The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 12, 1933, Page 6, Image 6
SOCIAL Q _ • _ + CLUBS AFFAIRS ''O-O-Cl-e-T-yV ORGANIZATIONS Page 6 _Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, August 12,1933_ Personals Mr- James Glover, 2417 Caldwell Stre v.ho lelt July 3 to visit her sister in Chicago, has returned to her hom» after a wonderful trip. While in Chicago, she visited the World’s Fair .VIr- Jack Oglesby is visiting her husia and fiiends in Chicago and is <?n. eying the wonders of the W Fair She expects to return to Omaha about the last of August. J • ! Ogifsby, musician, who has beer living in the windy city for the -urru. < months, and has been ar_ ranging for the best musical units, inclu rsr Ben Pollack, expects to re_ main th« e indefinitely Greetings froir Jack to all his old friends, and he h. to see them all at a “Cen_ tury of Progre i ” Mr and Mrs Ogle*!;.- an* stopping at 4923 South Parkway Apt 2 in Chicago .V Beulah Speese left Friday for a vi.--,t with relatives and friends in Quincy. Illinois Mr and Mrs Miles Speese and Mr \ hit* Stewart, father of Mrs Sp e < left Sunday morning for a visit a: Dunning, Nebraska with the sister of Mrs Speese. Sir. .. i Mrs. Arthur Flanagan of 2817 Brin. \ St,, entertained Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. D. Washington of Washington, D. C. Covers were laid Ur eight. Mr Sam Wead, 2434 Grant St., gave a surprise party in honor of her aun:. Mr.-. James Crum, who left for Florida Thursday evening to visit relatives and friends. Mr- Cram received many useful gifts The color scheme was pink and green. Fried chicken was serv_ ed. Everyone enjoyed themselves. M r- Mary Jones and Mrs. Ann ye Brayboy. 2601 Grant Street gave a watermelon party in honor of Mrs. Jame- Crum, who left for Florida Thursday evening. Among the guest present was Bishop J. P. F. Stuckey, Mrs. James Crum, 2607 Decatur St. left to visit friends and relatives in Florida, where she will remain the rest of the summer. Before she re_ turns she will visit her husbands’ sister in Buffalo, New \Jt,rk, She will also visit the World'B Fair and friends in Chicago. We all wish her a pleasant trip. The Misses Katherine and Johnnie Fay Peters have returned to their home in Texarkana, Texas after spending an enjoyable five weeks with their aunt. Mrs. John Archie, 506 So. 21st Avenue. These two attractive young ladies had such a delightful time while here in Omaha that they expressed the de_ •ire to return in the near future for a longer visit. Mrs Pauline Hayden, proprietor of The Hayden Cash Market, 27th and Franklin and her father Mr John Blackburn left Friday for Clarksville, Ark ansa- They will motor to Little Rock and other points in Arkansas. On their return they will bring Mrs. Lena Blackburn back with them. Mrs Blackburn is the mother of Mrs. Hayden Mrs Hayden and Mr Hayden purchased the grocery store at 27th and Franklin Streets a few years ago, and we are happy to say that they are one of the very successful young business’ couples in our city They have a complete line of fresh fruits, groceries, and meats at all times. Mrs Hayden and Mr Blackburn will be gone about eight or ten days Mrs E.-tella Hayes, 2863 Miami spent the week_end with her father, who lives in Brunswick, Mo A luncheon was given by Mrs Mattie Payton 'in honor of Mrs Moore, of Kansas City, Mo Guest were: Mrs E Patton, Mrs Edith Cartwright, Mrs Josie Irvin, Mrs Louise Foster, Mrs Eva Phillips, Mrs O Budsong, and Mrs Jose, phine Davis. Miss Dorothy Patterson, of Los Angeles State College, came here from Los Angeles, California to visit I Buy Your Bottled 4 Goods Ice-Cold at No i Extra Cost from Our { New Electric Refriger- ^ ated Bar. . - 2 Robinson Drug Co. f —Free Delivery— j WE. 5000 f her aunt, Mrs Pete Lindley, 2526 Wirt Street. Miss Patterson will spend some, time in .Chicago and Detroit before returning to school. The Square Deal Stores held their meeting Tuesday evening in the new restaurant owned by Mr Adams and Mr Avant at 24th and Patrick A alesman from Procter and Gamble Soap Company made a short talk, trssing the fact that prices are go. in ' up, and that the time for buying is row while things are not quite so high He urged them to buy another car of soap Mrs Bell made a short talk and gave some helpful hints to the mem. b r stores, one of which was to stamp “Square Deal Stores” on all rders to whole sale houses. “To do :his will mean helping ourselves to! g t more advertising,” she said. Swift and Company are offering 'be Square Deal Stores free electrals 'his week They will stage a contest, i.nd free samples of soap will be giv. en The Square Deal Stores are giv. ing away FREE a bushel basket of groceries each week stanling this • c-k at Adams Grocery, 1313 North 26th Street. Saturday, August 12, at 6 o'clock n m the person holding the lucky number will receive a basket of groceries. The Central States Golf Association elects officers Sunday, August 6, for 1934 The election is as follows: Charles P Howard, Des Moines, la., president; Dan Rife, Kansas City, first vice.president; Jess C Hutten, C naha, second vice president; J. D. Crawford, Omaha, secretary; Lon M. Tillman, Kansas City, treasurer Board of Directors are: Thomas Wil_ liams, Kansas; Arthur B McCaw, Omaha; Sam Shephard, St Louis, Mo ; Ray Todd, Des Moines, Iowa; Ptndelton Murray, Omaha Mr Billy Young celebrated his 26th birthday at the Elk’s Cabaret Saturday, August 5, 1933. He had a large birthday cake The cake sand, wiches and punch were served. Miss LaVerne Wesley acted as hostess The guests included: Mesdames Hor. tense Jones, Daisy Gaiter, Mildred Faxhall, Anna Woods, Mary Johnson, Geraldine Lewis, and some few oth. ers; the Messrs Brown, La Rue Gater, Joe Allen, Jean Lewis, Fred Johnson, and Tommy Lewis Mrs Corrine McDaniels returned from a visit to the World’s Fair in Chicago While there she stopped with Mrs S J Killes She says the Fair is a wonderful scene to ob_ serve Miss Jean Washington of Chicago, and formerly of Omaha is visiting her grandmother, Mrs Minnie Brown, and friends Mr and Mrs Wilson, 2301 North 22nd Street Mrs Ishmael Phanes, of St Louis, Mo , is in the city visiting her sister, Mrs Earl Wheeler, at 3011 North 30 Street Mrs Phanes is accompanied by her little aughter, Joan three and a half years of age They will pro. bably be here about three weeks or male Mr Columbus Caldwell, formerly of Omaha, now residing in Iowa, was a visitor in the city for a few hours. He was a caller at Mrs Kellog Smith’s home 2213 North 25th Street. Mrs Fluma Cooper arrived in Omaha Tuesday from Kansas City where she attended the funeral of her father, and left at 11:30 p m of th same day for Monrova, California. I She now resides there at 312 East Walnut Street. Mr and Mrs. Alston, of New York City, left Omaha last Saturday night at 8 p m , for Chicago, where they will spend three or four days enroute to their home. Mrs Alston will be remembered as Miss Geneva Mabry, sister of the late Mrs Dan Desdunes. She is now married to Mr Alston, who is in Postal service in New York City. They were here for about a Week I The condition of Alfred Jones is reported as being good The Nay Brothers spent a couple of days in Iowa last week filling en_ gagements. There will be a complete change of program at the Elk’s Cabaret for the ; coming week. There will be plenty of i high class singing, dancing, and en_ tertainment that will furnish amuse, ment for all Topsy will be featured in some of her newest, and most pop. | ular roles The Elite Club will hold its Annual Ball Thursday night August 10 at the T lk’s Cabaret. Music and entertain, ment will be furnished by Nay’s Topsy Roost Revue A large crowd is expected, so make reservations early. Mrs Esther Hicks, 2405 Charles Street, entertained Rev R W Johnson, pastor of the Metropolitan i Church, at a six o'clock dinner Covers were laid for six The guest ; were Mrs Georgia Peoples, Mr. Wil. » Hams Kiles, and Mr R L Noalls, i from Kansas City Mr D Muldrew, ex_soldier and I husband of Mrs Ethel Muldrew, passed away at the Veteran’s Hospital in Lincoln Tuesday Funeral services were held at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church Eh- B B Martin and Mr Horace Burkett, of Memphis, Tenn , are visiting with Professor Hemingway, who is a teacher at Fisk University. I Dr Martin is one of the leading den_ 1 tist of Memphis Mr. Burkett and his mother operate one of the largest beauty colleges in Memphis. Dr. Martin has a hobby of baseball, and is manager of the Memphis Red Sox. They will be in Omaha about a week er ten days. Mr and Mrs Leslie Shipman,- and daughter, Madline, and Mis® Melva McCaw, left Monday morning on a motor trip to Chicago