The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 02, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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    RITZ Theatre
Sunday and Monday, Richard Arlen
-SONG of the EAGLE”.
Tues., Wed., Thurs—John Barry
more in “REUNION in VIENNA” al
Friday and Saturday, Helen Hayes
The Sunday afernoon Matinee
Dances which have been inaugurated
at the beautiful Dreamland Hall
from three to seven p m. bid fair to
becoming one of the most popular
amusement spots of the North End
Bill Owens’ popular Clover Leaf
band is furnishing music.
NEW YORK—(CNS)— Both Wal
ter Winchell and the Universal Pic
tures Corporation deny that a girl
wearing the badge of “Miss Harlem
in a recent picture called Beauty on
Broadway” is tooed in the picture.
time ago the management of Howard
Theatre inaugurated amateur night
ever)' Wednesday evening “Local”
talent from miles around has respond
ed to Shep Allen’s appeal in such
numbers that participants in eight or
ten stunts are put on every Wednes
day and Friday nights now in com
petition for cash prizes.
Crowded houses greet the aspiring
amateurs and many of their acts
good over big.
lie Frazier, writer on the Washington
Tribune, writes the most exhaustive
radio program feature that to date
has appeared in any Negro paper. He
has a program of more than 15 maj
ors radio spots, listed for a week,
with station and time given.
The program is of direct interest to
radio listeners in the East. His pro
grams include the following:
The Southarnaires, John Henry,
the Southern Singers, the Mills Bro
thers, Ethel Waters, Riff Brothers,
Elde*r Micheaux, Dixie Riveries,
Rhythm Club, Thomas A Baird,
Jaxon’s Hot Shots, Claude Hopkins’
Orchestra, Duke Ellington, Eva
Jessye Choir, Mills’ Blue Rhythm Or
chestra, Fess William's Orchestra and
the Charioteers.
new Negro revue, at present name
less, is in course of preparation under
the banner of Henry Hammond, Inc.,
it is claimed that “Duke Ellington,
who knows plenty about the subject
is to write the music. Randolph Fish
er is scheduled to provide the book.
It is planned for early Fall, but there
remains a chance that London may
see it before New York.
CAR PORTERS.—Chicago Division
4231 Michigan Avenue
Chicago. Illinois
(Continued from page One)
discussion of “The Negro woman and
the labor movement,” was made in a
challenging, fundamental and charm
ing talk by Miss Thyra J Edwards,
prominent social worker who has re
ceived a scholarship to study political
science in the internationally known
People’s College in Blsinore, Den
mark. She gave a dramatic and vivid
description of the hard and difficult
struggle of the wives and sisters oi
the coal miners in southern Illinois
124th & Lake St.
Webster 0609
f ree Delivery
to help their fathers, brothers and
sons to win a bare subsistance wage
from the despotic coal barons who
have sought to break the miners’
union with the bullets of hired gun
men and things. “Though facing con
stant starvation and eviction, the
miners’ wives banded themselves to
gether in a formidable and militant
ladies’ auxiliary bent on sharing, side
by side, and arm in arm, the bitter
hardships and suffering of their men
in resistting the ruthless and brutal
attacks of the mine bosses,” said Miss
Edwards. “I is not enough to receive
the check of the mine workers and
the women decided that it was their
imperative duty to learn something
about the conditions under which the
checks were earned, and to make
I the*r sacrifice in making those con
ditions better and more tolerable for
their men,” continued Miss Edwards.
An enthusiastic discussion followed
these addresses.
Tueday night, Mr. A Philip Ran
dolph, National President of the Bro
therhood of Sleeping Car Porters,
made the principal address on the
“Present'and Future Program of the
Pullman Porters’ Union.” He predict
ed that the Brotherhood would win
recognition from the Pullman Com
pany, secure a decent wage and the
240-hour work month for the porters.
