portland, Oregon, a member of the National Arrange ments Committee and active on vet eran affairs; Mauritz Hallgren, As sociate Editor of the “Nation;" Lem Harris, member of the Farmers' Nat ional Arrangements Committee Donald Henderson in his talk be fore the Washington group, issued a stirring challenged when he said: “This is an issue in which none of us have any choice. If we oppose slaugh ter of humanity, we must take an active stand. We dare not compro mise or stall on the excuse of political differences. Pacifists, Communists, Socialists, liberals — every one who pretends to war opposition must fight and fight actively. The time for pas sive conferences and treaties is past. They have all failed. We must fight <>n concrete lines. Stop the trans portation of war materials.” PRISONER FLOGGED AND HANGED TO TREE SMITHLAND, Ky _ A report of the flogging of Louis Skinner, pri soner who was forcibly removed’ from the Livingston county jail, was on its ■way to Governor Ruby Laffon Thurs day, dispatched by Circuit Judge Charles H. Wilson. Jailer James Martin said he was awakened Tuesday night by a crowd of masked men, who demanded he un lock the jail. The jailer said he was choked by some of the men who took away his keys. Skinner said the mob whipped him and tried to force him to reveal the identity of hiB companion in the beat ing and robbing of Murray Rummage. Skinner protested his innocence, he said, whereupon the men hanged him to a tree. ELKS RE-ELECT WILSON RULER POR TWELFETH TIME INDIANAPOUS, Ind. — (CNS)— The thirty-fourth annual grand lodge meeting of the I B P O. Elks of the World held- here August 20-25, resulted in the election of J Finley Wjilson as grand exalted ruler for the thirteenth time. Among the other officers elected were: James E. Kelly, of Birming ham, Alabama, grand secretary; Judge Edward W Henry, of Philadel phia, Pa , grand treasurer; Perry W. Howard, of Washington, D. C., grand legal adviser; and Judge William C. Hueston, of Washington, DC, grand commissioner of education. Other grand lodge officers reelect ed were: grand auditors—James B. Allen, New York City; James T Cooper, Chicago, Illinois; ind Dr. Thomas L Love, Raleigh, N. C. Dr. S H George, -Paducah, Ky ., grand esteemed leading knight; Roy S. Bond, Baltimore, Md , lawler, grand esteemed lecturing knight; the Rev. George W Avant, Durham, N. C , grand chaplain; Robert J Nelson, Philadelphia Pa , director of civil lib erties. ATLANTA NEGROES PROTEST DISPLACEMENTS BY WHITE WORKERS ATLANTA, Ga. — (CNS) — The “New Deal” under the workings of the NRA causes replacements of com petent Negro workers by whites in instances here and citizens in mass meeting make a strong plea for in clusion of “Negroes without discrim ination in President Roosevelt’s New Deal.” At this largely attended mass meeting resolutions were adopted! condemning as “unjust and in viola tion” of the national recovery pro gram any such displacements. Equal pay for equal services for all was urged and the meeting pledged full cooperation to the president, de claring they would “remind employ ers that the blue eagle is intended by the president to protect and help all citizens alike without regard to race, sex or religion.” SLAYERS OP 2 POLICEMEN SENTENCED TO DIE OCT. 13 CHICAGO—John Scheck was sent enced by Judge Harry B Miller' Thursday to die in the electric chair,! October 13 for the murder of Police man John Seviek in a courtroom. The same date was selected recently for the execution of Morris Cohen, killer of another policeman in a navy pier holdup. U. S. SHOULD BATTLE LYNCH ERS WELL AS KIDNAPERS WASHINGTON—(CNS)— “Under the new regime, lynchers in the South have gotten off to a head start with little fear of molestation,” writes a correspondent to the Washington Daily News. Continuing this public spirited citi zen inquires: “Why must Negroes, who have worked and suffered without compen sation for hundreds of years to deve lop this nation; who have fought and died in all of our nation’s wars, be treated this way?" “We sympathize with the German Jew, but ought we not purge our nation of racial injustices before we can effectively protest Germany’s sin against a minority group? “This is a national sin. “The Federal Government will override ‘states rights’ in dealing with kidnapers and gangsters, but states will still have the right to allow their colored citizens to be lynched, with