to attend the Century of Progress. Mrs H Greenfield is steadily im_ 1 proving in the Methodist Hospital after an operation. Her condition is reported good . i Mrs Tommy McCowan is recover, ing satisfactorily from an operation a few weeks ago at Lord Lister Hos. pital She was released from the hospital last Monday, and is now at her home. Miss Nora Louder of Cody, Wyo., has been in the city for the past three weeks. Miss Louder, underwent an operation at Lord Lister Hospital, while here. She is the house guest of her mother and sister at 2902, Decatur Street Mrs. Ella Hamilton, 1211, Strat. ford Road, Kansas City, Mo., paid a flying visit to Omaha, to see her sis. ter, Mrs Mary Fraser, who is ill at a local hospital Mrs Anna Mitchell, 2609 Seward Street is convalesencing at home having undergone an operation at the St Joseph Hospital recently -' Mrs Penn, 2502% Maple Street, has gone to Kansas City, for a few weeks visit. Mr Harry Leland made a business trip to Lincoln. Nebraska, Tuesday. Mrs Mary Williams, 2508 Lake Street, Pastor of the David Temple Spiritual Church, Omaha, has return, ed to the City having spent the week end in Kansas City, Mo. Mother Esther Dixon 26th and Maple Street, has returned home, af_ ter holding a series of meetings in Lincoln, Nbraska. Mrs Jessie Leland was hostess to j a small group of ladies Friday, even. ing. “Old Folk Home Picnic”. The members of the Colored Old Folks Home were hostesses to 45 persons at a Breakfast, August 2nd at Elmwood Park After breakfast of fried chicken and everything that goes withx it, the ladies held there regular monthly meeting. “In helping others, we help ourselves.” Mrs Florence Johnson, pres Mrs Marie Stuart, secretary Mr E R Loftis, state president of the Needy Benefit Lodge has been successful in adding 30 new members to the lodge in July, Rev Goldsmith, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, Red Oak, Iowa, will be in charge of organizing new lodges in Iowa. Mr. John Walls 2524 Lake Street is convalesencing, having been quite ill for the past few weeks. Mrs. Gertrude Shackleford, Mrs. Vera Graham and Mrs Francis Hol_ 1 o-way, are taking an active part at the food show this week. Professor J D Jones, who is principal’of one of the Grade Schools in Oklahoma City, Okla., is in the city for a few days enroute to Chi_ cago to visit The World’s Fair. Pro. fessor Jones is the brother of Dr Wesley Jones, of this city. Professor Jones has been in Omaha for several consecutive summers doing extension work at Omaha University He is j very well known among the students and faculty at Omaha Universtv Mrs Edith Reese, who has been visiting in Cheyenne, returned last week. Mary Ellen Britt gave a beautiful birthday party at her home. The house was decorated with ferns and gay colors, which gave it a beautiful oriental effect. The table was dec. orated with a beautiful birthday cake which was made by her mother. The color scheme was pink which was car_ rid out very effectively. The delight ful repast was enjoyed by all. The guest were dressed in usual party at_ tire, the girls wore gay pastel shad, es and frills, and the boys wore white trousers with dark coats. The charming young hostess wore pink taffeta with blue accessories which gave a french effect. The fol. lowing guest were present. James Hall, Leonard Turner, Clara Ander_ son, Adelaide Nelson, Charlotte Hicks Elma Wesby, Olive Willis, Herbert Clark, Jr., Mary Wiggins, Elizabeth Julia Black, Dorothy Scott, Madree Jackson, Nadine Simmons, Edna Blair, Frank A. Jackson, Mabel Ping, Edward Biddieux, Chrisman Corinth Clark, Edwin Riggs, Frank Jackson, Naomi Black, Homer Jackson, Ruth, gayle Griffin, Cunningham Wilson, and George A. Love Jr. Postal Alliance The OMAHA BRANCH of the NATIONAL ALLIANCE of POSTAL EMPLOYES held it’s regular month, ly meeting, on August 4 at the Urban League Hall 24th and Erskine Street M A Austin, president called the meeting to order and the regular or. der of business followed. Comrade Ollie Lewis the secretary was elected a delegate to the National Conven. tion, to be held in Toledo, Ohio, Aug. ust 15 to 18 An interesting discussion on the line up of candidates for the nation, al officers was well debated in good order After careful consideration on the points of the present Administra. tion, a majority of those present agreed on re.election