“Even if there had been no N R A ,
ihe Brotherhood would have won its
fight because of the militant and
aggressive spirit of our movement,”
... Another Shipment of
at a FRACTION of their Original Cost
if you need an electric cleaner get
a Hoover NOW at this low price.
Every one of these machines has
been gone over and remodeled by
the Hoover company.
Each has been equipped with a
oali-bearing beating-s weeping
brush and has a new bag, cord
and belt. All parts are in perfec*
$2195and $2895
So»d oa Easy Terms . . .
Guaranteed for One Year
Nebraska Rower €
Courtesy * Service vLowfUtet
declared Randolph. He scored the
Negro Uncle Toms and stool pigeons
of the Pullman Company, and charged
them with being the worst enemy of
the porters. He pictured the cam
paign of demonstrations and parades
by the porters and Negro workers
generally in New York, in which the
bank of Morgan was picketed and
meetings staged before the doors of
the Pullman offices denouncing the
oppressive tactics of Simon Legree
Superintendents. He expressed great
appreciation for the cooperation and
support the Brotherhood was re
ceiving from the enlightened and pro
gressive Negro papers, churches civic
and fraternal organizations through
out the country, and said that the
greatest need of the American Negro
today is to develop labor mir.dedness
which would enable him to under
stand and appreciate the class and
economic basis of his problem.
Dr Paul H Douglas, head of the
Department of Economics of the Uni
versity of Chicago, and eminent lib
era^ made a searching, scientific,
analytical and comprehensive talk on
the origin, nature, scope and signi
ficance of N R A. Mr. Douglas
was recently appointed expert eco
nomic adviser on codes to the Re
covery Act by President Roosevelt.
He viewed with promise and hope the
development and out come of Presi
dent Roosevelt's recovery legislation,
but also indicate the dangers that
exist which may bring failure and
collapse. He condemned the effort of
the United States Steel Corporation
and automotive industries’ attempts
to maintain company unions and open
shop features in their codes of fair
practices. ^Under N R A , busi
ness is organizing into giant trade
associations as well as developing
strong organzations in plant mana
gement, besides having as a capstans
of its triple organizational structure
the advisory council on industry,
which is composed of the most pow
erful industrial, financial and busi
ness chiefs of America,” said he “If
labor hopes to build a status of power
and influence so that it may win
standards of decency, comfort and
health, and keep its wages steadily
rising with the rapid upturn in prices,
the workers must organize along
parallel lines with capital into indus
trial unions,” continued the Professor.
He praised the new move of the
American Federation of Labcr in
seeking to organize steel and iron,
textiles, rubber, and automotive in
dustries along industrial union linos
through the machinery of the Fed
eral unions. “I am working for the
success of N R. A , though I am
not a partisan in politics, being neith
er affiliated with the Republican .or
democratic parties, because I feel
that if this significant and splendid
effort of the President to conqur and
beat the depression fails, our country
faces the possibility of the 'ise of
Fascism, headed by an American Hit
ler, who will sweep sway all of our
democratic civil and political liber
ties,” declared Professor Douglas. He
ended his talk by urging that the Pull
man porters who are members of the
union be stir themselves in carrying
the message to their fellow workers
and bringing them into the fold of
organization, and expressed his ar
dent wish and hopes that the Bro
therhood should win recognition from
the Pullman Company.
One of the international vice presi
dent of the Brotherhood of Railway
car man, and special correspondent
for “Labor,” organ of the twenty
one standard railroad unions, Mr. E
K Hogan, spoke Thursday night on
the “Trade Union Movement and N.
R A He assured the Pullman port
ers of the support and backing of
their white railroad fellow workers,
and predicted victory for the porters
under the aggressive and courage
ous leadership of the Brotherhood.
He denounced the company union
and yellow dog contract as a species
of industrial tyranny which the N.