out interference from the Federal Government, which is sworn to pro tect the constitutional rights of all Americans." HOLD KISS 3 HOURS TO WIN WORLD TITLE NEW YORK — Another famous smack, but of a different variety, was recorded Wednesday when a blonde young woman and a dark-browed young man held a kiss for 3 hours and 2 minutes to win the world en durance title. The champions, who outlasted the other couples in the final elimination of the Coney Island kiss marathon, are Betty Burns and Michael Cala brese. NINE CUT OFF FINGERS PRO TESTING EXECUTION TORIO, Japan—Indicating nation wide sympathy, petition after peti tion has been pouring into the office of War Minister Araki asking len iency for 11 cadets who face a court martial for the assassination last year of Premier Inukai. The most0 gruesome arrival con tained nin<| bloodstained little fin gers cut from the hands of the peti tioners and paeked in a box. Accom panying them was a strongly worded resolution requesting leniency. TOM ALLEN SILENT ON STATE POLITICS Tom Allen of Lincoln, brother in law of Governor Bryan and promin ent in Democrat politics, was in Oma ha Wednesday on business. He said he “didn’t know anything” about state politics inasmuch as he has spent two months on vacation at Wig Making, Curls, and etc. AT-7356 FOR RENT—furnished room for man and wife, or single man, 2702 North 27th Street, JAclcson 1628 -I Room for working man. Call JAck-1 son 7058. Furnished Room for Rent, WE. 4162 1525 North 21st Street, 5 room modern Cottage, redecorated, water, garage. ATlantic 5206. FOR RENT—Large front room in modern home, one block from car line. Resit very low, 2429 Lake 84., call WEbster 1529. SPECIAL FOR SAT. and SUNADY— Apples, Hand picked .(Windfalls) 25 cents per bushel, (Wealthy) 45 cents per bushel. Benson Park, 70th and Military Avenue. Cape Cod. Mass. The report that Bryan would be come senator is untrue, however, Allen said. He described it as “old idle talk come back again.” TOO MUCH OF ANY THING KILLS THE MARKET That in Hollywood modesty pays the male more than the female. Male nudes who pose for artists rate $1 an hour—and femmes who pose nude rate only 75 cents for the same time. LOOKING BACK Gadding Children By V|detta Ish (For The Literary Service Bureau) Man is a social being. In thi3 re spect children of the human race manifest the social trait quite early. They like to play. They like to visit and receive visits. Thifcs is helpful, within a limit; but it is a mistake t» allow children to cultivate the gad ding habit until they want never to stay at home Don’t you want your children at home “to themselves” sometimes! Well, your neighbors do, also, some times. Then this habit has a way of fixing it3elf. The little girl who gads will make a big gadder. If mother is not watchful she will not want to do anything at home She will come in the front door, throw down her books and her wraps and run out the back door. My mother’s plan was to assign certain tasks that must be done, be fore we could go out, and to limit the time we might remain away. Also, we had our days out, and more days in. Of course, different mothers use different methods, but the habit should he curbed—and early in life. Shirts Finished 8c When Finished ont of Wet Wash—Thrifty—R. D. Linen Bdlea. EVANS LAUNDRY Phone - JA. 0243 Ross Drug Store Now Located At 2122 N. 24th St. We. 2770 Get Your Chicken for Sunday’s D-l-IM-N-E-R FRESH LARGE HEAVY HENS, Per lb. 13e LEGHORN HENS, Light, Per lb. .. 10c MEDIUM SIZE ROOSTERS, Per lb. 9c HEAVY SPRINGERS, Per lb. .. 15c LEGHORN SPRINGERS, Per lb.12c YOUNG DUCKLINGS, Just right for roast, lb. 12c Strictly fresh Country EGGS, doz..12c & 15c —(Just Brought IA Today)— POULTRY DRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT Omaha Poultry House 1114 Ar. 24th St.-We Deliver W E-1100 ' IlHEUMAllSM? BACKACHE? NEURALBIA? I Da 70* know what you aro taking for ttaaa eonyMaftftl JJ L__ YOU OW* IT TO TOURS*LF TO TIT Clovatabs A WeeteiAi grweripMaa, arieutMleaTiy prwparad ial fuallai mi • phyufdan'i! hospital research‘and erperfenea In private ptaetle*. If ▼n r drns'sni't cannot «rrrrt»Tr wo* SEND FOR A BOY TODAY jj •—DO NOT DELAY—CLOYA-TABS. V».0. Bis 1*. CoBege New York CHy Mall thl* roapon with 5ft cent* VSend no etampaf CLOVA-TABt. r 0 Boa It. Collar* Itatfaa. M*w To** OH? tai ■ Mom* ..... Addnm .. IT.D.. Boo Ho--...** Po*» Offle* . Stot* ..... VAmSSS^———a——