of some of the present officers. The entertainment committee ar_ ranged successful plans for the best picnic in the history of our local, to be held at Elmwood Park On August 7, after motoring to the park we unloaded some of the best prepared picnic lunches Before long the picnic table was soon surrounded with a fine looking crowd already for good time. Rev. J S Williams ask. ed the blessing, and how we did jus. tice to the fried chicken and all the extras An ocean of credit to Mes. dames Wheeler, Waldron. Dacus, Wilkes, Lewis, Austin and Faucett for the good things to eat. Next on the program was a snappy and delightful ball game with the graceful young ladies Mesdames Matthews, Dacus and Miss Rachel Taylor were the star players for the ladies, we called the game a tie. All the ladies were good players, so we hope to meet you for next year’s Game Dr Hawkins our friend and co_ worker lead with the first after din. ner speech Rev Alfred Clay follow, ed with a few encouraging remarks. Some of our distinguished guest of honor, who made appreciative short remarks were Mrs DePriest of Pas. adena, California, Mrs Adeline Thames of St Louis, Mo Miss Marie Waldro of St. Joe Mo., and Miss Minnie Ray of Des Moines, la Some of the Omaha invited guest were Mrs L DavisA Mrs. Kitty Aus. tin Mrs Pearl Reese Mrs A L Hawkins, Mrs J. S Williams, Mrs. Alfred Clay, Mrs Arnold Black and two daughters and Mr. Haywood Vawter. The committee on arrangements were M A Austin, L B Wilkes, H W Black, J W Dacus, Ollie Lewis and E Waldron, hope to see the same visitors and many more present at our next annual pcinic. John F Faucett, reporter. “Ma^xie Miller Writes’ (For The Literary Service Bureau) Husband Smokes Pipe—Wife Is Ex_ asperated— Hubby is Unjust—Sad Case But Nothing Can Be Done but reason—Let All Smoking Husbands --Consider ... ..._ (For advice, write Maxie Miller, care of Literary Service Bureau, 516 M1n_ nesota Avenue. Kansas City, Kansas For personal reply send self.address ed stamped enevelope.) MAXIE MILLER: My husband has takn to smoking a pipe. I didn’t mind cigarettes and I could make out with cigars, but a pipe is my cup. My husband scents up the whole house with his old pipe. He smokes it in the bathroom and the scent remains there, all the day. When he comes near me I'm inclind to push him away, and it’s so hard for me to kiss him with this tobacco on his breath. He gets cross when I pull away from him, and he makes threats if I push him ^way. What shall I do? Catherine. Catherine: You have my sympathy for I too hate a pipe. Once I admir ed a man who smoked a pipe and yet I refused to associate with him on that account. My advice would be to sit down and quietly but frankly tell your husband how you feel and urge him to give up the pipe.. If he loves you, he will not persist in annoying you. That’s about all you can do, in this case. —MAXIE MILLER. Young Folks* I Town Talk... We see there is a “New Girl” in town Some say she is visiting here from K C We welcome you to our fair city, and would like to know you better with the permission of Miss Madeline Brown. Madeline you must not be so selfish with your guest. ... You know the one thing that can break a boy around this town is “frosting”. Some girls stand for it and some girls don’t. Not even from boys that have had a year or two at some too hot “U” Just a word to the wise. * * * The Cole Sisters went to a Cabaret the other night and took Mrs. Cole with them An enjoyable time was reported by all present. We don’t know whether to say “look out Cole Sisters” or well, whats the use. * * * What we want to know is, how many boys does it take to take Miss Edrose Willis to and from We only counted three the other night We see you are doing well by yourself Edrose. Remember the little girl that went to Fisk; and do you know the little boy that plays the Piano? Well, they tell me they are that way about each other The sad part of the whole story is, the little girl is going back to Fisk next month; and the little boy is going to stay here and go to Omaha “U”. Now ain’t that just to bad * * * Hey, everybody! Do you know there is nothing in the whole wide world quite so nice as friendship? Especially when a certain young man goes down to a certain Garage and spend his evenings with another cer_ tain young man Helps him work and everything Now that is