t/SjDR. Q B. LENNOX GETS MARRIED v:.V, *-•-0-O- -O-0-O-0- -0-0-0-0- -0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0_ “Help Make A Place in An Unbridled, — the Sun for \ our Boys Outstanding— and Girls, by Making Mouthpiece The Omaha Guide for Your Community A Stronger Factor “The Omaha Guide In Your Community k Yoiir Paper” U __ VOL. VII.— _Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, August 26, 1933 Number Twenty-Seven. Tune In ^ “DIGESTING! The NEWS”! < < ! BROADCAST!',! \ Every Week from this Colamc J 1 By CLIFFORD C. MITCHELL 1 mursnrr (o.'s and Burial Societies The recent convention of the Inde pendent National Funeral Directors Association which convened in Chi cago has provoked much controversy m the press and elsewhere on the at titude of certaia Undertakers against the practice >f other Undertakers who also operate Burial Societies. Always desirous of interpreting the latest -urrent phase of Negro Busi ness in keeping with the be3t business practices I sought and obtained an opinion from successful insurance executives on the Burial Society busi ness and these opinions, boiled down, and written in my own language con tain a real news story for our press and readers. In the first place the people are S' .d on the Burial society methods or they would not prove profitable to some and obnoxious to others. The weak point, and perhaps the most unsound feature of the private bur ial societies is that such operations are with out state supervison by the insurance department; and thua the element of security, legal reserve pro visions. etc., are not maintained or at least guaranteed. It seems to n>, ywe or less, the policy «# the protecting Undertakers to force their fellow-practicioners who operate Burial Societies to either participate in a straight out and out nsurmaee business or to abide by the assumed strict ethics of the majority of the conservative Undertaken. And h» some communities these antagon istic efforts have brought on much wordy war-fare between the various cliques Son** of these Burial Societies have grown to unbelievable propor tions and it was reported to he on good authority that one such concern in Chicago, the Metropolitan Funeral System Association maintain a staff of nearly one hundred agents and has| a collectable debit of around seven! thousand dollars weekly. For s few cents a week they offer a complete funeral, in lieu pf cash, including grave, casket, robe, undertaking ser vice including the use of the chapel, and a minister. Many other concerns have undertaken this same service with leas success. Only recently when the National Negro Insurance Association met in Chicago this same subject, so I am told, was hotly discussed. Some mem bers of the Association were all in favor of waging a fight on the Bur ial Societies with a view of driving them out of business. Other execu tive*. however, maintained that any Negro Business that was so success fully selling itself to the Negro pub lic contained many germs of good business that could be adopted by the successful insurance companies and vastly improved upon, with a guarantee of financial safety to the insured. As a result of this conference many of the insurance concerns have adopted the good and salable points of the Burial Societies and hacked by guaranteed reserves ard the added protection of state-supervision, they) are offering a much more attractive policy to the public. One company, he Supreme Liberty Life Insurance Company, is offering policies on five classes of funerals, ranging from $140 to $500, which in-1 elude, in the larger policies, a bronzed | finish metallic casket; rough box; grave in local cemetery; removal; embalming: hearse; three limousins; shroud; one head marker and a floral wreatch, or in lieu of the grave and box in local cemetery will ship the body anywhere within a radius of one thou send miles of Chicago, and all for Just a few cents a week, thus pro Tiding everything that a Burial Society can offer plus the assured hacking at hundreds of thousands of dollars sad a supervised protection that ae burial society can possibly NEWLYWEDS' SI URBAN LEAGUE FIGHTS EVASIUN UF NRA MRS. G. B. LENNOX I.L.D. Reiterates De mands To hAA CP. Leadership Calls for Turning Over of Money, Answer to Questions Raised by I. L. D.; And Answers Queries by White and Company NEW YOR—A further demand that the national leaders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People not only turn over the hundreds of dollars collected by them ostensibly for Scottsboro defense to the International Labor Defense, the only organization authorized to col lect funds for this case, but that it answer the questions raised in pre vious letters of the International Labor Defense, was made in a letter addressed to them by William L. Patterson, national secretary of the I L D , and made public today. “As a working class defense or ganization and a defender of the right of oppressed minorities, it is our historic task to go ever deeper to the real masses, drawing them into the struggle on the basis of a correct program for the defense of their con stitutional rights and against nation al oppression, at the same time des troying your pernicious influence among them and as well among the middle class. These letters afford us this opportunity to expose you. We must therefore admit that you are (Continued on Page 2) Would Put Study of Ne gro History In All Public ScKools NASHVILLE, Tenn—That “a