R A , is sweeping into eternal ob
Mr. M P Webster, chairman of
the General Executive Board of B
S C. P and who has arranged the
program for the Eighth Anniversary,
made a stirring and able address on
the “Negro worker and the Trade
Union Movement.” “No effort which
does not seek to organize the Negro
workers into trade and industrial
10,000 Dilapidated Cars
i and 20,000 Used .
Auto Parts
Everything Priced to
Sell |
Some and See Us i
- j
Auto Parts Co. ]
16th & Pierce Ja. 3300 \
Consolidated i
Aute -. arts Co. j
2501 Cuming St. At-5656 j
“Home of Kangaroo Court” j
unions is fundamental in attempting
to find a remedy for the vexatious,
perplexing, and persistent economic
problems of the workers in this
machine era,” said he “Unless the
Negro workers become a part of. and
participate in, the broad and general
program of industrial readjustment
that is being formulated and worked
out by the organized labor move
ment, they will face the future with
out hope or promise.” He asserted
that the only logical and proper place
for the black workers was in the
American Federation of Labor where
they can struggle in cooperation with
the white workers to build a power
ful labor movement and fight to
achieve industrial justice.
Mr. Hennie Smith, second vice
president of the Brotherhood, who
because of his militant fight to or
ganize the porters in Jacksonville,
Florida, was forced to leave by con
spiracies of the Pullman company
against him, gave an interesting and
entertaining description of the opera
tion of the employee representation
plan and of his experinc in the Pull
man wage conferences, one agree
ment of which, despits great pressure
by higlf Pullman officials, he refused
to sign.
Hie IJfrotHe^hc^d’s anniversary
week closed with a delighful and
beautiful dance in Forum hall.
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
Wife found letter in husband’s
pocket — husband declares it was a
trap and demands she apologize for
spying—husband may be stalling, but
wife better make peace and stop
(For advice, write Maxie Miller,
care of Literary Service Bureau, 51.6
Minnesota Avenue, Kansas City,
Kansas. For personal reply, send
self-addressed, stamped envelope.)
Maxie Miller: I am in trouble. I
suspected my husband was interested
in another woman, so I looked in his
pocket and fou^.d a letter addressed
to this woman. Instead of begging
me pardon, my husband raised the
devil, accuses me of syping, demands
that I beg him pardoa, or he’ll quit
me. Now, what do you think of that?
What should I do?—Jealous Wife.
Jealous Wife-: It is a mistake for
any woman to go prowling and spy
ing in that way. What you don’t
know won’t hurt you, and you’ll al
most surely find something when
you look for something. Perhaps he
was trying to catch you, and perhaps
he is just stalling and getting him
self out. But you can never know
w-hich. Perhaps all husbands do some
philandering, so, you’d better make
terms, this time, and then keep out
of your husband’s pockets. Swallow
your medicine and improve.—Maxie
AT $12.00
MEMPHIS, Tenn.—One of the
many instances of how the NRA is
affecting the Negro in the South was
reported here to the Memphis branch
of the N A A C P. from the Tri
State manufacturing company of
this city. This eompany discharged
fourteen colored workers on July 31,
the day before the code went into ef
fect and hired whites. One of the
colored women discharged had work
ed there for nine years and another
for seven years with no complaints
against their efficiency. They worked
eight hours and forty-five minutes a
day for $4.50 a week. The whites are
working eight houas a day for $12 a
Philip Alexander Bruce, historian and
biographer and brother of former
United States Senator William Cab
ell Bruce of Maryland, died on Wed
nesday night at his home in Char
lottesville, Va., near the University
of Virginia, after a long illness.
He was the author of many public
ations appeared over a period of more
than forty years, from “The Planta
tion Negro as a Freeman,” 1888 to
“The Virginia Plutarch,” which was
issued in two volumes by the Univer
sity of North Carolina Press in 1929.
| laundry...
for your Apparel and
We offer the QUALITY
and SERVICE that you
You know our phone—
j WE-6055
i Edtioim & Sherman
A month ago, after an arduous
journey up the Missouri from Mem
phis, Tennessee, the 180-foot river
steamer, “Valley Queen,” docked at
the foot of Douglas Street with the
hopes of giving the people of Omaha
and vicinity something new in the
way of entertainment.