Town, Talk * * * When Helen Wilks gives a party, Helen Wilks gives a party. So very't much so that the Dad finds dead! soldiers in the front yard the next I morning Poor Helen, We do hope you can give another sometime tho Hon_ est we do j * * * It has been reported that Norman Chandler has departed for points East Where he will remain for about a month Most of his time, however, will be spent in Chicago We wonder why Cel Smith wouldn’t make any difference would she? « * * I should think it would be a won_ derful feeling to sit in the Ross Drug Store and sip Sodas every Sunday morning. Especially when you have the security of knowing they are on the house This has nothing to do with Tommy however HEROES UNSUNG by A. B. MANN Widowed Mothers (For the Literary Service Bureau) Her husband came to an untimely end and left her with five children. The man had provided for his family while he lived, but left them nothing at his death, which was premature and unexpected. She had come to take up the burden of making a living and of training the children. At times she had not enough to eat. For months at a time, she could not go out in public, because of insufficient clothing. She worked day and night. She had opportunity to get married, but she feared the step.father would be unkind to her children. So, she remained single, and remained a slave; but she reared and educated those children and sent them out into the world to serve humanity. Who is she? She is just one of many thousands of faithful, widowed mothers who have sacrificed all for the good of their children. Their lives and sacrifices did not “make copy” for newspapers. Sometimes they were called fools, because of their devotion to their children. Sometimes they were neglected and a_ bused by the children for whom they suffered. Sometimes the burdens seemed too heavy to bar, and they be_ came faint beneath the load. But they won their»fight by dint of will and determination. No monuments J^!" " ' -- "" ' ■ -^ Reid-Duffy Pharmacy 24th & Lake St. Webster 0609 Free Delivery mark their resting places. They died as they lived, “unhonored and un_ sung.” But they deserve a place in the list of those who have suffered: vicariously for others. All honor to « these toiling sufferers of all ages. Clubs The Eureka Bridge Club was eiu tertained by Mr. and Mrs. G. Ed_ wards Saturday evening at 2605 Wirt. The meeting was opened by the vice pres. After a very brief business the meeting was closed with a reading by Mr. Wm. Roberts. The first part Of the evening was spent playing croquet. Afterwards four changes of bridge was played Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roberts won first prize, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Ed_, wards the booby. Fouryvisitors were present: Mr. J. Philips, Reporter, Mr. | P. Adkins, Pres i — The Jo Li Cour Club has its meet, lugs in the park every two weeks dur irg the summer months. They spend the evening playing games and taking pictures. Ajjter the games the mem. bers prepare dinner. The club is very glad to welcome back Mrs. Bernice Golden, who returned from Kansas City, where she spent her vacation visiting her aunt. We were also pleased to have Mrs. Mayme Booth and' Miss Lucille Britton back with us. Miss Britton and Mrs. Booth motored to Chicago to see Miss Brit, ton’s uncle, who is very ill. While there they visited the Century of Pro gress Exposition. Miss L. Britton, Reporter. The Happy Hour Bridge Club met at the home of Mrs. Charles Select, man, 2411 Lake St. A large number were present. Bridge was the event of the evening. Mrs. Blanche Buford and Mr. Wm. Moore were guest. Mrs, M. Bailey and Mr. Banks were award ed prizes for the evening. The host, ess served ice cream and cak. FIRE ALARMS CAN SAVE MILLIONS The fire department of a city in the middle west, with a population of thirty lliousand, reported to the Nat_ ional Board of Fire Underwriters that two large fires accounted for 90 per cent of the city's total loss for one year. One fire was in a church and resulted in a loss of $232,864. The other was in a school, and the pro_ perty damage was 095,749. Both fires were at an advanced stage before they were discovered. Both were out of control when the firemen reached the scene. Exper_ ieifce indicates that when alarms are for Quality Laundry and Dry Cleaning Call Web. 1029 -SHIRTS