text-, book giving a faithful account of the contribution of the American Negro to the life of our country” should be prepared and studied in all public schools, white and colored, was the unanimous recommendation of a con ference representing the state de partments of education of all the Southern states, meeting last week at George Peabody College, this city. This rcommendation was made by the Committee on Findings and was adopted by the entire group without a dissenting word. Further setting forth its viewpoint, the conference said: “There should he taught in both white end colored schools those things that will build up in the lives of the people of both 1 races such a knowledge of the factors involved in a bi-racial civilization and such mutual understanding as will promote good will, fair play, and a spirit of co-operation that will enable, us all to work together as one for a safer, a saner, and a more fruitful) civilization.” It was further recommended that each state department of education (Continued an Page 3) SEE THE BABIES ON PARADE Joaisr Musical at ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Tkanfay Night, Aagast SI, 1SSS DR. G. B. LENNOX Prominent Local Doctor Marries N. Y. Girl Dr. G B Lennox, prominent Omaha physician and civic leader of 2527 Patrick Avenue will present his many Omaha friends to a pleasant surprise when he arrives in the city Sunday afternoon from Chicago with the former Miss Viola Richard, but now Mrs G B Lennox Mrs. Len nox is a native of New York City where she is well known both in so ciety and business circles. She has been employed in one of New York’s largest banking institution as private secretary to one of the banking offi cials for quite awhile. The happy couple will be accompanied by the brides’ mother. The marriage cere mony was performed in Washington, D. C. The Mr. and Mrs. Lennox will reside at 2527 Patrick Avenue. A Boat Excursion On the Good Ship, “Valley Queen” On August 28, 1933 will be spon sored by the Stamps Brothers. The boat is equipped with every modern convenience possible. Card table and a regular dance Hall is available on •second deck Every person should take this opportunity of enjoying himself. Dancing on the Muddy Waters of the Missouri to the music of the Red Hot Dixie Ramblers will be divine and dining and partaking of the delicious beer and wine wi'll be paradise Itself. You can’t aflflord to miss this very rare treat that comes once in a lifetime. Smiling waitress will greet you with a-la carte service. The Sunset Cab3 and others will take passengers from any point on 24th Street to and from the bridge for 10 cents. This arrangement was made possible by the Stamps boys for your convenience so let tis all support them. Reports Negroes Denied Home Loan Aid In Memphis MEMPHIS, Tenn.—Negroes are complaining here that the Memphis appraiser of the Home Owners Loan corporation is openly prejudiced a g"?nst colored applicants for aid to save their homes. The appraiser, Percy Galbreath, is quoted by the Memphis Commercial Appeal as saying in effect that pro perties owned by 'Negroes were not eligible for federal aid because Ne groes owed to much on the principal whereas white property owners were eligible to receive aid from the gov ernment Galbreath said he found Negroes who had paid only $200 on the prin cipal of a $2,000 investment and owed as much as $300 in taxes. He said nothing about the white people except that they were eligible for relief. / The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, af ter receiving a report from its Mem phis branch, wrote to William F Stevenson, Washington, D. C , i-hofr man of the Federal Home Loan Bank board, pointing out the evident preju dice of Appraiser Galbreath and ask ing fairer consideration for Negro applicants, appointment of Negro ap praisers or at least of appraisers whose minds were not made up as soon as they saw the color of the ap plicant. The N A A C P charged Ne gro home buyers in many sections had been overcharged on the pur chase price of their homes and had had special interest rates applied to them as well as high premiums for refinancing. The association also cited reports that in many cities poor Negroes had had their homes sold in foreclosures without their knowledge, and had continued to pay the monthly or weekly amounts in the belief they were still buying their home*. The association cited the startling revela-: tiora of trickery, cheating and over charging after the tornado of Sept, ember, 1927 swept through the Negro district of St Louis, Ho. Some of the Negroes whe tried te Spaulding to Head Nation-Wide Organization for Negro Workers Deluged with bitter complaints from all sections of the country to the effect that Negro workers are be ing systemtieally excluded from the benefits of the NRA and in many cases discharged to make room for white workers. T Arnold Hill, Di rector of the Department of Indus trial Relations of the National Urban League announced upon his return from the Washington office of the League, that Emergency Advisory Councils for Negro Workers, to be designated by the initials E A C , were in the process of formation by the Urban League throughout the country There will be a National Council, State Councils, and local Councils in all principal centers. C C Spauld ing, President of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, has agreed to serve as the Chairman of the National Council. He will have