In less than a week after the ar
rival of the boat, Omahans and visit
ors were sold on the idea that Iht
Missouri River is not merely the
dividing line between Iowa and Neb
raska but something that can be
used for pleasure.
Crowds nearing the capacity num
ber of 650 have flocked o the excur
sion boat every evening for a three
hour trip down the river and back.
On Saturday evenings two trips, one
at 9 p m , and another at 1 a m ,
have been necessary to accommodate
the overflow crowds. And for those
not caring for the evening dance
trips, the “Valley Queen” makes aft
ernoon sightseeing excursions on Sat
urday and Sunday.
The novelty of boating in Nebraska
is one explanation for the steamer s
popularity, but more important than
that are the facts that it is always
cool on the river, that the music is
good and the crowds congenial.
Officers of the Omaha Navigation
Company, which operates the “Valley
Queen,” have expressed themselves as
well pleased with the recepton which
their boat has received. “According
to various conversations I have had
with patrons,” one officer said, “the
crowds are coming aboard night aft
er night, not because it is something
new and different to do, but rather
because it is the most pleasant and
comfortable place to dance in Oma
Forest W'ork Money Also Is Provided
for Nebraska
Formal allotment of $14,211,108 of
federal funds for public works in
Nebraska was announced Wednesday
in Associated Press dispatches from
Washington and from Denver, Colo
The chief item is that of $14,158,
108 for channel development work on
the Missouri river between Kansas
City and Sioux City. Other items in
cluded eight thousand dollars for
roads and trails in national forests
in this state and 45 thousand dollars
for other improvements in the nat
ional forests of Nebraska.
Nearby States to Benefit
Neighboring states also will ben
efit by forest service allotments as
follows: For roads and trails, Colo
rado, 271 thousand dollars; Wyom
ing, 76 thousand dollars; South Dak
ota, 59 thousand dollars; Oklahoma,
three thousand dollars. For other
forest service improvements; Colo
rado, 392 thousand dollars; Wyom
ing, 125 thousand dollars; South
Dakota, 110 thousand dollars; Okla
homa, 83 thousand dollars.
Still another big allotment close to
Nebraska—that of $22,700,000 for the
Casper Alcova irrigation project in
Wyoming—was announced Wednes
day by the public works board.
Earlier, it announced allocations of
$15,415,000 for construction work on
14 irrigation projects in Arizona,
Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mex
ico, Texas, Oregon and Utah and $2,
250,000 for the naval hospital at
Other Large Allotments
Other larger allotments included 50
million dollars to the Tennessee val
ley authority; 100 million dollars to
the farm credit administration; 40
million dollars to the civilian corps;
of subsistence homesteads; $43,986,
25 million dollars for establishment
956 for flood control on the lower
Mississippi river; $44,460,000 for re
clamation, including 38 million dollars
for Boulder dam; and $11,500,000 for
continuation of work on the nine foot
channel in the upper Mississippi river.
A loan of $37,500,000 to the port of
New York authority for a midtown
vehicular tunnel under the Hudson
river brought total allotments from
the public works fund to $1,325,896,
Lawrence W Oxley of Raleigh,
North Carolina, who was in the city
during the past week, was strictly
non commital as to presistent rumors
that he was soon to come to town to |
take a position under the new Ad
It is definitely known, however,
that Mr Oxley came to the Capital
to consult with the two Senators from
North Carolina and that he is slated
for an appointment soon to some
position a little if not quite different
Omaha Makes
Makes Omaha
Haskin Soap Co.
from anything ever given the Negro
under Republican regimes.