FINISHED 8c EACH (when finished out of family bundles) WET WASH-THRIFTY_ffoughJPry Linens JENSEN-EMERSON —LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS— Youthful Strength Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, the workl-known authority on Sexology and Director of the Institute f<y Sexual Science of Berlin, Germany^ created TITUS-PEARLS to help the millions of men and women who have lost or are losing their Vital physical power. In his 35 years of practice and research, however, he realized that the weakening of man's glands was also responsible for other troubles: High blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, physical exhaustion after work or exercise, dizziness, depression, neurasthenia, etc. All these troubles can be removed with Titus-Pearls. Numerous cases were treated by Dr. Hirschfeld in his Berlin Institute. L. S. (State Official; 60 years old, married) complained of physical exhaustion, dizziness and tremors. Was easily tired. Mental power duH and slow moving. Physical powers had been incomplete for previous 5 years. Blood pressure too high. Given 2 Titus-Pearls 3 times a day. 2 weeks later the medical report on this man was-_ general health better, more vigor; dizziness much less and returning of power. Treatment continued and 2 weeks later L. S. reported again, this time to say that all weariness and exhaustion had gone he felt fresh and buoyant. His blood pressure had fallen, and at 60 years of age he had regained the physical power and virilitv that he had known in trie prime of his life. Start regaining your youthfulness now! To-day! In 2 weeks time you will be aware of the new, virile force within you Send $5.00 (cash registered or money-order) for 2 weeks treatment C n n Orders accepted. Write for Booklet. ‘ * • To avoid mistakes please fill out the following counon TEUTONIA IMPORT & EXPORT SERVICE CO., DPT. 13084 211 Fourth Avenue, New Yirk City, N. Y. Gentlemen: Please forward to the following address Boxes Titus-Pearls, for which I enclose $ .. My name is.. City. My address is. State. turned in shortly after fires originate and while they are still in an incip. ient stage, the firemen can usually extinguish them before great damage has been done. This is possible when an automatic alarm system is install, de in the building. With such a sys. tern the alarm quickly reaches fire headquarters, allowing the apparatus to arrive in the shortest time possible. It would be interesting to note the actual relation of delayed alarms to the total annual fire loss of the na_ tion. Although no accurate method of doing this presents itself, informa, tion has been compiled in many cities, 'showing that numerous serious firea take place at night when they have an opportunity to burn for consider, able time before discovery. Investi. gators invariably state that if a sys. tem of automatic alarm had been in use, losses woud have been smaller. Certainly large structures where great values are gathered together in one building, and others where the possibility of life loss is unusual, snould be equipped with a system which automatically detects fire and immediately relays the alarm to the fire department. N. A. A. C. P. SCOTTSBORO FUND NOW TOTALS $3,129.©4 NEW YORK—Contributions to data to the Seottsboro defense fund being collected by the N. A A C P tot_ al $3,129.04, it was announced at the associatien’s offices, 69 Fifth avenue. Of this amount, $1,635 has been paid out for legal expenses and investiga. tions conducted by the I L D The amount previously acknowledged wag $3,011.46 Additional contributions: Rev Roy. L Young, Meridian, Miss., $2 50; Omaha, Nebraska branch, N A A. C P , $5 08; Al. pha Rho Omega chapter A K A , Detroit, Michigan, $32; Social clubs of Williamson, W. Va , $6 61; Pul. aski county N A A C P , Villa Ridge, Illinois, $4 50; Oklahoma City branch, $5 53; Young Men’s club North Adams, Mass , $26; Colored Ministers Alliance, Bristol, Va _Tenn., $7.68; Lackawanna, N. Y. branch, $15; California State Federation of Clubs, $10; Shiloh Baptist church, Waukegan, Illinois, $2 68; total $3_ 129 04 MANUSCRIPTS Typewriting, Criticism, Correction, Revision. Sermons, Addresses and Special Articles Supplied. We have A Plan To Publish Books by Negro Authors. The Literary Service Bureau E16 Minnesota Ave., Kans. City, Kan. ..Read the.... GUIDE