associated with him prominent men and women from all parts of the country. The purpose of these Councils will be to ascertain the facts relative to the charges being made by local Ne gro leaders that governmental ma chinery designed to bring back pro sperity to the American farmers and workers is guilty of gross discrim ination on the basis of race in hand ling relief, home loans, reforestation, reemployment, minimum wages and maximum hours of employment and other features of the NRA program. The E A. C will organize public opinion and inform Negroes as to the benefits to which they are entitled under the various acts passed by Congress for the rehabilitation of in dustry and agriculture. Jesse O. Thomas. Southern Field Director of the Urban League i* now making personal investigation of com plaints that by subterfuge and eva sion the Negro in the South is denied participation in the plans for recov ery. In a statement to the press, Mr. Hill said: “The Urban League is deter mined that the Negro shall re ceive his rights as a citizen in the administration of the plans for natonal recovery. As a matter of fact, there can be no national recovery if the twelve million Ne groes are excluded from the benefits which the Administration hopes to obtain by the extraor dinary measures passed by the recen^ Congress.” High officials in the Government have assured the Urban League that a Negro will be appointed on the Ad visory Council of the United States Employment Service. The League has also been instrumental in having Washington authorities recommend that each State Employment Advisory Committee of the United States Em ployment Service give special at tention to the problems of Negro workers. The Urban League as an organization has always maintained that Negroes should receive the same pay for the same work as other workers, and it ha-3 not departed from that principle. get their homes refinanced after the storm found they had no homes. The Red Cross, handling rehabiliation of all races found great differences in the interest rates charged whites and Negroes. The N A A C P points out to the Home Loan Bank board head that the position of the Negro home owner may not be always his fault and therefore his cases should be carefully studied by officials who know of his special roubles. GORDON TRIAL POSTPONED TO AUGUST 7 NORFOLK, Va. — Trial of Russell Gordon, 13-year.old Negro boy frame on a charge of "raping" a woman MAN SHOT THREE TIMES Wilbur Taylor, Negro, 2623 North Twenty-sixth street, was shot three times, once in a hip and omco in each leg, early Monday at 2219 Seward street, where he became involved in an argument with Mr and Mrs Ar thur Patterson, Negroes, 1514 North Twentieth street. Patterson, who with his wife was arrested for inves tigation, said he shot Taylor when Taylor threatened to cut him with a knife, police said. Taylor is in Coven ant hospital. Patterson is said to have shot three other people at previous times. twice his size and nearly three times his age, has been postponed until August 7 The International Labor Defense is carrying on a mass and legal campaign for his release Colored Youths Get Operators’ License After 8 months marked by many dfissappo»intment^ \3 examinations, several City Council hearings and much outside commotion; Paul Bar nett and Boyd V Galloway were fin ally awarded license by the Building Department which gives them the authority to operate motion picture machines in the city of Omaha. They received their license Monday, Aug ust 21 after passing an examination which was held in the Building De partment and Military Theatre. This is the first time in the history of Nebraska that a Negro has held sueh license. The management of the Rita Theatre ha3 expressed its willingness te employ colored operators when ever license could Be procured. The two young men have made ap plications to join the local Operators' Union. Chest Drive Warming Up The eleventh( annual campaign of the Omaha Community Chest will be held from October 31st to November 9th, according to an announcement made by W F Cozad, chairman of the 1933-34 campaign to raise funds for the social welfare and relief needs of Omaha. Preliminary campaign group meet ings have already started, Cozad said. “The needs of the 30 Community Chest agencies will be as great du ring the next twelve months as they have been during the past year,” said Cozad. “The fact must* be em phasized that Federal Relief funds are only available for relief of fam ilies suffering from unemployment. These federal funds canr.ot be used for cases of dependency resulting from illness, desertion, old age, children without homes, community health work, character building and its importance in keeping up comm unity morale, and the many other ob jectives of a community-wide social welfare program.” “The regular constructive work of the Community Chest and its many agencies that was carried on before the unemployment situation ever ex isted must be continued,” Cozad add ed. “There is a vital need for funds to carry on this work.” “The Community Chest funds were never adequate enough to carry the great burden of unemployment relief. That is why Douglas County, through Joint Emergency Service assisted in this type of relief work. The Federal Government is not going to take over the entire relief load of Omaha. It will depend, as elaerwher, upon local resources to aid in family relief work. MEET MB ON THE TALLEY QUEEN* AUGUST WTH.