Those claiming to be in the know”
say that Oxley will get something
very good and that very soon. In fact
the date has been set, they say, for
his coming and the position he will
be appointed to, but definite informa
tion could neither be obtained from
Mr” Oxley himself; “those in the
know,” or Administration leaders, as
to just what that very good thing will
Washington Branch of the National
Technical Association elected its dele
gates a few days ago to attend the
National meeting, which will be held
in Chicago September 1 to 4
John A Lankford, Architect is a
delegate and one of the National
Vice President’s. Mr Lankford will
address the Convention on “The Ne
gro in the Field of Inventon.” Mr.
Harold A. Haynes, President of the
Washington Branch will speak on,
“Technical Education at Howard
University.” The National Technical
Association is composed of the leading
Architects Engineers, Chemist and
persons of the allied professions the
leading Architecs, Engineers, Chem
ist and persons of the allied profes
sions throughout the coontry. Char
les S Duke, of Chicago, is the Presi
determined effort to wrest control of
the National Benefit Life Insurance
Company from the hands of its two
white receivers and reorganize into
a mutual life insurance company, J
Finley Wilson, has submitted as in
tervener, a comprehensive plan, to
the District of Columbia Supreme
The plan submitted through his at
torneys is based on a document filed
in that court in July, 1933 and calls
for the operation and management of
the company by its policy-holders, as
According to he plan the court is
requested to order the receivers, Gil
brt A Clark and Frank Bryan, Jr ,
to show cause why they should not
immediately file a full report of the
financial condition of the company up
to and including August 15
In addition, the petition specifies
that the receivers should also show
cause why they should not “cooper
ate to the fullest degree” with Mr
Wilson to secure necessary author
ization from all policyholders to
carry out the plan of mutualization;
also why they should not utilize to
the fullest extent the present field
agents and employees in furtherance
of the plan.
The plan, as now submitted by Mr
Wilson’s attorneys, is supplemental
to the one filed in July and is based
on the report filed by the receivers,
December 15, 1932. This report set
forth that the total value of the as- i
sets distributable as equities to
policy holders amounted to $1,060,
763.06, as of September 9, 1931.
The Wilson plan is also based upon :
the theory that the assets in the
hands of the receivers, remaining af
ter the cost of the receivership is de
ducted, and all claims are settled, are
the property of the policy holders. It
is upon the value of these distribut
able equities that Intervener Wilson
expects to secure the basis for the
working capital in the organization
of a mutual life insurance company.
It is claimed that the Wilson plan
affords a method for the utilization
of approximately 75 per cent of the
company’s assets, listed as real es-1
tate, through cooperation of the
policy holders, to prevent a total loss,
which would likely reclaims on an
equitable basis.
The proposed mutual company, for
which a charter has already been
worked out, would be organized under
the legal reserve plan. Equities dis
tributable to the policy holders would
be the basis for the working capital.
The new company would take over
the assets and insurance business of
the National Benefit and provide for
the settlement of all claims against
As a medium for transferring the
assets, business, and claims of the
National Benefit to the new com
pany, a contract of reinsurance
would be entered into between the
receivers and the hew company.
In the event that the assets turned
over to the new company are inade
quate to meet the obligations, the
plan is to compose the differences
with the policy holders by either of
the following methods:
(a) By reducing the amount of
insurance and the premiums propor
(b) Ey reducing the amount of
insurance, the premiums remaining
the same.
(c) By increasing premiums, the
insurance remaining the same.
(d) By the imposition of a lien.
Under a suggested moratorium uo
;ash surrender or loan values on any
if the business reinsured, based upon
;he present reserve would be paid by
:he new company prior to the ex
piration of five years from the ef
fective date of the contract of rein
surance. The said moratorium would
pot apply to any values created by
premiums paid subsequent to the ef-,
'ective date of the contract of rein
In the event the court grants In-,
tervener Wilson permission to trv
out his plan, a period of 90 days j.
requested for the perfection of the
reorganization. The petition also pro
vides for instruction to the receivers
They would bom directed by the
court to extend to him the full ami
unlimited facilities of the receiver
ship, and to make available to him
the entire agency and other employes
for the purpose of presenting the re
organization plan to the policy holders
and creditors of the company. The
employee^ would also be used in se
curing from them whatever author
ization might be found necessary.
prosecution of Sheriff R I, Sham
blin, of Tuscaloosa County, Alabama,
on charges of criminal negligence
and complicity in permitting two
Negroes in his care to be lynched on
August 13 while en route from Tus
caloosa to Birmingham, was demand
ed of Attorney General Cummings
by an interracial delegation of more
than twenty leaders here Thursday
August 24 Mr Cummings and his
assistant gave the delegation headed
by Charles H Houston, of the How
ard Law School, arid Allan Taub, one
of the 1 L P attorneys, slight at
tention and little encouragement; a*
they presented the charges to the
legal representatives of the Depart
ment of Justice.
Scheduled for an interview with
Assistant Attorney General William
Stanley at 12 o'clock noon, the dele
gation did not gain admission to his
presence until 3:30. Mr Houston
presented the delegation to Assistant
Attorney General Stanley, and Allan
Taub, one of the I L D Attorneys,
who was driven out of Tuscaloosa by'
a mob for attempting to defend the
two victims, presented a brief setting
forth the charges against the sheriff
and outlining his personal exper
iences in the southern town, and es
pecially the hostile attitude taken by
the people "f the town, both citizens
and officials.
After a full presentation of the
case to the Assistant Attorney Gen
eral, the delegation also called on
Mr Cummings, the Attorney Gen
Among the delegation who called
on the Attorney General and his as
sistant were: Charles H Houston,
Allan Taub, Carol W. King, secretary
of the International Judicial Asso
ciation; New York City, August W
Gray, President of the Washington.
D C Bar Assertion, James G
White of Philadelphia; Edward Kun
tz, Max Posner an4 Samuej Goldberg,
attorneys for the I L D , of New
York City; Bishop E D W Jones,
of the A M E Zion Church, South
eastern Diocese; B V Lawson, N
Nichols, Bernard Ados, of famous
Euel Lee Case; Mr Levins, Miss A
M Detzer, of the International Lea
gue for Peace and Fredom; F W
Adams, Regional Director of the Nat
ional Bar Association, Nathan Dob
bins and Mrs Posner.
Federal Aid Promised Cloned Schools
The National Urban League is ask
ing leaders among Negroes in all
sections of the country to read fol
lowing authorization sent to gover
nors and state emergency relief ad
ministrators by Harry L Hopkins,
Administrator of the Federal Emer
gency Relief Administration. This
ruling, if applied to Negro teachers
and schools, will enable many of those
closed for lack of funds to be open
ed. The ruling as follows:
“To The Governors and State Emer
gency Relief Administrators:
Your relief commission is author
ized to use Federal relief funds now
available or to be made available by
the Federal Emergency Relief Ad
ministration to pay work relief wages
to needy unemployed teachers or
other persons competent to teach and
assign them to class rooms up
through the eighth grade, provied;
first, that these teachers are assign
?d by the relief officers to appropriate
educational authorities who will have
entire supervision over their activi
ties; secondly, provided that they are
assigned only to those schools which
prior to this date have been ordered
closed or partially closed for the
coming school year because of lack
of funds; third, this applies only to
rural counties. State Relief Admin
istrations are also authorized and
urged to pay from above funds relief
work wages to needy unemployed
persons competent to teach adults
unable to read and write English
This applies to cities as well as rural
counties. Under no circumstances
should relief funds be used to relieve
counties of their proper responsibility
for education, nor should these activi
ties permit the substitution relief
teachers for regulaily emplo/ed tea
Yours very sincerely,
Harry L Hopkins, Administrator.
CARBQNDALE, 111—Night Chief
of Police L A Sizemore, 54, was
shot to death today and an hour later
four officers shot and killed Joe
prendson, 29, Negro, when he opened
fire as they sought to arrest him for